Written Communication Rubric: Course Code Student Name Student ID Elements %age 3 20% Exemplary (3 PTS)

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Written Communication Rubric

Course Code
Student Name
Student ID

Elements %age Exemplary (3 pts)

Content 20% The assigned task is thoroughly covered and
completed. The primary thesis is clear and
fully developed. Assertions made throughout
the writing are compelling and clearly

Organization 20% Paper flows well with appropriate beginning,

development, and conclusion. Paragraph
structure contributes to flow and transitions.
Organization and/or headings help the reader
to understand and remember information.

Audience 20% Writer clearly focuses writing to the audience,

and displays empathy for the reader. Goodwill
is created through consideration of the
reader’s needs. Message tailored directly for
the reader.
Style 10% Demonstrates a sophisticated grasp of the
language in terms of both sentence structure
and vocabulary. Writes fluidly and concisely.
Includes appropriate business terms.

Mechanics 20% No errors in word usage, sentence structure

(run-ons, fragments), spelling, punctuation,
and capitalization. Strong mechanics help to
establish credibility.

Referencing 10% References (if called for) are consistently

correct using APA or MLA style. No missing

% AC
Acceptable (2 pts) Unacceptable (1 pt) Points
2 1
The assigned task is covered sufficiently. The Does not adequately cover the assigned task.
primary thesis is clear but there is some room The primary thesis may not be clear or if it is,
for further development of the topic. Support little topic development is evident. Assertions
is offered for assertions that are made but made in the writing are either weakly
that support could be stronger, more supported or no support is offered.
compelling or more inclusive of all issues

Paper follows logical sequence with Paper lacks logical sequence hence causing
identifiable beginning, development, and format to interfere with readability. Does not
conclusion. Generally proper use of use proper paragraphing. Topic sentences do
paragraph structure and topic sentences. not lead to rest of paragraph or are missing
Organization and/or headings help the reader altogether.
to follow and find information.

Writer acknowledges the reader and displays Writer is internally focused rather than
some thought about the nature of the focused on the reader. No clear awareness or
audience. Reader is treated politely and understanding of the audience is evident.
positively. No evidence of inappropriate Writer may appear discourteous to the reader.
Sentences vary in length and style. Strong Overuse of simple sentences. May misuse
action verbs are used. Occasionally uses words or idioms. May include slang. Wordy
jargon or clichés. Vocabulary and word usage rather than concise. Writing shows lack of
generally is correct and shows some variety. sophistication or variety in vocabulary.
Uses business terms appropriately. Awkward. Little or no use of business terms.
Relatively free of errors in word usage, Significant errors in word usage, sentence
sentence structure (run-ons, fragments), structure (run-ons, fragments), spelling,
spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. punctuation, and capitalization. Errors
Mechanics do not detract from credibility of undermine credibility of content and
the content. readability.
Generally correct referencing (if called for) References (if called for) are missing or do
using APA or MLA style. not use correct referencing style.

% ACHIEVED (total points divided by max points) 0%

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