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World University of Bangladesh

Assignment on
“Prospects and Problems of Bangladesh Tourism”

Course Title: Advanced English

Course Code: BTHM 205
Sumitted To:
Fatema Sharmin
Department of English Literature
World University of Bangladesh (WUB)

Sumitted by:
Imran Khan - WUB 15/15/05/107

Submission Date: 09 August, 2018


Table of Contents
Overview of Bangladesh Tourism Industry ........................................................................................... 4
Major Tourists Spots in Bangladesh: ................................................................................................. 4
Prospects of Beach tourism ............................................................................................................... 4
Major Beach Tourism Destination in Bangladesh ................................................................................. 5
Cox’s Bazar.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Major Attraction..................................................................................................................................... 5
Himchori and Inani Beach .................................................................................................................. 5
Moheshkhali Island ............................................................................................................................ 5
Sonadia Island .................................................................................................................................... 6
The Aggameda Khyang, Cox’s Bazar .................................................................................................. 6
Ramu ................................................................................................................................................... 6
Kuakata ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Others Island like................................................................................................................................ 7
Parki beach ......................................................................................................................................... 7
Teknaf ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Prospects eco-tourism in Bangladesh.................................................................................................... 8
Sundarban........................................................................................................................................... 8
Katka ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Hiran point .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Karamjol.............................................................................................................................................. 9
Chittagong Hill Tracks ....................................................................................................................... 10
The Hills ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Hill Districts....................................................................................................................................... 10
Rangamati......................................................................................................................................... 10
Khagrachari ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Bandarban ........................................................................................................................................ 11
Sitakundu .......................................................................................................................................... 11
St. Martins Island ............................................................................................................................. 11
Nijhum Island.................................................................................................................................... 12
Bhawal National Park ....................................................................................................................... 12
Jaflong ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Srimongol.......................................................................................................................................... 13
Madhabkunda Waterfall .................................................................................................................. 13

Lawacherra Rain Forest .................................................................................................................... 14

Prospects of Cultural tourism in Bangladesh ...................................................................................... 14
Ahsan Manjil ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Lalbagh Fort ...................................................................................................................................... 14
Central Shahid Minar ....................................................................................................................... 14
Sonargaon ......................................................................................................................................... 14
National Martyrs Memorial ............................................................................................................. 15
Lalmai Moinamoti and Shalbon Bihar ............................................................................................. 15
Mahasthangarh [Bogra] ................................................................................................................... 15
Prospects of Religious tourism in Bangladesh .................................................................................... 16
The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal ........................................................................................................ 16
Shrine of Hajrat Khan Jahan Ali ....................................................................................................... 16
Shrine of Hazrat Bayezead Bostami ................................................................................................. 17
Shrine of Shah Amanat..................................................................................................................... 17
Shat Gambuj Mosque ....................................................................................................................... 17
Star Mosque ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Choto Sona Mosque ......................................................................................................................... 18
Dhakeshwari Temple........................................................................................................................ 18
Kantajees Temple [Dinajpur] ........................................................................................................... 18
Other Attractive Spots ......................................................................................................................... 18
Bangladesh National Museum ......................................................................................................... 18
Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban ..................................................................................................................... 19
Curzon Hall........................................................................................................................................ 19
National Zoo ..................................................................................................................................... 19
Botanical Garden .............................................................................................................................. 19
Baitul Mukarram Mosque ................................................................................................................ 19
Economic Aspects of Tourism Industry: .............................................................................................. 20
Tourism: The Next Driving Sector of Bangladesh Economy:........................................................... 20
Role of Government to Develop Tourism Industry: ............................................................................ 22
Findings and Problems identification: ................................................................................................. 22
Recommendations: .............................................................................................................................. 23
References: ........................................................................................................................................... 25

Major purpose of this report is to analysis Problems and Prospects of Tourism Industry in
Bangladesh. Report briefly discuss on analyze the present position as well as performance of
tourism industry of Bangladesh. Finally identify various constraints and challenges of tourism
in Bangladesh.

Overview of Bangladesh Tourism Industry

Bangladesh is located conveniently on east-west air-corridor making it a gateway to the Far
East. It is endowed with resources and the potential for a tourism industry. In the South-East
the country has a 120km long beach of soft silvery sand, perhaps the world’s longest, in a
Riviera-like setting with crescent-shaped low hills overlooking the Bay of Bengal. The range of
the hills clad in lush green thickets are treasured locations for eco-tourism and wildlife
watchers. At the head of the terrain is Cox’s Bazar nestle the Kaptai and Rangmati lakes, a body of crystal clear water lying in sylvan shadows not far from where a dozen hill
tribes follow their traditional life styles. The tea District of Sylhet in the far north-east of the
country has prospects of tourism, as does the Sundarbans, a large mangrove forest in the
South which is home of the Royal Bengal Tiger, remain of places of old principalities and
archaeological sites of Buddhist monasteries, Shrines and Holy places,Mosques and temples,
particularlyin the northern part of the country, are among the tourist treasures of Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh there are quite a few World Heritage sites and they remain especially
vulnerable but with proper management of the places the threat can easily be averted. As for
culture, vulnerability of Bangladesh is out of the question given the enormous strength of the
nation’s cultural identity built over the course of hundreds of years. In fact, the benefits
outweigh by a huge margin whatever curse there is of tourism, as far as Bangladesh is
concerned. The country earned about $95 million in foreign exchange from travel & tourism
in 2009 and with vigorous promotional activities it can hope to increase substantially its share
of the multi-billion-dollar international tourist receipts. Moreover, more tourists and travelers
would most likely mean more trade and investment and therefore more growth of the

Major Tourists Spots in Bangladesh:

We may consider the tourism prospects of Bangladesh from aspects
 Beach tourism
 Eco-tourism
 Cultural tourism
 Religious tourism

Prospects of Beach tourism

Bangladesh is the blessing of Bay-of-Bangle. The southern side of the country is fully
surrounded by the blue sea beach. Bangladesh is situated on the lap of Bay-of-Bangle with

712km costal line. Along its 712km of coastline, Banglasesh boasts of a number of beautiful
beaches. The tranquil environment with abundant greenery around is just perfect to relax and
refresh the drained mind and body. Lie on the smooth sandy beaches and soak the warmth
of the sun or simply take a quiet walk barefooted on those beaches. The calming effect will
easily penetrate deep into your body. The vast stretches of sea water have unique ability to
carry away all our worries and heartaches along with its waves. We can also watch the sun
rise and set far in the horizon and appreciate the beauty that is reflected as a reflection in the

Major Beach Tourism Destination in Bangladesh

Cox’s Bazar
Cox’s Bazar is one of the most attractive tourist spots & the longest sea beach in the world
(approx. 120 km long). Miles of golden sands, towering cliffs, surfing waves, rare conch shells,
colorful pagodas, Buddhist temples and tribes, delightful seafood–this is Cox’s Bazar, the
tourist capital of Bangladesh.
The warm shark free waters are good for bathing and swimming & while the sandy beaches
offer opportunities for sun-bathing. The beauty of the setting-sun behind the waves of the
sea is simply captivating. Locally made cigars and handloom products of the tribal Rakhyne
families are good buys.
Every year lots of foreign & local tourist come here to spend their leisure in Cox’s Bazaar.
Though the season is in winter but Cox’s Bazar sea beach is crowded almost through out the
year. Especially in winter season, it is hard to get an accommodation in the hotels if booking
is not made earlier.

