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Fife Centre for Equalities

Service Level Agreement with Fife Council

Progress Report
October 2018

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5.1 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will commission a yearly study to ensure ‘hard up’ communities are not being disadvantaged further because of their characteristics in
relation to anti-poverty measures
Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Council services will have better understanding of the barriers experienced by communities, of protected Personal Stories
characteristics, who are affected by poverty including the roll-out of Universal Credit

Better services will be developed to support those who experience multiple barriers Records of services acting on recommendations

The people who are most vulnerable to poverty will be better supported Personal stories

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
Annual study conducted to ensure communities who are All 50 50 50 Number of people taking part in the study
affected by poverty are not further disadvantaged Number of agencies involved in the study
because of their protected characteristics.


Call for proposals released on 10/10/18 – deadline for proposals is set for 07/11/18 . Details circulated to:
 Fife Researchers Alliance / William Penrice
 KnowFife / Kerry Humphries
 SouthWest Fife Welfare Reform Anti-Poverty / Glenrothes Action Against Poverty Working Group
 SASW / NASW / Trisha Hall
 Child Poverty Action Group / Nourish Scotland / Oxfam / A Menu for Change
 CMR / St Andrews / Dr Stavroula Pipyrou
 E&D / St Andrews / Sukhi Bains
 ScotCen/Natcen
 SRA Scotland
 Life in Data Networks / OGN / Eddy Borges-Rey
 SCDN / Susan Campbell
 University of Edinburgh / SSPS Teams

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5.2 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will collate, analyse and disseminate data on the protected characteristics to inform service providers of any disparities and highlight any
emerging issues
Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Local and national information and statistics of different protected characteristics is publicly available Trends and patterns of demographic changes

Increased understanding of the impact of demographic changes Narrative of possible impacts

Trends and emerging issues highlighted to service providers Correspondences between FCE and council services

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
2 bi-yearly reports of local and national information listed Public, statutory agencies, 200 200 200 Statistics and information from the Scottish Government,
in the order of protected characteristics – downloadable partners Census and National Records of Scotland.
from FCE’s website
4 briefings on specific issues as appropriate depending Public, statutory agencies, 200 200 200 Data about specific issues
on issues identified through statistics and information partners
Summary of relevant trends and emerging issues shared Statutory agencies, partners 5 5 5 Number of services engaged
with 5 key services


1 of 2 biannual reports completed: EQUALITY IN FIFE – SUMMER 2018 – MIDYEAR REPORT

 Information about Employability and Equalities were shared with 150 professionals at Know Your Network Conference on 05 September 2018, subsequent
presentation made to 20 staff members of Glenrothes Jobcentre on 24 October 2018.
 Information on main findings, Gender, Data and (in) Equality and equality data gaps was presented at the Life in Data national research network on 24 September
2018, gaining support from the Scottish Information Commissioners Office and Open Data Institute(Aberdeen). Video documentary of event still in production.
 Report format and themes sent to the Scottish Government Social Research and Open Government teams to negotiate wider public equality data access, 17
October 2018
2nd report due end December 2018 / start of January 2019.

3 of 4 briefings developed through consultation with partners and published:

 FCE Briefing – Fairness and Age JUL18
 FCE Briefing – Windrush Generation and Commonwealth Citizens Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules JUN18

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 FCE Briefing-GDPR-and-Equal-Opportunities-Monitoring-MAY18

4th briefing topic to be based on priority issues identified in end of year equality report.

Letter template to be agreed; Summary of trends and emerging issues comparing year trend of Fife area statistics with national EHRC ‘Is Scotland Fairer’ report being
drafted for key local services for themes across:

 Education (Fife College)

 Employment (SDS)
 Standards of Living (Housing Adaptations and Poverty)
 Mental Health(NHS/Partners)
 Participation in public life (Fife Council).

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5.3 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will ensure the needs of older people (irrespective of protected characteristics) are better understood and acted on by key services.

Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Better understanding on how ‘ageing’ affects different protected communities in Fife including minority ethnic Personal stories and survey results
communities and disabled people
Older people of different protected characteristics are better engaged in council services Records of outcomes of interactions between services
and older people
Better quality of life for older people across different protected characteristics Longitudinal information of positive changes in

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
A qualitative survey report Older people, All 20 Number of participants with breakdown by protected
A minimum of 4 activities bringing survey participants Older people, All 20 Number of activities
together with services Number of participants
Number of services participated
A qualitative survey to assess changes in participants’ Older people, All 20 Number of participants with breakdown by protected
lives characteristics


Methodology is currently being worked on by both Development Officer and Engagement Officer.
Interview guide to be piloted December 2018.

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5.4 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will increase awareness of and enable communities to access support for reporting hate incidents to Fife Council and other partners.

Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Victims are better informed of support available Evaluation of community sessions

An increase in number of hate incidents recorded by Fife Council’s staff Types of hate incidents reported to Fife Council

Victims of hate incidents are better supported Outcomes achieved for victims

Communities feel more confident in being able to report hate incidents Evaluation of information sessions

Barriers identified on why communities may not report hate incidents or hate crimes Discussion notes of information sessions

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
7 sessions per year to inform communities their rights All 70 70 70 Number of participants with breakdown by protected
and responsibilities and how to report hate incidents and characteristics and geography
hate crime.
Evaluation report of information sessions All 70 70 70 Analytical information about participants’ learning and
measurement of their knowledge and confidence of
reporting mechanism.
Minimum of 10 victims of hate crime/incident are All 10 10 10 Type of incidents and protected characteristics of victims
supported by FCE


Public information/awareness sessions

Date Venue Time
Sat 20th October Dunfermline Mosque - Dunfermline 12 noon – 3pm
Tues13th/Wed 14th/Thurs 15th Beath High School - Cowdenbeath Times vary
Thursday 22 November Templehall Community Centre - Kirkcaldy 6pm – 8pm
Thursday 6th December Cupar YMCA – YWCA - Cupar 6pm – 8pm
Thursday 13th December Leven Community Centre - Leven 5.30pm – 7.30pm

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Tuesday 15th January 2019 Lomond Centre - Glenrothes 6pm – 8pm
Thursday 24th January 2019 Parkgate Community Centre - Rosyth 6pm – 8pm

Date Venue Time
Wednesday 10th October Dunfermline Advice Hub - Dunfermline 11am – 1pm
Tuesday 23rd October Oor Wee Café - Kelty 12 – 2pm
Friday 26th October Mercat shopping Centre - Kirkcaldy 11am – 2pm
Monday 5th November Auchmuty Learning Centre - Glenrothes 11am – 3pm
Thursday 22nd November Cosmos Community Centre – St Andrews 11am – 2pm
Friday 30th November Inverkeithing High Street - Inverkeithing 11am – 2pm
Friday 7th December Leven High Street - Leven 11am -2pm
Friday 14th December Cupar High Street - Cupar 11am – 2pm

Public information/awareness sessions

20th October 2018 - Dunfermline Mosque
Geography Dunfermline
Number of participants 8 with 5 joining the second half of the session. Total 13
Protected characteristics
Sex Disablity Ethnicity Religion
Male 9 Learning White - Scottish 3 Church of Scotland
Female 4 Sensory Mixed - Pakistani British 2 Roman catholic
Intersex Physical 1 Asian - 8 Hinduism
Non Binary Mental Health 1 Chinese - 2 Judaism
not specified Long term illness Pakistani - 1 No Religion 2
other not specified - 5 Buddhism
not specified Sikhism
Islam 8
Christianity other
not specified
Undergone gender
Sexual orientation Marital status Age reassignment
Bisexual Single 4 38 yes 0
Gay man Civil partnership 42 no 8
Lesbian/Gay woman Divorced 48 not specified 5

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Heterosexual/Straight 7 Married 3 23
not specified 6 Separated 1 65
not specified 5

4.5 3
4 Was the information 2.5
3.5 you received today
helpful? 2
2.5 Was all the 1.5
information Knowledge Knowledge of subject after
Number of Participants 2 Gained 1
presented clearly? training
1.5 0.5
Were all queries Knowledge of subject prior to
answered 0 training
0.5 sufficiently 1 2
0 Was the workshop 3
54321 4 5
totally accessible to
Score of Clearness (5 high 1you?
low) Level of Knowledge (1-low 5-high)

