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MANUWERE G. 5406771Z
Maths Schemes Of Work

Form Four

First Term


The syllabus will enable learners to:

 develop an understanding of mathematical concepts and processes in a way that encourages confidence, enjoyment and interest

 further acquire appropriate mathematical skills and knowledge

 develop the ability to think clearly, work carefully and communicate mathematical ideas successfully

 apply mathematics in other learning areas and in life

 develop an appreciation of the role of mathematics in personal, community and national development

 engage, persevere, collaborate and show intellectual honesty in performing tasks in mathematics, in the spirit of Unhu/


 use I.C.T tools to solve mathematical problems


The syllabus will enable learners to:

 use mathematical symbols, terms and definitions in problem solving

 construct appropriate mathematical models that can be applied in solving problems in life

 draw inferences through manipulation of mathematical data

 communicate mathematical ideas and information clearly and effectively in various contexts

 solve a wide range of problems involving algebraic and geometric concepts

 apply mathematical concepts in other learning areas

 use I.C.T tools in problem solving

 conduct research projects including those related to enterprise



Velocity Time curves 1
TRAVEL GRAPHS Distance time curves
Gradient 1
LINEAR GRAPHS Drawing Graphs
Elimination 1
Algebraic Solution 2
INEQUALITIES Graphical solution
Linear programming
Direct 1&1/2
Quantities(Volume, density, mass, etc) 1
MENSURATION Cuboids, Prisms, cylinders
Sine formula 1&1/2
Fractions(+-x÷) 2
FRACTIONS IN ALGEBRA Undefined fractions
Rounding off 1

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills & Learning Methods References
able to: attitudes)
TRAVEL -Draw and interpret » Decision Tr asks pupils to draw » National
GRAPHS displacement time making graphs on their graph Syllabus.
curves » Team work papers » Chalkboard
Lesson 1 » Critical thinking » NGM4
» Leadership Pg63, 250

- interpret » Decision Tr questions learners » National

Lesson 2 & 3 displacement time making leading to a discussion Syllabus.
curves » Leadership Learners solve » NGM4 pg63,
problems 150

Lesson 4 » Critical thinking Tr asks pupils to draw » National

-Draw and interpret » Decision graphs on their graph Syllabus.
velocity/speed time making papers » NGM4
curves » Leadership » Pg63, 150

Lesson 5 -interpret » Decision Tr questions learners » NGM pg150

velocity/speed time making leading to a discussion
curves » Leadership Learners solve
Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on travel making present working to papers
graphs » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Content Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
SIMULTENEOUS -solve simultaneous » Decision Tr asks pupils how to » National
EQUATIONS linear equations making solve simultaneous Syllabus.
using elimination » Team work equations using » Chalkboard
Lesson 1 method » Critical methods leant at ZJC » NGM3
thinking level Pg208
» Leadership

-write a revision test » Decision Learners write a » National

Lesson 2 & 3 on travel graphs and making revision test under Syllabus.
vectors. » Leadership exam conditions » Past exam


Lesson 4 -revise the test » Critical Tr asks pupils to » National

written in previous thinking sketch graphs in Syllabus.
lesson » Decision their ex bks » Past exam
making papers
» Leadership
Lesson 5 -solve simultaneous » Decision Tr questions learners » NGM3
linear equations making leading to a Pg210
using substitution » Leadership discussion Ex
method Learners solve
Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
simultaneous » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
LINEAR -find the gradient of » Decision Tr demonstrates how » National
GRAPHS a straight line given making to find the gradient Syllabus.
two points » Team work of a line » Chalkboard
Lesson 1 » Critical » NGM4
thinking Pg32
» Leadership

-draw straight line » Decision Tr questions learners » National

Lesson 2 & 3 graphs with given making leading to a Syllabus.
equations » Leadership discussion » NGM4 pg32
Learners draw graphs