Major Attraction
Himchori and Inani Beach
There are many attractions for the tourists around Cox’s Bazaar. From Cox’s Bazaar Sea shore,
we can go to these places by jeep and it is really exotic to drive on the seashore. The area of
HImchari and Inani is 32km and 33km respectively.
Himchori is famous for waterfall, though in the winter season it dwindles but during the rainy
season it’s really a fabulous and full waterfall can be enjoyed. Inani beach is famous for the
rock and coral boulders.

Moheshkhali Island
It is another attraction for the tourists who go to Cox’s Bazaar. An island off the coast of Cox’s
Bazar. It has an area of 268 square kilometers. Through the center of the island and along the
eastern coastline rises, a range of low hills, 300 feet high; but the coast to the west and north
is a low-lying treat, fringed by mangrove jungle. In the hills on the coast is built the shrine of
Adinath, dedicated to Siva. By its side on the same hill is Buddhist Pagoda. We can go to this
Island by local motorboat called trawler or by speedboat. By trawler, it takes an hour and a

half and by speedboat, it takes only half an hour to reach this Island. Here we find mangrove
forests, hilly areas, salt field etc.

Sonadia Island
It is about seven kilometer of Cox’s Bazar and about nine square kilometer in area. The
western side of the island is sandy and different kinds of shells are found on the beach. Off
the northern part of the island, there are beds of windowpane oysters. During winter,
fisherman set up temporary camps on the island and Dries Sea fishes, which they catch from

The Aggameda Khyang, Cox’s Bazar

Equally elaborate in plan, elevation and decoration is the Aggameda Khyang near the
entrance to the Cox’s Bazar town, which nestles at the foot of a hill under heavy cover of a
stand of large trees. The main sanctuary-cum-monastery is carried on a series of round timber
columns, which apart from accommodating the prayer chamber and an assembly hall, also is
the repository of a large of small bronze Buddha images-mostly of Burmese origin– and some
old manuscripts. Beyond the main khyang to the south, there is an elevated wooden pavilion
and a smaller brick temple with a timber and corrugated metal root. Apart from bearing an
inscription in Burmese over its entrance, the temple contains some large stucco and bronze
Buddha images.

This is a typical Buddhist village, about 16 km. from Cox’s Bazar, on the main road to
Chittagong. There are monasteries, khyangs and pagodas containing images of Buddha in
gold, bronze and other metals inlaid with precious stones.
One of the most interesting of these temples is on the bank of the Baghkhali River. It houses
not only interesting relics and Burmese handicrafts but also a large bronze statue of Buddha
measuring thirteen feet high and rests on a six feet high pedestal. The wood carving of this
khyang is very delicate and refined.
The village has a charm of its own. Weavers ply their trade in open workshops and craftsmen
make handmade cigars in their pagoda like houses.

Kuakata, locally known as Sagar Kannya (Daughter of the Sea) is a rare scenic beauty spot on
the southernmost tip of Bangladesh. Kuakata in Latachapli union under Kalapara Police
Station of Patuakhali district is about 30 km in length and 6 km in breadth. It is 70 km from
Patuakhali district headquarters and 320 km from Dhaka. At Kuakata excellent combination
of the picturesque natural beauty, sandy beach, blue sky, huge expanse of water of the Bay
and evergreen forest in really eye-catching. From its seashore you can watch both sunrise and
sunset. The coconut trees increase the scenic beauty of this seashore.
The main tourist season is in winter but all over the year tourists visit this place. In Kuaka you
can visit the life style of tribe Rakhains, who are very friendly to the tourist and visitors.

You can visit Buddhist Temple where you can see the statue of Goutom Buddha and two wells
of 200 years old. Local name of the well is Kua and Kata is a local name of digging a well; so
was the name Kuakata. Fisherman village is another place where you can visit and watch the
lifestyle of the Fisherman.
If you are adventurous you may also go for fishing on the fishing boat if you can manage the
local fishermen. That will give you pleasure and experience, which you won’t be able to gather
from anywhere else. In the fishermen village you will find the fishermen coming back from
the fishing and you can purchase some fresh Hilsha fish from them, and by the side of village
there are some local restaurants from where you can get the Hilshas cooked and ready for
eating. You will remember the wonderful taste of the fresh Hilshas of Kuakata for a long time.
From Kuakata you can visit to a part of the great Sundarban forest, which is called Gangamoti
Reserve Forest. Don’t forget to visit Fatra’s Chor another tourist place nearby Kuakata.
Kuakata is one of the rarest places, which has the unique beauty of offering the full view of
the rising and setting of crimson sun in the water of the Bay of Bengal in a calm environment.
That perhaps makes Kuakata one of the world’s unique beaches. The long and wide beach at
Kuakata has a typical natural setting. This sandy beach has gentle slopes into the Bay of Bengal
and bathing there is as pleasant as is walking or diving.
Means of Communication: There exists road communication between Dhaka and Patuakhali
district headquarters. Accessible by road, water or air transport up to Barisal. Then one may
travel by road or water to Kuakata or Patuakhali. From Dhaka you can go to Patuakhali by bus
& from there by microbus to Kuakata. It is advisable to go Patuakhali by launch, which is an
overnight journey, and you can enjoy the unique beauty of Bangladesh Rivers at nighttime
during this journey. Instead of Potuakhali you can go to Khepupara by launch, which is also
an overnight journey and from Khepupara you can go to Kuakata by microbus. A direct BRTC
bus service is also available from Dhaka to Kuakata that leaves from Sayedabad Bus terminal
at night takes 12 hours to reach Kuakata. But it might be a hectic bus journey as a number of
ferries are there on the way to Kuakata by road. BRTC has introduced direct bus service from
Dhaka to Kuakata via Barisal.

Others Island like

Parki beach
Parki beach might be the next tourist attraction of Bangladesh, which is situated in Anwara
Thana under southern Chittagong region.
The beach lies 16-17 km away from Chittagong city. As the beach is situated at the Karnafuli
river channel, visitors can view both the Karnafuli river and the sea together. Tourists enjoy
the views of big ships anchored at the outer dock, fishermen catching fish in sea, sunset,
various colored crabs at the beach and quiet environment.

