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Why Translating
The process of changing knowledge that is difficult to understand becomes more
understandable by changing the native language to the target language. For us,
Bahasa Indonesia is the easiest language that can be understand. One of the functions
of Indonesian language is to be official language in the cultural development and the
usages of knowledge and technology. The function above can be fulfill if all kind of
information about culture, science, and technology is written in Indonesian language.
The books that contain all kind of that information will be available if we write,
translate, and adopt. Actually, Translation is very important in exchanging
information and invention. However, Without translating, scientists maybe left behind
and can not follow the development of science, especially those who can not read
foreign language. That is causes, translation is not only for the develop country, even
advance country still active in translating books.
Based on this reason, the rector of Universitas Nasional in Jakarta established a
national translation center at the university, with the aim to align Indonesian language
with others more advanced language.

II. The meaning of Translating

A translator has a great responsibility, and should be able to provide great benefits
with his translation to his country even to the world. Eugene. A nida and
Charles.R.Taber, in the theory and practice of translation provides two definition of
Actually, Translating can be defined as moving a mandate from the source
language to the target language by expressing the meaning and style of the language.
Translating can be said as a success translation if the receiver or the target can easily
understand and enjoy our translation. From the definition, it can be said that
translating is a process of transferring meaning from one language to another by
expressing its meaning and stle of language.
In his second book, Eugene.A.Nida, toward a science of translating, with social
reference to principles and procedures involved in bibble translating. While Koen
explain that this book is the development of the previous book. According to Koen,
Nida taught that the way of translating should focus on the recepient’s response. In
addition, the meaning and style expressed should not deviate from its original
meaning, or it can be said that what is written is what is translated
According to, English Passages for Translation,Page.176 :
1. The results of our translation must be appropriate to the original source and
did not change the true meaning of the original source
2. The style of the language used must follow the style of the original source
3. A translation should not be easily recognized as a translation

III. Ttranslation as the process

Translating is not writing the idea of our own idea, but a complex activity,
translating is a process consisting of a series of activities - elements as its internal
According to Nida and Traber the process of translating can be summarized as
follows :
1. Analysis ( To identify the message that you want to convey )
2. Transfer ( How the result of the analysis is translated )
3. Restructuring ( Techniques used to create language styles )

According to Dr. Ronald H.Bathgate, in his essay 'Survey of Translation Theory',

here are seven elements or steps of the process of translation :

1. Penjajagan ( Tuning ), A process of exploring the material we will translate,

because the language of translation must be in harmony with the language that
we want to translate in terms of meaning and style of language.
2. Penguraian ( Analysis ), A process of deciphering each sentence from the
source language into units of words or phrases first, then the translator must
determine the relationship between each element of the sentence.
3. Pemahaman ( Understanding ), A process of understanding the material we
will translate, the translator must be able to understand the content of the
material before start translating.
4. Peristilahan ( Terminology ), In translating, the translator should think about
terminology or the way expressing the results of the translation to the target
5. Perakitan ( Restructuring ), Translators must assemble translations suitable
with the prevailing norms or norms that are appropriate with the rules of
6. Pengecekan ( Checking ), The translator should re-check the errors that
contained in the translation the translators have done.
7. Pembicaraan ( Discussion ), The translator should discuss the results of his
translation, including the content and style of the language.

Here are 15 translating models according to Dr. Ronald H.Bathgate :

1. Hermeneutic model : Hermeneuitc is a theory or science of symbolic

interpretation, that commonly be used in ‘Tuning’ Phase in translating process.
Hermeneutic Model’s picture :

Mempercayai (1) Memahami (2)

Menesuaikan (4) Menyajikan (3)

