Camco Gas Lift Product Catalog

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Gas Lift



Ives • Dum.
Controllers and

Cameo Product Line Catalogs

Each of Cameo's major product lines is presented in an individual catalog as detailed below:

Gat Lifl Producl Catalog Subiurfaca Safely

■ Gai LJh Vor.K Syiltmi Cainlag
• Silk PKk.«i Mandrill • SuKsit Controlled Subujrfote
• (amrniioncl Mandrdl So1#i|r Yal.H • Safety iyium Design
• Chemical In jetton • Subsurfuie Controlled Subbuifad and Iflsmllqiioci

Valm Safely Valvn

- Dump /Kill Vulvfli • Jubiuifeu InjHlion Vakat
• Waiffflood Rtgutoiort > H, i:z.\'- lending Hipptai n and
• tcnualled and toaut • Surfaia Connd Sytfenu far Sub
Urn utHoh Safety Vphn

Pack*n and CompUfLon Wireline Tool* and ' Coil Tubing and Nitrogen
Acc*iiori*i Catalog Catalog Sirvic#i Calalog
• Single and Dual Suing Pnrim • OHWd and Induiliial
Rvnrcng £«& Coil lulling and
Pubg Twfc NiN&jFn S*r*i(M
Kkkver Taali • {oil Tubing Umn
• Minogen Pumping Units

wir*EiAt L«ti acid Piujs

On OH AriutiRitnii
Therrrol [ipgituon Jcnn
Pirmp Oul Plugt

Auloton Auiomaltd Teiai Flow Maaiurtmvnt Read fool Company

Conirol SytTtmi Calalag and Confraii Catalog Produtt Calalag
• Swfm and Swbyjtfott ■ Fsik Em
SaFity Vglv-a fonrrol > Diamond Bin
• Cuing Equipment and
SytMm Servkts
Liquid Meaiuremmi
Prnfutfian Sali
Prwpi Iramftf

1*jat f low M*aiur*m*nT

andConholi Cafalog

To obtain a copy of these catalogs, contact your local Cameo sales office (see page 88) by phone
or telex or write Cameo Marketing Department, P. O. Box 14484. Houston, Texas 77221 Telephone:
(7-13)747-4000. telex: 775-413 or 166117. Information regarding Cameo equipment or services will be
shipped promptly to any customer worldwide.

Gas Lift

Table of Contents
Index by Assembly Number 2 Guide to Cameo KBMG and K8G Series Side Pocket
Introduction to Cameo Gas Lilt Products . 4 Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories (Chart) 40
Gas Lift Design Capabilities 6 Guide to Cameo MMG, MMRG and Multipocket
Training 8 Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pockef
Service 9 Accessories (Chart) 42
Manufacturing and Quality Assurance 10 K8MG and KBUG Series Side Pocket Mandrels 44
Application Schematics 11 KBMGE. KBUGE, KBMGEC. KBMGW and KBUGW
Gas Lift - Retrievable Valves 11 Side Pocket Mandrels 46
Gas Lift - Retrievable Valves Chamber Installation 11 KBG, KBGU and KBGE Series Side Pocket Mandrels 48
Gas Llff - Retrievable Valves Dual Zone 11 MMG Series Side Pocket Mandrels 50
Gas Lift ■ Retrievable Valves Annular Flow 12 MMGE. MMGEC and MMGW Series Side Pocket
Gas Lift ■ Retrievable Valves Side Pipe Injection 12 Mandrels 52
Gas Lift ■ Conventional Injection-Pressure- MMRG and MMIG Series Side Pocket Mandrels 54
Operated Valves 12 Multipocket Series Side Pocket Mandrels 56
Gas Production 13 O Series Kickover Tool Wireline Running Procedure
Steam Injection 13 for All Cameo G Series Side Pocket Mandrels 58
Multizone Waterflood Injection 13 O Series Kickover Tool Wireline Pulling Procedure
Open Subsurface Chemical Injection System 14 for All Cameo G Series Side Pocket Mandrels 59
Closed Subsurface Chemical Injection System 14 KBM. MM and MMA Series Side Pocket Mandrels 60
Closed Subsurface Chemical Injection System Guide to Cameo KBM Series Side Pocket Mandrels
With Gas Lift 14 and Side Pocket Accessories [Chart] 61
Retrievable Gas Litt Valves and Side Pocket Guide to Cameo MM and MMA Series Side Pocket
Accessories 15 Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories (Chart) 61
Guide to Cameo Retrievable Gas Lift Valves and KBM, KBU, KBME and KBMEC Series Side Pocket
Side Pocket Accessories (Chart) 16 Mandrels 62
Technical Data tor Cameo Retrievable Gas Lift Valves MM, MMA, MME, MMAEC and MMW Series Side
Wllh Bellows (Chart) 17 Pocket Mandrels 64
Retrievable Injection-Pressjre-Operated Gas Lift Conventional Gas Lift Valves, Subsurface Control
Valves 18 Accessories and Mandrels 66
Retrievable Production-Pressure-Operated Gas Lift Guide to Cameo Conventional Gas Lift Valves and
Valves 20 Subsurface Control Accessories (Chart) 67
Retrievable Pilot-Operated Gas Lift Valves . ... 21 Guide to Compatibility for Cameo Conventional Gas
Retrievable Single-Point-lnjection Gas Lift Orifice Lift Valves, Subsurface Control Accessories and
Valves 22 Mandrels (Chart) 67
Retrievable Equalizing Dummy Valves . . 23 Technical Data tor Cameo Conventional Gas Lift
Retrievable Dummy Valves 24 Valves (Chart) 68
Retrievable Differential Dump/Kill Valves , , , , 25 Conventional Injection-Pressure-Operated Gas Lift
Retrievoble Circulating Valves 26 Valves 69
Retrievable Nitrogen-Charged Chemical Injection Conventional Pro duct ion-Pressure-Ope rated Gas Lift
Valves 28 Valves 70
Retrievable Spring-Loaded Chemical Injection Conventional Pi lot-Opera ted Gas Lift Valves . 72
Valves 29 Conventional Waterflood Flow Regulator Valves .
Relrievable Walerflood Flow Regulator Valves 30 B Series Conventional Gas Lift Mandrels 74
Retrievable High-Volume Waterflood and Dummy C Series Conventional Gas Lift Mandrels . 76
Flow Sleeves . 31 Conventional Packoff, Concave and Macaroni Gas
Retrievable Valve Top Latches 32 Lift Mandrels 78
Side Pocket Mandrels 33 Conventional Reverse Flow Check Valves...
Basic Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Designs.. 34 Accessory Equipment 81
Guide to Selection of Cameo Side Pocket Mandrels.. 35 CT Series Time-Cycle Controllers 82
Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility 36 D Series Motor Valves 84
Guide to Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Cameo's Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale .
Compatibility (Chart) .... 36 Worldwide Manufacturing, Sales and Service
KBMG. KBG, MMG. MMRG and Multipocket Series Locations 88
Side Pocket Mandrels 39



Index by Assembly Number

Number Description Page Descriplion Page

0103' " 6KF-6 Retrievable Gas till Vol.1 30 KBHEC Side Pocket Mandrel 62
01013 " BKLK-5 Relrlevable Chemical Injertion Vain 28 XBG Side Pockel Mandrel 48
0)050 " BX Retrievable &a Lilt Valve IS KBM Side Pcuket Mandnl 62
01054 " BKF-IO Retrievable Go; Lift Valve 18 KBME Side Packsl Mandrel 62
0106I " CSK-I Relrievoble Circulating Vain 16 XBMG Side PotUl Mandrel 44
0I063 " DK-1 Relrievnale Dummy Vain 24 KBMG Side Pocket Mandrel 44
D10T2 " DKO-2 Retrievable Ga! Lift Vol.. 22 XBMG Side Pocket Mandrel 44
DIQM " [K Retrievable Equalling Dummy Valve 23 KBMGW Side Pocket Mondiel 46
01077 " DCK-2 Retrievable Dilleir-n:,.:l Dump/Kill Valve 25 KSMGWSide Pocket Mandrel 46
01064 " LX-3 Reliievahle Chemical Injeclion Valve 29 KBMG-LT Side Pmkel Mandrel 44
01106 " t Retiievaale Dummy Valve 24 KBMG-LT Side Pockel Mandrel 44
Dilli " KWW Retrievable Walerflood Flow Regulator Valve 30 KBMG-LT Side Pocket Mandrel 44
01125 " EX-1 Retrievable Equalling Dummy Valve 23 KfJMGEC Side Pakel Mandrel 46
01146 " BK-1 Relrievable Gas Lift Vain IB KBMGE Si* Poiket Mandrd 46
01151 " PK-1 Retrievable G» Ult Valve II KBMGF 5id< Pnket Mandrel 46
onto " BKHLK-2 Retrievable Chemical Injeition Valve 78 KBMG-2 Side Poiket Mandrel 44
01161 " BKT Retrievable Gos Lift Valve 16 KBMG-3 Side Pocket Mandrel 44
Dili? " 8KT-1 Retrievable Gas lift Vain 18 KBUG Side Packsl Mandrel 44
01163 " LKH-3 Retrievable Chemiinl Injection Valvt 29 KBUG-2 5ide Pakel Mandrel 44
on;; " BKFS Relrievable Qrculating Vain U KBMGW-2 Side Pocket Mandrel 46
on/9 " iK0-3 Relrievable Gai Uft Volve 22 KBG Side Pockel Mandrel 43
oneo " OCK-3 Reliievable Differential Dump/Kill Vain 25 KBMG-LT Side Potkel Mandrel 44
01181 " BXfO fetrievoble Enualiitng Dummy Valve 23 KBMGE-LI Side Pocket Mandrel 46
01162 " BKR-5 RelriivnblB Gns lift Vain 20 KBUG-3 Side Ptxket Mandrel 44
01218 -1/2" RKFS Retrievable Circuiting Valve 26 MM Side Poikel Mandrel 14
01317 -1II" RC5 Relrievoble Circulating Valve 26 HM-5 Side P«kB( Mandrel 64
01332 -1/2" CEV Retrievable Equalling Dummy Valve 23 MM Side Pockel Mandrel 64
01333 ■1/2" RD Retrievable Dummy Vain 24 MM Side Pcukel Mandrel 64
01338 ■ill" RG-l Retrievable (inulaling Valve 26 MM* Side PncVel Mandrel 64
01353 -1/2" RLC-3 Islrisvoble Chemical Injection Vain 29 MMA Side PDcltel Mandrel 64
01357 -1/2" RHW Retrievable Walcritood Fkw Reaulalor Valve 30 MMA Side Poikel Mandrel 64
01358 ■1/2" RW Retrievable Warerftood flow Regulator Valve 30 MMJ Side Poikel Mandrel (4
01359 " KM Retrievable Waterflamj Fin Rigulotor Valve 30 MM! Side Pocket Mandrel 64
01368 -1/2" RtED Retrievable Equaliiing Dummy Volve 23 MME Side Fockel Mandrel 64
01369 1/2" DCR I Retrievable Differential Dump/Kill Valve ?5 MMW-2 Side P«ket Mandrel 64
01370 ■1/2" RPB-S Retrievable Gas Lift Volve 21 MME-2 Side Pocket Mandrel 64
01374 1/2" RGR-5 Retrievable (irrulaling Valve 26 X3G Side Pockel Mandrel 48
01375 ■I II" RG-2 Retrievable Circulating Valve 26 KBG Side Poikel Mandril 4B
01392 ■3/4" WF-FS Retrievable Waterflood Flo* Sleeve 31 MMW Side Fockel Mandrel 64
01393 ■3/4" WF-D Retrievable Dummy Flow Stan 31 MMW Side Pocket Mandrel (4
01394 ■9/16" WF-F5 Retrievable WaleKlood Flow Sleeve 31 MMGEC Side Pmkel Mandrel 55
01395 ■9/16" WF-D Relrievoble Dummy Flo* Slnvi 31 MMGEC Side Poikel Mandrel 52
01396 ■1/2" RP-6 BBtriBvnblB Gas lill Valvs 21 MMGEC Side Pculiel Mandrel 52
01400 -1/2" R-50 Rstriavable Gas Ull Valve 18 MMG Side Pmket Mandrel 50
01404 ■1IV R-25 Retrievable Gas Lill Valve 20 MMGEC Side Packet Mandrel 52
01407 -1IV R-28 Retrievable Gas Lill Valvs 18 MMAEC Side Pocket Mandrel 64
0H16 ■1/2" RMI Ret.ievn.hlB Cos Lift Valve 18 MMAEC Side PocVsl Mandrel 64
01419 -1/2" RCBH Retrievable Chemical Injeclion Valve 23 MMJEC Side Pocket Mnnrfctl 64
01420 -1/2" RCB Retrievable Chemical Indian Valve 28 MMG Side Packet Mandril SO
01421 -I/I" RDK Retrievable Dirferential Dump/Kill Valve 25 MMG Side Poiitet Mandrel SO
0H22 1/2" K-2SP Retrievable Gm till Valve 20 MMG Side Pockst Mnndr.1 SB
01423 ■1/2" RDO-5 Relrievnble Gm Lift Volve 22 MMGE Side Pockel Mandrel 52
O142S 1/2" RKiO Retrievable Equaliiing Dummy Valve 23 MMGE Sid* Pockel Mandrel 52
0200* ■1/5" CP! Conventional Gm Lill Volve 72 MMG-2 Side Pcukei Mandrel 50
01053 " BP 2 Conventional Gm lilt Valve 72 MMG Side Pocket Mandrel SO
Oil 20 -1/2" J-20 Conventional Gai Lift Valve 69 MMG Side Pocket Mandrel 50
02121 -1/2" JR-50 Conventional Gai Lilt Valve 76 MMIG-2 Side Poikel Mandrel 54
02140 HO Conventional Gos Lift Valve 69 MMGW Side Poilel Mnndrel 52
01141 1R-40 Conventional Gni Lill Valve 70 MMGW Side Pmlet Mandrel 52
02147 J-46-0 Conventional Got Llfl Valve 70 MMGW Side Packet Mandrel 52
02150 5/B" J-50 Conventional Gas Lift Voln 69 KBG Sids Pockel Mandrel 48
02153 5/8" JR-5Q Convenlional Gm Lill Valve 70 KBMG-liS Side Pockel Mandrel 44
02182 " JW-40 Conventional Woterflond Flaw Regulator Valve 73 MMiG Side Packet Mandrel 54
02183 -1/2" IW-20 Conventional Waieiflaod Flow Regulator Valve 73 KBMG-LTS Side Potket Mandrel 44
02306 ■1/2" CF Conventional Reverse Flo* Check Volve BO XBG-3 5ide Poikit Mandrel 46
02310 -1/2" J-20 Conventional Reverw Flow Check Valve 80 MMG-2V Mullipockel Mondrel 56
01356 " BF Conventional Reverse Flow Che<k Volve B0 XBG-3 Sids Poikil Mandrel 48
02358 " Bl Conventional Revem Flow Ch«k Valve BO KBG-LTS Side Pockel Mandrel 4B
05016 2.B7S" K9MG-LT Side Pocket Mandrel 41 KBG-LTS Side Pocket Mandrel to
05039 2.B75" KBMG-LT 5id* Pocket Mandrel 44 KSM.GLTS Side Potbl Mondrel 44

Index by Assembly Number
Description Page Number Description Page

KBGU Side Pockel Mondial 4B 06024 1.900" E Dellector lug Conventional Mondrel 74
KBG-6 Side Packet Mandril 48 D6O25 2.063" E Oellector lug (onvnational Mandrel 74
WFG-2V Multipocket Mandrel 56 D6026 2 375" B Delleclor lug Conventional Mandrel 74
WFG-2V Multipockel Mandrel 56 06027 2.875" B Deflector lug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBG Side Pocket Moncfrel IB 06028 1.460" B Deflector Lug Conventional Mondrel 74
XBMG-2 Side Pocket Mandrel 44 06029 I.9C0" B Deflector Lug Contenlmnal Mandrel 74
KBMG-LT Side Pocket Mandrel 44 06030 2.0(3" B Deflector lug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBCE Side Pockel Mandrel 48 06031 2.375" 3 Deflector lug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBG-3 Side Pocket Mandrel 48 06032 2.B75" 3 Deilector lug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBG-ITS Side Pockel Mandrel IB 06152 1.910" BK Dellectar Lug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBG-3 Side P«ket MandfEl 4B 06IS4 2.063" BR Dellecioi lug Conventional Mandrel. 74
KBG Side Pwtat Mandrel 4B 06156 2.375" Bf OellKtor lug Conventional Mandrel ?4
KBG-2 Side Podcel Mandrel 4B 06162 1.900" BR Oellector lug Conventional Mnndcel 74
MMG-2V Multipotkel Mandrel 56 06164 2.063" BR Dellector lug Conventional Mandrel 74
MMUG-2V Multipnckel Mandcel 56 06166 2 375" BR Delleclo: lug Conventional Mrmdrel 74
MMRG Side Podel Mandrel 54 06167 2.375" BR5 Delator tug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBG Side Pockd Mandrel 48 06168 2.043" BRS Dellector Lug Conventional Mandrel 74
KBG Side Pake) Mandrel 48 06169 2.875" BRS Deflector lug Convsntianal Mandrel 74
MMIG-2-6 Side Foekel Mandrel 54 06170 1.900" BRS Delleflor lug Conventional Mandrel 74
MMG-6 Side Pocket Mandrel 50 06350 1.315", 1.660" 140 Poctoff Conienlianol Mandril 78
KBG-3 Side Pocket Mandrel 48 06352 2.063" J-40 Patkoff Conventional Mondrel 7B
MMG US Side Packet Mandrel 50 06355 2.375" 1-40 Concave Conventional Mandrel 78
KBGU Side Potkel Mandrel 48 06356 2.375" 1-40 Conmire Conventional Mandrel 78
KBG-2 Side Pocket Mandrel 4B 06357 2.875" 1-40 Concoje Conventional Mandrel 78
KBG-2 ITS Sidt Pockel Mandcel 4B 06401 2.375" C Conventional Mondrel 76
KBGE Side Packet Mandrel 4B 06405 2.375" C Conventional Mandrel 76
KBG-3 Side Pocket Mandrel 4B 06411 2.875" C Conventional Mandrel 76
KBGI1S Side Pockel Mandrel 4B tun 2.875" C Conventional Mandrel 76
MMGW-SV Multipocket Mondrel 56 06421 3.500" C Conventional Mandrel 76
KBbG Side Pmkel Mandrel 44 06422 4.500" C Conventional Mandrel --- -.. 76
KBUG Sidt Pocket Mondrel. 44 06424 3.500" C Conventional Mandrel 76
MMG-5 Side Potkei Mandrel 50 06467 1.900" J50 PackiH Conventional Mandrel 78
KBM Side Pockel Mandrel 62 06468 2.375" ISO Mncaroni Conventional Mandrel 7B
MMRG 5ide P«kel Mondrel 54 06469 1.660" 150 PackoK Conventional Mondrel 7B
MMG-5 Side Pockel Mondrel 50 06470 1.050" J-50 PockoH Conventional Mandrel 7B
MMRG-2 5ide Pocket Mandrel 54 0(472 1.315", 1.660" J-50 PackoH Conventionol Mandrel 78
KBMG-H Side Pocket Mandrel 44 064B1 2.375" 12-50 Macaroni Conventional Mandiel 78
MMBG 6 Side Poikel Mandrel 54 064B8 1.660", I 900" 1-50 Mncorani Conventional Mandrel 78
KfiUGi Side Pcckel Mondrel 46 O64B9 2.C63" J-50 Macaroni Conventional Mnndrel 7B
KBM-2 Side P«k(t Mandrel 62 064)0 1.315", 1.660" 1-50 Macaroni Conventional Mandrel 78
KBU Side Poclet Mondrel 62 06494 1.660", 1.900" 1-50 Macaroni Cinvenlionol Mondrel 78
KBG-LTS Side Packet Mandrfl 48 06500 2.375" C Dellector tug Conventional Mandrel 76
KBMG Side Poiket Mandrel 44 065O1 2.B75" C Delleitor Lug Conventional Mandrel 76
MMG Side Pocket Mondrel 50 06502 2.375" C Deflector Lug Conventionol Mandrel 76
MMG-2-5 Side Pntkel Mandrel 50 06504 2.875" C Deflector Lug Conventional Mandrel 76
MMG-5 5ide Pocket Mandrel 50 06600 1.900" CR Deflector Lug Conventional Mondrel 76
KBUGt-LtS Side Potktt Mandrel 46 06601 2.375" (R Deflector tug (onventitnol Mond/el 76
K8UGW Side Packer Mandrel 46 06603 2.375" (R Deflector tug Canventitnal Mondrel 76
MMGW Side Poiket Mandrel 52 0660B 2.875" (R Deflector tug Conventional Mandrel 76
MMG-2Y Mullipockel Mondrel 56 06610 2.875" CR Deflector Lug Conventicnal Mondrel 76
K8MG-2 Side Pocket Mandrel 44 06801 1.660" SPB Mocoroni Conventional Mandrel. 7S
KBUGUS Side Pockel Mandiel 44 06B02 1.315" SPB Macaroni Conventional Mandrel 78
KBMG-5 Side Potkel Mandrel 44 06803 1.660" SPBI-40 Macaroni Conventional Mandrel 78
MMBG-4 Side Pocket Mandrel 54 10010 BK-2 fop Larch 32
MMRG-4 Side Pocket Mandrel 54 10013 8IK-2 lop latch 32
K8MG 6 Side Pockel Mandrel 44 10016 BEK-3 Top Latch 32
MMG-2 4 Side Packet Mandrel 50 10023 R lop talcli 32
MMG-4 Side Pockel Mondrel 50 10031 R* Top tol.h 32
KBG Side Pockel Mandrel 4B 1DO4B WK-Wf lop Latch 32
B Conventional Mandrel 74 10D5O RK lop latch 31
B Conventional Mandrel 74 10051 BKP fop Enlch 32
B Conventional Mondrel 74 10054 RK-WF fop latch 32
B Conventional Mandrel 74 10056 RK-1 lop lotch 32
B Conventional Mondrel 74 4004B CI-8 lime-Cycle Controller B2
B Conventional Mandrel .,..,. 74 40052 0-26 limeCycle Controller B2
B Convent ion] I Mondiel 74 41014 O-7A Motor Valve 84
& Conventional Mondrel 74 41015 DR-7A Motor Volrt B4
B Conventional Mandrel 74
B Conventional Mandrel 74
B Deflector lug Conventional Mandrel 74


