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A comparison of the UK Standard Assessment

Procedure and detailed simulation of solar energy
systems for dwellings
a a b c a
G. B. Murphy , M Kummert , B. R. Anderson & J. Counsell
Department of Mechanical Engineering, ESRU, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
Department of Mechanical Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, (QC),
Building Research Establishment Scotland, East Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland
Version of record first published: 24 Sep 2010.

To cite this article: G. B. Murphy , M Kummert , B. R. Anderson & J. Counsell (2011): A comparison of the UK Standard
Assessment Procedure and detailed simulation of solar energy systems for dwellings, Journal of Building Performance
Simulation, 4:1, 75-90

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Journal of Building Performance Simulation
Vol. 4, No. 1, March 2011, 75–90

A comparison of the UK Standard Assessment Procedure and detailed simulation of solar energy
systems for dwellings
G.B. Murphya*, M Kummerta,b, B.R. Andersonc and J. Counsella
Department of Mechanical Engineering, ESRU, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland; bDepartment of Mechanical
Engineering, École Polytechnique de Montre´al, Montre´al (QC), Canada; cBuilding Research Establishment Scotland, East
Kilbride, Glasgow, Scotland
(Received 19 November 2009; final version received 17 May 2010)

The drive to reduce worldwide carbon emissions that are directly associated with dwellings and to achieve a zero
carbon home dictates that renewable energy technologies will have an increasingly large role in the built
environment. The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP), formulated by the Building Research Establishment
(BRE), is the UK Government’s approved methodology for assessing the energy ratings of dwellings. This article
presents an evaluation of the advantage given to SAP ratings by the domestic installation of typical photovoltaic
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(PV) and solar domestic hot-water (SDHW) systems in the UK. Comparable PV and SDHW systems will also be
simulated with more detailed modelling packages. Results suggest that calculation variances can exist between the
SAP methodology and detailed simulation methods, especially for higher performance systems that deviate from the
default efficiency parameters.
Keywords: Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP); PV; solar domestic hot water (SDHW); PVSyst; TRNSYS

1. Introduction world. The recent adoption by ASHRAE of the

As governments around the world look to increase the Building Energy Quotient Program – Advanced
energy efficiency of dwellings for a multitude of Building Energy Labelling (Jarnagin et al. 2009)
reasons such as health factors, regulatory compliance illustrates the relevance of simplified assessment
and mitigating climate change, the accuracy of the methods in the USA. The program is very similar to
methodology employed to assess the energy perfor- the European EPCs and offers an update on the
mance of dwellings becomes imperative. In Europe, the information and details which can be recorded in the
European Directive on the Energy Performance of Energy Star Labelling Program (McWhinney et al.
Buildings (Official Journal of the European Commu- 2005). In the UK, SAP is the procedure used to
nities 2003) referred to as the Energy Performance of generate an EPC. In this research, SAP is the exemplar
Buildings Directive (EPBD) stipulates that all the European simplified methodology selected for a
European member states must produce an Energy comparison with detailed methodologies. The results
Performance Certificate (EPC) and make this available found will be applicable to other countries, especially
to the next prospective occupier. In 2003 when the those in Europe that have procedures similar to SAP.
EPBD entered into force, only the UK, France, The The UK SAP model has been adopted by the Republic
Netherlands, Ireland and Luxembourg had a complete of Ireland (Sustainable Energy Ireland 2008). SAP is
Energy Ratings System (European Commission 2006). the UK Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure
Other European countries had various degrees of for the calculation of a dwelling’s energy efficiency and
Energy Rating Systems whilst Austria, Spain, Finland, carbon emissions. SAP 2005 (BRE 2005) is used to
Portugal and Sweden had no official building energy demonstrate compliance under the Section 6 (Scot-
rating system (European Commission 2006). The land), Part L (England and Wales) and Part F
energy rating of dwellings in the European Union (Northern Ireland) building regulations. SAP is also
has been researched previously to highlight the many the UK Government’s approved National Calculation
different methodologies utilized throughout Europe to Methodology (NCM) for the assessment of dwellings
assess the energy performance of dwellings (Mı́guez under the European Directive on the Energy Perfor-
et al. 2006). Energy rating systems for dwellings are mance of Buildings (EPBD). In addition to this
now becoming more prevalent in other parts of the verification of the SAP methodology, SAP certification

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1940-1493 print/ISSN 1940-1507 online

Ó 2011 International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA)
DOI: 10.1080/19401493.2010.494734
76 G.B. Murphy et al.

has been required on all new UK dwellings since 1995 situation by investigating the comparison of SAP
(SAVE 2001). Whenever a UK dwelling is constructed, methodology calculations with more detailed assess-
sold or rented, the SAP methodology must be ment methods.
employed to calculate the ratings for Energy Efficiency
and Environmental Impact.
Recent research (Syed et al. 2007) clarifies the 2. Objective
benefit that PV offers to the residential sector, even in This article aims to compare the PV and SDHW
northerly situated countries. Domestic and distributed calculations in the SAP methodology with more
PV systems account for more than 75% of the detailed methods of analysis. It is split into three
7.8 GWp installed in International Energy Agency main sections. The first section details a series of case
Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS) studies where comparisons are made between the SAP
countries at the end of 2007 (IEA-PVPS 2007). results for PV and a more detailed numerical simula-
Domestic solar thermal applications represent the tion of various domestically installed PV systems. The
biggest portion of installed solar heat capacity second section measures a standard UK installation of
(128 GWth) and produced energy (77 TWh) (Weiss a SDHW system in both SAP and a more detailed
et al. 2008). This is especially important given the fact analysis. The third section preliminarily assesses and
that recent studies demonstrated that one-third of total simulates a case study of a BRE Innovation Park
domestic energy load of a new dwelling could be dwelling incorporating both PV and SDHW.
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