2. Situational model : In this model Situations are the crucial point to understand
the meaning of an utterance in translating process, can be either praise or
3. Stylistic model : In the stylistic model the translator should explore the Stijl or
the language style contained in the language, in order to align the form of the
translation language into the original language.
4. Word by word model : In this model, try to separate and analyzes every part of
source language ingredient is the crucial point. First The translator should
separate the language ingredients word by word before translating the source
5. Syntactic model : In this model the translator should be able to identify the
types of sentences, sentence units (which one is bigger and smaller), and
relationships between units before starting the translating process.
For example :
In the God created The heaven and earth.
Time Subject Verb Substantive object
6. Transformational model : In this model the translator must select and identify
the important sentences contained in the source language, then translate it into
the target language.
7. Interlingua model : In this model the translator must understand the meaning
contained in the source language and understand the idea’s relationship
between the units in the source language sentence.
8. Semantic model : In this model the translator must understand the
communicating symbol system in the source language, because language is
also the world's symbol system.
9. Theory-Information model ( excess information ) : In this model the translator
should be able to create a message so that it can be clearly understood and
covered by a stylish language. The minimum information may be not enough,
therefore we need more description ( here is the excess information needed.)
10. Nomenklatif model : In this model the translator should be able to determine
the exact terms according to the language from the field of science that is
11. Modulation model : In this model the translator must or have to reassemble the
separated part of source language into the target language.
12. Generative model : This model reveals the fact that the translation process
involves many decisions and each decision affects the other decisions.
13. Integral model : This model arises from the need for a comprehensive
translation strategy to keep the consistency and beauty of the language in the
assembly process. Commonly uses to translate a modern language as poetry.
14. Three-stage checking model : This model is used to check the translation
results, correct or not the result of translation in terms of lingusitik and facts.
The translators can use the instructions provided by the experts to be a guide in
assessing whether or not the translation is.
15. Interactive model : This model encourages translators to be able to
communicate and consult with translation experts, in order to get the better
translation. A translator should not be arrogant or avoid the society because we
as a human always need others help, maybe not now but of course some time.

A. Clue 1 ( Plural in English )

In English the plural word does not have to be translated in the form of word
repetition, simply by adding –s / -es at the end of the word,then the word will be
identified as plural word.
For example :
- Book ( one book )
- Books ( many book )
Different with the Indonesian language that does not recognize the nominal
concord or agreement, which means adjusting the form between words expressing plural
or other words that indicate plural with the object. So the plural word in Indonesian can
be as follows :
For example :
 Buku ( singular )
 Buku – buku ( plural )
B. Clue 2 ( Indefinite article )
In English Indefinite article can be found in the form ‘a-‘ and ‘an-‘ Which is used
to indicate if the object is singular or one (just one, only 1, one man, etc). Usually the
indefinite article is also used to express a general definition or conceptual definition ( that
only exists in the mind). In English ‘indefinite article’ does not always have to be
translated to Indonesian language or target language. For example :
 ‘ A dog is an intelligent animal ‘
You just have to translate it into,
‘ Anjing adalah binatang yang cerdas ‘
C. Clue 3 ( Definite article )
In Indonesia definite article means ‘-nya’,’itu’ dan ‘tersebut’. However, In English
definite article ‘the’ Must be used when the object is clear enough. Definite article ‘the’
does not always have to be translated to the target language, Although it is not translated,
the meaning of the object may be obvious ( Depend on context ). For example :
 The cat means ‘kucing’

D. Clue 4 ( Pronoun )
Pronoun in English not always have to be translated to Indonesian pronoun,
Because as we know from the beginning English language and Indonesian language has a
different language rules. Also, the number of pronouns and meaning of pronouns in
Indonesian is not as much as the pronoun in English. Here are the example of English
pronouns and Indonesian pronuns :
 English pronouns
 She ( Pronoun for a woman )
 He ( Pronoun for a man )
 It ( Pronoun for an object )
 Indonesian pronouns
 Ia , nya, dia, and itu

For example :

 My older brother is married to an English girl. He loves her very much.

 Kakaku laki-laki (kakak laki-laki saya) kawin dengan (seorang) gadis inggris. Ia
sangat mencintai istrinya.

E. Clue 5 ( Verbal noun )

Foreign nouns especially verbal nouns are usually more easily translated with the
equivalent verbs. For example :
 For a further elucidation of this important point we have to turn back to what
happen in java
 Untuk menerangkan hal yang penting ini lebih lanjut kita harus kembali kepada
apa yang terjadi di jawa

Actually, it is better for us to avoid using ‘pe – an’ too much in a sentence.
Turning a verbal noun into a verb may still need to be accompanied by other changes.
In addition the changes should be pay attention to the context of the language.

F. Clue 6 (Pronoun ‘it’ )

The pronoun 'it' at the beginning of the sentence does not always mean it is, this, and
that. The pronoun 'it' is also not always translated, because the pronoun 'it' in a sentence
might mean an emphasis. For example:
 It is frightening to realize that a small test-tube full of gems could destroy whole
civilization .
Commonly translated to be,
 Sungguh mengerikan menyadari bahwa sebuah tabung uji coba kami yang penuh
dengan kuman dapat menghancurkan seluruh peradaban.

