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An open source tool for transmission system

analysis and planning

N. Sijakovic, M. Djuric, M. Kostic &

L. Ekonomou

Energy Systems
Optimization, Modeling, Simulation,
and Economic Aspects

ISSN 1868-3967

Energy Syst
DOI 10.1007/s12667-014-0125-5

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Energy Syst
DOI 10.1007/s12667-014-0125-5


An open source tool for transmission system analysis

and planning

N. Sijakovic · M. Djuric · M. Kostic ·

L. Ekonomou

Received: 3 March 2014 / Accepted: 28 April 2014

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract The paper emphasizes the importance of open source software tools in trans-
mission system analysis and planning, taking under consideration all three pillars of
power system deregulation, i.e., congestion management, calculation of cross-border
transits and balancing mechanism. An open source tool, named OpenTSPOT, was
developed (in the framework of an EU FP7 research project) and presented in this
paper capable to handle all crucial issues in the field of transmission system analy-
sis and planning. OpenTSPOT using generation, load and network topology data in
the standard UCTE—Data Exchange Format, enables the creation of regional trans-
mission network models, performs load flow calculations and enables contingency
analyses and statistical analysis of their results, integrating the necessary steps for
Automated Network Modeling (Day Ahead Congestion Forecast—DACF, Two Day
Ahead Congestion Forecast—D2CF and Intra Day Congestion Forecast—IdCF) into
a semi-automated procedure. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, OpenTSPOT is
the only available tool which contains a specially developed part for statistical data
processing, something that is crucial in the decision making process.

Keywords Congestion management · Open source software · Power system

deregulation · Statistical analysis · Transmission system analysis and planning

N. Sijakovic
JP EMS, Serbian Transmission System and Market Operator, 11 Kneza Milosa, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

M. Djuric · M. Kostic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, 73 Bulevar kralja Aleksandra,
11000 Belgrade, Serbia

L. Ekonomou (B)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, City University London, Northampton Square,
London EC1V 0HB, UK

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N. Sijakovic et al.

1 Introduction

Deregulation of European power systems, performed during the last ten years, showed
the importance of the liberalization of the electricity supply sector in Europe through
the establishment of a truly internal electricity market (IEM) [1]. The main task of
IEM is to introduce competition among generators and suppliers not only in their
domestic markets, but also on an international scale, in order to achieve the maximum
efficiency of electricity supply. Due to the important role of transmission systems
for the achievement of this goal, necessity for the standardization of the transmission
system analysis tools and the development of a new generation of faster, special-
ized and adjustable tools is greater than ever. The new development of improved
methodologies and mechanisms are needed in order to deal with open issues, such
as: congestion management, inter transmission system operator (TSO) compensation,
asset management, balancing and other market related issues, equipment maintenance
and transmission system development. In order to standardize the transmission system
analysis tools, the common interchange model [2] has been introduced and used, as
well as a software tool has been developed for the so-called Plug & Play environ-
ment. An important feature of the new generation transmission system analysis tools
is their ability to be easily adaptable for the implementation of various techniques,
methodologies and algorithms which would be designed in order to address the open
issues related to the power system deregulation and future development. Although the
today market available commercial transmission system analysis tools present a very
powerful performance for power flow and short circuit calculations, power system
dynamics and optimization calculations, etc. [3,4], they are not easily adaptable for
wider applications in the field of power system deregulation (i.e., congestion man-
agement, calculation of cross-border transits and balancing mechanism). One of the
possible solutions would be the use of free, open source software tools that are pow-
erful enough and can be easily adapted and customized in order to cope with such
problems. To the best of authors’ knowledge, there are not today in market powerful
open source software tools developed and specialized for transmission system analy-
sis and planning simulations. Open source software tools exist only for lower voltage
levels (distribution systems) [5], where exist other open issues related to power system
deregulation (smart grid, distributed generation, demand side control, etc.). An open
source software tool for the transmission system analysis and planning simulations
should provide:

– A very flexible research, training and testing platform for studying new approaches
to transmission system analysis,
– Promotion of grid modernization and smart grid efforts by providing researchers
and consultants a tool to evaluate advanced concepts, new equipment and new
– Ability to cooperate with various open source tools (e.g. those related to GIS, grid
modeling, etc.),
– A research platform for reliability based tools,
– A capable testing platform for data and object modeling efforts currently underway
in the electric utility industry,

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An open source tool for transmission system analysis and planning

