Consideration of The Risk of Fraud

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Consideration of the risk of fraud

6.1. Concept of fraud

6.2. Fraud detection and prevention responsibilities – FDP

6.2.1. Evaluation of the fraud risk – ERF

6.2.2. “Audit of fraud” under IPPF

6.1. Concept of fraud

is an illegal act - deceit, counterfeit, or violation of trust

does not necessarily involve the use of violent threat or

is made with a view to get financial or material

advantages / to avoid payment for or loss of services,
personal or business advantages

6.1. Concept of fraud

• direct – e.g.: getting some money

• indirect – e.g.: getting a promoton, power or influence

6.1. Concept of fraud
Fraud might be perpetrated:

for the benefit of the To the detriment of the

organization: organization:
• Improper payments such as illegal Acceptance of bribes
political contributions, bribes Diversion to an employee or outsider
• Intentional, improper representation or of a potentially profitable transaction
valuation of transactions, assets, that would normally generate profits
liabilities or income. for the organization.
• Sale or assignment of fictitious or Embezzlement, as typified by the
misrepresented assets. misappropriation of money or
• Intentional failure to record or disclose property, and falsification of financial
significant information to improve the records to cover an act, thus making
financial picture of the organization to
outside parties.
detection difficult.
• Tax fraud. Intentional concealment or
misrepresentation of events or data.
Claims submitted for services or
goods not actually provided to the
organization. 4
6.1. Concept of fraud


Fraud triangle

Opportunity Rationalization

6.2. FDP responsibilities

6.2. FDP responsibilities
Board and Audit Committee – supervise&monitor:
 fraud-related policies, procedures, incentive plans;
 risk of management avoidance of or undue influence on internal
 whistle-blowing policy and mechanisms in place;
 regular reporting: nature, status and eventual responses to
detected frauds;
 IA plan – consideration of the fraud risk;
 free access to independent experts in fraud investigation and
related research

6.2. FDP responsibilities
IA role – answers to questions:
What are the fraud risks the company is facing with?
What are the programs and internal controls in place to address the fraud
What IA can do to help the company to prevent and detect the risk of fraud in
due time?

6.2.1. Evaluation ot the risk of fraud
IA role in ERF:
Organization of the evaluation process – integration of ERF
within the risk assessment process in place / implementation
of a separated one
Determination of areas subjected to evaluation – application
of ERF at the level of:
complex activities

6.2.1. Evaluation ot the risk of fraud
IA role in ERF:
Identify the possible scenarios: The organization perpetrates a
fraud or is a victim of fraud? How?
Assess the probability of perpetrating a fraud
Scale used
US practice – thre-value qualitative scale
Low probability – auditors need to document the organization’s
perception before dismissing the risk
Assess the fraud risk relevance (RR):
Impact of FR
RR = Impact X Probability
US practice: RR ≥ average – considered by the IA

6.2.1. Evaluation ot the risk of fraud
IA role in ERF (cont.):
Identify and assess the fraud-related internal controls
Ignorance/avoidance of internal controls
Insuficient or ineffective internal controls
Integration of ERF outcomes within the audit plan: „audit of
fraud” section

6.2.2. „Audit of fraud”
IG 1210-A2.2 – FD = identification of fraud indications
suficient to justify for auditors to recommend a
comprehensive investigation.
IA responsibilities:
to have suficient knowledge on fraud-related
Constituent parts of a fraud
Techniques used
Types of fraud specific to businesses

6.2.2. „Audit of fraud”
IA responsibilities (cont.):
• to be vigilant with respect to ICS deficiencies:
• many cumulative indications increase the probability of
perpetrating a fraud;
• to assess the fraud indications and establish if further
investigation is required or other specific actions;
• to inform the relevant organization’s officials about the

6.2.2. „Audit of fraud”
IA obligations:
 to identify and consider the possible complicities within the
 to determine the required knowledge, skills and competences
that would allow the auditor to conduct the investigation
 to formulate procedures for detection the fraudsters, the scope
of fraud, its causes, or techniques used;
 to coordinate its investigation with the work of relevant
 to know the rights of presumed fraudsters.

6.2.2. „Audit of fraud”
IG 1210.A2-1: Communication of findings in „audit of
fraud” engagements
Recommendations for improvement/application of internal
Audit tests used to identify the risk of fraud;
Fraud-risk database knowledge;
Priviledged information.

6.2.2. „Audit of fraud”
IIAS 2400: Obligation to report immediately to the
board and executive managers:
If a significant fraud with reasonable probability is
If the identified fraud has already had a material negative
impact on prior years financial statements or rezults.


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