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The Episcopal Actors’ Guild | Est. 1923 | For All Faiths, and None

Vol. 31, No. 1 | February 2019

BRAND. MOOD. VIBE. All does to make our clients or
The Episcopal Actors’ Guild of America
companies have one. A single members feel good. It is 1 East 29th Street, New York, NY 10016
driving force that is the something that I have seen so 212.685.2927 |
through-line to all they do. As many of you do for one
a customer or patron or another. Officers
Elowyn Castle | President
member, you get it instantly. Father John David van Dooren | Warden/Vice President
All you need to do is look at CARING is in the thoughtful Nicholas Pavlik | Vice President
Peter Von Berg | Vice President
any kind of media to know way Peter Von Berg runs our Suzannah Grady | Treasurer

who is selling BEAUTY or free Actors Night every

INNOVATION or STRENGTH. month. Or in the nurturing Karen Lehman Foster | Executive Director

way that Jessica Cadden Rebecca Lovett | Assistant Director

Jamie Soltis | Office Manager
But what about EAG? What’s Osborne teaches our gentle
our vibe? Most people get it Monday yoga class. It is the Council
Mierre Eric Kuzmuk
when they walk in the door way Sarah Ann Rodgers puts Amelia Anderson Laurel Lockhart
Tecla Armstrong Julia McLaughlin
and exclaim about the great together a beautiful reception Margot Astrachan Leslie Middlebrook
Paul Cardile Anthony Newfield
energy in Guild Hall. That’s for every single event. And in Anstice Carroll Richard Olson

because our driving force is the way Barbara Primosch Ruthann Daniels
Claudia Dumschat
Tina Prins
Rev. Gerardo Ramirez
CARING. We CARE a lot about captured our holiday Bernadette Fiorella
Jennifer Fouché
Sarah Ann Rodgers
Louis Scheeder
the people we help, our celebrations (see pictures on Sam Fortenbaugh Sally Sherwood
Meryl Goodfader leslie Shreve
members, and people right). Steven Hayes Deborah T. Shull
Robert M. Hefley Ted Story
attending our events (see the Evangeline Johns Webb Turner

testimonials in our center Even this Eaglet comes to you

section). oozing with CARING. Our
Advisory Board Rev. Dr. James Kowalski
amazing volunteers worked Elizabeth Ashley Swoosie Kurtz

As a small organization, there hard to bring this to you with Zoe Caldwell
Jim Dale
Angela Lansbury
Campbell Scott
is a lot of personal touch in great love. Elizabeth Franz Frances Sternhagen
Richard Thomas
Rosemary Harris
what we do. We believe in Dana Ivey

offering you a cup of tea Are you in need of some

when you come to see us, and CARING? Or do you have The Eaglet is a publication of EAG and may not be
reproduced without permission.
usually a home-baked treat. some CARING to give? We’d Anthony Newfield, Mervyn Kaufman | Editors
We mail people cards, and we love to hear about it. Sending Rebecca Lovett, Jamie Soltis | Layout & Content
Karen Lehman Foster | Cover
pick up the phone to check in you all a cup of tea and a Publications Committee | Anthony Newfield, Rick Reiners,
Jerry Vermilye
on them. We visit people in warm hug.
the hospital. And there are
always hugs for the giving
and taking.
Karen Lehman Foster
But this spirit of CARING is Executive Director
EAG is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City
not just something our staff Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council
and New York State Council on the Arts, with the support of Gov.
Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Lessons and Carols Service and Resolutions 2019: Save More Money!
Holiday Open Mic 2018 by AM in the PM
So you've found yourself in a Call merchants you regularly
nancially compromising buy from; ask if they offer
position. Take a deep breath discount coupons. Usually
and take heart; there are they will send two.
some “lifesavers” out there.
Should you be in the 55-and-
Though it may be a dif cult
older club, check stores'
time, try to remember that
Senior Day discounts, not
the situation is temporary
always widely publicized.
and to think positively—
there are always options. Some airlines and hotels will
Here are some ideas to redeem miles and points for
hopefully ease the pain: free store and restaurant
gifts. Check your miles
programs for redemptions.
PULL THE PLUG! When not Some stores offer discounts
using appliances, remove on gift cards—buy a $50
plugs from their outlets. Over card for $40. That's an extra
time, I've saved about $20 a $10 in your pocket!
month on electric bills. Use a
power strip whenever
possible. Multiple plugs in USPS sells Forever Stamps,
multiple outlets raise costs. so stock up. Yes, the price
Or try going to the library to just went up—substantially.
use your own (or their) But additional hikes are
computer. Outlets exist in always possible, so it’s good
every facility and can be to stay prepared.
tapped for recharging your
phone, etc. (Side note: your
community library is also a No longer have a gym
great source for ideas, membership but need to
classes, and events.) work out? Athleta, Shape Up
New York, and
Bottles and Cans:
sassy list free
Recycle bottles and cans. exercise classes. Most are
Many stores still offer the 5- really wonderful.
cent cashback. Take it. While
it is not a lot of money, you
are bene ting the Need a haircut or color?
environment, and—over Take a look at
time—it does add up. for
available discounted and free
Coupons and Codes:
Save on items you need and
Union Discounts:
already buy by using
cashback, rebate and Last, but not least, check
coupon programs and your union sites for
websites. Signing up for discounts. My own cell, ordering online, phone charges, for example,
picking up at the store, or are lower than most.
Members celebrated the holiday season in the Little Church before heading having items delivered for
upstairs to a festive, standing-room-only open mic. (Top left to bottom right: free take minimal effort, and
Omar M’Sai, Elowyn Castle, Kingsley Matthew, and Laurel Lockhart; Betsy
could be cost ef cient.
Ross; Bernadette Fiorella; Evangeline and Ariana Johns; Karen Lehman Foster;
Deborah Thomas Shull) (Photos by Barbara Primosch)