– Enhancement of the modeling capabilities available to government laboratories,

universities and researchers engaged in the transmission system modernization
work, and
– The opportunity for software vendors to transfer open source solutions into com-
mercial, cheaper and cost-effective products, with a huge variety of applications
which would be useful for electric utilities.
The necessity for an open source software tool developed for transmission system
analysis and planning simulations, which would possess all of the above mentioned
features, was the initiative for the development of the software OpenTSPOT (Open
Transmission System Planning and Operation Tool), which constitutes one of the main
outcomes of the EU FP7 SEETSOC research project which has addressed the needs
of South-East European TSOs in their effort towards harmonization and integration
of the region with the rest of the European power network [6,7]. OpenTSPOT is
worldwide the only available software tool, capable to deal with all of the above
mentioned tasks. Furthermore it is the only one that contains a specially developed
part for statistical data processing, something crucial in the decision making process
related to the transmission system operation and development. The purpose of this
paper is to present the main features of OpenTSPOT, its architecture, functions and

2 The open source software tool OpenTSPOT

OpenTSPOT is developed as a database related application in Microsoft® Visual

Basic® using the Visual Studio® 2010 development platform. Using generation, load
and network topology data in the standard UCTE—Data Exchange Format [8], the
tool enables the creation of regional transmission network models, performs load flow
calculations and enables contingency analyses and statistical analysis of their results,
integrating the necessary steps for Day Ahead Congestion Forecast—DACF, Two Day
Ahead Congestion Forecast—D2CF and Intra Day Congestion Forecast—IdCF into
a semi-automated procedure [9,10].

2.1 OpenTSPOT main features

One of the main features of the OpenTSPOT software tool is its open source
orientation—built under .net framework as a Data Base based software. It uses an
advanced Graphical User Interface, developed within MS Visual Studio, with Tree
View Grid presentation. Its modular architecture allows additional functionalities in
the future improvements of OpenTSPOT, such as easy upgrade to full GIS enabled tool
and a possibility to incorporate the object-oriented data processing in it. OpenTSPOT is
also prepared for plug and play environment usage. The software uses several external
libraries for report generation, Crystal Reports for .net framework and math opera-
tions. The data is given in a form of tables through data grid views (similar to MS
office Excel), Tree View Grid presentation (power system network presentation) and
custom made diagrams and flowcharts.

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Fig. 1 OpenTSPOT modules and sub modules

2.2 OpenTSPOT architecture

The OpenTSPOT architecture [9,10], shown in Fig. 1, is represented by the following

master form/child forms organization:

(i) Master form: a unique form, the starting point for all applications,
(ii) Child forms:

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An open source tool for transmission system analysis and planning

(a) Cases (open in a new window, every case consists of four windows: Work
Case Window, Notification/Results Window, Solution Explorer Window and
Property & Settings Window),
(b) Common applications (open in a new window: Contingency Statistics Analyzer
(CSA) module with Report Manager, Outage Scheduler Sub module, Format
Converter Sub module, Model Compare Sub module and User Accounts &
Logs Manager module),
(c) Many At the Same Time (MAST) applications (open in the Case Window: Con-
tingency Analysis (CA) module with Report Manager, Transmission Capacity
(TC) module with Report Manager, Model Creator (MC) module, Study Case
(SC) module with Report Manager, Auto Scheduler module and Information
Exchange module), and
(iii) Administrator User Interface forms.
The multitask/multicase feature of OpenTSPOT allows the user to work simultane-
ously on an unlimited number of MAST applications. The only limitation is the num-
ber of the opened MAST applications is the RAM memory of the used PC (4 GB is

2.3 OpenTSPOT functionality

OpenTSPOT enables the user to create regional transmission network models and
forecasting network models based on the existing national and regional models, fil-
tering at the same time data and errors. Following the regional network model created
using MC module [11], the next step of the DACF procedure is represented by the load
flow calculations for the base case scenario and for scenarios with contingency (n−1
analysis). In OpenTSPOT, the load flow calculations are performed by the load flow
(LF) module using the standard Fast Decoupled load flow with the nested DC load
flow method. From the results of these calculations, congestion is identified, either
as overload of an element or as voltage limit violation. In a nutshell, OpenTSPOT
integrates the necessary calculation tools into an open source software tool, which
can be upgraded and adapted according to the user preferences and requirements. The
principle functionality of OpenTSPOT is shown in Fig. 2.
OpenTSPOT supports the following functions: Network modeling and load flow
calculations, Outage scheduling, Contingency Analysis, Contingency Statistics Analy-
sis, Automation of DACF, D2CF and IdCF processes, Study Case calculations (sensi-
tivity matrices calculation included), Transmission Capacity calculations, Reports and
results in graphical and tabular presentation, and Export of those reports and results
in external file formats.