The side of river Naf and the Bay of Bengal situate Teknaf Town, which is the southernmost
tip of Bangladesh. It’s a real natural beauty of hills, forest & Naf River. Lots of Salt fields are

there by the side of River Naf. There are natural waterfalls in Teknaf, which increases the
beauty of nature.
[Tecknaf – A Wanderfull View of Nuf River]
We can come to Teknaf from Cox’s bazaar by an exotic jeep drive besides the Seashore or we
can go there by bus or Microbus by road. By road journey, it is 84 km from Cox’s Bazaar.
We can enjoy shopping in the local market called Burmese Market where we will find all the
Burmese & tribal hand made materials. Do not forget to see the Well of Ma-Thin – which tells
a sad story of love. Myanmar is on the opposite bank of Naf River. Wild animals and birds are
available but the most interesting thing is a journey on the river.

Prospects eco-tourism in Bangladesh

Eco-tourism is a process where the elements of the process are self-sufficient and their living
and growing process is occurred in automatic system.Bangladesh enjoys aunique position,
being easily accessible from many popular destinations in South Asia. This is a real advantage,
and particularly true of the chittagong Hill tracs that provides a truly pristine and exciting
destination for travelers. According to the lonely planet Bangladesh profile, three destinations
worth visiting are the Govinda Shilva and Jagannath Templets at Puthia, Rajshahi, St. Martin’s
Iland and Rangamati and Kaptai Lake in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The country is home to
Royal Bengal Tigers, Leopards Asiatic elephants, monkeys, langurs, gibbons (the only ape in
the subcontinent), others and mongooses. Reptiles include the sea tortoise, mud turtle, river
ttortoise, pythons, crocodiles, gharials and a variety of snakes. There are more than 600
species of birds, including the Paradise Flycatcher and the most spectacular kingfishers and
fishing eagles (IUCN,2000). The World Heritage Committee has included in the World Heritage
List and the Sundarbans.

Sundarban is the world biggest mangrove forest. In Bangladesh tourism, Sundarban plays the
most vital role. A large number of foreigners come to Bangladesh every year only to visit this
unique mangrove forest. Besides, local tourists also go to visit Sundarban every year. The area
of great Sundarban is approximately 6000 sq. km. The Sundarbans are the largest littoral
mangrove belt in the world, stretching 80km (50mi) into the Bangladeshi hinterland from the
coast. The forests aren’t just mangrove swamps though; they include some of the last
remaining stands of the mighty jungles, which once covered the Gangetic plain.
The Sundarbans cover an area of 38,500 sq km, of which about one-third is covered in water.
Since 1966 the Sundarbans have been a wildlife sanctuary, and it is estimated that there are
now 400 Royal Bengal tigers and about 30,000 spotted deer in the area.
Sundarbans is home to many different species of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles and fishes.
Over 120 species of fish and over 260 species of birds have been recorded in the Sundarbans.
The Gangetic River Dolphin (Platanista gangeticus) is common in the rivers. No less than 50
species of reptiles and eight species of amphibians are known to occur. The Sundarbans now

support the only population of the Estuarine, or Salt-Water Crocodile (Crocodiles paresis) in
Bangladesh, and that population is estimated at less than two hundred individuals
Means of Communication: Water transport is the only means of communication for visiting
the Sundarbans from Khulna or Mongla Port. Private motor launch, speedboats, country boats
as well as mechanized vessel of Mongla Port Authority might be hired for the purpose. From
Dhaka visitors may travel by air, road or rocket steamer to Khulna – the gateway to the
Sundarbans. Most pleasant journey from Dhaka to Khulna is by Paddle Steamer, Rocket
presenting a picturesque panorama of rural Bangladesh. Day and nightlong coach services by
road are also available. The quickest mode is by air from Dhaka to Jessore and then to Khulna
by road.
Journey time: It varies depending on tides against or in favor in the river. Usually it takes 6 to
10 hours journey by motor vessel from Mongla to Hiron Point or Katka.
Dublar Char (Island) for fishermen. It is a beautiful island where herds of spotted deer are
often seen to graze.

Katka is one of Heritage sites in Sunderban. In Katka there is a wooden watching tower of 40
ft. high from where you can enjoy the scenic beauty of Sunderban. A beautiful sea beach is
there is Katka; you will enjoy while you are walking to go the beach from the watching
tower. Verities birds are visible in Katka.

Hiran point
This is another tourist spot in Sunderban. It is called the world heritage state. You can enjoy
the beauty of wild nature and dotted dears walking and running in Hiron point.
There are also two other Heritage side in Sunderban; one is Kochikhali and the other is
Mandarbaria where you will find dears and birds. If you are lucky you can see the Great Royal
Bengal Tiger, but for sure you can at least see the stepping of Great Royal Bengal Tiger here
and there in these spots.

Karamjol is a forest station for the Rangers. Here you can see a dear breeding center. To visit
Sunderban you need to go there with a guide and it is even better if you go there with a group.
You can stay two/three days in Sunderban depending on your desire and requirements. One-
day tour is not enough for Sundarban as you will not be able to see the nature in haste. For
one-day tour you can go up to Karamjol and at a glance visit the outer portion of Sunderban
forest areas.
In your Sunderban tour you will be able to see a lots of verities birds (a heaven for the bird
watchers), can watch the fishing in the river by the fishermen, if you wish you can ask your
tour operator to give a stopover in the fishermen villages to watch their lifestyle, see lots of
animals like monkeys, various types Dears, foxes, Crocodiles, Snakes and if you are lucky
person you will be able to see the greatest mystery of Sunderban –The Royal Bengal Tiger.
Sunderban is one of main sources to collect pure honey. You should not forget to buy some

pure honey. Another inexpressible and unforgettable beauty you can enjoy if you can match
your timing of tour in full moon. In the full moon the nights in Sunderban could be one of the
most memorable nights for your whole life.
Flora and Fauna: The Sundarban is endowed by nature with rich flora and fauna. It is a
wonderful place to see or to shoot a Royal Bengal Tiger with Camera if one has the time to
wait in the forest. There are a good number of tigers in the Sundarban. Lovely spotted deer
are easy to find. Besides there are a wide variety of wildlife for which the Sundarban is so
Tourist season & Shooting: Best time to visit the Sundarban is from November to March.
Exciting honey collection season is during April-May. Hunting is prohibited by law in the
country for the preservation of wildlife. Certain species of birds, however, can be shot with
prior permission of the Divisional Forest Officer, Khulna

Chittagong Hill Tracks

Decidedly untypical of Bangladesh in topography and culture, the Chittagong Hill Tracts have
steep jungle hills, Buddhist tribal peoples and relatively low-density population. The tracts are
about 60km (37mi) east of Chittagong. The region comprises a mass of hills, ravines and cliffs
covered with dense jungle, bamboo, creepers and shrubs, and have four main valleys formed
by the Karnapuli, Feni, Shangu and Matamuhur rivers.
Rangamati, a lush and verdant rural area belonging to the Chakma tribe, is open to visitors,
as is Kaptai Lake. The lake, ringed by thick tropical and semi-evergreen forests, looks like
nothing else in Bangladesh. While the lake itself is beautiful, the thatched fishing villages
located on the lakeshore are what make a visit really special. Boats that visit the villages leave
from Rangamati. Bring were swimming gear because we can take a plunge anywhere.

