Starkville Dispatch Eedition 2-7-19

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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Thursday | February 7, 2019

More challengers enter Oktibbeha supes races

Fields for districts 1, 3 and 4 getting crowded back for about
15 years. He
need work. Some of them don’t
even have safety railings. It’s a
By Alex Holloway voice for District 1’s constitu- now works as a danger, not just to the county ents. regional ware- residents, but to all people who
While McCain said he views house manager go through those areas.”
Three new candidates have all issues as important, he said for MaxxSouth He said he also wants to see
qualified to run for Oktibbeha Oktibbeha County needs a spe- Broadband — more opportunities for youth
County supervisor seats. cial emphasis on its infrastruc- a position he’s activities in the county and
Clint McCain, Dennis “Den- ture. held for about wants to work to make county
ny” Daniels and Leonardo “I think the group we have 14 years. McCain Daniels Thompson employees feel appreciated.
“Knot Knot” Thompson have now, may have a little trust is- T hompson Thompson is from Starkville
entered the supervisor races sue with the people of the coun- registered as a Democrat to Thompson said Oktibbeha
and a graduate of the Starkville
for districts 1, 3 and 4, respec- ty,” he said. “I want to earn that run against incumbent District County’s infrastructure — and
school system. He went to
tively. trust back and be part of a team 4 Supervisor Bricklee Miller. its roads in particular — need
Austin Peay State University
McCain, who registered the citizens of Oktibbeha Coun- Thompson is the second Dem- work.
to run as a Democrat against “Some of our roads are grav- in Tennessee. He worked with
ty can be proud of.” ocrat to file for the race, along
incumbent District 1 Supervi- with former District 4 Supervi- el, and in this day and age all the Starkville School District,
McCain is a Starkville native
sor John Montgomery, said he and a Starkville High School sor Daniel Jackson. Party pri- of our roads should be paved,” where he coached football, for
wants to serve all of Oktibbeha alumnus. He moved away brief- mary elections are set for Aug. Thompson said. “There are 10 years, and with the former
County’s residents and to be a ly to Tuscaloosa but has been 6. Miller is a Republican. also a lot of bridge areas that See Candidates, 3A

Restaurant Tax

Advocate: Kratom ‘should be regulated,’ not illegal Restaurant tax

National group responds to local ban set to return
on substance as stores pull it from shelves on March 1
Citizens can force
referendum with
C.M. Haddow knows a Georgia
narcotics officer who once entered a
petition signed by
convenience store in north Georgia
and asked if the store carried kra-
2,000 registered
tom, a substance commonly found in
convenience stores and which many
Columbus voters
people use as pain relief medication. By Amanda Lien
Not only did the store carry it, but
the clerk pointed the officer to the
particular product that would give Helen Karriem
someone the “best high.” will have another
But that particular product bookkeeping task
couldn’t have been pure kratom, starting March 1 —
said Haddow, who works as a senior one her son helped
fellow on public policy at the Virgin- create for her.
ia-based advocacy group American Still, she’s not fret-
Kratom Association. Haddow said ting about it. Besides,
unless kratom is laced with another she’s known for a Karriem
substance — what he calls an “adul- while this was proba-
terated product” — it doesn’t result bly coming.
in users getting high the way tradi- “I’ve been doing
tional opioids do. this for 30 years,”
“If they market it that way and said the owner of Hel-
you buy it and you get high, they put en’s Kitchen, a soul
something in it,” Haddow said. food restaurant on
Haddow argued it’s these adul- the north side of Co-
terated products that have caught lumbus. “So you just Box
the attention of the Food and Drug have to do what you
Administration and law enforce- have to do.”
ment, resulting in various regula- Rep. Kabir Kar-
tions and even bans of the product riem (D-Columbus)
throughout the country — including was among 91 Mis-
in Columbus where the city council sissippi House mem-
voted Tuesday to make it against city bers and 48 senators
ordinance to sell or possess the sub- to pass a new 2-per-
stance. cent restaurant sales Carpenter
While it is still legal in other parts tax for Columbus in
of Lowndes County, supervisors are January, with funds allocated for
planning to hold a public meeting tourism, economic development
in March on a proposed ordinance and recreation. Gov. Phil Bryant
banning kratom, a meeting which signed the bill into law on Tuesday,
prompted Haddow to send a letter leaving just one hurdle before tax
from AK A to supervisors asking the collections can begin in March.
product not be banned. The city is required to run three
However, businesses in the area legal notices with The Dispatch be-
have already stopped selling kra- fore the tax can be levied. The first
tom, which is typically marketed as of those will print on Friday. Colum-
a dietary ingredient and can be sold bus is not required to host public
as liquid, capsules or powder. While meetings about the tax.
dietary supplement stores such as However, citizens can call for a
GNC and Max Muscle Nutrition ha- referendum — a public vote — on
ven’t carried it, convenience stores the tax by delivering a petition to
and gas stations do. City Hall no later than 5 p.m. Feb.
See Kratom, 8A 25. That petition must include sig-
natures from at least 2,000 city resi-
dents who are registered voters, ac-
See Restaurant Tax, 8A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 According to the Beach Boys, what do Today society and a domineering meetings
“the Midwest farmers’ daughters really” father. Show times are 7:30 Feb. 12: Plan-
■ Exhibit opening: A free p.m. at Playhouse on Main,
do? ning and Zoning
reception from 5:30-7 p.m.
2 Who did Gordon Brown replace in 2007 108 E. Main St., Starkville.
as prime minister of the United Kingdom? at the Columbus Arts Coun- Limited seating; contact the
3 What 1995 dating advice book includes cil’s Rosenzweig Arts Cen- 5:30 p.m., City
box office for reservations,
the admonition, “Don’t call him and rarely ter, 501 Main St., opens 662-323-6855. Hall
Grice Garner return his calls”? an exhibit from Mississippi Feb. 12:
4 What color is the blood pigment of University for Women’s
Second grade, Heritage
most cephalopods, such as octopus and permanent collection. 662- Friday Starkville-Oktib-

77 Low 32
squid? ■ Jembe Den: Bob Damm beha Consoli-
High 5 What nickname was given to NBA head and this percussion student dated School
coach Phil Jackson for his calm, philo- District Board of
Chance of p.m. rain; colder
Full forecast on
sophical approach?
Answers, 8B
Today ensemble, along with
guest artist Wsir Johnson, Trustees, 6 p.m.,
page 2A. through Saturday share dance rhythms of Greensboro
■ “The Heiress”: Africa at the Columbus Center
Starkville Community The- Arts Council’s Rosenzweig
Inside atre presents this stirring Arts Center, 501 Main St.
Feb. 15: Board
CAC members: $15 ad- of Aldermen
Business 4A Dear Abby 7B costume drama about a
young woman in the Victo- vance/$17 door. Nonmem- Christine Hunt is a work session,
Classifieds 8B Obituaries 5A
Comics 7B Opinions 6A rian Age challenging stric- bers: $20/$22. Youth 18 & junior communications 5:30 p.m., City
Crossword 8B tures placed on her life by under, $10. 662-328-2787. major at MUW. Hall


2A Thursday, February 7, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear? Say What?
“You can feel the excitement in the air.”
Inmate freed with help by Kim MSU head football coach Joe Moorhead on
National Signing Day Wednesday. Story, 1B.

Kardashian West gets book deal

‘I feel humbled were not in vain,” Johnson

Anti-abortion bills: odds good

said in a statement.
that the telling “My life has forever
changed because of Al-
of my story gives ice Marie Johnson,” Kar-

hope and my
years of pain were
dashian West said in state-
ment. “Her story is a gift
that will now reach so many
millions more through her
in GOP states, not Congress
not in vain’
book and film. I hope Al- In Trump’s State
Alice Marie Johnson
ice’s case is just the begin-
ning of a movement to help
those left behind. I am in-
of the Union speech, Mississippi considers abortion
AP National Writer

NEW YORK — An in-

vested in continuing to sup-
port Alice and this cause.”
Financial terms for
he urged Congress ‘to
prohibit the late-term ban after fetal heartbeat
Johnson’s book and film By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS
mate whose life sentence
was commuted thanks in
and television deals were abortion of children The Associated Press
not disclosed
part to the efforts of Kim Johnson, 63, served who can feel pain in a JACKSON — Mississippi lawmakers are considering what could be-
Kardashian West has a more than two decades of come one of the strictest abortion laws in the country. Bills that passed
book deal, along with deals a life sentence without pa- mother’s womb’ legislative committees Tuesday would ban abortion once a fetal heart-
for film and television role for non-violent offens- beat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
rights. es before President Donald Republican Gov. Phil Bryant has said he will sign either House Bill
AP National Writer
Harper, an imprint of Trump commuted her sen- 732 or Senate Bill 2116, which are moving to the full House and Senate
HarperCollins Publishers, tence last year. Kardashian President Donald Trump’s call for more work. Supporters and opponents anticipate a court fight.
announced Wednesday West personally lobbied for a ban on late-term abortions is An Iowa judge struck down a similar law there last month.
that Alice Marie John- him in the Oval Office, unlikely to prevail in Congress, but Several states could consider tighter abortion restrictions to get a
son’s “After Life: My Jour- a meeting which Trump Republican legislators in several challenge up to the more conservative U.S. Supreme Court to try to
ney From Incarceration son-in-law Jared Kushner states are pushing ahead with their overturn the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide.
to Freedom” comes out helped arrange. Last De- own tough anti-abortion bills that Mississippi has some of the tightest abortion laws in the U.S., with a
May 21. Kardashian West cember, Trump signed they hope can pass muster with the 24-hour waiting period and parental consent for minors required, with
contributed a foreword to bipartisan legislation that Supreme Court. some exceptions. The state last year enacted a law banning abortion
what Harper is calling an gives judges more discre- Two bills proposing to outlaw after 15 weeks, and a federal judge declared it unconstitutional.
“honest, faith-driven mem- tion when sentencing some abortions after a fetal heartbeat In his November decision, U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves cited
oir” and a “deep look into drug offenders and boosts is detected, as early as six weeks Supreme Court rulings and wrote that states may not ban abortions
the systemic issue of mass prisoner rehabilitation ef- into a pregnancy, advanced out of before viability. He wrote that viability must be determined by trained
incarceration.” Film, televi- forts. On Tuesday night, House and Senate committees in medical professionals, and the “established medical consensus” is that
sion and “life rights” were Johnson was among those the Mississippi Legislature this viability typically begins at 23 to 24 weeks after the pregnant woman’s
sold to Endeavor Content invited to sit with first week, with GOP Gov. Phil Bryant last menstrual period. The state is asking an appeals court to overturn
and One Community. lady Melania Trump and pledging to sign either into law. the ruling.
“I feel humbled that the Trump family members at Efforts to pass similar bills are
telling of my story gives the State of the Union ad- underway in Florida, Kentucky, speech Tuesday night, cited recent 2018, to the Supreme Court. Abor-
hope and my years of pain dress. Ohio, South Carolina and Tennes- controversies in New York and Vir- tion opponents foresee the possibil-
see. In Ohio, former Republican ginia over late-term abortions be- ity that the high court might either
Gov. John Kasich twice vetoed the fore urging Congress “to prohibit reverse Roe v. Wade, the 1973 rul-
CONTACTING THE DISPATCH measure, but his GOP successor, the late-term abortion of children ing establishing a nationwide right
Mike DeWine, has pledged to sign who can feel pain in a mother’s to abortion, or uphold specific state
Office hours: Main line: it. In Tennessee, Republican Gov.
n 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon-Fri n 662-328-2424 womb.” Legislation to achieve that laws that would undermine Roe.
Bill Lee and the top two GOP state
goal failed to win passage even In Indiana, four anti-abortion
Email a letter to the editor? lawmakers say they support the
HOW DO I ... n measure.
when Republicans controlled both laws have been blocked or thrown
Iowa passed a heartbeat bill last chambers of Congress, and has out by federal judges since 2013.
Report a missing paper?
Report a sports score? year that was struck down by a virtually no chance of success now But activists believe they now
n 662-328-2424 ext. 100
n Toll-free 877-328-2430 n 662-241-5000 state judge on Jan. 22. In response, that Democrats control the House. have a better opportunity for suc-
n Operators are on duty until many GOP lawmakers are seeking Nonetheless, anti-abortion legis- cess, thanks to the Supreme Court
Submit a calendar item? lators and activists across the U.S. changes, and they’re promoting a
5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. to place a proposed constitution-
n Go to believe Trump has bolstered their bill that would outlaw a procedure
al amendment on the ballot that
Buy an ad? community cause with his appointments of known as dilation and evacuation
would stipulate there is no right to
n 662-328-2424 Submit a birth, wedding abortion in the Iowa Constitution. conservative judges Neil Gorsuch, that’s frequently used for sec-
Report a news tip? or anniversary announce- Trump, in his State of the Union in 2017, and Brett Kavanaugh, in ond-trimester abortions.
n 662-328-2471 ment?
n n Download forms at www.

Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701

Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 Virginia’s top 3 elected officials engulfed in scandal
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759 By ALAN SUDERMAN
The Associated Press
Governor’s career threatened by racist yearbook photo,
SUBSCRIPTIONS RICHMOND, Va. — state’s AG confessed to putting on blackface in the 80s
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE The political crisis in Vir-
ginia spun out of control
and lieutenant governor facing sexual assault allegations
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 Wednesday when the
Online.......................................... with Attorney General Fairfax surfaced earlier if Northam resigns — has
state’s attorney general Mark Herring issuing a this week, put out a de- repeatedly denied her al-
confessed to putting on
RATES blackface in the 1980s
statement acknowledging
he wore brown makeup
tailed statement saying
Fairfax forced her to per-
legations, saying that the
encounter was consensu-
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. and a woman went public and a wig in 1980 to look form oral sex on him in a
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. al and that he is the victim
with detailed allegations like a rapper during a par- hotel room in 2004 during
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. of sexual assault against of a strategically timed
ty when he was a 19-year- the Democratic National political smear.
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. the lieutenant governor. old student at the Univer- Convention in Boston.
1 month daily home delivery................................................... $12 With Gov. Ralph “At no time did she
sity of Virginia. The Associated Press
1 month Sunday only home delivery........................................ $7 Northam’s career already express to me any dis-
Herring — who had typically does not identify
Mail Subscription Rates....................................................$20/mo. hanging by a thread over previously called on those who say they were comfort or concern about
* EZ Pay rate requires automatic processing of credit or debit card. a racist photo in his 1984 Northam to resign and sexually assaulted, but our interactions, neither
medical school yearbook, was planning to run for Tyson issued the state- during that encounter,
the day’s developments governor himself in 2021 ment in her name. nor during the months
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320) threatened to take down
Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi. — apologized for his “cal- Tyson, a 42-year-old following it, when she
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS all three of Virginia’s top lous” behavior and said political scientist who is stayed in touch with me,
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to: elected officials, all of that the days ahead “will on a fellowship at Stanford nor the past 15 years,” he
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., them Democrats. make it clear whether I University and specializes said in a statement.
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 The twin blows began can or should continue to in the political discourse Tyson said she suf-
serve.” of sexual assault, said, “I fered “deep humiliation
FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE The 57-year-old Her- have no political motive. and shame” and stayed
ring came clean after ru- I am a proud Democrat.” quiet about the allega-
mors about the existence “Mr. Fairfax has tried tions as she pursued her
of a blackface photo of to brand me as a liar to a
career, but by late 2017,
TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY him began circulating at national audience, in ser-
as the #MeToo move-
Much colder; rain and Cooler with sun and Periods of clouds and Cloudy and milder with Cloudy the Capitol, though he vice to his political ambi-
drizzle early some clouds sunshine a shower made no mention of a pic- tions, and has threatened ment took shape and after
33° 47° 28° 49° 38° 59° 48° 65° 51° ture Wednesday. litigation,” she said. “Giv- she saw an article about
Then, within hours, en his false assertions, Fairfax’s campaign, she
ALMANAC DATA took her story to The
Columbus Wednesday Vanessa Tyson, the Cal- I’m compelled to make
TEMPERATURE HIGH LOW ifornia woman whose clear what happened.” Washington Post, which
Wednesday 77° 65° sexual assault allegations Fairfax — who is in decided months later not
Normal 57° 35°
Record 77° (2019) 16° (1977) against Lt. Gov. Justin line to become governor to publish a story.
Wednesday 0.00
Month to date 0.12
Normal month to date 1.17
Year to date 6.59
Normal year to date 6.53
In feet as of
7 a.m. Wed.
Stage Chng.
Trump speech viewed by 46.8 million viewers
Amory 20 11.99 +0.34
Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.

Showers T-Storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice Cold Warm Stationary Jetstream
Fox News Channel dominated 11.1 million people watch-
ing the speech on that
-10s -0s 0s 10s

20s 30s

40s 50s 60s 70s 80s

90s 100s 110s

SAT the coverage, with 11.1M watching network. NBC was second
LAKE LEVELS City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W with 7.1 million, CBS had
In feet as of 24-hr. Atlanta 56/36/pc 54/37/pc Nashville 40/20/s 45/33/pc The Associated Press delayed by the govern- 6.7 million, ABC had 5.9
Capacity Level Chng. Boston 55/25/r 34/21/s Orlando 81/60/pc 73/64/c
7 a.m. Wed.
Chicago 14/2/pc 24/20/pc Philadelphia 58/24/pc 37/21/s ment shutdown, topped million, MSNBC had 3.8
Aberdeen Dam 188 163.73 +0.12 Dallas 46/34/pc 43/39/pc Phoenix 68/44/s 65/42/c PASADENA, Calif. — last year’s audience of
Stennis Dam 166 136.93 +0.12 Honolulu 81/64/pc 74/63/pc Raleigh 69/32/pc 48/26/pc million and CNN had 3.4
Bevill Dam 136 136.48 +0.05 President Donald Trump’s 45.6 million. His first such
Jacksonville 80/53/c 61/52/s Salt Lake City 35/22/c 36/28/sf million.
SOLUNAR TABLE Memphis 41/23/s 46/36/pc Seattle 39/31/sn 36/24/sn State of the Union ad-
address before Congress Nearly 4 million Fox
The solunar period indicates peak feeding times for
Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
dress was seen by 46.8
fish and game.
million television viewers, in 2017 was seen by 47.7 viewers didn’t stick around
Major Minor Major Minor SUN AND MOON MOON PHASES
Thu. 2:20a 8:30a 2:41p 8:51p THU FRI FIRST FULL LAST NEW an increase over his 2018 million. for Stacey Abrams’ Demo-
Fri. 3:07a 9:18a 3:28p 9:38p Sunrise 6:46 a.m. 6:45 a.m.
speech. The Trump-friendly cratic response, but the
Sunset 5:30 p.m. 5:31 p.m.
Forecasts and graphics provided by Moonrise 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. The Nielsen company Fox News Channel dom- network’s audience was
AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 Moonset 8:09 p.m. 9:03 p.m. Feb 12 Feb 19 Feb 26 March 6 said the speech, which was inated the coverage, with still larger than all others.
Thursday, February 7, 2019 3A


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House passes school safety bill Confederate emblem

requiring shooter drills remains on Mississippi
Legislation doesn’t include a recommendation Rep. Joel Bomgar of Madison un-
successfully tried to allow districts
flag as bills die
to train teachers or other school personnel to decide whether students should Lawmakers also rejected measures
to carry guns and act as ‘school marshals’ “To force all of the children to that would force universities
go through an active shooter drill
By JEFF AMY “The threat is real and it’s one that will leave them somewhat ter- opposed to the state flag to fly it
The Associated Press we have to prepare for,” said Rep. rorized is a decision that ought to
Mark Baker, the Brandon Republi- be made at a lower level,” Bomgar By EMILY WAGSTER PET TUS
JACKSON — Mississippi House can who sponsored the bill. said. The Associated Press
members agreed Wednesday that A task force convened by Gov. Representatives rejected that
public schools should undergo Phil Bryant recommended that ev- JACKSON — Mississippi lawmakers are again
move, as well as a proposed amend-
twice-yearly active shooter drills, killing bills to remove the Confederate battle em-
ery school have a school resource ment by Republican Rep. Dana
approving a bill meant to make blem from the last flag in the U.S. to display it.
officer — typically an armed law Criswell of Olive Branch that would
schools safer from mass shootings But they also rejected measures that would
enforcement officer. Baker said he have allowed parents to pull individ-
and turning aside concerns that force universities opposed to the emblem to fly
wants to expand a cost-sharing pro- ual students out of drills.
such drills could terrorize the stu- the banner.
gram to encourage that goal, say- “Children should know where
dents they’re meant to protect. The emblem — a red field topped by a blue
ing the bill would require the state to hide along a wall, where bullets tilted cross and dotted by 13 white stars — has
The House voted 114-3 on for to provide at least $10,000 to every can’t penetrate, how to save and appeared on Mississippi’s flag since 1894. Critics
House Bill 1283, sending it to the district that qualified. protect each other,” said Democrat- say it’s racist; those who oppose removing it say
Senate for more consideration. It The legislation doesn’t include a ic Rep. John Hines of Greenville. it’s a historic symbol.
would require safety inspections task force recommendation to train The highest-dollar recommen- Mississippians voted to keep the flag in a 2001
and the active shooter drills at pub- teachers or other school personnel dation in the bill is to hire a school statewide election. Several Mississippi cities and
lic schools. It would also create a to carry guns and act as “school resource officer for all 1,000-plus counties — and all eight of the state’s public uni-
threat-reporting mechanism mon- marshals.” schools in the state. The state De- versities — have stopped flying it in recent years,
itored by three dedicated analysts Most debate Wednesday cen- partment of Education says there however, amid criticism that the battle emblem is
at the state Department of Public tered on the requirement for the are now 410 certified officers state- a racist reminder of slavery and segregation. Sup-
Safety. active shooter drills. Republican wide. porters of the flag say it represents history.
Confederate symbols have been the subject of
widespread debate across the South, particularly
since June 2015, when a white supremacist killed
nine black worshippers at a church in Charleston,
South Carolina; and August 2017, when violence
House seeks college graduate tax breaks, but could be costly erupted as white nationalists held a rally in Char-
lottesville, Virginia.
For the past several years, multiple bills have
Mississippi lawmakers seeking ing in the state, a common
tactic in many states. But
uates leaving the state
after graduation,” said been filed to redesign the Mississippi flag. More
than a dozen were filed this year, and they all died
to stem the state’s falling population business leaders and oth-
ers say they’re worried
Tom Harnisch, director of
state relations and policy when they were not considered before a Tuesday
By JEFF AMY much such a program about the state’s ability analysis for the American deadline. It was the final day for House and Sen-
The Associated Press would cost, but said he to hold onto good people, Association of State Col- ate committees to accept or reject general bills
amid an economy that has leges and Universities. filed in their own chamber.
thought it would be nom-
JACKSON — Missis- Mississippi House Rules Committee Chair-
inal. However, Associated grown much more slow- Mississippi’s plan
sippi could become the man Jason White, a Republican from West, said
Press calculations sug- ly than the nation’s as a could be expensive,
latest state to begin offer- Tuesday there is no consensus in the 122-member
gest it could cost more whole. though. More than 11,000
ing incentives to recent House to either change the flag or give it extra
than $20 million a year if Other rural states with students graduated from
college graduates who protection. It’s the same thing White has said
widely adopted. population challenges are public universities in the about flag bills in recent years.
remain in or move to the
The plan would rebate considering or have ad- state last year, and previ-
state, as lawmakers seek
half of a graduate’s state opted similar proposals. ous students have shown
to stem the state’s falling
population. income tax payments Vermont, for example, just more than half are
The state House on after five years to any is offering to pay up to working in the state five
Tuesday voted 111-2 to college or profession- $10,000 over two years years later. If all those
pass House Bill 816, which al school graduate who for those who move to the people earned a $40,000
would pay back half or all signed up for the pro- state and work remotely annual salary over that
of a recent graduate’s state gram. It would give all the for an out-of-state compa- time, each would be eli-
income tax payments af- income tax back to any- ny. Maine offers income gible for a check worth
ter five years of residence. one who bought a house tax credits for some col- almost $3,600 at the end
“The purpose of this is or other real estate or who lege graduates, and even of five years. Those who
to let Mississippi recruit started a state-registered some cash payouts. New bought property or start-
the best and brightest,” business that employs at Hampshire and Michigan ed companies would eligi-
said state Rep. Trey La- least one other person. spend money marketing ble for a rebate of almost
mar, a Republican from Mississippi has long their states to graduates. $7,200. If everyone par-
Senatobia and sponsor of repaid student loans for “More and more ticipated at just the lower
the bill. some teachers and med- groups and lawmakers bracket, that would be al-
Lamar said he doesn’t ical professionals in ex- are concerned about most $20 million a year in
have an estimate of how change for them remain- brain drain, college grad- rebates.