2.3.1 Network modeling and load flow calculations

Serving as a Congestion Forecasting Tool, OpenTSPOT uses UCTE data format as

input data for the network modeling. The network data is firstly processed by MC
module, described in detail in [9] and [11]. MC module consists of the following
sub modules [9,11]: Storage Sub module, Export Data Sub module, Model Merger

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Fig. 2 OpenTSPOT principle functionality

Sub module, Model Builder Sub module, and Load Adjustment & Automated Model
Generator Sub module.
The major output of MC module presents the validated and transformed network
model data, stored in data base and ready to be used by LF module. Ancillary out-
puts and functions provided by MC module are: conversion from/into UCTE data
format, function of the automated DACF model creation and model compare func-
tion, presented in [9,11]. Network data validations and transformations necessary to
be performed prior to the load flow calculation are:
(i) Error checking and warning mechanisms that check the validity of the input
data (non provided data and provided data not in accordance with the rules and
definitions of the standard UCTE Data Exchange Format). If data, essential for
further calculations is missing in the input file, the program generates a warning
in a log file and in some cases, depending on the data, a default value is placed
in the database.
(ii) Small impedance branches and bus coupler elimination,
(iii) Topology check,
(iv) Node numbering (indexing),
(v) Per unit conversion and calculation of line and transformers parameters,
(vi) Writing of model data into the DB output tables, and
(vii) Networks merging and balancing function.
Four load flow methods are used in algorithms developed in OpenTSPOT: Fast Decou-
pled, DC, Full Newton Raphson and Gauss Seidel load flow methods. In addition,

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An open source tool for transmission system analysis and planning

Fig. 3 Tree view presentation of the load flow calculation results

Fig. 4 Tabular presentation of the load flow calculation results

offered as default, OpenTSPOT contains a specially developed “Coupled AC-DC

load flow” algorithm, which is based on the Fast Decoupled AC Load Flow (Stott and
Alsac) [12] with the nested DC Load Flow method. This algorithm is very fast and accu-
rate, representing the best solution for near real time calculations. The well-known
disadvantage of initial versions of such an algorithm (zero-impedance treatment in
transmission system applications) is resolved in MC module, through the preparation
of input data for load flow calculations. The following load flow results are presented
through tree view presentation (Fig. 3): node results (voltage modules and angles),
branch active and reactive power flows and losses, and system summary. The load
flow alarms within tree view presentation are: violated voltages, overloaded branches,
violated VAr limits on the generator nodes and violated transient stability (just rough
indication through angle difference calculation). All results are also presented in tab-
ular form (Fig. 4).
Table 1 presents some LF module test results, showing that the applied default algo-
rithm reduced convergence time for about 33 %. It must be mentioned that there are
applications where the fastest DC Load Flow method is not sufficiently accurate. How-
ever, this method represents not only the first step of the default algorithm (intended
for the reduction of the convergence time), but also a precious tool for the sensitivity
matrix calculations and selection of critical outages in contingency analysis (n−1).
OpenTSPOT is capable to work with regional network models. It was tested on
the South East European—SEE regional model, consisting of the models of: Italy,
Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, Bulgaria,

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N. Sijakovic et al.

Table 1 Load flow module test results

No. Load Flow method No. of nodes Tolerance Max. no. of Convergence
(p.u.) iterations time (s)

Example 1 Fast Decoupled Load Flow 1,311 0.005 30 3

Example 2 Fast Decoupled Load 1,311 0.005 30 2
Flow with the nested
DC Load Flow
Example 3 DC Load Flow 1,311 – – 0.4

Fig. 5 Planned outages presented in a form of a list

Fig. 6 Planned outages presented graphically on a diagram (light color element is in operation, dark color
element is out of operation)

Romania, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Ukraine

West and Slovakia.
Load flow settings are defined in DB with a huge spectra of freedom for the user (e.g.
concerning AC load flow: tolerance, conversion from PV to PQ, number of iterations,
flat start, possibility to select slack node, etc.) [9].

2.3.2 Outage scheduling

Outage Scheduler Sub module supports the consideration of the planned outage for
the user defined period in the future, with an option to define whether the outage is
continual or with daily disconnections. In addition, it enables the view of the planned
outages for the defined day/hour in a form of a list or custom made diagrams (Figs. 5,
6). Outage Scheduler Sub module is connected with MC module, providing input data
for automated model generation function of MC module (information on the planned
network topology).