The Hills
The Hill Tract is divided into four valleys surrounded by the Feni, Karnaphuli, Sangu (Sankhu)
and Matamuhuri rivers and their tributaries. The ranges or hills of the Hill Tracts rise steeply
thus looking far more impressive than what their height would imply and extend in long
narrow ridges. The highest peaks on the northern side are Thangnang, Langliang and
Khantiang while those on the southern side are Ramu, Taung, Keekradang, Tahjindong (4632
ft, highest in Bangladesh), Mowdok Mual, Rang Tlang and Mowdok Tlang.

Hill Districts
The Hill Tracts is divided into three districts, namely Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban.
N.B For visit of foreign tourists to the Hill Districts prior permission from the Government is
required which can be arranged through Tour Operators & BPC.

If we don’t visit Rangamati we will not discover a big portion of natural beauties of
Bangladesh. From Chittagong a 77 km. road amidst green fields and winding hills will take we
to Rangamati. It is also connected by waterway from Kaptai. This is the only place to visit

through out the year. Rangamati expresses her full beauty in rainy season. Trees becoming
greener, waterfalls are in full tide, the river Karnaphuli in her full wave in this season.
Parjatan holiday complex is the best place to stay in Rangamati. There are other hotels in
Rangamati where we can stay. Boating is the prime attraction in Rangamati. We can go to
Kaptai and also by Karnaphuli River we can go deep in side the hill areas where on the way
we will find lots of natural waterfalls. If we wish we can take shower in the waterfall or we
can swim in the river. By boat we can visit the tribal villages, King Chakma’s (tribal) Palace that
is called Chakma Rajbari, Rajbonbihar pagoda, Tribal museum etc. We can also enjoy the tribal
handmaid crafts if we go for shopping in the local market.

Khagrachhari is the natural wild beauty of Bangladesh. Here we can visit the tribal lifestyle
of Chakmas’ in Khagrachari. We can also visit Alutila hill. Approximately 100 meters long a
very dark Cave is the mysterious beauty of Alutila hill.

Lots of hills and hilly areas, waterfalls, River Sangu, Lakes and the tribal culture are the main
attraction of Bandarban.
We can go to Bandarban from Chittagong by road. Chimbuk hill is one of the major attractions
of Bandarban. We can enjoy the journey to Chimbuk Hill by jig jag hilly roads. It’s the third
highest mountain in Bangladesh of approx. 3000 ft height. Reach Chimbuk by jeep or microbus
from Rangamati. A beautiful Rest house is there on the top of Chimbuk hill.
Ruma is another hill town on the same rout of Chimbuk. If we wish to visit Ruma, then 01st
go to Ruma spend some time there and then come back to Chimbuk Hill.
We can enjoy the Shailapropat a waterfall in Bandarban. Its also a tourist attraction of
waterfall surrounded by hills & forest; be carefully while we go to Shailapropat – the rocky
path way is very slippery, if we are not cautious there is a good chance to sleep & make an
accident there.

The famous Chandranath Temple & Buddhist temples are in Sitakundu, 37 km for from
Chittagong city. Famous among the many temples in this place, the Chandranath Temple and
the Buddhist Temple has a footprint of Lord Buddha. These places particularly the hilltops are
regarded as very sacred by the Buddhists and the Hindus. Siva-chaturdashi festival is held
every year in February when thousands of pilgrims assemble for the celebrations, which last
about ten days. There is a salt-water spring 5 km. to the north of Sitakunda, known as
Labanakhya. We can enjoy the steer ridings to go to Chandranath’s temple by walking. It is
situated on the top of the hill from where we can enjoy the beauty of the sea & also the hill
areas. Now in Sitakunda there’s made an eco park.

St. Martins Island

St. Martins Island is the most beautiful Coral Island where it has live corals. Its only 30 km
from Teknaf and we can go there by local motorboat, tourist boats, or sea truck.

This small coral island about 10km (6mi) southwest of the southern tip of the mainland is a
tropical cliché, with beaches fringed with coconut palms and bountiful marine life. There’s
nothing more strenuous to do here than soak up the rays, but it’s a clean and peaceful place
without even a mosquito to disrupt our serenity.
It’s possible to walk around the island in a day because it measures only 8 sq km (3 sq mi),
shrinking to about 5 sq km (2 sq mi) during high tide. Most of island’s 5500 inhabitants live
primarily from fishing, and between October and April fisher people from neighboring areas
bring their catch to the island’s temporary wholesale market.
Cheera-dwip is a part of St. Martins Island but divided during tides. We can go to Cheera-dwip
by walking. About two and a half hours walk from St. Martins Island or we can go there also
by local motorboat or tourist boat. In that Island we will find the Corals – living and dead all
over the Island. A small bush is there which in the only green part of Cheera-dwip, enhancing
the beauty of this island. People do not live in this Island, so advisable for the tourists to go
there early and come back by afternoon.

Nijhum Island
This Island could be the next prime tourist spot after St. Martins Island. It’s a natural beauty
of mangrove forests where we find Dears of specific species and Monkeys. A huge numbers
of migrated birds come in this Island in winter season, enhancing the beauty of this Island.
The communication is not excellent but if some one wishes to bear the trouble to go to this
Island, he will be enchanted to see the beauty of this Island. We can go to this Island either
from Dhaka or from Chittagong.
From Chittagong first we have to go Hatia Island by Motor boat or Ship and from there we
can go to Nijhum Island by local motor boat. From Dhaka we can go Tomzuddion by launch
from Sadarghat launch terminal. From there we can go to Nijhum Island by local motorboat.
Accommodation is very limited for the tourists in this Island. We can take foods from local
restaurants but be careful about the quality of foods. If we can take prior permission for forest
department then we can stay in forest rest house in Nijhum Island. Another possibility for
accommodation is in District Parishod Guest house. If we take the permission from Thana
administration (TNO) of Hatia we can also stay in the District Parishod Guest house. For the
adventure seekers Nijhum Island could be one of the greatest experience of journey and it
will be a memorable enjoyment to stay and pass some days in this isolatedIsland.

Bhawal National Park

Bhawal National Park is in Gazipur district 45 km far from Dhaka in the north side. It is a vast
(1,600 acres) national recreational forest with Picnic spots; jangles of Gajari trees surrounded
by a beautiful lake .we can enjoy boats horse riding here. Especially in the winter, season lots
of picnic party enjoy their day in this par

Jaflong is one of the most attractive tourist spots in Sylhet division. It’s about 60 km far from
Sylhet town and takes two hours drive to reach there. Jaflong is also a scenic spot nearby
amidst tea gardens and rate beauty of rolling stones from hills. It is situated besides the river
Mari in the lap of Hill Khashia. The Mari river is coming from the great Himalayas of India,
which bringing million tons of stone boulders with its tide. You can watch the stone collection
from the river in Jaflong as well as you can enjoy the boating in the river Mari. Jaflong is totally
a hilly area of real natural beauty where hills are greenish with the forests.
Lots of wild animal lives in this forest, so you need to be careful to enter in the forest alone.
You can see the lifestyle of Tribe Khashia in Jaflong. If you intend to visit Jaflong it is advisable
to start from Sylhet in the early morning so that you can comeback by evening covering the
other tourists spots of nearby areas of Jaflong. The other tourist areas nearby Jaflong are
Tamabil, Sripur and Jaintapur.