attributed to water heating (Ren et al. 2007). This

underscores the importance for building regulations
and energy rating procedures such as SAP to represent 3. Software tools
accurately the benefits of solar thermal and photo- There are a number of different software tools
voltaic (PV) systems. available, some commercially, to assist with the
SAP is based on the Building Research Establish- calculation of a SAP rating for a dwelling. The SAP
ment Domestic Energy Model-12 (Anderson et al. software selected to calculate SAP ratings for this
2001) known as BREDEM 12. SAP calculates the research was designed in house by BRE. This software
energy performance of a dwelling based on the steady- was used to derive a SAP rating for a defined standard
state principles where temperatures and heat flow are test case building. The software calculated the SAP
independent of time (Hens 2007). The challenge rating and carbon dioxide emissions of the standard
represented by this method is the creation of appro- test case dwelling according to the SAP worksheet.
priate definitions of constant factors for parameters BRE approved SAP calculation tools are commercially
such as U-values. SAP is based on a two-zone model as available. SAP calculates ratings for energy efficiency
defined in BREDEM, with zone 1 being the living area (EE) and environmental impact (EI), usually in the
of the home and zone 2 the bedrooms. BREDEM range of 1–100, although higher values are possible.
defines the lower limit of heating these areas to be 218C The higher the score, the more energy efficient the
and 188C for two heating profiles covering the week- home is and the less impact the home will have on the
days and weekend, respectively. Some coefficients in environment. The ratings are grouped into alphabe-
SAP are empirical and derived from extensive studies; tized bandings, as detailed in Figure 1; 1–20 ¼ G, 21–
the background to the BREDEM/SAP methodology 38 ¼ F, 39–54 ¼ E, 55–68 ¼ D, 69–80 ¼ C, 81–
has been researched in depth (Shorrock and Anderson 91 ¼ B, 92 and over ¼ A. Figure 1 details an example
1995). The SAP methodology used to assess the energy of SAP-derived EE and EI ratings, as applicable to
performance of buildings is based on simple physical Scotland. This constitutes an important part of the
equations and empirical evidence; this is also true for EPC for the UK as required by the European
the assessment of building-integrated solar thermal Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2002/
and PV systems. The UK Government has recognized 91/EC; Official Journal of the European Communities
the requirement for SAP to accurately model low and 2003). In the UK, there are subtle differences between
zero carbon technologies (DCLG 2007). The SAP the devolved administrations, such as the Scottish
methodology has been compared to detailed simula- Government, in relation to dwelling assessment.
tion for low-energy buildings (Cooper 2008). This Therefore EE and EI ratings produced by SAP will
study found discrepancies for low-energy dwellings state Scotland, England and Wales or Northern
and the benefits of some passive solar features. To the Ireland. This will clarify where that dwelling is located
authors’ knowledge, there is no research that directly and where the ratings are applicable. In other
compares the SAP methodology for PV and solar European countries where the EPBD also applies,
domestic hot water (SDHW) with more detailed similar EE ratings are produced by various tools
assessment methods. This article seeks to address this (Deutsche Energie-Agentur 2009, Lausten 2005,
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 77

either the Meteonorm standard or TMY (Typical

Meteorological Year) files. The development of
PVSyst was assisted by the IEA PVPS Task 7
(Schoen et al. 1998).
For the purposes of this research, PVSyst was
employed as the detailed simulation tool to model
building-integrated PV systems. It is an assessment and
benchmarking tool used by PV industry professionals
(Lyle, personal communication, 2009) and PV re-
searchers (Wittchen 2003).
The TRNSYS 16 Simulation Engine (TRNSYS
2010) was selected as the detailed SDHW modelling
tool for this article. TRNSYS has been commercially
available since 1975 and is a transient systems
simulation program (Duffy et al. 2009). During this
research, TRNSYS was selected as the dynamic
simulation package to model SDHW due to the
software offering a great flexibility in selecting the
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

assumptions for system configuration, controls and

component parameters, and therefore allowing SAP to
be compared accurately. TRNSYS has also been
validated by users against other simulation tools and
experimental data (Kummert et al. 2004). TRNSYS
also has a component for the modelling of a whole
dwelling, TRNBUILD, which would be useful in
modelling renewable systems, such as heat pumps,
that are more closely linked to the building. Recent
work has seen links with TRNSYS to Google’s
SketchUp application (Murray et al. 2009).
TRNSYS is referenced in British and European
Standards, such as EU ENV-12977-2, for Solar
Thermal Systems, and was used as a reference tool in
several projects of the International Energy Agency’s
Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (Perers and
Bales 2002).
Figure 1. Sample SAP derived energy efficiency and
environmental impact ratings.
4. Methodology
A Standard Test Case (STC) dwelling was initially
modelled in SAP. The STC is a detached dwelling with
DIAG 2010, Dyrbol and Aggerholm 2008, Schüle its dimensions detailed in Table 1.
2009). SAP v9.82 was used to produce the SAP ratings. A
For the sake of conciseness, only EE ratings are detached house with a total floor area of 104 m2 was
discussed in this text and they are referred to as ‘SAP modelled. This house is part of a set of BRE-developed
ratings’. archetypes to represent the existing building stock.
PVSyst is PC-oriented software that can be used Dimensions, openings and U-value ratings in W/m2K
to simulate, analyse and study various PV systems. are recorded in Table 1. Thermal Bridging was
PVSyst can simulate PV systems in grid connected, recorded and set at the SAP default of 0.15 6 total
stand alone, pumping or DC grid connected scenar- area of elements (247 m2) and was calculated to be
ios. During this research, only grid-connected sys- 37.05 W/K. Double glazing with a U-value of 2.10 W/
tems were considered and analysed. The software m2K was modelled with standard external solid timber
performs a detailed simulation in hourly values and doors embracing a U-value of 3.00 W/m2K. A space
uses this to provide a PV generation figure in kWh/ and water heating system typical of that installed in a
year for each PV system modelled. It allows for standard dwelling in the UK was modelled in SAP. An
different weather profiles to be entered based on air change rate of 15m3/h.m2 at 50 Pa was assumed
78 G.B. Murphy et al.