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An open source tool for transmission system analysis and planning

2.3.3 Contingency analysis (n−1 criteria checking)

The primary function of CA module is to perform contingency analysis (n−1 criteria

checking) on the existing, merged, regional network model. The idea was to develop
an automatic machine that will change the topology of the considered network for
each case defined in the outage list. Following the topology modification, full load
flow calculation is executed in order to monitor load flows on the elements defined
in the monitoring list and voltages in all nodes. If the contingency analysis machine
detects overload on any of the monitored elements or over/under voltage on any node,
it is recorded and put into the report. After the calculation is done by the contingency
analysis machine, the LF module report is available through user interface (data grid
view). The user can insert the report into DB manually or automatically. CSA module
uses those reports as a base for its statistical calculations. The CA module inputs are:
the type of contingencies (user defined selection of n−1 or n−2 contingencies), the list
of the outages and the list of the monitoring elements. The software is able to import the
existing lists from txt file format or to generate new lists. Outputs of CA module are the
contingency analysis (n−1 criteria checking) results shown in the CA window. After
that, these can optionally be saved into the data base for further usage by CSA module.

2.3.4 Contingency statistics analysis

An original CSA module is developed for the system operation and development
planning, as well as for usage in the decision making process. It also enables the
achievement of additional goals, such as: electricity market integration and renewable
energy sources (RES) implementation. This module stores the results obtained by the
contingency analysis and transmission capacity calculations performed every day and
uses that data for statistical calculations. CSA module presents, in a form of explicit
signals, the weak points in the monitored transmission network from the following
two points of view: security of supply and electricity trade restrictions caused by
network limits. The usage of this module provides transmission system operators
(TSOs) with means to enhance the security of the supply and maximize the usage of
the transmission network, as well as electricity exchanges (trade) through the same
network. This module was tested in JP EMS (Serbian TSO) during the SEETSOC’s
testing phase and all advices and requests for upgrade have been implemented in the
module. CSA module performs the function of user interface editor with tools for
statistical analysis of “n−1” criteria checking results (CA and TC outputs) with an
output in a form of data grids and diagrams (report manager for CSA), including the
following features:

(i) Results of “n−1” criteria checking performed by CA and TC modules presented

in data grid view (table) with the following advanced filtering and export functions
(Fig. 7a, b): filter by contingency, outage or overload, filter by type of the outage
or overload (connected to the domestic or foreign element), filter by date and hour
of the concerned contingency, filter by overload level, presentation of network
topology serving as an input to “n−1” criteria checking performed by CA module,
presentation of production schedule serving as an input to “n−1” criteria checking

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Fig. 7 a Contingency list with filtering options, b contingency tree view, c tabular presentation of the
statistical results and d graphical presentation of the statistical results

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An open source tool for transmission system analysis and planning

performed by CA module, export of the overall list or a filtered list in a form of

csv, txt, doc, xls or pdf file format,
(ii) Tabular presentation of the contingency, outage and overload appearance fre-
quency in the selected time period (Fig. 7c): filter by definable time period and
selected hours, possibility to work with full or filtered contingency list, and export
of the table in the form of csv, txt, doc, xls or pdf file format,
(iii) Graphical presentation of the statistical analysis results using diagrams (Fig.
7d): diagram that shows appearance of the contingencies, outages and overloads
during 1 year, diagram that shows contingency, outage and overload appearance
frequency in the selected time period and selected hours, and diagram that shows
overload levels of the contingencies in the selected time period and selected hours
with filter by outages or filter by overloads.

2.3.5 Automation of DACF, D2CF and IdCF processes

Load Adjustment and Automated Model Generator Sub modules, as parts of the pre-
viously described MC module [11], read single network model data from DB input
tables for a specific date and time, and taking into consideration additional information
provided from Outage Scheduler Sub module (planned topology of the network) and
from external systems, [(i) ENTSO-E Scheduling System (ESS) for production and
power exchange schedules and (ii) SCADA system for base network data and system
measurements], generate new models for the same network for another day and hours
(different topology, power exchange, consumption and generation scenarios).

2.3.6 Study case calculations (sensitivity matrices calculation included)

SC module provides the option to calculate a variety of sensitivity matrix types related
to network modeling and operation, such as power transfer distribution factors (PTDF)
matrix, outage transfer distribution factors (OTDF) matrix and various types of Nodal
Sensitivity matrices.

2.3.7 Transmission capacity calculations

TC module represents a calculation tool for the determination of available cross-border

transmission capacities, with the ability to generate custom reports according to TSO
specific needs.

