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Wowowee Game Show

Questions and Answers for Putukan Na!

Rules 131, 132, 133 of the Rules of Court

1. What is the doctrine that refers to a situation where the evidence of the
parties is evenly balanced, or there is doubt on which side the evidence
preponderates or weighs more heavily
Answer: Equipoise Rule or Equiponderance Doctrine
2. It refers to an assumption of fact resulting from a rule of law which requires
such fact to be assumed from another fact or group of facts found or
otherwise established in the action
Answer: Presumption
3. It refers to the obligation of a party to a litigation to persuade the court
that he is entitled to relief
Answer: Burden of Proof or Onus Probandi
4. It refers to the duty or logical necessity imposed upon a party, at any time
during the trial, to establish a prima facie case in his favor or to overcome a
prima facie case against him
Answer: Burden of Evidence or Burden of Going Forward
5. What is the principle which bars a person from denying or asserting
anything to the contrary of that which has been established as the truth
arising from his own acts or representations
Answer: Estoppel
6. It refers to the questions which suggest to the witness the answer which
the examining party desires
Answer: Leading Questions
7. What is the preliminary step in showing the admissibility of an evidence
Answer: Authentication
8. What is the examination where the witness may be re-examined by the
party calling him to explain or supplement his answers given during the
Answer: Re-direct Examination
9. What is the examination where it is both a weapon to destroy or weaken
the testimony of the opponent’s witness and a tool to build up or
strengthen a party’s case
Answer: Cross Examination
10.It refers to the process in finding out facts from the witness or to test his
memory, truthfulness or credibility by directing him to answer appropriate
Answer: Examination
11.This refers to the indication of the greater evidence between the parties
and depends on the judicial evaluation within the guidelines provided by
the rules and by jurisprudence
Answer: Weight of Evidence
12.It refers to the evidence adduced by one side is, as a whole, superior to or
has greater weight than that of the other, it is an evidence which is more
convincing to the court s worthy of belief than that which is offered in
opposition thereto
Answer: Preponderance of Evidence
13.It refers to such relevant evidence which a reasonable mind might accept as
adequate to support a conclusion
Answer: Substantial Evidence
14.It is an evidence which is intermediate, being more than preponderance,
but not to the extent of such certainty as is required beyond reasonable
doubt as in criminal cases
Answer: Clear and Convincing Evidence
15.In presenting an electronic document, who will affirm the contents of the
affidavit in open court and may be cross-examined as a matter of right by
the adverse party
Answer: Affiant

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