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ICS OF TISSUE CULTURE CULTURE GROWING ROOM c TRANSFER ROOM MEDIA PREPARATION ROOM Figure 4-2. A small issue culture laboratory d.rett entry; , shelves; ¢ counter: ator; &, sink; f.stowe-top burner: pass-through window h, transter Visitors to the Briggs Nurse laboratory locker area, to windows through which ¢ ushered from the main en’ 1 they can view the transter roomand the growing room, In the middle of the transfer room are the 8 6-[t (1. 8-m) transfer The laboratory of Micro Plantae Ltd tions worthy of note, They havea woods placed back-to-back. n Pane, India, (completed in oduction capability of 10 million plantlets per year, using hills a day with a work force of 20 people per shift in the transfer room. Two autoclaves, each 4x6 ft (1.2 x 1.8m), are used for media sterilization. The autoclaves can be opened al ends, thereby enabling removal of sterilized media directly into the transfer room st In so doing, they avoid diminishing the air quality and cleanliness in the plass bead sterilizers (see Figure 4-10 ansfer room, The or transfer tools are mounted below the level of the sur:

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