Area arrests
The following arrests
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Jimmie Putt, 31, was
charged with burglary of a
commercial building, car,
n Eben Pumphrey, 27,
Putt Pumphrey Logan Ash McQuiller Jr. Emerson
was charged with uttering
forgery and possession,
sale or transfer of a stolen

The following arrests

were made by the Oktibbe-
ha County Sheriff’s Office:
n Anthony Logan,
18, was charged with a Easley Smith Wilborn Riley Whitehead Davis Jr. III
MDOC hold. court order. court order.
n Gary Ash, 47, was n Marvin Smith, 34, n Alvin Davis Jr. III, 30,
charged with possession was charged with a circuit was charged with a circuit
of a Schedule II drug and court order. court order.
careless driving. n Quontavious Wil- n Dalton Corder, 26,
n Obie McQuiller Jr.,
born, 23, was charged was charged with posses-
47, was charged with a cir-
cuit court order. with a circuit court order. sion of a controlled sub-
n Jonathan Emerson, n Devon Riley, 25, was stance, hold for another Corder Brown
24, was charged with a cir- charged with a circuit agency, possession of par-
court order. aphernalia and careless charged with possession
cuit court order.
n Daniel Easley, 40, n Joe Whitehead, 21, driving. of cocaine and possession
was charged with a circuit was charged with a circuit n Laci Brown, 23, was of a Schedule III drug.

Continued from Page 1A
Oktibbeha County School 3 Supervisor race to chal- defeated Daniels by three Daniels did not re-
District for two years. He lenge incumbent Marvell votes. In 2015, he beat spond to Dispatch calls
now works as a residen- Howard. Daniels by a 970-923 mar- for comment by press
tial therapist in Winston Daniels, a Republican gin. time.
County. and veteran of the Mis- Daniels is the second
Party primaries will be
Thompson is also a sissippi Army National Republican to file for the
held in May with the gen-
captain with the District Guard, has challenged District 3 race, after Gold-
5 Volunteer Fire Depart- Howard in the 2011 and en Triangle Planning and eral election scheduled Buckle up...
ment. 2015 District 3 elections. Development District for November. and your child, too
Dennis “Denny” Dan- Howard secured a narrow Director Rudy Johnson. Deadline to qualify is
iels entered the District victory in 2011, when he Howard is a Democrat. March 1.
4A Thursday, February 7, 2019 The Dispatch •

Business moves with Mary

The Purple Elephant reopens

PLUS: Grand Grand
Junction has
Grand Junc-
tion will offer
Junction slated finished its
three phases,
with 22 resi-
to open in Fall and has offi-
cially started
dential condos
in phase one

early 10 years ago, the construc- and 16 in both
Debbie Putt and tion process. phase two and
Janis Kertsetter The first three.
were working at The phase of the Moving
Purple Elephant. Grand Junc- to campus,
Last Friday, they tion condos, Mississippi
became the new owners 509 University Mary Pollitz
State Univer-
and reopened the previ- Dr., are slated sity Colvard
ously closed Columbus to open in late August. Student Union had a
gift shop on Wilkins Wise Kay Regimbal, vice couple of changes this
Road. president of development past month.
“We hated to see for Tabor Development, State Fountain Bakery,
another store close in Co- said 1/3 of condos have which moved across the
lumbus,” Putt said. “We been purchased already union, is ready for Valen-
just felt like jumping in since construction began
tine’s Day business with
and doing it. Everything last September. Grand
cookies, cakes, chocolate
comes full circle.” Junction will offer one-to-
covered strawberries and
Putt said she is hoping three bedroom condos,
petit fours.
to add some new lines 750 to 1,500 square
Adding a new flair for
and products in the fu- feet, from $200,000 to
$445,000. Regimbal said MSU students, Olilo by
ture, but everything else
will remain the same. She these condos are ideally Cat Cora has officially
added that each employee family’s second homes opened in the student
has stayed on staff since for baseball or football union. The restaurant
former owner Marca season. offers a flair of Mediter-
Glenn announced her She added the condos ranean dishes including
retirement. The gift shop offer “smart technolo- falafel and salmon flat
is open Monday through gy,” where homeowners breads. Olilo is a restau-
Friday from 10 a.m.-5:30 can control their locks, rant designed by Jackson
p.m. and Saturdays from lighting and air condi- native and Iron Chef Cat
10 a.m.-5 p.m. tioning from their phone. Cora.
Elsewhere in Colum- Homeowners will also Meanwhile, down-
bus, a frozen yogurt shop have access to a health town, a popular yoga
closed its doors. and wellness center once studio has temporarily
After six years of construction is complete. closed its doors. Firefly,
business in Columbus, Regimbal said an on- 102 S. Lafayette St., looks
Tutti Frutti Frozen Yo- site manger and cleaning to have posted its build-
gurt, 507-1 18th Ave. N., services can be hired to ing and studio for sale.
announced its closure on help maintain each condo Got business tips?
Facebook. while not in use. Email them to mpollitz@
Over in Starkville, Once completed,

Building permits
■ Newman Oil; 409 4th St. S.; 122 Hwy. 45 N. Plumbing
City of Columbus Electrical permit; Buddy Easley permit; David Truesdale
Jan. 28-31, 2019 ■ Carroll S. Rippy; 471
■ The River Church; 882 N.
Lehmberg Road; Sign permit;
Wilkins-Wise Road; Electrical
permit; George Beavers
Lowndes County
Sign shop ■ Kingdom Vision Church;
Jan. 31, 2019
■ Aurora Flight Sciences; 200
■ First Baptist Church; 3000 2121 7th Ave. N.; Electrical
Aurora Way; Remodel commer-
Bluecutt Road; New addition; permit; Jimmy Chism
cial building; Harrell General
Burks-Mordecai Builders ■ Doug Warren; 801 Fallwood
■ Brickyard Properties; 152 Dr.; Electrical permit; Buddy
■ Kingdom Hall; 5590 Hwy.
Brickerton St.; Electrical per- Easley
182 E.; Remodel commercial
mit; Buddy Easley ■ Bessie Deloach; 421 17th building; Crown Homes
■ Brickyard Properties; 156 St. N.; Electrical permit; Same ■ Phillip Moore; 1700 Cale-
Brickerton St.; Electrical per- ■ Lenton Dismuke; 418 Wool- donia-Kolola Road; Set up
mit; Buddy Easley bright St.; Electrical permit; portable building; Owner
■ Terilyn Smith; 705 17th Ave. Jimmy Chism ■ Peter Cyprian; 195 Wanda
S.; Electrical permit; Buddy ■ Rhett Real Estate; 1809 Ln.; Construct carport; Owner
Easley Hwy. 45 N.; Electrical permit; ■ Mel Howton; 1545 Lone
■ Julia Brown; 707 Water- Mark Thompson Oak Road; Construct s/f resi-
works Road; Electrical permit; ■ WMR, LLC; 2102 5th St. dence; Owner
Buddy Easley N., Unit 6; Electrical permit; ■ Spec; 2153 Old Wolfe Road;
■ Robert Smith; 811 7th Ave. James Sykes Construct s/f residence; Frye
S.; Electrical permit; Buddy ■ Kurtis Kendrick; 114 Day Tile & Exterior
Easley Circle; Plumbing permit; David ■ Jamie Pickard; 370 Eubanks
■ Newman Oil; 413 4th St. S.; Truesdale Dr.; Construct s/f residence;
Electrical permit; Buddy Easley ■ Robertson-CECO II Corp.; Owner

Get promoted? Win an award? Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief
The Dispatch • Thursday, February 7, 2019 5A

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Community College attended Ernest Ward Philip Wardlaw Oswalt of West Point; tor of her own salon.
OBITUARY POLICY and as an accountant School in Walnut Hill, three grandchildren; In addition to her
Obituaries with basic informa- AMORY — Philip
with Boulder County Florida. Craig Wardlaw, 40, and two great-grand- parents, she was
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided
Health Department. In addition to her died, Feb. 5, 2019, at children. preceded in death by
free of charge. Extended She was also employed father, she was pre- his residence. Memorials may her husband, Billy Rex
obituaries with a photograph, with Unifirst in Jack- ceded in death by her Services will be at be made to ST. Jude Anderson.
detailed biographical informa- son. She was a volun- husband, Glenn Allen; 2 p.m. Friday at Cleve- Children’s Research She is survived by
tion and other details families teer aide with a local son, Jerry; and brother, land-Moffett Funeral Hospital, 501 St. Jude her daughters, Teresa
may wish to include, are avail- hospital and Meals on Arlo. Home with Lloyd Swe- Place, Memphis, TN Dudley of Suwanee,
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Wheels. In addition to her att and Steven Simms 38105 or to the Amer- Georgia and Libba Da-
be submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s
In addition to her fa- mother, she is survived officiating. Burial will ican Cancer Society, vis of Evans, Georgia;
body has been donated to ther, she was preceded by her children, Treva follow at Masonic Cem- P.O. Box 8217, Jackson, sister, Mary Burnett
science. If the deceased’s in death by her hus- and Lynden Classen, etery. Visitation will MS 39284. of Hamilton, Alabama;
body was donated to science, band, Robert Dacey. both of Macon, Kathy four grandchildren;
be from noon-1:45 p.m.
the family must provide official In addition to her and Jeff Schmidt, both Dorothy Woods and two great-grand-
Friday at the funeral
proof of death. Please submit mother, she is survived of Shell, Wyoming, COLUMBUS — Dor-
all obituaries on the form pro- home. Cleveland-Mof- children.
by her brother, Jerry Paul and Tanya Koehn, othy Kibe Woods, 89,
vided by The Commercial Dis- fett Funeral Home is
Griffin; and sister, Nan- both of Otto, Wyoming, died Feb. 6, 2019, at
patch. Free notices must be in charge of arrange-
cy Undieme. and Joanna and Shane Garden Hills Assisted
submitted to the newspaper ments.
no later than 3 p.m. the day Memorials may be Koehn, both of Scoo- Living.
Mr. Wardlaw was
prior for publication Tuesday made in her honor to ba; brothers, Edward Graveside services
born may 16, 1978, in
through Friday; no later than 4 the American Heart Johnson of Demopolis, will be at 1 p.m. Satur-
Anniston, Alabama, to
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Association or Mended Alabama, roger John- day at Forest Cemetery
edition; and no later than 7:30 Donna Bennett Stew-
Hearts. son of Selma, Alabama in Ethelsville, Ala-
a.m. for the Monday edition. art and the late Eddie
and Frank Johnson of bama. Visitation will be
Incomplete notices must be re- Ward Wardlaw. He
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Teresa Kornegay Uniontown, Alabama;
attended Hatley School from 6-8 p.m. Friday at
for the Monday through Friday STARKVILLE — Te- sisters, Annie Johnson Memorial Gunter Peel
and was a 1997 grad-
editions. Paid notices must be resa Gail Bassett Kor- of Arthur, Illinois, Janet Funeral Home, Second
uate of Amory High
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion negay, 57, died Feb. 5, Zismann of Gentry, Avenue North location.
the next day Monday through
2019, at her residence. Arkansas and Christine Memorial Gunter Peel
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 In addition to his
Services will be at 3 Goering of Mound- Funeral Home and
p.m. for Sunday and Monday mother, he is survived
p.m. Saturday at Adaton ridge, Kansas; 20 Crematory, Second
publication. For more informa- by his brother, John
Baptist Church with the grandchildren; and two
Avenue North location Frances McDaniel
tion, call 662-328-2471. Wardlaw of Smithville. Visitation:
Rev. Hal Selby offici- great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be is in charge of arrange- Thursday, Feb. 7 • 6-8 PM
ating. Visitation will Memorials may be
Wendell Williams be two hours prior to made to Oakwood Man- John Wardlaw, Jason ments. Memorial Gunter Peel
Funeral Home
COLUMBUS — or, 218 Oakwood Dr., Reeves, Bryan Smith, 2nd Ave. North Location
services at the church.
Wendell Williams, 57, Welch Funeral Home Brooksville, MS 39739. Frank Smith, Jordan Barbara Anderson Graveside Services:
Friday, Feb. 8 • 10 AM
died Feb. 3, 2019, at Wardlaw and Cameron EVANS, Ga. — Bar- Friendship Cemetery
is in charge of arrange- Wardlaw.
Sanctuary Hospice in bara Sorrell Anderson,
ments. Shirley Millican 80, died Feb. 4, 2019, at Mildred Lollar
She was preceded DETROIT, Ala. — Graveside Services:
Services will be at in death by her father, Shirley Millican, 79, Laveda Camp the University Hospital Friday, Feb. 8 • 1 PM
11 a.m. Saturday at Charles Fredrick WEST POINT — in Augusta, Georgia. Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery
died Feb. 5, 2019, at
Northside Christian Bassett; and stepfather, Laveda Ann Camp, 78, Services will be at 11 Memorial Gunter Peel
Marion Regional Nurs- Funeral Home
Church with the Rev. Ben Boykin. died Feb. 5, 2019, at a.m. Saturday at Otts
ing Home in Hamilton, 2nd Ave. North Location
Orlando Richmond She is survived by North Mississippi Med- Funeral Home Chapel
officiating. Burial will her daughter, Na- Services were at 1 ical Center in Tupelo. with the Rev. Jeff Chaf- Dorothy Woods
follow at Greenwood cole Cumberland of p.m. Wednesday at Otts Services will be at fin officiating. Burial Visitation:
Cemetery. Visitation Starkville; mother, Judy Funeral Home Chapel 11 a.m. Saturday at will follow at Crews Friday, Feb. 8 • 6-8 PM
Memorial Gunter Peel
will be from 4-6 p.m. Boykin of Starkville; with Ralph Bailey offi- Calvert Funeral Home Cemetery in Sulligent, Funeral Home
Friday at Carter’s Fu- sister, Becky Bassett ciating. Burial followed Chapel with the Rev. Alabama. Visitation 2nd Ave. North Location
neral Services. Carter’s will be one hour prior Graveside Services:
of Pineville, Louisi- at Pleasant Site Cem- Ben Yarber officiating. Saturday, Feb. 9 • 1 PM
Funeral Services is ana; and brothers, etery. Visitation was A private family burial to services at the funer- Forest Cemetery
in charge of arrange- al home. Otts Funeral Ethelsville, Alabama
Michael Bassett and from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. will follow at Mt. Zion
ments. Charles Bassett, both at the funeral home. Church Cemetery in Home is in charge of
arrangements. James Zuniga
of Starkville and Billy Otts Funeral Home was Eupora. Visitation will Incomplete
Jane Dacey Walker of Henderson- in charge of arrange- be two hours prior to Mrs. Anderson was Memorial Gunter Peel
LAKEWOOD, Colo. ville, Tennessee. ments. services at the funeral born July 23, 1938, in Funeral Home
— Jane Griffin Dacey, Memorials may be Mrs. Millican was home. Calvert Funeral Sulligent, to the late College St. Location

70, died Feb. 1, 2019, at made to LeBonheur’s born April 16, 1939, in Home is in charge of Johnny Hester Sorrell
St. Anthony Hospital in Children’s Hospital in Lamar County, to the arrangements. and Nellie Mae Otts.
Lakewood, Colorado. Memphis, Tennessee. late Woods Crawford Mrs. Camp was born She was a 1956 gradu-
Services will be at 2 and Lola Sorrells. She Feb. 4, 1941, in Eupora, ate and attended cos-
p.m. Saturday at Welch Mavis Koehn attended Sulligent to the late Wiley and metology school. She
Funeral Home. Burial MACON — Mavis High School and was Iva Tharp Sibley. She was formerly employed
will follow at Memorial Johnson Koehn, 72, formerly employed with was formerly em- with Dr. Rutland and
Garden Park. Visitation died Feb. 3, 2019, at Detroit Slacks. She was ployed with Dedeaux Fayette Hospital and
will be one hour prior Windsor Place. a member of Pleasant Chiropractor Clinic was owner and opera-
to services at the funer- Services are at 10:30 Site Freewill Baptist and Gary’s Pawn and
al home. Welch Funeral a.m. Thursday at South Church. Gun. She was a mem- Animals
Home is in charge of
Haven Mennonite
Church. Burial will
In addition to her
parents, she was pre-
ber of Calvary Baptist
Mrs. Dacey was follow at the church ceded in death by her In addition to her too.
born Oct. 23, 1948, in cemetery. Visitation husband, Loman Carel parents, she was pre-
Ames, Iowa, to the late was from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Millican; and sister, ceded in death by her
Nina and the late Jack Wednesday. Cockrell JoAnn Crawford. sister, Adney Byrd; and
Griffin. She was a 1966 Funeral Home is in She is survived by brother, Walter Sibley. I’ve always wanted my dog to attend my graveside service.
graduate of Starkville charge of arrange- her son, Danny Milli- She is survived by
You need to tell someone.
High School and a ments. can of Detroit; broth- her husband, James T.
graduate of Mississippi Mrs. Koehn was er, Billy Crawford of Camp of West Point; Call us at (662) 328-1808
State University. She born May 7, 1946, in Sulligent; sister, Nell daughter, Frances Lowndes Funeral Home and Crematory
was formerly employed Moundridge, Kansas, Langley of Vernon; one Merchant of Starkville;

Mildred Lollar
as a educator with to Ruth Wenger and the grandchild; and two sisters, Mable Putnam
Northeast Mississippi late Orval Johnson. She great-grandchildren. of Eupora and Nelda

Frances McDaniel
Mildred Henry Harrison Lollar, age 84, died
Sunday, February 04, 2018, at Countrywood
Plantation in Mantachie, MS.
Frances Gerhart McDaniel, age 82, of Colum- Graveside services will be held Friday, Feb-
Some workers still unpaid after bus, MS, passed away February 5, 2019, at Bap-
tist Memorial Hospital.
ruary 08, 2019 at 1:00 PM at Mt. Zion Baptist
Church Cemetery with Bro. David Langerfeld of-
shutdown, dread what’s next Graveside services will be Friday, February 8,
2019, at 10:00 AM at Friendship Cemetery with
ficiating. Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home &
Crematory, 2nd Ave. North location is in charge
of arrangements.
“President Trump stood in the Rose Rev. Sandra Brown officiating. Visitation will be
Thursday, February 7, 2019, from 6:00 – 8:00 PM Mrs. Lollar was born on Wednesday, Febru-
Garden at the end of the shutdown at Memorial Gunter Peel Funeral Home & Cre-
matory, 2nd Ave. North location.
ary 22, 1933, in Marshall, TX, to the late Eze-
kiel Clinton and Juanita Oxley Henry. She was
and said, ‘We will make sure that you Mrs. McDaniel was born October 4, 1936, in an alumnus of East Texas Baptist University and
Columbus, MS, to the late Bert Coleman and the Mississippi University for Women. Mrs. Lol-
guys are paid immediately.’” Hazel Gilliam Gerhart. She was one of eight lar lived her life for the Lord and was a member
USDA employee Michael Walter children and graduated from Lee High School. of Harrisburg Baptist Church in Tupelo. In 1985,
Mrs. McDaniel worked for over 30 years at Sprint she received her Certified Financial Planner li-
By MICHELLE R. SMITH food safety inspection ser- Mart. cense and was self-employed in the Columbus
The Associated Press vice in Johnstown, Penn- area until retirement. After retirement, she vol-
Survivors include her sons, Billy McDaniel, Jr.
sylvania, and only got his and his wife, Heike of Warner Robbins, GA and unteered with various Christian outreach activ-
Nearly two weeks af- paycheck Wednesday. He Darrin McDaniel and his wife, Lisa of Hatties- ities providing services to troubled youth and
ter the end of the longest
said two co-workers told burg, MS; daughter, Debra Price and her hus- adults in need.
government shutdown
him they still had received band, Michael of Columbus, MS; brothers, Jack In addition to her parents, she was preceded in
in U.S history, many fed-
nothing. Gerhart of Birmingham, AL, James Gerhart of death by her first husband, Larry Harrison; her
eral workers still have
The government has Columbus, MS and George Gerhart of Colum- second husband, Milton Lollar; and her sister,
not received their back
pay or have only gotten a
been short on details about bus, MS; grandchildren, Lewis McDaniel of Bal- Norma Davis.
fraction of what they are
how many people are still timore, MD, Christina McDaniel of Warner Rob- Survivors include her daughter, Sherry Van
owed as government agen- waiting to be paid. bins, GA, Matthew McDaniel of Columbus, MS, Valkenburg (Alan), Tupelo, MS; son, Kent Har-
cies struggle with payroll Bradley Bishop, a Rebecca Wright and her husband, Christopher of rison (Candace), Greensboro, NC; brother, Max
glitches and other delays. spokesman for the Of- Columbus, MS and Brianna Smith and her hus- Henry, Austin, TX; sister-in-law, Lucille Wills,
And even as they scram- fice of Management and band, Jonathan of Columbus, MS; 5 great-grand- Newton, KS; grandchildren, Seth Harrison, Jen-
ble to catch up on unpaid Budget, said the Trump daughters; and numerous nieces and nephews. na Van Valkenburg and Tessa Harrison.
bills and to repay unem- administration had taken Honorary pallbearers will be nurses and staff Serving as honorary pallbearers will be the
ployment benefits, the “unprecedented steps to of Baptist Memorial Hospice, special niece, Cin- Staff & residents of Countrywood Plantation As-
prospect of another shut- ensure federal employees dy Gerhart, Diana Granger and Harry S. Ford. sisted Living.
down looms next week. impacted by the shutdown Memorials may be made to the Children’s In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to
“President Trump received back pay within a Reading Program, Columbus Lowndes Public the Alzheimer’s Association, 225 N. Michigan
stood in the Rose Garden week.” Library, 314 7th St. North, Columbus, MS, 39701. Ave., FL 17, Chicago, IL 60601.
at the end of the shutdown “Much opposite of
and said, ‘We will make ‘slow and chaotic,’ an over-
sure that you guys are paid whelming majority of em-
immediately.’ ... And here ployees received their pay
it is, it’s almost two weeks by Jan. 31,” he said, though Sign the online guest book at Sign the online guest book at
later,” said Michael Walter, he didn’t respond to ques-
who works for the U.S. De- tions about how many peo-
716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
partment of Agriculture ple still hadn’t been paid.
6A Thursday, February 7, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Letters to the editor

