Denver Mayor Michael Hancock Denver Classroom Teachers Association Letter

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City and County of Denver


Mayor DENVER, CO 80202-5390
TELEPHONE: (720) 865-9090 • FAX: (720) 865-8787
TTY/ TTD: (720) 865-9010

January 30, 2019

Henry Roman
President, Denver Classroom Teacher Association
1500 Grant Street, Suite 200
Denver CO 80203

Dear Henry –

I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to meet with me and my senior leadership team
last Saturday afternoon. I found the conversation very beneficial and gained a clearer understanding of
the issues separating both sides. We all agree that teachers deserve better pay and I believe a positive
outcome can be reached that benefits our teachers and Denver students. I have spoken to Governor
Polis and conveyed our commitment to working collaboratively towards a solution with both the district
and the union.

During our time together, I asked how the city could be helpful and want to reiterate that we stand
ready to assist if necessary. The city’s Department of Finance, Office Children’s Affairs and Peak
Performance teams are available if needed to work in partnership to review proposals and numbers to
assist in moving negotiations forward with a fair and impartial approach.

Educating the youth of Denver continues to be one of most important jobs an individual can hold, and
the city stands ready to work with both DPS and the DCTA to ensure teachers are fairly compensated
and have the opportunity to commit to a fulfilling career as an educator in Denver.

Thank you again for your time.


Michael B. Hancock

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