with a natural ventilation system including two

intermittent extract fans. Fifty per cent of energy- 5.1. SAP calculation to determine kWh/year – PV
efficient lighting was also assumed. A regular gas In SAP v9.82, the following calculation is used to
boiler with an efficiency of 90.2% (GASTEC 2010), determine the available energy at inverter output in
an Ariston Clas HE R 18, was modelled. The kWh/year produced by a PV system:
controls for the boiler were recorded as a program-
mer and at least two room thermostats. The Electricity produced by the PV module
controllability of a system has the effect in SAP of ¼ 0:80  kWp  S  ZPV
altering the difference in temperature between SAP
zones, based on a calculated Heat Loss Parameter. where 0.80 – SAP empirical factor for PV; S – Annual
The Ariston Clas HE R 18 boiler was modelled to solar radiation; ZPV – shading factor.
supply a stored water system, which was sized at The SAP empirical factor for PV of 0.80 cannot
300 l, of which 180 l was dedicated to solar storage. be altered by the users of SAP and therefore is
A secondary heating system was also modelled in the comprised of the typical efficiencies for important
STC dwelling, standard electric room heaters. These factors in determining the output of PV systems,
are commonly installed in the UK and were such as DC to AC inverters. The SAP empirical
modelled to reflect the standard nature of this factor of 0.80 for PV is an example of a ‘SAP
dwelling – the addition of direct acting electric typical’ factor. A SAP typical factor is a figure
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heaters to the SAP calculation results in a decreased comprised of fair averages for components that have
SAP score due to the increased use of electricity. an effect on the SAP rating. A SAP typical factor is
This standard test case dwelling modelled in SAP predefined by the SAP methodology and cannot be
achieves a SAP rating of C 72. The SAP-produced altered by a SAP assessor.
EPC also provides suggestions of improvements that Details from SAP table H2 (Table 2) are used in
are specific to each modelled dwelling. In the case of SAP for the purpose of calculating the system output
the STC dwelling, the following suggestions were energy of a PV system. These values are tabulated for
made to improve the EE and EI of the home: 100% Sheffield, which was selected by SAP designers as the
low energy lighting, addition of solar water heating nominal centre of the UK. Using one reference
and solar PV panels. weather location allows for dwellings throughout the
UK to be compared directly.
For a 2-kWp system installed in the STC, south-
5. PV simulation facing with no shading with a collector tilt of 308, the
The modelled PV system has a peak power of 2 kWp, SAP calculated available energy at the inverter output
which is a typical value for a commonly installed PV is 1667 kWh/year.
system in the UK (Energy Saving Trust 2009). A 2-
kWp system could provide approximately 50% of the
average household’s electricity, based on a typical 5.2. Use of PVSyst to determine kWh/year
annual electricity consumption of 2500 kWh for a To compare the SAP results directly with the results
three bedroomed property (Bahaj and James 2006). from PVSyst, the location of Sheffield, UK was
The addition of a PV array with a peak power output taken with a PV system of 2 kWp. Weather data for
of 2 kWp improved the SAP rating from C 72 to B 81. Sheffield, UK is not included with PVSyst by default
The SAP calculation used to calculate the amount of but it was imported into the software, using a data
generated electricity is described below. file from Meteonorm (Meteotest 2010). An SMA
Sunny Boy 2100TL 2.0-kW inverter was selected

Table 1. STC dwelling SAP input listings.

Table 2. Sap table H2 – annual solar radiation, kWh/m2.
Gross area Openings Net area U-value
Element (m2) (m2) (m2) (W/m2K) Orientation of collector

Ground floor 52.00 0.22 Tilt of Southeast/ East/ Northeast/

First floor 52.00 0.22 collector South Southwest west northwest North
Walls 143.00 24.50 118.50 0.30
Roof 52.00 0.25 51.75 0.16 Horizontal 933
Doors 7.60 3.00 308 1042 997 886 962 709
Windows 16.90 2.10 458 1023 968 829 666 621
Roof 0.25 2.30 608 960 900 753 580 485
windows Vertical 724 684 565 427 360
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 79

with an array of 10 Kyocera KC 200GHT-2 ratings (Figure 2). The location of Sheffield was
polycrystalline 200 Wp PV modules, to represent selected to match the location of SAP. Efford was
components typically installed in the UK (Lyle, selected as a reference point for South England.
personal communication, 2009). The modules were Eskdalemuir was selected as a reference weather
connected according to the voltage requirements of location for Southern Scotland.
the inverter. All default PVSyst simulation options The three weather data files used in PVSyst were
were unaltered. No shading were altered. The generated by Meteonorm (Meteotest 2010) to ensure
PVSyst-calculated output was 1632 kWh/year, which consistency. The two additional weather stations were
can be directly compared to the SAP figure of selected because of the availability of measured solar
1667 kWh/year. The 2% difference between SAP and radiation, which improves the quality of Meteonorm-
PVSyst results had no significant effect to the SAP generated weather data files.
rating, which remained at B 81 for the STC. Table 4 details available energy inverter output in
kWh/year: the Eskdalemuir location shows a reduction
of over 187 kWh/year as calculated by PVSyst
5.3. Effect of PV components on SAP rating (711%), which would be equivalent to a SAP rating
SAP allows for the modelling of a generic PV system of B 80. The Efford location highlights an improve-
based on the peak power in kWp. PVSyst allows for ment of 316 kWh/year over SAP (þ19%), resulting in
different PV components systems to be modelled and a SAP rating of B 83. SAP can be used to rank energy
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

provides an extensive database of modules and saving investments and a small difference of one or two
inverters available in the market. points in SAP ratings could in fact be significant. In
A selection of 2-kWp systems, for a Sheffield, UK this respect, it could be argued that PV systems do not
weather location, with a 308 angle and south azimuth, get the credit they deserve in some locations (e.g. South
were modelled in PVSyst – to match the size of the England) while their savings are overestimated for
system modelled in SAP and to determine if PV other locations (e.g. North Scotland).
components had any effect on SAP rating. Three
combinations of PV panels/inverters were modelled in
PVSyst, each with a peak power of 2 kW. An array of 5.5. Combined effect of PV systems and weather data
40 6 50 Wp Sulfurcell SGC50 HV-F panels was A combination of varying PV systems and UK weather
modelled with a SMA Sunny Boy 2100GT inverter. locations were modelled in PVSyst to establish the
This was compared with an array of 10 6 200 Wp effect that this combination would have on kWh/year
Kyocera GHT200 panels modelled with a SMA Sunny and SAP rating. The Sulfurcell SGC50 HV-F panels
Boy 2100GT inverter. The final test case was an array efficiency per module area of 6.41% is an example of
of 10 6 Eurener PEPV 200 panels with a Suntechnics CIS thin-film technology. An area of 33 m2 would be
STW1900. Table 3 indicates the variability of available required if a 2 kWp array utilizing this technology was
energy (kWh/year). Table 3 also shows that different to be implemented. The Eurener PEPV 200 (efficiency
selections of PV panel and inverter can lead to a per module area of 11.64%) and Kyocera GHT200
variation of the PV output of approximately + 10% panels (efficiency per module area of 14.2%) are
without altering any of the assumptions. The variation examples of a Single crystalline PV; 17 m2 and 14 m2
in PV output can account for an adjustment to the would be required to install these 2 kWp systems. The
SAP rating of + 1. nominal rating of each PV system was provided by
SAP results are consistent with PVSyst for a manufacturer supplied data via PVSyst, which is the
typically installed 2 kW PV system in the UK. rating power of each module at standard operating
conditions. These conditions stipulate an irradiation of
1000 kWh/m2 with a module temperature of 258C
5.4. Effect of weather location (PVSyst 2010).
A typical PV system was then modelled in PVSyst for Table 5 highlights that, in comparison to the SAP
different UK locations, to determine its effect on SAP calculated figure of 1667 kWh/year and rating of B 81,

