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USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab


Charpy test

Experiment Instructions:

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

I- Introduction:

The Charpy impact test is an important procedure in the area of destructive materials testing.
The specimen is provided with a notch and is exposed to a sudden bending load by the energy of
the falling pendulum. The resistance of the specimen against this load provides an insight into
the notched bar impact strength of the material. Evaluation criteria and characteristic values for
the materials' susceptibility to brittle fractures are obtained from the experiment.

II- Unit description:

The unit consists of the following items:

1- Hand lever
2- Brake
3- Notched bar specimen
4- Safety hook
5- Hammer lock
6- Hammer with adding weight disks
7- Scale
8- Maximum indicator
9- Guard ring
10- Support for specimen
11- Unit base

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

When conducting the test, any air friction or air friction that may occur will be considered


For safety reason, the hammer must be released with both hands, to ensure that the
tester will not injure his hands when the hammer falls.

The specimen will be destroyed or bent when the hammer strikes it.
Refer to the below diagram, which shows how the hammer strikes the specimen.

The hammer delivers a powerful impact.
Danger of hand injuries.
• Do not reach into the movement area of the hammer.

Damage possible to the hammer peen and to the support.

• Only use the specified notched bar samples.

• Ensure the correct positioning in the support.

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

III- The components:

1- The Unit base:

Then anvil, a heavy casting part serves as the unit base and as a fixing of the support.

2- The ring part:

It ensures the safety while performing the experiment. It also serves as a hammer lock.

3- The trailing pointer and scale:

The task of the trailing pointer is to indicate the energy expended for the impact on a scale.
When the hammer swings through the lowest points it carries the pointer with it.
 Position 1:

Position of the trailing pointer before the hammer is released.

 Position 2:

The position attained by the hammer, the energy absorbed by the specimen can be read directly
from the scale.

4- The hammer:
The hammer offers the possibility of varying output energy. The mass of the hammer can be
changed by the means of weight disks.
Weight disks are securely screwed to the hammer. The hammer then possesses a maximum
impact work of 25 N.m. without the additional weights, the hammer can exert an impact of

5- The hand lever:

Located on the base of the unit, it is used to release the safety hook and when pushed to
deactivate the brake.
During the experiment it must be pushed so that the hammer does not come into contact with the

6- The brake:
The brake reduces the residual energy of the hammer during every swing through the zero point.

7- The safety hook:

The safety hook and the hammer lock are used to lock the hammer. The safety hook is released
when the hand lever is activated.

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

8- The specimens:
The specimens with different notch geometries and in various materials are provided with the

IV- Charpy test:

It has been shown that cubic body centered (cbc) materials can fail at low temperatures by
brittle fracture. A brittle material is incapable under certain circumstances of compensating for
arising stress by deforming. When a critical load is exceeded, an explosion like brittle fracture
In a Charpy test, a notched specimen whose two ends lie on a support is broken or bent by
hammer impact and drawn through the supports.
The notched bar impact work is measured in Newtonmeters (Nm) and represented in
Joules (J). 1Nm= 1J
Ductility and brittleness hence depend on the load conditions such as stress, stress speed
and temperature.

V- Principle of Charpy test:

The Charpy test is carried out with a pendulum impact tester according to DIN EN ISO 148-1

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

After it is released, the hammer affixed to a pendulum, describes a circular arc and transmits
some of its kinetic energy to the specimen at the lowest point of the hammer path. In the area of
the specimen close to the notch base, the impact generates stress directed along multiple axes.
The hammer executes its swing and indicates the notched bar impact work (𝑊𝑛𝑏𝑖 ) on the scale.
𝑊𝑛𝑏𝑖(𝐼𝑆𝑂 𝑉) = 𝑚 𝑔 (𝐻 − ℎ)
m: Mass of the pendulum hammer in Kg
g: Gravitational acceleration in m²/s
H: Starting height of the pendulum hammer in m
h: Height of the pendulum hammer after impact in m
ISO V : DIN specimen shape with a V notch

The quotient of the notched bar impact and the nominal cross-section (the residual surface of the
specimen in the notch base) is the notched bar impact strength:
𝑆𝑛𝑏𝑖 =

𝑆𝑛𝑏𝑖 ∶ 𝑁𝑜𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ

𝑊𝑛𝑏𝑖 : 𝑁𝑜𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑎𝑟 𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝑖𝑛 𝐽
𝐴0 : 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠 − 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑚²

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

The notched bar impact strength strongly depends on the specimen shape. Hence the
values that are measured from samples with different geometries cannot be compared with each
Types of fractures:

- Brittle fracture/ Separation fracture :

When the maximum tensile strength attained in a body matches the cohesion strength before
the slippage resistance is exceeded by the shear stress, a separation fracture occur.
The work expended by the separation fracture is slight and the material appears brittle, it
has a granular, sparking appearance. There is no necking in the fracture area.

- Ductile fracture:
When the shear stress exceeds the slippage resistance before the tensile strength reaches the
cohesion strength, then the specimen can deform permanently. The hardening that results from
the deformation causes the slippage resistance to increase more than the cohesion strength. If the
cohesion strength remains less than the slippage strength, then the fracture occurs by shearing. A
honeycomb design shapes the fracture and the fracture behavior is called ductile.

