LS Workbook Generic

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Table of Contents

Lesson Study Overview table 2

Research lesson 1 planning, observation and discussion sheet 3

Suggested questions for a lesson 1 pupil interviews 4

Post lesson discussion record 1 5

Research lesson 2 planning, observation and discussion sheet 6

Suggested questions for a lesson 2 pupil interviews 7

Post lesson discussion record 2 8

Research lesson 3 planning, observation and discussion sheet (optional) 9

Suggested questions for a lesson 3 pupil interviews (optional) 10

Post lesson discussion record 3 (optional) 11

Overall assessment record of progress in a lesson study 12

Summary report 13

©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

1 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

1. 2. 3.
Names of teachers in the
lesson study group

LS Protocol adopted?

Year Group

No in class

Set? / Mixed Ability

Usual teacher 1 / 2 / 3

We want to learn how to improve the way pupils learn…..

Mathematics focus and

overall aim and focus for the
two research lesson

Date and time and

accountable learning
objective of RL1

Date and time and

accountable learning
objective of RL2

Date and time and

accountable learning
objective of RL3

2 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

You may want to enlarge this to A3

RL 1
Date: Time: Aspect of learning:
Teacher/observer – name
Accountable learning intentions and success criteria Case pupil A ……………………. Case pupil B ……………………. Case pupil C …………………….
Describe what you want the class to be able to do by the end of the lesson and what Success criterion for this lesson Success criterion for this lesson Success criterion for this lesson
that will look like. See step 3 in LS instruction doc

For each case pupil state what you hope this pupil will be able to do by the end of this
lesson that is new/progress in the adjacent boxes
Stage of lesson sequence How you predict How they are How you predict How they are How you predict How they are
Describe key elements in the stages of your RL plan. (You can add more). case pupil A will observed to case pupil B will observed to case pupil C will observed to
respond respond respond respond respond respond

*Stage …

(approximate time)

Stage …

(approximate time)

Final stage …

(approximate time)

What were they able to do? (What progress have they made and how
do you know?)

Initial thoughts, ideas, reflections

3 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

Date: Time:
Case pupils present: Number of other pupils present:

What did you enjoy most

about that lesson?

What did you learn? (What

can you do now that you
could not do? What can you
do better? How is it better?)

What aspect of the

teaching worked best for

If the same lesson is being

taught to another group
what would you change?
Why would you change
that aspect?

4 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

Please use this template to capture your post research lesson discussion

Date: Time:
Case pupil A Case pupil B Case pupil C
What progress did each pupil
make? Was this enough?

What about others in the

group of learners they typify?

Do we need to revise our

assessment of any pupils?
How did the teaching being
developed help or hinder the
pupils’ learning? (Maybe a bit
of both)

What surprises were there?

Did we find out anything of

note about the way they
were learning?

What aspect(s) of our 

teaching could be adjusted
next time to improve the 
progress of our case pupils
and all pupils 

So what should we try next 


Initials ……………………………………….. Date …………………………….

5 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

You may want to enlarge this to A3

RL 2
Date: Time: Aspect of learning:
Teacher/observer – name
Accountable learning intentions and success criteria Case pupil A ……………………. Case pupil B ……………………. Case pupil C …………………….
Describe what you want the class to be able to do by the end of the lesson and what Success criterion for this lesson Success criterion for this lesson Success criterion for this lesson
that will look like. See step 3 in LS instruction doc

For each case pupil state what you hope this pupil will be able to do by the end of this
lesson that is new/progress in the adjacent boxes
Stage of lesson sequence How you predict How they are How you predict How they are How you predict How they are
Describe key elements in the stages of your RL plan. (You can add more). case pupil A will observed to case pupil B will observed to case pupil C will observed to
respond respond respond respond respond respond

*Stage …

(approximate time)

Stage …

(approximate time)

Final stage …

(approximate time)

What were they able to do? (What progress have they made and how
do you know?)

Initial thoughts, ideas, reflections

6 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

(Please tailor questions to your RL)

Date: Time:
Case pupils present: Number of other pupils present :

What did you enjoy most

about that lesson?