Would you prefer to receive your future issues of The Eaglet online instead of through the mail?
You can now opt out of receiving a hard copy and opt in to receive a link to a downloadable PDF version,
by emailing EAG’s Of ce Manager Jamie Soltis at
We care abou
“Thanks to EAG... I can smile and perform pain-free.”

The Episcopal Actors’ Guild makes me feel good about being an artist.
Walking into the Little Church, there is never any judgment, only good feelings, good vibes, and
compassion for people who have dedicated their lives to the arts.
When it comes to health, it is very dif cult to nd good doctors when you have limited insurance
and funds. In order to use my insurance, I had been going to teaching universities for dental
care. Once in a while I had a good experience; more often than not, I had terrible experiences. At
my last checkup, I found out that ALL the general work I had received there had pretty much
failed. Some within two years, some within months. They would not even repair the damage or
offer an implant for the bad work.
I called Karen at EAG to ask for recommendations in the hope that some members might have
found better care. Unfortunately, none of those doctors would accept my insurance, and my last
option was another teaching center.
EAG helped cover the costs for me to go to a trusted family doctor who did all
the repairs for me, and even saved the failed root canal that teaching-doctors wanted to rip
out. Thanks to EAG, I did not lose any work, and I can smile and perform pain-free. You guys are
the best! And I love to wear my EAG buttons. —Dorit Konig

“(EAG) has been a necessary and welcomed helping hand.”

The current situation of the partial government shutdown has an inescapable point of reference to
me. Those federal workers found themselves without a paycheck coming in, due to no fault of their
own. I can relate to such a disadvantaged situation because after thirteen years with New
York City Opera, I found myself permanently without a paycheck coming in. My dream occupation
became a memory.

Unfortunately food is an expensive expense. Just like the over 800,000 federal workers, too many of
these workers nd themselves relying on all sort of helping hands particularly for food. I am
earnestly indebted to the Episcopal Actors’ Guild Food Pantry. We all have to eat,
and this pantry of quality goods has earnestly supplemented my food expense. The quality goods are
items that I could never regularly afford on my xed income.

The Episcopal Actors’ Guild has been a necessary and welcome helping hand that I am earnestly
grateful to be able to take advantage of. My heartfelt thanks to the cheerful ladies who oversee this
wonderful program.
ut our community!
“Because of the fund I knew his dream was attainable.”

Being a single mother and actor in the lm and television industry is hard,
but it gets worse during and after Christmas. Everything shuts down for at least two weeks.
Some shows go on hiatus until the middle of the year, and work just trickles in at the beginning
of the year. You have to rely on any reserves you accumulated throughout the year to hold you
over until things pick up again.
In my case, the show I was on got canceled, so there was a delicate balance between when and
what to spend money on because my next paycheck wasn’t guaranteed.

