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Civil society perspective:

Harmonization of digital markets

EaP HDM Panel, 7 February 2019, Brussels

Maksym Koriavets Mikhail Doroshevich

(Ukraine) (Belarus)
Digital skills development processes

 expertise in digital skills;

 recommendations on digital skills strategies

and coalitions;

 community-based inclusive non-formal and

informal educational practices;

 e-competence framework:  priority of the e-CF in HDM Panel’s action plan,

 respective recommendations to the partner states for

implementing the e-CF.

 an advocacy campaigns on adopting the e-CFs,

EaP broadband infrastructure



 a comprehensive study on broadband infrastructure in

EaP countries;
 guidelines on EaP broadband strategies based on EU
best practices and current EaP agenda (benchmarking)
Digital gender equality
Digital market:
EaP Priorities state of art HDM
Women in the digital age.
 specific goals in the
Final report (2018)
HDM Strategy for
gender equality; Gender equality: In Europe: HDM strategy does
not always reflect
 relevant indicators in
• key element of • share of men digital gender
the EaP working in the ICT equality importance.
the Digital Economy and
agenda, sector 313%
Society Index (DESI); greater than the
• one of the share of women, HDM initiatives
 feasible and consistent cross-cutting launched in recent
national targets; Deliverables/ • Women years do not
represented only sufficiently take into
21.5% of all account the gender
 coordination of
workers in digital perspective.
pertinent initiatives jobs in 2015.
Communication mechanisms

Effective harmonized two-way communications

between civil society and governmental
instiutions both on national and EaP levels by
 83% of citizens do not feel that
their voice is heard; 55% of  Engaging citizens in smart city experiments -
citizens indicate that they want “citizen science” has the potential to improve
collective social strategies, as well as
to participate;
stimulating shifts in public opinion with
subsequent changes in individual behavior
 efforts focused on and pressure on policy makers;
development of e-government
infrastructure rather than  Fostering smart city pilot projects based on
grass-root approach through opening
service development.
opportunities to acquiring and developing e-

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