Introduction to Cameo Gas Lift Products

Cameo. Incorporated, a pioneer in gas

lift technology, offers an extensive, ver
satile product line to efficiently and
economically meet most completion
needs. After 40 years in the business.
Cameo now manufactures and markets
I over 50 different types of gas lift valves
and other subsurface control devices for
an endless variety of well installations,
Cameo also provides the most
technologically advanced line of side pocket mandrels
available and supplies a complete line of conventional
gas lift equipment and gas lift accessories.

Years of research and field experience have yielded an

ever-expanding line of retrievable gas lift valves. Durably
constructed, these valves are designed for use in con
tinuous or intermittent flow gas lift production. This
superior line of Cameo valves includes injection-
pressure-operated, production-pressure-operated and
pilot-operated gas lift valves available in a wide range
of port sizes,

Cameo retrievable circulating valves prevent mandrel

side pocket damage caused by abrasive well fluids.
When a side pocket mandrel must be blanked off,
Cameo retrievable dummy valves or equalizing dummy
valves are used,

Chemical injection valves are available for either con

tinuous or intermittent injection. Constructed ot Monel.
all chemical injection valves feature a tungsten carbide
stem tip and seat and most contain a|
spring-loaded reverse flow check valve.

Cameo's gas lift product group also in

cludes retrievable differential dump/kill
valves. These valves are used to kill a well
by dumping casing annulus fluid into the
tubing and also provide a means of cir
culation between the tubing and the

Gas Lift

All Cameo retrievable gas lift valves and side pocket

subsurface control accessories are designed to be in
stalled in Cameo's unique side pocket mandrels. The
original side pocket mandrel, introduced by Cameo in
1954, featured a pockei which served as the receiver
for a wide variety of retrievable subsurface control
devices. Continual research and development have fur
ther expanded the original design. Today, Cameo G
series side pocket mandrels incorporate the most ad
vanced features on the market, including an orienting
sleeve, a tool discriminafor and either an integrally
forged or a solid pocket.

[ Cameo also offers a complete line of

conventional gas lift valves and man-
| drels, the equipment first sold by Cameo
I when the company was formed in 1946.
Conventional valves are made up onto
the side of conventional mandrels rather
| than being installed by wireline into the
i side pocket of a side pocket mandrel,
t Both injection-pressure-operated and
I production-pressure-operated conven
tional valves are available for continuous or intermittent
flow installations. As with retrievable valves, a wide range
of port sizes is available.

As a complement to its complete line of gas lift equip

ment. Cameo provides time-cycle controllers and motor
volves. Cameo time-cycle controllers are primarily used
to regulate the opening and closing of direct- or reverse-
acting motor valves. Ideal for gas lift applications, these
snap-acting pilots vary in function, depending on the
type used. Cameo motor valves, used with the
appropriate Cameo controllers, are available for high-
pressure wells and corrosive conditions.

Cameo is committed to providing a broad range of top-

quality gas lift products, This commitment gives Cameo
customers the flexibility to choose the appropriate equip
ment for a wide range of well control needs.


Gas Lift Design Capabilities

Cameo's leadership in gas lift technology is due to the pressure effect to alter the calculated valve depth and
development of many services and resources to effec the desired valve opening pressure at depth. Informa
tively assist the customer in designing well installations. tion contained in the computer programs is used to
calculate the valve's required gas passage which, in
Cameo offers on extensive librory of computer programs turn, determines the required port size ot the valve.
which can be used in designing most types of gas lift
installations. The computed information can be
presented in either tabular or graphic format on the
computer monitor. Printed copies of the computations
are available in either format. Gas lift design specialists
calculate pressure versus depth for any combination of
production conduits, compute injection gas pressures
for static or dynamic flowing conditions and design tub
ing performance curves and present them in
multicolored plots. This computerized system enables
consistent gas lift design with the gos lift design specialist
keying in actual well data to yield the design.

Cameo provides continuous gas lift designs for both

Gas lifl
injection-pressure-operated and production-pressure- flq . ' ' L' l'ltJ'd' j ' L'L'^'t'l

operated valves. The program follows a design pro i . i.;... i. i.:.. i > . . r""T 1.1... i.^-s . J» s i s'. \
cedure based on allowing the additional production

Continuous Design Graph

Gas Lift

The vertical (lowing gradient for a given well can be

calculated based on the actual flow conduit, the
specific gravities of oil and water and the actual com
puted average flowing temperature of a particular

Several vertical correlations may be used to generate

data when the equilibrium curve for a given well must
be determined, Each point on an equilibrium curve can
be defined for pressure, depth, liquid and the required
operating gas/liquid ratio. The equilibrium curve com
puted determines the optimum operating gas/liquid

The tubing performance program allows the operator

to determine the maximum deliverability of fluid to the
surface. Input data includes tubing or flow conduit, flow
ing wellhead pressure, bottom-hole pressure and the
productivity index.

As technical experience expands and field experience

dictates, Cameo continually expands its library of com
puter programs. The development of these programs by
Cameo personnel is a current reflection of advances in
Cameo gas lift design technology. This expertise rein
forces Cameo's reputation in the industry as a leader
in all phases of gas lift technology.

l4vt i* nxEnn

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IMS in K V»M Vertical Flowing Gradient


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Continuous Design Print-Oul

Equilibrium Curve



To maximize the performance m

of every Cameo product,

Cameo's full-time technical
training staff provides in-
house and in-the-field training
for Cameo personnel and
customers in all phases at
Cameo equipment selection,
application and operation,

The Cameo training depart

ment develops and ad
ministers structured training
programs to provide sales
and service personnel with the technical, sales and
management training required to compete successfully
customers knowledgeable of trends in industry
in the industry, These programs include seminars in com
technology. Individual and group instruction Is con
pletion equipment and technology, gas lift equipment
ducted at the marketing training center in Houston,
and technology and subsurface safety valve systems.
Other courses are concerned with various aspects of the
Texas. These training courses use various media, in
petroleum industry such as drilling equipment opera
cluding videotapes, slide/tape presentations, graphics
and written literature, In addition, hands-on instruction
tions, production and well servicing, Cameo sales and
is conducted in the training laboratory at the facility.
service trainees are also sent to local districts and
manufacturing facilities to experience field sales and
service responsibilities. The Cameo training program provides Cameo person
nel with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively
Product design and application seminars presented by assist customers and helps Cameo customers become
the training department keep Cameo personnel and more proficient in completion technology.

Gas Lift


Cameo recognizes that the success

of any system depends on the
quality and the availabil
ity of service. Backed by
Cameo's 40 years of expe
rience, highly skilled sales
personnel, product spe
cialists and engineers give
sales and service support
at locations throughout the

Consistently dependable, these dedicated men and

women in the field provide well design and study ser
vices as well as installation, troubleshooting and preven
tive maintenance and repair of Cameo equipment.
Cameo personnel also provide on-site customer con
Cameo's reputation for service reliability assures the
sultation, product training and technical data so that the
customer that should a problem arise, a Cameo
customer obtains maximum satisfaction and benefit from
representative will help solve it. Troubleshooting and
his Cameo equipment,
preventive maintenance are a constant part of Cameo's
job in the field. Because of the environmental factors in
volved in the production of oil and gas, equipment
repair, replacement and service is an ongoing process.

Shutdown of a well in need of service costs the customer

time and money; therefore. Cameo maintains repair
facilities at strategic locations all over the world. The
special needs of the customer, whether rouline or
emergency, can be met 24 hours a day, 365 days a

Cameo's experienced service personnel help the

customer choose the appropriate equipment and per
sonally oversee its installation, operation and repair.
Cameo provides the outstanding service necessary to
maximize the efficiency and capability of every Cameo


Manufacturing and Quality Assurance

More than 40 years of building equipment quality control inspectors to make certain that it is
for the petroleum industry have given manufactured to Cameo's rigid specifications. Testing
Cameo the experience needed to maintain methods vary depending on the type of equipment.
a consistent level of high quality in its Each component is dimensionally checked prior to
manufacturing operations. With manufac being assembled into a finished product. Inspections
turing plants in Houston. Texas; Mexico; during and after manufacture make certain that design
Venezuela and the United Kingdom. specifications are followed. Complete traceability is
Cameo retains maintained for all G series side pocket mandrels and
in-house control can be provided on customer request for other mandrels
in the manufac and selected components. Magnetic particle and
turing of its prod radiographic inspections are routinely performed on a
ucts. Using ad random sample of G series side pocket mandrels and
vanced manu can be provided for other mandrels and selected equip
facturing technology and highly skilled, experienced ment on customer request. Ultrasonic inspection is also
personnel, Cameo stresses the consistent quality o( their available if requested by the customer.
products during the manufacturing process. The latest,
precision machinery afso provides increased efficiency, The consistent reliability and high quality of Cameo gas
quality and capacity. lift equipment are the result of carefully planned and
strictly applied manufacturing and quality assurance
A detailed program of quality assurance and quality programs. Because these programs are administered
control is enforced throughout all phases of manufac and enforced in every Cameo manufacturing facility,
turing. Each piece of equipment goes through numerous customers can always rely on Ihe performance of
inspections and examinations performed by trained Cameo gas lift equipment,

Application Schematics
Gas Lift ■ Gas Lift -
Gas Lift - Retrievable Valves Retrievable Valves
Retrievable Valves Chamber Installation Dual Zone

Time-Cycle Time-Cycle Adjustable

Controller and Controller and Choke
Motor Valve Motor Valve
(pp. 82, 84) (pp 82, 84)
Side Pocket
Valves '
Subsurface Mandrel
Safety ■ With Gas Lift
Valve' Valve
(pp. 16, 35)
Side Pocket
Side Pocket Mandrels
Mandrel With Gas Lift
With Gas Lift Side Pocket Valves
Valve Mandrel (pp. 16, 35)
With Gas Lift
(pp, 16, 35)
(pp. 16, 35)
Side Pocket
■With Gas Lift Chamber ■Dual Packer
Valve "Packer * *
(pp. 16, 35)

Side Pocket
Mandrel .Landing
■ With Gas Lift Nipple "
(pp. 16. 35)

Seating ■Blast Joint

Sliding Nipple With a

' Sleeve Standing
Valve ""

■ Packer'* ■Packer '' ■ Packer "*

-J Landing Landing Landing

" Nipple ''
-i Nipple ■ ■ Nipple ' *

■ Refer lo Cameo's Subsurface Safety Systems Calalog ■" Refer to Cameo's Packers and Ccmplelion Accessories Cotalog

11 Cameo

Application Schematics
Gas Lift - Gas Lift - Gas Lift -
Retrievable Valves Retrievable Valves Conventional Injection-
Annular Flow Side Pipe Injection Pressure-Operated Valves

Time-Cycle Adjustable Controller and
Controller and Choke Motor Valve
Motor Valve
(pp, 82, 84)
(pp. 82, 84)
• Gas Injection Conventional
Conduit Mandrel
With Gas Lift
Side Pocket Side Pocket
(pp. 67, 74-79)
Mandrel Mandrel
With Gas Lift ■With Gas Lift
Valve Valve
(pp, 16, 35) (pp. 16, 35) Conventional
With Gas Lift
(pp. 67, 74-79)
Side Pocket Side Pocket
Mandrel Mandrel
■With Gas Lift ■WithGo5 Lift
Valve Valve Conventional
(pp. 16, 35) [pp. 16, 35)
With Gas Lift
(pp. 67, 74-79]

Side Pocket Side Pocket

Mandrel Mandrel Conventional
With Gas Lift With Gas Lift Mandrel
Valve Valve "With Gas Lit!
(pp. 16, 35) (pp, 16, 35) Valve
(pp. 67, 74-79)

•Packer ■Packer

■Bull Plug

Landing _j Landing
Nipple ' Nipple '
□ a
a n
■ Refer lo Cameo's Packers and Completion Accessories Catalog

Cameo 12
Gas Lift

Application Schematics
Gas Waterflood
Production Sieam Injection Injection

Control Line '

Safety Joint "

Subsurface Packer *
Valve ' Side Pocket
With Gas Lift
Side Pocket
(pp. 16, 35] Mandrel With

P Flow Regulator
Side Pocket
(pp. 16, 35]
With Gas Lift
(pp. 16, 35) Packer ''

Side Pocket
With Dump/Kill
Side Pocket
Mandrel With
(pp. 16, 35] a
a Flow Regulator
Thermal (pp. 16, 35)
Side Pocket ■ Expansion
Joint *'
With Chemical Packer *'
(pp. 16, 35)

Side Pocket
Mandrel With
■ Packer Packer'" Waterflood
Flow Regulator
(pp. 16, 35]

J_ Landing =j Landing
r-t Nipple * pi Nipple"' Bull Plug
□ Q n
■ Reler to Cameo's Subsurface Safely Systems Catalog Refer to Cameo's Packers and Comoletion Accessories Calalog

13 Cameo
Application Schematics
Closed Subsurface
Open Subsurface Closed Subsurface Chemical Injection
Chemical Injection Chemical Injection System With
System System Gas Lift

Pump '
Chemical Injection Line
Pump '
Pump ' Side Pocket
With Gas Lift
Injection Line
(pp. 16, 35)

Side Pocket
With Gas Lift
(pp. 16, 35)
Side Pocket
With Chemical
Injection Side Pocket
Valve Mandrel
(pp. 16, 35) With Gas Lift
(pp. 16, 35)

Side Pocket Side Pocket

Mandrel Mandrel Side Pocket
With Chemical With Dump/Kill Mandrel
Injection Valve With Chemical
Valve Injection
(pp, 16, 35)
(pp. 16, 35) Valve
[pp. 16, 35)

■ Packer '* Packer'"

-Packer "

■Landing Landing Landing

Nipple '" Nipple '' Nipple ''

D □ D a D a
n n n n n
' Refer lo Camco/Aulocon Automated Conlrol Systoms Catalog Reler lo Cnmco's Packers and Completion Accessories Catalog

Cameo 14
Retrievable Gas Lift Valves
and Side Pocket Accessories
Since its founding in 1946, Cameo All Cameo retrievable gas lift valves are manufac
has been a leader in the advance tured in a variety of port sizes, giving the operator a
ment of wireline retrievable subsur wide range of selected volumes and flow rates. Most
face control technology. Cameo's in of these gas lift valves feature floating valve seats
troduction of its revolutionary side which are inserted into and seal in the seat housing.
pocket mandrel in 1954 significantly The floating seat facilitates changing the seat size in
increased the industry-wide growth a stock valve, makes repairs easier, improves seal
and acceptance of this technology. ing capability and is more economical to manufac
Since that time. Cameo has met ex ture than conventional seat arrangements, Most
panding industry needs by research Cameo single-point-injection gas lift orifice valves
ing and developing retrievable gas lift vaives and feature floating chokes which provide similar benefits
other side pocket subsurface control accessories for as floating valve seats.
a variety of side pocket mandrel applications. After
(our decades of making significant contributions in Cameo's retrievable side pocket subsurface control
this field. Cameo now manufactures and markets a accessories meet a variety of application require
complete line of wireline retrievable subsurface con ments. Equalizing dummy valves equalize tubing and
trol devices that exemplify current technology. Prod casing pressures and seal off communication be
ucts in the Cameo line include ■injection-pressure- tween the tubing and the casing. Some equalizing
operated and production-pressure-operated gas lift dummy valves can also be used to circulate fluid
vaives, pilot-operated gas lift valves and single-paint- before the valves are retrieved from the side pocket
injection gas lift orifice valves. Cameo also provides mandrel. Dummy valves without equalization
equalizing dummy valves, dummy valves, differen capabilities are also available. Activated by differen
tial dump/kill valves, circulating valves, chemical in tial pressure. Cameo differential dump/kill valves pro
jection valves, waterflood equipment and valve top vide a means of communication between the cas
ing and the tubing. Circulating valves enable fluid
circulation through the mandrel side pocket while
Cameo injection-pressure-operated, production- preventing packet damage from abrasive well fluids.
pressure-operated and pilot-operated gas lift valves These valves also prevent debris from lodging in an
are available for either continuous or intermittent flow empty pocket during circulation. Both nitrogen-
gas lift production- Every valve is fabricated of charged and spring-loaded chemical injection
stainless steel and Monel and is modularly con valves control chemicals injected into the production
structed for low-cost redress and repair. These valves fluid at valve depth and are available for high- and
incorporate either a nitrogen-charged bellows or a low-pressure applicafions. All Cameo nitrogen-
spring with an atmospheric-pressure-charged charged chemical injection valves feature floating
bellows to provide the force necessary to maintain valve seats. To regulate or sea! off water injection in
the valves in a normally closed position. Either injec waterflood applications, Cameo provides waterflood
tion gas or production pressure entering these valves equipment that includes waterflood flow regulator
provides the opening force necessary to overcome valves and high-volume waterflood flow sleeves and
the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows or dummy flow sleeves. Cameo also supplies a variety
the preset spring force. A fluid dampening device in of valve top latches which are used lo lock valves
each of these valves prevents vibration and chatter and side pocket accessories without integral latches
ing during operation. Both injection-pressure- into the appropriate side pocket mandrels.
operated and production-pressure-operated valves
are available for either tubing or annular flow, As a leader in wireline retrievable subsurface con
depending on the porting of the side pocket man trol technology, Cameo provides high-quality
drel. Cameo pilot-operated gas lift valves with retrievable gas lift valves and side pocket subsurface
reverse flow check valves are available for intermit control accessories that perform reliably and con
tent tubing flow gas lift production. Cameo also of sistently in a variety of applications. Customers de
fers single-point-injection gas lift orifice valves with pend on Cameo's complete selection of quality
replaceable chokes for continuous tubing flow products to solve their gas lift and subsurface con
installations. trol needs.