2.3.8 Reports and results management

Each OpenTSPOT module possesses a part devoted to report generation and manage-
ment with the ability to generate custom reports based on TSOs specific needs. Each
data table in OpenTSPOT viewed by the user can be exported in the CSV file format
or in the customized Crystal report, which allows export in any of the most important
data formats used nowadays: .pdf, .doc, .xls, .rtf, .xml and some other formats. In
addition to the customized Crystal report exports and report creations, OpenTSPOT
supports the creation of reports in the customized txt file formats, which are still in

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N. Sijakovic et al.

use in many TSOs and their regional centers. Other parts of OpenTSPOT, such as the
previously described MC and LF modules, use reports in a form of log files. What is
common for all log files is that their creation is not directly triggered by the user, but
by OpenTSPOT itself. Also, it should be mentioned that all network models can be
exported in UCTE and CSV file formats.

3 OpenTSPOT usage and further development

As it has already mentioned OpenTSPOT is an open source software tool that can
be useful for transmission system analysis and planning studies in industry, academia
and research.
Industrial users (TSOs) can use outcomes of OpenTSPOT in a form of six differ-
ent levels: detailed technical specifications, algorithms and know how, user forms,
full developed software, full documentation, and detailed implementation/IT integra-
tion plan—interfaces/converters. The existing TSOs’ infrastructure and OpenTSPOT’s
design enables the direct integration of it and its practical usage in TSOs. Further devel-
opment of OpenTSPOT by a third party software vendor company or TSOs’ engineers
could offer customized solutions to its TSO.
Academic institutions and research centers can benefit from OpenTSPOT’s flexi-
ble research platform for studying new approaches for transmission system analysis
(advanced concepts, smart grid and liberalized electricity market efforts, new tech-
nologies, reliability based tools, data and object modeling) using it as an additional
research toll, as well as using it in the educational process.
Finally OpenTSPOT can be used by industrial associations such as ENTSO-E
(SEETSOC outcomes are promoted at the pan European and regional ENTSO-E WG
meetings) in an effort to contribute in the study of the transmission system analysis
and planning problems.
OpenTSPOT is continuous improved [speed up processes, migration to other types
of Data Base Management System—DBMS (SQL Server, MySQL or Oracle)], modi-
fied and upgraded based on the comments and requests of industrial partners during the
testing and evaluation phase of the software. In order to optimise the ratio between the
“speed of calculation” and “accuracy of the network security estimation”, it is planned
to be introduced the use of so-called critical outage-critical branch philosophy. Each
TSO knows which branches are bottle-necks in its transmission network. By defining
the list of the related critical outages-critical branches, OpenTSPOT will perform full
contingency analysis only on those predefined element lists. This will considerably
reduce the calculation time and make possible even real time contingency analysis
by using full AC or simplified DC Load Flow methods. Also, it is planned to allow
the user to define reliability factors for each branch of the system in order to make
a possible increase of the overall transmission capacities. The OpenTSPOT modular
structure allows any developer to upgrade it for various purposes in industrial or uni-
versity practice, such as: migration to the fully object oriented modeling of the power
system (not only transmission, but also distribution system), development of functions
for Asset Management, various optimisation processes, Outage Management System,
long term market, production modeling, generation adequacy assessments, future con-

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An open source tool for transmission system analysis and planning

gestion management procedures, future inter TSO compensation mechanisms for cross
border trade, future SCADA systems, etc.
OpenTSPOT can be even further extended through integration with GIS module
that has also been developed in the EU FP7 SEETSOC project [6]. GIS can be used for
visualizing calculation results or input data preparation (e.g. Monitoring and Outage
List can be visualized and configured by GIS).

4 Conclusions

This paper presents an open source software tool, OpenTSPOT, capable to conduct
transmission system analysis and planning studies. Details are provided for its main
features, architecture, functions and applicability. The software tool that takes into
consideration congestion management, calculation of cross-border transits and bal-
ancing mechanism can be used either for research, training and testing purposes. It
could be very useful for transmission system modernization, providing researchers,
engineers and consultants a reliable and efficient tool to evaluate advanced concepts
in this area. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, OpenTSPOT is the only available
tool which contains a specially developed part for statistical data processing, which is
crucial in the decision making process.

Acknowledgments The work reported in this paper has been carried out in the framework of the European
Commission funded project “South-East European TSOs Challenges”—SEETSOC (FP7-ENERGY-2008-
TREN-1). More information about the project and the consortium can be found at


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2. ENTSO-E, Common Information Model (CIM)-Model Exchange Profile, 1st edn. Brussels (2009)
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5. Dugan, R.: OpenDSS, Introductory Training, Level 1. Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto,
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6. SEETSOC, FP7EN/239453, Available Online: Accessed in April 2014
7. Open Transmission System Planning & Operation Tool, SEETSOC, Available Online: http://
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9. Mladenov, V., Kostic, M., Taleski, R., Sijakovic, N.: SEETSOC-Deliverable 5.2.2. http://seetsoc.ntua.
gr/ (2011)
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