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build psychological foundation

commitment that would carry you through all the steps

In order to get what you want

Two Sides of Coin
you must give up something else

physical comfort
emotional comfort
security Give Up What?
personal relationship 1. Decision
other goals

Take a sheet of paper

at the top Write down a goal

Benefits On the right

Make two columns Exercise
Drawbacks On the left

What you must give up to achieve each step

Look at Goal Sheet
What is the downside to your achieved goal

give 10 minutes
make simple "to do" list Plan daily
simple steps break it down

1. Pick a goal from Goal Sheet

to begin action 2. Choose launch date
2. Preparation
write down each step 3. Make a "to do" list
6 Step Daily Plan
next to each action 4. Write down rewards

5. Cross it when completed

Putting All Together
6. Review at the end of the day

Just Do It
3. Action

be alert of Hyde Awerness

If you feel you can reach your

goal you are halfway there Attitude requirements

Be aware of your consistency level Action

you are actually doing things

make sure
not just thinking about them

your progress daily monitor

that you are not doing Pinpoint specific action 4. Completion/Maintance

"Why am I putting this task off?"

"What specific poison, roadblock , Ask yourself
or belief is Hyde using?"
Quick Self-Discipline Exercise
"Is it worth it?" Uncover specific payoffs

What will you lose?

upon completion of your goals What benefits you will receive

Experiment with tools

Find out what works for you personalize
Very Important
Regularly alternate tools & techniques

Hyde will be always with you

Create relationship with Hyde
use nickname from your youth
Hyde is reflection of child you were Give a personal name for Hyde personalize Hyde
Very, Very Important
use name during conversations
Dealing with Hyde is lik e dealing
with a person different from yourself.

Decision to act
Self-discipline process
Completion/Maintenance Understanding Belief System
is Self-discipline Remember
with stages

"There are only winners and losers,"

Self-defeating behaviour "All or Nothing"
"There is only one right way to do it." Beliefs
"Either do it right or don't do it at all."

for your goal/project Actions

of Mental image

your efforts Support


Words over creative

Images using
fun loving
your rebellious side
childlike rebel
Fears is pleasure-seeking
comes in the form of
Doubts comfort-seeking
Supportive Mental Images with Hyde's Self-Defeating Images replace
I'll become a slave to routine
Hear "All or Nothing" & Visualization I'll lose my freedom
Day: Six
See involving your senses Vivid Mental Movies create Visualization Power Tool believes because of self-discipline I'll lose my sense of fun
Smell I'll drown in a sea of responsibilities
Specific Details include I'll put too much pressure on myself
Negative Self-Talk 2
Hyde Self-Talk
for 30 sec. The Key "It's too complicated." Cynicism
VISUALIZE on your project Going for Action prior Pessimism "It's too easy to have any real value." Have Faith
as often as possible 1. Cynicism
"It's too difficult to complete" Negativism Positive Attitude
Commitment firm your
2. Negativism Negative Attitude
Antidote Defeatism Self-Belief
Confidence increase your
Poisons 3. Defeatism Self-Defeat
Benefits Escapism Self-Examination
Ability validate your
4. Escapism Emotional Stones
Motivate Delayism Do it Now

Hyde's Influence reduce 5. Delayism Do It Later

"I must win this contest"

pressure cooker
"I must perform this job perfectly."
"I Must Be Perfect" Positive
"I must be the best"
Beliefs Specific
is more satisfying Basic Requirements Repeat
Getting it Done Present Tense
Getting it Perfect of of The Reality
The Dream than