15 Cameo


* Porl size column llsti flow areas for those valves; see pago roforonce for vol ve funtlion.
1 * Orifice diameter of walerflood ffow ileavei h sized to march desired flow r

Cameo 16
Gas Lift

Technical Data for Cameo Retrievable Gas Lift Valves With Bellows

PPEF (production prangre sffoci factor) Hi formerly referred lo as TEF (luhing olfcci foclor]
' * These spaciricntlons apply lo tha pilol seel on only.

M Cameo

Gas Lift Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable injection-pressure-
operated gas lift valves are used for either continuous or in
termittent flow gas lift production. This line of valves includes
1" O.D. BK, BK-1, BKT, BKT-1 and BKF-10 valves and 1-1/2" O.D.
R-20, R-28 and RMl valves, A nitrogen-charged, multi-ply
Monel bellows provides the force necessary to maintain all
the valves except the RMI in a normally closed position. An
atmospheric-pressure-charged, multi-ply Monel bellows and
an Inconel spring provide the force necessary to maintain
Qtvll valves in a normally closed position. All these valves con
tain integral reverse flow check valves, and BK, BK-1, BKT,
BKT-1, R-20 and RMI valves have floating seats.

Depending on valve type and side pocket mandrel porting,

these gas lift valves can be used for either tubing or annular
flow. BK, BK-1, BKT, BKT-1, R-20 and RMI valves, used for either
continuous or intermittent flow gas lift production, are used
for tubing flow when installed in standard side pocket man
drels and annular flow when installed in side pocket man
drels ported for annular flow. BKF-10 and R-28 valves, nor
mally used for continuous flow gas lift production, feature a
crossover seat which enables them to be used for annular
(low applications when installed in standard mandrels.

Port sizes available for 1" O.D. valves are 1/8" through 5/16"
in 1/16" increments for BK valves, 1/8" through 3/8" in 1/16"
increments for BK-1 valves, 1/8" through 3/8" in 1/16" in
crements and 9/32" for BKT and BKT-1 valves and 1/8", 3/16"
and 1/4" for BKF-10 valves.

Port sizes available for 1-1/2" O.D. valves are 1/8" through
1/2" in 1/16" increments for R-20 valves, 1/4" and 5/16" for
R-28 valves and 1/4" through 1/2" in 1/16" increments for RMI


OPERATION: Injection gas enters the valve and acts on the
effective bellows area. The injection pressure necessary to
compress the bellows of BK. BK-1, BKT. BKT-1, BKF-10, R-20and
R-28 valves is controlled by precharged nitrogen pressure.
The force necessary to overcome the Inconel spring in RMI
valves is provided by differential pressure [injection pressure
minus atmospheric pressure) times effective bellows area.
As injection pressure overcomes the precharged nitrogen
pressure in the bellows or the preset spring force, the bellows
is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat. Injection gas
then (lows through the seat, past the reverse flow check valve
and into the production conduit,


* Use coru onlonilon 15152-012-00000 wilh ihis pulling tool

Note: See page 17 for additional technical dala. pages 11 through 14 (or Application .■

Schematics and page 32 (or latch informal ion.

R-20 R-28

19 Cameo

Retrievable Production-Pressure-
Operated Gas Lift Valves

DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable production-pressure-

operated gas lift valves are used for continuous tubing flow
gas lift production, This line of valves includes 1" O.D. BKR-5
and BKF-6 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. R-25 and R-25P valves. A
nitrogen-charged, multi-ply Monel bellows provides the force
necessary to maintain the BKR-5. R-25 and R-25P valves in a
normally closed position. An atmospheric-pressure-charged,
muiti-ply Monel bellows and an Inconel spring provide the
force necessary to maintain BKF-6 valves in a normally closed
position. All these valves contain integral reverse flow check
valves and crossover seats, and BKR-5 and 8KF-6 valves have
floating seats.

Port sizes available for 1" O.D. BKR-5 and BKF-6 valves are
•1/8", 3/16" and 1/4".

Port sizes available for 1-1/2" O.D. valves are 3/16", 1/4" and
5/16" for R-25 valves and 3/8" for R-25P valves.

OPERATION: Production (luid enters the valve and acts on the

effective bellows area. The production pressure necessary
to compress the bellows of BKR-5, R-25 and R-25P valves is
controlled by precharged nitrogen pressure. The force
necessary to overcome the Inconel spring in BKF-6 valves is
provided by differential pressure (production pressure minus
atmospheric pressure) times effective bellows area. As pro
duction pressure overcomes the precharged nitrogen pres
sure in the bellows or the preset spring force, the bellows is
compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat, Injection gas
then flows through the seat, past the reverse flow check valve
and into the production conduit.

• Uw core axtoniion 15152-012-00000 with this pulling lool.

Note: See page 17 (or additional technical data, pages 11 through 14 lor Application
Schema lies and page 32 lor lalch Information

BKR-5 BKF-6 R-25

Cameo 20
Gas Lift

Retrievable Pilot-Operated
Gas Lift Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable pilot-operated gas lift
valves are used for intermittent tubing flow gas lift produc
tion. This line of valves includes 1"O.D. PK-1 valves and 1-1/2"
O.D. RP-6 and RPB-5 valves. Each pilot-operated valve con
sists of a pilot section and a power section. A nitrogen-
charged, multi-ply Monel bellows provides the force neces
sary to maintain the pilot section in a normally closed posi
tion, and an Inconel spring provides the force necessary to
maintain the power section in a normally closed position.
PK-1 and RP-6 valves contain integral reverse flow check
valves and floating seats. RPB-5 valves, which also contain
floating seats, are bleed-type pilot valves used in chamber
lift installations to vent trapped gas to the tubing.

The power section of 1" O.D, PK-1 valves has a flow area
equivalent to a 3/8" port. Port sizes available for the PK-1 pilot
section are 1/8" through 5/16" in 1/16" increments.

The power sections of 1-1/2" O.D. RP-6 and RPB-5 valves have
a flow area equivalent to a 9/16" port. Port sizes available
for the RP-6 pilot section are 1/4" through 1/2" in 1/16" In
crements and for the RPB-5 pilot section are 1/4" through
7/16" in 1/16" increments.

OPERATION: Injection gas first enters the valve pilot section

and acts on the effective bellows area. As injection pressure
overcomes the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows,
the bellows is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat
to open the pilot section. Injection gas then flows downward
through the valve until it overcomes the preset spring force
of the power section. As the power section opens, injection
gas then flows through the valve, past the reverse flow check
valve (in RP-6 and PK-1 valves only) and into the production
conduit or, if the valve is an RPB-5, into the chamber below
the top packer. In the closed position, RPB-5 valves vent gas
trapped in the chamber to the tubing.

* Use eoro extension 15152-012-00000 with this pulling tool.

Note: Soo page 17 (of aacilional technical data, pages 11 Ihrougn 14 lor Applicalion
PK-1 RP-6 RPB-5
Schematics and page 32 (or lalcfi information.

21 Cameo

Retrievable Single-Point-lnjection
Gas Lift Orifice Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable single-point-injection gas
lift orifice valves are used for continuous tubing flow gas lift
production. This line of valves includes 1" O.D. DKO-2 and
BKO-3 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. RDO-5 valves. An integral choke
controls the flow of gas through these normally open valves
into the production conduit. BKO-3 and RDO-5 valves have
floating chokes, and DKO-2 valves have nonfloating,
replaceable chokes. All these valves contain integral reverse
flow check valves.

Port sizes available for 1" O.D. valves are 1/8" through 3/8"
in 1/16" increments for DKO-2 valves and 1/8" through 5/16"
in 1/16" increments for BKO-3 valves.

Port sizes available (or 1-1/2" O.D. RDO-5 valves are 3/16"
through 3/4" in 1/16" increments.

OPERATION: injection gas enters the valve through the exter

nal ports between the valve packing sets and travels through
the choke, past the reverse flow check valve and into the
production conduit.

' Use corn Bilsniion 15 1S2-012-OOOOO with Ihii pulling look

Nole: See pages 11 through W lot Application Scliematics and page 32 lor latch information.


Cameo 22
Retrievable Equalizing
Dummy Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable equalizing dummy valves
are isolation and pressure equalization devices thai prevent
communication between the tubing and the casing. This line
of valves includes 1" O.D. EK, EK-1 and BKEO valves and
1-1/2" O.D. RKED, CEV and RKEO valves. These valves each
have two sets of packing which straddle and pack off the
casing ports in the side pocket mandrel. Any of these equaliz
ing dummy valves can be used for equalizing tubing and
casing pressure; however, only BKEO and RKEO valves are
recommended for circulating fluid before valve retrieval. EK,
RKED and CEV valves each have an equalizing prong which
positively seals off communication between the tubing and
the casing. These valves require two wireline trips for retrieval,
the first to pull the prong and equalize the valve and the sec
ond to retrieve the valve. EK-1, BKEO and RKEO valves can
be both equalized and retrieved with one wireline trip.

Flow area for EK, EK-1, RKED and CEV valves is equivalent to
a 17/64" port, BKEO and RKEO valves have replaceable
orifices. Port sizes available for BKEO valves are 1/8" through
5/16" in 1/16" increments and for RKEO valves are 5/16"
through 1/2" in 1/16" increments,

OPERATION: For EK, RKED and CEV valves, first the equalizing
prong is retrieved by standard wireline methods with a pull
ing tool and a core extension. Pressures are then allowed
to equalize, and the valve is retrieved from the side pocket
mandrel. For EK-1, BKEO and RKEO valves, downward jarring
on the pulling tool shifts the equalizing prong downward to
open the valve equalizing ports. After equalization, upwarq
jarring removes both the equalizing prong and the valve
from the side pocket mandrel.

' Uio tore B«isn5ion 15152-012-00000 with ihis pulling lool.

Note:See pages 11 through «lor Application Schematics and page 32 (or latch information

23 Cameo

Retrievable Dummy Valves

DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable dummy valves are isola
tion devices that prevent communication between the tub
ing and the casing. This line of valves includes 1" O.D. E and
DK-1 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. RD valves. Each of these valves
has two sets of packing which straddle and pack off the cas
ing ports in the side pocket mandrel.

OPERATION: Communication between the tubing and the

casing is positively sealed off until the dummy valve is re
trieved from the side pocket mandrel by standard wireline

' Use tore extension 15152-013-00000 wilh thii pulling loo],

Noie: See pages 11 ttuough W for Applicalion Schematics and page 32 lor lalch infomralion.


Cameo 24
Retrievable Differential
Dump/Kill Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable differential dump/kill valves
provide a means of communication between the casing and
the tubing when activated by differentia! pressure. This line
of valves includes 1" O.D. DCK-2 and DCK-3 valves and 1-1/2"
O.D. DCR-1 and RDK valves. The valves, which act initially as
dummy valves, have a piston which seals off the circulating
ports in the valve and the side pocket mandrel. The piston
is held in the closed position by shear screws or pins. The
type, number and combination of screws or pins determine
the casing-to-tubing pressure differential required to open
the valve.

Flow areas available for 1" O.D. valves are 0.209 square inch
for DCK-2 valves and 0.632 square inch for DCK-3 valves.

Flow areas available for 1-1/2" O.D. valves are 0,406 square
inch for DCR-1 valves and 1200 square inches for RDK valves.

OPERATION: Annular pressure must be increased enough to

obtain the required differential pressure to shear the screws
or the pins holding the valve piston closed, When the screws
or the pins shear and the piston locks open, well fluids are
free to flow in either direction. An increase in tubing pressure
will not open the valve.

• Uio core oxlonsion 15152-012-00000 with ihis pulling tool.

Noia: See pages 11 Ihrougli 1dfor Applicalion Schematics and page 32 lot lalch infotmalion.



Retrievable Circulating Valves

DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable circulating valves are used
to circulate fluid through the side pocket of a mandrel
without damaging the pocket. This line of valves includes 1"
CD. CSK-1 and BKFS valves and 1-1/2" O.D. RCS. RKFS, RG-1,
RG-2 and RGR-2 valves. CSK-1, BKFS, RCS and RKFS valves do
ss t not contain integral reverse flow check valves and permit
circulation from both the casing to the tubing and the tub
ing to the casing. RG-1 and RG-2 valves permit circulation
from the casing to the tubing only, and RGR-2 valves permit
circulation from the tubing to the casing only. RG-1, RG-2 and
RGR-2 valves contain integral reverse flow check valves. Fluid
is dispersed through both ends of each circulating valve fo
enable circulation with a minimum pressure drop, BKFS and
RKFS valves feature a replaceable orifice choke and an I.D.
that is specially treated to resist the erosive effects of high
flow velocities.

Circulating areas available for 1" O.D. valves are 0.186

square inch for CSK-1 valves and 0.150 square inch max
imum for BKFS valves. Orifice choke sizes available for BKFS
valves are 1/16" through 7/16" in 1/16" increments.

A Circulating areas available for 1-1/2" O.D. valves are 0.776

square inch for RCS valves, 0.360 square inch maximum for
RKFS valves and 0.392 square inch for RG-1, RG-2 and RGR-2
valves. Orifice choke sizes available for RKFS valves are 1/16"
through 5/8" in 1/16" increments.

OPERATION: In casing-to-tubing circulation applications (for

all except RGR-2 valves), fluid in the casing annulus enters
the valve through the external ports between the valve pack
ing sets and flows simultaneously upward through the valve
top and downward through the valve nose into the tubing.
The integral reverse flow check valves in RG-1 and RG-2
valves prevent backflow and circulation from the tubing into
the casing.

In tubing-to-casing circulation applications (for all except

RG-1 and RG-2 valves), fluid In the tubing enters the valve
simultaneously through the valve nose and the valve top and
flows into the casing annulus through the external ports be
tween the valve packing sets. The integral reverse flow check
valves in RGR-2 valves prevent backflow and circulation from
the casing into the tubing.


? \

Cameo 26
Gas Lift

1 Iho core extension 15152-012-00000 wilh ihii pulling tool.

*' Tho BEK-3 lalch providos fully open (low capability.

Note: See pages 11 itiraugh Id lor Application Schemaiics and page 32 for lalcdinformaiioi.

RG-1 RGR-2

27 Cameo
Retrievable Nitrogen-Charged
Chemical Injection Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable nitrogen-charged
II chemical injection valves control chemicals injected into the
production fluid at valve depth. This line of valves includes
V O.D. BKHLK-2 and BKLK-2 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. RCBH and
RCB valves. A nitrogen-charged bellows provides the force
necessary to maintain each of these valves in a normally
closed position, BKHLK-2 and RCBH valves contain a multi
ply Inconel bellows which suits these valves for high-pressure
service, BKLK-2 and RCB valves contain a multi-ply Monel
bellows and are used for low- to medium-pressure applica
tions. All of the valves contain spring-loaded reverse flow
check valves and floating seats. BKHLK-2, RCBH and RCB
valves use a metal ball and seat containment for the
nitrogen charge, while BKLK-2 valves use a dill core.

Port sizes available for 1" O.D. and 1-1/2" O.D. valves are
1/8" and 3/16",

OPERATION: In on open injection system, injection chemicals

enter the valve from the casing annulus. In a closed injec
tion system, injection chemicals enter the valve from a
separate injection line attached to the appropriate side
pocket mandrel. Injection chemical pressure acts on the ef
fective bellows area, As injection pressure overcomes the
precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows, the bellows is
compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat. Chemicals then
flow through the seat, past the reverse flow check valve and
into the production conduit.

i t*

Nole: See page 17 lor additional technical data, pages 11 through tot Applicallon
Schematics and page 32 tor latch information.


Cameo 28
Gas Lift

Retrievable Spring-Loaded
Chemical Injection Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable spring-loaded chemical in
jection valves control chemicals injected into the production
fluid at valve depth. This line of valves includes 1"O.D. LKH-3
and LK-3 valves and 1-1/2" O.D, RLC-3 valves. An Inconel
spring provides the force necessary to maintain each of
these valves in a normally closed position. All of the valves
contain integral reverse flow check valves and crossover
seats. LKH-3 valves are suitable for higher working pressures
than LK-3 and RLC-3 valves.

Port sizes available for 1" O.D, and 1-1/2" O.D. valves are
1/8" and 3/16",

OPERATION: In an open injection system, injection chemicals

enter the valve from the casing onnulus. In a closed injec
tion system, injection chemicals enter the valve from a
separate injection line attached to the appropriate side
pocket mandrel. As injection pressure overcomes the preset
spring force plus tubing pressure, the spring compresses and
lifts the stem tip off the seat. Chemicals then flow through the
seat, past the reverse flow check valve and into the produc
tion conduit.

Nole; See pages 11 through 14 for Application Schemata and page 32 for talch information.



Retrievable Waterflood Flow

Regulator Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable waterflood ftow regulator
valves precisely regulate water injection volumes into multi
ple isolated zones through a single tubing siring. This line of
regulator valves includes 1" O.D. KCW and KWW valves and
1-1/2" CD. RW and RWW valves. Each regulator valve con
sists of a hardened Monel piston and piston housing, a
stainless steel spring and an integral reverse flow check
valve. A fixed orifice in the piston of these valves allows an
infinitely variable flow rate adjustment within a specified

Flow area for 1"O.D. KCW and KWW valves ranges from an
equivalent 1/8" minimum por! to an equivalent 7/32" max
imum port.

Flow area for 1-1/2" O.D. RW and RWW valves ranges from
an equivalent 1/8" minimum port to an equivalent 3/8" max
imum port.

OPERATION: Water injected into the tubing enters the flow

regulator valve, passes through a fixed orifice in the piston
and exits through a variable exit port into the zone being
flooded. If the pressure differential through the orifice in
creases, the piston's position changes in relation to the exit
port and restricts flow Ihrough the exit port. Flow rate is main
tained at a predetermined and preset rate, regardless of
changes in pressure characteristics between the injection
stream and the zone being flooded.

' Use core extension 15152-012-00000 wilh this pulling tool.

Nole: Seepages 11 through 1d for Application Schematics and page 32 for latch information


Gas Lift

Retrievable High-Volume
Waterflood and Dummy Flow Sleeves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable high-volume waterflood
flow sleeves regulate high-volume water injection into multi
ple isolated zones through a single tubing string, and Cameo
retrievable dummy flow sleeves prevent communication be
tween the tubing and the casing in walerflood applications,
The waterflood flow sleeves, designated as WF-FS sleeves,
feature orifices made from corrosion-resistant alloys and are
available in 1-9/16" O.D. and 1-3/4" O.D, sizes. The 1-9/16"
O.D. WF-FS sleeves have a maximum orifice of 3/4", and the
1-3/4" O.D. WF-FS sleeves have a maximum oriticeof 1-1/8".
The dummy flow sleeves, designated as WF-D sleeves, are
also available in 1-9/16" O.D. and 1-3/4" O.D. sizes.

OPERATION: When a waterflood flow sleeve is installed, water

injected into the tubing enters the waterflood flow sleeve,
passes through the orifice and flows into the zone being
flooded. Flow rate is maintained under constant-pressure,
steady-flow conditions through the fixed diameter orifice.
When a dummy flow sleeve is installed, communication be
tween the tubing and the casing is positively sealed off until
the dummy flow sleeve is retrieved from the side pocket man
drel by standard wireline methods.

Note: See pages 11 tnrough 14 for Application Schematics and page 32 for latch information.


