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1- Accessory canals are most probably found in the (a/ cervical 3rd, b/middle 3rd, c/ apical 3rd of the

2- A child ( ) yrs has sensitivity to Coudine, what should be his medication or anesthetic agent ………
3- Cancer 1stly metastizes from a females breast mostly to (a/ ant. Maxilla, b/post. Maxilla, c/ant. Mandible,
d/post. Mandible)
4- Which vitamin enhances collagen formation (A/B/C/D/E)
5- How does Dilantin cause gingival hypertrophy? (collagen fibers formation / epithelial proliferation / ….. /
…….. )
6- A patient on Warfarin therapy, what of the following should be recorded prior to dental treatment ( pt or
INR / PPT / clotting time / bleeding time)
7- A patient on warfarin therapy, when should he stop his therapy prior to dental treatment if there is big risk
of bleeding ( same day / one day prior / one week prior)
8- In a Porclain-to-Metal crown, IDEALLY the thermal coefficients of expansion of metal should be
( slightly higher / slightly lower / the same)
9- In a class V cavity, retention grooves should be made at ( axioocclusal & axiogingival / axiomesial &
axiodistal / axiomesial & axioocclusal)
10- In a class II cavity, in the proximal box, why does the facial & lingual walls converge occlusally
( retention / support / …… (actually I don't remember the different answers for this one…))
11- In a class I amalgam in a maxillary 1st molar, why do we extend cavity prep into the marginal ridges? (to
prevent undermining marginal ridges / as a retention & resistance form / to place the preparation in a self-
cleansable area / …….)
12- When placing a full crown on a tooth with large MOD amalgam restoration; you place the finishing line
(on amalgam / 1mm gingival to amalgam / 2 mm gingival to amalgam / same level as amalgam ends)
13- Retentive pins in an amalgam restoration (decrease compressive strength of amalgam / prevent shearing
of unrestored cusps / …………/…………)
14- In a combined endo/perio lesion where perio needs surgical intervention; ( treat perio surgically then endo
/ treat endo non surgically then perio / treat endo and observe / treat perio and observe)
15- In a bulimic pt., you can recognize him by ( the … on his hands / erosion of the upper anteriors / wearing
to much clothes to hide weight loss / ………)
16- A patient with a congestive heart disease; collapsed IMMEDIATELY after extracting wisdom tooth. The
most probable cause is (sudden standing into a supine position / stress from the extraction procedure /
effect of the vasoconstrictor in the L.A. / …..)
17- Atropine is a/an (anticholinergic / mimetic / cholinergic / ….)
18- Laboratory-made composite resin inlay is preferred to one cured in the human mouth because it has
(more color stability / less polymerization shrinkage / smoother surface / ………)
19- Considering everything was the same, which pontic will cause the most tissue damage (glazed porcelain /
… porclain / ….gold / ….acrylic resin)
20- In a young in a first molar; development grooves are stained and slightly deep; what should you better use
( sealant / conservative amalgam / composite / glass ionomer)
21- An insulin-controlled diabetec patient suffers a sudden acute retrosternal pain in the dental chair , you
should: 1- administer nitroglycren 2-give 100%oxygen 3-observe 4-adminster 50%dextrose IV…. A-
1,2,3 / B-1,3 / C-2,4 / D-4 only / E-all of the above)
22- Exoophthalamus is found in a patient with (hyperadrenalism / hyperthyroidism / hypothyroidism /
23- Which sweetner added to suger-free gum; fights caries ( sorbitol / manitol / xylitol / ….)
24- When gingivitis proceeds into periodontitis; what happens (hypertrophy of gingival / apical migration of
attachment epithelium / ……….. / ………..)
25- 2 adjacent (one large, the other small) class III cavities; you should (open large and restore small first /
open small and restore large first / open small and restore then open large and restore / ……….)
26- Mylinated c-fibers' endings of V aids in (carrying pain / jaw reflexes like opening and closing / jaw
reflexes like …. / ………..)
27- A loss of proximal contact in class II amalgam with finely placed wedge is most probably due to
(overtightening the matrix / undercondensation / overfilling the cavity / …..)
28- The pytrigomaxillary fissure is the meeting of maxilla and PTERYGOIG process of ( sphenoid / frontal /
temporal / …….)
29- In a fracture at the angle of the mandible; the proximal part is pulled upwards by a combination of actions
of ( diagastric & geniohyiod / temporalis & masseter / masseter & medial pytregoid / masseter &lateral
30- In inferior alveolar nerve block; the needle first pierces the buccinator then lies ( I don't remember any
answer for this one)
31- What lies passes inferior to mylohyoid opposite the second molar area ( lingual artery / lingual vein /
lingual nerve / submandibular gland duct)
32- Striated ducts in parotid adds to the salivary flow the following ( k+ / Na+ / salivary amylase / …..)