29th October 2018 - Dunfermline Express Group

Geography Dunfermline
Number of participants 14 + 3 members of staff
Protected characteristics
Sex Disability Ethnicity Religion
Male 4 Learning 3 White - Scottish 11 Church of Scotland 2
Female 10 Sensory 3 British -other 2 Roman catholic
Intersex Physical 2 Mixed 1 Hinduism
Non Binary Mental Health 12 Judaism
not specified Long term illness 3 No Religion 8
other Buddhism
not specified Sikhism
Christianity other
not specified 4

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Undergone gender
Sexual orientation Marital status Age reassignment
Bisexual Single 5 59 yes
Gay man Civil partnership 57 no 14
Lesbian/Gay woman Divorced 3 24 not specified
Heterosexual/Straight 14 Married 2 41
not specified Separated 1 63
Widowed 49
other 48
not specified 3 58


10 9
9 8
8 7
Was the information 6
you received today 5
6 Knowledge of
5 helpful? 4
Number of Participants 4 Knowledge subject after
Was all the Gained 3
information presented 2 training
2 clearly? 1 Knowledge of
1 0 subject prior to
Were all queries
0 answered sufficiently 1 2 training
3 4
5 4 3 2 1 5
Score of Clearness (5 high 1 low) Level of Knowledge (1-low 5-high)

Info booklets
Geography Venue Numbers Sign-ups to FCE handed out Concerns
Dunfermline Dunfermline Advice Hub 8
Kelty Community Centre - oor
Kelty - Cowdenbeath wee café 25 12 10 1
Kirkcaldy Mercat Community centre N/A 6 35 2

No of hate crime/incident victims supported: 2

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5.5 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will provide training, guidance and support to private, public and third sector organisations to help improve their employment and service
delivery practices.
Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Organisations and groups are better aware of support available from FCE to help them to mainstream equality Testimonies from organisations
within their organisation

Organisations’ practices are improved and recognised as local equality pathfinders Case studies of change management

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
A minimum of 4 workshops offered to public and third Public and third sector 40 40 40 Number of workshops offered and number of participants
sector organisations agencies
A minimum of 3 organisations participating in FCE local All 3 3 3 Number of organisations registered with equality
recognition scheme which incorporates support, advice, pathfinder scheme
training and action planning
12 monthly e-bulletins and 50 weekly catch-ups All 500 500 500 Number of people signed up to receive information from

Training delivered to date:
Equality and Inclusion Training for Glen House – 12 April 2018 (13 people attended)
Lunchtime Equality Workshop “EO & GDPR” – 02 May 2018 (4 people attended)
Inclusion Fundamentals – 20 June 2018 (6 people attended)
Lunchtime Equality Workshop “Fairness and Age” – 11 July 2018 (7 people attended)
Equality and Inclusion Training for Youth Groups – 06 September 2018 (cancelled)
Inclusive Communication Workshop – 26 September 2018 (6 people attended)
Lunchtime Equality Workshop “Barriers to Making Use of the Equality Act – 03 October 2018 (1 person attended)
Understanding Diversity – 25 October 2018 (19 people attended)

Equality Pathfinders:
Active Schools Fife working towards Silver Award, Equality and Inclusion for full team held on 13 August 2018 (23 people attended)
Silver Award Equality Case Study planned for December 2018

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Bronze Qualifications in progress with Frontline Fife, Linktown/Church of Scotland and Glenrothes Strollers Sports Club.

Equalities Monthly and Equalities Weekly are issued as scheduled. 22 New subscribers in December. Segmentation is now going to be used for scheduled mailshots,
included in events procedure for improved targeted promotion.
TextMarketer is now used for communications via text, currently collating all contacts that have selected this preferred method of contact.
Information and Communications Assistant is looking at new ways of list management, to allow for communications to be sent to multiple groups, whole list etc.

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5.6 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will ensure individuals belonging to the protected characteristics have the confidence in engaging with council services, and services are
meeting their needs and priorities.
Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Individuals with protected characteristics are better informed of their rights and responsibilities within the Evaluation of participants’ learning
Equality Act 2010.