31 Cameo

Retrievable Valve Top Latches

DESCRIPTION: Cameo retrievable valve top latches RK latches, which have two o-rings on the latch stop
lock Cameo retrievable gas lift valves and side to provide a debris barrier in the top of the mandrel
pocket accessories without integral latches in the ap latch tube, are used in appropriate Cameo MMG,
propriate Cameo side pocket mandrels. This line of MMRG, MMGE or MMRGE series mandrels, RK-1
latches includes BK-2, BEK-2, BEK-3, R, RA, RK, RK-1, RKP, latches, which have longitudinal grooves that serve
RK-WF and WK-WF latches. as flow conduits between the latch and the mandrel
latch tube, are used in appropriate Cameo MMG.
BK-2. BEK-2 and BEK-3 spring-loaded, ring-style latches MMRG and MMGW series mandrels. RKP latches
lock 1" O.D. valves and accessories in appropriate allow flow through the latch center, have a 0.453"
Cameo KBM, KBMG and KBG series mandrels. BEK-2 bore and are used in appropriate Cameo MMG or
latches are also used in appropriate Cameo KBMGW MMRG series mandrels.
series mandrels, BEK-2 and BEK-3 latches allow flow
through the latch center and have a 0.375" bore. RK-WF and WK-WF spring-loaded, ring-style latches
BEK-3 latches, ideal for use with circulating or flow lock warerflood and dummy flow sleeves in ap
devices, feature an erosion-resistant I.D. propriate Cameo WFG series mandrels. RK-WF
latches, used with 1-9/16" O.D. devices, have a
R and RA latches are attached to 1-1/2" O.D, valves
0.453" bore, and WK-WF latches, used with 1-3/4"
and accessories. R latches are used in appropriate
O,D. devices, have a 0.437" bore, The latch ting on
Cameo MM, MME or MMW series mandrels, while RA
these latches is made from heat-treated material
latches are used in appropriate Cameo MMA series
because added strength is required when a dummy
flow sleeve is installed and the entire polished bore
RK, RK-1 and RKP spring-loaded, ring-style latches are cross-sectional area is exposed to annular pressure.

also attached to 1-1/2" O.D. valves and accessories,

Use core eitBnsion 15152-012-00000 wilh ihii pulling loo!.

BK-2 BEK-2 RK-1 RK-1

Cameo 32
Gas Lift

Side Pocket Mandrels

Cameo's introduction of the side eluding the welds, undergoes a full heat-treatment
pocket mandrel in 1954 revolution process and is hydrostatically tested internally to strict
ized the world of gas lift and comple Cameo standards. Collapse testing, radiographic in
tion technology by providing a more spection and magnetic particle inspection are per
flexible, efficient alternative to con formed on a random sampling of these mandrels.
ventional mandrels. Since 1954, Cameo also provides additional quality control ser
Cameo has continually improved vices based on customer need. These services In
and refined the side pocket mandrel clude complete magnetic particle inspection,
design to provide customers v/ith radiographic inspection and liquid penetrant and
technologically advanced mandrels ultrasonic inspection.
for a variety of applications. From the conception of
the basic side pocket mandrel design to the Standard Cameo side pocket mandrels are
development of the current G series mandrels. manufactured from AISI 4130 low-alloy steel. The
Cameo is committed to remain a leading supplier of chemical composition of the steel used by Cameo
high-quaiity gas lift and completion equipment. is closely controlled through rigid specifications to
assure the desired mechanical properties. Standard
Cameo's line of side pocket mandrels includes the side pocket mandrels are heat-treated for two dif
technologically advanced G series mandrels as well ferent types of service, sweet service and H2S ser
as KBM, MM and MMA series mandrels, the mainstay vice. The mandrels heat-treated for sweet service
of the Cameo line for over 25 years. Every Cameo hove a minimum material yield strength of 95,000 psi.
side pocket mandrel features the basic side pocket The mandrels heat-treated for H2S service have a
which receives gas lift valves, chemical injection minimum material yield strength of 80,000 psi and
valves, differential dump/kill valves, circulating hardness levels that conform to those specified by
valves, dummy valves and waterflood flow regulator NACE MR-01-75 for H2S service.
Wells drilled in formations with high pressures and
The G series mandrels include KBMG, KBG, MMG, temperatures and moderate to extremely corrosive
MMRG and multipocket series mandrels which incor environments often require materials other than low-
porate several innovative design features. One of alloy steel, Therefore, Cameo makes mandrels from
these features, an orienting sleeve, precisely aligns 9 CR-1 MO steel, 410 stainless steel and alloy 718, This
side pocket devices for accurate insertion into the range of alternate material choices is suitable for
mandrel pocket. A forged tool discriminator feature HjS, CO2 and chloride environments and a wide
guides the proper diameter side pocket devices into range of pressures and temperatures.
the mandrel pocket and deflects larger tools into the
tubing bore. These mandrels also feature an inte Cameo has developed a proprietary method to ac
grally forged side pocket (a solid side pocket in some curately predict maximum acceptable pressure
designs) which allows higher test pressures in G series levels for all its side pocket mandrels. During applica
mandrels than in other Cameo mandrel designs. All tion or testing, internal or external pressure differen
these features combine to make G series mandrels tials must not exceed these levels or permanent
the most advanced available. deformation of the mandrel vessel could result,
Cameo's proprietary method is based on finite ele
Years of building mandrels for the petroleum industry ment analysis, physical testing and statistical data.
have taught Cameo engineers that quality is the most Test pressures are listed in this catalog to help pre
important ingredient in mandrel construction. This ex vent permanent vessel deformation due to in
perience and attitude enable Cameo to provide advertently exceeding the mandrel's yield strength.
mandrels of consistent quality. During the manufac Pressure limits are for the vessel only; specific data
turing process, each mandrel is tested and inspected tor tubular connections must be reviewed to avoid
many times by qualified quality control inspectors. exceeding the pressure limits of the end connections.
Every mandrel component is dimensionally checked
prior to being fabricated into the final assembly. Through extensive research and development.
Quality control inspections on standard side pocket Cameo is able to design and manufacture side
mandrels include hardness checks at several loca pocket mandrels with the features and material
tions along the length of Ihe mandrel, internal drifting specifications to meet the most demanding re
to API drift dimensions, external drifting to published quirements. Cameo's dedication to quality and sen
cosing sizes and dimensional inspection of threads sitivity to industry needs demonstrate a commitment
with gauges calibrated to National Bureau of to meet the ever-increasing demands of the
Standards (NBS) specifications. Each mandrel, in- petroleum industry.

33 Cameo

Basic Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Designs


J Mandrel Porting Mandiel Pocket

Gas Lift

Guide to Selection of Cameo Side Pocket Mandrels

Cameo makes selection of the appropriate side pocket mandrel simple by designating most ol the special features of each model In the mandrel
nomenclature. A K al Ihe beginning of a mandrel's nomenclature designates a K series mandrel thai receives 1" O.D. retrievable side pocket values and
accessories, and on M at the beginning or a mandrels nomenclature designates an M series mandrel that receives 1-1/2" O.D. retrievable side pocket
valves and accessories. In addition to Ihe standard features of M and K series mandrels, six design features denoted by the letters G. E. EC. W. U and R
specialize Cameo mandrels for specific acplicalions. Design variations, indicated by letters and numerals following Ihe hyphen in the nomenclature, are
also available for more specialized mandrel functions. With this extensive range of mandrel types. Cameo can offer mandrels lo suit a wide variety, of well
com plel ions.

Basic Design Features for Cameo Side Pocket Mandrels

G The letter G refers to Cameo's most technologically advanced mandrel design and indicates three innovative mandrel feature;. The first feature,
an orienting sleeve, provides precise alignment end Insertion of side pocket devices into the mandrel side pocket, "he second feature, a forged
lool discriminator, guides the proper diameter s:de pocket devices into the mandrel pocket and deflects larger tools into the tubing bore, The Ihird
feature, an integrally forged side pocket (or a solid side pocket in some mandrels], allows higher test pressures In G series mondrels lhan In other
mandrel designs. In gas lift applications, high-pressure gas injected Intoihe casing annulus flows through the ports in the side of the mandiel, ir-rough
the ports in Ihe gas lilt valve and into the lubing.

E The letler E mdicales that the mandrel, used primarily in chamber lift applications, has no ports in the side pockel foi communication with the tubing.
Instead, me mandrel has an exhaus: port al Ihe bottom of the side pocket. This port is extended downward Into the casing annulus through a 1/2"
pipe connected to the top packer of a chamber lift installation. In gas litt applications, high-pressure gas injected into the casing annulus flows through
the ports in Ihe side of the mandrel. Ihrough the ports in the gas lift valve and downward through the exhaust pod.

EC The letters EC indicate thol the mandrel, used in annular lift applications, features a snorkel which functions as an exhaust port. Located at Ihe bottom
of the side pocket, the snorkel Bitends downward into ihe casing annulus. Ihe holes in the mandrel side pocket communicate directly with the lub-
irg. In gas lifi applications, high-pressure gas injected into the lubing flows Ihrough the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket.
through the ports in the gas lift valve, downward through the snorkel and into the casing.

W The lelfer W indicates lhat Ihe mandrel is used in single-string, muitiione fluid injection (warerflood) Installations. The mandrel has a casing exhausl
porl at the bottom of the side pocket lo protect Ihe casing from high-velocity turbulence associated with wolerflooding. In waterflood operations,
water injected into the lubing flows hto the mandrel side pocket, through the waterflood flow regulator valve and downward through the exhaust
port. A nonretrievable check valve can be attached directly to the exhaust port lo prevent backflow from Ihe annulus when the walerflood tlow
regulator valve is removed.

R The letler R indicates a round M series mandrel The round design is generally used when increased test pressure or premium metallurgy is required.

U The letter U indicates that the mandrel has a reduced O.D. and a reduced I.D. to permit installation In dual-string completions or heavy-weigh! cas
ing. In 3-1/2" KBLJG mandrels, however, only the O.D. is reduced.

Design Variations for Basic Cameo Side Pocket Mandrels

2 The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced O.D. injection into the casing annulus is noi desirable. If the side pipes
□nd a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designation have a aie extended, these mandrels can be connected with other LT man
reduced lest pressure. drels installed in the same tubing siring. In gas lid applications, In-
jecled gas enters the mandrel pocket from ihe side pipe and flows
The numeral 3 indicates lhat special consideration must be given
through ihe gas lift valve ond Into Ihe'ubing. Flow will also continue
to thread seleclion. The complele line of slandard end connections
downward if Ihe side pipe is connecled to olher LT mandrels
may not be aoplicabie, or the mandrel may be specially designed
for heavy-weight end connections. LTS The letters LTS indicate that Ihe mandrel has an integral connection,
typically 1/8" NPT box. that accepts an injechon conduit, typically
A The numeral 4 indicates that the ends of Ihe mandrel are lengthened
WO.D., extending from rne surface wellhead connection. LTS man
to accommodate the rBmachining of end connections.
drels are used when two or more tluics being iniected into the well
must be kept separate until they are commingled in the flow stream.
5 The numeral 5 indicates thai 'he mandrel has integral guara devices
to protect chemical injection conduits being run simultaneously with This type of installation leaves the annulus free for other production
the mandrel uses. In chemical injection applications, injected chemicals enter
the mandrel pocket through fhe injeclion conduit and tlow through
6 The numeral £ indicates fhet Ihe mandrel has special extended ends the chemical injection valve and inlo the lubing.
that provide room for tubing tongs
V The letter V indicates that Ihe mandrel has more lhan one receiver
LT The letters LT indicate thai ihe mandrel has a pipe welded onto its pocket. The V designation is used in combinalion with a numeral
side to serve as a tlow conduit for liquid or gas injection from Ihe to Indicate the number ot receiver pockets, such as 2V or 5V.
surface directly to the mandrel pocket. LT mandrels are used when

This nomenclature summary should be used by customers as an aid in determining which Cameo side pocket mandrels will most effectively suit specific
needs and enable the most efficient achievement of produciion goals. However, as in choosing any product for a specific Insiallalion, well characteristics.
completion requirements and many other factors must be taken into consideration. It Is also important to note lhat the mandrel nomenclature indicates
only principal features. A mandrel may Include additional features which, for simplicity, are not reler-ed lo in the nomenclature For complete details on
features and performance capabilities, refer to specific mandrel information on the following pages or contact the nearest Cameo sales and service

35 Cameo

Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility

As with any downhole device run as part of the tub tion are installed simultaneously, specific sizes of
ing string, side pocket mandrels have a minimum round mandrels without welded-on side protrusions
casing size in which they can be installed. The follow may be used, For special cases, Cameo can provide
ing casing compatibility chart provides the minimum completion designs to allow the use of some man
casing size in which a specific side pocket mandrel drel types not generally applicable to dual-string
can be installed for single-string or dual-string com completions; however. Cameo does not normally
pletions. The following assumptions are made for recommend the installation of either single or dual
dual-string applications: 1) 9-5/8" O.D. casing is the O.D.'s which exceed the casing drift I.D,
largest production casing normally used and 2) the
strings will not be installed simultaneously; therefore, The following illustration shows the drift diameter re
one mandrel will be required to pass the other man quired for dual installations.
drel during installation.
Drift Diameter for Oval Mandrels

Generally, mandrels with side pipes, side lugs or in

tegral control line protectors are not applicable for
dual-string applications due to installation difficulties.
Round mandrels are also generally not applicable Diameler
for dual installations because their maximum O.D.'s
are constant and larger than the minor O.D.'s of cor
responding oval mandrels. If the production casing
is large enough and if both strings of a dual installa This diamesei is greater ihan the sum of ttie minor O.D.'s

Guide to Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility

The API EUE-8RD coupling on the side pocket mandrel pin thread intreosos the major O.D. Conlinued

Cameo 36
Guide to Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility

The API EUE-8SD coupling on the side pocket mandrel pin ihreod inceaioi the major O.D. Conlinued

37 Cameo

Guide to Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility

The API EUE-8RD coupling on iho sido pockol mandrel pin ihroad increases Ihe major O.D.

Cameo 38
Gas Lift

KBMG, KBG, MMG, MMRG and Multipocket Series

Side Pocket Mandrels
Cameo KBMG, KBG, MMG, MMRG and multipocket string. KBMG, KBG, MMG and MMRG series mandrels
series side pocket mandrels are among the most have a single side pocket while multipocket series
sophisticated mandrels avaiiable today. These man mandrels feature multiple side pockets for special
drels feature a technologically advanced design applications. The side pocket of KBMG and KBG
and premium metallurgy to provide reliable per series mandrels accepts 1" O.D. retrievable side
formance in a wide range of subsurface applica pocket devices, and the side pocket of MMG, MMRG
tions, including highly deviated wells and extreme and multipocket series mandrels accepts 1-1/2" O.D.
environments. retrievable side pocket devices. The side pocket of
all these mandrels also allows room for the opera
Referred to as G series mandrels because of the let tion of running tools, pulling tools and Cameo O series
ter G in the nomenclature, these mandrels incor kickover tools which are used to install and retrieve
porate several innovative design features developed side pocket devices by standard wireline methods.
by Cameo through years of research and field ex KBMG and MMG series mandrels are constructed of
perience. One of these features is an orienting sleeve oval pipe and most offer full tubing drift I,D. to ac
which orients the kickover tool with the mandrel side commodate normal wireline operations through the
pocket for precise alignment and installation of side tubing string. KBG, MMRG and multipocket series
pocket subsurface control devices. Another feature mandrels are constructed ot round pipe which in
is a tool discriminator which guides tools of the proper creases the test pressure ratings ot K8G and MMRG
size into the mandrel side pocket and deflects other series mandrels.
larger-size tools. These mandrels also feature an in
tegrally forged side pocket (or a solid side pocket in K8MG, KBG, MMG, MMRG and multipocket series
some mandrel designs) which significantly improves mandrels are available with additional features and
test pressure ratings. design variations which specialize them for particular
completion applications. The Guide to Selection of
KBMG, KBG, MMG, MMRG and multipocket series side Cameo Side Pocket Mandrels at the beginning of this
pocket mandrels have eccentric swages on both section describes the available features and varia
ends which are threaded in a variety of tubing con tions. More detailed information on specific mandrels
nection sizes for installation as part of the tubing is presented on the following pages.

39 Cameo
Guide to Cameo KBMG and KBG Series
Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories

Cameo 40
Guide to Cameo KBMG and KBG Series
Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories

41 Cameo

Guide to Cameo MMG, MMRG and Multipocket Series

Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories

High-volume wafarflood dummy How ilaevo

lume water'lood (low iloove

Cameo 42
Gas Lift

Guide to Cameo MMG, MMRG and Multipocket Series

Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories

High-volume walerflood dummy flow

High-volume wnrorflood How sloeve

43 Cameo

KBMG and KBUG Series Side Pocket Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Cameo KBMG and KBUG series side pocket mandrels are
single-pocket mandrels that accept 1" O.D. side pocket devices. These
mandrels incorporate all the design features of KBMG series side pocket
mandrels described on page 39 and ore available in a variety of tubing
connection sizes.

KBMG and KBUG series mandrels have similar configurations; however, KBUG
series mandrels have a reduced O.D. and a reduced I,D. to permit installa
tion in dual-string completions or heavy-weight casing. The 3-1/2" KBUG man
drels, which have a reduced O.D. and a fully open I.D., are an exception.

The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specific
production applications. These variations, designated by numerals or let
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Man
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those listed
in the accompanying chart.

KBUG-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.

KBUG-3: The numeral 3 indicates that special consideration must be given
to thread selection. The complete line of standard end con
nections may not be applicable, or the mandrel may be spe
cially designed for heavy-weight end connections.

KBMG-5: The numeral 5 indicates that the mandrel has integral guard
devices to protect chemical injection conduits being run
simultaneously with the mandrel.

KBMG-6: The numeral 6 indicates that the mandrel has special extended
ends that provide room for tubing tongs.

KBMG-LT: The letters LT indicate that the mandrel has a pipe welded onto
its side to serve as a flow conduit for liquid or gas injection from
the surface directly to the mandrel pocket. LT mandrels are used
when injection into the casing annulus is not desirable. If the side
pipes are extended, these mandrels can be connected with
other LT mandrels installed in the same tubing string. In gas lift
applications, injected gas enters the mandrel pocket from the
side pipe and flows through the gas lift valve and into the tub
ing. Flow will also continue downward if the side pipe is con
nected to other LT mandrels.

KBUG-LTS: The letters LTS indicate that the mandrel has an integral connec
tion, typically 1/8" NPT box, that accepts an injection conduit,
typically 1/4" O.D., extending from the surface wellhead con
nection. LTS mandrels are used when two or more fluids being
injected into the well must be kept separate until they are com
mingled in the flow stream. This type of installation leaves the
annulus free for other production uses. In chemical injection ap
plications, injected chemicals enter the mandrel pocket through
the injection conduit and flow through the chemical injection
KBMG KBMG-LT valve and into the tubing.

" Tesl pressure* listed ore for mandruli made from A IS I J 130 low-alloy stool hoal-trea)od for normal or corrosivu environmonls. Thoio pressures may be
reduced due lo end comedian limilctinria. Sec page 33 for nddllionol in:ormaiion and dolo on ollornafe maicriak.
* * The dimension given is maximum O.D. See fhe Guide To Cameo Side Pocket Mandrel Casing Compatibility chart on page 36 for Ihe minimum casing lizs
in vhith the mandrel can be installed.
" " " The rest pressure for oil *ide pipes h 3^000 psL
" IJ represents an integral [oinl thread, an API thread form in which The box it integral lo the Tubing and no coupling is required.

Note: See page 40 for the Guide to Cameo KBMG and KBG Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories chart, pages
58 and 59 tor O series kickover tool running and pullirg procedures and pages 11 Through \A for Application Schematics,

45 Cameo
Series Side Pocket Mandrels
side pocket mandrels are single-pocket mandrels that accept 1" O.D. side
pocket devices, These mandrels incorporate all the design features of KBMG
series side pocket mandrels described on page 39 and are available in
a variety of tubing connection sizes.