What did you learn? (What

can you do now that you
could not do? What can you
do better? How is it better?)

What aspect of the

teaching worked best for

If the same lesson is being

taught to another group
what would you change?
Why would you change
that aspect?

7 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

Please use this template to capture your post research lesson discussion

Date: Time:
Case pupil A Case pupil B Case pupil C
What progress did each
pupil make? Was this

What about others in the

group of learners they

Do we need to revise our

assessment of any pupils?
How did the teaching being
developed help or hinder
the pupils’ learning?
(Maybe a bit of both)

What surprises were there?

Did we find out anything of

note about the way they
were learning?

What aspect(s) of our 

teaching could be adjusted
next time to improve the 
progress of our case pupils
and all pupils 

So what should we try next 


Initials ……………………………………….. Date …………………………….

8 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

RL 3
Date: Time: Aspect of learning:
Teacher/observer – name
Accountable learning intentions and success criteria Case pupil A ……………………. Case pupil B ……………………. Case pupil C …………………….
Describe what you want the class to be able to do by the end of the lesson and what Success criterion for this lesson Success criterion for this lesson Success criterion for this lesson
that will look like. See step 3 in LS instruction doc

For each case pupil state what you hope this pupil will be able to do by the end of this
lesson that is new/progress in the adjacent boxes
Stage of lesson sequence How you predict How they are How you predict How they are How you predict How they are
Describe key elements in the stages of your RL plan. (You can add more). case pupil A will observed to case pupil B will observed to respond case pupil C will observed to
respond respond respond respond respond

*Stage …

(approximate time)

Stage …

(approximate time)

Final stage …

(approximate time)

What were they able to do? (What progress have they made and how
do you know?)

Initial thoughts, ideas, reflections

9 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

(Please tailor questions to your RL)

Date: Time:
Case pupils present: Number of other pupils present :

What did you enjoy most

about that lesson?

What did you learn? (What

can you do now that you
could not do? What can you
do better? How is it better?)

What aspect of the

teaching worked best for

If the same lesson is being

taught to another group
what would you change.
Why would you change
that aspect?

10 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

Please use this template to capture your post research lesson discussion

Date: Time:
Case pupil A Case pupil B Case pupil C
What progress did each
pupil make? Was this

What about others in the

group of learners they

Do we need to revise our

assessment of any pupils?
How did the teaching being
developed help or hinder
the pupils’ learning?
(Maybe a bit of both)

What surprises were there?

Did we find out anything of

note about the way they
were learning?

What aspect(s) of our 

teaching could be adjusted
next time to improve the 
progress of our case pupils
and all pupils 

So what should we try next 


Initials ……………………………………….. Date …………………………….

11 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

Please summarise the progress of case pupils and other pupils across the three research lessons in relation to the
success criteria of the accountable learning objective that you set for them in each of the three research lessons.

Complete this table before your First Research Lesson and submit online:

Pupil(s) Meet success Exceed Fall short of success

Total number of pupils in the class predicted to… criteria success criteria criteria

Over the three research lessons of your Lesson Study

Case pupil A
Case pupil B
Case pupil C

Number in class who we expected to have..

Number in class who actually..

Complete this table after the Third Research Lesson:

Pupil(s) Met success Exceeded Fell short of success

Total number of pupils in the class… criteria success criteria criteria

Over the three research lessons of your Lesson Study

Case pupil A
Case pupil B
Case pupil C

Number in class who we expected to have..

Number in class who actually..

12 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

1. What were the main things you discovered about how the pupils learned?

In what ways will this change your teaching in the future?

(Up to 150 words)

2. What were the main things you learned about the pupils that you did not know so clearly

In what ways will this inform your future practice?

(Up to 150 words)

3. What other things have you learned about teaching or learning not captured in 1 or 2?

How will this change your teaching in future?

(Up to 150 words)

4. Are there any implications for the curriculum, assessment or pedagogy?

(Up to 250 words)

13 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

5. What key learning will you share with colleagues in school and within the project?

(Up to150 words)

14 | ©Pete Dudley 2014 & L.B. Camden

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