When I heard about the Florence James Children’s Holiday Fund, I literally
felt a burden lift off my shoulders. My son told me he wanted lots of gifts under the
Christmas tree, and because of the fund I knew that his dream was attainable. I was able to get
him toys and other essentials he needed and watch his little 6-year-old face light up as he
opened his presents. Thank you, EAG! You made our Christmas. —Anonymous

“EAG… is a hub of the artistic community.”

The Episcopal Actors’ Guild is not just another strong arm of charity; it is the heartbeat of the
artist community, providing much needed support to those of us who are struggling.
In 2017, my wife and I were on track for the next phase of my career. I never anticipated there
would be an unavoidable obstacle in our way. On September 12, I was leaving a lm set late at
night, not feeling well. Ignoring the pain in my chest, I briskly walked through Times Square,
headed home. Once there, I prepared for bed, anticipating the much needed rest that would
relieve the pressure. However, instead of subsiding, the excruciating pain in my sternum
increased, waking me up fully at 2 am as it radiated down my left arm to my elbow and hand.
After rushing to the emergency room, I was informed I was having a heart
attack, one that would require a quadruple bypass.
My physical impairment caused me to be out of work for a full year. As a result, we were
generously assisted by the Actors’ Fund, which in turn referred us to EAG as a resource for
ongoing assistance. EAG’s support was and is, for us, a source of great
generosity, wonderful humor and unparalleled kindness. My wife and I have
learned that everything rises and falls based upon leadership. An organization like EAG can only
function ef ciently based on the graciousness and benevolence of Executive Director Karen
Lehman Foster and her wonderful staff. They truly have a heart for people. EAG is not just
another arm of charity, it is a hub of the artistic community which quietly and consistently
pulsates, providing life support to those of us who have fallen on hard times. EAG also gives us
hope and helps shape our skills and spirits through career-building workshops. Thank you EAG
for your depth of loving shown by your degree of giving into our lives. Thank you for loving and
creating community. You will forever have our gratitude. —Terrence and Helen Thomas
EAG Partners with Meet Your Fellow Guilder
Quick Silver Theater Company for the
2019 Barbour Playwrights Award Ruthann Daniels
Rebecca Lovett “I am a former ballet dancer who actually
held down a 'real' job at the same time:
EAG is proud to announce that the Barbour Playwrights Award accounting during the day and ballet
will be back for its 12th terri c year in March. This festival class and performances in the evenings.
celebrating new work for the theatre will feature readings of Later, I spent four years working at
three new plays by innovative emerging playwrights of color, Comedy Central doing payroll for
plays nominated by this year’s partnering company, Quick freelance players and writers on The
Silver Theater Company (QSTC). One of these three Daily Show. Then when the channel
playwright nalists will be awarded a prize of $500. became one of the MTV Networks, I
spent several years doing much the
QSTC is a collective dedicated to amplifying the voice, same work under the parentage of
individual potential, and overall presence of people of color, Viacom.
women, and other marginalized groups within the American “At present, I am working with a friend on
theatrical landscape. They were last seen at EAG when they an online essential oil business and am
presented Albino Deer as a recipient of the Summer 2018 an elder and teacher with the Temple of the Spiral Path, teaching
Open Stage grant . Wiccan Studies to seekers of the Craft. And, off an on, I am involved
with a group at NYU that promotes the study of Romany music and
The Barbour begins on Thursday, March 14, at 7 pm with a culture, learning to sing like the Roma people.”
reading of Black Doves by Reynaldo Piniella. Loosely
inspired by Chekhov’s The Seagull, Black Doves follows a
Why did you join EAG? I attended an event with a friend
middle-class African-American family in present-day Brooklyn,
and after speaking with some other members, who were very
New York. When a loved one commits an unforgivable crime,
welcoming, I thought it would be a great place to be, so I
will the family deal with the generational trauma that has
joined not long after that.
shaped their lives or will they choose to ignore it, which only
continues the cycle? Favorite Guild memory? I remember being very moved
by the rst Barbour play I saw (Along the Way by Perri Guzzi,
Next, on Monday, March 18, at 7 pm, is A Boy & His Bow by
2016). And later, I was happy to hear that play had won the
Kareem M. Lucas. This piece tells the story of Joseph
award that year. This was my rst time volunteering for an
Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges. Born in the mid-18th
event and I enjoyed chatting with the actors after their reading.
century, Chevalier was the son of a wealthy European planter
and an enslaved African woman. Against all odds, he became a Performer, living or dead, whom you would like to
champion fencer, a virtuoso violinist, the conductor of the see at Guild Hall? Margaret Hamilton.
leading symphony orchestra in Paris, an abolitionist, the leader
Favorite line from a movie or play? There are so many
of the rst all-black regiment in Europe, and the rst classical
but here's one I've always loved.... "Goodbye, Jennifer, be a
composer of African ancestry.
bad girl."—Cecil Kellaway to 'daughter', Veronica Lake in Rene
Closing the festival on Thursday, March 28, at 7 pm Clair's I Married A Witch (1942).
In heaven, there’s a Sardi’s. Who is at your table?
a piece that explores depression in the African-American
Ladies' Night with Jackie O, Katharine Hepburn, Grace Kelly,
community and suggests that black futures depend on an
and Marilyn Monroe.
understanding of the relativity of time and of the constant
palimpsestuous presence of those who walked before.