Voice of the people
Roses for a rescue people do each and every day what I’ve seen, what I’ve done, hills, which will further erode is superior to capitalism have
A bouquet of roses to the under less than ideal condi- nor what I’ve experienced, I’ll away. Change means either not gotten a good, proper
Lowndes County Sheriff’s De- tions. overlook his ignorance and better or worse. You talk about education. Maybe they should
partment, the West Lowndes One of our daughters who his attempt to change what I “ridiculous laws meant to dis- “broaden THEIR horizons.”
Volunteer Fire Department, lives in Arizona said that this plainly said. enfranchise”, so take a good, You talk about diversity but
the ambulance service and the kind of community action Again, (please read careful- long, hard look at what look at that’s all Liberals do--talk the
EMTs, nephews, great-neph- would never take place there. ly, no code-speak here) I don’t what Liberals really want to do, talk but don’t walk the walk.
ews, neighbors, and any and There are no words that can care what someone is, but if especially concerning the Sec- You are entitled to your
every other volunteer that was adequately convey the thanks they’re elected to public office, ond Amendment. I’m not afraid opinions, just as I and every-
there to help search for my of our family for each of you they must swear an oath to of change, just the destruction body else is entitled. I try to
husband, Charles, after he who were present to help, but protect and defend the Consti- of America. clearly state my opinions, but
suffered a blood sugar low and please know that we are ever tution of the United States of On major university cam- sometimes space doesn’t allow
got disoriented coming out of grateful for your kindness and America. Understand? Diversi- puses today, conservative it. Still, there is no valid excuse
the woods from hunting on Jan- willingness to step up and help. ty? We are all Americans first speakers are routinely shout- for misinterpreting what is
uary 30 when the temps were Shirley Swoope and foremost. This is a land ed down and threatened. plainly written. You SAY you’re
below freezing. Jeff Edmond- Columbus of laws, or anarchy will take College instructors call for all for diversity, yet you cannot
son was calm and calming, over. No one person or political “muscle” to stop independent accept that I and a lot of others
had a plan that he instituted party has all the right answers, news cameras from recording do not adhere to your views.
and brought all necessary re- Response to Fortenberry nor all the wrong ones. True Liberal events in public, like Get over Trump being elected
sources together to make sure I went back and re-read compromise is the only way to demonstrations and riots. If it President. He won’t be there
Charles was found. the letter I sent, to which Mr. get the best out of both parties. doesn’t fit the Liberal agenda, long, but next time hopefully
In a time where people Fortenberry responded. Again, I’ve seen how Democrats “com- it is immediately forbidden. we will have two good choices
have a tendency to put down I say I think he’s a die-hard promise” in Congress. Sounds like Nazi Germany or for whom to vote instead of vot-
law enforcement, I think it’s Liberal from the way he inter- Nothing ever remains the pick-your-communist country ing for the lesser of two evils.
important for everyone to know preted what I wrote. Since he same. Even mountains even- to me. Cameron Triplett
what an outstanding job these has no idea where I’ve been, tually crumble to nothing but People who think socialism Brooksville

State of the nation

Do we really need so many

foreign tech workers?
Americans don’t usually
think of technical professionals
as “guest workers,” yet at any
one time, there are more than a
half-million foreigners holding
tech jobs in the U.S. They are
here thanks to the H-1B visa pro-
gram. H-1B, so the official spiel
goes, addresses an alleged short-
age of “highly skilled” Americans
to fill jobs “requiring specialized
Growing evidence, however, Froma Harrop
points to companies’ using the
program to replace perfect-
ly qualified American workers with cheaper ones from
elsewhere. A new report published by the Atlantic Council
documents the abuses. The authors are Ron Hira, a political
scientist at Howard University, and Bharath Gopalaswamy,
director of the Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center. Mississippi Voices
Northsiders plan Franklin
Among their criticisms:
* Virtually any white-collar job can be taken by an H-1B
visa holder. About 70 percent of them are held not by what

County destination resort

we consider tech workers but by teachers, accountants and
salespeople, among others.
(Denver Public Schools employs teachers on H-1B visas.
During a strike, the district actually threatened to report
participating foreigners to immigration authorities. It later C Spire is spearhead- that’s unlikely in our undercapitalized state. One
apologized.) ing a public-private positive thing about a small state like Mississippi is
partnership to build a that it’s possible to rally a host of private and public
“By every objective measure,” Hira and Gopalaswamy
beautiful 200-room resort entities around a dream like this.
write, “most H-1B workers have no more than ordinary
and 1,000-seat confer- It’s interesting to note that the public-private de-
skills, skills that are abundantly available in the U.S. labor ence center on a beautiful velopment efforts are trending away from massive
market.” spring fed lake in south- manufacturing facilities and more toward tourism.
U.S. colleges graduate 50 percent more students in engi- west Mississippi. That’s probably a good trend and more in line with
neering and in computer and information science than are At a press conference the future.
hired in those fields every year, according to a study by the last week at the C Spire Certainly the support of C Spire will be a big
Economic Policy Institute. headquarters, U.S. Sen. asset. C Spire has its roots in Franklin County
* Employers don’t have to show they have a labor Cindy Hyde-Smith and where the Creekmore family started in the rural
shortage to apply. They don’t even have to try recruiting an newly-elected Congress- telephone business. Cellular was a natural expan-
American to fill the job. man Michael Guest Wyatt Emmerich sion for them and they have certainly taken the ball
Cutting labor costs is clearly the paramount “need.” spoke in support of the and run with it, creating one of Mississippi’s best
In Silicon Valley, computer systems analysts make on ambitious tourism project, which would be on Lake private companies.
average just over $116,000 a year. But companies can hire Okhissa, 10 miles southeast of Meadville and Bude, Indeed, one impediment to growth in our state
H-1B workers at a lower skill level, paying them only about Miss., in the heart of the Homochitto National is the consolidation of ownership in out-of-state
$77,000 a year to do the same work, the report says. Forest. companies. These massive companies tend to be
And it’s not unheard-of for companies to ask American Engineering and architectural work is being loyal to their home base, furthering the prosperity
workers to train the H-1B workers taking their jobs. “60 done by prominent Jackson firms Neel-Schaffer of large urban areas and hurting development in
Minutes” featured Robert Harrison, a senior telecom engi- Engineering and Wier, Boerner, Allin Architects. the hinterlands. Don’t expect Verizon or AT&T to
neer at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Sen. Hyde-Smith already arranged Congressio- be very interested in developing rural southwest
Center. Asked whether training his replacement felt like nal approval to transfer 150 federal acres for the Mississippi. That’s one of many reasons I am a
site to a new state entity created by the Mississippi loyal C Spire customer. The Creekmores and their
digging his own grave, Harrison responded:
legislature called the Scenic Rivers Development extended family are a class act and it surprises no
“It feels worse than that. It feels like not only am I dig-
Alliance, including five counties in the area. one that they long to help the place that started
ging the grave but I’m getting ready to stab myself in the Scenic Rivers has already taken over manage- them on their road to success.
gut and fall into the grave.” ment of the nearby state-owned Quail Hollow Golf A few years ago, 60 Minutes did an amazing
Why does this program continue without serious reform? Course, which was in jeopardy of being closed. story on the Franklin County chess program which
Mainly because its big boosters include such marquee tech Scenic Rivers will try to marshall local, regional, engages hundreds of young students, training
names as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg state and federal funds, various grants and private them to be some of the best youth chess players in
and Eric Schmidt. Big Tech has showered think tanks with investors to get the project off the ground. C Spire the country.
funding to brainwash Americans into believing that their will wire the facility with state-of-the-art fiber It started when Wade Creekmore recruited Dr.
country is starving for tech expertise. networks so the facility can be used for training Jeff Bulington from Memphis to start the program
Are there rare tech skills that justify companies’ looking computer coders. in 2015. It has been a huge success. Bulington is
abroad? There are, but that’s the purpose of the O-1 visa. There is an element of “build it and they will quite an amazing character straight out of a Jimmy
About 10,000 are granted each year to individuals with come.” The unusual quality of the spring-fed lake Stewart movie. He dreams of national youth chess
“extraordinary ability or achievement.” with its crystal clear waters, combined with futur- camps and competitions in the proposed confer-
I asked Hira whether we need H-1B at all. istic connectivity, located in a beautiful national ence center. With his quiet charisma, I wouldn’t bet
“I think there’s a place for the H-1B program,” he re- forest surrounded by great fishing, hunting, hiking against that happening. This is a classic example of
sponded. “The O-1 is a cumbersome process that requires and golfing, is designed to draw tourists from far what could be in Mississippi with the right leader-
a lot of paperwork, both in preparation and review. But we and wide and jump-start the sleepy local economy. ship and daring.
need to raise the standards of the H-1B program so that the All kinds of family water sports are planned, It’s frustrating as a Mississippian to watch the
quality and skills of the workers are much higher.” along with hiking trails and a large fine dining growth of our national economy while our state
Also, we should substantially raise the wages paid to facility. Former Congressman and Northsider Chip stagnates. Certainly our lack of a major metropoli-
Pickering is the point man for the project. His for- tan area has hurt us. That’s one reason we need to
H-1B workers and make employers show that they tried
midable organizational skills greatly increase the rally behind Jackson and rebuild it into something
to recruit Americans and offered them positions. Other
probability of success. impressive.
guest-worker and green-card programs have that require- Tourism is certainly a key industry in Mississip- Mississippi is in the middle of the fastest grow-
ment. pi. The Mississippi Tourism Association states $6.4 ing region of the richest country in the history of
Finally, put in force an effective means of enforcement. billion is spent by 23 million tourists a year, two- the world. Surely one day, with the right leadership,
Right now, compliance is driven by whistleblowing. A ran- thirds of which are from out of state. Annual direct our prime location will confer prosperity to us.
dom auditing system would far more efficiently find abuses. payroll from tourism is $1.9 billion. A project like Scenic Rivers gives us all hope
Apparently, the argument that “tech jobs need filling” Later this year, the city of Flowood is scheduled that we might live to see that day. Let’s hope and
has, in many cases, oozed to “we want cheaper foreigners.” to open a $50 million high-end hotel and confer- pray for its success.
The H-1B program demands a major overhaul. ence center adjacent to a new and improved Refuge Wyatt Emmerich is the editor and publisher of
Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist, writes for the Provi- Golf Course. The Northside Sun, a weekly newspaper in Jackson.
dence (Rhode Island) Journal. Her e-mail address is fharrop@ It would be nice if these ambitious projects could He can be reached by e-mail at wyatt@northsidesun. be financed purely through the private sector, but com.
The Dispatch • Thursday, February 7, 2019 7A

Financial watchdog to gut most

of its payday lending rules
Lenders had argued the government’s regulations protections (the bureau) finalized
in 2017,” said Alex Horowitz, a
could kill off a large chunk of its business researcher with Pew Charitable
Trusts, a think tank whose re-
By KEN SWEET out being stuck in a cycle of debt, search on the industry was relied
AP Business Writer a standard known as “ability to re- on heavily by the bureau when the
pay.” This standard would be elimi- original rules were unveiled a year
NEW YORK — The nation’s nated under the new rules. Another and a half ago.
federal financial watchdog said part of the rules, which would have The announcement was the
Wednesday that it plans to abolish limited the number of payday loans first abolition of regulations under
most of its critical consumer protec- a person could roll over, was also the Consumer Financial Protec-
tions governing payday lenders. eliminated. tion Bureau’s new director, Kathy
The move is a major win for the Critics of the payday lending Kraninger, who took over the bu-
payday lending industry, which industry have argued that without reau late last year. Mick Mulvaney,
argued the government’s regula- these underwriting standards, the who was appointed by President
tions could kill off a large chunk of CFPB’s new regulations are effec- Donald Trump’s as acting direc-
its business. It’s also a big loss for tively toothless. The main criticism tor of the bureau in late 2017, an-
consumer groups, who say payday of the payday lending industry was nounced a year ago that the bureau
lenders exploit the poor and disad- that many borrowers would take was intending to revisit the rules.
vantaged with loans that have an- months to repay a loan that was As a Congressman from South
nual interest rates as much as 400 originally designed only to last a Carolina, Mulvaney received tens
percent. couple of weeks, renewing the loan of thousands of dollars in political
The cornerstone of the regula- over and over again. donations from the payday lending
tions was a requirement that lend- “This proposal is not a tweak industry, raising concerns he was
ers make sure borrowers could to the existing rule ... it’s a com- too connected to the industry to ap-
afford to repay a payday loan with- plete dismantling of the consumer propriately regulate it.

Business briefs
Rhinewalt She is a member of with new potential. Members in-
the American Nurses and exist- clude the four governors
elected director Association, Hospice ing indus- of each member state and
Debra Rhinewalt, RN, and Palliative Nurses try along five appointees by each
has been elected direc- Association, Mississippi the inland governor for a total of 24
tor of the University for Women waterway members. Chairmanship
Mississippi School of Nursing Advi- system rotates annually among
Nurses sory Council and Com- the four governors.
such as the
Association munity Baptist Church,
re-opening The waterway com-
Council on where she enjoys work- of the Verso pact will also be led in
Nursing ing with the children and Paper Mill in Ballard 2019 by the Honorable
singing in the choir. She County, Kentucky by Kenny Imes, of Mur-
She is the
and her husband Edward Global Win Wycliffe, ray, Kentucky as its
palliative Rhinewalt
have two sons and three and expansion at Wacker vice-chairman, and Mr.
care clinical
grandchildren. Chemical Corporation in T.L. “Bud” Phillips of Co-
coordinator at Baptist
Memorial Hospital Gold- Calvert City, Kentucky. lumbus, who was reelect-
en Triangle. Bevin elected chairman The Tennessee-Tom- ed as its treasurer. Judge
As director of the state The Tennessee-Tom- bigbee Waterway De- Imes is the Judge Execu-
organization, Rhinewalt’s bigbee Waterway Devel- velopment Authority is tive for Calloway County,
duties include advancing opment Authority has a four-state interstate Kentucky and has been a
the profession of nursing elected Gov. Matt Bevin compact comprised of member of the waterway
through activities that of Kentucky as its chair- the States of Alabama, compact since 2017. Mr.
relate to the scope and man for 2019. Kentucky, Mississippi Phillips, a businessman,
standards of nursing Gov. Bevin has been and Tennessee, and is the longest serving
practice; the ethical and involved and supported ratified by the U.S. Con- member of the authority,
legal aspects of nursing the Tenn-Tom Waterway gress in 1958 to promote having first been appoint-
practice; and the practice and the inland waterway the development of the ed in 1988.
of individual nurses and system during his time Tenn-Tom Waterway and
trends for improvement in office and has worked its economic and trade
of health care that affect
She is a 2008 graduate
of Mississippi University
for Women with an asso-
ciate’s degree in nursing.
She received her bach-
elor’s degree in nursing
from MUW in 2015. She
received her Certification
for Hospice and Palliative
Nurse (CHPN) in 2014.

lawmakers reject
move to let farmers
grow hemp
The Associated Press

JACKSON — Missis-
sippi lawmakers are turn-
ing back an attempt to le-
galize growing industrial
hemp in the state.
The House Drug Pol-
icy Committee, on a tie
vote Monday, rejected an
amendment that would
have changed state law
to allow farmers to grow
Changes to the state
list of illegal drugs were
proposed as House Bill
The U.S. Congress last
year approved allowing
production of non-intox-
icating hemp in heavily
regulated pilot programs.
Committee Chairwom-
an Patricia Willis, a Di-
amondhead Republican,
opposes the change. She
says Mississippi’s law
shouldn’t change before
federal changes take ef-
fect later this year.
Republican Rep. Dana
Criswell of Olive Branch,
proposing the amend-
ment, says Mississippi
should move now or farm-
ers will miss out.
Hemp supporters could
try again to amend the bill
8A Thursday, February 7, 2019 The Dispatch •

Around the state

Bills to expand hate crimes law person charged with committing tee on Tuesday approved House
a crime against someone because Bill 1149, sending it to the full
die at Mississippi Capitol of the victim’s actual or perceived House for more work.
JACKSON — Mississippi this race, color, ancestry, ethnicity, re- The measure, sponsored by Re-
year will not expand its hate ligion, national origin or gender. publican Rep. Trey Lamar of Sena-
crimes law to allow stronger crim- Rob Hill is Mississippi director tobia, would require all chancery,
inal penalties for crimes against of LGBTQ advocacy group Human circuit and county courts to begin
additional groups. Rights Campaign. He said Mon- using the Mississippi Electronic
Advocates asked legislators day that no American “should be Court system by July 1, 2021.
include crimes targeting people targeted for who they are.” Today, a majority of chancery
because of sexual orientation, gen- courts are using the system, which
der identity or disability under the has been rolled out slowly over a
law. Bill would require transition number of years. However, circuit
House Bill 1494 and Senate Bill to electronic court documents courts in only a minority of the
2163 died under a Tuesday dead- JACKSON — Some House law- state’s counties are online, and
line in legislative committees. makers want to require the state’s only a few post criminal cases.
Mississippi’s current hate courts to complete their transition Some counties use other elec-
crimes law allows prosecutors to to an electronic filing system. tronic systems besides the one of-
seek stronger penalties against a The House Judiciary A Commit- fered by the state.

Restaurant tax
Continued from Page 1A
cording to City Attorney it doesn’t take money out revenue of $325,000 or The Golden Triangle De-
Jeff Turnage. If the tax is of my checks, I’m alright more to collect it, while velopment LINK will get
forced to a vote, it would with that.” resolutions from both Co- $250,000 for economic
require 60-percent voter “And as long as it lumbus City Council and development.
approval to pass. doesn’t make my burger Lowndes County Board The rest will go to
Ward 3 Councilman cost more,” quipped a cus- of Supervisors wanted the the Columbus-Lowndes
Charlie Box said he would tomer sitting across from renewed bill to require Convention and Visitors
be “very surprised” if the counter. all businesses to collect Bureau for tourism. That
there is resistance to the As ambivalent as some the tax on those sales, will be about half of what
tax from Columbus citi- in the public seem to the regardless of revenue. CVB received under the
zens. new restaurant sales tax, With no agreement, the old tax (which was $1.7
“I can’t believe there the issue provided a sore tax, which raised nearly million in FY 2017). But
would be (a petition spot for debate among $2 million in Fiscal Year
Executive Director Nan-
against the tax),” he said. officials on the local and 2017, died in committee.
cy Carpenter said it’s a
“Most of the people sup- state level dating back to This year, legislators
better deal than the past
port it and realize it’s fall 2017. struck a compromise,
good for the city. I’d be A county-wide tax, requiring the tax to be eight months when the
surprised.” which had been on the collected for the next organization was receiv-
Workers at Skeets books in some form since four years only in the Co- ing virtually no new rev-
Hot Dogs, a small fast the 1980s, expired in lumbus city limits but at enue.
food restaurant, seemed June 2018 after legisla- businesses where food “I’m thrilled we’ve got
to agree with Box on tors disagreed on what and beverage sales are at all this behind us,” Car-
Wednesday, though they restaurants would collect least $100,000 annually. penter said. “I’m certain-
asked not to be identified it. At issue was the “floor” From collections, the ly excited. ... In a couple
in The Dispatch. — the old tax required city will receive $400,000 months, we’ll start receiv-
“It sounds like a tiny only restaurants with an- per year, and the county ing funding again and I’m
tax,” one said. “As long as nual food and beverage $300,000, for recreation. looking forward to that.”

Continued from Page 1A
Sherri Sherrod works sidered making the prod- selling kratom to children product that can cause an
as a manager at a Chevron uct a controlled substance under 18, Haddow said. individual to become im-
in Lowndes County and in the 1990s but backed He also pointed out paired if not substantially
a Texaco in Columbus, off because of public out- it’s illegal for vendors to impaired with a high akin
both of which stopped cry. make claims that kratom to a lot of alcohol or even
selling kratom this week. Haddow and Dowdy — which he calls a “di- possibly prescription
Before that, however, she agree on something else etary ingredient” rather drugs.”
said she knew of at least too: There needs to be than a drug — can be
five regular customers regulation of kratom. used for anything other
who came to buy kratom According to the Na- than a simple mood boost-
weekly or even daily. tional Institute on Drug er or vitamin, a substance
More recently, she said, Abuse, the FDA has similar to coffee and with
people had been coming linked 44 deaths world- about the same levels of
in the store just to ask wide to kratom. Only one addiction, he said. Howev-
what it is. of those deaths is being er, nearly 5 million people
“It is a popular thing,” investigated as possibly in the United States use
she said, adding most the result of an overdose it, he argued, and if they
people who use it regular- of pure kratom — though say it helps relieve minor
ly have told her they use Haddow said in that case, pains and keeps them
it for pain relief, though a family member reported from becoming addicted
the occasional customer the victim had been using to serious opioids, they
has said it’s helped wean kratom and that there is should be able to do that.
them off more addictive no documented evidence Dowdy agrees that
substances. that was the cause of adulterated products and
The Chevron on High- death. lack of regulation lead to
way 45 beside Leigh Mall In the other deaths, all the issues around kra-
has also pulled the prod- the drugs in the victims’ tom, he is far from con-
uct from their shelves, systems were adulterat- vinced kratom itself is
said Sam Ali, who works ed products, according to safe to use.
at the store. Like Sherrod, NIDA. “In all fairness, I will
he said there are “about In Mississippi, Dowdy tell you it is not uncom-
five” routine customers knows of two overdose mon for drug abusers and
who purchase kratom deaths in as many years people who have drug ad-
because they say it gives where the victims had diction issues to take sub-
them relief from pain. kratom in their system, stances and mix it with
But kratom has caused along with other sub- other things and make
concerns for law en- stances. it more potent,” Dowdy
forcement throughout Two components of said, “but that’s not to
the state, particularly in kratom also found in opi- take away from the fact
northeast Mississippi, oids are mitragynine and that based on information
said Mississippi Bureau of 7-hydrox ymitrag ynine. we have at MBN that kra-
Narcotics Director John The second component, tom can be abused and
Dowdy. He Haddow said, is only can become addictive.”
said offi- found at rates of about That’s the reason MBN
cers have 1.6 percent in kratom. If was a proponent for failed
reported it’s more than 2 percent, legislation last year that
c om i n g or “purified” then it’s an would have made kratom
into contact adulterated product, he illegal in Mississippi, he
with indi- said, and not pure kratom. said.
viduals who “We certainly oppose “Nobody knows any-
came from Dowdy that kind of thing,” he thing about this product,”
A labama, said. Dowdy said. “This is not
where kratom is illegal, to He said the controver- a product that has been
purchase the product and sy surrounding kratom approved by the FDA that
became involved in some comes from a “longstand- I know of. ... You can find
other crime because it ing attempt by the FDA” it in every shape, form or
made them inebriated. to regulate the dietary fashion that you can think
“There is absolutely no supplement industry — of in a convenience store.
regulation of it,” he said. with some good reason, What concerns me from a
he said, as in the 1980s public safety standpoint is
and ‘90s, manufacturers, when people are buying
Lack of knowledge, vendors and independent these kind of products in
regulation contractors began mak- a convenience store, they
The FDA has issued a ing false claims about simply do not have any
blanket warning against the supplements they idea what they are getting
kratom and it’s listed as a were selling and ama- at all.
“drug of concern” by the teur chemists sometimes “If they’ve got some-
Drug Enforcement Agen- mixed products in dan- thing that they’re selling
cy, meaning while it’s not gerous quantities. as kratom, we’re going to
a controlled substance, it That’s the reason AK A assume that’s what it is,”
can pose risks to individ- pushes for proper labeling he added. “But we know
uals who abuse it. of packaging, high manu- enough about it at least to
Both Haddow and facturing standards and understand that there are
Dowdy said the DEA con- regulations such as not propensities within that
Scott Walters

