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Pret i} Medical abbreviations Reg end Sal # nccure | pnvolll mmicromols per litre Bs microgram wiz Tmonth 152 Tweek 107 imes ten to the power nine per litre [note superseripe 9] AKE accident and emergency agw alive and well ae before meals/ood (Latin) am. in the moming (Latin) AG [albumen globulin ratio [AB apexbeat ABC airways, breathing, circulation ‘abd /abdo. [abdomen ACTH adrenocorticotrophic hormone AF atrial fibrillation AFP, alphafetoprotein AHA Area Health Authority Al aortic incompetence AIDS ~_| acquired immunodeficiency disease Al ankle jerk alk. pho. alkaline phosphatase ALT alanine aminotransferase AMA “American Medical Association AN antenatal AP “antero-posterior APH “antepartum haemorrhage ARM artificial rupture of membranes AS alimentary syste ‘ASD atrial septal defect ‘ASO antistreptolysin O ATS antitetanic serum antitetanus serum AVE augmented voltage foot Profesional Englah in Use Medicine 13 132 Pal AVL jagmented voltage left arm AVR augmented voltage right arm [ ba. bid. ‘owice a day (Latin) - BAL blood alcohol level _— _ BB bed bath; blanket bath BBB Ihundle branch block BC "| bone conduction BG bacille Calmette-Guérin BF breast fed - Bn bone injury - BID brought in dead _ BIPP bismuth iodoform and paraffin paste BM bowel movement BMA 5 British Medical Association BM] —__| British Medical Journal BMR basal metabolic rate BMSe Bachelor of Medical Science BNF British National Formulary BNO. bowels not opened BO bowels opened ee [RP blood pressure _ BPC British Pharmaceutical Codex BPD bi-parietal diameter BS breath sounds; bowel sounds __ Bachelor of Surge birch weight [ead presentation; centigrade; Celsius [with (Latin) ce. | with meals/food ( do [ complains of ~ CATCa ‘cancer carcinoma; calcium CABG coronary artery bypass graft CAD [coronary artery discase - head presentation coaxial or computerised axial tomography cognitive behavioural therapy congestive cardiac failure Frofesdonl Engi in Use Medlre omen Sal Certificate of Completion of Training ‘complement fixation test Bachelor of Surgery chronic heart failure chronic cardiac failure ‘central nervous system co ‘casualty officer ‘COAD chronic obstructive airways disease CoP change of plaster | cPN | community psychiatric nurse crepitations ‘cerebrospinal fluid ‘Central Sterile Supply Depot of urine catheter speci clinical support worker cerebral tumour; coronary thrombosis; computerized tomography DS ow cardiovascular CVA cardiovascular accident; cerebrovascular accident as ‘cardiovascular systems; cerebrovascular system | c cervix CR chest Xray D divorced; died/dead — DRC dilatation and curettage - D&V diarrhoea and vomiting DD dangerous drugs DDA Dangerous Drugs Act cou, Tying down (Latin) Dic drank in charge a decilire DN District Nuse _ DNA did not attend DNA [ deoxyribonucleic acid DOA dead on arrival DOB dave of birth DRCOG Diploma of the Royal College of Obs 7 DRO Disablement Resettlement Office _| disseminated sclerosis Professional English in Use Medicine 133

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