Doors will open for each reading at approximately 6:40 pm.

Following each reading will be a brief talkback with the
playwright, then a wine and cheese reception. To make a Welcome, New Members!
reservation, please email
Chelsea Anderson-Long Michael Hajek
The Barbour Award was established in 2007 to honor the Vincent Bivona James Harter
legacy of actor, playwright, and EAG member Thomas Barbour Suzann Capra Richard Kautz
(Arthur, Great White Hope). It was endowed by Janet Barbour Jeanie Columbo Veronica Shea
Carhart, Alison Barbour Fox, and a portion of the gift left to Erik Endsley Maren Sugarman
EAG by Thomas Barbour’s estate. All proceeds from the Mayra Ferrer Paul Sugarman
staged readings of the Barbour nalists’ plays will go directly to Barry Fisher Carolann Valentino
supporting future Barbour. Liz Flemming
Turnley’s Turns… EAG Members Appear on Stage and Screen | Rebecca Lovett
...Around Halloween, Craig Wichman 5 with Charles Brown in the role of Balthazar. ...Tyrone Henderson is appearing as the
reTURNed to Cape May's East Lynne Theater On February 12, don't miss it when Claudia magician Prospero in Geva Theatre Center's
Company as The Great Detective, in his own performs an eclectic range of new works for the world-premiere production of Lila Rose Kaplan's
adaptation of Doyle's most scary Holmes tale, organ at the Little Church at 7:30pm... The Magician's Daughter in Rochester, NY,
The Speckled Band…. through February 10...
...Sarah Clingenpeel was a nominee for
...Griselda Steiner's in-depth 1991 interview Featured Actress in a Musical at the ...on February 10, Sam Fortenbaugh stars in
with shekere musician and founder of the BroadwayWorld Los Angeles Awards for her Frederick Kirwin's murder mystery Dog Bites
musical company Women of the Calabash part in Two x Two at the West County Man here at Guild Hall…
Madeline Yayodele Nelson (who passed away in Playhouse...
...Also on February 10, Laura Shapiro will
September 2018) appears in the November
...Noelle McGrath DePaula and Elizabeth Bove appear in her new solo dance piece between
issue of Scene4 online...
both appeared at Gallery Players December 1- two oceans at Speyer Hall at University
...Ziegfeld Society's 10th Anniversary 16 in the rarely produced gem by Agatha Settlement on the LES...
Celebration starring Jim Dale, with Mark York Christie, Appointment with Death…
...Elizabeth Bove can currently be seen in
at the piano, was Sunday, December 9 at Lang
...On January 23, Bruce Scott appeared in a Caravan Theatre Company's production of The
Hall, Hunter College...
swingin' evening of real jazz and classic bossa Glen playing through February 16 at Theatre 54
...Actors Shakespeare Company (James Rana, nova at The Gardenia in Hollywood, CA,... at Shetler Studios…
artistic director) offered a staged reading of The
...Elowyn Castle directed a staged reading of ...Richard Alleman’s two new one-act plays,
Second Shepherd's Play on Thursday,
The Philanderer at Triangle Theatre Company Quiet Car (directed by Anthony New eld) and
December 13, at EAG. The cast of this popular
on January 25 and 26. The cast included Sam Adrift, are being produced together as Comfort
medieval holiday play included Michael Hajek
Fortenbaugh, Dudley Stone, and Eric Zones as part of New York City’s Frigid Festival,
and Maren Sugarman...
Kuzmuk... with performances scheduled between February
...Woody Regan's non-p.c. musical tribute to 20 and March 10 at the Kraine Theatre...
...Sandra Daley-Sharif's new full-length play
smoking, drinking, high-cholesterol foods, illicit
Hedda (Portrait of a Young Woman) had a ...Becca Ayers is currently appearing in Lincoln
sex, drugs, gambling, and falling in love with the
reading on January 27 at The Fire This Time Center's Broadway production of My Fair Lady
wrong person, Bad For You! was performed at
Festival, Season 10 at The Kraine Theater. Also in the role of Mrs. Hopkins...
The Cornelia Street Cafe on Thursday,
at The Fire This Time Festival, a 10-Minute Play
December 14... ...Rachel Leslie is joining the cast of Harry
Festival directed by Kevin R. Free was
Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway this
...Claudia Dumschat was the conductor for The performed on February 1 and 3…
Church of the Trans guration's Christmas
...on February 4, Gerald vanHeerden directed
Candlelight Concert featuring Vivaldi's Gloria on ...2018 Open Stage recipient Athena Theatre
Break A Leg’s staged reading of The King’s
December 14 and the musical director for their (Tragic Greek Sitcom) is producing I Carry Your
Face here at Guild Hall…
annual production of Menotti's beloved opera Heart by playwright Georgette Kelly at 59E59,
Amahl and the Night Visitors staged on January March 30 through April 14...

