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Hernandez, Eunice D.

July 28, 2018

MBA641-Seminar in Marketing Trends and Issues Dr. Antonio Alcantara

Assignment #1

1. Differentiate Conference, Colloquium and Forum

 Conference- A conference is a much larger gathering, usually at a large venue, involving a
whole series of meetings – generally a mixture of forums, seminars, presentations of
reports, and (possibly) debates – along with opportunities for even less formal
discussions, such as simply being in the same bar as someone in your field that you
haven’t met before.

 A forum (named after the Roman marketplace where citizens would gather) is a
adiscussion group, where ideas related to a subject ‘under discussion’ can be raised and
evaluated on a (more-or-less) equal and informal basis.

 A colloquium is an academic conference or meeting. At a colloquium, you’ll spend a

couple of days listening to lectures with a group of people who all know a lot about one
particular subject.

2. Meaning of Marketing from a Marketing book with a Marketing Major Author with the Title page
and about the Author. (Please see attachment at the Back)

According to Kotler and Armstrong, in their book Fundamentals of Marketing (14E) Marketing is
the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer
relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.

3. List down Marketing Activities and Functions

 Telemarketing
Telemarketing is a form of marketing conducted over the telephone. One of its most
important roles is supplementing the sales force. A telemarketing team contacts
prospects who respond to a lead-generation campaign.

 Channel Marketing
Channel marketing is important to companies marketing their products through retailers
or distributors. Channel marketing consists of support and training to ensure that channel
partners have the skills, product knowledge and commitment to market the company’s
products effectively.
 Relationship Marketing
Relationship marketing helps companies strengthen customer loyalty and increase the
revenue they earn from each customer. Relationship marketing aims to increase the level
and quality of contact between customers and company and build a greater
understanding of individual customers’ needs and preferences.

 Advertising - Any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods,
or services by an identified sponsor.

 Personal selling - Personal presentation by the firm’s sales force for the purpose of making
sales and building customer relationships.

 Sales promotion - Short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product

or service.

 Direct marketing - Direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to

obtain an immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationships.

4. Identify the Authors that said there are 5P’s 7P’s and 12 P’s in Marketing

According to Felix M. Lao Jr. PhD in his book Marketing Management, There are 5 P’s of Marketing
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- People

The 7Ps model was originally devised by E. Jerome McCarthy and published in 1960 in his book Basic
Marketing. A Managerial Approach.
- Product
- Promotion
- Price
- Place
- People
- Process
- Physical Evidence

According to David Carrither, There are 12 P’s of Marketing

- Positioning
- People
- Process
- Plan
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotion
- Proposal
- Please
- Project Management
- Punctuate

5. Evolution of Meaning of Marketing from AMA.

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