THE DISPATCH n CDISPATCH.COM n Thursday, February 7, 2019


Yellow Pickering leads

Jackets final group for
send 14 Moorhead, Dogs
to college By Scot t Walters

By Scot t Walters STARKVILLE — Limited suspense did not mean the Mississippi State University football
program still did not close out a Top 25 finish on
STARKVILLE — National Signing Day Wednesday.
Starkville High School Coach Joe Moorhead welcomed eight sign-
football coach Chris Jones ees to complete a class ranked No. 24 nationally
felt like a proud papa by 247Sports, ESPN and Rivals. The Bulldogs
Wednesday afternoon. signed 14 players on the initial signing day in
A talented senior class December.
saw 14 player sign schol- Steve Rogers/Special to The Dispatch “You can feel the excitement in the air,” Moor-
arship offers for the next Members of the West Point High School football team’s signing class pose for a head said. “It’s certainly a combination of a year’s
level on National Signing picture while some show off their Mississippi High School Activities Association worth of work to add these eight guys to the 14
Day at the Starkville High (MHSAA) Class 5A State championship rings. Special teams member Daniel that we signed in December. I certainly feel it’s
School Auditorium. Comer is also pictured. Comer didn’t sign Wednesday morning during the
important that we express our thanks to the peo-
“Every coach wants to ceremony in the school’s auditorium.
ple who made this thing happen, including Mike


win the championship, Villagrana and our recruiting staff.
however, the mark of a “They worked tirelessly to identify our pros-
good program is how pects, organize all of our recruiting weekends,
many kids you put on the and set up our travel on the road. Those guys


next level,” Jones said. “At
have done an unbelievable job with our assistant
the end of the day, it’s im-
coaches getting to know these guys, cultivating
portant to use football to
relationships with the families and coaches for
get your education. These
over two to three years for this class. Certainly,
players, most of them,
have played since they State champ West Point has 11 ready to take next steps in careers thank you to the high school coaches in Missis-
sippi and the surrounding areas for allowing us
were 6- or 7-years-old. To-
day is the day all of that
By Adam Minichino
hard work pays off. Foot- n MORE WEST POINT SIGNING DAY: Chris
ball is a way out for many Chambless and his coaches set the tone
of them. It provides them to help Green Wave look out for each
Ke’Aris Smith didn’t lose other. Page 5B added to their recruiting classes. Page 4B
a chance to get a college
education, that otherwise
When you have
might not be possible.
“To see this room fill Head
friends and teammates
like Ezekiel Head, it’s
Consider contacting Head if you
need someone adept in the power of
up with parents, friends,
easy to believe you’re persuasion.
other family members and
going to get a chance to Thanks in part to a recommenda-
of course teammates. Well
continue your football ca- tion from Head, the East Mississippi
that makes you feel very
reer. Community College football coaches
good as a coach.”
After playing for the Still, as December watched film of Smith and liked what
Mississippi High School blended into January they saw. The encouragement from
Activities Association and then into February, Head helped Smith join 10 of his team-
(MHSAA) Class 6A state Smith Smith, a standout line- mates Wednesday morning as part of a
championship in 2017, man on the West Point signing day ceremony in the West Point
Starkville saw a promising High School 2018 state High auditorium.
season end in the second championship team, didn’t have an of- “I suggested they look at him
See STARKVILLE, 4B fer to play at the next level. See WEST POINT, 5B

Columbus High’s Barry, Gillespie go JUCO route Kelly Donoho/MSU Athletic Media Relations
By Adam Minichino Mississippi State sophomore guard Nick Weath- erspoon (0) dunks during Wednesday night’s
92-88 overtime home loss to No. 21 LSU.
It’s not unusual for a

Points plenty as
coach to say a defensive
back goes 100 mph.
Columbus High
School’s Dontae Gillespie

Bulldogs fall in OT
plays football that way, so
it’s easy to see how Eric
Rice, his coach in 2018,
would use those words to
describe the play of his
senior standout and team
But Gillespie isn’t the
to No. 21 LSU
only Falcon to earn that By Scot t Walters
kind of praise from Rice.
It’s just that the other re-
cipient plays a position you STARKVILLE — On a night full of big shots,
probably wouldn’t expect. LSU’s Naz Reid made the biggest.
Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff
Given Rice’s dealings With the shot clock expiring, Reid delivered
Columbus High School seniors Ellis Barry, seated, left, and Dontae Gillespie,
with Gillespie and offen- seated, right, pose for a picture with Columbus High School football coach Eric Rice, the final dagger with a top-of-the-key 3-pointer
sive lineman Ellis Barry family, friends, and Columbus High faculty members Wednesday morning at a as No. 21 LSU beat Mississippi State 92-88 in
See COLUMBUS, 7B signing ceremony in the school’s library. overtime in a Southeastern Conference men’s
basketball game played Wednesday night before
a crowd of 7,456 at Humphrey Coliseum.
The Bulldogs bolstered their NCAA tourna-

Noxubee County has 11 sign from 2018 squad ment resume with a road win at Ole Miss Sat-
urday. Now back home, Wednesday opened a
critical three-game homestand for the Bulldogs,
as they look to climb into the top four in the con-
By Adam Minichino ference standings.
Instead, the homeswing started with another
MACON — Success heart-breaking last-second defeat. The Bulldogs
breeds tradition. (16-6, 4-5) have lost four conference games by a
Tradition attracts combined 17 points, with two being in overtime.
attention. “That was a gut-wrenching loss against a
Attention leads to very good team,” MSU coach Ben Howland said.
scholarship opportunities. “Give them credit, the way they battled back. We
The Noxubee County had leads multiple times in the first and second
High School football pro- half. Naz Reid was fantastic. He had a phenome-
nal second half, and they did a really good job of
gram has followed that
getting him the ball.”
plan for the last 20 years
See NCHS, 6B See MSU MEN, 3B

Game 23
n No. 5 Kentucky, Noon Saturday (WCBI; WKBB-FM
Inside 100.9, WFCA-FM 107.9).
Tyrone Shorter had the Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff Inside
difficult task of giving a Former Noxubee County High School football coach Tyrone Shorter poses for a n MORE MEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Ole Miss
farewell speech to his last picture with 10 of the players from his 2018 team who signed Wednesday to play beats Texas A&M, while Alabama defeats Georgia.
class of seniors. Page 6B football in college during a ceremony in the school’s library. Page 3B
2B Thursday, February 7, 2019 The Dispatch •

briefly CALENDAR Basketball Tennis

Kai Wagner Wurzburger (Germany) for an
undisclosed transfer fee.
NBA ATP Tour Cordoba Open TORONTO FC — Signed F Terrence Boyd.

Local Prep Basketball

Atlantic Division
W L Pct GB
At Kempes Stadium, Cordoba, Argentina
Purse: $527,880 (ATP250) coach.
BUCKNELL — Named Dave Cecchini football

Columbus Christian boys remain perfect in district Today’s Games Toronto

39 16 .709 —
35 19 .648 3½
Second Round
contract of volleyball coach Christy Mooberry
On Tuesday night, the Columbus Christian Rams remained perfect Murrah at Starkville (5 p.m. start time) Philadelphia 34 20 .630 4½ Juan Ignacio Londero, Argentina, def. Lorenzo
will not be renewed.
SC UPSTATE — Named Reagan Beal assistant
in district play with a 76-42 win over Kemper Academy at home. The Caledonia at New Hope Brooklyn 29 27 .518 10½ Sonego, Italy, 7-5, 6-3. track and field coach.
New York 10 43 .189 28 Pedro Cachin, Argentina, def. Pablo Carreno TENNESSEE TECH — Named Tierney
Rams were led by Lawson Studdard and Will Teague with 15 points West Lowndes at Nanih Waiya Southeast Division Busta, Spain, 6-7 (3), 1-0 retired. Flaherty assistant volleyball coach.
each, Jonathan Peal with 14 points and Matthew Phillips with 12 points. Hamilton at Vardaman W L Pct GB Doubles
The Rams have already clinched the district title but will put their perfect Charlotte 26 28 .481 — First Round Tuesday’s Moves
Mississippi Association of Independent Schools Miami 25 27 .481 — Maximo Gonzalez and Horacio Zaballos (1), BASEBALL
district mark on the line Friday night when they host Calhoun Academy. Washington 22 32 .407 4 Argentina, def. Guido Andreozzi and Leonardo American League
(MAIS) Class AAA, District 2 tournament Orlando 22 32 .407 4 Mayer, Argentina, 6-1, 6-1. MINNESOTA TWINS — Agreed to terms with
Atlanta 18 35 .340 7½ Sander Gille and Joran Vliegen, Belgium, def. 2B Jordany Valdespin, 1B Wilin Rosario, LHP
At Leake Academy
Mississippi State No. 2 Winston Academy girls vs. No. 3 Starkville
Central Division
W L Pct GB
40 13 .755 —
Marcelo Arevalo, Estonia, and Jamie Cerretani,
United States, 7-5, 7-6 (5).
Roman Jebavy, Czech Republic, and Andre
Pat Dean and RHPs Kevin Comer and Adam
Atkins on minor league contracts.
TEXAS RANGERS — Agreed to terms with
McCowan makes additional watch list in basketball Academy, 4 p.m. Indiana
35 19 .648 5½
24 29 .453 16
Molteni, Argentina, def. Nicolas Jarry, Chile,
and Pablo Lorenzi, Italy, 6-3, 6-4.
RHPs Ricardo Rodriguez and David Carpenter
and LHP Chris Nunn on minor league contracts.
STARKVILLE – Mississippi State’s Teaira McCowan was named No. 1 Heritage Academy boys vs. Winston Chicago 12 42 .222 28½ Facundo Bagnis and Guillermo Duran, National League
a finalist for the Senior CLASS Award on Wednesday. She is one of Academy, 5:15 p.m. Cleveland 11 43 .204 29½ Argentina, def. Marcelo Demoliner, Brazil, and
Frederik Nielsen (2), Switzerland, 6-3, 6-4.
Jake Barrett to San Francisco for cash.
10 women chosen from a pool of 30 candidates announced earlier this No. 1 Leake Academy girls vs. Heritage Academy, MIAMI MARLINS — Designated OF Isaac
Southwest Division
W L Pct GB ATP Tour Galloway for assignment. Agreed to terms
6:30 p.m.
The Bulldog senior, who has helped her team win 25 consecu- No. 2 Leake Academy boys vs. No. 3 Canton
San Antonio
32 22 .593 —
32 24 .571 1
Open Sud de France with OF Curtis Granderson on a minor league
contract. Claimed RHP Austin Brice off
Wednesday waivers from Baltimore. Named Keith Johnson
tive SEC games, dating back to last year, has broken MSU’s career Dallas 25 28 .472 6½ At Arena Montpellier, Montpellier, France
rebounds (1,316) and double-doubles (57) records this season. Academy, 7:45 p.m. New Orleans 24 31 .436 8½ Singles
manager of New Orleans (PCL), Kevin
Randel manager of Jacksonville (SL), Todd Pratt
Memphis 22 33 .400 10½ First Round
McCowan leads MSU in scoring and rebounding, averaging 16.9
points and 13.7 rebounds per game. The SEC Preseason Player of the
Men’s College Basketball
Northwest Division
W L Pct GB
Marcos Baghdatis, Cyprus, def. Ruben
Bemelmans, Belgium, 6-2, 6-4.
manager of Jupiter (FSL), Mike Jacobs
manager of Clinton (MWL), Jorge Hernandez
manager of Batavia (NYP), Robert Rodriguez
Year has also been named to the Lisa Leslie Watch List for the nation’s Saturday’s Games Denver
Oklahoma City
37 17 .685 —
34 19 .642 2½
Ilya Ivashka, Belarus, def. Thomas Fabbiano, manager of the GCL Marlins and Angel Espada
Italy, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. manager of the DSL Marlins.
top center, as well as the watch lists for the Wooden, Naismith and Kentucky at Mississippi State, Noon Portland 32 21 .604 4½ Radu Albot, Moldova, def. Philipp PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES — Agreed to terms
Utah 31 24 .564 6½
Wade trophies. Ole Miss at Georgia, Noon Minnesota 25 28 .472 11½
Kohlschreiber (5), Germany, 6-4, 6-3.
Second Round
with C Drew Butera on a minor league contract.
The Brenham, Texas, native has scored in double figures in 19 of Louisiana Tech at Southern Mississippi, 4 p.m.
Pacific Division
W L Pct GB
Jeremy Chardy (6), France, def. Antoine John Andreoli for assignment.
Hoang, France, 6-3, 7-5. FOOTBALL
21 games and tallied 20-plus points in eight of those. Alabama at Vanderbilt, 7:30 p.m. Golden State 38 15 .717 — Tomas Berdych, Czech Republic, def. Benoit National Football League
She is fifth in the nation in field goal percentage (66.1 percent) and L.A. Clippers 30 25 .545 9
Mississippi University for Women at Oakwood, Sacramento 28 26 .519 10½
Paire (8), France, 6-2, 6-0.
Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, France, def. Gilles Simon
Vallejo off waivers from Cleveland.
sixth in total blocks (58). Her 18 double-doubles on the year rank third 9 p.m. L.A. Lakers 27 27 .500 11½ (4), France, 6-2, 7-6 (3). ATLANTA FALCONS — Released CB Robert
in the country. Among active players, she is second in career rebounds Phoenix 11 45 .196 28½
Women’s College Basketball
Filip Krajinovic, Serbia, def. David Goffin (2), Alford.
Belgium, 6-4, 6-4. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS — Signed QB
(1,316), eighth in blocks (242), fourth in double-doubles (57) and 38th in Wednesday’s Games Doubles Danny Etling, DB A.J. Howard, LB Calvin
points (1,652). Today’s Games Brooklyn 135, Denver 130 First Round Munson, DL David Parry, WR Damoun
Milwaukee 148, Washington 129 Ivan Dodig, Croatia, and Edouard Roger- Patterson, DL Trent Harris and Frank Herron
McCowan leads the SEC in field goal percentage, rebounding (13.7 Alabama at Florida, 6 p.m. New Orleans 125, Chicago 120 Vasselin (1), France, def. Denis Kudla, United and OL Cole Croston, Jake Eldrenkamp, Ryker
rpg) and total blocks. She is one of two players in the conference to be Ole Miss at South Carolina, 7 p.m. Dallas 99, Charlotte 93
Utah 116, Phoenix 88
States, and Andreas Mies, Germany, 6-1, 7-5. Matthews and Dan Skipper to reserve/future
in the top ten in both scoring and rebounding average. Houston 127, Sacramento 101
An acronym for Celebrating Loyalty and Achievement for Staying College Softball Golden State 141, San Antonio 102
Today’s Games
Luke Bambridge and Jonny O’Mara, Britain,
def. Hugo Nys, France, and Denis Shapovalov,
Canada, 3-6, 7-5, 10-8.
NEW YORK JETS — Released OL Spencer
Canadian Football League
in School, the Senior CLASS Award focuses on the total student-athlete Today’s Game L.A. Clippers at Indiana, 6 p.m. Leander Paes, India, and Benoit Paire, WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS — Signed WR
and encourages students to use their platform in athletics to make a Minnesota at Orlando, 6 p.m. Rasheed Bailey. Re-signed LB Kyrie Wilson to
Ole Miss at Central Florida, 5:30 p.m. Toronto at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m.
France, def. Radu Albot, Moldova, and Marcel
Granollers (4), Spain, 6-1, 6-4. a two-year contract extension.
positive impact as leaders in their communities. Friday’s Games L.A. Lakers at Boston, 7 p.m. HOCKEY
To be eligible for the award, a student-athlete must be classified as Alabama vs. Murray State (Troy, Alabama),
Memphis at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. ATP Tour Sofia Open National Hockey League
ARIZONA COYOTES — Assigned F Michael
San Antonio at Portland, 9:30 p.m. Wednesday
an NCAA Division I senior and have notable achievements in four areas Friday’s Games Bunting to Tucson (AHL). Recalled G Adin Hill
12:30 p.m. At Arena Armeec, Sofia, Bulgaria
and D Dakota Mermis from Tucson.
of excellence: community, classroom, character and competition. Cleveland at Washington, 6 p.m. Singles
McCowan has volunteered with special needs children and is on Houston Baptist at Southern Mississippi, 1 p.m. Denver at Philadelphia, 6 p.m. First Round CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS — Assigned F Matt
Iacopelli from Rockford (AHL) to Indy (ECHL).
New York at Detroit, 6 p.m. Martin Klizan, Slovakia, def. Mirza Basic,
track to graduate in May with a degree in human development and Ole Miss vs. Ohio State (Orlando, Florida), Chicago at Brooklyn, 6:30 p.m. Bosnia-Herzegovina, 6-0, 3-6, 6-2. DETROIT RED WINGS — Signed LW Turner
Elson to a two-year contract.
family studies. 1:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Dallas, 7:30 p.m.
Golden State at Phoenix, 8 p.m.
Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, def. Laslo
Djere, Serbia, 7-6 (6), 6-4. TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS — Signed C Auston
Online fan voting begins immediately to help select this year’s win- Valparaiso at Mississippi State, 3 p.m. Minnesota at New Orleans, 8:30 p.m. Fernando Verdasco (6), Spain, def. Alexandar Matthews to a five-year contract extension.
Miami at Sacramento, 9 p.m. Lazarov, Bulgaria, 6-2, 6-1.
ner and will run through March 25. Fan votes are combined with those Stephen F. Austin at Mississippi State, 5:30 p.m. Saturday’s Games Marton Fucsovics, Hungary, def. Andreas Guillaume Brisebois and G Mike DiPietro from
Utica (AHL).
of the media and Division I head coaches to determine the winner, who Alabama at Troy, 5:30 p.m. San Antonio at Utah, 4 p.m. Seppi (8), Italy, 6-2, 7-6 (2).
Second Round
will be announced at the Women’s Final Four. Central Arkansas at Southern Mississippi, 6 p.m. Cleveland at Indiana, 6 p.m.
Roberto Bautista Agut (4), Spain, def. Matthew Major League Soccer
Charlotte at Atlanta, 6:30 p.m. ATLANTA UNITED — Signed D Florentin
Toronto at New York, 6:30 p.m. Ebden, Australia, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2.
Matteo Berrettini, Italy, def. Karen Khachanov Pogba.

on the air
L.A. Clippers at Boston, 7 p.m. MONTREAL IMPACT — Acquired D Zach-
Alabama New Orleans at Memphis, 7 p.m.
Washington at Chicago, 7 p.m.
Oklahoma City at Houston, 7:30 p.m.
(1), Russia, 6-7 (6), 6-3, 6-4.
First Round
ary Brault-Guillard on loan with Olympique
Lyonnais (Ligue 1-France).
Track and field star McEwen earns weekly honor Today Orlando at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.
Robin Haase and Matwe Middelkoop (4),
Netherlands, def. Adrian Andreev and Dimitar
Francis to Columbus for general allocation
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Alabama track and field’s Shelby McEwen
Kuzmanov, Bulgaria, 6-2, 6-2. SPORTING KANSAS CITY — Signed D Abdul
was named the Southeastern Conference Field Athlete of the Week by
COLLEGE BASKETBALL Rohan Bopanna and Divij Sharan (3), India, Rwatubyaye.
4 p.m. — Central Connecticut State at St. Francis, def. Mate Pavic, Croatia, and Nenad Zimonjic, United Soccer League
the league office Wednesday.
ESPNU NHL Serbia, 7-6 (2), 6-2.
Nikola Mektic, Croatia, and Jurgen Melzer,
MEMPHIS 901 — Signed M Adam Najem.
The junior used the best jump in the nation this season and a EASTERN CONFERENCE COLLEGE
personal-best effort to win the men’s high jump at the Carolina Chal-
6 p.m. — Houston at Central Florida, CBS Sports Atlantic Division Austria, def. Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and
Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi, Pakistan, 7-6 (4), 7-5.
BUFFALO — Agreed to terms with football
GP W L OT Pts GF GA coach Lance Leipold on a five-year contract
lenge. The only competitor to go over seven feet at the meet, McEwen’s
Network Tampa Bay 53 39 11 3 81 207 149 Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and Purav Raja, India, extension.
winning effort of 7-7 (2.31m) leads the nation by more than an inch and
6 p.m. — Penn State vs. Ohio State, ESPN Toronto 53 33 17 3 69 190 150 def. Robert Galloway and Nathaniel Lammons,
United States, 6-4, 6-4.
contract of volleyball coach Christy Mooberry
a half. McEwen also cleared 7-5.75 (2.28m) at the Carolina Challenge,
6 p.m. — Cincinnati vs. Memphis, ESPN2 Montreal 54 30 18 6 66 164 156
will not be renewed.
Boston 54 29 17 8 66 155 140
giving him the top-two heights in the nation this season.
6 p.m. — Radford at Hampton, ESPNU Buffalo 52 26 20 6 58 153 160 FORDHAM — Named Kevin Decker offensive
coordinator/quarterbacks coach, Damiere
In addition to being a personal-best height, the Abbeville, S.C.,
8 p.m. — Western Kentucky at Rice, CBS Sports Florida
51 21 22 8 50 158 178
53 21 25 7 49 150 174 Wednesday’s Moves Shaw wide receivers coach and Jameson
native’s 7-7 is also just three quarters of an inch off both the school and
Network Ottawa 53 19 29 5 43 163 199 BASEBALL Zacharias cornerbacks coach.
MEMPHIS — Extended the contract of football
SEC record in the high jump. The NCAA runner-up and SEC champion
8 p.m. — Iowa vs. Indiana, ESPN
Metropolitan Division
National League
CHICAGO CUBS — Agreed to terms with RHPs coach Mike Norvell for one year through 2023.
in the high jump during both the indoor and outdoor seasons in 2018,
8 p.m. — Washington vs. Arizona, ESPN2 N.Y. Islanders 52 30 16 6 66 152 128 Christian Bergman, George Kontos, Carlos PENN STATE-BRANDYWINE — Named Tom
Greenawalt men’s soccer coach.
McEwen also finished fifth in the high jump, and was the No. 2 collegian
8 p.m. — South Florida vs. SMU, ESPNU Washington 53 29 18 6 64 178 168
Pittsburgh 53 28 19 6 62 183 164
Ramirez, Colin Rea, Junichi Tazawa and Rob
Scahill; LHP Mike Zagurski; INFs Cristhian ST. JOHN’S — Named Tori Free assistant

at last summer’s USATF National Championships.