Perseverance weakens Perfectionism Influence Your Behaviour

Background music in shop
"It mak es me feel good to get this done."
Subconscious Subconscious debate
"Congratulations! You did it!" Congratulate yourself for every small accomplishment Self-Talk
"Good going!" Hyde Working place
Preliminary Information
Action-oriented Self-Talk Replacing self-defeating message with...
your Self-Esteem it will increase
Action orientated "I am now work ing on my rapport"
keep your words
Simple "I choose..."
"Good work !" "I should..."
What to Say
"Don't give up!" use quick phrases "I have..."
Tip 1. Private Praise
"You can do it!"
"I must..."
Voice Solid Say it Aloud
say it in speaking
for maximum effect
Supportive hearing
don't punish your-self
A personality trait
"So I slipped, no big deal. I'll do better next time" say but Power Tool Is NOT
if you slip Important Forcing yourself using willpower
Reward System
Smile to be sure Skill

as with other person is the same Self-Awareness

Process of self-coordination
about be specific Psychological self-management
"How can I get myself to do what I should do?"
2. Contracts to ask yourself
"I Must Be Perfect" & Reward System "How can I get myself to do what a part of me doesn't want to do?"
Day: Seven Zygman Made by Theodore Bryant
will give you more simple written contracts Author
verbal than Recognize and deal with resistance
Tip Self-Discipline in 10 Days: How Understanding Self-Discipline Key to Self-Discipline
About Subject Mindset/Achievement Exercise your Self-Discipline muscles
Psychological to Go From Thinking to Doing Book
involves you in agreement The act of writing
Physiological procrastination

Gradually creates attitude poor time management skills

reward yourself
3. Gradual Steps
Your projects of at the beginning use rewards are subconscious deep-rooted
Block busting FEARS
WRITE it down THINK about exercise don't only as it is part of human being
we must accept fears
but reduce influence of it
a list of pleasures make
not free from fears but we can control them The worst thing we have to fear is fear itself
each item short
it simple

1. Go to a movie 15 min per exercise

2. Rent a video.
Specific Name names
3.Dinner at a special restaurant Be
Before You Begin Honest
4. Buy that pair of too expensive shoes
5. Fifteen minutes of long distance talk IMPORTANT don't just think write it down
6. Dumb TV, with popcorn, one hour, EXERCISE Self-Discipline
7. Relax on the Beach for one hour Design a Reward List in 10 days A person can fail but He is not a failure as a person
8. Week end vacation
9. Week vacation My Guilt-Free Rewards Example
10. Go feed the duck s
11. Entire video movie day is a Stepping stone
12. See a play Failure
13. Fluff novel, one chapter
14. Fluff novel, entixe Box
15. Buy magazine
not a Tombstone
16. Read magazine
17. Playa music, one hour The Point we link failure to humiliation
Fear of Failure
"Maybe I will get luck y and..."
Day: One Emotionally
"Eat, drink , and be merry, for tomorrow... "
"I Can Achieve Without Discomfort" Feelings affects you Intellectually
"Why put myself out.. ?"
hates part of us
Work Beliefs High School

Expect 3 Past Failures Driving License

periods ofDiscomfort Accept learn to Basketball Team
Tolerate The Point EXERCISE
Simple task won't accomplish even without Discomfort Emotionally

Words Success I received loan for study

Phrases I couldn't commit myself to finish it

Affirmations London IT
Goals because I feared I will stuck with it for the
reinforce Problem rest of my life
Exploring Fear of Success
Vitaminds Vitamins + Mind Success I was very good at it and have been recognized
like is
Counter-Strike I feared to be on the wrong track, that it
Double psychological effect Subconscious Beliefs Problem can't be my future
has Affirmations written
spok en than
Success Definition A favourable result
"I Can Achieve Without Discomfort" & Vitaminds The 10 Days Self-Discipline
"I, Ted Brown , practice piano one hour a day." Day: Eight
write your name Fear of Success action
"You, Ted Brown , practice piano one hour a day." Affirmation
Day: Two
"Ted Brown practices piano one hour a day." "Maybe I don't really deserve success" feel unworthy past behaviour
Present tense
k eep sentence Power Tool "If I'm successful, people will judge me
Positive and write Goal select
pressure to live up to success imaginary catastrophes
Vitaminds Negative Self-Talk with a more critical eye."
Specific mak e it "It's lonely at the top."

