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Snrny hci ' Ler' ln/r":h""ru l'1.

Cku , [',{n.15..:t"o) Frzru.j**r1,p1..!d
?,1 Shour l-hnl i:udqsl- tolo-cecln€.,t o,'.,J huro,og*',e,1-9 oL kCPlf crre un relaled conrJtfrorr:
i'r |hg serr14 |h-i- nerl'he. ,rrurplre: hre. 6l'he-
' Ii'h,b*ocje,ae
r]Y tlE Y (P'"fi
u ()r) = u (x (?:U)) * u e x {&P, *Y))

bccau:<, brclge,L (p4) a^d {l'p, l-y) are Yl-< 5a#v1e s l' p X ( Y
r' Cr':yJ .,nd x (lp,l-y) ore fe* u,tl* $"h'-.,: >rCpr ifi* x {,Fp r't'yJ
lh6- dre;t"r*n.rc! lo- evsrg g*aei ><dLt"JY) 'o[ cley"eg
'* h*vr'"r{,:.#€ m*au}
L*rer F{,-t**cl l*a *t b*d g*}" 1:*[ou"6ecl ,,"-res)
L' bg fheo rs*-) Z"E
{3o"lget [3o}o*"e*ln'*:e Ar'tu 5ym're}-ry 4
l4ornogene&g do€r *oY-nete)Jcr*-tlY1 lr-rply bat)ge'Y bolattCetlm€11
t.;hr*h ry$6n,.18
<)v. bu.l3e.1- ALOr{le g}$es noF w:yt\3 hc*ro3ul,e'r}Y
fr<;.r pa1c. BI
b9 buclge! batorc< ulnes>
te"t CLp,by)= ky
e v*(?e,b) =9

Z.o, ?t'Lq'3) * '-xi (P''9) .."'J Lr;

a'-, ct lry ]"1"e s t * w1 ! .tT ]; r ?.?i

boh ho prov.- PiCr) = cl

u,rfh DiLD=, x':qFf 'oq)-*
L$e rreed cinoFr<.r q,)5,,v*rppq.,.i
S{?rtl} r: >yn-rrneh't C
2.V Suppols l-i".1- x tp,g) € lR? s"ri-rr}r.e.r budgel bal*^e.ecih€>t ..rv-,cl hor.',c,,L-7
on"' lR
i? Shou., l'h.*l- Fo" qii (p,g") € iRiS , s tp,y) . p =o *shere" s(pry)
cl*rtol-ey i-he Siulskg r"ncrLri> dibo 6iralud r^rrl-h 'X (pr)
t+ K*..rll Fr"r- lhe pr@D ol Theo'e",- L.t1
t.r!.,e", burtgel- b.alsareJnc>s hcrldU u-t€ v'nctg *fu[f"srur, fieo]c li*e {*"Jt *l- €{.*uftq.,a
r"r,l-h rclFe*F f o p.rcs5 syrct rncerne }c, obFo'tr f,u* 'i * f , .* n fi

L p; ?:gjv)
-= *xjtp,yJ (n<l Z p;

L+ h moycwrsll'y
lwrl-l.i f,**.1 p g , xi (lP, {rg) : X,. [pry) V t
hne,^ rF xi [fF, Fy) = f; (l) = con5f61r'rl ar Pi&)=a
L+ hrokq. |olof cier-tv<,*!rr"e 6f f r( f') s Xi Lrf ,Fg)
.L "(r)= f- er:ltr*blo, +
Xt (t,p,Fy) ;
)_::'** cr
j;r Vp; #3 " r

shce tg=
, t /,
bp.x1lp, l-g) ,a^J by clr vr chr.S {:y [ > c:

g:. j't2 pi ki {,lp,ty;

$h..,: r..'(r). >a!j:,rr) 1

f_ l-#,*O o, *. " xi (,t_r*, ly). P'J

O = e p.i ia tj-fP,ig) n )>,r (lp.Fy) ,.

_-all'"----" XJ ( tp, l.r1
,=r'+ apj |
lf qre.: u5<-
S ( p, u) " ?11bpii*?-b) - u:Gp,ty)
lh"l r.n 1"lre> o = Zpi. sfpj.U]

4): s(p.g)"F
2.E Sropo* eCPt r) e l(*, n.:l' pscetl't''t1"1 qn eXY)en qlr'lur' g
l-h..rl- lh'e. fut'ol-tc,'.r
[u-ol-rcr-, au.,d x (Pr VJ e lR: , hol- necetsa"'l', $ $ev"o"nJ h"rrl-ron l^
, sdf-r; fy
l-h<- sgrl'e.rn q,L p.-[-rol drPD <r<nVta1[ g.l.rrorl'r.c,6 > gtven It'r *cvtor, /--2

5l,r6c\, l-L€ L{,11cl sr'rrnry:

(") tp xCprj) sal-r,ll.,ru tudg.u lr.rl--.colnc>b, Vh"^ e,Cpr') muJ- be ho^ro9ens"':

oF delr<<, <>r,€ In p,
tb) ID e [Pru) r,.lnor"og ev-te,otb cL A"gree c'ne rh p q'.,J Lov^ eq"h P , .i h
da5u!.ae) everJ nOn ncgFal-rw volue c4) U Vorrter, l-Lr.-, >< Cpry)|
lrc hornnogeneou5 op cl<gr<.e ZC"<, th (frrg)
4 L' a""o'.|,^? t-o (P, u: ) ?j.9l!l
- X cI p., e {r,u)) $c," .{,2 I "-" n (e
L lr= YLe,y) ss.l-rrPre: l'l"e L" d,r.l lou,,e:: cc)nJ&ro'-l

z PiXi (.prlj) * ! For anY Y

(pru) .rod urq, geL
)= e

z Fr Xc Cp, e Cpru)) = e- (p,u)

(tJ z p. = e(p,u) = t.e,Cp,u)
"ub' . l-!P-)j
L ap.i ,nl

L$ by
I I tl
l\eor**. h.2.1 f E irt*" ,s The *-** J
ZX1 L € tcx) !)
}Xi' I =
+!9 k -c.,J ho*urt*neorool
Jtgv*e k ,i *
lhe". CZ) 'rnplte> [h-L e [p,u) Lovnc:geneoks o p deSree oF€ In p
t). l* ft e Cp.,u) rt hornay€vrsc,u) oF drSree on€ iu^? c,v.,.[ p* eqcLt fJ
' e (" &frt-r) * {p,r) kr" **y t }o
fi'e. ,r..f,tg}1*g 'Thso,oc"",
l.c: h,n6
L- OrPlore.'F,.*he tEtl-i6a*.J s,td*:i [lH,t] r . :, ,

\ae /.

?p zr ,?P'
v , f

Dt P FeF* l,rle ,*'7h, ha;'d stcJ<. I Rl-+5) -%

iplagce,g)l -b lt

* = 2_9coi)
ar": ?p
t+ lse *P.$ S c,nJ brtng LH S **d q $-t* l'CIgeF.ei-
l=j|p^,)'. & = 1s[gf) e € x(t-p"y).\= X(r,r,\
urh,ch rr,,--.'
1clr<s X Clp,g) = X [prg) yt
XCp,y) rs hoh+ole.vre.$u5 of clego"*e
2.6 A c*,rr,r- ar ho,e gxpenoliYur< puncl1on e(Pt, P:, u) = U Pt P" ftpt t Pz)
F,nJ a d,.ecl sl-rlrly Frn.'cl-roy. u(XtiX") i-hs,,l- rtril-tonql'@e) i-l'; perlot'l
cJernond b<,hstr.,l og',
' eCp, , po, u)= u P,'Pz " <*
w ev L'r &>ta' Vv (ptrpz,g))=
!r',)r zt Jr' @ -
{et>?zt (%u vz)
e> v(?rrpr,g) = H.#)-
L.! crx.,v'.g th.l. g =.1, t Jhere l?t 'Xr t ?1YZ t1
€ v(p.^ a\* 1P1+?)
1)H2r&./ - -prn
l* U (X, )xz-) z Yntr, V (pt, pz,1) s.l Ftxt 4 Pzx2=1
= ftrfn Pt+P? >.! Pr>Cr + P2x2z L
' Pt?z
LLo3u.oFJe' *= ryP yv It-'p,x,-Pz^z)
U,"PA : tq r vr] tu -)Xr =o
Lr F:oC 4d-
?PI (P' Pr)'
g k, Vn - !V,lPzNt * v$z=o Lz)
3Fz (tt,Pr)2
z7 1-FrX1 -P2x.=g
L subrf-,|'vle (t7 o.n"l Cz)
- D2
a= - Vrfz-Pv(z*P22. P"2 tz
-ef 1) Y,-€ #b- Xt
Y2 Pr Pz * Cp,tfi) tt PyP, - Py?z - Pt1 * Pt' Xz Pf 'Ft Ky
xrbclrlvle V<, Ct)
t-P,X1 -PzK> =O 45 1r' %xt
1 vt ,{, x, € t' ?r \
* -,lx,x, )
4 -r hqVc Pt = xr* /xr, a-d Pzz+-
Xz + '{ Xtx2 +-&p
(x2+ J;;xt + [xr
t J. ---:-
lt uCx,,*t)= v(Pt tPz,t) =
(P, + pr) xr * -lX,.xr Xz{-tIxr{-r [x, *TxE]€r<=<#iil)
(x, + fi[r)(xr* rf*,", Cx,+-dfE)6&c+ {TFz)

U C).r ) xt = Xr +Xy * Z-* Xr:r'z

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