Individuals feel confident to share their concerns with FCE and other partners Outcomes of enquiries, Personal stories

Council services are aware of barriers experienced by people with protected characteristics and barriers are Referrals made by FCE, case studies, analytical report
addressed accordingly

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
7 Equality Act information sessions for individuals with All 70 70 70 Number of people attended with breakdown by protected
protected characteristics characteristics
Analysis of community enquiries and concerns All 25 25 25 Number of people made enquiries or registered their
registered with FCE. concerns with FCE. Breakdown of people by protected
Analysis of one-to-one support to individuals to All 10 10 10 Number of people offered support, type of support and
overcome barriers offered by FCE outcomes of individual cases.
Analysis of issues raised by FCE to council services All 3 3 3 Number of council services contacted and action taken by
council services

Public information/awareness sessions
Date Venue Time
Sat 20 October Dunfermline Mosque - Dunfermline 12 noon – 3pm
Tues13th/Wed 14th/Thurs 15th Beath High School - Cowdenbeath Times vary
Thursday 22nd November Templehall Community Centre - Kirkcaldy 6pm – 8pm
Thursday 6th December Cupar YMCA – YWCA - Cupar 6pm – 8pm
Thursday 13 December Leven Community Centre - Leven 5.30pm – 7.30pm
Tuesday 15th January 2019 Lomond Centre - Glenrothes 6pm – 8pm
Thursday 24th January 2019 Parkgate Community Centre - Rosyth 6pm – 8pm

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Public information/awareness sessions
Sat 20th October Dunfermline Mosque - Dunfermline 12 noon – 3pm
9 4
8 Was the information
7 3.5 you received today
6 3 helpful?
5 2.5 Was all the
4 Knowledge of information
Knowledge subject after Number of Participants 2
Gained 3 presented clearly?
2 training 1.5
1 Were all queries
1 Knowledge of answered
0 subject prior to 0.5 sufficiently
1 2 training 0
3 4 Was the workshop
5 54321 totally accessible to
Level of Knowledge (1-low 5-high) Score of Clearness (5 high 1you?

Geography Dunfermline
Number of participants 8

Equalities stats
Sex Religion
Male 4 No religion 2
Female 4 Islam 3
not specified 3
Mental Health
condition 1 Sexual orientation
Physical 1 heterosexual/straight 6
not specified 2
White Scottish 3 Marital Status
Mixed 2 married 3
Chinese 2 single 2
Pakistani 1 separated 1
not specified 2

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Enquiries/concerns registered: 47

Support given to individuals: 7

Issues raised with council services: 4

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5.7 Project Outcomes and Outputs. Please give as full details as you can, including how you will ensure that outcomes are measured. The following should
be completed for each component (for example work with the elderly and young people are 2 different components):

Component Description: FCE will use What works Scotland Evidence Review on “‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’? – Promoting equality in community engagement” to
improve council services’ understanding of the needs of the protected characteristics communities in Fife and to support services to engage
with these communities.
Value of Award for this Component: £ Part of overall agreement

Outcomes Qualitative Data to be Collected

Better awareness of engagement good practices with ‘easy-to-ignore’ communities Engagement good practices

‘Easy-to-ignore’ communities are better integrated at where they live Case studies

‘Easy-to-ignore’ communities are well represented with Equalities Collective Evidence of policy or service delivery change,
discussions at Equalities Collective meetings

Beneficiary Nos
Outputs Client Group Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Quantitative Data to be Collected
1 Good practice guidance released per year Fife Council Services, 10 10 10 Examples of how agencies use the guidance
partners, Senior Equalities
2 Local initiatives of engaging ‘easy to ignore’ Area Committees 50 50 50 Number of people engaged
communities per year
4 Equalities Collective meetings per year All 100 100 100 Number of people participating in Equalities Collective
meetings with breakdown by protected characteristics

Good Practice Guidance:
Fife Council has shared with us their good practice guidance. These have been shared on FCE’s website.

Local Initiatives of engaging ‘easy to ignore’ communities:

Fife Women and Inclusion in Politics - to tackle the under-representation of disabled, minority ethnic or transgender women as voters, political activists and representatives
in Fife. Launched on 21 August 2018 in Kirkcaldy (13 women attended). Second event “History of Equal Voting Rights” held on 09 October 2018 in Leven (9 women
attended). Third event “Roles of Women in politics in Scotland” scheduled for 13 November 2018 in Newmills.

Equalities Collective:
First event held on 25 August 2018 (15 people attended).
Second event planned for 24 November 2018 in Dunfermline.

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