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This unit includes a variety of words and phrases which can be used to organize text. Not all their uses are given here, and many can be used in other ways. By connector is meant any followed by a comma. ly word or phrase that can stand alone at the front of a sentence, often adding a point =, © Also is used to add a point within a sentence. It is not normally used as a connector at the beginning of a sentence in formal speech and writing, Crs use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. '® As well as is followed by a noun or -ing, and can be used in an introductory clause. ars use up valuable energy resources, as well as polluting the environment. ‘AS well as polluting the environment, cars use up valuable energy resources As well as this can be used as a connector, referring to a previous sentence. Cars use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. As well as this, they make life unpleasant in big cities. © In addition can bé used as a connector. Cars use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. In addition, they make life unpleasant in big cites. '® Moreover, furthermore, what is more are formal connectors which emphasize that there is an ‘additional point to be made. Cars use up valuable eneray resources, and also pollute the environment. Moreover / Furthermore / What is more, they make life unpleasant in big cities © Above ail is a connector which adds a point, and stresses that this point is the most important one. Cars use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. Above alll they make life unpleasant in big cites. ‘© Besides is an informal connector: it has the same meaning as anyway or in any case. This car is too big for me. Besides, | can't realy afford it contrast or concession ‘¢ However can be used as a connector at the beginning or end of the sentence. Note that there is always punctuation on both sides of it, ie a full stop or comma. It cannot be used to connect two clauses. Wind turbines are another source of renewable energy. However, they are not without drawbacks. Wind turbines are another source of renewable energy. They are not without drawbacks, however. Compare the use of although: Wind turbines are another source of renewable energy, although they are not without drawbacks © Despite (this) introduces a point which contrasts with a previous statement. Note that despite is followed by a noun or -ing form of the verb. Wind turbines are an increasingly popular source of renewable energy. Despite being easy to build, the) do have some drawbacks. ‘© Nevertheless, none the less are more formal connectors referring back to the previous point: they can also come at the end of the sentence, Wind turbines are an increasingly popular source of renewable energy. ‘Nevertheless / Nonetheless, they do have some drawbacks They do have some drawbacks, nevertheless / nonetheless degree ‘© To some extent /to a certain extent are used as a way of saying ‘partly’. Itcan come at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence. ‘Most people would accept this argument to some extent. Toa certain extent, | agree with you. This solution is, to a certain extent, easy to understand. ‘© In some respects / ways are used as a connector limiting what comes before or after. ‘Some people argue that the only solution to the problem of global warming is new technology. In some respects, this is true Some people argue thatthe only solution to the problem of global warming is new technology. {In some respects, the development of non-polisting fuels might solve part of the problem. comparing and contrasting © On the one hand... (but / while) on the other hand ... introduce contrasting points. (On the one hand, nuclear power does not add carbon to the atmosphere, but on the other hand it presents other more serious pollution risks. We can also use on the other hand to introduce a contrasting paragraph. '® On the contrary introduces a contrasting positive point after a negative statement. The cost of electricity produced by nuclear power does not go down. On the contrary, clean-up costs mean that in the long term the cost increases substantially. ‘© Compared to, in comparison to / with are used as an introductory phrase, or at the end of the sentence. In comparison to / Compared with last year there has been some improvement. There has been some improvement in comparison to / compared with last year. '@ In the same way introduces a point which is similar to the previous one. Wave power generators use the constant movement of the waves to produce electricity. {In the same way, tidal generators use the back and forward motion of the tides. The sentence adverb similarly can also be used. Similarly, tidal generators use the back and forward motion of the tides. '® (But) at least is used to emphasize that there is an advantage, despite a disadvantage just mentioned. Wind turbines are noisy, but at least they do not create air poliution. results and reasons ‘© consequently, as a result (of) The house was left empty for several years and no maintenance was carried out. Consequently /As a result, it és now in a poor condition {As a result of ths neglect, it's now in a poor condition © thus (formal) The locks on the front door had been changed. Thus, it was impossible for the estate agent to gain entrance to the house. It was thus impossible to gain entrance to the house. ‘© accordingly (formal) Smith was away in ltaly atthe time of the attack. Accordingly, he could not have been responsible. ‘¢ Hence explains how the words following it are explained by what has gone before. The city s the site of ancient spring and Roman bath; hence the name Bath. ¢ On account of, owing to have the same meaning as because of and are both prepositions. ‘Maria had to retire from professional tennis on account of / owing to a foot injury. ® Due to is a preposition with the same meaning as owing to, but which can follow be. Her retirement from professional tennis was due to a foot injury. © organizing text (1) 1 Underline the best word or phrase. a Flights abroad are becoming cheaper, although / however most people are aware of the damage they cause to the environment. b The beach is mainly pebbles, but at least / in the same way itis fairly clean. © Wilson was dismissed from his job, in addition to / on account of the seriousness of his offence. d_ Huygens’ astronomical observations required an exact means of measuring time, and he was thus / nevertheless led in 1656 to invent the pendulum clock. Students are often not taught to think effectively. However / As a result, they can become overwhelmed with information, as they cannot see the wood for the trees. f Alcohol drinking is strongly associated with the risk of liver cancer. Moreover / None the less, there is some e lence suggesting that heavy alcohol consumption is particularly strongly associated with liver cancer among smokers. Patience is not passive; on the other hand / on the contrary, it is active; itis concentrated strength. h This Mary Louisa Smith's marriage certificate is dated 4 June 1867. Accondingly /In the same way, she cannot be the Mary Lodisa Smith born in Liverpool on 12 November 1860. | Doctors concluded that the patient's erratic behaviour was probably besides / due to the mild concussion she suffered in the accident. j_ Red dwarf stars fuse hydrogen and helium, but the fusion is slow because of the low temperature at the core of the star. Consequently / In some respects, these stars give off very little light, 2 Complete the text using one word in each space. Genetically modified food Genetically modified (or GM) foods are foods from plants (eg cotton, maize, tomatoes) which have been modified in a laboratory by inserting DNA from another OFBAHISHAL As a a Pesuit of this process, the new plant wariety will have some new quality (eg FESISEHREE to certain ft, improved flavour) which makes it, in some b +more valuable. ¢ all, a GM plant can be specially developed to Sti certain conditions, and although the process produces similar results to normal plant\$I@etioll to some d + genetic BRIERE is quite a different way of creating new varieties of plants, € to the range of possible modifications. ‘ to natural BREA techniques, which take place over a long period and may require thousands of plantings, genetic modificat ns can be made more efficiently, and targeted |PFECISAY at a specific need. g . the GM industry has come in for a great deal of criticism. Many people argue that it is dangerous to release GM plants into the environment on h of their unusual characteristics. « critics stress that such plants are unnecessary. They argue that rather than creating potentially dangerous new aHiGHES} we should be distributing food more efficiently.

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