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Thursday, August 23, 2018 MERIDIAN SOURCE


McKenzie and Pare bid Church

farewell after storied careers Directory
FROM PAGE 16 another and a year later GRACE UNITED CHURCH
“It’s great raising kids he said he had bought Sunday Service
around the wagons and an outriding horse and 10:00 AM
it’s like one big family, I said, ‘OK let’s see how
everybody knows you this goes,’” said Pare. SENIOR LUNCH
and your kids and they “Sure enough that’s Wednesday, Sept. 5
look after each other.” the horse I ended up 11:00 a.m.
Being one of the more taking my test on and
veteran outriders on the it’s the one I actu- 4708 - 50 Avenue 780-875-8959
circuit, McKenzie noted ally brought here this
one of the most reward- weekend since it’s still
ing things he’s experi- with us.”
enced in his career is With a growing fam-
watching other outrid- ily and busy farming Taylor Weaver Meridian Source
ers grow and get better schedule this seemed
in the sport. like a good time for the forever,” he said. With eight years
This was Pare’s eighth
season after getting into
eight-year veteran to
step away.
The 33-year-old also
noted how this line of
under his belt and a
healthy collection of
the sport with Kris Molle “We farm a lot down work also takes a toll on buckles to prove it, Pare Connected with Purpose.
during his first time by Chauvin and my wife the body and how you’re said the key to making Rev. Darrell Desrosiers
around the track, after Ashley and I have three hard pressed to find an the best out of an out- Sunday Service & Kids Church - 10am | Nursery Available
Molle decided to step kids now, so trying to jug- outrider who doesn’t riding career is to just 4620 - 47 Avenue, Lloydminster, SK 306-825-7262
up to wagon box racing gle that many things is have some kind of his- soak up everything you
from pony racing. getting a bit much … so tory with an injured can, because not a lot of
“One thing led to you can’t live the dream elbow or shoulder. people get the chance to
“Other than that it’s experience what outrid-
not too bad. I’m a lit- ers and drivers do, such
tle different because as competing in the Cal-
I’m missing some teeth gary Stampede.
now,” Pare joked, refer- “We come back every
encing last season when weekend because this is
he took a hoof to the like a bad habit … you
mouth right before the forget the bad stuff that
start of last year’s inau- happens and always
gural race in North Bat- just remember the good Saturdays 6:30PM
tleford, breaking his jaw in it, and you seek that Sundays 10:30AM
in two places. feeling again. You can
“I should be able to always make money but
Taylor Weaver Meridian Source get the new teeth in a you can’t always win a
couple weeks here.” buckle.”

Box 69, 4912 50 Avenue

Kitscoty, AB T0B 2P0
PH: (780) 846-2244
PH: (780) 853-5492

Discretionary Use
District: SR - Collector Road
Permit No.: 329329-18-D0052
Location: SW-20-50-4W4M; L:1 B:1 P:1321848; 503033 Hwy 893
Use Approved: 3,360ft2 detached Accessory Building for Residential Use -
Location Setback Variance in front of Principle Building
Date of Notice: August 16, 2018
Permit Valid on: September 6, 2018
This promotion is only valid if presented at the box office upon purchase of the tickets.
A Development Permit for a discretionary use does not take effect until twenty-one
(21) days after the date of this notice provided that no appeals have been
Any person affected by a development permit for a discretionary use may appeal UNDER THE BIG TOP AT THE SERVUS SPORTS CENTRE
the decision in writing stating reasons for the appeal along with a four hundred
($400.00) dollar appeal fee. The appeal must be submitted within twenty-one (21) TUES., AUG. 28 & WED., AUG. 29
days of notice to the Secretary of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
of the County of Vermilion River. SHOW TIMES; 4:30 PM & 7:00 PM
Roger Garnett
Planning & Development Authority DOORS OPEN ONE HOUR PRIOR TO THE SHOW.
For the most up to date information, check out our website or social media. Visit our website at

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