Table 3. Available energy at inverter output.

Method PV panel and material Inverter Yield (kWh/year) SAP rating

PVSyst Sulfurcell SGC50 HV-F (CIS) SMA Sunny-Boy 2100GT 1824 B 82
SAP N/A N/A 1667 B 81
PVSyst Kyocera GHT200 (Polycrystalline) SMA Sunny-Boy 2100GT 1632 B 81
PVSyst Eurener PEPV 200 (Polycryst.) Suntechnics STW1900 1514 C 80
80 G.B. Murphy et al.
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Figure 2. European radiation, annual mean 1981–2000. Weather locations utilized in detailed simulation noted. Adapted from
Metronorm 2010.

Table 4. Results for several locations based on a 2-kWp modelled in Eskdalemuir highlights a 718% kWh/
south-facing PV system at 308. year and 71 SAP point variation.

Calculation Inverter output

methodology Location (kWh/year) SAP rating 5.6. Other differences between SAP and PVSyst
PVSyst Efford 1983 B 83 Results for a slope of 308 and an azimuth of due south
SAP Sheffield 1667 B 81 have been discussed so far. Other calculations were
PVSyst Sheffield 1632 B 81 performed for different slopes and azimuths, combining
PVSyst Eskdalemuir 1480 B 80
different locations and different system components.
Table 6 details the comparison between kWh/year
þ33% kWh/year and þ 3 SAP points variation can be output from PVSyst and SAP based on a combination
demonstrated from the 2 kWp Sulfurcell system of varying PV slopes and azimuths. A 2-kWp system
installed in Efford. The 2 kWp Eurener system was simulated in PVSyst based on a SMA Sunny Boy
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 81

Table 5. Results for several locations and components based on a 2-kWp south-facing PV system at 308.

Method and location PV panel and material Inverter Yield (kWh/year) SAP rating
PVSyst (Efford) Sulfurcell SGC50 HV-F (CIS) SMA Sunny-Boy 2100GT 2183 B 84
PVSyst (Sheffield) Sulfurcell SGC50 HV-F (CIS) SMA Sunny-Boy 2100GT 1824 B 82
SAP (Sheffield) N/A N/A 1667 B 81
PVSyst (Sheffield) Kyocera GHT200 (Polycrystalline) SMA Sunny-Boy 2100GT 1632 B 81
PVSyst (Sheffield) Eurener PEPV 200 (Polycrystalline) Suntechnics STW1900 1514 C 80
PVSyst (Eskdalemuir) Eurener PEPV 200 (Polycrystalline) Suntechnics STW1900 1363 C 80

Table 6. Results for several PV pitch and azimuths based 300 l dual coil domestic hot-water cylinder. To
on a 2-kWp PV system in a Sheffield, UK location. determine the contribution of domestic hot water
PV SAP yield PVSyst yield % SAP requires the following parameters: aperture area,
Azimuth pitch (kWh/year) (kWh/year) difference collector type (evacuated tube, flat panel or unglazed),
collector efficiency (zero-loss collector efficiency and
08 (south) 08 1493 1395 7
08 (south) 308 1667 1632 2 linear heat loss coefficient of collector, W/m2K), roof
08 (south) 608 1536 1536 0 orientation, pitch and shading. The SAP calculation to
08 (south) 908 1157 1143 1 obtain the solar input is detailed below.
7908 (west) 308 1418 1320 7
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7908 (west) 608 1205 1132 6

7908 (west) 908 936 843 10
908 (east) 308 1418 1325 7 6.1. SAP v9.82 calculation to determine contribution
908 (east) 608 1205 1141 5 to domestic hot water
908 (east) 908 904 852 6
1808 (north) 308 1134 973 14 Qs ¼ S  Zpanel  Aap  Z0  UF  fða1 =Z0 Þ
1808 (north) 608 776 610 21
1808 (north) 908 576 444 23  fðVeff =Vd Þ