Lesson 4 » Critical Tr asks pupils to » National

-sketching straight thinking sketch graphs in their Syllabus.
line graphs given a » Decision ex bks » NGM4
point and gradient. making » Pg35
» Leadership

Lesson 5 -Finding equation of » Decision Tr questions learners » NGM pg36

a straight line (a) making leading to a Ex 5d
given a point and » Leadership discussion
gradient. (b) given Learners solve
two points problems
Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on straight making present working to papers
line graphs » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
INEQUALITIES -write down » Decision Tr demonstrates how » National
inequalities shown making to interpret number Syllabus.
Lesson 1 by given number » Team work lines » Chalkboard
lines » Critical » NGM3
-draw number lines thinking Pg236
to represent given » Leadership Ex 27a
-solve simultaneous » Decision Tr questions learners » National

Lesson 2 & 3 linear inequalities making leading to a Syllabus.

-listing solution set » Leadership discussion » NGM3 pg237
in form of integers. Learners solve Ex 27b
Lesson 4 » Critical Tr asks learners to » National
-showing solution thinking draw inequalities on Syllabus.
set of inequalities in » Decision graph paper, shading » NGM3
two variables making the unwanted » Pg239
» Leadership regions. Ex27c

Lesson 5 -showing solution » Decision Tr asks learners to » NGM4

set of inequalities in making draw inequalities on Pg144
two variables » Leadership graph paper and find Ex 17a
solution set.
Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
inequalities » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
INEQUALITIES -draw inequalities » Decision Learners draw » National
on a graph paper making inequalities on graph Syllabus.
Lesson 1 and find maximum » Team work papers and find » Chalkboard
and minimum of » Critical maxima and minima » NGM4
expressions. thinking of expressions Pg145
» Leadership Ex 17b

-write a revision test » Decision Learners write a » Past exam

Lesson 2 & 3 under exam making revision test under questions
conditions » Leadership exam conditions

Lesson 4 - solve linear » Critical Tr leads a discussion » National

programming thinking of solving linear Syllabus.
problems » Decision programming solving » NGM3
making » Pg146
» Leadership Ex17b

Lesson 5 - solve linear » Decision Tr leads a discussion » NGM4

programming making of solving linear Pg147
problems » Leadership programming solving Ex 17b

Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on linear making present working to papers
programming » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
VARIATION -solve problems of » Decision Tr demonstrates how » National
direct variation making to solve problems Syllabus.
Lesson 1 » Team work involving direct » Chalkboard
» Critical variation. » NGM4
thinking Pg68
» Leadership Ex 9a

-solve problems of » Decision Tr questions learners » National


Lesson 2 & 3 direct variation making how to solve Syllabus.

between non-linear » Leadership problems involving » NGM4 pg71
quantities direct variation Ex 9b
between non-linear
Lesson 4 » Critical Tr introduces inverse » National
- solve problems of thinking variation by Syllabus.
inverse variation » Decision demonstration and » NGM4
making groups pupils to solve » Pg73
» Leadership problems Ex9c

Lesson 5 - solve problems of » Decision Tr leads the » NGM4

joint variation making discussion on solving Pg75
» Leadership joint variation Ex 9d
Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
variation » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
VARIATION -solve problems of » Decision Tr demonstrates how » National
partial variation making to solve problems Syllabus.
Lesson 1 » Team work involving partial » Chalkboard
» Critical variation. NGM4 pg75
thinking Ex 9d
» Leadership

-write a revision test » Decision Learners write a » Past exam

Lesson 2 & 3 under exam making revision test under questions
conditions » Critical exam conditions

MENSURATION » Critical Class discussion on » National

Lesson 4 - find volume of thinking how to find volume Syllabus.
prisms » Decision of prisms » NGM4
making » Pg79
» Leadership Ex10a

