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2006...........what do u mean cmos transistor gate...implement half adder using tg...


the layout of schematic diagram of 2 i/p static cmos nand gate identify corresponding compon

ents in 2 drawings...threshhold current in mos transistor..why is it im...dif fbetn static nd dynamic

ram..why refreshing reqd in dram..grading coeff in juncn diode...grading coeff in linearly graded
diode...important..what is overlap capacitance in mos transistor with diagram

how o/p resistance of current sink can b increased...brief acc of different varieties of analog 2
digital convereters..

salient features of cmos opamp...

circuit design of depletion mode nmos inverter...calc vil,vol...consider vdd=5v,kn,=20,vto

=.8,rl=200...calc vil,vol,voh.....short channel effects in mosfet nd discuss parasitic

capacitors...scaling...current combn of mos switches

nd capacitors can emulate a resistor ..2005 ckt of scmitt trigger...delay time of smitt trigger

application .....dynamic logic ckt..adv of dynamic logic ckt..represent a mosfet by its signal
model.describe the diff capacitor in dis model..

draw da ckt diagram of cmos diff amplifier explain da transfer characteristic of source coupled
bdiff symmetrical response frm static cmos inverter is obtained....cmrr
dete4rmine cmrr...

explain operation of sram...short notes on architecture on vhdl..boolean funcn z=(a+b)c'

which dram architecture smaller memory bit layout size folded or open type...

adv of using folded bitline architecture over open...domino logic..draw static cmos using nand
gata with layout....

design rule checker...find out scaling factor saturation drain current,power dissipation

of mosfet...operaytion of charge scaled rule in vlsi..lambda based rules and micron
rtules...utility of lambda based rule..short notes on rom ckt..short note on opamp o/p stage..short
note on

body effect,channel modulation on mosfet..switch capacitor ckt...operation on first switched

capacitor ckt...

2004...subthreshold current in mosfet nd why it is imp in vlsi ckt....overlap capacitance in mos

structures...overlap capacitance in mos structure
....noise margin....grading coeff of junc diode....current sink/ how o/p resistance of
current sink can b currernt mirror can b used as current amplifier...

what r effects that cause practical current mirror 2 behave differently frm ideal one..

explain with ckt diagram of operation of diff amplifier..different approaches

for implementing o/p stage of opamp..xep any one..exp any combn of switches and capacitor can
emulate resistor...diagram of flash adc.....discuss merits and demerits..sifgnificance of power
delay product of cmos..

how can cmos transmission gate b used as bidirectional switch...realize ab+a'c'+ab'c..

diagram of smitt trigger nd sketch of voltage transfer characteristics...diff betn

latch nd flipflop.....dlatch using cmos logic with operaton....charge sharing problem in
can it b handled..

diff betn static nd dynamic ram...adv of vhdl in vlsi design technoloigy...

what is entity....diff types of architecture bodies in vhdl of each taking half adder
as entity...

short note on cmos design rules,voltage reference,compensating techniq in cmos opamp,tristate


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