KBMGE and KBUGE series mandrels, used primarily in chamber lift

applications, have no ports in the side pocket for communication with the
tubing. Instead, these mandrels have an exhaust port at the bottom of the
side pocket. This port is extended downward into the casing annulus through
a 1/2" pipe connected to the top packer of a chamber lift installation. In
gas lift applications, high-pressure gas injected into the casing annulus flows
through the ports in the side of the mandrel, through the ports in the gas
lift valve and downward through the exhaust port. KBMGE and KBUGE series
mandrels have similar configurations; however, KBUGE mandrels have a
reduced O.D. and a reduced I.D, to permit installation in dual-string com
pletions or heavy-weight casing.

KBMGEC series mandrels, used in annular lift applications, feature a snorkel

which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of the side
pocket, the snorkel extends downward into the casing annulus. The holes
in the mandrel side pocket communicate directly with the tubing. In gas
lift applications, high-pressure gas injected into the tubing flows through
the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket, through the
ports in the gas lift valve, downward through the snorkel and into the casing.

KBMGW and KBUGW series mandrels are used in single-string, multizone fluid
injection (waterflood) installations. These mandrels have a casing exhaust
port at the bottom of the side pocket to protect the cosing from high-velocity
turbulence associated with woterflooding. In waterflood operations, water
injected into the tubing flows into the mandrel side pocket, through the
waterflood flow regulator valve and downward through the exhaust port.
A nonretrievable check valve can be attached directly to the exhaust port
to prevent backflow from the annulus when the waterflood flow regulator
valve is removed. KBMGW and KBUGW series mandrels have similar con
figurations; however, KBUGW mandrels have a reduced O.D, and a reduced
i.D. to permit installation in dual-string completions or heavy-weight casing.

The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specific
production applications. These variations, designated by numerals or let
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Man
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those listed
in the accompanying chart.

KBMGW-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.


Gas Lift

KBMGE-LT: The letters LT indicate that the mandrel has a pipe welded onto
its side to serve as a (low conduit for liquid or gas injection from
the surface directly to the mandrel pocket. LT mandrels are used
when injection into the casing annulus is not desirable. If the side
pipes are extended, these mandrels can be connected with
other LT mandrels installed in the same tubing string. In gas lift
applications, injected gas enters the mandrel pocket from the
side pipe and flows through the gas lift valve and into the tub
ing. Flow will also continue downward if the side pipe is con
nected to other LT mandrels.

KBUGE-LTS' The letters LTS indicate that the mandrel has an integral connec
tion, typically 1/8" NPT box, that accepts an injection conduit,
typically 1/4" O.D., extending from the surface wellhead con
nection LTS mandrels are used when two or more fluids being
injected into the well must be kept separate until they are com
mingled in the flow stream. This type of installation leaves the
annulus free for other production uses. In chemical injection ap
plications injected chemicals enter the mandrel pocket through
the injection conduit and flow through the chemical injection
valve and into the tubing.

lor KBMGE, KBUGE, KBMGEC, KflMGW ond KflUGW Serl.t Sida Potkal Mtmdr.U

- P~ n«d o.. for n.ondr.1. mod. from AISI 4130 lowolloy ,»«,! h»Mr.o,.d For normal or corrorfv. environs,, TheiB P,eS,Ures n.ay
Xed due to Bnd conn.cHon limitation* See page 33 i.r cddi.ion.l Womolbn end da.o on>. mot.nok.

in which the mondrel can bo insialled.

+ Ths leit pressure for all lide pipes is 3,000 pii.


KBG, KBGU and KBGE Series

Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Cameo KBG, KBGU and KBGE series side pocket mandrels are
singie-pocket mandrels that accept 1" O.D, side pocket devices. Manufac
tured from round pipe for superior strength and increased pressure capabil
ity, these mandrels incorporate all the design features of KBG series side
pocket mandrels described on page 39 and are available in a variety of
tubing connection sizes.

KBG and KBGU series mandrels have similar configurations; however, all
KBGU series mandrels have a reduced O.D. and most have a reduced I.D.
to permit installation in dual-string completions or heavy-weight casing.

KBGE series mandrels, used primarily in chamber lift installations, have no

ports in the side pocket for communication with the tubing. Instead, these
mandrels have an exhaust port at the bottom of the side pocket. This port
is extended downward into the casing annulus through a 1/2" pipe con
nected to the top packer of a chamber lift installation. In gas lift applica
tions, high-pressure gas injected into the casing annulus flows through the
ports in the side of the mandrel, through the ports in the gas lift valve and
downward through the exhaust port.

The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specific
production applications. These variations, designated by numerals or let
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Man
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those listed
in the accompanying chart.

KBG-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O.D, and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.

KBG-3: The numeral 3 indicates that special consideration must be given

to thread selection, The complete line of standard end connec
tions may not be applicable, or the mandrel may be specially
designed for heavy-weight end connections.

KBG-6: The numeral 6 indicates that the mandrel has special extended
ends that provide room for tubing tongs.

KBG-LTS: The letters LTS indicate that the mandrel has an integral connec
tion, typically 1/8" NPT box, that accepts an injection conduit,
typically W O.D., extending from the surface wellhead con
nection. LTS mandrels are used when two or more fluids being
injected into the well must be kept separate until they are com
mingled in the flow stream. This type of installation leaves the
annulus free for other production uses. In chemical injection ap
plications, injected chemicals enter the mandrel pocket through
the injection conduit and flow through the chemical injection
valve and into the tubing.

KBG-2-LTS: This mandrel incorporates the design variations of the KBG-2 and
KBG KBG-LTS the KBG-LTS mandrels described above.

Cameo 48
See 'ho Guide lo Cameo Side Pocket Mondro Coding Compatibilily charl on pogo 36 for the minimum casing size in which tho mandrel can be installed,
To^t pnmures lined are for mandrels made from AISI 41 30 low-ailoy siee! heai-troaied for normal or corrosive environments. Those pressures may
bo reduced duo to end connection limitalio m< Sea page 33 for additional informniiori and daia on alternate maierials.

Note: See page 40 for the Guide to Cameo KBMG and KBG Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pockel Accessories chart,
pages 58 and 59 for O series kickover lool running and pulling procedures and pages 11 through 14 lor Application Schematics,

49 Cameo
■ t :

MMG Series Side Pocket Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Cameo MMG series side pocket mandrels are single-pocket

mandrels that accept 1-1/2" O.D. side pocket devices. These mandrels In
corporate all the design features of MMG series side pocket mandrels
described on page 39 and are available in a variety of tubing connection

The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specific
production applications. These variations, designated by numerals or let
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Man
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those listed
in the accompanying chart,

MMG-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O.D. and a fully open l.D. Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.

MMG-4: The numeral 4 indicates that the ends of the mandrel are
lengthened to accommodate the remachining of end

MMG-5: The numeral 5 indicates that the mandrel has integral guard
devices to protect chemical injection conduits being run
simultaneously with the mandrel.

MMG-6: The numeral 6 indicates that the mandrel has special extended
ends that provide room for tubing tongs.

MMG-LTS: The letters LTS indicate that the mandrel has an integral connec
tion, typically 1/8" NPT box. that accepts an injection conduit,
typically W O.D,, extending from the surface wellhead con
nection. LTS mandrels are used when two or more fluids being
injected into the well must be kept separate until they are com
mingled in the flow stream. This type of installation leaves the
annulus free for other production uses, In chemical injection ap
plications, injected chemicals enter the mandrel pocket through
the injection conduit and flow through the chemical injection
valve and into the tubing.

MMG-2-4: This mandrel incorporates the design variations of the MMG-2

and the MMG-4 mandrels described above.

MMG-2-5: This mandrel incorporates the design variations of the MMG-2

and the MMG-5 mandrels described above.


Cameo 50
Gas Lift

" Teit pressures lined aro for mandrels made from AlSI -41 30 fow-aHoy steol hoaMrealed for normal or corrosive environments. These pressures may be
due to end connection limitaiions, 5oo page 33 for additional informaiion and data on nlfornotp maierials.
■" Use ipacer bat 15819 wilh ihe pulling tool and all OM isries Lkkover look above,
" " " Tha dimension given Is ihe diameiar across Ihe control line protectors on ihe minor diameter.
t Tho dimension given is maximum O.D. See ihe Guide lo Cameo Sido Pockel Mandrel Casing Compafibilily tharl or page 36 for the minimum casing size in which
fhe mandrel can be instatffld.

Note; See page 42 for the Guide to Cameo MMG. MMRG and MulTipockeT Series Side Pocket Manarets and Side Pocket Accessories chart,
pages 58 and 59 for O series kickover tool running and pulling procedures and pages 11 through 14 for Applicaticn Schematics.

51 Cameo


Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Cameo MMGE, MMGEC and MMGW series side pocket man
drels ore single-pocket mandreis that accept 1-1/2" O.D. side pocket
devices. These mandrels incorporate all the design features of MMG series
side pocket mandrels described on page 39 and are available in a variety
of tubing connection sizes.

MMGE series mandrels, used primarily in chamber lift applications, have

no ports in the side pocket for communication with the tubing. Instead, these
mandrels have an exhaust port at the bottom of the side pocket, This port
is extended downward into the casing annulus through a 1/2" pipe con
nected to the top packer of a chamber lift installation. In gas lift applica
tions, high-pressure gas injected into the casing annulus flows through the
ports in the side of the mandrel, through the ports in the gas lift valve and
downward through the exhaust port.

MMGEC series mandrels, used in annular lift applications, feature a snorkel

which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of the side
pocket, the snorkel extends downward into the casing annulus. The holes
in the mandrel side pocket communicate directly with the tubing. In gas
lift applications, high-pressure gas injected into the tubing flows through
the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket, through the
ports in the gas lift valve, downward through the snorkel and into the casing.

MMGW series mandrels are used in single-string, multizone fluid injection

(waterflood) installations. These mandrels have a casing exhaust port at the
bottom of the side pocket to protect the casing from high-velocity turbulence
associated with waterflooding. In watertlood operations, water injected into
the tubing flows into the mandrel side pocket, through the waterflood flow
regulator valve and downward through the exhaust port. A nonretrievable
check valve can be attached directly to the exhaust port to prevent
backflow from the annulus when the waterflood flow regulator valve is


Cameo 52
Test pressures listed oro lor mandrels mode Irom AISI 4130 tow-alloy sleel hool-lrealed for normal or corrosive «nvironments. These pressures ma/ be reduced
due lo end connection limitations. 5ee page 33 for additional information and data on alternate materials.
Uso spacer bar 15819 wilh the pulling lool ond all OM sorioi kictover iools above.

Note: See page 42 (or the Guide lo Cameo MMG, MMRG and Multipocket Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories
chart, pages 58 and 59 for O series kickover tool running and pulling procedures and pages 11 through 14 tor Application Schematics.

53 Cameo

MMRG and MMIG Series Side Pocket Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Cameo MMRG and MMIG series side pocket mandrels are
single-pocket mandrels that accept 1-1/2" O.D. side pocket devices.
Manufactured from round pipe for superior strength and increased pressure
capability, these mandrels incorporate all the design features of MMRG
series side pocket mandrels described on page 39 and are available in
a variety of tubing connection sizes.

MMRG and MMIG series mandrels have similar configurations; however,

MMIG series mandrels feature a specially designed tool discriminator and
receiver pocket that require substantially less welding.

The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specific
production applications. These variations, designated by numerals or let
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Man
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those listed
in the accompanying chart.

MMIG-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O,D. and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.

MMRG-4: The numeral 4 indicates that the ends of the mandrel are
lengthened to accommodate the remachining of end con

MMRG-6: The numeral 6 indicates that the mandrel has special extended
ends that provide room for tubing tongs.

MMIG-2-6: This mandrel incorporates the design variations of the MMRG-2,

the MMIG-2 and the MMRG-6 mandrels described above.


Cameo 54
■ Toil presiurei lined are lor mandrels mode from AISI 4! 30 low-alloy steol heat-treated ior normal or corrosive environmsnti. These pressures moy be
reduced due to and connection limitation!. Sea page 33 for additional information and data on alternale materials.
■ * Uso ipacor bar 15819 wilh the pulling lool and all OM series kickovar tools obove.

Note: See page 42 (or the Guide to Cameo MMG, MMRG and Multipockel Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories
chart, pages 58 and 59 for O series kickover tool running and pulling procedures and pages 11 through 14 (or Applicaiion

55 Cameo

Multipocket Series Side Pocket Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Cameo multipocket series side pocket mandrels feature multi-
pie receiver pockets that accept 1-1/2" CD. side pocket devices, Manufac
tured from round pipe, these mandrels incorporate all the design features
of multipocket series side pocket mandrels described on page 39. This series
includes MMG, MMUG, MMGW and WFG series mandrels which are
available in a variety of tubing connection sizes.

MMG and MMUG series mandrels have similar configurations; however,

MMUG series mandrels have a reduced O.D. and a reduced I.D. to permit
installation in dual-string completions or heavy-weight casing.

MMGW and WFG series mandrels are used in single-string, multizone fluid
injection (waterflood) installations. These mandrels have a casing exhaust
port at the bottom of the side pocket to protect the casing from high-velocity
turbulence associated with waterflooding. In waterflood operations, water
injected into the tubing flows into the mandrel side pocket, through the
waterflood flow regulator valve and downward through the exhaust port.
A nonretrievable check valve can be attached directly to the exhaust port
to prevent backflow from the annulus when the waterflood flow regulator
valve is removed, WFG series mandrels are primarily used for high-volume
waterflood installations, The side pocket of these mandrels has a single
polished bore which receives the WF-FS waterflood flow sleeve or the WF-D
waterflood dummy flow sleeve.

The following mandrels have variations which specialize them for specific
production applications. These variations, designated by numerals or let
ters following the hyphen in the nomenclature, are explained below. Man
drels with these variations are also available in sizes other than those listed
in the accompanying chart.

WFG-2V: The designation 2V indicates that the mandrel has two receiver

MMGW-5V: The designation 5V indicates that the mandrel has five receiver


Cameo 56
Ten pressures lilled are for mandrels made from AISI4130 low-alloy sleol heaM rented For normal or corrosive environmenls. These pressures mo/ bo reduced
duo to end connotlion limitalion!. See page 33 lor addilional inlormalion and doto on ollornate materials.
■- Use spacer bar 15819 with ihe pulling tool and all OM series kickovor tools abovu.

Note: See page 42 for the Guide to Cameo MMG. MMRG and Multipocket Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories
chart, pages 58 and 59 tor O series kickover tool running and pulling p-ocedures and pages 11 through 14 tor Application Schematics.

57 Cameo

O Series Kickover Tool

Wireline Running Procedure
for All Cameo G Series Side
Pocket Mandrels
FIGURE 1A. In the running procedure, the valve,
latch and kickover tool are made up onto the
wireline tool string and lowered through the tub
ing until the kickover tool is below the selected

FIGURE 1B. The kickover tool is raised slowly up

ward through the tubing until the finger on the
o kickover tool contacts the orienting sleeve slot
and stops. Tension is pulled on the wireline until
the tool releases and kicks over. The tools are
then lowered until a loss of weight indiedtes that
the kickover tool hds located the side pocket of
the mandrel.

FIGURE 1C. Downward jarring drives the valve

O( and latch into the side pocket of the mandrel.

FIGURE 1D. Upward jarring shears a pin in the

latch and releases the running tool from the
valve and latch. The tool string can then be
retrieved from the well,

1A 1B 1C ID

Cameo 58
O Series Kickover Tool
Wireline Pulling Procedure
for All Cameo G Series Side
Pocket Mandrels
FIGURE 2A. In the pulling procedure, the kickover
tool and pulling tool are made up onto the
wireline tool string and lowered through the tub
ing until the kickover tool is below the selected

FIGURE 2B. The kickover tool is raised slowly up

ward through the tubing until the finger on the i
kickover tool contacts the orienting sleeve slot o
and stops. Tension is pulled on the wireline until
the tool releases and kicks over. The tools are
then lowered until o loss of weight indicates that
the kickover tool has located the side pocket of
the mandrel,

FIGURE 2C. Downward jarring securely connects

the pulling tool to the valve latch.

FIGURE 2D. Upward jarring shears a pin in the

latch and releases the valve from the side ^
pocket of the mandrel. The tool string and valve
I can then be retrieved from the well.

2A 2B 2C


KBM, MM and MMA Series Side Pocket Mandrels

Cameo KBM, MM and MMA series side pocket man part of the tubing string. These mandrels feature a
drels are the foundation for the entire line of Cameo single side pocket which accepts 1" O.D. retrievable
side pocket mandrels. These reliable side pocket side pocket devices in KBM series mandrels and
mandrels have demonstrated solid, dependable 1-1/2" O.D. retrievable side pocket devices in MM
performance in thousands of installations around the and MMA series mandreis. The side pocket of these
world and are available for a wide range of gas lift, mandrels also allows room for the operation of run
chemical injection, waterflood and chamber lift ning tools, pulling tools and kickover tools which are
applications. used to install and retrieve side pocket devices by
standard wireline methods. All KBM, MM and MMA
Manufactured from premium materials, KBM, MM series side pocket mandrels are constructed of oval
and MMA series side pocket mandrels have eccen pipe and most offer full tubing drift I.D. to accom
tric swages on both ends which are threaded in a modate normal wireline operations through the tub
variety of tubing connection sizes for installation as ing string.

Cameo 60
Guide to Cameo KBM Series Side Pocket Mandrels
and Side Pocket Accessories

Guide to Cameo MM and MMA Series

Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories

61 Cameo


Side Pocket Mandrels

DESCRIPTION: Cameo KBM, KBU, KBME and KBMEC series side pocket man
drels are single-pocket mandrels that accept 1" O.D. side pocket devices.
These mondrels incorporate all the design features of KBM series side pocket
mandrels described on page 60 and are available in a variety ot tubing
connection sizes.

KBM and KBU series mandrels have similar configurations; however, all KBU
series mondrels have a reduced O.D. and a reduced I.D. to permit installa
tion in dual-string completions or heavy-weight cosing.

KBME series mandrels, used primarily in chamber lift installations, have no

ports in the side pocket for communication with the tubing. Instead, these
mandrels have an exhaust port at the bottom of the side pocket. This port
is extended downward into the casing annulus through a 1/2" pipe con
nected to the top packer of a chamber lift installation. In gas lift applica
tions, high-pressure gas injected into the casing onnulus flows through the
ports in the side of the mandrel, through the ports in the gas lift valve and
downward through the exhaust port.

KBMEC series mondrels. used in annular lift applications, feature a snorkel

which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of the side
pocket, the snorkel extends downward into the casing annulus. The holes
in the mandrel side pocket communicate directly with the tubing. In gas
lift applications, high-pressure gas injected into the tubing flows through
the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket, through the
ports in the gas lift valve, downward through the snorkel and into the casing,

The following mandrel has a variation which specializes it for a specific pro
duction application, This variation, designated by a numeral following the
hyphen in the nomenclature, is explained below. Mandrels with this varia
tion are also available in sizes other than those listed in the accompanying

KBM-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O.D. and o fully open I.D, Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.


Cameo 62
* Tell piessures listed pro for mandrel* made Icom AISI A 130 low-alloy Heel henl-lreotod for normal or corrosive environments. These pressures may be reduced
due !O end connection limitations. See pagn 33 tor additional information and dala on alternate materials.

Note; See page 61 tor the Guide to Cameo KBM Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pockef Accessories chart and pages 11 through
14 (or Application Schematics.

63 Cameo


Series Side Pocket Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Cameo MM, MMA, MME, MMAEC and MMW series side
pocket mandrels are single-pocket mandrels that accept 1-1/2" O.D. side
pocket devices. These mandrels incorporate all the design features of MM
and MMA series side pocket mandrels described on page 60 and are
available in a variety of tubing connection sizes.