Slowly "If I am successful someone close to me will suffer." compassion to someone else

What do they mean think about the words by hand write it

Thoughtfully "I'll be overcome by responsibility and pressure." afraid of buring and dull life

with 3 sets of affirmations taking sheet of paper When you try to satisfy everyone, you end
Point up losing your ass
separate into 3 sets
Night stand keep it in 3 places by Vitaminds to Affirmations turn Need of approval creates
defeatist attitude

10x / day read Satisfying others needs to feel secure

Fear of Rejection
Take your Vitaminds daily Remember Day: Three Inability to say NO

"Some people just can't change,"

"I'm just lazy."
Exploring Fear of Rejection Friends
"This is just the k ind of person I am." "I Can't Change"
"I'm just lik e my mom (or dad)."
Subconscious fear of appearing mediocre
Point either to ourselves or others
"How many psychotherapists does it tak e
to change a light bulb? Only one—but the but Non of us are perfect
light bulb has to really want to change." They must want it badly
Remember Nothing we do is perfect
Directly related to your readiness to Fear of Mediocrity
accept responsibility for creating your Develop Perfection is the domain of the Gods
Self-Discipline Day: Four
own circumstances. is Employ to Your ability The Point
Internet Marketing
Sustain Exploring Fear of Mediocrity
Think Feel comfortable in the sameness
"Better to be safe then sorry"
Whatever you choose to Fell increase ability to Point
Do Self-doubt achieving things

Tension will Situational Relaxation Fear of Risks supports Self-Discipline

Remember Self-Confidence
Anxiety decrease Day: Five

Fear Exploring Fear of Mediocrity "I wish I hadn't done that"

Self-Discipline immediate increase create

requires Self-Discipline that 1. Decide to begin a task

2. Hyde plays tricks on you

The more you Rises stress level 3. Create inner conflict
think and feel
like avoiding it So do anxiety levels 4. When stress is up
The Closer Your Move towards the Task
Avoidance Process
5. Motivation drops
"I Don't want to do this now" 6. You start to say

Physiological reaction couses 7. Psychological stress

8. You don't feel like doing the task

know its tricks

will diminish its powers recognition of tricks To Overcome it Hyde's Resistance
ask "WHY" question

Subconscious from
Avoidance Behaviour opportunity to shift Relaxation
Conscious into

Minimizing Become aware of for minute before starting a task If you relax Important
"I Can't Change" & Relaxation
Day: Nine

Take few deep breaths

Slow your breathing 1. STEP
I'm completely relaxed" Say to yourself
Power Tool
"I am tightening my forehead, then relaxing it"
"I am tightening my facial muscles, then relaxing it"
say As you continue to slow
"I am tightening my jaw, then relaxing it"
"I am tightening my neck muscles, then relaxing it"

continue to go through major muscles groups

Give a minute to feel relaxed

Becomes easier and easier with regular use Control your breathing Situational Relaxation Technique
Physical relaxation to support Self-talk 3. STEP
to see yourself doing the task Visualization

WHY question Quickly ask and answer

Beware of its tricks Listen to Hyde

Forceful be 4. STEP
Counteract Hyde's influence

use Focus on immediate rewards

Begin to take small actions

Remind your muscles to relax 5. STEP
Self-Discipline Tools use Whenever you hear Hyde

Drinking Consumption behaviours effective with Situational Relaxation Note

Another Behaviour with Change one behaviour Remember

to keep us from harm designed Psychological mechanism Fear

drain enthusiasm will "Something Terrible Will Happen"
listening to fear

Psychological function Important

Motivation give Purpose
Action for Foundation
"I want to lose 30 pounds in 6 months," "Something Terrible Will Happen" & A Goal Sheet
"I want to be earning $100,000 Power Tool Day: Ten
per year in two years,"
e.g. Specific A Goal Sheet
"I want to learn conversational 1. Write Statement
Spanish in 1 year."
fuel to self-discipline determine the power of commitment helps to What's your purpose?
2. State WHY
Enduring motivation

give time frame 3. List Your Steps

j428387_SelfDiscipline_in_10_Days_How_to_Go_From_Thinking_to_Doing.mmap - 02/06/2010 -

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