10 p.m. — BYU vs. Portland, ESPN2 Columbus 52 29 20 3 61 169 162 Adames and Phillip Evans; OFs Jim Adduci and softball coach.
Evan Marzilli; and C Francisco Arcia on minor
10 p.m. — Pacific vs. Saint Mary’s, ESPNU
Carolina 53 26 21 6 58 152 155
n Daniell climbs in tennis rankings: At Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Philadelphia 53 24 23 6 54 153 177 league contracts.
senior Andie Daniell came in as the No. 47 singles player in the country
WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL N.Y. Rangers 53 23 22 8 54 152 178 COLORADO ROCKIES — Agreed to terms
6 p.m. — Nebraska at Michigan, Big Ten Network New Jersey 52 20 25 7 47 153 178 with RHP Chi Chi Gonzalez, C Brett Nicholas,
1B Mark Reynolds and OF Michael Saunders
according to the latest Oracle/ITA Singles Rankings, the organization WESTERN CONFERENCE Saturday
announced on Wednesday.
6 p.m. — Texas A&M at Missouri, SEC Network Central Division on minor league contracts.
At Fantasy Springs Resort Casino, Indio,
PITTSBURGH PIRATES — Agreed to terms
Daniell was previously ranked No. 41 to begin the 2019 campaign
8 p.m. — Michigan State at Iowa, Big Ten Network
53 34 16 3 71 187 149 with INF-OF Nick Franklin on a minor-league Calif., Alberto Machado vs. Andrew Cancio,
12, for Machado’s WBA super featherweight
and has compiled a 2-0 record so far this season. The Douglasville,
8 p.m. — Arkansas at LSU, SEC Network Nashville 55 32 19 4 68 171 141 contact.
BASKETBALL title; Rey Vargas vs. Franklin Manzanilla, 12, for
Ga., native is also 2-0 in doubles competition.
53 28 21 4 60 138 134
53 26 22 5 57 150 154
National Basketball Association Vargas’ WBC World super bantamweight title;
Joseph Diaz Jr. vs. Charles Huerta, 10, super
Next up for Alabama is four home matches this weekend, begin-
4 p.m. — Four Continents Championship: ladies’ St. Louis 51 24 22 5 53 146 153
Reggie Bullock from Detroit for G Svi featherweights.
ning with a doubleheader on Friday against Georgia State at 1 p.m. and
short program, Anaheim, California, NBC Sports Colorado
52 22 22 8 52 173 173
54 21 24 9 51 173 198
Mykhailiuk and a future second-round draft At Dignity Health Sports Park, Carson, Calif.
Network pick. (SHO), Gervonta Davis vs. Abner Mares, 12, for
UT Martin at 6 p.m. The matches will be streamed live on Pacific Division PHILADELPHIA 76ERS — Acquired Fs Davis’ WBA featherweight title; Erickson Lubin
n Men’s tennis moves up: At Tuscsaloosa, Alabama, the
11 p.m. — Four Continents Championship:
53 34 14 5 73 197 152
Tobias Harris, C Boban Marjanovic and F Mike vs. Ishw Smith, 10, super welterweights; Javier
Scott from the Los Angeles Clippers for G
Alabama men’s tennis team came in at No. 23 in the latest Oracle/ITA
men’s short program, Anaheim, California, NBC San Jose 54 31 16 7 69 193 171 Landry Shamet, F Wilson Chandler and Mike
Fortuna vs. Sharif Bogere, 10, lightweights;
Eddie Ramirez vs. Juan Heraldez, 10, junior
National Team Rankings and in the Tennis Channel/USTA College
Sports Network Vegas 55 30 21 4 64 163 150
Vancouver 54 24 24 6 54 155 167
Muscala, a lottery-protected 2020 first-round welterweights; Xavier Martinez vs. Deivi Julio
draft pick, a 2021 first-, 2021 second- and 2023
Tennis Top 25 Rankings, the organizations announced on Wednesday.
GOLF Arizona 53 23 25 5 51 140 155 second-round picks.
Bassa, 10, junior lightweights.
Senior Mazen Osama moved up one spot to No. 40 in the Oracle/ITA
2 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: AT&T Pebble Beach Edmonton 53 23 25 5 51 153 178 Women’s National Basketball Association
LOS ANGELES SPARKS — Signed F Ashley At Save Mart Arena, Fresno, Calif., Jose Carlos
Anaheim 54 21 24 9 51 125 172
Singles Rankings.
Pro-Am, first round, Monterey, California, TGC Los Angeles 53 22 27 4 48 125 158 Walker. Ramirez vs. Jose Zepeda, 12, for Ramirez’s
WBC World super lightweight title; Raymundo
Alabama is coming off its first loss of the season against Minnesota
10 p.m. — European Tour Golf: ISPS Handa FOOTBALL
National Football League Beltran vs. Hiroki Okada, 10 super lightweights;
NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for
on Friday, Feb. 1, 4-3. The Tide was previously ranked No. 19 in the
Vic Open, men’s and women’s second round, overtime loss. Top three teams in each division ARIZONA CARDINALS — Marcus Genesis Servania vs. Carlos Castro, 10,
featherweights; Bryan Vasquez vs. Enrique
Oracle/ITA rankings and No. 18 in the Tennis Channel/USTA rankings.
Australia, TGC and two wild cards per conference advance to Robertson defensive backs coach; James
Saxon running backs coach; Greg Williams Tinoco, 10, super featherweights; Andy Vences
Osama has begun his senior campaign with a 4-2 record in singles
NBA cornerbacks coach; Charlie Bullen assistant vs. Dardan Zenunaj, 10, super featherweights;
linebackers coach; Saul Rodriguez vs. Aelio Mesquita, 10,
competition, while holding down the No. 1 spot for the Tide.
6 p.m. — NBA All-Star Game draft, TNT Wednesday’s Games
Peter Badovinac assistant wide lightweights.
Toronto 5, Ottawa 4
Next up for Alabama is its first road trip of 2019, when the team
7:15 p.m. — LA Lakers at Boston, TNT N.Y. Rangers 4, Boston 3, SO receivers coach; Rob Grosso defensive Feb. 15
quality control coaches; and Spencer Whipple
goes out to California to play against San Diego State on Friday in San
9:30 p.m. — San Antonio at Portland, TNT Today’s Games
offensive quality control coaches. Announced
At Grand Casino, Hinckley, Minn. (ESPN), Rob
Brant vs. Khasan Baysangurov, 12, for Brant’s
Los Angeles at Philadelphia, 6 p.m.
Diego, California, and Pepperdine on Sunday in Malibu, California.
SKIING Pittsburgh at Florida, 6 p.m.
Chris Achuff defensive line, Randall McCray WBA World middleweight title.
assistant special teams, Buddy Morris strength
6:30 p.m. — FIS World Alpine Championships: N.Y. Islanders at New Jersey, 6 p.m. and conditioning, Vernon Stephens assistant
Feb. 16
At Los Angeles (FOX), Leo Santa Cruz vs.
Colorado at Washington, 6 p.m.
men’s super-G, Sweden, NBC Sports Network strength and conditioning and Cam Turner
Ole Miss Carolina at Buffalo, 6 p.m. Miguel Flores, 12, for Santa Cruz’s WBA
offensive assistant/assistant quarterbacks will
8 p.m. — FIS World Freestyle Championships: Anaheim at Ottawa, 6:30 p.m. return to coaching staff. featherweight title; Omar Figueroa Jr. vs. John
Molina Jr., 10, welterweights.
Winnipeg at Montreal, 6:30 p.m.
skiing team aerials, Utah, NBC Sports Network ATLANTA FALCONS — Released K Matt
Fallert collects confernce award in men’s tennis 9:30 p.m. — FIS World Alpine Championships:
St. Louis at Tampa Bay, 6:30 p.m.
Vegas at Detroit, 6:30 p.m.
DETROIT LIONS — Signed LB Tre’ Williams.
Feb. 23
At Minneapolis Armory (FS1), Anthony Dirrell
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — After serving as the ‘clinch master’ for the Edmonton at Minnesota, 7 p.m. Alliance of American Football vs. Avni Yildirim, 12, for the vacant WBC super
Rebels this past weekend, Ole Miss Men’s Tennis senior Fabian Fallert women’s super-G, Sweden, NBC Sports Network Dallas at Nashville, 7 p.m. SAN DIEGO FLEET — Waived K Cole Murphy. middleweight title.
Vancouver at Chicago, 7:30 p.m. Signed K Donny Hageman. March 2
has been named the SEC Player of the Week, as announced by the
conference office Wednesday afternoon.
Friday Columbus at Arizona, 8 p.m.
San Jose at Calgary, 8 p.m.
National Hockey League
At Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. (SHO),
Erislandy Lara vs. Brian Castaño, 12, for Lara’s
AUTO RACING Friday’s Game ARIZONA COYOTES — Assigned G Adin WBA Super Welterweight World title; Luis
Fallert earns the plaudit after providing the spark in the Rebels’ Carolina at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m. Hill and D Dakota Mermis to Tucson (AHL). Ortiz vs. Christian Hammer, 10, heavyweights;
5 p.m. — NHRA Drag Racing: Friday Nitro Saturday’s Games Recalled F Michael Bunting from the Tucson. Ricardo Núñeztakes vs. Edner Cherry, 12,
first ranked win of the season, taking down No. 20 Oklahoma State last
Pomona, season-opening Winternationals, Anaheim at Philadelphia, Noon NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Acquired F Cody super featherweights.
Friday in Stillwater. First, he and partner Cotter Wilson teamed up in Minnesota at New Jersey, Noon McLeod from the New York Rangers for a 2020 March 9
Pomona, California, FS1 seventh-round pick draft pick.
doubles for the deciding point. The pair is a perfect 3-0 this spring. Detroit at Buffalo, Noon At MGM Grand, Las Vegas (FOX), Shawn
BIATHLON Colorado at N.Y. Islanders, Noon NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Traded F Brian Boyle Porter vs. Yordenis Ugas, 12, for Porter’s WBC
Next came singles action, with the two teams knotted at 3-3 and to Nashville for a 2019 second-round draft pick.
6 p.m. — IBU World Cup: men’s 20km and Los Angeles at Boston, Noon LACROSSE
welterweight title.
all eyes on Fallert once again. After triumphing through a tight six extra Winnipeg at Ottawa, 1 p.m. National Lacrosse League March 16
women’s 15km individual, Alberta, NBC Sports Nashville at St. Louis, 1 p.m. At AT&T Stadium, Arlington, Texas (PPV), Errol
points in the opening set tiebreak (13-11), the senior powered through BUFFALO BANDITS — Acquired F Chris
Network Dallas at Arizona, 3 p.m. Cloutier from Philadelphia for T Ryan Wagner Spence Jr. vs. Mikey Garcia, 12, for Spence’s
the second set to win 6-2 and clinch the victory for the Rebs. San Jose at Edmonton, 6 p.m. and a 2021 first-round draft pick. IBF welterweight title; David Benavidez vs.
COLLEGE BASKETBALL Florida at Washington, 6 p.m. SOCCER J’Leon Love, 10, super middleweights.
The win for Fallert was his third consecutive, as he holds steady at
6 p.m. — St. Louis at St. Joseph’s, ESPN2 Pittsburgh at Tampa Bay, 6 p.m. Major League Soccer March 24
the No. 3 singles position. Toronto at Montreal, 6 p.m. FC CINCINNATI — Signed D Logan Gdula, MF At MGM National Harbor, Oxon Hill, Md. (FS1),
6 p.m. — Canisius at Rider, ESPNU Calgary at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Tommy McCabe, G Jimmy Hague, G Ben Lundt Lamont Peterson vs. Sergey Lipinets, 12,
The award is the first weekly honor of his career.
8 p.m. — Georgia St. at Louisiana-Lafayette, ESPN2 Columbus at Vegas, 9 p.m. and F Rashawn Dally. welterweights.
n Softball opens season today: At Oxford, aiming for a fourth
8 p.m. — Kent State at Akron, ESPNU
straight NCAA Tournament appearance, the Ole Miss softball team
kicks off the 2019 campaign this weekend in Orlando at the Friends of
7 p.m. — Georgetown at Marquette, FS1
Jaclyn Tournament.
The Rebels face tourney host UCF in the season opener today at
6 p.m. — Auburn at Florida, SEC Network
5 p.m. at the UCF Softball Complex. Ole Miss is also matched up with
7:30 p.m. — LSU at Kentucky, SEC Network

Alliance plans kickoff-free play

Minnesota on Friday (6:30 p.m.), Ohio State and George Mason on
Saturday (4:30 and 7 p.m.) and North Florida on Sunday (2:30 p.m.).
5 p.m. — Minnesota at Penn State, Big Ten Network
The Rebels will be without head coach Mike Smith on the trip,
5:30 p.m. — Nebraska-Omaha at Miami
who has been suspended for opening weekend for not meeting the
University, CBS Sports Network
university’s expectations for operating the program. Associate head
8 p.m. — Colorado College at St. Cloud State, By BERNIE WILSON the San Diego Fleet visiting the San
coach Ruben Felix will lead the team for the five games in Orlando, and
CBS Sports Network The Associated Press
Smith will return to the field next week.
COLLEGE WRESTLING Antonio Commanders and the At-
7:30 p.m. — Penn State at Ohio State, Big Ten lanta Legends at the Orlando Apol-
Southern Miss Network SAN DIEGO — When the fledg- los. Games continue Sunday with
FIGURE SKATING ling Alliance of American Football the Memphis Express visiting the
Briles no longer under consideration for football job 11 p.m. — Four Continents Championships: held four exhibition games recent-
HATTIESBURG — Southern Mississippi administrators and ladies’ free skate, Anaheim, California, NBC Birmingham Iron and the Salt Lake
football coach Jay Hopson disagree on whether the school should Sports Network ly in San Antonio, something was Stallions at the Arizona Hotshots.
hire former Baylor head coach Art Briles for a position on the Golden GOLF missing. Those games will start without
Eagles’ football staff. 11 a.m. — PGA Tour Champions Golf: Oasis Kickoffs.
Hopson believes they should. kickoffs. There will still be a coin
Championship, first round, Boca Raton, Florida, “We were all looking around say-
President Rodney D. Bennett and interim athletics director Jeff TGC toss, with the winner deciding
Mitchell say no — and they have the final say. 2 p.m. — PGA Tour Golf: AT&T Pebble Peach ing, ‘Does anyone miss kickoffs?’ whether to receive or defer. The
The school released a statement Wednesday morning from Ben- Pro-Am, second round, Monterey, California, TGC The answer was, no, we did not miss team that gets the ball will simply
nett and Mitchell confirming that the school had met with Briles but that 8 p.m. — European Tour Golf: ISPS Handa Vic them,” said Mike Pereira, the NFL’s
“following that meeting, we informed him that he is not a candidate.” send out its offense to start from its
Open, men’s and women’s third round, Australia, former vice president of officiating
Hopson released his own statement just minutes after the school’s TGC 25.
release, saying that he respects the president’s decision, but disagrees NBA who is a consultant for the latest at- “The players got used to it very
with it and that Briles “deserves a second chance.” 6 p.m. — Denver at Philadelphia, ESPN tempt at a spring league. quickly,” Pereira said in a phone in-
Southern Miss has been searching for a new offensive coordinator. 8:30 p.m. — Minnesota at New Orleans, ESPN When the eight-team AAF kicks
The 63-year-old Briles, who led the Bears to consecutive Big 12 terview from his home in Sacramen-
NHL off this weekend, there will be no
titles in 2013 and 2014, was fired after an external investigation revealed 7 p.m. — Carolina at NY Rangers, NHL TV to. “It’s a bit of a timesaver. Our goal
in May 2016 that Baylor had for years mishandled numerous sexual SKIING kickoffs as a nod to player safety is to play in two-and-a-half hours.”
assault allegations by students, including some against football players. 8 a.m. — FIS World Alpine Championships: wom- and one of many twists to make Perhaps the most timely change
The Pepper Hamilton firm’s investigation found at least 17 women en’s super-combined (downhill), Sweden, NBC games faster. is the SkyJudge, who is able to use
who reported being sexually assaulted by 19 football players. Sports Network
Briles has insisted he did not cover up reports of assaults by play- There will be plenty of differenc- real-time technology to correct
9 a.m. — FIS World Alpine Championships: wom-
ers, and that he encouraged women involved in the alleged incidents to en’s super-combined (slalom), es between the NFL and the AAF, clear errors involving player safety
go to the police. Sweden, NBC Sports Network which was founded by Bill Polian, a anytime during a game and pass in-
Baylor is still waiting for the outcome of an NCAA investigation into
the school’s conduct. Even so, Hopson was willing to hire Briles.
10 a.m. — FIS World Freestyle Championships: Hall of Famer and former NFL gen- terference inside of five minutes left
slopestyle skiing, Utah, NBC Sports Network eral manager, and Charlie Ebersol,
“He is a man that seemed sincere & humble in his interview & 8 p.m. — FIS World Freestyle Championships: in the fourth quarter.
personally he committed no crime,” Hopson said in his text message skiing moguls’ competition, Utah, NBC Sports a longtime TV and film producer. The SkyJudge already was in
statement. “He may not have acted in the proper protocol, but that Network Among them will be a ninth place before the non-call late in the
would be my JOB at Southern Miss! He was interviewing for an assis-
tant position, even though I believe he will be a Head Coach at a Major
10 p.m. — FIS World Alpine Championships: member of the officiating crew, NFC championship game that pret-
women’s super-combined (slalom), Sweden, NBC called a SkyJudge who will be in the ty much cost New Orleans a spot in
Program in the near future.” Sports Network
This is not the first time there has been disagreement within an SNOWBOARDING press box and can instantly correct the Super Bowl.
organization about Briles since his firing at Baylor. Noon — FIS World Freestyle Championships: “obvious and egregious” officiating Pereira said it was modeled in
When Briles was scheduled to be part of a breakout session at the halfpipe, Utah, NBC Sports Network
American Football Coaches Association convention last year, criticism
errors, like the one that marred the part after the college targeting rule,
SOCCER NFC championship game. Over- which allows replay to step in and
on social medial prompted the organization to cancel his participation in 1:20 p.m. — Bundesliga: Bayer Leverkusen vs.
a session called “Standing Strong/Game Management.”
FSV Mainz, FS2 time will be different, too. call targeting even if was not called
—From Special, Staff and Wire Reports The AAF opens Saturday with on field.
The Dispatch • Thursday, February 7, 2019 3B


Alabama routs Georgia; Ole Miss rallies in final minutes for win
By The Associated Press man Kira Lewis. Nicolas Claxton had 12 points seconds to preserve the win. Despite falling behind 19-6
Lewis, who averages a team- and nine rebounds, and Te- Blake Hinson added 11 points, in the opening seven minutes,
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Te- high 13.6 points, finished with shaun Hightower scored 11. including a pair of go-ahead the Aggies did not fold, but
vin Mack scored a season-high 24 points, tying his career high. Georgia opened the game free throws for a 65-64 lead
25 points and powered a run could not close it out in the final
He scored 12 points in each with a 15-7 lead but Alabama with 2:51 left.
early in the second half to help 10 minutes. ... Mahan was out-
half, making 59 percent of his erased the gap with a 10-0 run Wendell Mitchell led Texas
Alabama beat Georgia 89-74 on shots for the game. and the lead went back-and- A&M (8-13, 1-8) with 23 points standing from 3-point range,
Wednesday night. “(Lewis is) a special player, forth for the rest of the first half. while Brandon Mahan had 20 hitting 10 consecutive shots
Alabama (14-8, 5-4 SEC) led special kid too,” Georgia coach n Ole Miss 75, Texas points, including 6 of 7 from the over a two-game span against
by one after Georgia (10-12, Tom Crean said. “There’s noth- A&M 71: At Oxford, there was 3-point line. Josh Nebo added Tennessee and Ole Miss. The
1-8) scored the opening basket ing 17 years of age about his no celebration for Mississippi, 14 points and a game-high 10 re- streak ended with a miss from
of the second half. Then, for a game.” but there was a sigh of relief. bounds for the Aggies, who led 25 feet with 1:45 left and the Ag-
two-minute span, Mack went on Lewis scored on back-to- Ole Miss snapped a four- 57-48 on a Savion Flagg layup gies trailing 67-64.
a run almost by himself, scor- back layups to give Alabama its game losing streak, wiping out with 12:46 left.
ing 10 points during Alabama’s “He was open, but it was
largest lead at 80-62. a nine-point deficit in the sec- Ole Miss finished 24 of 58
12-2 burst, including back-to- ond half Wednesday night, to deep,” Texas A&M coach Billy
Alabama outscored the (41 percent) from the field, in-
back three pointers within 30 Bulldogs 26-13 in the first 10 defeat Texas A&M 75-71. cluding Tyree’s 7 of 15. The Kennedy said of the potential
seconds. That two-minute run minutes of the second half to “It wasn’t pretty, but we Rebels were 9 of 26 (34 percent) game-tying shot. “The timing
extended Alabama’s lead to extend a three-point halftime found a way,” Mississippi coach from the 3-point line and 18 of could have been better. It’s un-
53-42 and Georgia never recov- lead to 67-51 and the Tide led Kermit Davis said. “We showed 19 (95 percent) from the free fortunate.”
ered. by double digits the rest of the some toughness and contested throw line. The win was especially im-
“Coaches are always telling way. The Bulldogs went 5-of-19 shots in the last 10 minutes. We Texas A&M was 28 of 62 portant and not just because
me to stay aggressive,” Mack shooting from the field while were desperate. We really need- (45 percent) from the field, but it stopped a four-game losing
said. “The last couple of games, the Tide pulled away. ed this win.” struggled with a 1-of-11 slump
streak. The Rebels play three of
I wasn’t shooting the ball Derek Ogbeide had 17 points Breein Tyree scored 22 in the final five minutes. The
enough for them. . Everything to lead the Bulldogs, who lost points for the Rebels (15-7, 5-4) Aggies hit 11 of 23 (47 percent) the next four games on the road
else will come off fine if I stay their third in a row and sev- while Terence Davis added 19 from 3-point range but hit only and have home dates remaining
aggressive and attack.” enth of the last eight. Rayshaun points, including six consecu- 2 of 10 during the decisive rally against No. 1 Tennessee and
Alongside Mack, was fresh- Hammonds added 13 points, tive free throws in the final 30 by the Rebels. No. 5 Kentucky.

No. 14 Villanova beats Creighton for 10-0 in Big East

By The Associated Press start in league play came n No. 6 Nevada 98, 9-1), including a dunk off give Wisconsin (17-6, 9-3 Lincoln, Nebraska, Jalen
in 2009-10 when they Colorado State 82: At a lob from his twin, Cody, Big Ten) a 52-46 lead and Smith had 18 points and
VILLANOVA, Pa. opened 9-0. Fort Collins, Colorado, that capped a 10-2 run to seal a fourth consecutive 11 rebounds as Maryland
— Freshman forward Jordan Caroline scored end the game. victory at rival Minneso- beat fading Nebraska.
Saddiq Bey scored a ca- The defending national 30 of his season-high 40 Nico Carvacho led the ta.
reer-high 17 points, se- Bruno Fernando had
champions also became points in the first half Rams (9-14, 4-6) with 24 Gophers coach Rich-
nior guard Phil Booth his sixth consecutive dou-
the first Big East team to and Nevada beat Colo- points and 17 rebounds. ard Pitino fell to 2-9 in his
hit key baskets down the start 10-0 in conference rado State for its eighth Colorado State lost by 40 career against the Bad- ble-double, and 15th of
stretch and No. 14 Villa- games since UConn won straight win. in Reno two weeks ago gers, held to a season-low the season, with 13 points
nova remained perfect in its first 11 in 1998-99. Caroline finished five but gave the Wolf Pack a 34.5 field goal percentage and a career-high 19 re-
Big East play by beating Davion Mintz led points shy of his career fight at home. (19 for 55). bounds for the Terrapins
Creighton 66-59 in over- Creighton (13-10, 4-6) best set Jan. 7, 2017, at n No. 19 Wisconsin Jordan Murphy (16 (18-6, 9-4 Big Ten).
time Wednesday night. with 19 points and Martin New Mexico. He added 12 56, Minnesota 51: At points, 19 rebounds) and Nebraska (13-10, 3-9)
Booth finished with Krampelj had 13 points rebounds for his 14th dou- Minneapolis, Ethan Happ Daniel Oturu (12 points, set season lows for points
14 points and eight re- and 10 rebounds. The ble-double of the season, had 15 points and 13 re- 11 rebounds) each had a and field goal percentage
bounds while Eric Pas- Bluejays were missing and his 41 career dou- bounds to help Wisconsin double-double, but Min- (21 percent) while los-
chall scored 15 and Col- two starters after top ble-doubles are the most avenge a loss to Minneso- nesota (16-7, 6-6) missed
ing its sixth straight and
lin Gillespie had 13 for scorer Ty-Shon Alexander in Mountain West Con- ta with its sixth straight 12 of 13 attempts from
the Wildcats (19-4, 10-0), was injured in practice ference history, breaking win overall. 3-point range, including dropping to 13th place in
who have won their first Tuesday. He joined Mar- a tie with Kawhi Leonard D’Mitrik Trice hit a three in the final 76 sec- the conference.
10 Big East games for the cus Zegarowski (broken and Andrew Bogut. 3-pointer with 1:44 re- onds. Isaiah Roby led the
first time in program his- hand) in street clothes on Caleb Martin added 25 maining and 3 seconds n No. 24 Maryland Cornhuskers with 20
tory. Their previous best the bench. points for Nevada (22-1, left on the shot clock to 60, Nebraska 45: At points and 14 rebounds.