MM and MMA series mandrels have similar configurations; however, MM

series mandrels feature washout holes in the upper portion of the lafch tube
and MMA series mandrels do not.

MME series mandrels, used primarily in chamber lift applications, feature

washout holes and have no ports in the side pocket for communication with
the tubing. Instead, these mandrels have an exhaust port at the bottom of
the side pocket. This port is extended downward into the casing annulus
through a 1/2" pipe connected to the top packer of a chamber lift installa
tion. In gas lift applications, high-pressure gas injected into the casing an
nulus flows through the ports in the side of the mandrel, through the ports
in the gas lift valve and downward through the exhaust port.

MMAEC series mandrels, like MMA series mandrels, do not have washout
holes. These mandrels, used in annular lift applications, feature a snorkel
which functions as an exhaust port. Located at the bottom of the side
pocket, the snorkel extends downward into the casing annulus. The holes
in the mandrel side pocket communicate directly with the tubing. In gas
lift applications, high-pressure gas injected into the tubing flows through
the ports between the packing bores in the mandrel pocket, through the
ports in the gas lift valve, downward through the snorkel and into the casing.

MMW series mandrels also feature washout holes and are used in single-
string, multizone fluid injection (waterflood) installations. These mandrels
have a casing exhaust port at the bottom of the side pocket to protect the
casing from high-velocity turbulence associated with waterflooding. In
waterflood operations, water injected into the tubing flows into the man
drel side pocket, through the waterflood flow regulator valve and
downward through the exhaust port. A nonretrievable check valve can be
attached directly to the exhaust port to prevent backflow from the annulus
when the watertlood flow regulator valve is removed.

The following mandreis have a variation which specializes them for specific
production applications. This variation, designated by a numeral follow
ing the hyphen in the nomenclature, is explained below. Mandrels with this
variation are also available in sizes other than those listed in the accom
panying chart.

MMW-2: The numeral 2 indicates that the mandrel has a slightly reduced
O.D. and a fully open I.D. Most mandrels with this designation
have a reduced test pressure.


Cameo 64
Gas Lift

Tea pressures ore lor mandrels made from AISI 4130 law-alloy steel heal-lruared for normal or corrosive environments. These pressures may bo reduced
due to ond connexion limilalions. See page 33 lar additional information and dalo on alternate materials.
>m Use spacer bar 15823 with ihe pulling tool and all L series kickover tools above.

Nole: See page 61 lor the Guide to Cameo MM and MMA Series Side Pocket Mandrels and Side Pocket Accessories chart ond
pages 11 through 14 tor Application Schematics.

65 Cameo

Conventional Gas Lift Valves,

Subsurface Control Accessories
and Mandrels
Cameo has manufactured and lift valves feature floating valve seats which are in
marketed a complete line of con serted into and seal in the seat housing. The floating
ventional gas lift valves, subsurface seat facilitates changing the seat size in a stock
control accessories and mandrels valve, makes repairs easier, improves sealing
since the company began in 1946, capability and is more economical to manufacture
and demand for these high-quality than conventional seat arrangements.
products remains strong. Cameo
In addition to gas lift valves. Cameo also supplies
supplies conventional gas lift equip
waterflood flow regulator valves and reverse flow
ment for a variety of standard ap
check valves. Waterflood flow regulator valves ore
plications as well as specialized ap
used to regulate water injection in waterflood ap
plications such as tubingless completions and com
plications. Reverse flow check valves are used with
pletions without mandrels in the tubing string. Prod
each Cameo conventional gas lift valve. These
ucts in the Cameo line include injection-pressure-
check valves protect the casing from backflow
operated, production-pressure-operated and pilot-
operated gas lift valves, waterflood flow regulator through valves below the working valve, allow ap
valves, reverse flow check valves, B and C series plication of pressure to the tubing for circulation or
acidizing and prevent commingling of production in
mandrels and packoff, concave and macaroni
dual gas lift installations.

Cameo injection-pressure-operated, production- Cameo manufactures conventional gas lift mandrels

for installation as part of the tubing string and for in
pressure-operated and pilot-operated gas lift valves
are available for either continuous or intermittent (low stallation in tubingless completions and completions
gas lift production. Fabricated of stainless steel and without gas lift mandrels in the tubing string. B and
C series conventional gas lift mandrels are made up
Monel, these valves feature tungsten carbide stem
as part of the tubing string and installed info the well.
tips and Monel seats (tungsten carbide seats are
available on speciol order), and most are modularly B series mandrels are used with 1" O.D. conventional
constructed for low-cost redress and repair. These gas lift valves, and C series mandrels are used with
valves incorporate either a nitrogen-charged bellows
1-1/2" O.D. conventional gas lift valves. These man
or a spring with an atmospheric-pressure-charged drels feature a fully open I.D, and are available in
J-55 and N-80 grade steel. Heavy, oversized guard
bellows to provide the force necessary to maintain
lugs protect the installed conventional valve during
the valves in a normally closed position. Either injec
installation or retrieval of the tubing string. B and C
tion gas or production pressure entering these valves
series conventional mandrels are internally drifted to
provides the opening force necessary to overcome
standard drift specifications and are hydrostotically
the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows or
tested to 6,000 psi. Cameo packoff, concave and
the preset spring force. These durably constructed,
macaroni gas lift mandrels are used in completions
high-performance conventional valves also feature
that do not have gas lift mandrels in the tubing string.
large domes and a fluid dampening device to pre
Concave and macaroni mandrels are also used in
vent vibration and chartering during operation. Both
tubingless completions, Packoff, concave and
injection-pressure-operated and production-
macaroni mandrels are hydrostatically tested to
pressure-operated valves are available for either tub
ing or annular flow, depending on the selected man
5,000 psi,
drel and reverse flow check valve. Pilot-operated Cameo conventional gas lift valves and mandrels of
valves are available for intermittent tubing flow gas fer producers still another option in solving specific
lift production. application requirements. Backed by years of ex
perience and research, this equipment performs con
Cameo conventional gas lift valves are manufac
tured in a variety of port sizes to provide a wide range
sistently and reliably in trie most demanding
of selected volumes and flow rates. Most of these gas

Cameo 66
Guide to Cameo Conventional Valvu Cliaiuct*rfiiict

Gas Lift Valves and Subsurface

Control Accessories
Port Sim
Assembly O.D.
Caitguiy Type Number Minimum Maximum [In.)
J.SO 02150 'A v.
J-JO 021 JO

1-20 02120

JH-50 02153
JR.JO 02141


JR.20 02121
BP-2 02053 V,.
CP-2 02004 IX
Wolarflood Flow JW-40 02)8?
Regulator Valvti
JW-20 02183

Guide to Compatibility for Cameo Conventional Gas Lift Valves,

Subsurface Control Accessories and Mandrels

67 Cameo
Technical Data for Cameo Conventional Gas Lift Valves

Monel seats are standard in thuse valves.

PPEF (production procure effect factor) was formerly reforred to as TEF (tubing effect factor].
These specifications apply to the pilol section only.

Cameo 68
Gas Lift

Conventional A
Injection-Pressure-Operated V
Gas Lift Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo conventional injection-pressure-
operated gas lift valves are normally used for injection-
pressure-operated continuous or intermittent tubing flow gas
lift production. This line of valves includes 5/8" O.D. J-50
valves, 1" O.D. J-40 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. J-20 valves. A
nitrogen-charged, multi-ply Monel bellows provides the force
necessary to maintain these valves in a normally closed posi
tion. J-50 valves have an integral reverse flow check valve.
J-40 and J-20 valves have floating valve seats and can be
operated by either production or injection pressure and used
for either tubing or annular flow when used with the ap
propriate conventional mandrel and reverse flow check

Port sizes available for 5/8" O.D. J-50 valves are 1/8", 5/32",
13/64" and 1/4".

Port sizes available for 1" O.D. J-40 valves are 1/8" through
3/8" in 1/16" increments.

Port sizes available for 1-1/2" O.D. J-20 valves are 3/16"
through 1/2" in 1/16" increments.

OPERATION: In injection-pressure-operated gas lift applica

tions, injection gas enters the valve and acts on the effec
tive bellows area. As injection pressure overcomes the
precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows, the bellows is
compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat. Injection gas
then flows through the seat, past the reverse flow check valve
and into the production conduit.

Noie: See page 67 lor additional value specifications and characteristics and in
formation on specific valve and mandrel compatibility, page 68 for additional
technical data and pages 11 through 14 (or Applicafion Schematics.

J-50 J-40 J-20



Gas Lift Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo conventional production-pressure-
operated gas lift valves are normally used for production-
pressure-operated continuous or intermittent tubing flow gas
lift production. This line of valves includes 5/8" O.D. JR-50
valves. 1" O.D. JR-40 and J-46-0 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. JR-20
valves. A nitrogen-charged, multi-ply fvionel beilows provides
the force necessary to maintain JR-50, JR-40 and JR-20 valves
in a normally closed position. An atmospheric-pressure-
charged, multi-ply Monel bellows and an Inconel spring pro
vide the force necessary to maintain J-46-0 valves in a nor
mally closed position. JR-50, JR-40 and JR-20 valves have
crossover seats that allow production pressure to act on the
bellows. JR-50 valves have an integral reverse flow check
valve, and J-46-0 valves have a floating valve seat. When
used with the appropriate conventional mandrel and
reverse flow check valve, JR-40, J-46-0 and JR-20 valves can
be operated by either production or injection pressure and
used for either tubing or annular flow.

The port size available for 5/8" O.D. JR-50 valves is 3/32".

Port sizes available for 1" O.D. valves are 1/8" and 3/16" for
JR-40 valves and 1/8", 3/16" and 1/4" for J-46-0 valves,

Port sizes available for 1-1/2" O.D. JR-20 valves are 1/8", 3/16"
and 1/4".

JR-40 J-46-0

Cameo 70
OPERATION: In production-pressure-operated gas lift appli
cations, production fluid enters the valve and acts on the
effective bellows area. The production pressure necessary
to compress the bellows of JR-50, JR-40 and JR-20 valves is
controlled by precharged nitrogen pressure. The force
necessary to overcome the Inconel spring in J-46-0 valves
is provided by differential pressure (production pressure
minus atmospheric pressure) times effective bellows area.
As production pressure overcomes the precharged nitrogen
pressure in the bellows or the preset spring force, the bellows
is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat. Injection gas
then flows through the seat, past the reverse flow check valve
and into the production conduit.

Nole: See page 67 for additional valve specifications and characteristics and in
formation on specitic valve and mandrel compatibility, page 68 for addilional
technical daia and pages 11 through 14 (or Application Schematics.


71 Cameo

Conventional Pilot-Operated
Gas Lift Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo conventional pilot-operated gas lift
valves are used for intermittent tubing flow gas lift produc
tion. This line of valves includes 1"O.D. BP-2 valves and 1-1/2"
O.D. CP-2 valves. Each pilot-operated valve consists of a pilot
section and a power section. A nitrogen-charged, multi-ply
Monel bellows provides the force necessary to maintain the
pilot section in a normally closed position, and an Inconel
spring provides the force necessary to maintain the power
section in a normally closed position. Both these valves have
floating valve seats.

The power section of 1" O.D. BP-2 valves has a flow area
equivalent to a 3/8" port. Port sizes available for the BP-2 pilot
section are 3/16" through 3/8" in 1/16" increments.

The power section of 1-1/2" O.D. CP-2 valves has a flow area
equivalent to a 9/16" port, Port sizes available for the CP-2
pilot section are 1/4" through 1/2" in 1/16" increments.

OPERATION: Injection gas first enters the valve pilot section

and acts on the effective bellows area. As injection pressure
overcomes the precharged nitrogen pressure in the bellows,
the bellows is compressed and lifts the stem tip off the seat
to open the pilot section. Injection gas then flows downward
through the valve until it overcomes the preset spring force
of the power section. As the power section opens, injection
gas then flows through the valve, past the reverse flow check
valve and into the production conduit.

Nole: See page 67 (or additional value specifications and characteristics and in
formation on specific valve and mandrel compatibility, poge 68 lor additional
technical daia and pages 11 through 14 for Application Schemaiics.

BP-2 CP-2

Cameo 72
Gas Lift

Conventional Waterflood
Flow Regulator Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo conventional waterflood flow regulator
valves precisely regulate water injection volumes into multi
ple isolated zones through a single tubing string. This line of
regulator valves includes 1" O.D. JW-40 valves and 1-1/2"
O.D. JW-20 valves, Each regulator valve consists of a hard
ened Monel piston and piston housing, a stainless steel
spring and an integral reverse flow check valve. A fixed
orifice in the piston of these valves allows an infinitely variable
flow rate adjustment within a specified range.

Flow area for 1" O.D. JW-40 valves ranges from an equivalent
1/8" minimum port to an equivalent 7/32" maximum port.

Flow area for 1-1/2" O.D. JW-20 valves ranges from an

equivalent 1/8" minimum port to an equivalent 3/8" max
imum port.

OPERATION: Water injected into the tubing enters the flow

regulator valve, passes through a fixed orifice in the piston
and exits through a variable exit port into the zone being
flooded, If the pressure differential through the orifice in
creases, the piston's position changes in relation to the exit
port and restricts flow through the exit port. Flow rate is main
tained at a predetermined and preset rate, regardless of
changes in pressure characteristics between the injection
stream and the zone being flooded,

Note: See poge 67 loi additional valve specificalions and characteristics and in-
lormation on specitic valve and mandrel compatibility and pages 11 through 14
for Application Schematics,


73 Cameo

B Series Conventional
Gas Lift Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Cameo B series conventional gas lift mandrels
are installed as part of the tubing string and have an exterior
ported lug which accepts a 1" O.D. conventional subsurface
control device and a reverse (low check valve, The B man
drel series includes B, B deflector lug, BR deflector lug and
BRS deflector lug mandrels. All B series mandrels are inter
nally drifted to standard drift specifications and hydro-
statically tested to 6,000 psi.

B mandrels are designed for single-string installations and

are normally used in injection-pressure-operated tubing flow

B deflector lug mandrels are designed for dual-string installa

tions and are also normally used in injection-pressure-
operated tubing flow applications. These mandrels feature
long, tapered lugs welded in line with the exterior ported lug
to protect the installed subsurface control device and allow
the mandrel to easily pass other mandrels during installation
in dual-string applications.

BR and BRS deflector lug mandrels are designed tor either

single-string or dual-string installations and are normally used
in production-pressure-operated tubing flow applications.
These mandrels, like B deflector lug mandrels, feature long,
tapered, welded-on lugs for use in dual-string installations.
The exterior ported lug on the BR and BRS deflector lug man
drels, unlike the exterior ported lug on B mandrels and B
deflector lug mandrels, is located near the middle of the
mandrel and is called a capsule lug. The subsurface con
trol device is installed into the top of the capsule lug, and
two o-rings in the lug seal above the holes in the device,
These holes expose the bellows to production pressure. The
reverse flow check valve is installed into the bottom o( the
capsule lug. BRS deflector lug mandrels are specially de
signed to accept Cameo J-46-0 conventional gas lift valves.

B Mandrel B Deflector Lug

With Valve Mandrel With
and Check Valve and Check

Cameo 74
Gas Lift

■ IJ represent! an integral joint thread, an API thread form in which the box it integral to the tubing and no coupling
Is required.

Note: See page 67 for information on convGntional valve and mandrel compatibility and pages
11 through 14 lor Application Schematics.

75 Cameo

C Series Conventional
Gas Lift Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Cameo C series conventional gas lift mandrels
are installed as part of the tubing string and have an exterior
ported lug which accepts a 1-1/2" CD. conventional sub
surface control device and a reverse flow check valve. The
C mandrel series includes C, C deflector lug and CR
deflector lug mandrels. All C series mandrels are internally
drifted to standard drift specifications and hydrostatically
tested to 6,000 psi.

C mandrels are designed for single-string installations and

are normally used in injection-pressure-operated tubing flow

C deflector lug mandrels are designed for dual-string in

stallations and are also normally used in injection-pressure-
operated tubing flow applications. These mandrels feature
long, tapered lugs welded in line with the exterior ported lug
to protect the installed subsurface control device and allow
the mandrel to easily pass other mandrels during installation
in dual-string applications.

CR deflector lug mandrels are designed for either single-

string or duai-string installations and are normally used in
production-pressure-operated tubing flow applications.
These mandrels, like C deflector lug mandrels, feature long,
tapered, welded-on lugs for use in dual-string installations.
The exterior ported lug on the CR deflector lug mandrels,
unlike the exterior ported lug on C mandrels and C deflec
tor lug mandrels, is located near the middle of the mandrel
and is called a capsule lug. The subsurface control device
is installed into the top of the capsule lug, and two o-rings
in the lug seal above the holes in the device. These holes
expose the bellows to production pressure. The reverse flow
check valve is installed into the bottom of the capsule lug.

C Mandre! CR Deflector Lug

With Valve Mandrel With
and Check Valve and Check

Cameo 76
Note; See page 67 for information on conventional valve and mandrel compatioilily and pages
11 Ihrough 14 (or Applicalion Schematics.

ii Cameo

Conventional Packoff,
Concave and Macaroni
Gas Lift Mandrels
DESCRIPTION: Cameo conventional packoff, concave and
macaroni gas lift mandrels provide a means of installing sub
surface control devices in wells that do not have mandrels
in the tubing string or in tubingless completions. This line of
mandrels includes J-50 and J-40 packoff mandrels, J-40
concave mandrels and J-50, J2-50, SPB and SPB-J-40
macaroni mandrels.

J-50 and J-40 packoff mandrels are installed in completions

without mandrels in the tubing string. J-50 packoff mandrels
accept 5/8" O,D. subsurface control devices, and J-40
packoff mandrels accept 1" O.D. subsurface control
devices. Prior to installation of these mandrels, the tubing is
perforated at the desired depth, and a tubing stop is set
below the lowest tubing perforation. The packoff mandrel
and subsurface control device are assembled with a lower
packoff on the bottom and an upper packoff on the top. The
assembly is lowered into the tubing string and set on the tub
ing stop so that the packoffs seal above and below the tub
ing perforations.
J-40 concave and J-50, J2-50, SPB and SPB-J-40 macaroni
mandrels are installed on a macaroni tubing string into a tub
ingless completion. J-50, J2-50 and SPB macaroni mandrels
accept 5/8" O.D. subsurface control devices, and J-40 con
cave and SPB-J-40 macaroni mandrels accept 1" O.D. sub
surface control devices. J2-50 and SPB macaroni mandrels
accept two subsurface control devices. Generally, macaroni
mandrels have smaller O.D.'s than concave mandrels.

J2-50 SPB
Macaroni Macaroni

Cameo 78
" Mandrels in ihese tubing size O.D.'s are commonly available in EUE and NLJE threads. Other threads are available on request.

Noie: See page 67 for information on conventional valve and mandrel compatibility and pages 11 througn
14 (or Applicalion Schematics.

79 Cameo
Reverse Flow Check Valves
DESCRIPTION: Cameo conventional reverse flow check
valves are velocity check valves used with Cameo conven
tional gas lift valves that do not have integral reverse flow
check valves. These check valves protect the casing from
backflow through valves below the working valve, allow
application of pressure to the tubing for circulation or acidiz
ing and prevent commingling of production fluids in dual
gas lift installations, This line of valves includes 1"O.D. BFand
B-1 valves and 1-1/2" O.D. CF and J-20 valves, These valves
each have an elastomeric soft seat and a stainless steel hard
seat. The initial seal is between the valve's stainless steel
check dart and the soft seat. These check valves can with
stand 10,000 psi differential pressure and can be converted
from velocity check valves to positive check valves by the
addition of a spring.

