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NODAME KONG LEUE NYAS Ato e OZ NKG PUO)SaZE7 = iH. A. Pumckuti-Kopcaxos H. A. PAMCKHM-KOPCAKOB NPAKTUYECKUM YUEBHUK TAPMOHUN Hadanue deadyamoe, cmepeomunnoe ny Bye, *CAHET-I hae >MOCKBA> + KPACHOJJAP* BBK 85.31973 PS Paumcxuii-Kopcaxos H. A. P5i Iipaxrayeckuit yyeOuuk rapmonun. — 20-e uaz, cree. — CH6.: Usgarenserso , 2014. — 176 c. — (Yue6uunu yaa Byson. Coequatbuaa autepatypa). ISBN 978-5-8114-1641-7 (Hsq-no «Jans» ISBN 978-5-91938-132-7 (Hay-so «! ETA MY3bIKH>) ISMN 979-0-66005-040-8 (Hay-no «IIIAHETA MY3bIKM>) Huxoaat Auzpeesai Pumcxui-Kopcaxos (1844-1908) — pyccnuh KOMMO3HTOp, DeAaror, AMPHRep, OOMecTReHHH JeATelb, MYSHKAIbAH KpuTax; yyacrHuK «Moryse KysKH». Cpequ ero comers — 15 onep, 3 cumdouun, cumoruveckue nponssexexua, HUCTPYMeHTAAbHBIe KOHNepTH, KaHTaTH, KaMepHO-MHCTpyMeHTaIbHas, BOKAMbHAA MW RYXOBHAA MYSHIKa. B cpoem yye6uuke H. A. Pumcxait-Kopcaxos wanaraet UpHeMbI rapMoHEsanAn MexO/UH H MOAYAANEH, HOCTeTeHHO Nepexoga o7 Mpocrelimux cpencTs K Gos1ee crommbm. Yaeduux cHa6men aHaqHTeNSHEIM UHCIOM TapMonMIecKEX o6pas- OB W 3aya4. YeeOnmn npenuasnaven yua crynentos, waysaromHX Kype TapMonMH, a Takme mpenoqapateled MYSHKAIbHEX BY30B. Rimsky-Korsakov N. A. P51 Practical course of harmony. — 20" edition, stereot; |. — Saint- Petersburg: Publishing house “Lan”; Publishing house “THE PLANE OF MUSIC”, 2014. — 176 pages. — (University textbooks. Books on spe- cialized subjects). Nickolay Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908) was a Russian com- ser, a teacher, a director, a public character, a music critic, and a member of ‘The Mighty Five”. Among his compositions there are 15 operas, 3 sympho- nies, symphonic music, instrumental concerts, and cantatas; chamber-instru- mental, vocal and sacred music. In the book N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov pre- sented the techniques of harmonizing a melody and modulation, gradually coming from the simplest means to more complicated. The textbook is sup- plied with a considerable amount of harmonic patterns and exercises. The book is intended for the students, studying the course of harmony, and also for the teachers of music colleges and academies. B odopuzerun o60xKm « opsama mcnomssonana KapraHa B. A. Ceposa eIloprper xommosntopa H. A. Pancxoro-Kopcaxonas, 1898 r. (Tocygapersenuas Tpersaxoncxas raepes, Mocksa) O6r0xKa A.W. JIAIAH © Usgateascrso «IIJIAHETA MY3bIKM», 2014 ‘© Vaaateascrno «IJIAHETA MY3bIKM>, xymomectBeHHoe obopmutenne, 2014

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