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Famous Art Objects and Crafts in the Visayan Islands

Iloilo Province is famous for its Spanish houses.

Some of these old ancestral houses are now
declared as Heritage Houses by the National
Historical Commission of the Philippines. The
houses are historically important because they
teach today’s generation how life was during the
Spanish colonial times.

This province is also famous for its

culinary arts. The famous La Paz batchoy,
Bulalo, lengua, and sizzling gambas are
some of these famous dishes.

Bohol is famous for its century-old stone

houses. Many of them were made of coral
stones which were taken from the sea and
were cemented by means of egg yolks. The
churches also house small museums
displaying artifacts, religious relics, and
other antiques that are as old as 400 years.
The one in Loboc has a bell tower. A strong
earthquake had destroyed many of the
churches in 2013.
A world-class Filipino furniture designer, Kenneth Cobonpue, makes Cebu’s furniture
famous. Some of his works were featured in Hollywood films. His designs also won for him
several international awards in furniture design contests and exhibitions.

The town of Basey in Samar is famous for

its banig or handwoven mat. Instead of using dried
buri leaves, the natives in Basey use dried tikog
leaves. They dye the leaves using strong colors
before weaving. They then weave them using
artistic and intricate designs.
Art Awareness

Basic terms to describe colors

1. Hue – It is the basic name of color. Red, for example, is a hue from among the
hundreds of other colors.
2. Value – It indicates how light or dark a color is. A color such as red, if mixed with
white, produces a tint, which is pink. If green is mixed with a tint of violet, the result
is forest green.
3. Intensity – It is the brightness or dullness of color.

Repetition involves the use of visual pattern. Examples are repetition of colors, shapes,
or lines to achieve a visual pattern or relationship.

Rhythm is a strong, regular, repeated pattern that forms a harmonious sequence of

colors, shapes, or lines. This rhythmic flow is often used to suggest movement.

Color Harmony is the combination of colors that can go together. Every time we select
colors, we usually decide which color matches the other. For instance, when we buy T-
shirts or blouses, we usually consider the color of the pants or skirts that match them.
Without being conscious of it, we are actually using color harmony as one of our bases in
such a decision.

Color harmony is grouped into related color harmonies and contrasting color
Colors that are opposite each other on the
color wheel are considered to be
complementary colors (example: red and
The high contrast of complementary colors
creates a vibrant look especially when used at
full saturation. This color scheme must be
managed well so it is not jarring.
Complementary colors are tricky to use in
large doses, but work well when you want
something to stand out.
Complementary colors are really bad for text.

Analogous color
schemes use colors that
are next to each other
on the color wheel.
They usually match well
and create serene and
comfortable designs.
Analogous color
schemes are often
found in nature and are
harmonious and
pleasing to the eye.
Make sure you have
enough contrast when
choosing an analogous
color scheme.
Choose one color to
dominate, a second to
support. The third color
is used (along with
black, white or gray) as
an accent.
A triadic color scheme
uses colors that are
evenly spaced around
the color wheel.
Triadic color harmonies
tend to be quite vibrant,
even if you use pale or
unsaturated versions of
your hues.
To use a triadic
harmony successfully,
the colors should be
carefully balanced - let
one color dominate and
use the two others for

The split-
complementary color
scheme is a variation of
the complementary
color scheme. In
addition to the base
color, it uses the two
colors adjacent to its
This color scheme has
the same strong visual
contrast as the
complementary color
scheme, but has less
The split-complimentary
color scheme is often a
good choice for
beginners, because it is
difficult to mess up.

Rectangle (tetradic)
The rectangle or
tetradic color scheme
uses four colors
arranged into two
complementary pairs.
This rich color scheme
offers plenty of
possibilities for
The tetradic color
scheme works best if
you let one color be
You should also pay
attention to the balance
between warm and cool
colors in your design.


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