Lesson 5 - find volume and » Decision Tr questions learners » NGM4

surface area of solid making leading to a Pg75
shapes e. g cylinders » Leadership discussion on finding Ex 10b
and spheres volume of shapes
Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
mensuration » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
MENSURATION -solve problems » Decision Class discussion on » National
involving addition making addition and Syllabus.
Lesson 1 and subtraction of » Team work subtraction of » Chalkboard
volumes » Critical volumes. NGM4 pg84
thinking Ex 10c
» Leadership

SINE RULE -solve triangles » Decision Demonstration, » NGM4

Lesson 2 & 3 using the sine rule making group-work and » Ex4c
» Leadership feedback » Pg29

Lesson 4 - use sine rule » Critical Class discussion on » National

concept to solve thinking how to solve bearing Syllabus.
problems involving » Decision problems » NGM4
bearing making » Pg31
» Leadership Ex4d

Lesson 5 - Use sine rule to » Decision Class discussion and » NGM4

solve triangles and making solving of problems in » Pg31
bearing problems. » Leadership different situations Ex4d

Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on sine making present working to papers
rule and » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning Methods References
able to: & attitudes)
FRACTIONS IN » Decision » NGM4
ALGEBRA making » Ex 7a
» Team work Pg54
Lesson 1 » Critical
» Leadership

-write a revision test » Decision Learners write a » Past exam

Lesson 2 & 3 under exam making revision test under questions
conditions » Critical exam conditions

Lesson 4 -multiply and divide » Critical Class discussion on » National

fractions in algebra thinking multiplication and Syllabus.
» Decision division of algebraic » Chalkboard
making fractions. » NGM4 pg55
» Leadership Ex 7b
Lesson 5 -add and subtract » Decision Class discussion and » NGM4
algebraic fractions making solving of problems » Ex 7c
» Leadership in different situations Pg56

Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
fractions in algebra » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Content Learners should be (knowledge, skills & Learning Methods References
able to: attitudes)
FRACTIONS IN -Express fractions in » Decision Demonstration, » NGM4
ALGEBRA terms of a given making group-work and » Ex 7d
variable » Team work feedback Pg58
Lesson 1 » Critical
» Leadership

-solve equations » Decision Class discussion on » National

Lesson 2 & 3 with fractions making solving equations Syllabus.
» Critical with fractions » Chalkboard
thinking » NGM4 pg59
» Ex 7e
Lesson 4 -find values of x for » Critical Questioning of » National
which fractions are thinking learners by tr leading Syllabus.
undefined » Decision to a discussion. » Chalkboard
making » NGM4 pg61
» Leadership » Ex 7f
Lesson 5 -work on a » Decision Class practice os a » NGM4
miscellaneous making miscellaneous » Ex 7g
practice exercise » Leadership practice exercise Pg62

Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
fractions in algebra » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board

WEEK Topic / Content Objectives Competences Teaching & Resources/ Media/ Evaluation
ENDING Learners should be (knowledge, skills Learning References
able to: & attitudes) Methods
APPROXIMATIONS -Round of figures » Decision Class revises » NGM4
& LIMITS OF to given significant making rounding off of » Ex 7a
ACCURACY figures, decimal » Team work numbers Pg2
places, whole » Critical
Lesson 1 number, etc thinking
» Leadership

-solve limits of » Decision Tr demonstration on » National

Lesson 2 & 3 accuracy problems making solving limits of Syllabus.
» Critical accuracy problems » Chalkboard
thinking » NGM4 pg4
» Ex 1b
Lesson 4 -solve limits of » Critical Tr demonstration on » National
accuracy problems thinking solving limits of Syllabus.
» Decision accuracy problems » Chalkboard
making » NGM4 pg6
» Leadership » Ex 1c
Lesson 5 -work on a » Decision Class practice os a » NGM4
miscellaneous making miscellaneous » Ex
practice exercise » Leadership practice exercise Pg

Lesson 6 -practice past exam » Decision Pupils take turns to » Past exam
questions on making present working to papers
approximations and » Leadership past exam questions » Chalk board
limits of accuracy


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