Srimongal is the place of tea gardens, hills and forest areas on the hills. Within your eyesight
you will find green throughout. Its is famous for the largest tea gardens of world covered by
lush green carpet. One can have a look into the spectacular tea processing at Tea Research
Institute. Bangladesh produces and exports a large quantity of high quality tea every year.
Most of the tea estates are in Sremongol. It is called “The land of two leaves and a bud”.
It is also called camellia, green carpet or Tea Mountain. There are a lot of tea estates including
the largest one in the world. The terraced tea garden, pineapple, rubber and lemon
plantations from a beautiful landscape. It is known as the tea capital in Bangladesh. Just offer
entering into the tea estates the nice smells and green beauty will lead you many kilometers
away. There are some hotels in Srimongol where you can stay, but if you can manage to stay
in the Tea garden that will give you a different type of memorable experience. For that you
will have to take the permission from the owner of any tea state.

Madhabkunda Waterfall
Madhabkunda waterfall is one of the most attractive tourist spots in Sylhet division. Lots of
tourists and picnic parties come to Madhabkunda every day for their enjoyment. You can go
to Madhabkunda either from Sylhet if you go by road or from Kulaura if you go by train.
From Kulaura rail station it’s about one-hour journey by microbus to Madhabkunda. The
journey to Madhabkunda itself is exotic. On the way you can see the greenish beauty of tea
garden, the hills and the zigzag road through the hills will increase the joy of your journey. In
Madhabkunda you will see the great waterfall – falls of million tons of water form 200ft.
height. Big bolder of stones and the black stones in giving a shape of care in Madhabkundu.
There is a Parjatan Motel with a good restaurant for accommodation and fooding.
There is also a district council Bunglow for night stay. Here you can enjoy adventurous feelings
to stay in a jungle. All you need to have a prior booking for the bunglow from Moulvibazar
Zilla Parishad office.

Lawacherra Rain Forest

Lawacherra Rain Forest is one of the important & well-reserved forests in Bangladesh. Here
visitor may see gibbons swimming through the trees and birds like bee-eater owls parrot. It is
a good habitant of Deer, leopard, wild chicken, squirrel, and python. Don’t miss it especially
if you are bird watcher. The terrain is hilly and vegetation is fairly thick. Only one rare
Chloroform tree of Asia is prime attraction.
Khasia & Manipuri is two important ethnic-tribe live here. Manipuri is famous for its rich
culture especially for dancing, singing. They are also famous for their traditional weaving. You
can buy their handicrafts exquisitely woven woolen. Shawls, Sharee, Napkin, bed-cover and
some should a bags. It is known as colorful community. Khasia tribe is famous for their betel
leaf cultivation. They make their villages high on hilltop in deep forest and so far from town.
It is like “A Piece of Paradise”. Certainly it will please you.

Prospects of Cultural tourism in Bangladesh

Ahsan Manjil
Basially, it was the residence of the Nawab Abdul Gani who renovated this building in the year
1872 and named it after his son Khaza Ahasanullah. On the bank of river Buriganga in Dhaka
the Pink majestic, Ahsan Manjil has been renovated and turned into a museum recently. It is
an epitome of the nation’s rich cultural heritage. Open 9 am- 5 pm from Saturday to
Wednesday and 3-5 pm on Friday. Thursday is close.

Lalbagh Fort
The fort of Aurangabad, popularly known as the Lalbagh Fort, was built in 1678 AD by the
then Viceroy of Bengal Prince Mohammad Azam, son of the Mughal Emperor Aurangazeb.
The fort has a three storied structure with slender minarets at the South Gate. It has many
hidden passages and a mosque of massive structure. Outstanding among the monuments of
the Lalbagh Fort are the Tomb of Pari Bibi (Fairy lady) and Audience room and Hummam
Khana (bathing place) of Nawab Shaista Khan, now housing a museum.
Lalbagh fort is in the old town of Dhaka at Lalbagh. It is open 10 am-5 pm Sunday to Friday &
Saturday is closed.

Central Shahid Minar

Symbol of Bengali Nationalism. This monument was built to commemorate the martyrs of the
historic Language movement of 1952. Hundreds and thousands of people with floral wreaths
and bouquet gather on 21 February every year to pay respect in a solemn atmosphere.

On the Dhaka-Chittagong highway about 29 km from Dhaka, Sonargaon is one of the oldest
capitals of Bengal. It was the seat of Deva Dynasty until the 13th century. From that century
onward till the advent of the Mughals, Sonargaon was the subsidiary capital of the Sultanate
of Bengal. Another name of Sonargaon was “The City of Panam”. Now, the relies of buildings

of the old dynasties, Goaldia Mosque and the Folklore Museum that houses artifacts from
every cultural trait of the country increase the attractions of this place.
At Jainal Abedin Museum in Sonargaon, we will find some historical and archeological things.
Among the ancient monuments still intact are the Tomb of Sultan Ghiasuddin (1399-1409 A.
D), the shrines of Panjpirs and Shah Abdul Alia and a beautiful mosque in Goaldi village.

National Martyrs Memorial

National Martyrs Memorial is situated in Nabinagar, Savar approximately 35 km from Dhaka.
The memorial designed by architect Moinul Hossain is dedicated to the sacred memory of the
millions of unknown martyrs of the war of liberation. This Martyrs Memorial is a symbol of
Bengali nationalism. It is really a scenic beauty of 108 acre of land. The top of this monument
is 150 ft. high, which consists other 07 triangular monuments. Its open 07 days a week besides
this monument we can enjoy our foods in Parjatan restaurant opposite of memorial gate.

Lalmai Moinamoti and Shalbon Bihar

They are famous historical and archeological places around Comilla. These are a series of
hillocks, where the Northern part is called Moinamoti and the Southern part is called Lalmai;
and Shalbon Bihar is in the Middle of Lalmai and Moinamoti, which the was established in 8th
century by King Buddadev. Salban Vihara, almost in the middle of the Mainarnati-Lalmai hill
range consists of 115 cells, built around a spacious courtyard with cruciform temple in the
centre facing its only gateway complex to the north resembling that of the Paharpur
Kotila Mura situated on a flattened hillock, about 5 km north of Salban Vihara inside the
Comilla Cantonment is a picturesque Buddhist establishment. Here three stupas are found
side by side representing the Buddhist “Trinity” or three jewels i.e. the Buddha, Dharma and
Charpatra Mura is an isolated small oblong shrine situated about 2.5 km. north-west of kotila
Mura stupas. The only approach to the shrine is from the East through a gateway, which leads
to a spacious hall.
If we are in Comilla and already visited Lalmai, Moinamoti then don’t miss to go Moinamoti
museum – where we will find the historical things found in Lalmai & Moinamoti of 7th & 8th
centuries. The Mainamati site Museum has a rich and varied collection of copper plates, gold
and silver coins and 86 bronze objects. Over 150 bronze statues have been recovered mostly
from the monastic cells, bronze stupas, stone sculptures and hundreds of terracotta plaques
each measuring on an average of 9″ high and 8″ to 12″ wide. Mainamati is only 114 km. from
Dhaka City and is just a day’s trip by road on way to Chittagong.

