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Matrices Questions

1) a) Determine the value of λ such that the following equations have infinite numbers of
solutions and solve the equations for the value of λ.
2x – 3y + 6z – 5t = 3
y – 4z + t = 1
4x – 5y + 8z – 9t = λ
b) If |A| = 2, find the value of | A-1 + adj(A) |
c) Prove that (AB)-1 = B-1 A-1. Where A & B are invertible matrices.

d) Find the eigenvalues of the matrix ( )

e) Show that | |

2) a) Prove that (AB)-1 = B-1 A-1. where A & B are invertible matrices.
b) Let A be a matrix such that A2 = 2A + 3I. Using mathematical induction prove that ∀n ∊ Z+,
An + An+1 = 3n (A+I)
c) Prove that (λA)-1 = A-1/λ , where A is an invertible matrix.
d) Prove that if P=QDQ-1,then Pn=QDnQ-1 where n∊Z+ and D is a diagonal matrix.

If ( ) Find a matrix P s.t P-1AP is a diagonal matrix. Hence find A5.

e) Determine the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ if the following set of equations is consistent.
x + 2y + 3z = 6
x + ay + 2z = 5
2x + 3y + z = b

3) a) Prove that | | | |

b) If |A| = 2, find | A-1 + adj(A) |.

c) (i) Obtain the echolen form of the matrix ( ) for some constant p, q.

(ii) Hence determine the values of p & q for which the following system has unique
solutions, infinite many solutions and no-solutions.
x + 2y + 3z = 10
x + 2y + pz = q

Asanka Napagoda (BSc Eng. (Hons) University of Moratuwa)

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