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Zeal Education Society's

Zeal College of Engineering & Research

Department of Computer Engineering
Eligibility & Exam Form Submission Sheet
Class: S.E. Comp
Academic Year: 2017-18 Semester: II
Microprocessor Laboratory Oral Questions
1. What is NASM? (Full form, platform, why to use)
2. Explain steps to compile and execute ALP in NASM.
3. Explain steps to compile and execute ALP in TASM.
4. What is .data section?
5. What is .bss section?
6. What is .code section?
7. What are segments in tasm
8. What is .model small? Any other memory structure(tiny, small, medium,compact, large)?
9. What is the difference between db and resb?
10. What are the execution steps in NASM. How to install NASM.
11. What is db,dw,dd,dq,dt?
12. How to declare array in ALP?
13. How to declare array count in ALP?
14. How to store elements in array?
15. How to define loop in ALP?
16. Explain cmp instruction.
17. Explain arithmetic operations.
18. Explain logical operation.
19. What is ROL,ROR,RCL,RCR.
20. Explain the logic of checking whether a no. is +ve or –ve.
21. What is BT instruction? Is there any alternative to bit test instruction. (BT instruction explain
22. What is macro?
23. Explain 32 bit read, write, exit macro.
24. Explain 64 bit read, write, exit macro.
25. Explain the difference between macro and procedure
26. What is near and far procedure.
27. Explain resd,resw,resb,resq.
28. What is int 80h?
29. What is syscall?
30. What is display procedure?(add30 logic procedure)
31. How to write and call the procedure in NASM.
32. How to write and call the procedure in TASM.
33. What is string related instructions?
34. What is LDT, GDT, IDT, TR, MSW?
35. Explain CR0 register.
36. What is the size of LDTR, GDTR, IDTR,TR, and MSW?
37. What is IVT?
38. What is IDT?
39. What is GDT?
40. What is interrupt?
41. What is int 21h?
42. What is int 10h?
43. What is file descriptor. Describe function values of file descriptor.
44. What is offset or effective address?
45. What is the difference between overlapped block transfers and non overlapped block transfer?
46. Which string instructions are used to perform block transfer?
47. What is the difference between without and with string instruction execution?
48. What is the use of direction flag?
49. Explain DIV instruction.
50. Illustrate PUSH operation on stack.
51. Differentiate conditional and unconditional jump instruction.
52. Define hexadecimal and BCD number system.
53. Illustrate CMP and ROL instruction
54. How to convert hex to bcd and vice versa. (With example)
55. Explain JNZ, JZ,JMP, JBE instruction with example.
56. Illustrate Read ,Write and exit call for 64 bit program.
57. What are the two methods of multiplication?
58. What is concept of Successive Add? Explain with one example.
59. What is concept of Add & Shift? Explain with example.
60. Discuss logic of successive addition?
61. What is the size of each stack?
62. What are the different data types?
63. Which co-processor you have used?
64. Which arithmetic instruction you used?
65. What is difference between NEAR& FAR procedure?
66. List and Explain Different File System Calls?
67. Explain PUBLIC and EXTERN directives?
68. Different types of operating modes?
69. State the difference between different operating modes?
70. Explain descriptor and descriptor table?
71. What is CR0 what are its contents?
72. Explain different types of descriptor table?
73. Explain how to load and store the contents of descriptor table?
74. What is bubble sort?
75. What is the command to read text file?
76. What is the command to write the text in file?
77. What are different instructions used in the program?
78. What are command Line arguments?
79. List and Explain Different DOS Commands?
80. Explain different File operations?
81. Explain Type, COPY Command.
82. What is difference between 80387 and 80386.
83. What different conditions used to find factorial of an integer number?
84. Explain CALL, JG, ADD instructions
85. Write down the characteristics of trigonometric functions i.e. sine, cosine, sinc.
86. Explain the formulas for plotting trigonometric functions.
87. What is TSR? What it does?
88. Which interrupts are used to make program resident in memory? Explain steps.
89. Explain any real time application of TSR.
90. What is timer interrupt?
91. Explain a procedure to convert ascii to hex.
92. Discuss int 80h with function AH=04.
93. Discuss int 80h with various functions.
94. Explain: CMP,POP, JBE.
95. How to enter in protected mode.
96. How to enter in real mode.
97. How to enter in virtual mode.
98. What is cache.
99. Which are the levels of cache.
100.Why cache is important.
101.What is linear address, logical address and physical address.
102.What is multitasking?
103.What are ascii values for 0-9 numbers and A-F , a-f
104.Explain protected mode specific instructions.
105.Explain stack related instructions.
106. What is IRET
107.What is assembler?
108.What is assembly language programming?
109.What is machine language?
110. What is high level and low level language?
111.What is loader?
112.What are the advantages of assembly language?
113.What is an EQU directive?
114. What is the use of switch case?
115.What is opcode and mnemonics?
116. What is syntax of assembly language statement
117. What is use of DUP.?
118.Explain LEA instruction.
119.Explain push and pop instruction.
120. What is co-processor?
121.Write macro for file open, read, write and close.
122.What are the file permissions.(for read, write, execute)
123. What is 0b800 address in multitasking?
124. What is timer interrupt?(int 1ah)
125.Which interrupt is used to enter into graphics mode?
126.What bh=0. In graphics.
127.What is color format for background and foreground color.
128.Where are Transient / Resident programs located in the memory.
129. After reset what is the processor default mode and the starting address.
130.What is
mov ax, @data
mov ds,ax

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