Mahasthangarh [Bogra]
Mohasthangarh is one of the main attractions in north Bengal. It was the capital of Kingdom
of the Mourjo, the Gupta and the Sen Dynasty. This is the ancient archeological and historical
which was, established in 2500 BC. It is the oldest archaeological site of Bangladesh is on the
western bank of river Karatoa 18 km. north of Bogra town beside Bogra-Rangpur Road. The
spectacular site is an imposing landmark in the area having a fortified, oblong enclosure

measuring 5000 ft. by 4500 ft. with an average height of 15 ft. from the surrounding paddy
fields. Beyond the fortified area, other ancient ruins fan out within a semicircle of about five
miles radius. Several isolated mounds, the local names of which are Govinda Bhita Temple,
Khodai Pathar Mound, Mankalir Kunda, Parasuramer Bedi, Jiyat Kunda etc. surround the
fortified city. This 3rd century archaeological site is still held to be of great sanctity by the
Hindus. Every year (mid-April) and once in every 12 years (December) thousands of Hindu
devotees join the bathing ceremony on the bank of river Karatoa.
Paharpur Buddhist Monastery
Paharpur Buddhist Monastery is another tourist attraction of North Bengal. Paharpur is a
small village 5 km. west of Jamalganj in the greater Rajshahi district. You can go to Paharpur
from Jaipur district. Its only 10 km from Jaipur. King Dharma Pal established Paharpur
Buddhist Monastery in 7th century, which is the most important and the largest known
monastery south of the Himalayas, has been excavated. The main Mandir is in the center of
this Monastery. This 7th century archaeological find covers approximately an area of 27 acres
of land.
A small site-Museum built in 1956-57 houses the representative collection of objects
recovered from the area, where you can see the statues of Buddha and Vishnu. The excavated
findings have also been preserved at the Varendra Research Museum at Rajshahi. The
antiquities of the museum include terracotta plaques, images of different gods and
goddesses, potteries, coins, inscriptions, ornamental bricks and other minor clay objects.

Prospects of Religious tourism in Bangladesh

The Shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal
Shrine of Saint Hazrat Shah Jalal is the most historical interest in Sylhet town. Today, more
than six hundred years after his death, the shrine is visited by innumerable devotees of every
caste and creed, who make the journey from far away places. Legend says, the great saint
who came from Delhi to preach Islam and defeated the then Hindu Raja (king) Gour Gobinda,
transformed the witchcraft followers of the Raja into catfishes which are still alive in the tank
adjacent to the shrine Swords, the holy Quran and the robes of the holy saint are still
preserved in the shrine.

Shrine of Hajrat Khan Jahan Ali

Besides the Shat Gambuj Mosque, shrine of Hajrat Khan Jahan Ali is only 3 km ahead. You can
go there by rickshaw (a three wheeled peddler). A great number of tourist goes the shrine to
pray for this great man Hajrat Khan Jahan Ali. From this shrine a steamer goes to the Thakur
Dighi where you will find the ancient crocodiles in this Dighi. (Dighi is a local name of larger
pond) Besides this Dighi a Nine Gambuj Mosque is an attraction also for the tourists.

Shrine of Hazrat Bayezead Bostami

The shrine of this famous saint is situated in Chittagong. This great priest came to Chittagong
in 10th Century to spread the religion of Islam. We can also visit the ancient rare variety of
Turtles in the Dighi in the Shrine premises. This shrine attracts a large number of visitors and
pilgrims. At its base is a large tank with several hundred tortoises. Tradition has it that these
animals are the descendants of the evil spirits (genii) who were cast into this shape because
they incurred the wrath of the great saint who visited the place about 1100 years age.

Shrine of Shah Amanat

The Shrine of Shah Amanat is another place of religious attraction, located in the heart of
the town; the shrine is visited by hundreds of people everyday who pay homage to the
memory of the saint.

Shat Gambuj Mosque

In mid-15th century, a Muslim colony was founded in the inhospitable mangrove forest of the
Sundarbans near the seacoast in the Bagerhat district by an obscure saint-General, named
Ulugh Khan Jahan. He was the earliest torch bearer of Islam in the South who laid the nucleus
of an affluent city during the reign of Sultan Nasiruddin Mahmud Shah (1442-59), then known
as ‘Khalifalabad’ (present Bagerhat). Khan Jahan aborned his city with numerous mosques,
tanks, roads and other public buildings, the spectacular ruins of which are focused around the
most imposing and largest multidomed mosques in Bangladesh, known as the Shait-Gumbad
Masjid (160’X108′). The stately fabric of the monument, serene and imposing, stands on the
eastern bank of an unusually vast sweet-water tank, clustered around by the heavy foliage of
a low-laying countryside, characteristic of a sea-coast landscape. So in the year 1459 the great
Azam Ulugh Khan Jahan established this mosque, which called Shat Gambuj Mosjid. In Bengali
Shat means the number 60. Though it is called Shat Gambuj Mosjid, actually the numbers of
Gamboj in the mosque are 81. The mosque roofed over with 77 squat domes, including 7
chauchala or four-sided pitched Bengali domes in the middle row. The vast prayer hall,
although provided with 11 arched doorways on east and 7 each on north and south for
ventilation and light, presents a dark and somber appearance inside. It is divided into 7
longitudinal aisles and 11 deep bays by a forest of slender stone columns, from which springs
rows of endless arches, supporting the domes. Six feet thick, slightly tapering walls and hollow
and round, almost detached corner towers, resembling the bastions of fortress, each capped
by small rounded cupolas, recall the Tughlaq architecture of Delhi.
The general appearance of this noble monument with its stark simplicity but massive
character reflects the strength and simplicity of the builder. This mosque is 160 ft long and
108 ft. in its width. This is one of the most beautiful archeological and historical Mosque in
Bangladesh made by red burn mud.
The archeological beauty of this Mosque enchants the tourist till now. Besides this Mosque
an archeological museum is there where you can find that times archeological and historical

Star Mosque
A very beautiful mosque of the city is situated at Mahuttuly on Abul Khairat Rd; just west of
Armanitola Govt. High School. Architecturally faultless (Mughal style) is a five-dome mosque
with hundreds of big and small twinkling stars as surface decorations.
The stars have been created by setting pieces of chinaware on white cement. Seen from the
front and from far it looks as if shining above the surface of the earth. The inside of it is even
more beautiful that the outside, lovely mosaic floor and excellent tiles with many floral
patterns set on the walls, are all in complete harmony. The Sitara Masjid was built originally
with three domes in early 18th century by Mirza Ghulam Pir, a highly respectable Zamindar
of Dhaka.