Flow area for 1" O.D. BF and B-1 valves is equivalent to a

5/16" port,

BF CF Flow area for 1-1/2" O.D. valves is equivalent to a 1/2" port

for CF valves and a 9/16" port for J-20 valves.

OPERATION: Cameo reverse flow check valves require flow

to close. As the differential pressure across the valve's check
dart increases, the dart contacts the soft seat and then the
hard seat to form a seal and close the check valve.

B-1 J-20

Cameo 80
Accessory Equipment
Cameo supplies time-cycle con of these controllers are regulated by either a
trollers and motor valves as ac mechanical or an electric clock, Some controllers are
cessory equipment tor use with its also available with a bourdon tube for pressure
gas lift equipment. These time-cycle control.
controllers and motor valves are
durably constructed to perform con Cameo supplies either direct-acting or reverse-acting
sistently and reliably under the most motor valves for use with its time-cycle controllers.
demanding oilfield conditions. These valves feature durable, lightweight construc
Cameo time-cycle controllers paired tion, a range of seat sizes and a high pressure rating.
with the appropriate Cameo motor They ore also available in materials suited for either
valves precisely regulate the injection of high- standard service or corrosive, high-pressure-drop
pressure gas in gas lift installations. These controllers conditions.
and motor valves can also be used to shut in flow
lines in plunger lift applications or control flow in most Cameo time-cycle controllers and motor valves com
any application requiring snap-acting open and plement and maximize the performance of Cameo's
close cycles. other high-quality gas lift products. This extensive line
of gas lift equipment provides customers with a
Cameo time-cycle controllers are snap-acting con single, reliable source of complete gas lift systems for
trollers available in either continuous-bleed or a wide variety of applications.
nonbleed versions. The opening and closing cycles

81 Cameo
CT Series Time-Cycle Controllers
DESCRIPTION: Cameo CT series time-cycle controllers are
snap-acting pilots used to regulate the opening and clos
ing of direct-acting or reverse-acting motor valves for gas
lift service and various production applications. The CT con
troller series includes CT-8 and CT-26 controllers. These con
trollers feature weatherproof cases that are easily acces
sible. If desired, additional controls can also be easily added
in the field, CT series controllers are used with the appropriate
Cameo D series motor valves.

CT-8 time-cycle controllers are continuous-bleed controllers

used primarily with a single, direct-acting motor valve. CT-8
controllers use a continuous-bleed flapper valve and t^ave
a timing arm that contacts pins in a timing wheel rotated by
a clock. CT-8 controllers can also be supplied with a bour
don tube for pressure control. Controllers with bourdon tubes
are normally used as tubing cutoffs to eliminate the injec
tion of gas into the casing after a predetermined pressure
buildup in the tubing.
CT-26 time-cycle controllers are conventional gas lift con
trollers that open and close either a direct-acting or a
reverse-acting motor valve. CT-26 controllers use a
nonbleed, three-way valve. A timing arm in the CT-26 con
tacts clips in a timing wheel rotated by a clock. Contact time
(the time the motor valve is closed in a direct-acting motor
valve or open in a reverse-acting motor valve) is controlled
by an adjustable timing screw.

OPERATION: For CT-8 controllers, as the timing arm is raised,

the flapper valve opens and allows gas to exhaust from the
motor valve diaphragm. Supply gas also bleeds continuously
through a small orifice while the flapper valve is open. Con
tinuous rotation of the timing wheel causes the timing arm
to lose contact with the pin, closing the flapper valve. With
the flapper valve closed, the supply gas bleeding con
tinuously through the small orifice builds up in the motor valve
diaphragm and closes the motor valve. If the CT-8 controller
is equipped with a bourdon tube, a preset amount of
pressure forces the bourdon tube to close the flapper valve
and trap pressure on the motor valve diaphragm. This keeps
the motor valve closed regardless of the movement of the
CT-26 timing arm.

Cameo 82
Gas Lift

For CT-26 controllers, as the timing screw rides over the clip
(or clips), it raises the timing arm to allow the three-way valve
to open. Supply gas flows through the three-way valve and
loads the motor valve diaphragm, causing a direct-acting
motor valve to close or a reverse-acting motor valve to open.
As the timing wheel continues to rotate, it moves the clip [or
clips) from beneath the timing screw and allows the timing
arm to close the three-way valve. Supply gas then exhausts
from the motor valve diaphragm, causing a direct-acting
motor valve to open or a reverse-acting motor valve to close.

Note: See pages 11 through 14 for Application Schematics.

83 Cameo

D Series Motor Valves

DESCRIPTION: Cameo D series motor valves are used hookup. These valves do not have a packing gland,
with mechanical-clock-driven, electric-clock-driven thus eliminating adjustments, The diaphragm case
or pressure-sensing time-cycle controllers to control is attached to the motor valve body which is
flow in a variety of oil and gas applications. The D threaded onto the three-way tee. The valve stem and
motor valve series includes D-7A direct-acting (nor seat are pressure-sealed with tee seals. Standard in
mally open) and DR-7A reverse-acting (normally ner valve trim is type 303 stainless steel. Tungsten car
closed) motor valves. These motor valves are used bide trim is recommended for corrosive or high-
with the appropriate Cameo CT series time-cycle pressure-drop conditions.
OPERATION: For D-7A direct-acting motor valves,
Cameo D series motor valves feature a high pressure supply pressure placed on the diaphragm holds the
rating, a large 1" diaphragm, lightweight construc valve closed, In the closed position, increasing dif
tion (approximately 60 pounds), an insert-type stem ferential pressure from the inlet (upstream) side of the
and seat for easy field replacement or conversion, stem and seat assists in holding the valve closed.
a position indicator and a three-way tee (one inlet When supply pressure is released, the valve snaps
and two outlets] to allow straight-through or 90° open,

D-7A DR-7A

Cameo 84
For DR-7A reverse-acting motor valves, supply ferential pressure from the inlet (upstream) to the
pressure placed on the diaphragm holds the valve outlet (downstream) side of the stem and seat assists
open. When supply pressure is released, the valve in opening the valve.
snaps closed. In the closed position, increasing dif

Note: See pages 11 through 14 for Application Schematics.

85 Cameo

Cameo's Standard Terms and Customer concerning the well or worksite and surrounding and subsur
face conditons.
(c) Cameo shall not be liable lo Customer for damage lo or loss ol
Conditions of Sale property, whelher real or personal, belonging to Cuslomer. arising in any
The equipment, materials and services (herein referred lo as Ihe way out ol or in connection with Cameos performance of services
"Products") which are set form In this publication will be sola by Cameo. hereunder. even if caused by the sole negligence of Cameo or ils
Incorporated (herein referred lo as "Cameo") only upon the following employees or in conjunction with negligence of the Cuslomer or anolher
leims and conditions of sale provided, however, thai Cameo shall be liable lor Its own wllllul miscon
duct or failure lo acl in good faith.
|d] Except as to liability for loss or damage caused by Cameo's willful
(a) None ol Ihe Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale herein sel
misconduct or failure to act in good faith. Customer shall indemnity and
forfh may be added lo. modified, superseded or otherwise altered, ex
hold Cameo harmless from and against all loss of or damage to properly,
cept by a written instrument signed by an officer of Cameo and delivered
whether real or personal, of Cameo. Customer or another, arising in any
by Cameo to Customer. Eacti Shipment received by Customer from
way out of or in connection with Ihe performance of Cameo's services
Cameo shall be deemed to be only upon the lerms and conditions herBin
hereunder. even if caused by Ihe sole negligence of Cameo or in con
setforth, except as they may be added to, modified, superseded or other
junction with Ihe negligence ol a third party.
wise altered as provided below, notwilhstanding ony terms and condi
(e) Cameo will use reasonable efforts to transport or cause to be
tions lhat may be contained In any purchase order or other form of
transported personnel and property to Ihe worksite. Where such sile is off
Customer and notwilhstanding Customer's act of accepting or paying for
shore or in Inland waters or on terrain not accessible by ordinary truck.
ihe Products or similar act of Cuslomer.
Cameo may notify Ihe Customer thai il requires appropriate transporta
(b) Any typographical or clerical error herein is subject lo correc
tion. In such event. Customer shall, al its own cosl and risk, furnish such
tion by Cameo. transportation and be responsible for the safety of all Cameo personnel
(c) The submission of a quotation by Cameo in response to
and property so transported, even though arrangements on Customer's
Cuslomer's request lor a quotation does not constitute an expression ot
behalf for such transportation may be made by Cameo ot Customer's
acceptance of any term or condition which may have been set forth In
request. Customer agrees lo promplly pay all cost ol I ran spa Mat ion or to
Customer's request. Notwithstanding any prior quotations, corre promptly reimburse Cameo for such Iransporlalion.
spondence, conversations, purchase orders or similar instruments relative If) The provisions contained in other Sections of ttiGse Standard Terms
to the Products, the lerms and condillons of sole set lorth herein are the and Condilions ot Sale shall apply ta services, except as modified by the
only ierms and condilions applicable lo Ihe sale ol the Products, and the Section labeled "SERVICES "
acceptance of a quotalion issued by Cameo is expressly limited lo the
terms of such quotation. The transmitial of a purchase order pursuant to
[a] Unless otherwise specified In this publication or on a Cameo
such quotation constitutes an acceptance of the quotation and Ihe Stan
quotalion. sales confirmalian or invoice. Ihe prices which are set forth on
dard Terms and Conditions ol Sale as set forth Iherein if the purchase order
any such quotalion. sales confirmalion or invoice issued by Cameo are
agrees with such quotation wilh respect to the description of the Products
prices Ex Works, F.O.B. or F.A.S. Cameo's Plant, Houslon, Texas, as deter
lo be furnished by Cameo as shown on the face thereof, the quantity
mined t>y Cameo In accordance with Section (V hereol, which ore in ef
Ihereof and the purchase price to be charged therefor. Any additional
fect on the date ol Issuance and are subject to change without notice
or different terms or conditions of sale set forth in the purchase order or
Notwilhstanding any price set forth on ony of said documents issued by
other communication from Customer are objected lo by Cameo and shall
Cameo, the invoice price will Be Ihe price E* Works. F.O.B. or F.A.S.
not be effective or binding unless assented to in writing by an officer of
Cameo's Plant. Houston. Texas, in etfeel on Ihe invoice dale, or Ihe dale
of com pie lion il shipment is deferred on Customer's instruction.
(d) A sales confirmation or similar form issued by Cameo pursuanl
(b] Prices set forth in any quotalion or sales confirmation do not
to a Customer's purchase order constitutes an expression of acceptance
Include sales, use, excise or olher taxes or import dulies, documentation
of such purchase order, but such expression of acceptance is expressly
charges, freighl. transfer fees or similar costs or charges, unless specifically
conditioned upon Customer's assent to the Standard Terms and Condi-
Indicated thereon. Unless Customer provides Cameo with a tax exemp
lions of Sale as herein set forth, which assent will be deemed to have been
tion certificate acceptable to theapplicable taxing authorises, an amount
given unless notice to the contrary Is received by Cameo wilh in ten days
equal to any sales, use. excise or other tax which may be imposed on
Irom the dale of the sales confirmation dale. Any additional or different
the sale or use ol Ihe Products, as well as all of the other abovemenlioned
lerms or condihons of sale set lorlh in Ihe purchase order or other com
cosls or charges, shall be added lo the prices set forth on such quota
munication trom Customer are objected to by Cameo and shall not be
tion, sales confirmation or invoice.
elfeclive or binding unless assented lo in writing by an officer ol Cameo.
(cj Unless otherwise agreed in writing, terms of payment are net cash
(e) Where Cameo does not issue either quotation or a sales confir
thirty (30) days following the date ol invoice, which, to the extent possi
mation and ships Products pursuant to Customer's purchase order, such
ble, will be the date ol delivery.
sale shall be subjeel lo Cameo's Standard Terms and Condilions of Sale
(d] Any amount unpaid at the end ol thirty [30) days Irom Ihe date of
as set forth on Cameo's invoice and Cuslomer shall be deemed to have
invoice shall bear interest at the maximum rate allowed under applicable
agreed thereto unless Products are relurned to Cameo wilhin ten days
law. plus reasonable attorney's fees and court costs if collected by an
ol date of invoice, in which evenl such sale shall be cancelled for all pur
attorney or through court proceedings.
poses. Any additional or different terms or conditions Of sale set forth in
|e] All payments shall be made to Cameo. Incorporated. Houston.
the purchase order or olher communication from Cuslomer are objected
Texas, in legal lender of Ihe U.S A.
to by Cameo and shall not be effective or binding unless assented to In
writing by an olficer of Cameo. IV. TRANSPORTATION:
(a) In Ihe absence ot specific routing instructions from Customer.
Cameo shall hove Ihe right to select the date of shipment, type of carrier
(a) Services rendered ay Cameo are only technical or advisory in
and the routing ol shipment on behall ol and for Ihe account of Customer.
nature When any such services ore rendered. Customer will retain full con
(b) Unless otherwise previously agreed in wnling. all Products are
trol, cuslody and supervision of Ihe work or the well and the conduct or
shipped at Camco'5 option, either Ex Works. F.O.B orFA.S Cameo's Plant
operation thereof, and a representative of Customer shall be presenl with
In Houston, and acceptance ot Producfs by Customer occurs upon
full authority lo direct operations.
delivery to carrier
(b) Cameo aoes not promise or guarantee results of ils services.
(c) Customer shall give wrillen notice to Cameo ot ony claim for short
Cameo reserves the right to terminate ils services and remove its equip
age, error in shipment, or error in charges within thirty (30) days afler
ment from tho well or worksite at any limo if in its opinion such aclion Is
receipt of Products or such claim shall be deemed waived
advisable because ol conditions pertaining to Ihe work ordered or to the
(d) Customer agrees that Cameo shall not be liable for damage to
well or other surrounding eondilions. Customer shall pay Cameo ils prevail
or destruction ol Customers Products occurring while such Producls are
ing charges lor services performed, regardless at results, even though ser
in the possession of Cameo, excepl where such damage or destruction
vices may have been terminated pursuant to the preceding sentence.
arises from the sole gross negligence ot Cameo
Cuslomer further warrants thai, prior lo Cameo's commencement of the
(e) If the Products are sold for export from thB U.S.A., then title to tfiosa
services ordered, it will give Cameo all material information known to

Cameo 86
Producfsandriskoftheir toss or damage, notwithstanding the p.-eceding (d) The loregoing is Cameo's only obligolion and Customer's en-
transportalion te'ms. shall pass to the Customer at such time as the vessel elusive remedy for breach of warranty, breach ol contract, or otherwise
carrying such Products first comes to a distance of one (1) nautical mile and In no event shall Cameo be liable tor Incidental or consequential
(torn the territorial waters, airspace or land border of the political jurisdic damages of any kind.
tion containing Ihe point of destination. However, payment shall be in ac
cordance with the provisions of Section III. '■PRICES AND TERMS OF
In Ihe event that Cameo manufactures or mocifies Products in ac
cordance with plans or specifications furnished by Customer, then
V. DELIVERY DATES: Customer shall indemnify and hold Cameo harmless Irom and against
(a) Quoted deliveries are approximate estimates determined at the all claims and causes of action for damages and expenses of every kind
time of quotation ana are subject lo revision al Ihe time of order place and character (including cosls of suit and reasonable attorney's fees]
men! due to prior sate. Products listed in Cameo's catalog are not asserted against Cameo, its agents, servants and employees, by any firm.
necessarily available for immediate delivery. person, corporation or other egal entity on accounl of injury to or death
(b) Delivery dates will be compuled at Ihe laler of Ihe time Cameo of any person or persons whomsoever, or for damage aue or deslruction
receives the Customer's order or Ihe lime Cameo has the complete infor of any personal or real property [including subsurface property cr property
mation necessary to process Ihe Customer's order. nghls). or on occount of infringement or alleged infringement of ony pat
(C) Delivery dates are subject lo changes caused by additions to ent, design, copyright, or trade name or mark arising out ot. directly or
or modifications ot the ong.nal order agreed to by bolh Cameo and Indirectly, or in any manner connected with such Products or use of such
Customer. Products, including all claims and causes of action resulting, either in
(d) Under no circumstances shall Cameo or any affiliate have any whole or in part. Irom Cameo's alleged breach or breach of implied or
liability whatsoever for loss of use or for any indirect or consequential expressed warranty [except as specifically provided herein), or alleged
damages as a result of delayed delivery. breach or breach of the doctrine ol strict liability In tort of Cameo or any
[e] Unless otherwise agreed in writing. Cameo shall hme the option other person, firm, corporation or legal entity for which Cameo. In law
of partial or complete shipment of Proaucts. would otherwise be held liable.
[a] No Producls will be accepted lor repair or replacement without (a) Rental charges commence when the Products leave Cameo's
the prior written authorization ot Cameo. premises and continue until said Products ore returned to !he same
[b] Customer may return for credit unused Products which Cameo, premises. Customer agrees to pay Cameo additional charges for the pur
in its sole judgment, determines lo be in saleable condition. In Ihe event pose of resloring the Produc's to their conditions pr.or to rental.
of such reiurn. Customer agrees to pay, and Cameo may withhold, a ten (b) When Cameo must acquire special rental Products fro-n other
percent [10%] restocking fee on such Products. sources. Cameo will, at its option, eilher pass on such rental charges lo
[c] All returns shall be subjeel to inspection and repair, and all repairs Customer or else charge Customer 20% ol Ihe retail price for the first da/
shall be made by Cameo at Customer's expense, except lor warranty and 10% of the retail price for each day or porlion of a day thereafter
repairs and other repairs which Cameo determines are necessitated by [c) If Cameo is unablB to recover rental Products or Products used
damage caused solely by the gross negligence of Cameo. In servicing Customer's operations, then Customer agrees to pay Cameo
[d] Unless otherwise agreed, freight and handling charges en returns the regular retail price for such lost Producls, the price to be determined
shall be al Customer's expense. in accordance with Section III, above
[e] Customs' shall be responsible lor any lass or damage to Cameo's [d) The provisions contained in other Sections ot these Standard Terms
equipment, material or supplies, transported by Customer or by any car and Conditions of Sale shall apply to rental Products, where appropriale
rier or conveyance arranged lor by Customer,
VII. WARRANTY: [a) All otders accepted are subject lo final review at Cameo's prin
(a) Eicep! as set forth herein. Cameo warrants Ihe Products which cipal office. Once accepted, orders cannot be cancelled by Customer
are included on the lace hereof to be tree ol detects in material and without wtitten approval from Cameo. Acceptance of Customers
workmanship lor a period ol twelve (12] months after Ihe dale of shipment. cancellation will be predicaled upon Customers payment of a cancella
the above warranty does nol apply lo. tion charge lo be determined by Cameo.
(i) Any Products which have been modified andtor subjected to im [b) Prices quoted include standard packaging only. Any special
proper handling, storage, installation, operation or maintenance; handling or packaging will be subject to additional charges
(ii] Any item which is purchased by Cameo as a component part [c) Cameo shall not be held responsible for any delivery or failure
ol the Producls except to the exlent to which such items are covered by to make delivery of all or any part ol the Products or nonperformance ol
the warranty, it any. ol the original manuloclurer thereof; services, ordered or requestod by Customer as a result ol federal, state
pi Any item which is a component part ol the Products where such or municipal action, statute, ordinance or regulation; strike or other labor
Item Is furnished :o Cameo by Customer; dispute; riots; storm; flood; epidemic: fife damage lo or destruction in
(iv) The design on Ihose jobs where Cameo prepares shop draw- whole or In part of products or the Inability to perform services, lack ot
Ings, 'racing drawings or lists from designs furnished by olhers; or inability to obtain raw materials, labor, oil, fuel or supplies: or any acl
(v) Models or samples, which are furnished to Customer as Illustra ot God or other cause, conlingency or circumstances within or without
tions only ol the general properties ol Cameo Producls and workmanship Ihe United States, rot subjeel to Cameo's control which prevents or hinders
and are not deemed guarantees ol uniformity, the manufacture a- delivery of Products or the performance ol the services
(b) There is no implied warranty ot merchantability or Illness lor pur [d) Cameo reserves Ihe righl to modify Ihe design of any Products
pose, and there are no warranties which extend beyond the descrip wilhoul obligation or previous notifications, and Cameo is nol ob igated
tion on Ihe face hereol except as set forth in the Section entitled to so modify Products previously or subsequently sold.
[e) Any contract arising hereunder shod be construed in accordance
(C)Camco's iability under its warranty is expressly limited to the repair with Ihe laws of trie Slate of Texas, and Ihe rights and duties of the
or replacement, at its sole option, of Producls which prove to be defec Customer and Cameo hereunder shall be determined ay the laws of Ihe
tive within the warranty period Cameo's obligation to repair or replace State ot Texas in the Courts ot Harris County.
detective Producls constitutes agreed ard liquidated damages lor any (fi Should any clause, sentence or pan of these Standard Terms and
bleach of warranty by Cameo. Any claim by Customer maae pursuanl Condilions o! Sale be held invalid, such nolding shall in no way affect
to Cameo's warranty shall be made in writing within ten [10] days otter the validity of Ihe remainder, which shall remain in full effect. Failure to
fhe discovery of Ihe defect with respect to which the claim is made. enforce any or all of the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale in a par
Cameo shall have the right to Inspecl the Producls claimed to be defec ticular instance or instances, shall nol constitute a waiver or preclude
tive and shall have Ihe right to determine the cause of such defect. All subseauenl enforcement thereof.
Producls replaced or repaired by Cameo under its warranty shall be
replaced or repaired F.O.B. Cameo's Plant. Houston. Texas.