The ponoun ’it’ as explotive pronoun means Pronoun ‘it’ as sentence subject. So
if the explotive pronoun found as sentence object so it does not have to be translated.
For example :

 I find it difficult to speak French than English

Should be translated as,
 Bagi saya lebih sulit untuk berbicara prancis dari pada inggris

G. Clue 7 ( Pronoun ‘is, was, or the other forms of to be )

Actually this Pronoun not always have to be translated as same as the others
pronoun. Even sometime it is better for this pronouns to be not translated at all. For
example :
 The next step is consider the key words . . .
 Langkah berikutnya (iaslah,adalah) memikirkan kata – kata kunci. . .

The word (is / adalah) on the example above means, the pronoun ‘is’ can be use
or not depend on context, and we can say it is not a must to translate this pronoun.
Essentially is, if the nominal predicate is an adjective or an adverb, the use of the
word 'is / adalah' is to combine subject and predicate, although in fact this is not
Indonesian language culture or habit.

H. Clue 8 ( Tenses )
Indonesian language is not as same as other languages in the west world side
(who has a tenses on their language.) Indonesian language does not have any word forms
or sentence and word order based on the time it happens or a tenses ( now, past, future
etc.) for example :
 Indonesia to English
 Besok kita akan ujian ( We will have an exam tomorrow ( future form))
 Kemarin kita ujian ( We had an exam yesterday ( past form ))
The example above means that Indonesian language only need to change the word
‘ besok ‘ and ‘ kemarin’ which is at the beginning of the sentence without
changing the word form, meanwhile, in English we need to change the word form
to the second form. For example that taken from the example above :
 ‘Have’ ( first form ) change to ‘Had’ ( second form )
I. Clue 9 ( Preposition ‘of’ )
The word 'of' usually expresses the possessive relation (the relation belong to
whom) of the word 'of' which states belongs, as much as possible translated as 'with',
'from', or 'rather than', 'but' and 'belongs'. For example :
 The big house of my aunt
 Rumah besar milik bibiku

Moreover, the word ‘of’ also point out the relationship between object, limitative
relation, situational utterance, etc. For example :

 Happiness of gathering together

( Kebahagiaan berkumpul bersama )
 A diamond of great value
( Berlian yang sangat berharga )

J. Clue 10 ( Word repetition )

You have to avoid the use of the same word except for anaphora and repetition. In
English the repetition of words is a must. For example :
 Read over the passage 2 or 3 times to get a clear grasp of the general meaning of
the whole and the relations of the parts.
Repetition in Indonesian does not need to weaken the sentence, unless it is
demanded by the style of language, such as anaphora.
K. Clue 11 ( International foreign term )
Usually in translating a foreign language we often found words or terms that are
difficult to translate. Commonly the word that is not translated into the target language
because it does not have an equivalent meaning in the target language or Indonesian
language, but we make it in the underline or in italics in order to mark the word that is a
international foreign term . For example :
 De lure
 De facto
 Loco citato etc,
L. Clue 12 ( Foreign term absorbing )
Actually in translating process, absorption of foreign terms can be done by
changing the spelling as necessary until it can be compared with its original form. For
example :
 Management = manajemen
 Goal = gol
 Principle = prinsip
 Check = cek etc,

Also can be changed based on the linguistic features of the Indonesian language.
For example :

 Function = fungsi
 Thermometer = termometer

In general based on phonemic spelling, letters that do not have functions may be
omitted. For example :

 Dominant = domina
 Informant = informan
 Tolerant = toleransi
 Subject = subjek

 The spelling of the name

In writing self-written name in Latin is not changing the spelling. For example :
 Gamal Abdel Nasser
 Spell-adjustment
Actually Indonesian language still exists which uses the word which is foreign
language absorption. Also, there is not yet fully absorbed and there is also the
pronunciation and its writing is adjusted to the rules of Indonesian language or target
 Final consonant cluster
The final consonant cluster contained in the foreign term is then indonesized as
follows :
1. Liquid group with explosion can be maintained (talk)
2. Liquid group with nassal can be maintained (film)
3. Liquid group with fricative can be maintained (golf)
4. Liquid groups with explosives and frictions can be maintained (corps)
5. Clusters group with fricative can be maintained (elips)
6. Cluster (k) with friktatif (s) and burst (t) into consonant clusters ks. (teks)
7. Second consonant in group explosion with burst (t) removed (konsep)
8. Group nasal with fricative can be maintained (ambulans)
9. Nasal clusters with consonants can be maintained (bank)
10. The second consonant in the nasal cluster with the outbreak removed
11. The second consonant in the frictative group with the blast being degraded
12. The friktative group (s) with the burst (k) can be maintained (molusk)
13. The final consonant cluster in sing term number one can be Indonesized
by adding vowel 'a' behind it (norma)
 Adjustment of the foreign suffixes