Choto Sona Mosque

One of the most graceful monument of the Sultanate period is the Chhota Sona Masjid or
Small Golden Mosque at Gaur in Rajshahi Built by one Wali Muhammad during the reign of
Sultan Alauddin Husain Shah (1493-1519). Originally it was roofed over with 15 gold-gilded
domes including the 3 Chauchala domes in the middle row, from which it derives its curious

Dhakeshwari Temple
Dhakeshwari Temple (11th Century) situated at the place where the old part of Dhaka meets
the new part. This is the oldest Hindu temple in Dhaka City. The name Dhakeshwari is also
associated with the origin of the name Dhaka.

Kantajees Temple [Dinajpur]

Kantajee’s Temple is in Dinajpur district. It is the most ornate among the late medieval
temples of Bangladesh is the Kantajee’s temple near Dinajpur town, which was established in
the year 1722 by Ram Nath, son of Maharaja Pran Nath. The temple, a 51′ square three storied
edifice, rests on a slightly curved raised plinth of sandstone blocks, believed to have been
quarried from the ruins of the ancient city of Bangarh near Gangharampur in West Bengal. It
was originally a navaratna temple, crowned with four richly ornamental corner towers on two
stores and a central one over the third stored.
Every inch of the temple surface is beautifully embellished with exquisite terracotta plaques,
representing flora fauna, geometric motifs, mythological scenes and an astonishing array of
contemporary social scenes and favorite pastimes. The beautiful wall paints of this temple tell
us the story of Ramayan-Mohabharat, Krishna-Lila and Dev-Devies.

Other Attractive Spots

Bangladesh National Museum
Bangladesh national museum is situated in shahbag. Located at the central point of the city.
The museum contains a large number of interesting collections including sculptures and
paintings of the Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim periods as well as inscriptions of the Holy Quran
in Arabic and Persian letters and Bengali works in the Arabic script.

The museum also has a rich collection of old coins, metal images, books on art, silver filigree
works etc. Though established in 1913 it was refurbished and opened in the year 1983. It’s
open from Friday to Wednesday, 9 am to 6 pm. Wer mind must be going to the old era when
we visit this museum.

Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban:

Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban (Parliament House) located at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar has distinctive
architectural features. Designed by the famous architect Louis I. Kahn, it may be called an
architectural wonder of this region.

Curzon Hall
Beautiful architectural building named after Lord Curzon. It now houses the Science Faculty
of Dhaka University.

National Zoo
National Zoo is in Mirpur, 20 km. from the center of Dhaka besides the river Turag. Its open
10 am – 5 pm, 7 days a week, where we can see the animals of Bangladesh and some
animals from abroad. This Zoo is also popularly known as Mirpur Zoo. Colorful and attractive
collections of different local and foreign species of animals and birds including the majestic
Royal Bengal Tiger are available here.

Botanical Garden
Botanical Garden is also situated in Mirpur just besides the National Zoo, built on an area of
205 acres of land. Approximately 50,000 plants and trees are there of 1200 species. Main
attraction of this garden is rose garden. Approximately 300 species of roses are there in this
garden. It is open 7 days a week. If we go to this garden, it is advisable we visit National Zoo
at a same time.

Baitul Mukarram Mosque

Baitul Mukarram Mosque is situated at Purana Paltan east of Bangladesh Secretariat and
north of Dhaka Stadium. Largest Mosque in the city, three storied and built after the pattern
of the Kaba Sharif. Very beautiful and costly decorations in the interior. Long lawn, garden
and rows of fountains to the south and east. The mosque is on a very high platform. Lovely
flights of stairs lead to it; from the south, east and north. On the east is a vast veranda,
which is also used for prayer and Eid congregation. Below in the ground floor is a shopping
Dhaka is a city of mosques. Other Prominent Mosques are the seven Domed Mosque (17th
century), Star Mosque (18th century), Chawkbazar Mosque and Huseni Dalan Mosque.

Economic Aspects of Tourism Industry:

Tourism: The Next Driving Sector of Bangladesh Economy:
The last decade has seen Bangladesh go through some major revolutions in all aspects:
economic, social, cultural are just some of the first few areas. Be it the modernization of our
education system, the trend in the job market composition, the infrastructural development
or whatnot — we, Bangladeshis, adapted to these changes with superb aplomb. And the end
result has been most productive. The bad news is that we have a tendency of waiting for the
next person to take the first step or for disaster to strike us before struggling through the
repercussions. Even worse so, we tend to fall into a stagnant pattern when someone hands
us a boon with a sigh of relief that we did not have to seek a better alternative. In other words,
we are a society of languid people who make the pretence of being preoccupied with “more
important” things.
This has to change. Forums, agencies, associations, the numerous talks and meetings and
round tables, the large organizations and the ministry all profess their devotions to the change
for a better future, but where is the proof of their work? With the turn of the new millennium,
the nation saw the creation of the National Tourism Council (NTC) headed by the Prime
Minister and advised by the Committee of Tourism under the Ministry of Civil Aviation and
Tourism, in cooperation with Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC). So many impressive
organizational bodies after one goal. The group held its first meeting in May 2000 to plan the
development process of implementing sustainable tourism in the country. What was the
result of all this? In 1998, Cambodia received 96,000 tourists; that year Bangladesh received
150,000 tourists. In 2006, Cambodia received about 2,000,000 tourists and Bangladesh,
200,000. Cambodia earned a whopping US $1 billion that year in comparison to Bangladesh
earning a mere US $89 million. It goes to show that we failed miserably to learn from our
surrounding nations.
The problem is that no one is producing goal oriented implementations. Our nation has all
the attractions to be a formidable competitor to other Asian countries who earn a high
percentage of export revenue from tourism. We are no less “incredible” than India and no
less “truly Asia” than Malaysia. Yet, whereas the tourism receipt as a percentage of export
earning for India in 2005 was 7.1% and Malaysia 19.8%, for Bangladesh it was only 2.1%. The
secret behind India and Malaysia’s much higher revenue is their active campaign in the past
few years promoting their national wonders abroad. The fact that Bangladesh has been left
behind in this aspect is that our nation’s lack of tourism campaign is no secret. But from the
hill tracts of Rangamati to the long sandy beaches of Cox’s Bazaar, from the Royal Bengal Tiger
of our piece of the Rain Forest Sundarban to the Terracotta Temples of Bogra, we have a
nation that is rich in all its natural glory and social culture alike.
At the moment, our main focus towards foreign earning is the textile, RMG, and leather
sector, whereby we are mostly dependent on FDI capital to support these industries. Yes,
granted that these industries generate high employment and contribute 72% to our GNP, but
is it not time for us to move out of the shell of being a developing country and become self
sufficient for the well being of our nation as a whole and as individuals? And while the