The work consumed is high and the material appear tenacious. Necking and drawn-out
fracture peaks.

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

- Mixed Fracture:
It is a combination between the ductile and separation fracture occurring simultaneously. A
brittle fracture occurs in the center and a ductile fracture at the edges.

VI- Influence of the deformation speed:

The slippage and displacement generated by the shear stress generally require a certain amount
of time to completely transpire. As the deformation speed increases, the cohesion strength can be
reached faster than the critical shear stress, so that the material fractures even under a slight
𝑣 = √2𝑔ℎ
V= deformation speed in m/s
g= gravitational acceleration in m/s²
h= starting height of the pendulum hammer in m

According to DIN EN ISO 148-1 the speed at which the pendulum impacts the specimen must
range between 3,6 and 4 m/s when using pendulum impact testers with a work capacity of 7.5J to

VII- Notched bar impact strength/ Temperature Curve:

The Charpy test is usually carried out at 20ºC. Yet the procedure can also be suitable for the
investigation of the material behavior under different temperatures, to determine the transition
from ductile to brittle behavior as a function of temperature. Charpy tests are conducted between
the temperatures: -180 ºC and 120 ºC.
You can refer to the below diagram which shows the notched bar impact strength vs the
temperature. This diagram visualizes the relationship between the temperature and the fracture

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Type 1:

Characteristic for body-centered cubic metals:

- High ductility at high temperatures (“high point H”)

- Brittle at low temperatures. (“Low” L)
- And the steep drop in between (S) with a wide spread of measured values over a narrow
temperature range.

Type 2:

Characteristic amorphous or complicated lattice structures such as gray cast iron with
graphite flakes

- Relatively low ductility (brittle) over the entire temperature range

Type 3:

Characteristic for cubic face centered metals.

- Nearly constant notched bar impact strength at both high and low temperatures. The location of
the steep is identified by the transition temperature 𝑇𝑡 , there is no valid definition of the steep
drop due to the wide spread of the steep drop. It depends on:
- The shape of the specimen
- The impact speed
- The structure of the material

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

VIII- Evaluating the fracture surface:

The shear fracture portion 𝑝𝑠𝑓 (𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒) is the portion of an unpolished, fibrous, or
rugged fracture surface in reference to the entire surface.
It is characterized by compressions and necking at the edges, a sign of ductility.

𝐴0 − 𝐴′
𝑝𝑠𝑓 = . 100%
𝑝𝑠𝑓 : shear fraction portion in %
𝐴0 : Initial specimen cross- section before testing in cm
𝐴′: Smallest specimen cross-section after specimen is fractured in cm (separation fracture)

A separation fracture defines a nearly flat fracture surface with non-deformed and smooth edges
which is a sign of brittleness. The specimen cross-section after fracturing is measured and then
A’= a.b
𝐴𝑑𝑓 : Ductile fracture surface
𝐴′: Brittle fracture surface
a: fracture width
b: fracture height

IX- Conducting the experiment:

This time you will NOT be conducting the experiment, refer to the below table to detect the cross
section of the different specimens:

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

The G.U.N.T. 400 allows a variety of tests:

- Influence of the notch shape on the notched bar impact work
- Influence of the material on the notched bar impact work
- Evaluation of the fracture surface characteristics
A- Shapes of the specimen:
- ISO-V Specimen
- ISO-U Specimen
- GUNT R5 rectangular specimen
- GUNT R7 rectangular specimen
- GUNT-V specimen notch angle 90ºC
B- Materials of the specimen:

- Brass CuZn40Pb2
- Heat treated steel C45
C- Interpreting the results
a- How does the shape of the notch influence the notched bar impact strength? Refer to the below
tables and write your arguments.


b- How does the material influence the notched bar impact strength? Refer to the below tables and
write your arguments.


c- Give your comments concerning the shape of the fracture.


USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

X- Measured values and data derived from the experience (25Nm)

Table 1: Recorded measured values of GUNT R5

Table 2: Recorded measured values for ISO-U

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Table 3: Recorded measured values for GUNT R7

Table 4: Recorded measured values for GUNT R7

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Table 5 : Recorded measured values for GUNT R7

Table 6 : Recorded measured values for ISO V notched Width 5mm

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Table 7 : Recorded measured value for ISO V-notch width 10 mm

Table 8 : Measured recorded value, ISO-V specimen notch angle 45

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Table 9 : Measured recorded value GUNT-V specimen, notch angle 90

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Technical Data

Length x Width x Height 1.000mm x 180mm x 1.000 mm

Weight Approx. 60 kg

Energy Capacity

Without additional weights 15 Nm

Factory setting 25 Nm


Length 380 mm
Mass without weights (15 Nm) 2,05 kg
Mass with weights (25Nm) 3,42 kg
Drop height 745 mm

Additional Weights

Number 4

Mass 0,342 kg

Diameter 450 mm
Energy range 1 x 0...15 Nm
1 x 0...25 Nm

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

Drawing Material sample

CuZn40Pb2 ISO-V
11SMn30 ISO-V

CuZn40Pb2 ISO-V

11 SMn30 ISO-U

USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab

11SMn30 (No. 1)
S235JR+C (No. 2)
C45+C (No. 3)



USEK GMC 472 Strength of Material Lab


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