where Qs is solar input, kWh/year; S is the total solar

radiation on collector, kWh/m2/year (from SAP table
2100TL 2.0-kW inverter and 10 Kyocera KC 200GHT- H2); Zpanel is the shading factor for the solar panel; Aap
2 Polycrystalline 200-Wp PV modules. The PV system is the aperture area of collector, m2; Z0 is zero-loss
modelled in SAP remained at 2-kWp and matched the collector efficiency (from certified performance test or
PV slopes and azimuths used in PVSyst, to allow for a SAP default values); UF denotes utilization factor; a1 is
comparison to be made. the linear heat loss coefficient of collector, W/m2K
The differences calculated between SAP values for (from certified performance test or SAP default
different orientations are generally within 10% of the values); f(a1/Z0) is the collector performance factor ¼
differences calculated by PVSyst for the same orienta- 0.8770.034 (a1/Z0) þ 0.0006 (a1/Z0)2; Veff is the
tions. SAP neglects the impact of incidence angle and effective solar volume, litres; Vd is the daily hot-water
seems to overestimate the performance for unfavourable demand, litres (from SAP tabulated data versus floor
orientations, such as vertical north where the difference area); f(Veff/Vd) is the solar storage volume factor ¼
between PVSyst and SAP kWh/year yields was found to 1.0 þ 0.2 ln(Veff/Vd) subject to f(Veff/Vd)  1.0 Qs
be 23%. SAP results were always higher than PVSyst details a dwelling’s kWh usage saved due to the
bar 608 south, where results from PVSyst and SAP were installation of a SDHW system. The required auxiliary
identical. A possible improvement to SAP would be to energy is then calculated taking into account the
add a table detailing solar radiation that is corrected for hot-water energy required and distribution losses and
the incidence-angle effects. An example of information tank losses. This auxiliary energy is then used in the
that could be detailed is the radiation transmitted main SAP worksheet where it is combined with the
through a single glazing instead of the incident radiation energy used for space heating, etc. to obtain the SAP
– this value would be useful for transmission through rating. SAP also adds a fixed amount of 75 kWh/year
windows, glazed solar thermal collectors and PV. to the electricity usage of a house to account for the
energy required by the solar thermal circulating pump.
For our standard test case dwelling with the typical
6. SDHW simulation SDHW system described above, SAP provides default
Glazed flat panel was considered as a typically installed efficiency values for solar collectors in Table H1 (see
SDHW system in the UK, with an aperture area of Table 7). It can be noted that the default efficiency for
5 m2 (Energy Saving Trust 2009), south facing, with a glazed collectors (flat-plate and evacuated tube) is
82 G.B. Murphy et al.

significantly lower than the values recommended by The domestic hot-water profile is set to three draw-offs
the IEA-SHC programme based on the collector tests per day at 7 am, 12 pm and 5 pm, with 40%, 20% and
(IEA-SHC 2004). The first-order heat loss coefficient 40% of the daily volume, respectively. The tank loss
(a1) in Table 7 is more than double of the typical IEA coefficient was set to the same value as in SAP, i.e.
values, so that the efficiency of evacuated tube 2.49 kWh/day. The loss coefficient in EN 15332 is
collectors under nominal operations specified in the calculated for standardized temperatures (room ¼ 208C,
same IEA document is 0.76 for the IEA typical, and hot water ¼ 658C), and SAP applies a ‘temperature
0.6 for the SAP default. This is detailed in Table 7. factor’ of 0.6 to this loss coefficient to allow the tank for
SAP designers have deliberately designed the not being continuously maintained at 608C. This would
default figures for the efficiency of glazed collectors result in a very large discrepancy between SAP storage
to be lower than few collector efficiencies, such as those losses and TRNSYS storage losses if a hot-water
noted from the IEA-SHC programme. SAP allows the temperature of 608C was assumed. The TRNSYS
user to enter the efficiency of a specific collector based simulation therefore assumes a hot-water setpoint of
on the manufacturer-supplied data, and therefore 508C with a thermostatic valve bringing it down to 458C,
deliberately provides a low collector efficiency to and the daily load is adapted (170 l/day at 458C). The
encourage the use of real data in SAP. main-water temperature is 108C in average and varies
In SAP, hot-water energy requirements are directly by + 2.68C over the year. SAP and TRNSYS results
related to the total floor area (TFA) of a dwelling. The are presented in Table 8.
TFA of the STC dwelling is 104 m2. SAP Table 1 (hot-
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

TRNSYS results for the typical system described

water energy requirements) states that a dwelling with a above, using SAP default efficiency parameters
104 m2 TFA would have a hot-water usage of 119 l/day, (Z0 ¼ 0.75 and a1 ¼ 6 W/m2K), show a solar input
with an energy content of heated water (including of 1461 kWh/year and a value of 1782 kWh for the
distribution losses) of 2532 kWh/year. One key para- water-heater output. It is interesting to note that the
meter is the loss coefficient of the hot-water storage tank. solar input is 23% higher than the SAP value, but the
In this study, it was assumed that the storage tank is at water-heater output is only 7% lower. This is partly
the upper limit of band ‘B’ in standard EN 15332 due to the different tank losses (357 kWh/year, i.e.
(British Standards 2007), i.e. 2.49 kWh per 24 h for a 63% higher than the SAP value of 224 kWh/year). The
300-l tank. SAP-calculated output of the auxiliary water tank losses from TRNSYS are for the entire tank,
heater is 3450 kWh without a solar system, and whereas SAP only directly counts losses from the main
1929 kWh with the system described above (assuming store section of a combined cylinder tank. The losses
the same 300-l storage tank is used in both cases). The from the solar store section are not included in the
calculated solar input is 1186 kWh and the losses in the SAP tank losses figure and are dealt within SAP in the
300-l tank dropped from 559 to 224 kWh/year. The SAP collector performance factor (f(a1/Z0)). Therefore, a
rating for the STC dwelling increases from C 72 to C 74. further evaluation of tank losses could be made
between 214 kWh (TRNSYS), based on 357 kWh/
(300 l/180 l), in comparison with the SAP losses of
6.2. Use of TRNSYS to determine kWh/year 224 kWh/year. TRNSYS results for tank losses are
TRNSYS allows a detailed modelling of a solar thermal therefore within 4% of SAP tank losses.
system. A flat plate collector system identical to that As described above for the PV simulations, it is
modelled in the STC was modelled in TRNSYS, using possible to calculate the SAP rating obtained if the
standard components from the TESS libraries (TESS, SDHW system was simulated in TRNSYS and that
personal communication, 2007). The TRNSYS simula- result was utilized in the main SAP calculation. The
tion was setup to represent a typical good practice water-heater output calculated in TRNSYS is then
system. The flow rate is set to 50 l/h  m2 with a 25-W used rather than the solar input, so that the different
pump, solar primary piping losses are set to 0.2 W/mK. tank losses are taken into account. For the system
described above, the SAP rating is unchanged at C 74.
Table 7. SAP table H1 – default collector parameters (IEA–
SHC figures in brackets).
6.3. Effect of collector parameters
Ratio of SAP calculations and TRNSYS simulations were
aperture area
Collector type Z0 a1 to gross area performed for collectors with parameters matching
the typical values recommended by IEA (IEA-SHC
Evacuated tube 0.6 (0.76) 3 (1.2) 0.72 2004). For glazed flat-plate collectors, the TRNSYS
Flat plate, glazed 0.75 (0.78) 6 (3.2) 0.90 solar input is 32% higher than the SAP value, while the
Unglazed 0.9 (0.90) 20 (20) 1.00
water-heater output is 13% lower. For IEA typical
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 83

Table 8. SDHW results overview.