Continued from Page 1B
LSU (18-4, 8-1) maintained out tonight.” Tyson Carter and Aric Hol- dogs scored the final five of the bound. From there, Quinndary
a second-place tie in the con- The offensive stars were man each added 12 points half with a trey from Weather- Weatherspoon drove to the bas-
ference standings with MSU’s plenty on this night. apiece. spoon giving the Bulldogs a 42- ket and drew a foul. He hit one
Saturday opponent, No. 5 Ken- For MSU, Quinndary Weath- After a sluggish first eight 34 halftime lead. of two free throws for the final
tucky. The Tigers have won erspoon had 27 points, while minutes, the Bulldogs respond- “LSU is a very good team,” tie of regulation with 37 sec-
five times in conference road Reggie Perry recorded his ed with a 17-0 run for a 25-16 Howland said. “Some of (not
onds left.
games. fourth double-double (third in lead. protecting the lead) definitely
Reid had 25 second-half conference play) with 19 points “Our defense was great,” is the minutes. We took some The Bulldogs then got a
points as the Tigers rallied and 10 rebounds. A surprise Quinndary Weatherspoon said. shots at times especially when stop but Lamar Peters missed
from a 10-point deficit in the fi- starter in the win over Ole Miss, “The defensive’s intensity get- we had an eight- and nine-point a rushed 10-footer as time ex-
nal 15:39 of the second half. Perry again delivered in the ting them hyped up and mak- lead where we want to maybe pired.
“Only having four turnovers starting role. Perry has scored ing them turn the ball over. We manage them little better and Overtime was fought on
in the second half really helped 18 or more in the Bulldogs’ last were able to get out in transi- not be in such a rush.” virtually even terms until the
us,” LSU coach Will Wade said. three games. tion.” The Bulldogs still held some back-breaker from Reid.
“Obviously, a very good win for The only down spot for the LSU had the answer in the type of lead for the first 17 min- “We simply have to find a
us. Mississippi State is a tre- reigning SEC Freshman of the form of point guard Tremont utes of the second half. way to close out these games,”
mendous team. I thought we Week was at the free throw line Waters. Emerging as a candi- Reid and Waters (26 total
Quinndary Weatherspoon said.
were going to come out and play where he was 9-of-16. date for conference player of points) eventually closed the
well. It’s tough when you play a “Obviously, (a thing needed the year honors, Waters had 11 gap with the teams being tied at “That means better defense for
team like Mississippi State. We to be done differently) was my first-half points. 78 with 3:12 left. longer stretches of time.”
could play our best game and free throws,” Perry said. “If I The Tigers cut down on the Down one with 56 sec- Follow Dispatch sports editor
still get beat. It makes it tough, made those, I feel like we could turnovers and actually crawled onds left in regulation, Perry Scott Walters on Twitter @dis-
but we were able to scratch it have definitely won the game.” back within three. The Bull- grabbed a critical defensive re- patchscott


Last-minute drama adds to National Signing Day around SEC

By STEVE MEGARGEE “The big surprise was The SEC had four 29th in the 247Sports running back Trey Sand- our (top-ranked) men’s
The Associated Press George Pickens picking of the top five teams in Composite. ers and offensive tackle basketball program,”
Georgia over Auburn,” the 247Sports Compos- But the Rebels Evan Neal. Tennessee coach Jeremy
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. said Barton Simmons, the ite rankings as of early shouldn’t celebrate just Florida did a better Pruitt said. “Everywhere
— Leave it to the South- director of scouting for Wednesday evening. yet. job of protecting its home I go, everybody wants to
eastern Conference to 247Sports. “That’s a kid Georgia was second, Tex- Ealy also is a talented state Wednesday by get- talk about our basketball
provide some drama on who had been committed as A&M fourth and LSU baseball player and a po- ting Bogle to switch from program. I think that’s a
signing day that other- to Auburn for two years.” fifth. Also in the top 15 tential first-round pick in Alabama to the Gators great thing, putting Ten-
wise seemed anticlimac- Alabama still topped were Florida at No. 9 and June’s draft, which could and beating out Geor- nessee on the map again,
tic. the 247Sports Composite Tennessee at No. 12. force him into deciding gia for cornerback Kaiir building the brand.”
Even though the vast team recruiting rankings “The SEC is known for whether to play football at Elam (48th). SHURMUR SUCCES-
majority of recruits al- for the eighth time in the flips, known for decom- Ole Miss or launch a pro- FORTIFYING THE SOR?
ready had finalized their last nine years, thanks mitments, known for cut- fessional baseball career. LINE Some schools used the
college decisions in the mainly to the wealth of throat recruiting,” said INVADING ENEMY Tennessee landed the signing date as an oppor-
December signing peri- heralded prospects it Mike Farrell, the director TERRITORY nation’s top remaining tunity to announce the
od, the traditional Febru- signed in December. Ala- of recruiting for Rivals. One interesting ele- unsigned prospect when arrivals of transfers. One
ary signing date still pro- bama enhanced its class Some other notable ment of Georgia’s class is it added offensive tack- of the more notable addi-
vided a few surprises as Wednesday by signing recruiting stories from that the Bulldogs signed le Darnell Wright, who tions was Vanderbilt’s ad-
players SEC teams were defensive tackles Ishmael around the SEC. the top two prospects in was 10th overall in the dition of Ball State gradu-
targeting backed out of Sopsher (No. 47) and By- BOUNCING BACK the state of Alabama . 247Sports Composite. ate transfer quarterback
longstanding verbal com- ron Young (No. 77) and Alabama’s move to the Center Clay Webb, The additions of Riley Neal, who becomes
mitments. running back Keilan Rob- top of the recruiting rank- ranked second in Ala- Wright and December a potential successor to
Wide receiver George inson (No. 244). ings came one year after it bama and 26th nationally, signee Wanya Morris departing four-year start-
Pickens, the nation’s “Alabama is just more signed a class that ranked signed with Georgia in (28th) should provide a er Kyle Shurmur.
No. 24 overall prospect than championships,” fifth in the team stand- December. The Bulldogs big boost to a Tennessee Vanderbilt also added
according to compos- Sopsher said. “Coach ings, ending a string of got the top prospect in the offensive line that has former Michigan State
ite rankings of recruit- Nick Saban, he’s going to seven straight first-place state Wednesday when struggled mightily the defensive end Lashawn
ing sites compiled by turn you into a man and finishes. Georgia topped Pickens made his switch last two seasons. Paulino-Bell, who spent
247Sports, flipped his he’s going to set you up the 2018 team standings . from Auburn to Georgia. Tennessee added an- the 2018 season at East
commitment from Au- for life.” “We’re certainly satis- The top four prospects otherr top-50 recruit Mississippi Community
burn to Georgia. Alabama Even so, all those sign- fied,” Saban said. in the state of Florida all Wednesday as linebacker College.
lost a couple of top-200 ing day switches added T W O - S P O R T chose either Alabama or Henry To’oto’o (44th) an- The Commodores
verbal commitments some suspense to a Feb- THREAT Georgia, though they’d nounced he was choosing would love these transfers
when defensive end Khris ruary signing date that Ole Miss had one of all signed in December. the Vols. to approach the success
Bogle (No. 71) chose has lost plenty of rele- the day’s biggest victories Georgia got defensive end “One of the big selling of running back KeShawn
Florida and cornerback vance since the 2017 ar- when it beat out Clemson Nolan Smith and corner- points we’ve had right Vaughn, an Illinois trans-
Christian Williams (No. rival of an early signing and Alabama for running back Tyrique Stevenson, now that has helped us fer who rushed for 1,244
160) signed with Miami. period. back Jerrion Ealy, rated while Alabama added in recruiting has been yards this past season
4B Thursday, February 7, 2019 The Dispatch •


Alabama tops charts again;

Ole Miss finishes strong
From Special Reports Washington D.C. (1).
Alabama’s 2019 signing class ranks
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Alabama No. 1 nationally by both 247Sports and
football announced the addition of three ESPN.
players to its 2019 recruiting class during As listed by position, the Crimson
the February signing period on Wednes- Tide add to its roster six defensive line-
day. The addition of Keilan Robinson, men, five offensive linemen, five defen-
Ishmael Sopsher and Byron Young to sive backs, four linebackers, two quar-
the Crimson Tide’s 24 student-athletes terbacks, a pair of running backs and
inked during the early signing period in one player each at placekicker, tight end
December bring Alabama’s total to 27 in and wide receiver.
the 2019 class. February’s additions to the Crimson
The 27 high school players in the Tide’s complete 2019 signing class in-
full 2019 class come from 10 states and clude: RB Robinson (St. John’s/Wash-
Washington D.C. – Alabama (6), Florida ington D.C.), DL Sopsher (Amite, La./
(4), Georgia (3), Maryland (3), Louisi- Amite) and DL Young (Laurel, Miss./
ana (2), Mississippi (2), New Jersey (2), West Jones).
Texas (2), Illinois (1), Kentucky (1) and See ALABAMA, 6B

Scott Walters/Dispatch Staff

The Starkville High School signing class included KJ Lawrence (Mississippi Col- n EMCC OUTGOING: SCOOBA — A total of 22 former East Mississippi Community College
lege); Garin Boniol (Louisiana Tech); Zach Edwards (Louisville); Rodrigues Clark and players from Coach Buddy Stephens’ 2018 national championship team have signed Na-
Jalil Clemons (Memphis); Ty Johnson, Tonorris Brookens, Mikel Williams and Alexis tional Letters of Intent to continue their football careers at the four-year level.
Stallings (East Mississippi Community College); Michael Goss (East Central Commu- Combining last December’s early signing period along with Wednesday’s regular national
nity College); Bernard Thomas (Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College); Atavius signing date, EMCC’s most recent additions to the senior college gridiron ranks are com-
Jones (Copiah-Lincoln Community College); Myles Stone (Northeast Mississippi prised of 10 players heading to FBS schools and six to FCS schools as well as five stu-
Community College) and Ryan Johnson (Northwest Mississippi Community College). dent-athletes inking with NCAA Division II members and one player with an NAIA program.
Of the 10 former EMCC players heading to FBS programs, five have signed with Southeast-

ern Conference teams. In addition to offensive lineman LaQuinston Sharp (Mississippi
State) and wide receiver Dontario Drummond (Ole Miss) staying within the Magnolia State,
former East Mississippi defensive linemen Sci Martin Jr. (Missouri), Darel Middleton
Continued from Page 1B (Tennessee) and Lashawn Paulino-Bell (Vanderbilt) will all be suiting up for SEC teams this
coming fall.
round of this past season’s the one of the things that Tech University, while
playoffs. intrigued me about going running back KJ Law- 2018 EAST MISSISSIPPI COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL SOPHOMORES MOVING ON
Jones’ first two teams to Louisville. rence signed with Missis- JaQUEZ AKINS (5-10, 190, DB, Starkville [MS] HS) – University of Tennessee at Martin
combined to win 24 A two-time all-state sippi College. JACOB ANDERSON (6-3, 200, DB, Johns, MS/Puckett HS) – Texas Southern University
games. selection, Edwards was The Mississippi Asso- JOSEPH ANDERSON (6-3, 200, DB, Johns, MS/Puckett HS) – Texas Southern University
“For me personally, ranked a three-star pros- ciation of Community and BRADEN BOYKIN (5-7, 160, WR, Madison, MS/Madison Central HS) – Henderson State University
I was a late-bloomer,” pect by both 247 Sports Junior Colleges (MACJC) DJ CLAYTON (5-9, 175, WR, Porterville, MS/Kemper County HS) – Mississippi Valley State University
Jones said. “Then I got and Rivals. He was con- inherited a nice crop of EVERITT CUNNINGHAM (6-3, 250, DL, West Point [MS] HS) – University of Memphis
to play some college ball sidered the No. 31 inside Yellow Jackets with nine MESSIAH deWEAVER (6-5, 230, QB, Dayton, OH/Wayne HS) – Old Dominion University
and in the NFL. That’s linebacker nationally and joining the league. DONTARIO DRUMMOND (6-2, 200, WR, Laurel [MS] HS) – University of Mississippi
KALEB GENTRY (6-0, 210, LB, Lucedale, MS/George County HS) – Campbellsville [KY] University
why having this oppor- the No. 18 player in the Reigning national
CJ GHOLAR (5-9, 175, DB, Columbus [MS] HS) – Mississippi College
tunity is so important. state. A participant in champion East Missis- UNTAREO JOHNSON (6-1, 230, LB, Jonestown, MS/Coahoma AHS) – Bethune-Cookman University
These guys are ready for the Mississippi-Alabama sippi Community College ERIQ KITCHEN (6-2, 250, DL, Batesville, MS/South Panola HS) – University of Southern Mississippi
the next level. They have Shrine Classic, Edwards signed middle linebacker SCI MARTIN JR. (6-4, 240, DL, New Orleans, LA/McDonogh 35 HS) – University of Missouri
been well-prepared both chose Louisville over of- Ty Johnson, wide receiver DAREL MIDDLETON (6-7, 290, DL, Knoxville, TN/Oak Ridge HS) – University of Tennessee
in the classroom and on fers from Texas A&M, Tonorris Brookens, defen- ADRIAN MILLER (6-0, 175, WR, Columbia, MS/West Marion HS) – Mississippi College
the field. Some kids peak Ole Miss, Mississippi sive back Mikel Williams JOSH MILLER (5-11, 190, DB, Kokomo, MS/West Marion HS) – Mississippi College
early. Some kids peak State, LSU, Southern and defensive back Alexis D’ANTHONY PAGE (6-4, 275, OL, Laurel [MS] HS) – Mississippi Valley State University
later. As coaches, it’s our Mississippi, Marshall and Stallings. Other signees LASHAWN PAULINO-BELL (6-4, 245, DL, Fort Lauderdale, FL/St. Thomas Aquinas HS) – Vanderbilt
job to push these guys Memphis, according to included lineman Michael University
KALEM REDDIX (6-2, 210, WR, Biloxi, MS/St. Martin HS) – University of Louisiana at Lafayette
to see their capabilities. the University of Louis- Goss to East Central
LaQUINSTON SHARP (6-4, 310, OL, Columbus [MS] HS) – Mississippi State University
When you first start play- ville web site. Community College, wide KEILOS SWINNEY (6-0, 185, DB, Bentonia, MS/Yazoo County HS) – University of Louisiana at Mon-
ing high school ball, this “It will be a chance to receiver Bernard Thomas roe
is the day that you have go in and compete in a to Mississippi Gulf Coast MATT TOLES (6-0, 305, OL, Oxford, MS/Lafayette HS) – Mississippi College
been anticipating.” major conference,” Ed- Community College, tight
The biggest suspense wards said. “I learned a end Atavius Jones to Co- n EMCC INCOMING: SCOOBA — A total of 31 incoming football players were announced during
on this campus was the lot from some of the for- piah-Lincoln Community Wednesday’s National Signing Day by head coach Buddy Stephens of the five-time national champi-
future home of lineback- mer players like (Missis- College, defensive back on Lions of East Mississippi Community College.
er/defensive end Zach sippi State’s) Willie (Gay). Myles Stone to Northeast As of Wednesday afternoon, the following players have chosen to continue their football careers at
Edwards. With caps from Everything he told me Mississippi Community EMCC:
Ole Miss and Tulane was true. It was going to College and lineman Ryan
on the desk, Edwards be a long, drawn-out pro- Johnson to Northwest 2019 EAST MISSISSIPPI COMMUNITY COLLEGE FOOTBALL SIGNEES
reached below to unveil a cess and it would always Mississippi Community Ethan Anderson, OL, St. Martin HS; Tonorris Brookins, WR, Starkville HS; Tredarius Carr, DL, Yazoo
County HS; Brian Cooley, OL, Laurel HS; Shun Crawford, WR, West Point HS; Jaylen Cungious, DL,
visor from the University be hectic. Still, it was fun College. West Point HS; Jamond Gordon, DL, Meridian HS; Elbert Griffin, OL, Holmes County Central HS
of Louisville. and I am glad I got to go Also on campus Ezekiel Head, OL, West Point HS; Jontarius Henderson, WR, Laurel HS; Octavian Hollins, OL, Yazoo
“The recruitment pro- through it.” Wednesday, former SHS County HS; Myles Hopson, WR, Madison Central HS; Keymarcus Jackson, DB, Noxubee County HS;
cess was fun but I am Five Starkville play- lineman Jakoby Jones, Ja’Quaris Jamison, DB, Noxubee County HS; Jamari Jones, QB, Northwest Rankin HS; Nicholas
glad it’s over,” Edwards ers signed with four-year who was a member of the Jones, OL, Byhalia HS; Brandon Lairy, LB, West Point HS; Tanner Lawson, OL, Corinth HS; Jo’Vawn
said. “Louisville has been schools. Running back EMCC national champi- “Ham” McGee, RB, St. Martin HS; Jonathan Merritt, OL, Meridian HS; DeShawn Page, LB, Fulton HS
consistent in their recruit- Rodrigues Clark and line- onship squads in 2017 and (Knoxville, TN); Zach Patterson, ATH, Corinth HS; Zias Perryman, RB, Laurel HS; Tyler Rupert, DB,
ment of me. Even after man Jalil Clemons partici- 2018, came back home to West Point HS; Juleon Selvie, LB, Meridian HS; Ja’Qualyn Smith, WR, Noxubee County HS; Alexis
the coaching staff change pated in the ceremony af- sign with the University Stallings, DB, Starkville HS; Austin Todd, DL, Oak Grove HS; Norde White Jr., DL, St. Martin HS;
(Scott Satterfield was ter having signed with the of Alabama at Birming- Jasper Williams, LB, Grenada HS; Mikel Williams, DB, Starkville HS
named head coach on Dec. University of Memphis in ham.
4), the coaches stayed in December. Follow Dispatch sports n ICC OUTGOING: FULTON – Jamel Thomas and Spencer Unruh, both of Caledonia, will continue
their career at four-year colleges in 2019.
constant contact. Playing Kicker Garin Boniol editor Scott Walters on
Thomas, a standout wide receiver, will continue his career at the University of South Alabama.
for a new coaching staff is signed with Louisiana Twitter @dispatchscott During his sophomore season at ICC, Thomas led the Indians with 934 yards on 59 catches and

MSU football
added eight touchdowns. He also led the nation with 103.8 yards per game.
Unruh signed to Faulkner University after a sophomore season where he completed 39 passes for
450 yards and four touchdowns.
Continued from Page 1B
to recruit their student athletes. Lastly, think our response to that, our readiness n ICC INCOMING: FULTON –Itawamba Community College head football coach Sean Cannon an-
nounced the addition of 31 student-athletes to the Indians 2019 signing class Wednesday.
most importantly, thank you to the fam- and having people available and bring-
QB Dylan Faulk(Hernando) completed 140 of 246 passes for 1,951 yards and 15 touchdowns with
ilies and the players for their belief in us ing them in quickly helped minimize the only 9 interceptions while rushing for 306 yards to combine for 2,257 total yards.
and our vision and our culture and the effect on the class.” WR Javis Wren(Shannon) was named to offensive first-team All Region 2-4A after making 87 catch-
things we have to offer at Mississippi The marquee signee Wednesday was es for 1,527 yards and 12 touchdowns in his senior season at Shannon High School. Quinshun
State, academically and athletically.” longterm commitment Nathan Pickering Twilley(Lafayette) had 333 receiving yards and 1 touchdown. Finally, to round out the wide receivers
Despite a series of coaching staff from Seminary High School. An Under inking with the Indians on national signing day, a dual threat WR/RB Qua Davis(Biggersville) had
changes in recent weeks, the Bulldogs Armour All-American defensive tackle, 3,776 rushing yards and 761 receiving yards for a combined 60 touchdowns.
still held firm on multiple commitments. Pickering was ranked as the state’s fifth RB Thailon Whitfield(Shannon) achieved 2,828 all-purpose yards on 469 carries and scored 36
The Bulldogs relied on in-state connec- best prospect by 247 Sports. touchdowns during his high school career. The Indians also added Division 2-3A Super 22 Team’s
tions with 11 of 22 signees being from From the beginning, Pickering said R.J. Wilson(Independence) to its list of running back signees Wednesday. Wilson rushed for an
impressive 3,172 yards on 473 in 39 appearances throughout his carrier at Independence High
Mississippi. The emphasis was on the he would sign on the second signing day.
offensive line and retooling a defense, He held true to his word and helped re- The Indians added seven offensive linemen to their singing class, which includes: Tim Yarbough(Lou-
which led the nation in multiple catego- cruit in the weeks leading up to Wednes- isville), Anthony Saylor(Southaven), Ja’Vunta Woodall(Grenada), Darron Head(Southaven), Buddy
ries this past season. day. Baughman(Shannon) Charles Brooks(Greenwood), and K’mayius Cayson(Shannon).
“I think we did our best to minimize “Particularly, with the late change in DL Tekoy Randolph(Oakland TN) led one of Tennessee’s most elite defensives to help shutout
the effect (coaching changes) would coaching there, I think (Pickering’s re- Whitehaven in the 2018 State Championship. Randolph averaged 4 tackles per game and ended his
have on the class,” Moorhead said. “I cruitment) was huge,” Moorhead said. career with 167 total tackles.
don’t think you can completely stick “Nathan always had a firm belief in my- ICC added four other DL standouts: LaDerrick Despenza(Hamilton), Jaquan Lott(MS Palmer), Nate
your head in the sand and look the other self, our defensive staff, our university Murphy(Water Valley), who earned MAC Division 2-3A All-Region First Team honors, and District 3-1A
way either. You are talking about guys and our football program. For him to defensive MVP Jarious Hathorn(Noxapater).
LB Corley Hooper(North Pontotoc) played both sides of the ball extremely well, not to mention he
who built relationships with players we be a guy that could have gone just about
was also a huge asset for the Viking’s baseball team. Defensively, he averaged nearly 100 tackles
recruited for well over a year’s worth of anywhere in the country if he wanted to, a season throughout his four years at North Pontotoc High School. Corley ended with 463 total tack-
time. through thick and thin, high and low, les and set the North Pontotoc team-high for 175 tackles in a single season. The North Pontotoc
“So, to say it didn’t have an effect, to through all the changes, he remained Standout received First Team All Division 1-3A Baseball honors and Division 1-3A Defensive MVP,
me, would be foolish. I think [it helped] steadfast and firm in his commitment Bernard Blackwell All-Star award and WCBI-TV’s Defensive Player of the Year award.
having a plan and replacing them very to us. He was relatively vocal about it LB Keaton Cager(Tupelo) was selected on the Bernard Blackwell Classic All-Star North Team roster
quickly with incredibly competent, qual- through the latter stages of the process. his senior year after recording 170 total tackles. Cager had a huge interception in the Golden
ified people. Certainly at the running There has been a long history of defen- Wave’s 2018 come from behind season opener win against Meridian to upset the Wildcats 34-24.
back position, Terry Richardson is a guy sive linemen in this state who have de- LB Ja’Varius Benson(Water Valley) amassed a total of 363 amidst leading the Blue Devils to a Class
I worked with at UConn, who has play- cided to stay home at Mississippi State 3A State Championship his senior year. Benson was also named to the MAC Division 2-3A Super 22
ing and coaching experience in college and gone on to great success on the field
TE Tyler Day(North Little Rock AR) will enter ICC in the fall being ranked 2nd in the state of Arkansas
and the NFL. He has worked with a ton and in the classroom. I believe Nathan and 64thin the nation surpassing 700 rushing yards to help lead the Charging Wildcats to a State
of pros and done an unbelievable job in will be the next guy in that line. I appre- Championship his junior year and State Runner Up his senior season. Also inking with the Indians is
recruiting. I think that helped, and cer- ciate the heck out of him and his family dual threat TE/DE Paris Adams(Water Valley). Like other Blue Devil Signee’s, Adams helped lead the
tainly Michael Johnson, a coordinator because they held true to what they said Water Valley Blue Devils to a 3A State Championship Title. Adams was also a recipient of the MAC
in the NFL and college has developed they were going to do.” 2-3A All-Region First Team honors.
a bunch of pro guys. And then there’s Information for this report was provid- K/PElijiah Wilkes(Louisville) whose career-best field goal was a 42 yarder, finished his senior season
Deke Adams, who’s an in-state guy and ed by the Mississippi State University De- making 57 out of 62 extra points as the Wildcats went onto win their 4A State Title.
has coached Jadeveon Clowney. Certain- partment of Athletic Media Relations. The Indians rounded out national signing day with the addition of seven defensive backs, which
ly, with whatever it was, a week and a half Additional coverage of National Sign- includes: Peyton Rea(Madison Central), Quadarious Jones(North Panola), Cameron Moore(Madison
Central), Alex Seeden(Grenada), and a trio from Pontotoc Ralph Dunn, Caleb Triplett, and Immanuel
or two weeks left in recruiting, to lose ing Day will appear in Sunday’s paper.
Vance. Vance earned MAC All State 2ndteam honors despite battling injuries nearing the end of the
guys that had been recruiting people at Follow Dispatch sports editor Scott season.
key positions was less than ideal, but I Walters on Twitter @dispatchscott —From Special Reports
The Dispatch • Thursday, February 7, 2019 5b


Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff

Name plates for all 11 of the West Point High School football players involved in the team’s signing ceremony stand on a table in the school’s auditorium.

