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Dike /dīk/ (noun)

 a long wall or embankment built to prevent flooding from the sea.

Brook /bro͝ok/ (noun)

 a small stream.

Halfway /ˈhafˌwā/ (adverb & adjective)

 at or to a point equidistant between two others.

Arose /əˈroz/ (verb)

 (of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.

Delightful /dəˈlītfəl/ (adjective)

 causing delight; charming.

Parted /pärted/ (verb)

 (of two things) move away from each other.

Behold /bəˈhōld/ (verb)

 see or observe (a thing or person, especially a remarkable or impressive one).

Fell /fel/ (noun)

 (of a person) lose one's balance and collapse.

Stood /sto͝od/ (verb)

 have or maintain an upright position, supported by one's feet.

Farewell /ˌferˈwel/ (exclamation)

 used to express good wishes on parting.

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