33- In xerostomia; the main culprit is (parotid / submandibular&sublingual / ……../……..)
34- In stimulated salivary flow; which gland contributes the most quantity (parotid / submandibular /
sublingual / accessory gland)
36- Squamous cell carcinoma is more common at ( the commisures / midline of upper lip / midline of lower
lip / inner surface of upper lip / inner surface of lower lip)
37- A radiolucent multilocular expansile lesion in the mandible which shows benign giant cells and … and
fibers; what should you do (order further microscopic examination / examine blood calcium / prescribe
antibiotic therapy / ……..)
38- Trituration of the amalgam alloy is aimed at (removing excess mercury / removing porosity /
smoothening amalgam / ………)
39- Which amalgam alloy needs the least mercury to be mady ( high copper / …. / ….. / …..)
40- The predominant cells in the inflammatory cells in the inflammatory exudates af an acute periodontal
abcess are: neutrophils,eosinophils, basophils, limfocytes, monocytes.
41- Overhangs restoratios initiate chronic infl. periodontal disease by: increasing plaque retention, incr. food
retention, causing traumatic occlusion, causing pressure atrophy.
42- When using perio probe to measure the pocket depth, the measurement is taken from the: base of pocket
to CEJ, free gingival marg to CEJ, base of pocket to crest of free gingival, base of pocket to the
mucogingival junction
43- The most appropriate treatment for NUP in a patient with limphadenopaty is: perio debridement,
antibiotics, oral hygiene, topical steroid terapy
44- Roots of perm. Maxillary central incisors are completed by the age: 8, 10, 12, later than 12y
45- The most important diagnostic element when assessing perio status of a patient is: vitality tests,
radiograph appearance, deph of pockets, mobility of tooth
46- Lowering of serum calcium is the stimulus for endogenous release of: thyroid horm, adrenocortical horm,
insulin, parathyroid horm, adrenalin,
47- Folowing root planning a patient experiences termal sensitivity. The pain is associated with the following:
golgi receptors, free nerve endings, odontoblasts, cementoblasts
48- A decrease of wich of the following is found in hypoparathyroidism: serum phosphorus, serum calcium,
serum phosphate
49- Which cells found in gingival sulcus as response to accumulation of plaque: plasma cells and monocytes,
PMN leucocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, mast cells
50- Carious lesions appear if patient has: high lactobacillus, low buffering of saliva, plaque, lactic acid
51- In gingivitis predominant bacteria is: gr+, gr-, diplococi, spirochets
52- In the presence of acute bacterial infection, laboratory tests sow: PMN, plasma cells,
lymphocytes,monocytes, eosinophils
53- Which of following is used to treat mild allergic reaction isoprotenerol, meperidine hydrochloride,
diphenhydramine hydrochloride, propoxyphene
54- A non vital tooth is most associated with: periapical cyst, internal resorbtion, periapical cementoma
hyperplastic pulpitis
55- The greatest factor to reduce radiation exposure is: higher kVp.,proper filtration, high speed film,
collimation of Xray beam
56- Selection of KV for dental films is influenced by: line voltaje fluctuation, diameter of primary beam, type
of timer, tissue density, filter thickness
57- Filters are used to: increase contrast, reduce film density, reduce exposure, reduce patient radiation dose
58- Which will affect gypsum compressive strength : adding salt, decrease of water/powder ratio, warmer
water, decrease mixing time
59- Condensing osteitis in periapical region is: acute infl of pulp, pulpal abcess chronic infl of pulp, early
apical abscess formation,
60- A 15 y old has hypoplastic enamel on tooth 1.5 All other teeth are normal This was cused by: viral
infection, heredity, calcium deficiency, vit D deficiency, infection on 5.5 during the development of 1.5
61- Which indicate cracked tooth: Periapical radiolucency, pain upon pressure, negative vitality tests,
hypersensitivity to termal stimuli
62- Wich of the following will be the greatest value in determine the etiology of an oral ulceration:
cytological smear, history of lesion,laboratory tests, systemic evaluation
63- On a bitewing radiograph which one can be misdiagnose as proximal caries: CEJ, marginal ridge,
crabelli cusp, calculus, cemental tear
64- Which of following foods is the least cariogenic: protein-colla, sweat –cola, salad –cola, salad
65- The principal central action of caffeine is on the: cerebral cortex, corpus calosum, hypothalamus, spinal
cord, medulla
66- Use of epinephrine in for local anestezia is contraindicated in: angina pectoris, hypertension,rheumatic
fever, miocard infarction, Parkinson
67- Therapeutic effects of aspirin include: analgesia, tranquilisation, pyretic action, antiinflamatory action,
68- Drug used in excessive salivation:…………..atropine…….