Water-heater output
Solar input (kWh) (kWh)
Slope and
Solar collector Location azimuth SAP TRN SYS SAP TRNSYS
SAP FP Sheffield 308, south 1186 1461 1924 1782
IEA flat plate Sheffield 308, south 1395 1840 1714 1488
Eskdalemuir 308, south 1635 1647
Efford 308, south 2237 1191
SAP ET Sheffield 308, south 1241 1548 1869 1714
IEA evacuated tube Sheffield 308, south 1530 2246 1580 1220
Efford 308, south 2626 965
Sheffield 458, south 1521 2344 1588 1141
Sheffield 608, south 1493 2371 1617 1110
Sheffield 908, south 1353 2184 1757 1199

evacuated tube collectors, TRNSYS predicts a 47% shown in Table 8. The most striking differences appear
higher solar input and 23% lower water-heater output. for high performance collectors such as the IEA-
For both IEA typical collectors, the SAP rating typical evacuated tubes, for which differences in solar
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

increases from C 74 to C 75 if TRNSYS results are input reach þ 72% (in Efford) and differences in
utilized in the SAP calculation. water-heater output reach 739%, leading to a
Another interesting comparison is between a SAP different SAP rating (C 75).
calculation using the default SAP efficiency for Another interesting conclusion from these results is
evacuated tubes and a TRNSYS simulation using that the influence of the collector slope is different in SAP
default IEA parameters for evacuated tubes. The latter and TRNSYS. Systems with a slope higher than 308
gives a solar input 81% higher and a water-heater always perform worse in SAP, while the optimum slope
output 35% lower than SAP calculations with default in TRNSYS is 458 for maximum solar input and 608 for
parameters for evacuated tubes. The SAP rating would minimum water-heater output. A higher tilt angle will
be C 75 instead of C 74. This underlines the increase the performance of SDHW systems in winter
importance of using certified performance data in while the performance in summer will be affected less,
SAP rather than default values, which have been especially for systems with a high solar fraction. This
designed to be always lower than the typical figures. increases the match between supply and demand, and is
not taken into account in SAP. For Sheffield, the
difference in solar input between TRNSYS and SAP
6.4. Effect of SDHW weather location moves from 47 to 59% for IEA-evacuated tubes when
TRNSYS was used to simulate an identical system the slope goes from 308 to 608 (south-facing). Both
(system described above with typical IEA flat-plate systems have a rating of C 74 in SAP and C 75 when
performance) for a number of UK weather locations. TRNSYS results are taken into account.
Figures were calculated for a northerly and southerly Finally, using a rated pump power of 25 W the
location in the UK, as in the PV section. TRNSYS-calculated pumping energy was between
The TRNSYS calculated values for solar input are 50% and 75% of the SAP value (which is set to
17% higher in Eskdalemuir and 60% higher in Efford, 75 kWh in all configurations).
with the water-heater output to be 4% and 31% lower,
respectively. The equivalent SAP rating would increase
from C 74 to C 75 in Sheffield and Efford, but remain 7. BRE Innovation Park case study
at C 74 for the Eskdalemuir location. Weather location The BRE Innovation Park (based at BRE, Garston,
can therefore be a highly significant factor in determin- UK) allows companies to construct homes of the
ing the output of SHDW (and PV) systems, which are future, demonstrating implementations of renewables
at present not taken into account by SAP due to the and modern methods of construction.
use of one weather location in the UK.

7.1. Stewart Milne Sigma Home

6.5. Other differences between SAP and TRNSYS A preliminary study of the Sigma Home was
Simulations were performed for different slope and conducted. The Sigma Home has been designed in
azimuth angles and different locations and different a similar fashion to a standard UK Victorian
collector parameters. A selection of these results is dwelling built during the period 1837–1901, offering
84 G.B. Murphy et al.

compact, adjustable living over four floors (Figure disregarding all renewables. SAP-suggested improve-
3). The Sigma Home meets level 5 of the Code for ments were the addition of solar water heating panel,
Sustainable Homes (DCLG 2006), which rates the solar PV panel and a wind turbine.
sustainability performance of a dwelling on a scale of
1 to 6. The dwelling has a total floor area of 116 m2,
which can be compared with a typically sized new 7.3. Sigma home þ PV modelled in SAP
detached 3 bedroomed dwelling completed in the UK The installation of PV at the Stewart Milne Sigma
of 94 m2 (Scottish Government Social Research 2009). House utilizes Kyocera KC200GHT PV panels:
The Sigma Home is equipped with PV and SDHW 4.8 kWp are installed on an east-facing low pitch
systems, which will be modelled as part of this (108) and 1.2 kWp are installed on the south-facing
research. The Stewart Milne Sigma Home also has a vertical façade, with a Mastervolt QS6400 inverter
micro wind turbine installation, which is not consid- (Lyle, personal communication, 2009; Dalgarno, per-
ered here. A recent post-occupancy evaluation research sonal communication, 2009). The east-facing PV pitch
programme has been concluded for the Sigma Home: was taken as 08 (i.e. horizontal) with no shading in
this details that the micro wind turbine installation SAP for the purposes of this preliminary study (PVSyst
underperformed and generated little effective electricity uses the correct pitch).
(Stewart Milne Group 2009). Horizontal PVs of 4.8 kWp and vertical PVs of
Discussions with Stewart Milne and the project 1.2 kWp have been inputted into SAP. The areas of
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

development company (RD Energy Solutions Ltd) who

sourced the renewables allowed for an access to the plans Table 9. Sigma house SAP input listings.
of the dwelling and installed renewables. The Sigma
Home was modelled with our best understanding of the Gross Openings Net area U-value
Element area (m2) (m2) (m2) (W/m2K)
data received (Lyle, personal communication, 2009;
Dalgarno, personal communication, 2009). One main Ground floor 33.13 0.13
simplification is that existing shading is ignored both in Exposed floor 4.00 4.00 0.13
Walls 174.79 44.35 130.44 0.15
the SAP assessment and in the detailed modelling. Roof (1) 21.02 21.02 0.13
Roof (2) 16.17 16.17 0.11
Doors 1.89 2.00
7.2. SAP modelling of Sigma Home Windows (1) 42.46 0.70
Windows (2) 1.40
As detailed in Table 9, the Sigma Home was modelled Roof windows 0.25 2.30
in SAP and produced a SAP rating of C 73

