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Ree ee Seam tae Refoest weatere eta meee IC 3 etice fares a1 aif san gat fel at gE! sont fae rere a eas wena ita sre Dut Mind, Life and Mater, the lower trilogy, ate also indispensable to ail cosmic Heng not necesany ia the form of with tbe scion and” conditions Which we know upon earth or in thls material universe, ut ia some Kind of ation however luminous, however pustant, however aublle, For Mind i tssentilly that faculty of rupersmind which measures and limit, which fixes ‘8 parculse centre and views from tha he cosmic movement, SRI AUROBINDO'S The Life Divine, Volt. Beyond those subile plysleal planes of experience and the lfesnords tere ae also mental plases to which the soul soums to have an inermtal acces. cbut it's not likely 10. lve cousciously there if there has not been a fufiient menal or soul evelopment n tis hf We know that he crates images of these superior planes which ate often mental tansiaions of ceita'ncloments in them and erect his images inlo {f-ayscm, 2 form n actual worlSe: be builds up alt. desre-mors of many Kinds o which he alaches a scong sense ef nner realty. Vol, IN, p, 77. We arrive ven necosarily at thig conclusion that human*bieth is a term at which the sul must arrive ina tong soccession of rebirths and that it Jas had foe us previous am preparatory teems in the soccesion the lower Tors of ae upon earth ae ‘God dt Love and abject of Love, Divine Love is not a thing of God : ft is God Hinsell, God nocls us just as we Reed God, This universe is the mere visible tangible aspect of Love and ofthe ned of ove.” [HENRI BERGSON

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