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Isometric ADP Advisory Notification

The use of version 11.6 at 12.0

The add-on application Isometric Automatic Drawing Production is in the process of being upgraded to
function with version 12.1 of the PDMS and Marine products. In the meantime, if you find that you need
to utilise this application at version 12.0 you might like to consider modifying the 11.6 version.

The upgrade is fairly simple, but it will leave you with some limitations;

1. Because of the colour changes at 12, all colours used within the application will revert to grey. If
you wish to recover the original colours, you will have to reset all necessary drawing templates,
backing sheets, representation styles and label templates used by the application.

2. The application will not handle any new HVAC components either supplied as standard with the
product since PDMS 11.2 or created by you as part of the HVAC user-defined mechanism.

3. The application will not handle spaces in file names.

4. There may be some conflicts if you are utilising user-defined element types (UDET) at 12 that are
based on the HVAC group of element types.

5. If you are using Marine, the grid and location systems will not function correctly.

6. You will be unable to print using the application print options. You must instead utilise the print
mechanism supplied within the relevant drafting system.

If you feel that you can overcome the limitations, then to allow the application to run at 11.6 you will
need to carry out the following modifications;

1. PDMS or Marine start-up

You will not be able to start PDMS or Marine using the Isometric ADP 11.6 start-up batch files.
Instead, you must utilise the relevant product start-up batch file either pdms.bat or marine.bat
found in the release folder e.g. C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP4

After the call to the relevant product evars.bat, add a call to the Isometric ADP evars.bat

call "C:\AVEVA\<product>\evars" "%pdms_installed_dir%"

rem Set evars for Isometric ADP

call C:\AVEVA\Isometric_ADP11.6\evars

©AVEVA Solutions Ltd July 2009 Page | 1

2. Update the product version check file

Copy the file MMARK found in the relevant product release folder to the corresponding
Isometric ADP folder, as shown in the following example;

Source File: C:\AVEVA\Plant\PDMS12.0.SP4\PDMSUI\dra\admin\MMARK

Destination: C:\AVEVA\Isometric_ADP11.6\Pdmsui\DRA\Admin\MMARK

3. Modify the Isometric ADP edit form

The form is located here: C:\AVEVA\Isometric_ADP11.6\Pmllib\forms\isoedit.pmlfrm

Add the following as a new line 657;

!this.layers.select('RTEXT', !allLayer[1])

4. Create two new symbols to your design for Multiple Discipline Supports (MDS).

There are two references to symbols in the MDS defaults file at lines 9 and 13 that do not exist in
the libraries. The defaults file can be found here;


Create two new symbol templates in the symbol library SYLB /Isometric_ADP/Symbols

For example;

NEW SYTM /Isometric_ADP/Support

XYPS X 80 Y 195

NEW SYTM /Isometric_ADP/Support-Name

XYPS X 110 Y 197 JUST Centre ALIGN Hbody

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