Figure 3. Stewart Milne Sigma Home – BRE Innovation Park, Garston, UK. Adapted from Stewart Milne Group (2009).
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 85

vertical PVs were adjusted in SAP to the equivalent kWp Polycrystalline 200-Wp PV modules. Twenty-four
if they were 08, using SAP table h2 (1.2 6 724/ panels were modelled as being roof-mounted with
933 ¼ 0.93 kWp). In total, 5.73 kWp of horizontal PVs six panels modelled as a south-facing façade array.
were entered into SAP, with very little shading selected. When modelled in PVSyst, 3796 kWh/year is calcu-
lated for the available energy at the inverter output.
This is detailed in the PVSyst-generated Sankey
7.4. SAP calculation to determine kWh/year – PV Diagram, detailing losses for the installed Sigma
The SAP calculation to determine the useful energy Home PV system (Figure 4).
production of PV, in kWh/year, was employed: This value is 12% lower than the SAP-calculated
value (4278 kWh/year), which is consistent with the
Electricity produced by the PV module tendency of SAP to overestimate the performance of
¼ 0:80  kWp  S  ZPV PV for non-optimal orientations. The SAP rating
obtained by replacing the SAP-predicted PV output
Horizontal PV of 5.73 kWp with no shading will with the PVSyst value is A 93, i.e. a reduction of one
generate 4278 kWh/year (0.80 6 5.73 6 933 6 1.0). SAP point.
The effect of the installation of this PV array is to
increase the SAP rating to A 94, an increase of 21 SAP
points. 7.6. SIGMA home þ SDHW modelled in SAP
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

The installation of SDHW at the Sigma Home utilizes

4 SCHOTT EPC 16 Evacuated Tube SDHW collectors
7.5. SIGMA home PV modelled in PVSyst and 2 Schuco 200 l dual coil unvented cylinders. The
Matching the installation at the SIGMA home, a solar collectors are on a pitched roof facing south, with
4.8 kWp east-facing roof-mounted array (108 pitch) a slope of 308. In the absence of manufacturer data, the
combined with a 1.2 kWp vertical south-facing array thermal loss coefficient of each 200-l tank was assumed
was modelled in PVSyst. To closely match the to be at the higher end of ‘B’ band in EN 15322, i.e.
system installed at the Sigma Home, a Mastervolt 1.94 kWh/day (3.88 kWh/day for two tanks). Hot-
SunMaster QS 6400 5.2-kW inverter was selected water usage per day was set to be 126.7 l, as defined in
with an array of 30 Kyocera KC200GHT-2 SAP table 1.

Figure 4. Sankey diagram detailing PV production for Sigma Home.

86 G.B. Murphy et al.

Table 10. SAP Table 1 highlighting the relationship is controlled by the boiler. The losses from the solar
between TFA and hot-water energy requirements. store section of the combined tank are stored in the
(b) Energy SAP collector performance factor (f(a1/Z0)). Therefore,
(a) Hot-water content of for a direct comparison of losses, the TRNSYS losses
Floor area usage water used (c) Distribution for the Sigma Home tank should be 248 kWh/year
TFA (m2) Vd (l/day) (kWh/year) loss (kWh/year) based on 620 kWh/(400 l/160 l). Based on a combined
30 63 1146 202 tank, the losses from TRNSYS for the non-solar
40 71 1293 228 portion of the tank is therefore 23% lower than those
50 79 1437 254 recorded in SAP (248 kWh vs. 321 kWh). For a system
60 87 1577 278
70 95 1713 302 with a separate solar cylinder, the SAP tank losses
80 102 1846 326 would be 801 kWh/year.
90 109 1976 349 The SAP rating obtained by using the TRNSYS-
100 116 2102 371 calculated water-heater output in SAP is unchanged at
110 123 2225 393
C 78 (the actual value increases from 77.74 to 78.45,
both of which round to 78).

7.7. SIGMA home þ SAP v9.82 calculation to

determine contribution to domestic hot water 7.9. Sigma Home þ SDHW þ PV modelled in SAP
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

With SCHOTT ETC 16 technical information: With the previously described PV and SDHW modelled
together in SAP, the calculated SAP rating is A 99.
Qs ¼ S  Zpanel  Aap  Z0  UF If the results of PVSyst and TRNSYS are used in
 fða1 =Z0 Þ  fðVeff =Vd Þ the main SAP procedure, the calculated rating is
unchanged at A 99 (it actually decreases from 99.39 to
Qs ¼ 1042  1  3:232  0:773  0:646  0:823  1 98.64, both round to 99). The PV output is adjusted
downwards and the solar thermal input is adjusted
Qs ¼ 1384kWh=year upwards, resulting in a small downwards adjustment
A good agreement is therefore seen between the
On the basis of the technical information available for SAP results and the combination of SAP results with
the Schott ETC 16 evacuated tube collector the addition of detailed modelling results.
(SCHOTT-Rohrglas GmbH 2008), a zero loss collec-
tor efficiency, Z0, of 0.773 and a collector heat loss
coefficient, a1, of 1.09 were utilized. A total aperture 8. Conclusions
area of 3.232 m2 was selected in SAP based on the The importance of accuracy within the methodology
Sigma Home specification of 4 Schott ETC 16 employed to measure the energy performance of
collectors, each with an aperture area of 0.808 m2. dwellings has been highlighted by legislation such as
The solar input, Qs, was calculated to be the EPBD. The study utilized SAP as an exemplar for
1384 kWh/year. This increased the SAP rating of the simplified dwelling assessment methodologies whilst
Sigma Home from C 73 to C 78, an increase of 5 SAP highlighting other countries’ procedures and also
points. countries that have adopted the SAP framework.
This clarifies that the research presented here is
applicable to not only the UK and to SAP but also
7.8. Sigma home SDHW modelled in TRNSYS to countries throughout the world that employ
The installation described above was modelled in simplified dwelling assessment methodologies, espe-
TRNSYS. The calculated solar input is 1839 kWh cially those with comparable levels of solar radiation.
(25% above the SAP value of 1384 kWh/year) and the The comparisons between SAP 2005 v9.82 and PVSyst
water-heater output is 1831 kWh (8% under the SAP simulations show a very good agreement for the base
value) of 1998 kWh/year. case PV system (308 slope, facing south, standard
TRNSYS-derived tank losses for the Sigma home system components and Sheffield weather data). The
SDHW system were 620 kWh for the entire tank, sized difference in energy output at the inverter is 2%. SAP
400 l. This cannot be compared directly with the SAP- only uses the rated nominal power of the PV array in
calculated tank losses of 321 kWh/year for the Sigma the calculation and assumes a central weather location.
Home, as this is based on a tank sized 160 l. In Detailed PVSyst simulations show that using different
considering only a combined tank SAP directly system components (e.g. thin film versus monocrystal-
considers losses from the section of the tank, which line cells) can lead to differences of + 10% in the
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 87