Some words can be absorbed as a whole word but adapted to the Indonesian
language. For example:

- Advocaat = advokat
- Etalage = etalase
- Accountant = akuntan
- Moderenism = moderenisme

 Foreign affixes

The list of foreign affixes may be considered in terminology of Indonesia after its
spelling adjusted :

1. Source prefix Indo - Europe

- Source : a-, ab-, abs-
- Indonesia : a-, ab-, abs-
2. Source affix Indo – Europe
- Source : -ble, -ac, -acy
- Indonesia : -ble , -ak, -asi
M. Clue 13 ( Foreign term translating )
In translating foreign term we have to pay attention at 3 aspect as follows :
1. Translate in the same form without changing the meaning. For example :
- Segitiga – triangle
- Lantai hutan – florest loor
- Jumpa peers – meet the peers
2. The meaning of the concept must be same and equal. Its literal meaning need not be
the same or similar. For example :
- Jaringan – network
- Pengobatan – medical treatment
- Rumah pompa – dry well
3. In translating foreign terms as far as possible grammatical categories are also
maintained. For example:
- Effective – berhasil guna
- Hearing – dengar pendapat
- Biefing – santiaji

N. Clue 14 ( The principle of forming the term )

Some of the more general important guidelines we need to take into account in the
process of forming the terms that will often occur during translation.
1. Terminology source
Source terms that can be used as a source of terms based on their priority :
- Indonesian language
- Absorption language
- Foreign language
2. Indonesian language
In order to find out the terminology in translating a foreign language to
Indonesian language, of course we have to make Indonesian language as the
2.1. Requirement
- select the most appropriate words and their meaning is not deviant
- Select the shortest word
- Select words that have good connotations and are good at hearing
- Select the word with new meaning by narrowing or extending its original
2.2.Grammatical form
- With basic words ( gaya )
- With words that have affixes (keterbatasan)
- With repetition word ( kacang – kacangan )
- With a combination of words ( segitiga )
2.3.The way writing a combine word
- Two or three word write separately
- Use a conjunction if it is necessary
- Write the word as a unity of it has a soul
2.4.The principle of analogy form
New terms can be formed using the analogy principle. For example :
- Prasangka = Prasaan , prakarsa , praduga , prarasa.
2.5.The principle of systematic terminology
Usually the related series of concepts is represented by terms whose
structures show a consistent form. For example:
Hak pilih – hak milik – hak pakai – hak monopoli

3. Local Language
Local language is the second alternative terminology source after Indonesian.
If it does not find the meaning of the term in Indonesian then it can use local
language as the source of search language. For example :
 Javanese : luwes, tuntas, terampil, sandang pangan. The requirement are :
- Has been chosen cause of the connotation is more suitable
- Has been chosen cause of more simple
4. Foreign language
If we can not find the terminology that we are looking for on Indonesian
language or local language then the only thing we can do is using foreign
language as a source, but the terminology we can used just an international
terminology. Here are some requirement of using foreign language as a
- A foreign language is chosen because of its better connotations
- Foreign language is chosen because it is shorter
- A foreign language chosen because of its international nature
- A foreign language is chosen because it will facilitate agreement if too many
5. Procedure of forming the term
Here are seven step on forming the terminology, start from six step of forming
a terminology then one step for deciding the terminology :
- Select the commonly used Indonesian word
- Select the Indonesian word that is not commonly used
- Select commonly used local words
- Select local language words that are not commonly used
- Select the word in English
- Select the international language word
- Choose the most interesting among the new terms 1 – 6
O. Clue 15 ( Recognize kind of sentence, subject and predicate )
It is better for us to recognize kinds of sentence in translating. Here are kinds of sentence:
- Simple sentence : In Indonesian simple sentence is a single sentence.
- Compound sentence : In Indonesian compound sentence is a plural sentence
- Complex sentence : In Indonesian complex sentence is a plural graded
- Compound-complex sentence : In Indonesian compound-complex sentence is
a combination of common plural sentence with graded plural sentence.

Actually the kind of every sentence can be found, the only thing that must do is be
able to determine the subject, predicate and object first.

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