69- When diazepam is used as an narcotic……..combination with alcohol….

70- The narcotic used as strong pain killer…………morphine

71- Cephalosporines: may be cross allergenic with penicillin, has a gram positive spectrum only, has a
mechanism of action similar to that of penicillin

72- Penicillin V and penicillin G…………….

73- A patient allergic to codein. What to administer………………..

74- Each of the following agents has been associated with gastric irritatin except: aspirin alcohol,ibuprofen,
indometacin, acetaminophen

75- On class 3cavity , 2 incisors to receive restoration with a small cavity and a large cavity how to procede:
prepare large and small cavity and restore small and large cavity……………

76- What will affect the alginate impression material’s time of setting: ratio powder/water, temperature of
water, time of mixing….

77- Wich of the following will increase the chance of a replantation of a tooth; placing tooth into mouth,
placing tooth into phisiologic saline water, placing tooth into fluoride, wating next day….

78- Fluorosis…………mutling

79- In the angle class II division1 maloclusion is: mx protrusion-normal mb position, normal mx position-mb
retrusion, mx protrusion- mb retrusion, bimaxilary protrusion-maxila more protruded than mb, bimaxilary
retrusion –mb more retruded than maxilla

80- 3cm ulceration of the tangue of 3 month old lesion. Lesion is fixed and painless+ limphadenopaty.
Treatment should be: cytologic smear, incizsional biopsy, excisional biopsy, antibiotic terapy, none of

81- The instrument used to measure the depth of pockets is:…..probe

82- In an ideal class V preparation for amalgam in mb premolars retention form is gained; from mesial and
distal walls, mesial and oclusal line angles, axio-oclusal and axiogingival line angles at the expence of
axial wall, axiooclusal and axiogingival line angles at the expense of oclusal and gingival walls

83- Following bilateral mb fracture in canine region, the anterior fragment is displaced posteriorely by
geniohyoid and by wich other muscle?: thyrihyoid amd milohyoid only, genioglos and milohioi,
thyrohioid- mylohioid- ant bellies of digastric, genioglossus and anterior bellies of digastric

84- How many milligrams of anesthetic exist in 1 ml of 2% lidocaine?........2mg,.20mg,200mg,2000

85- The depth of clinical gingival tissue is measured from gingival margin to the: CEJ, apical end of perio
probe, apical extention of jonctional epithelium, bottom of sulcus

86- Histopatology of cronic gingivitis is represented by: inflammation of plasma cells,

lymphocytes,neutrophilic leucocytes,mast cells, destruction of perodontal fibers

87- If an incipient carious lesion was covered with sealant the lesion would: progress slowly,progress rapidly,
not continue to progress

88- What would help carious lesion to develop: diet cola+sandwich...,juice..;salad+vegetable,

89- Sedative drugs for asmathic patient


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