manufacturing industry has done a lot to benefit our economy in the last decade, if there is
one sector that can generate economic growth from all facets, it is TOURISM.
There are 10 million Non-Residential Bangladeshis throughout the world, and yet their
remittance can easily be arranged right here on our home ground. The Tourism & Hospitality
industry involves many branches of operations under its umbrella, from the lodging and
traveling of visitors to the manufacturing of local handicraft products and providing of
communication facilities. It gives birth to making room for many foreign organizations that
would not have previously bothered opening up shop in our country, such as the sudden surge
of the airlines agencies in Bangladesh like Etihad and Best Air Aviation. In recent years, huge
orders for aircraft have been placed internationally and now we may partake in the scoop as
Because tourism is such a vastly diverse industry linked to many other industries, it generates
increase in the GDP without even batting an eye. It brings in foreign currency through the
export of services in the forms of hospitality and travel, and through the selling of
commodities when foreign visitors purchase local products to take back home as souvenirs.
It generates employment for the local populace as it instigates the mushrooming of many
new trades and their respective organizations. It puts the country in the international
limelight when visitors take back the good word of mouth with them to their home nations.
All this without sending out our labor force abroad to spend our national income there. And
it is perfect for Bangladesh because ours is also a country of amiable folks and because labor
force is a resource we have in abundance.
Now that we have discussed thoroughly the benefits tourism can reap for us, we should back
our qualitative statements with some relevant statistics, though accurate statistics is rare in
our culture. If we take the recent rise of hotels in the country into account, we have a potential
hospitality turnover that can be estimated to be more than some US $450 million. Simply the
outbound ticketing revenue in 2008 for Bangladesh was over US $356 million, and in an
average scenario that makes only 25% of the travel industry revenue. If we take into Lodging
and Conveyance, Food Consumption, Shopping, and Miscellaneous into revenue account, we
have a potential industry of tourism and hospitality that is worth over US $1.5 billion. Last
year, Bangladesh incurred its highest ever outbound travelers at 289,000 heads counted, and
United Nations World Trade Organization estimated there to be over 8 billion travelers to be
incurred in 2008. The potential GDP that this estimation can serve us if we are able to slice
into this pie boggles the mind. With such potentials awaiting us, it is a crime simply to remain
a poor nation.
The expectation from the neutral government when it showed an initial assertiveness to
stamp out corruption and hurl the nation into an upsurge of economic activity was that
perhaps this would be the time when growth of the nation would be instigated with renewed
vigor. That hope was dashed when the neutral government became obsessed with bringing
justice to political lawbreakers and let the economy tilt to woe. Yet, it would not have been
hard to stimulate the economy out of deficit with some minor tinkering on behalf of our
tourism sector. We do not need a big wish list to bring about changes and bring in foreign
guests. Basic infrastructure to provide physical communication to all parts of the nation,

hygienic rest stops and guest houses, transport and civil security should be there simply to
support the growing trend of local travelers. And one other thing that might be needed is
vocational institutes to provide educated unemployed youths with the technical knowledge
to provide them occupancy and keep them out of hardship and more negative alternatives,
such as done to organize hospitality support in the Middle East, Europe and Australia or simply
in our neighboring India and Malaysia.
The fact of the matter is that Tourism can open up many doors for our nation. It is not about
generating more employment or for bringing home more foreign currencies or for higher
GDP; it is for the economy as a whole that we need to shift the lion share of our concentration
to Tourism. It is simply because this is one avenue that allows us to make a pot load of money
and feed a truck load of mouths on international income without reaching out for aid or even
leaving our national premises.

Role of Government to Develop Tourism Industry:

Having realized the importance of tourism’s multidimensional effects such as the balance of
payment situation, diversification of the economy, expansion of revenues & generation of
employment opportunities directly &indirectly Bangladesh should give top most priority to
the tourism industry.
Tourism development may be an important for economic advancement for Bangladesh if
necessary initiatives are taken. For overall sustainable development of Bangladesh tourism
comprises as one of the key development components. Moreover, the natural &cultural
blessings of the country have prescribed numerous attractions & debenture to offer the
tourists of all kinds and at all seasons. A strategic master plan has also been formulated by
the world tourism organization with the assistance of UNDP for integrated development of
tourism in the country.
Steps have been taken to develop tourism infrastructure in phases as per the
recommendations of the master plan which include creation of tourist facilities at various
places. Besides, this initiatives may be taken to include projects in the next ADP.
It is common knowledge that tourism can’t grow in isolation it is a multi – sector industry.
Govt. are only just starter but effective and active participation between the public and
private sectors, non – governmental organizations, institutional bodies and local communities
should be ensured to get the fruitful effects of tourism industry. So, committed efforts are
needed from both the public and private sectors for full development and utilization of the
potentials of the tourism industry.

Findings and Problems identification:

 There is negative image about Bangladesh among the visitors.

 Development planning of govt. does not give importance to proper infrastructure in

this sector.
 There are problems of security, accessibility and accommodation of tourist.
 Tourists face problems in getting visas and travel formalities in Bangladesh missions.
 There is lack of fund allocation in national budget.
 There is lack of proper marketing plans for tourism products for the generation
countries of the world.
 There is lack of coordination among concerned ministries, departments, agencies
&bodies of growth.
 There is lack of institutional capacity of the ministry of civil aviation & tourism in
general and the BPC in particular.

 The Government should develop infrastructure & road network connecting Dhaka
will all attraction of Bangladesh.
 The government should simplify the visa immigration formalities.
 We should ensure safety & security for tourist, especially at the tourist spots.
 We should use especially trained up police in tourism security or “tourist police”.
 We should establish coordination among all the concerned ministries, department
 We should allocate funds in the national budget and initiate immediate loan system
for private sector tourism entrepreneurs & tour operators including BPC to create
more facilities.
 We should establish casino at hill district area.
 We should exempt tourism industry from the purview tax & vat at least for 10 years.
 We should run tourism business both by the govt. & private sector simultaneously to
maintain the standardization of services.

In recent years’ tourism has become a major element in the balance of payments of many
countries. In this situation Bangladesh is not a good position to attract the international
tourists. Bangladesh accounts for only 4.5% of all international tourists visiting South Asian
countries, and almost two-thirds of foreign tourist arrivals in Bangladesh are from India,
Pakistan, and South Asian countries. The majority of visitors from the UK and USA are ethnic
Bangladeshis, who used to come to visit relatives and friends. Almost 60% of foreign tourist

arrivals are for business or official purpose, and the number leisure tourist’s arrivals is
insignificant. Among the reasons for this are the inadequate role of the National Tourist
Organization (BPC) in developing the touristic image of Bangladesh, the absence of essential
infrastructural systems and facilities needed by tourists, identify the target and potential
markets, and unplanned development constructions projects.


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