87 Comco
International Headquarters
Cameo, Incorporated
P.O. Box 14484
(7030 Ardmore. Houston. Texas 77054)
Houston. Texas 77221
Telephone: (713) 747-4000
Telex: 775-413. 166117

Worldwide Cameo and Subsidiary Manufacturing,

Sales and Service Locations

Cameo and Subsidiary Manufacturing Locations

Cameo, Incorporated Camco/Autocon, Limited Camco/Reed Tool Company International,

P. O. Box 14484 Unit 6 Limited
(7030 Ardmore, Houston, Texas 77054) Caley Close No. 4 Tuas Avenue 18
Houston, Texas 77221 Sweetbriar Road Industrial Estate Singapore 2263
Telephone: (713) 747-4000 Norwich, Norfolk NR3-2BU. England Telephone: 861-7022
Telex: 775-413. 166117 Telephone: 603-483501 Telex: 21609 CAMCOSP RS
Telex: 97226 Fax: 361-1372
Cameo, Limited Cable: CAMCOASIA
Monkstown, Newtownabbey Cameo Coil Tubing & Nitrogen Service
County Antrim P. O, Box 1308 Camco/Satety Technology & Oilfield
Belfast. Northern Ireland, BT37OUH (222 Gunther Lane, Belle Chasse, Protectors, Incorporated
Telephone: 011-44-232-864471 Louisiana 70037) P. O. Box 53331
Telex: 74576 CAMCO G Harvey, Louisiana 70059 (103 Pat Street, Scott, Louisiana 70583)
Fax: 011-44-232-852766 Telephone: (504) 392-8823 Lafayette, Louisiana 70505
Telephone: (316) 237-5740. (800) 551-3158
Cameo de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Camco/NOWSCO Services Telex: 784-857
Geranio 306 P. O. Box 14484 Fax: (318) 232-3679
Mexico 4, D.F. (7030 Ardmore, Houston, Texas 77054)
Telephone: (905) 583-3733, (905) 597-4934 Houston. Texas 77221 Camco/Te)as Controls, Incorporated
Telex: 1762212 CAMCME Telephone: (713) 747-4000 P. O. Box 55601
Telex: 775-413, 166117 (7604 Kempwoad)
Cameo de Venezuela, S.A. Houston, Texas 77055
Apartado 304 Camco/Reed Dowdco Coring Services Telephone: (713) 956-4800
Maracaibo, Estado Zulia P, O Box 6358 Telex; 207851 TEJAS UR
Venezuela A-4001 Midland, Texas 79711
Telephone: 58-61-911036, -911315 and Telephone: (915) 563-0775, -4483 Camco/Te|as Controls, Incorporated
58-65-26911 Telex: 743449 Flow Products Division
Telex: 75159 CAMCO-VC Fax: (915) 563-4752 130 Lane Lane
Spring. Texas 77386
CamcoyAutocon, Incorporated Camco/Reed Tool Company Telephone: [713] 367-1441
218 Thruway Park P. O. Box 2119 Telex: 75623
Broussard, Louisiana 70518 Houston, Texas 77252
Telephone: (318) 837-4481 Telephone: (713) 924-5200
TWX: 910 350 7341 Telex: 4979990 REED Ul, 4620579 REED Ul
Fax: [713) 926-6593. (713) 923-3067

Western Hemisphere
Cameo Sales and Service Locations

Argentina Bolivia Brazil

Cumelensa, S.A. Catco Limitada Tecnape Servicos e Equipamentos Ltda.
Peru 590. Piso 15 Casilla 2282 Avenida Rio Branco, 128/18 Andar
1068 Buenos Aires. Argentina La Paz. Bolivia Centro CEP 20.040
Telephone: 54-1-34-9802 Telephone: 37310 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Telex: 21997 Telex: BX 5616 Telephone: 55-21-224-4457
Telex: 34986 TNPL BR

Chile Cameo, Incorporated Michigan
P. O. Box 91551 Cameo, Incorporated
F. H. Engel. S.A.
[4831 Old Sewatd Highway. Suite 205 654 Mizar Court
Avda. 11 de Septiemore 1480. 3ra Floor
Anchorage. Alaska 99503) Traverse City. Michigan 49684
P. O. Box 61D
Anchorage. Alaska 99509 Telephone: (616) 943-8443. -8441
Sanliago de Chile
Telephone: (907) 562-2132
Telephone: 56-2-2255150
Telex: 09026481 Texas
Telex: 341555 ENCOL CK
Fax: (907) 563-8283 Cameo, Incorporated
Colombia P. O, Box 9233
Cameo, Incorporated (445 44ih Street, Corpus Christl,
Patko Services, S.A. North Slope Texas 78405)
Carrera 24. No. 24A-48 Prudhoe Bay. Alaska Corpus Christi, Texas 78469
A. Aereo 80379 Telephone: (907) 659-2800 Telephone: (512) 883-9371
Bogota, Colombia
Telephone: (571) 269-6255. [571) 268-3724 California Cameo, Incorporated
Telex: 45772 PARKO CO Cameo, Incorporated 1700 Pacific Avenue, Suite 1700
Fax: [571] 268-3680 3301 Henry Lane Dallas, Texas 75201
Bakersfield. Califotnia 93308 Telephone: (214) 969-0598
Telephone: (805) 589-5240
Organization Petfolera Industrial Cameo. Incorporated
Ecuatoriona Cia [OPIEC) Cameo, Incorporated P. O. Box 14484
Av. 10 de Agosto7962 P. O. Box 1742 (7275 Grand Boulevard)
Quito, Ecuador (3637B Arundell) Houston, Texas 77221
Telephone: 402-810 Ventura. California 93002 Telephone: (713) 747-1040
Telex: 2260 IETEL ED Telephone: (305) 644-8160. -8169, -8234
Fax: 402-809 Fax: (805) 644-2682 Cameo, Incorporated
P. O. Box 6251
Guatemala Florida (Highway SO at Terminal)
Coampsa Cameo, Incorporated Midland. Texas 79711
P. O. Box 459 Telephone: (915) 563-0166
15 Calle6- 38 - Zona 10
(Oil Plan! Road)
Oficina 403
Jay. Florida 32565 Venezuela
Guatemala, Guatemala
Telephone: (904) 675-6363 Cameo de Venezuela. S.A. & Cameo
Telephone' 502-2-370971, -374606
Telex: 5612PETROGU Wireline, C.A.
Aparlado 50
Mexico Cameo, Incorporated Anaco, Estado Anzoategui
P. O. Box 370
Cameo de Mexico, S.A. de C.V. Venezuela A-6003
(Highway 23. South)
Geronio 306 Telephone: 58-32-22788. -23256
Buras. Louisiana 70041
Mexico 4. D.F.
Telephone: (504) 657-9492 Cameo de Venezuela, S.A.
Telephone: (905) 583-3733. (905) 597-4934
Apartado 80604
Telex: 1762212 CAMCME Camoo, Incorporated Caracas, Distrito Federal
P. O. Box 818
Peru Venezuela 1080-A
(Highway 24. Schriever Route) Telephone: 58-2-7520498
Servlcios Petroleros, S.A. Gray, Louisiana 70359
German Schreiber 246 Telephone: (504) 872-0437, (504) 873-7330 Cameo de Venezuela, S.A.
San Isidro Fax: (504) 872-3631 Avenida Intercomunal
Lima 27. Peru Cabimas - Lagunillas
Telephone: 51-14-422712. -422713 Cameo, Incorporated Las Morochas (Cludad Ojeda)
Telex: 20265 PU SERPET P, O. Box 51132. O.C.S. Estaoo Zulla
(130 N. Bernard Street, Broussard, Venezuela 4019
Trinidad, West Indies Louisiana 70518]
Telephone: 58-61-911036, -<P11315and
H. J. Gransaull & Company, Limited Lafayette. Louisiana 70505 58-65-21946, -26911
P. 0. Box 98 Telephone: (318) 237-3303 Telex: 61117 CAMCO-VC.
Lad/ Hailes Avenue 75159 CAMCO-VC
Camoo. Incorporated
San Fernando. Trinidad. West Indies
P. O. Box 6230
Telephone, (809) 657-5082, -7151 Cameo de Venezuela, S.A. & Cameo
(401 Whitney Avenue. Suite 130. Gretna, Wireline, C.A.
Telex: 32344 GRANCO WG
Louisiana 70053)
Fax: (809) 652-5575 Apartado 304
New Orleans, Louisiana 70174
Maracaibo. Estado Zulia
United States Telephone: (504) 368-0030
Venezuela A-4001

Alaska Telephone: 58-61-911036, -911315 and

Cameo. Incorporated
Telex; 75159 CAMCO-VC
P.O. Box 3453
Kenai, Alaska 99611
Telephone: (907) 283-7576

89 Cameo

Eastern Hemisphere
Cameo Sales and Service Locations

Australia Egypt India

Pelrocarb Services Cameo Services International, Sara Oilfield Equipment (Pvi), Limited
30 Charles Street Incorporated 214, Maker Chambers V
P. O. Box 92 c/o Tarn Oilfield Services 221 Nariman Point
Bentley. Western Australia 6102 4 Guizira Street. Zamalek Bombay 400-021, India
Telephone: 458-3311 Cairo, Egypt Telephone: 91-22-234836, -234844
Telephone: 011-202-3-415371 Telex: 11-3696 A/BSSAE IN
Prvde Measurement PTY. Limited Telex: 92338 TAMOL UN
83 Murphy Street Fax: 011-202-3-410659 Sara Oilfield Equipment (Pvt), Limited
P. O. Box 271 E-31 Anand Niketan
Richmond 3121 England New Delhi 110-021. India
Victoria, Australia Telephone: 676804
Cameo, Limited
Telephone: 429-5255 Telex: 031-62403 SSAE IN
Unit 9C, Harfrey's Road
Telex: 790-34091 Harfrey's Industrial Estate Sara Oilfield Equipment (Pvt), Limited
Great Yarmouth, Norfolk NR31 OLS
Austria 7/1 Pritam Road
England Dehra Dun 248-001, India
Cameo Trading Corporation Telephone: 44-493-656620 Telephone. 24815. 27620
Spechtgasse 33, A-2340 Moedling Telex: 97195 CAMCOVG Telex: 0595-209 SSAE IN
Vienna. Austria Fax: 653431
Telephone: 43-2236-84921, -84922 Indonesia
Telex: 79249 CAMCO A Cameo Trading Corporation
P.T, Budl Arta Sakti
Fax: 011-43-223-686179 5th Floor
Prince Centre Building. 4th Floor
110, Strand
Bangladesh London, WC2 ROAA, England
Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 3-4
Jakarta. Pusat, Indonesia
Plummer Brothers & Company Telephone: 44-1-836-4954
Telex: 263309 CAMCO G
Telephone: 586706 Ext. 37
(Chlttagong), Limited
Telex' 45463 BAS IA
(Niralo Bhaban, 9A Toyenbee Circular Fax: 183-66759
Fax: 584192
Road, Motijheel Dacca - 2)
P. O. Box 580
P.T. Essarindo Offshore Wireline Division
Dacca, Bangladesh Cameo S.A.R.L. The Regent of Balikpapan
Telephone: 406996. 283832 8 Rue des Pyrenees Office Room No. 306
Telex: 642412 JFDA BJ Silic 509 JLN, P. Antasari
Cable: WOODFORD DACCA BANGLADESH 94623 Rungis Cedex Balikpapan, Indonesia
France Telephone: 21804, 21812 Ext. 020
Brunei Telephone: 33-14-6869564 Telex: 37122 TOMA BPN IA
Cameo Services International. Telex: 202923 CAMCO F
Incorporated Fax: 6869864 P.T. Essarindo Offshore Wireline Division
F219 Komplek Harapan A.K.A. Building. 7th Floor
Germany JLN Bangka No 2. Kebayoran Baru
P. O. Box 647
Kuala Beiait, Brunei Darussalam Fagro G.m.b.H. Jakarta. Selatan. Indonesia
Telephone: 673-3-31001, -32499 P. O. Box 100351 Telephone: 7991518
Telex: BU3374 WELMACH O, T, Empelde Telex; 47130 CAMCO IA
Fax: 011-673-3-334543 SaturnstraBe 2 Fax: 7996260
D-3003 Ronnenberg 3
Adinin Cameo Sdn. Bhd. West Germany (F. R.]
F219 Komplek Harapan Telephone: 49-511-461031 Cameo, Limited
P. O. Box 647 Telex: 922308 FAGRO D Monkstown. Newl own abbey
Kuala Betait, Brunei Darussalam County Antrim
Telephone: 673-3-31001. -32499 Holland Beltast, Northern Ireland. BT37OUH
Telex: BU3374 WELMACH Cameo Services International Netherlands Telephone: 011-44-232-864471
Postbus 56 Telex: 74576 CAMCO G
1970 AB Ijmuiden Fax: 011-44-232-652766
Cameo Services Danmark I/S Netherlands
Maade Industrivej 29 Telephone: 011-31-2550-19017
DK-6700 Esbjerg Telex: 71210 CAMCO NL
Denmark Fax: 34073
Telephone: 011-45-51-33866. -33626
Telex: 54370 SCSOF DK
Fax: 011-45-51-33201

Cameo 90
Gas Lift

Italy Cameo Services Norway A/S Singapore

Mediterranean Petroleum Equipment P. O. Box 43
Cameo Asia Pte., Limited
Companv (MEPECO SRL) 5363 Aagotnes
No. 4 Tuas Avenue 18
Via Kennedy Beigen, Norway
Singapore 2263
36-20C97 San Donato Milanese Telephone: 47-5-334175
Telephone: 861-7022
Milan. Italy Telex: 40559 SCAMB N
Telex: 21609 CAMCOSP RS
Telephone: 39-2-513197 Fax: 05-335015
Fax: 861-1372
Telex: 315535 MEPECO 1 Cable: CAMCOASIA
Japan Saleway Company LLC Taiwan
Avery-Laurence (Japan) Company. Limited Box 4519 Y & L Trading Company
6-28 Arasaka 9-Chome Ruwi, Oman
P. O. Box 3200
Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107, Japan Telephone: 968-601413. -600798 Taipei, Taiwan 100
Telephone: 81-3-4055055 Telex: 5050 SAFEWAY ON
Telephone: 886-2-371-7685
Telex: 2427390 AVLAU J Fax: 011-968-698739
Telex: 24143 JOHNYUCO
Pakistan Fax: 886-2-312-1825
Candles Trading Est. Akbar Associates, Limiled Thailand
P. O. Box 183307 Block 12-C, Flat "12
Interong Trading Company, Limited
Amman, Jordan Jinnah Supper Mkt.
P, O. Box 1413
Telephone: 962-6-819678 Markaz F-7
Nona Post Office
Telex, 23217 AMRAHJ JO P. O. Box 1416
Bangkok 10112, Thailand
Islamabad. Pakistan
Telephone; 2527649, 2526853, 2514072
Kuwait Telephone: 812512. 811695
Telex: 87377 OILQUIP TH
Al-Mulla & Husseini Drilling & Maintenance Telex: 5055 AKBARPK
P. O. Box 9366 Turkey
Akbar Associates, Limited
Ahmadi, Kuwait P. O. Box 8980 Ferro Int. Trade, Limited
Telephone: 965-981045. -9S0184 Karachi - 29. Pakistan Resit Galip Cad. No. 70
Telex: 44217 ST R CLK KT 06700 Gaziosmanpasa
Telephone: 3-431159
Telex: 28825 SIPKA PK Ankara, Turkey
Telephone: 4-1361080
Cameo Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Qatar Telex: 46555 FERRO TR
14th Floor, Plaza MBF Fax; 4-1360344
Jalan Ampang,
P. O. Sox 3471
50450 Kuala Lumpur United Arab Emirates
('C Ring Road)
G.P.O. Box 11556. Cameo Trading Corporation and
Doha. State ot Qatar
50750 Kuala Lumpur Telephone: 670020. 670021 Marian Oilfield Services Company
Malaysia Dalma Centre, 2na Floor
Telex: 4481 TRAMAS DH
Telephone: 03-2614544 Sheikh Hamdan Street
Fax- 671214
Telex: OELCOM MA 32245. P, O. Box 279
DELCOM MA 33657 Saudi Arabia Abu Dhaol. United Arab Emirates
Cameo Al-Rushaid Services ol Arabia Telephone: 011-971-2-334866. -334867
do Al-Rushaid General Trading Telex; 22301 FAHIM EM (Cameo).
Cameo, Limited Corporation 23424 (Marjan)
P. O. Bo* 101 Fax: 011-971-2-334966
P. O. Box 540
Port Harcourt. Nigeria
Dhahran Airport, Saudi Arabia
Telephone: (084) 333178, (084] 334953 Abdul Jalil industrial Development
Telephone: 966-3-8980027, -8980263.
Tetex: 6M61 Company
Dalma Centre. 2nd Floor
Cameo. Limited Telex: 871314 RUSHAID SJ
Sheikh Hamdan Street
P. O. Box 489 Cable: INTERDEVELOP
P. O, Box 279
Warri. Nigeria Abu Dhabi. United Arab Emirates
Telephone: (053) 231036 Telephone: 011-971-2-334866. -334867
Cameo, Limited
Telex: 22301 FAHIM EM
Norway Kirkton Avenue
Fax: 011-971-2-334966
Cameo Services Norway AIS Pitmedden Road Estate
Rand a berg Bruk Dyce, Aberdeen, Scotland AB2 OHG Cameo Service Company
P. O. Box 115 Telephone: 44-224-723970 P, O. Box 11957
4071 Randaberg Telex: 739466 CAMCO G Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Stavanger. Norway Fax: 224-770432 Telephone: 377-702
Telephone: 47-4-596671, -598688 Telex: 47676 HIT EM
Northern Oceanles, Limited
Telex: 73684 SCCAM N Fax: 011-9714-371706
Salvesen Tower. Blaikies Quay
Fax: 011-47-4598994
Aberdeen AB1 2PW. Scotland A.T.O.S. Trading International
Telephone: 44-224-593358 P. O. Box 4755
Telex: 739186 STENAB G Dubai. United Arab Emirates

91 Cameo


Cameo 92

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