Chambless, coaches set tone for WPHS players to be caretakers

WEST POINT Class 5A State championship Sound like minor details? mending tape of Smith, who working out will become the

hampionship programs team signed to continue their This reporter hasn’t heard is 5-foot-10, 282 pounds, to next caretakers for a program
have plenty of caretak- football careers in college. many examples of players ac- the EMCC coaches before his that will continue to roll along.
ers. As impressive as it was to tively helping their teammates teammate landed an opportuni- “He cares about his team-
Usually, the coaches set the see all of those student-ath- get an opportunity at the next ty to go to Scooba. mates,” Chambless said of
tone and estab- letes and their families take level in 26-plus years. It doesn’t Chambless said the Green Head. “EMCC saw in him grit
lish a culture their turns on the stage in the mean it hasn’t happened, but Wave have more caretakers and determination and plus
that demands West Point High auditorium, it it shows how much respect than Head and Melton, which he can roll you off the football,
excellence. was even more special to talk Chambless has throughout the explains why the program is so which always helps.
If coaches do to Ezekiel Head and Ke’Aris state of Mississippi and how successful. In football, winning “Ryan has a great work
things cor- Smith about how both of them much college coaches believe isn’t a “me” thing. It takes 11 ethic. He is one of those guys
rectly, their came to earn opportunities in his kids. players working together in the who is first in here and last to
student-ath- to attend East Mississippi “We haven’t had a lot of of- offseason to build trust. Excel- leave a lot of times. Being a
Adam letes — namely Community College in Scooba. fensive linemen move on to the lence requires 11 players to go at coach’s son helps. I remember
Minichino their seniors It was equally eye opening to next level,” Chambless said. full speed in practice to maxi- Ryan when he was born. He
— follow their watch Ryan Melton, who was “I don’t know why because we mize the chances for success. has been a fixture around here.
example and slated to sign with South Ala- are just as physical as any- Championships are realized We’re going to miss him. He is
take ownership in the program. bama, and Brentt Cunningham body else. The size thing has when the players embrace those extremely smart. He just wants
As a result, missed reps in the talk with Chambless about the to do with it and all of these concepts and football become a to do there right thing, but he
weight room or less than 100 details of sending Cunning- recruiting rules they go by “we” thing and it doesn’t matter is a great athlete. He is going
percent effort in practice aren’t ham’s National Letter of Intent and everything, but I talked who gets the yards or the touch- to do very well. Ryan’s also a
tolerated. to USA. with (EMCC) coach (Buddy) downs. The end result is the only caretaker. We were in here a
Nowhere is that more There was no whiff of “me” Stephens about (Ezekiel) thing that matters. while ago and Ryan and I were
apparent than at West Point from Head or Melton. Instead, and a couple of other guys we On Tuesday, the sounds of talking about Brentt going with
High School. Led by Chris both young men took active have. They watched his film West Point players working him to South Alabama. He was
Chambless, the 10-time state roles in helping their teammate and EMCC is very excited to out in preparation for the 2019 talking about how he is going
championship football program get an opportunity to play at the get him. They even told him, season could be heard as Cham- to take care of Brentt. That
thrives thanks in part to its next level. For Head, it meant ‘You’re a must-get for us.’ bless examined Cunningham’s sums him up right there.”
attention to detail, its love for encouraging the EMCC coaches They’re looking for him to NLI and Melton looked over
training and conditioning, and to watch film of Smith on Hudl. come in and play and make a their shoulders. On Wednesday, Adam Minichino is the
its relentless desire not to be For Melton, it meant advising lot of the line calls up front. He an auditorium filled with family, former sports editor of The
outworked. Cunningham what to do with his is looking at it as an honor to friends, and coaches celebrated Dispatch. You can reach him by
The fruits of those labors NLI and telling him to send it to be able to do that. He is one of that attention to detail. email at aminichino@cdispatch.
were realized Wednesday, as 11 him so he could forward it to the our hardest workers.” In a few years, some of those com. Follow him on Twitter @
members of the 2018 MHSAA coaches at USA. Still, it took Head recom- younger players who were ctsportseditor.

EMCC popular choice West Point

Continued from Page 1B

for WPHS champions

because he is a hard work- they’re going to come
er,” Head said of Smith. back,” Chambless said.
“He deserves it.” “A lot of times it takes one
Led by defensive back guy to go somewhere and
By Adam Minichino received serious consider- Ryan Melton and line- they like his work ethic ation. He said the allure of backer Brentt Cunning- and that is the perception
playing in a program that ham (South Alabama), they’re going to have of
WEST POINT — has had as much success as defensive back Tyler Ru-
Championship programs West Point, so they will
EMCC made it easy to pick pert, defensive end Jaylen come back and get more
attract champions. Scooba. Cungious, wide receiver
Winning five national guys.”
“It is a step forward and Jaquerius Crawford, quar- Chambless said all of
titles has helped the East a step up for me,” Rupert terback Jake Chambless,
Mississippi Community the players in this year’s
said. “It is a big step for and linebacker Brandon signing class will work
College football program me. I have had this as a Lairy (EMCC), lineback- hard to catch the atten-
become the preferred dream ever since I went er Jaylon Webb (North- tion of their next coaches.
destination of many of to see my cousin (Jus- west Mississippi C.C.),
the state’s top players. With Head and Smith,
tin Cox) play at EMCC. and linebacker Latarius
In recruiting at 10-time Chambless said the coach-
There is no pressure (go- Embry (Mississippi Delta
state champion West es at EMCC are getting
ing from a state champion C.C.) rounded out a sign-
Point High School, EMCC players who are tough,
to a national champion). I ing class that solidified
coach Buddy Stephens relentless, and among the
just have to step up more.” West Point High’s status
and his assistant coaches strongest he has seen. For
Cungious, a 6-4, as one of the state’s pre-
found a plethora of talent example, he related a sto-
215-pound defensive end mier programs.
and interested players. ry from earlier this season
agreed with his teammate. Smith said Head told
On Wednesday morn- that demonstrated Head’s
He said the coaches already him he was going to
ing, West toughness. Chambless
have talked to him about recommend him to the
Point de- said Head suffered grease
adding weight to help him EMCC coaches. He ad-
fensive burns on his stomach
back Tyler handle the rigors of playing mitted he wasn’t sure
against some of the nation’s what was going to happen, from a cooking accident,
Rupert, de-
best players. but he said Tuesday he ap- but those burns didn’t
fensive end
“I think it is going to be preciated his teammate’s keep him from practicing.
Jaylen Cun-
gious, wide the same (as West Point) efforts. In fact, Chambless said he
Rupert receiver because we’re just so used “I am going to be a very tended to the cuts two or
Jaquer ius to winning,” Cungious said physical player who is go- three times in breaks at
Craw ford, when asked if he believed ing to do whatever they practice and then watched
quarter- he was going to feel pres- need me to do,” Smith as Head returned to work.
back Jake sure going from a state said. “I was confident Chambless said Smith
Chambless, champion to a national something was going to is similar in that he
l inebacker champion. “They watched Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff happen, even if I had to doesn’t give up. Head saw
Brandon me since my 10th-grade West Point High School’s Jake Chambless (TOP) and wait past Feb. 6.” it in Smith every day at
Lairy, and year. This year at camp, Jaquerius “Shun” Crwaford (ABOVE) pose for pictures Head said it took the practice, which explains
they told me I had an offer.” Wednesday on National Signing Day. EMCC coaches two days
Cungious of fensive why he was willing to
linemen Cungious said the “offi- to look at Smith’s film and speak up on behalf of his
Ezekiel Head and Ke’Aris cial” scholarship offer came this past season. He said ed. There weren’t many DI extend an offer to him to teammate.
Smith became the latest during the regular season he hopes to bring a cham- schools on me.” come to Scooba. Head The only thing left
Green Wave players to and he waited until January pionship mind-set to aid Melton didn’t believe said he still would have for Smith to do now is to
decide to continue their to make his final decision. the Jaguars in their trans- his strong showing in West encouraged Smith to go to speak up for Head and tell
careers at Scooba. In all, Defensive back Ryan formation. Point’s playoff run would EMCC to try out if things him when he is going to
EMCC signed 31 players Melton and linebacker “They shocked me,” said help him attract attention hadn’t worked out.
take him out to his favor-
Wednesday. Although Brentt Cunningham (South Melton, who played in the from Division I schools. He “Relentless effort,”
ite eatery in West Point.
Chambless and Smith Alabama), linebacker North-South All-Star game said he didn’t receive offers Head said when asked
Head said the all-you can-
weren’t officially part of Jaylon Webb (Northwest follow ing from Mississippi State or what he thought the
the Green Ole Miss and that South- eat buffet at Golden Cor-
that list, the Green Wave Mississippi C.C.), and line- EMCC coaches saw from
backer Latarius Embry Wave’s title ern Mississippi didn’t fol- Smith in the film on Hudl. ral or Ryan’s are his top
reaped the rewards of win-
(Mississippi Delta C.C.) run. When low through with an offer. “Every play he goes full choices when the date is
ning their third-straight
rounded out a signing class Melton re- Melton said the surprise of speed. He doesn’t take set.
Mississippi High School
that solidified West Point turned from seeing USA coaches visit- any plays off. He is phys- “That’s fine with me,”
Activities Association
(MHSAA) Class 5A State High’s status as one of the the game, ing him in West Point still ical and fast.” Smith said.
title in December. state’s premier programs. he said he hasn’t set in. West Point coach Chris Either establishment
“They’re the best,” said Melton’s decision to Melton was called “To know I am blessed Chambless said he hopes better stock up when that
Rupert, who is 5-foot-10, attend was known a few into West to be able to step on campus the signing of Melton and times comes because
170 pounds. “I got that of- months ago, while Cun- Point coach Chris Cham- right out of high school and Cunningham with South Head’s hard work and
fer and that was the only ningham’s was finalized bless’ office and was intro- have a chance to start at a Alabama opens a pipeline Smith’s relentless effort
one I really wanted.” recently. Melton, a 6-foot, duced to multiple members Division I school is pretty to that school and creates are sure to build big appe-
Rupert said he received 177-pound defensive back, of the USA coaching staff. awesome,” Melton said. more opportunities for fu- tites.
several other offers from ju- said he is looking forward “My initial thought was, Follow Adam ture classes. Follow Adam
nior colleges in the state of to helping USA reverse its ‘No way are they here for Minichino on Twitter @ “Once they see what Minichino on Twitter @
Mississippi but they never fortunes after going 3-9 me.’ I was under-recruit- ctsportseditor those two guys can do ctsportseditor
6b Thursday, February 7, 2019 The Dispatch •

Shorter delivers first-class ceremony for his last Tigers
MACON — The people in Louisville that won the Mississippi
“Bear with me.” already know it, but High School Activities
Tyrone Shorter hasn’t they’re getting a first- Association (MHSAA)
had to use those words class man who is going to Class 4A State title in
too often in his coaching help keep their program 2018, so the expectations
career. on a short list of the for 2019 will be the same
The veteran coach state’s best. as what he would have
commands a sideline and On Wednesday, all of faced at Noxubee County.
burns the love was for Noxubee It’s uncertain who will
intensity, County. Here even were a take Shorter’s place at
whether few tears, as Pruitt, who Noxubee County, but it
it is in is going to attend Missis- will be just as tough to
practice sippi State, showed emo- find someone to succeed
or on a tion when he thanked him as it was for him to
game Shorter for helping him write his final speech.
field. become the man he is “I wish everybody
Adam Shorter today. the best in what they do.
Minichino demands That emotion spilled They make their own
excel- over to Shorter’s speech. decisions,” Pruitt said.
lence, so The last few minutes “Louisville being a rival
he is a stickler for details were hard because there of ours, I kind of looked
and discipline and doing were so many memories at it funny, but I under-
things the right way. going through his mind. stood where he was com-
Wednesday was no He recalled joining a ing from. Not saying that
different. As the new foot- Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff downtrodden program Noxubee County football
ball coach at Louisville Former Noxubee County High School football coach Tyrone Shorter talks to the and joining M.C. Miller or Noxubee County as
seniors from his 2018 team and to the friends, family members, and supporters of
High School, Shorter the program Wednesday morning in the school library.
and working hard to a whole is on the down-
very easily could have transform it into one of fall, but there is a lot of
handed off the respon- Lewis, Ja’Quaris Jamison, when you’re running a the school. He did it all the state’s best. speculation about what
sibility of organizing Rodney Williams, Verdell program, you have to in a speech that last 10 “I said to myself I is going on. You have to
a signing day for 10 of Clemons, Jaelen Harmon, have a lot of people on minutes, 30 seconds. He wasn’t going to tear up, have some things fin-
his seniors at Noxubee Ja’Qualyn Smith, Ervin your team. That is what didn’t have to do it. He but Kyziah started it, so it ished that you know are
County High to someone kind of went from there,” going to happen because
Gray, Chaokang Brooks, it’s all about. didn’t have to take care
else. It would have been Shorter said. “But every- as of now we don’t know
and former Tiger Key- “I tell people it’s not to thank members of the
understandable consider- thing I said came from if we are going to be able
marcus Jackson. After about me, it’s about this media for their coverage
ing some probably don’t the heart. I just wrote it to go into the playoffs,
know why a man who has leading the Tigers to four program. It’s about devel- through the years. But down and I made sure I so as a man who wanted
spent his last 20 years at state titles in his nine oping relationships and Shorter is real. He loves didn’t miss anybody.” to further his career I
Noxubee County High seasons as head coach, getting so many people his kids. He loves Noxu- Shorter saved his wife, understand where he was
would leave to take over there is no one else who who want to be a part of bee County High. In fact, Candy, for last and credit- coming from. I wish him
the football program at could have orchestrated your program.” he said he always will be ed her for being with him the best.”
one of the school’s big- a first-class event like the Shorter made sure to a Tiger, even if he already every step in the last 20
gest rivals. one that transpired in the thank all of his coaches, has started leading a years. He thanked her for Adam Minichino is the
But Shorter made the school’s library. the parents, the teachers, group of Wildcats. believing in him and for former sports editor of The
right decision to play a “It was difficult,” the cafeteria workers, In time, Shorter will all of her help in building Dispatch. You can reach
key role in the ceremo- Shorter said. “I didn’t the custodians, the bus have plenty of ceremo- a program. him by email at
ny that celebrated the want to miss anybody. drivers, and everybody nies at Louisville High Shorter won’t have to aminichino @cdispatch.
signings of Kyziah Pruitt, I didn’t want to leave who played a role in his like the ones he led at build a program at Louis- com. Follow him on
Maliek Stallings, Kaiyus anybody out because 20 years as a coach at Noxubee County High. ville. He inherits a team Twitter @ctsportseditor.

Continued from Page 1B
with impressive results. C.C.) joined their teammates in the work in and the kids believe he already had signed and he finally came,” Stallings said.
On Wednesday, Tyrone hitting nearly every one of the in the program. … It makes you didn’t want to take away from “It was kind of shell-shocking.
Shorter and Noxubee County state’s junior colleges. feel proud as a coach to see so his teammates’ day. His deci- I never thought I would be in a
High unveiled its latest group Former Noxubee Coun- many kids get an opportunity to sion to take part in the festivi- position like I was today. I am
of student-athletes to receive ty High standout Keymarcus go to school and further their ties turned out to be the perfect
here now. I just want to give
opportunities to play football in Jackson, who transferred to education and get a chance to final piece.
college. Two — Kyziah Pruitt Kemper County in January, do what they love to do, which “It was a day I was always thanks to God for it.”
and Maliek Stallings — already signed Wednesday morning is play football.” looking forward to,” Pruitt said. Stallings said he “stayed
had made their intentions to with EMCC. Shorter thanked the parents “Ever since I was growing up, hungry” to realize his goal and
play at Mississippi State and Shorter, who last month ac- and the community for their I dreamed of signing. In the his dreams. He said he had the
at Memphis known, but they cepted a job to become football support in building a program ninth grade, I saw Jeffery (Sim- confidence he could be one of
joined their eight of their team- coach at Louisville High, re- that is known in every part of mons) sign and then Kymbotric the “big-time players,” so he
mates and another former turned to the school where he the state for producing qual- Mason and all of them sign, so I just had to put in the work and
teammate in signing National started as an assistant to long- ity young men and players. dreamed of doing it.”
make himself one. From quar-
Letters of Intent to continue time head coach M.C. Miller He said it is satisfying to have Shorter said Pruitt and Stall-
their athletic careers. and then replaced him to send three players receive Division ings are “NFL-type caliber terback to wide receiver to de-
Kaiyus Lewis (Mississippi his last group of Tigers off the I offers. He said the “sky is the players,” as evidenced by the fensive back, Stallings showed
Valley State) joined Pruitt and right way. limit” for Pruitt, Stallings, and number of schools that recruit- the athleticism and potential
Stallings in signing with a Divi- “To have 11 guys sign schol- Lewis as well as the rest of the ed them. that attracted so many schools.
sion I school. arships out of this class just adds Tigers. Stallings said he didn’t have “My coaches just put me
Ja’Qualyn Smith and Ja’Quar- on to the many guys that came Pruitt, who was emotional any doubts about wanting to be in position and I just played
is Jamison (East Mississippi before them,” Shorter said. “We late in his remarks prior to his a part of the ceremony Wednes- ball,” Stallings said. “Our class
Community College), Rodney have kids all over the state, all signing credited Shorter by day. In fact, he said it is some- stayed together and made each
Williams (Coahoma C.C.), Ver- over — and not just in the state saying he wouldn’t be the man thing that he has been looking
other work hard. We told every-
dell Clemons (Copiah-Lincoln of Mississippi. We have kids he is today with his coach. If not forward to after watching the
C.C.), Jaelen Harmon (Missis- in Tennessee and at different for a change of heart Wednes- last three classes take the next body we were going to sign to-
sippi Delta C.C.), Ervin Gray places. It just says a lot about day morning, Pruitt said he step. gether and we made it happen.”
(Holmes C.C.), and Chaokang this program and the things we wouldn’t have been a part of “I used to say, ‘I can’t wait Follow Adam Minichino on
Brooks (Northeast Mississippi have done here. We have put the ceremony because he said until it is my turn’ and the day Twitter @ctsportseditor

Adam Minichino/Dispatch Staff

The Noxubee County High School football program’s five state championship trophies stand on the table waiting for the Tigers to arrive to begin National Signing Day.

Continued from Page 4B
The 24 early signees from the Ga./Grayson), DB DeMarcco Thompson), DB Brandon Tur- leaving head coach Matt Luke The highlight of the day
December period include: DL Hellams (Hyattsville, Md./ nage (Oxford, Miss/Lafayette) thrilled with the new batch of came when one of the Magnolia
Antonio Alfano (Colonia, N.J./ DeMatha Catholic), DL Braylen and QB Paul Tyson (Trussville, Rebels coming to Oxford. State’s best, 5-star running back
Colonia), DB Marcus Banks Ingraham (Fort Lauderdale, Ala./Hewitt-Trussville). “Really excited about this Jerrion Ealy, announced live on
(Houston, Texas/Dekaney), Fla./St. Thomas Aquinas), OL class,” Luke said. “This is a ESPN2 his commitment to Ole
DB Jordan Battle (Fort Lauder- Amari Kight (Alabaster, Ala./ Ole Miss finishes strong very big, deep class. Most of it Miss. A two-sport star, Ealy is
dale, Fla./St. Thomas Aquinas), Thompson), LB Shane Lee The Ole Miss football coach- was done in December, but we one of just four players to ever
TE Jahleel Billingsley (Chica- (Baltimore, Md./St. Frances ing staff put the finishing touch- had a great day today. I have earn Under Armour All-Amer-
go, Ill./Phillips Academy), OL Academy), WR John Metchie es on a top-25 recruiting class to credit our staff. They did a ican honors in both baseball
Tanner Bowles (Glasgow, Ky./ (Highstown, N.J./The Peddle Wednesday, adding six new phenomenal job of closing to- and football. The others: A.J.
Glasgow), DB Jeffery Carter School), LB King Mwikuta signees to the 25 already inked day, because we still had some Brown, 2018 Heisman Trophy
(Mansfield, Texas/Legacy), DL (West Point, Ga./Troup Coun- in December. needs out there at defensive winner Kyler Murray and LSU
Darrian Dalcourt (Baltimore, ty), OL Evan Neal (Okeechobee, As the 2019 cycle came to line and linebacker and keep- signee Maurice Hampton.
Md./St. Frances Academy), Fla./IMG Academy), OL a close, the Rebel class came ing some of the best players in Ealy is a top-100 recruit by
DL DJ Dale (Pinson, Ala./Clay- Pierce Quick (Trussville, Ala./ in at No. 21 in the Rivals team Mississippi at home, and we all major recruiting services
Chalkville), DL Justin Eboigbe Hewitt-Trussville), PK Will Re- rankings and No. 22 in both were able to accomplish that and is the No. 19 overall player
(Forest Park, Ga./Forest Park), ichard (Hoover, Ala./Hoover), the 247Sports Composite and today. Top to bottom, this class in the ESPN 300, the No. 3 pros-
LB Christian Harris (Baton RB Trey Sanders (Bradenton, ESPN rankings. In total, the can be the foundation of getting pect in the state of Mississippi
Rouge, La./University Lab), Fla./IMG Academy), QB Taulia Rebels signed one 5-star pros- this program back on track and and the No. 3 running back in
LB Kevin Harris II (Loganville, Tagovailoa (Alabaster, Ala./ pect and 10 4-star prospects, back where we all want it to go.” the nation.
The Dispatch • Thursday, February 7, 2019 7b

Continued from Page 1B
this past season, it was fitting work. forward to them signing and go-
Wednesday morning that both
“I am extremely proud of both young men. I “It was the beginning of my ing on to a four-year university.”
players received the same plau-
dits as they took the next step in
know they are going to do a great job at their senior year (when he realized
he could play at the next level).
Gillespie said he developed
that work ethic and his leader-
their football careers.
In front of family, teammates,
community colleges.” The game got a lot faster, but
everything was smooth and I
ship skills as early as 7 years
old when his mother, Yolan-
and friends in the Columbus Columbus High School football coach Eric Rice was able handle the speed of da, told him that a leader was
High library, Gillespie signed a the game.” going to face a lot of adversity
National Letter of Intent to play Rice said the 5-11, 185-pound but he still had to push through
football at Coahoma Communi- Barry played guard for the Barry said Northeast Missis- Gillespie is a lead-by-exam- it. Gillespie said his mother’s
ty College in Clarksdale, while Falcons the past two seasons. sippi C.C. started to recruit him ple player who made sure the words stuck with him through
Barry signed a NLI to play foot- At 6-foot-3, 330 pounds, Barry at the end of the season. He said Falcons were doing what they the years and served as motiva-
ball at Northeast Mississippi has the size to make an impact going 100 mph is something he needed to do this season. He tion for him to realize a dream
C.C. in Booneville. at the next level. Rice said Bar- has done all of his life because said Gillespie also set the ex- that has been years in the mak-
“Whatever we had going on ry’s work ethic should serve that is the only way to do things. ample vocally and by being the ing.
he was 100 miles per hour at him well as he takes his skills Barry said the speed of the first one at practice and the last “I just built a bond with the
all times,” Rice said. “He defi- to the Mississippi Association game will be one of the adjust- one to leave. coaches,” said Gillespie, who
nitely is going to be an asset to of Community and Junior Col- ments he will have to make, but “Coahoma is definitely get- started at outside linebacker as
Northeast Mississippi Commu- leges (MACJC). he laughed when told the tran- ting a player who is going to be a junior and at strong safety as
nity College. They are getting “He is one that wanted to be sition won’t be that big because able to help them in every area a senior. “It was the best fit for
a great, respectful young man good, so he worked toward that he already goes 100 mph. of their team,” Rice said. “I am me. They recruited me since
who is going to come to work goal,” Rice said. “It definitely “This has been a goal ever extremely proud of both young the beginning of the season and
every day, who is going to work worked out for him today. He is since middle school football,” men. I know they are going to stayed on me all season.”
hard, and who is going to do going to continue to get better Barry said. “I thought I would do a great job at their communi- Follow Adam Minichino on
what it takes to be successful.” and to develop.” be able to do it if I put in the ty colleges. In two years, I look Twitter @ctsportseditor

