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Experiment # 7

To Determine the Center Deflection of a Fixed Beam Subjected to a Concentrated load at

Steel Beams, Deflection measuring device, weights

Fig 7.1 (Beam)

Any structure member which cross section is much smaller compare to its length and undergoes
lateral load, known as beam.
In other words beam is a horizontal bar witch undergoes lateral load or couple which tends to bend
it or a horizontal bar undergoes bending stress known as beam.

Types of Beam:
1. Simply Supported Beam:
As the name implies, simply supported beam is supported at both end. One end of the beam is
supported by hinge support and other one by roller support. This support allow to horizontal
movement of beam. It beam type undergoes both shear stress and bending moment.
Fig 7.2(simple supported beam)
2. Continuous Beams:
This beam is similar to simply supported beam except more than two support are used on it. One
end of it is supported by hinged support and other one is roller support. One or more supports are
use between these beams. It is used in long concrete bridges where length of bridge is too large.

Fig 7.3 (continuous beam)

3. Cantilever Beams:
Cantilever beams a structure member of which one end is fixed and other is free. This is one of
the famous type of beam use in trusses, bridges and other structure member. This beam carry
load over the span which undergoes both shear stress and bending moment.

Fig 7.4 (cantilever beam)

4. Fixed beams:
This beam is fixed from both ends. It does not allow vertical movement and rotation of the beam.
It is only under shear stress and no moment produces in this beams. It is used in trusses, and other

Fig 7.5 (fixed beam)

When a body is under stress, then that stress tries to change its shape and dimensions. Change is
shape of the body is called deflection and change in the dimensions is called strain when a body is
under stress, then that stress tries to change its shape and dimensions. Change is shape of the body
is called deflection and change in the dimensions is called strain.

1. First Set the apparatus and set the steel bar in the apparatus.
2. Set the dial gauge with the help of the magnet clamp. Set the dial Gauge at zero,
3. Put the weight hanger at center of the beam.
4. We apply the 2N load and note the Deflection on the dial gauge.
5. We apply the 4N load and note the Deflection on the dial gauge.
6. We apply the 5N load and note the Deflection on the dial gauge.
7. We apply the 6N load and note the Deflection on the dial gauge.

SR # Load (N) Deflection (mm)
1 2 0.4

2 4 0.8

3 5 0.98
4 6 1.15

We also find the theoretical deflection by using the following formula
$the =

As the graph is a straight line so by increase load theoretical value also increase and
experimental value also vary.

1. Apparatus set properly.
2. Take reading carefully.
1. After Experiment we Study and understand different types of beams.
2. After Experiment perform we are able to find Center Deflection of a Fixed Beam
Subjected to a concentrated load at midpoint.

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