Two on the Aisle | Jerry Vermilye Beyond the Fourth Wall | Mervyn Kaufman
Occasionally, Hollywood displays odd notions of Broadway New to the East, I recall being trans xed by Katharine
and theatrical verisimilitudes, from those early Busby Hepburn's Viola in Twelfth Night, onstage at the American
Berkeley musicals like Gold Diggers of 1933, whose Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Connecticut. That was
grandiose sets no mainstream venue could possibly back in 1960; she was luminous, and her audience was
accommodate. rapt. Cut to 1982 and The West Side Waltz, Miss
Hepburn's late-career Broadway vehicle. During a key
But what to make of the carelessness of those who crafted
scene in the second act, an audience member raised her
1938’s comedy The Road to Reno, wherein a Manhattan
camera and flashed a picture. In response, the angry star
prima donna (former silent star Hope Hampton) performs
halted the performance, ordering ushers to seize the
“Musetta’s Waltz Song” from La Boheme. In the opera,
camera and escort the offender out (she went tearfully).
this aria occurs in the second of four acts. But in the movie
it closes both the act and the opera; she takes her bows What would that great lady have made of audiences today
and bouquets and leaves the theatre! Who knew she had who boldly click on their iPhones and recording devices—
more to sing? often late in performances when most ushers are gone? I
am appalled that theatergoers must be urged repeatedly
Equally unbelievable is the behavior of a New York stage
to stash their gadgetry. And, more than once, I've gnashed
actor in 1959’s Career, adapted from his off-Broadway
my teeth when cellphone lights kept flickering, even after
play by James Lee. Anthony Franciosa plays the star of an
the house lights have dimmed. Why would any sensible,
intense courtroom drama who converses at length with his
sensitive theatergoer let distracting gadgetry compromise
agent just minutes before the curtain rises on his opening
a live performance? Where is dear Kate when her outrage
night! (Nerves of steel, apparently.)
is so needed?
And in 1937, Hollywood made so free an adaptation of
And wouldn't it be great if, when searching handbags and
Stage Door, the successful Broadway drama George S.
briefcases, theatre security teams insisted that electronic
Kaufman co-authored with Edna Ferber, that he was
devices be checked at the door? That's something to hope
inspired to quip, “It should be called Screen Door.”
for but will probably never happen. Sorry, Kate!
New York, NY 10016
1 East 29th Street
The Episcopal Actors’ Guild
“I know that today is another day, and you are still
working hard on my behalf. I still can’t thank you
enough for what you’ve done so far. Yesterday you
truly gave me hope, and that blessed me real
good! You have NO idea what a difference EAG
has made in my life, so if you don’t mind, AGAIN, a
million thank-yous to you for everything!!!”
—EAG client

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