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: I illness, but he I have a 2-year-old son. We
am a single says it’s just were together only a short
mom. A a fear of being time before I found out I was
few months ago alone. He claims expecting. He freaked out and
I met a man who his feelings for left when I was five months
contacted me her are those of along. A month after our son
on social media. friendship and was born, he came back in the
After meeting compassion, picture and there have been
him, I realized he not love. My no issues since.
was married, but question is, do We live in different states
he was not happy. you think we are now, but we are trying our best
Unfortunately, doing wrong to at co-parenting. My only issue
ZITS his wife has a
terminal illness,
continue quietly
seeing each oth-
is that his side of the family
doesn’t know about our son.
and he feels er while he sees Since we were together only
obligated to care her through this a short time before I became
for her until it is illness, or should pregnant, I never met them.
over. We formed
Dear Abby I step away until Every time I bring up the
a very close bond his obligation is subject of our son meeting
as we talked and soon realized completed? — WAITING FOR his grandparents/family, he
we are in love and want to be HIM ignores the question and
together. DEAR WAITING: Forgive moves on.
Because of her illness and me, but this sounds like the Family is a big part of my
lack of support from her imme- script for a Movie of the Week. life. I would be lost without
diate family, we agreed that he I can’t help but wonder what their support and love. I don’t
needs to fulfill his obligation this man was doing looking want to deprive my son of any
to her, and I will wait for him. for company on social media family that has an interest in
GARFIELD We have continued talking
and spending any time we can
without mentioning that he
was married.
being in his life. Should I reach
out to his family, tell them
together, even though her care Under the circumstances, they have a grandson and
always takes first priority. you should take a break and try to connect with them? Or
When she found out about let him finish his obligation should I wait until my ex does
our relationship, she was very to his terminally ill wife — if something about it? — PROUD
upset. She has left him many she is, indeed, terminally ill. MOMMY IN ARIZONA
times in the past because After that, because you have DEAR MOMMY: Give your
of wrongdoings on both their made promises to each other, ex a deadline to introduce you
parts, but since her illness you will be able to see each and their grandson to them.
she has come to rely on him other openly, with honesty and And if he doesn’t meet it,
for everything. integrity, and determine where send them a letter with your
She claims to have deeper the relationship winds up. name, address and pictures
feelings for him since her DEAR ABBY: My ex and enclosed.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. This is a gift. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
7). You know many sides TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Some things are simply not
of love, yet you’ll get a new When the end is not in sight, it’s worth doing. But which ones?
emotional vocabulary this year good to keep it in mind. Maybe You can’t learn which ones from
as love takes new forms and create a special vision or a sym- a book or any other media, or
produces different kinds of bol for it to use as motivation to even from your best friends.
joy. More features of this solar keep going forward until you’ve Only your heart can tell you
return: a family addition, a completed the task. what’s worth doing and what’s
strange series of events that GEMINI (May 21-June 21). not.
answers one of your oldest That species of pride called VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
questions and a style upgrade “arrogance” invokes a particu- To prepare for today’s social
that changes your daily routine. larly negative reaction from you demands, it will help if you
Capricorn and Gemini adore today. Does it calm you to know decide beforehand what you
BABY BLUES you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, the perpetrator is coming from a want to talk about. Having good
20, 24, 4 and 11. place of extreme insecurity? topics on the ready will allow
ARIES (March 21-April CANCER (June 22-July 22). you to relax, them to relax, and
19). You didn’t want it or plan Now you look back on some a productive communication to
it. You never thought it really fit things that happened with a ensue.
you... and yet here you are in very different opinion than you LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
this circumstance that seemed had when it was all going down. You have to ask, “Am I going
either to choose you or to land This is proof that you’re always the wrong direction entirely?”
on you, depending on how you growing and evolving. You Maybe there’s a better way. Toy
look at it. Make the most of it. refuse to get stuck. around. Think creatively. Tease
solutions out with good ques-
tions. What about leverage?
What about approaching from
another angle?
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
BEETLE BAILEY 21). Maybe there is no a sce-
nario in which you won’t be crit-
icized for the choice you make.
So you may as well do what your
heart says is right so at least
you can be on your own side.
21). Better organization will im-
prove your relationships. How?
It will allow you to carve out the
right sort of time for the other
person and to spend it doing
the things that really matter to
you both.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
MALLARD FILLMORE 19). One way your loved ones
can make your life easier and
better is by making the effort
to show up strong and mix well
with your other loved ones. Any-
one who causes you problems
in this regard is not being very
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). One of your projects
seems to be dragging on forever
and you may even fantasize
about abandoning it, but this
is no time to lose heart. You’re
almost there — really! Rest if
FAMILY CIRCUS you have to, but don’t give up.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). While no one can obtain
talents they don’t naturally pos-
sess, obtaining new skills is a
different story entirely. You can
do so much when you put your
mind to it. What matters now is
what’s worthy of your mind.

three for a girl, four for a boy

One for sorrow, two for joy,
8B Thursday, February
street address is 214
7, 2019
5th Street South, The Dispatch •
Columbus, Mississippi,
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Clerical & Office 3050 Medical / Dental 3300 Apts For Rent: West 7050

has been abandoned at LIVERED NOT LATER looking for receptionist/
It’s a classified
Shelton's Towing Inc., THAN THIRTY DAYS secretary. Previous ex- CARE CENTER OF
1024 Gardner Blvd., AFTER THE DATE OF perience helpful but not ABERDEEN
Columbus, MS 39702 THE FIRST PUBLICA- necessary. Computer rule-of-thumb:
TION OF THIS SUM- skills a must. Send NURSE CASE Apartments
2002 Chevy Yukon MONS. IF YOUR RE-
resume to: MANAGER (RN)
& Houses
We tell readers
Vin# Box 661, c/o The M – F, 8A – 4:30P
Commercial Dispatch,
1 Bedrooms what they need
PO Box 511, Columbus, RN SUPERVISOR
This vehicle will be put FAULT WILL BE MS 39703. 7A – 3P 2 Bedroooms to know to buy
up for sale on the 19th
day of February, 2019
FOR THE MONEY OR General Help Wanted 3200 LPN 3P – 11P Full Time
3 Bedrooms what they need.
at 10:00am at OTHER RELIEF DEMAN-
Shelton's Towing, Inc. DED IN THE COM- GLASS GLAZIER CNA 6A – 2P Full Time Furnished &
1024 Gardner Blvd.,
Columbus, MS 39702.
PLAINT. needed, experienced in Unfurnished
commercial & residen- CNA 2P- 10P PRN
You must also file the tial. Must have at least 1, 2, & 3 Baths Houses For Rent: East 7120
PUBLISH: 1/31, 2/7 & original of your Re- 8 years experience in
2/14/2019 sponse with the Clerk of storefront, hardware,
Apply in person at
Care Center Lease, Deposit BUILDING & LAND for
The following vehicles
this Court within a reas- windows, shower doors,
onable time afterward.
505 Jackson St, & Credit Check sale. 5,000 sq. ft. met-
etc. & valid driver's li- Aberdeen
have been abandoned cense. Excellent com- EOE al Ceco building. Loc-
at Jarrett's Towing, Inc. Issued under my hand ated on 8.5 ac. of land.
munication skills, posit- Building includes 700
5209 Hwy 182 East, and seal of said Court, ive attitude & willing- HELP WANTED
Columbus, MS. this the 18th day of sq. ft. heated & cooled
ness to get the job done office, kitchen, bath and
January 2019. right required! Salary CARE CENTER OF Apts For Rent: Other 7080
2005 Chevrolet ABERDEEN tool room. Behind
will be determined by house at 6901 Hwy. 12
VIN# HON. TERESA BARKS- experience. Contact 1BR/1BA Apts for rent. E. Steens. $150,000.
Juanita or Glen at College Manor Apts, dir- 662-574-8437.
(SEAL) LOWNDES 205-932-5812. M-F, 8A-4:30P ectly across from MUW. YESTERDAY’S ANSWER
P.O. Box 31
Columbus, MS 39703
FULL TIME Position.
Must have valid driver's
LPN 3P - 11P
LPN 11P - 7A
Completely renovated,
incl granite countertops,
SS appls & W/D. 12 mo 7160
Houses For Rent: Caledonia
Sudoku is a number-
8 6 7 1 9 2 4 3 5
SALE ON THE 22ND lease, dep req, $650/ placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
DAY OF FEBRUARY, license & be able to 2BR/1BA. Privacy
BY: /s/ Ann Marie Lang- drive truck w/ trailer for Apply in person at mo. 662-425-3817. a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon 5 4 2 7 3 6 1 8 9

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

2019 AT 10:00 A.M. AT ford, D.C. Care Center fence. Walking distance
delivery of equipment. to school. $750/mo +
Some Counter Sales, 505 Jackson St, 2BR/1BA located in agiven
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 1 9 3 8 5 4 2 6 7
INC. 5209 HWY 182 PUBLISH: 1/24, 1/31, Mechanical Knowledge Aberdeen Historic Downtown $750 dep. 1 year lease.
given numbers.
is to place The object
the numbers
EAST, COLUMBUS, MS. & 2/7/2019
& lifting required. Apply EOE Columbus. 2,000 sqft. No pets. 662-242-
6 1 9 4 2 7 3 5 8
in person at Handyman Hardwood floors 0683. 1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
PUBLISH: 2/7, 2/14, &
Building & Remodeling 1120 Rentals, Inc. on Hwy 82 Truck Driving 3700 throughout. Open floor. 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 7 2 5 3 8 1 9 4 6
2/21/2019 Very nice. Incl W&D. Houses For Rent: Other 7180
West in Starkville.
$1200/mo. Call so that each
column row, each
and each 3x3 box 4 3 8 9 6 5 7 2 1
The following vehicles HOME REPAIRS & CON- CLASS A CDL DRIVER 1 ROOM/1BA, Utilities
662-328-8655. column
containsand theeach
same3x3 box
have been abandoned
at either
WANTED. Carpentry,
HEAVY EQUIPMENT with Truck & Lowboy
Trailer experience to
Included. $450/mo.
contains the same number
2 8 1 6 7 3 5 9 4
SERVICE MECHANIC DOWNTOWN: 2BR/1BA, One person only. Refs only once. The difficulty
small concrete jobs, with verifiable experi- load, haul, & unload
CH&A, 1 story, W/D, req. Contact/leave a only once. The difficulty 3 7 6 5 4 9 8 1 2
Auto Mart LLC electrical, plumbing, ence, own tools and heavy construction
historic district, 1 block message for more info: level increases from
1009 Gardner Blvd roof repairs, pressure equipment. Overnight level increases from 9 5 4 2 1 8 6 7 3
clean MVR. Submit
travel required. Only
from downtown, $625/ 662-328-8655. Monday to Sunday.
Columbus, MS 39702 washing and mobile resume by fax to mo. + $625 dep. NO Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 2/06
home roof coating and 662-492-4490 qualified applicants with Mobile Homes for Rent 7250
PETS. 662-574-8789.
Or underpinning. No job or email to: clean MVR, current
Peaceful & Quiet area.
too small. 549-7031. medical examiner’s 3BR/2BA Trailer, New
Jim's Towing & Recov- certificate and no acci- 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- Hope school dist.
ery LLC MISSISSIPPI STATE dents need apply. Fax ments & townhouses. $500/mo & $500 dep.
1020 1/2 Gardner Blvd SUGGS CONSTRUCTION University (MSU), resume to 662-492- Call for more info. Call between 10a-7p.
Columbus, MS 39702 Building, remodeling, Department of Physics 4490 or email to 662-328-8254.
and Astronomy. Job 662-386-4292.
metal roofing, painting NO TEXT MESSAGES.
2001 Mitsubishi Galant & all home repairs. duties include machine FIRST FULL MONTH
VIN # 662-242-3471 shop, property control, RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- NICE 3BR/2BA MH in
and safety policies. Burial Plots 4250
4A3AA36G31E149124 room Apts/Townhomes. West Lowndes school
View full job informa- FRIENDSHIP CEMETERY Stove & refrigerator. district. $485/mo +
2005 Toyota Camry Tom Hatcher, LLC tion and/or apply for Burial Space. Square $335-$600 Monthly. $485 dep. 662-242-
VIN # Custom Construction, position at www.msu- #103 X-11. $800. Credit check & deposit. 7653 or 662-308-7781.
4T1BE32K35U613123 Restoration, Remodel- Call Wortley Cole, Coleman Realty,
ing, Repair, Insurance Candidate will attach a 662-574-5591. 662-329-2323. RENT A fully equipped
If not claimed they will claims. 662-364-1769. cover letter, current camper w/utilities &
be sold on February 22, Licensed & Bonded resume or curriculum DOWNTOWN LOFT. cable from $145/wk -
vita, and the complete Farm Equipment & Supplies $535/month. Colum-
2019 at 10 AM at 1020 Very big, nice 1 bed-
½ Gardner Blvd., Colum- contact information for 4420 room. Wood floors, lots bus & County School
bus, MS by Auto Mart General Services 1360 at least three profes- of windows. $700 per locations. 662-242-
LLC and/or Jim's Tow- sional references. MSU 2016 CAT Skidsteer w/ month. Call Stewart, 7653 or 601-940-1397.
ing & Recovery LLC. FREE TRAINING for is an equal opportunity mulcher. <1,000 hrs, 662-364-1610.
They will be sold for JOB SEEKING WOMEN; employer, and all quali- $88,500. 2016 John Commercial Property 8050
COMPUTER TRAINING, fied applicants will Deere 5100E Tractor,
monies owed for the
tow bill, storage fees, RESUME WRITING, & IN- receive consideration
TERVIEW SKILLS; for employment without
210 hrs. $39,500.
in Historic Downtown.
and legal fees.
Tues & Thurs Evening regard to race, color, RENTALS 404 Main St. 3,000
Witnessed this the 5th classes start February religion, ethnicity, sex Sporting Goods 4720 sq. ft. $1,300/mo.
5th. Enroll now at Chris-
day of February, 2019.
tian Women's Job
(including pregnancy
and gender identity),
1 BEDROOM Call 662-328-8655
or 662-574-7879.
Auto Mart LLC Corps. Min H.S. Dip- national origin, disabil- Open for season! 9-5, 2 BEDROOMS
loma or Equivalent re- Houses For Sale: Northside
Jim’s Towing & Recov-
quired. Call 662-722-
ity status, age, sexual
orientation, genetic
Tues-Fri & 9-12, Sat.
Over 50 years experi-
ery LLC 8150
3016 or 662-597-1030 information, protected ence! Repairs, cleaning,
© The Dispatch

Publish: 2/7 and veteran status, or any refinishing, scopes CONVENIENT 3BR/2BA.
Need a Babysitter or a
other characteristic
protected by law. We
mounted & zeroed,
handmade knives.
DEPOSIT For Sale or Lease! 512
Lincoln Rd. New paint,
The following vehicle Tutor? Call 662-574- always welcome nomin- Located: Hwy 45 Alt, AND flooring, brick shop,
has been abandoned at 0426. Teacher Certi- ations and applica- North of West Point, fenced bkyd & patio.
fied in most subjects. tions from women, turn right on Yokahama CREDIT CHECK Zoned commercial, can
Jim's Towing & Recov- members of any minor- Blvd, 8mi & turn left on be home/office. 662-
ery LLC
1020 1/2 Gardner Blvd Need a Privacy Fence?
ity group, and others
who share our passion
Darracott Rd, will see
sign, 2.5mi ahead shop 662-329-2323 328-9634 for more info.
Columbus, MS 39702 Call me! Licensed w/ for building a diverse on left. 662-494-6218. Houses For Sale: West 8350
30+ years of exp. Call community that re-
2011 Mini Cooper or text 662-549-7167. flects the diversity in Business Opportunity 6050
2411 HWY 45 N FSBO: 3BR/2BA in May-
VIN # our student population. COLUMBUS, MS hew, 1551 Garth Rd.
RETAINER WALL, drive- Planning & Develop- Columbus: 411 Main Starkville & West Point.
If not claimed it will be way, foundation, con- St. Office, Retail, Res- Commercial Property For New HVAC, 1.7 acres,
sold on February 8, ment District is accept-
crete, masonry restora- ing applications for part- taurant Space available. Rent 7100 large metal bldg incl.
2019 at 10 AM at the tion, remodeling, base- time personal care at- Call 423-333-1124. $139,000. 662-418-
above address by Jim's ment foundation, re- COMMERCIAL PROPER- 8984 or 662-552-1400.
Towing & Recovery LLC. pairs, small dump truck tendants to work in the TIES/Retail/Office
It will be sold for mon- Golden Triangle area. Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 Investment Property 8550
hauling (5-6 yd) load & Applicants must have a Spaces starting @
ies owed for the tow demolition/lot cleaning. valid driver's license, re- $285/mo. Downtown &
bill, storage and legal PEAR ORCHARD APTS
Burr Masonry 2BR Townhouse - $585, East Columbus loca- GRAVEL FOR SALE on
fees. liable transportation, & private property. Approx
662-242-0259. liability insurance on W/D incl. Great loca- tions. 662-435-4188.
tion. $200 processing 6 acres. Will sell or
Witnessed this the 29th vehicle. Contact Phyllis OFFICE FOR RENT. lease property located
day of January, 2019. Flake at Golden Tri- fee & $50 application
WORK WANTED: fee. 662-328-9471 or 30x15. Separate air in NE Noxubee County.
angle Planning & Devel- conditioner & bathroom. 601-405-3717.
Licensed & Bonded-car- opment District, 106 Mi- 662-889-7565.
Jim’s Towing & Recov- pentry, painting, & de- $400/mo. Located in
ery LLC ley Dr., Starkville, MS.
molition. Landscaping, No telephone calls
Caledonia. Call 662- Lots & Acreage 8600
gutters cleaned, bush Apts For Rent: South 7040 574-0082.
Publish: 1/31 and please. 22 ACRES in Caledonia
hogging, clean-up work, 1BR/1BA 505 5th Ave. OFFICE SPACE: 2,000
2/7/2019 pressure washing, mov- Medical / Dental 3300 on Wood Rd. All road
S. 1 block from down- square feet. 294 frontage. Water & natur-
IN THE COUNTY COURT ing help & furniture town. Walking distance Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- al gas available. Resid-
OF LOWNDES COUNTY, repair. 662-242-3608 DENTAL ASSISTANT to MUW. No pets. CAFB ing terms. Available ential Development
MISSISSIPPI needed. Must have cur- welcomed. XL l/r, d/r, now. 662-328-8254. Property. 662-356-6862
Lawn Care / Landscaping rent radiological license, b/r & backyard. In- or 662-574-3053.
S. KEITH HOLTON, PLLC CPR Certification, and cludes w/d, air condi- HISTORIC DOWNTOWN
d/b/a MAGNOLIA OUT- 1470
at least 1 year experi- tioner, gas heater, hard- Columbus Office, Retail, 250 ACRE pine planta-
PATIENT REHAB ence. Send resume to wood floors, electric Restaurant Space avail- tion with 10 to 16 year ACROSS
LAWN SERVICE. Mow- Office Manager stove, refrigerator. able. Call 662-328- old trees, prime deer 1 Quail and the like
PO Box 8936 $750/mo. $750 dep. 8655 or 662-574-7879. hunting, ideal for hunt-
VERSUS ing, cleanup, landscap- 5 Better half
ing, sodding, & tree cut- Columbus, MS 39705 662-364-6454. ing club, $1500/acre,
Houses For Rent: Northside will divide, Monroe 11 Andy’s son
LATOYA THOMPSON DE- ting. 356-6525. Apts For Rent: Other 7080 7110 County. 662-369-3778,
FENDANT or 662-256-5838.
12 Reunion attend-
Painting & Papering 1620 2BR/1BA. 601 21st St. ee
CIVIL ACTION NO. 2018- N. $550/mo. $550 de- WINTER SPECIAL 13 Tear
0085-CV2 SULLIVAN'S PAINT posit. 770-316-1714. 1.95 acre lots.
SERVICE Good/bad credit. 14 Showy flowers
SUMMONS BY PUBLICA- Certified in lead 3BR/2BA. Fresh paint, 10% down, as low as
TION removal. Offering spe- new carpet, ch/a, $299/mo. Eaton Land. 15 Chess finishes
cial prices on interior & fenced yard & appl furn. 662-361-7711 17 Dramatist
THE STATE OF MISSIS- exterior painting, pres- 662-251-9696.
SIPPI sure washing & sheet Campers & RVs 9300 Jonson
rock repairs.
Free Estimates
COLONIAL TOWN- 18 Amy Winehouse
Call 435-6528 room w/ 2-3 bath town- located on Wilkins Wise hit
Last Known Addresses: houses. $600 to $695. Rd & Waverly Rd. Full 22 Linger
307 Hospital Drive, Apt. 662-549-9555. Ask for Hookups available.
Stump Removal 1790 Glenn or text. $300/mo. 662-328- 24 Past its best
Columbus, MS 39705
8655 or 662-574-7879. 25 Galena, e.g.
632 31st Avenue North, FREE! 2BR House, Five Questions: 26 Sign of approval
Apt. 13A $485. 3BR House,
$550. 1BA, stove, re-
27 Ice skate part
Columbus, MS 39705 30 Crosses creeks
frig, electric heat, win- shelter 28 Mock
625 31st Avenue North, dow a/c. 1 yr. lease.
Credit check. Coleman
1 “Make you 32 Sticks figure 4 Account book 29 Late hour
Apt. D34
Columbus, MS 39705
Realty. 662-329-2323.
feel alright” 33 Subside
34 Famed aviator
5 Con 30 Fly catcher
You have been named
GET 'ER DONE! HOUSE WITH APART- 6 Tough puzzles 31 Old counter
as a Defendant in a
We can grind all your MENT NEAR MUW. 38 Show up 7 Beginning 35 Car scar
2 Tony Blair
stumps. Hard to reach 323 13th St. N. 3 Blks 41 Stalactite setting
Complaint on Open Ac- places, blown over from MUW. L/r, d/r, 8 Purpose 36 Kitchen need
count filed in this Court roots, hillsides, back- b/r, kitchen, large f/r 42 Sluggish
by S. Keith Holton, PLLC yards, pastures. Free w/ fireplace, 2BR/3BA. 9 Army address 37 Egg holder
d/b/a Magnolia Outpa- 43 Hawaiian strings 10 Print units 38 The Matterhorn,
3 “The Rules”
estimates. You find it, Laundry room, outside
tient Rehab seeking
judgment against you
we'll grind it! fenced patio, screened 44 Packing a punch 16 Some amount of e.g.
662-361-8379 side porch & work room 45 Mailed
for an amount owed on WITH ATTACHED APART- 19 Bike stopper 39 Antique auto
goods and services MENT B/r, d/r, kitchen
provided to you. There
are no other Defend-
Tree Services 1860 & bathroom. NO HUD. 4 Blue DOWN
20 Balm ingredient
21 Garden areas
40 Nogoodnik
Ref. req. Dep. req.
ants in this matter oth- A&T Tree Service Pets allowed w/ extra 1 Golf cry 22 Man-shaped
er than you. Bucket truck & stump dep. $1075/mo. 2 Ready for busi-
You are required to mail
removal. Free est.
Serving Columbus
662-386-7506. 5 Zen Master ness
or hand deliver a writ- since 1987. Senior 23 Woody’s son
ten response to the citizen disc. Call Alvin @ Autos For Sale 9150 3 Trees providing
Complaint on Open Ac- 242-0324/241-4447
count filed against you "We'll go out on a limb
in this action to Chris- for you!"
topher D. Hemphill, At-
torney for the Plaintiff,
whose mailing Post Of- VICKERS TREE
fice Drawer 1426, SERVICE, LLC
Columbus, Mississippi, Tree trimming and re-
39703, and whose moval. Fully insured.
street address is 214 Free estimates.
5th Street South, *Now Accepting Credit
Columbus, Mississippi, & Debit Cards*
39701. Call Curt 662-418-0889
or 662-549-2902
YOUR RESPONSE MUST “A cut above the rest”
Legal Notices 0010LATER

You must also file the

original of your Re-
sponse with the Clerk of
this Court within a reas- WHATZIT ANSWER
onable time afterward.
Log cabin
Issued under my hand

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