output. This leads to a difference of + 1 in the SAP As for the PV, SAP assumes one location
rating if the PV output calculated by PVSyst is used in representative of the whole UK. Using weather data
the SAP assessment. Further research of the PV Panels for Southern England (Efford) leads to differences of
compared in this study highlighted the differences that up to 60% in solar input and up to 31% in water-
can be found between the nominal power and Peak heater output. The SAP rating obtained by utilizing
Maximum Power Point (PMPP) of a selected panel. For these values in the SAP procedure leads to an
example, the nominal power of the Sulfurcell SCG 50- improved rating (C 75 vs. C 74). The results also
HV-F was recorded by PVSyst as 50 Wp, with a PMPP showed that SAP seems to underestimate the perfor-
of 52.8 W, 5% higher than the nominal power. mance of SDHW systems when the slope is increased,
Conversely, the Eurener PEPV 200 is recorded as a as it ignores the impact of a better match between
200 Wp nominal power panel but the PMPP is 2.6% supply and demand when available radiation is
lower at 194.8 W. These differences between nominal increased in winter and reduced in summer. SAP
power and PMPP are currently not taken into account seems to use a conservative estimate for the energy
in simplified assessments such as SAP. required for water pumping, which is set to 75 kWh for
Simulations were performed using weather data all systems. TRNSYS simulations using a typical
recorded at one station representative of Southern pump-rated power (25 W) showed that the energy
Scotland, and one station representative of Southern use is between 50% and 75% of the SAP value.
England. This leads to differences within (711%/
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

þ 19%) PV output and (71/ þ 2) in equivalent SAP

rating. By combining the impact of different weather 9. Discussion
locations and different system components, PVSyst This study has shown a good agreement between SAP
shows differences within (718%/ þ 33%) in PV results and detailed simulations for PV and a reason-
output and (71/ þ 3) in equivalent SAP rating. able agreement for SDHW systems, when the most
Results for different slopes and azimuth angles also typical system configurations are used. It was high-
show that SAP seems to systematically overestimate lighted that SAP is restrictive as specific values for PV
the performance of PV systems for unfavourable panels, inverters and SDHW systems cannot be
orientations (e.g. vertical north-facing), and slightly entered. Detailed simulation programs can be time-
underestimate the performance for more favourable consuming to input and calculate the results, and are
orientations (e.g. 608 facing south). This is probably more prone to user input error. As SAP relies upon a
explained by the fact that SAP does not take into series of simple equations, there is less scope for errors
account the impact of incidence angle. to occur in calculations. This contrasts with detailed
SAP assessment of solar thermal domestic hot-water analysis tools such as TRNSYS and, to a lesser extent,
systems was compared to detailed TRNSYS simula- PVSyst. These software programs offer a greater
tions. TRNSYS results for a standard system using SAP degree of detail to be modelled, but the learning curve
default parameters for collector efficiency show a solar required to use them is as high as the opportunity to
input, which is 23% higher than SAP results, but the make errors inputting data or selecting components
tank losses are also larger for the entire tank (but lower and system configurations. Therefore, simplified meth-
when compared against the SAP-calculated tank losses odologies such as SAP must focus on the most
for the non-solar store section of the tank) which results important variables and factors utilized in dynamic
in the water-heater output to be only 7% lower. The simulation to ensure accurate results, whilst keeping
SAP default parameters for collector efficiency are inputs to a minimum to ensure speed and ease of use.
significantly lower than the typical values published This study has highlighted that this can be a difficult
by the IEA. Results show that using SAP-default balance to achieve.
parameters instead of IEA default parameters leads For the calculation of PV data it was found that
to under-predicting the savings at the water-heater detailed simulation tools such as PVSyst record and
output by 35%. This highlights the importance of differentiate between the recorded nominal power and
using manufacturer-supplied data in SAP. If certified PMPP, and in some cases there can be a discrepancy.
parameters are available, they can be used in SAP, This discrepancy is apparent in SAP results as only the
and comparisons using the same efficiency para- nominal rating of a PV panel is recorded and used for
meters in TRNSYS and SAP shows that the results calculation. This can cause errors in results as,
differences increase for higher-performance collectors. for example, a 200 W nominal power PV panel can
Using IEA typical evacuated tube data, TRNSYS have a PMPP which is + 5% this figure. SAP does not
predicts a higher solar input (þ47%), a lower water- record this difference and so all panels of a nominal
heater output (723%) and an improved SAP rating rating are recorded identically in SAP. Analysis of the
(C 75 versus C 74). major factors that can affect the calculated kWh/year
88 G.B. Murphy et al.

for PV determined that the inverter used to convert by increasing SAP’s modelling resolution in the
from DC to AC could have a dramatic effect on energy following respects:
available from a PV system (Salas and Olias 2009).
The hot-water draw-off profile cannot be altered in . Considering different weather locations would
SAP and this emphasizes that the figures produced by allow renewable energy technologies to be
SAP are representative only. This is a major difference ranked more fairly, as illustrated by the differ-
between SAP and TRNSYS; TRNSYS results are ences between results in Efford and Eskdalemuir.
specific to each particular case with exact details . For PV systems, including the incidence angle
simulated and are not designed to be representative modifier effects into incident radiation tables
across a range of cases. Tank losses were found to be an would give a fairer representation of non-optimal
area where SAP and TRNSYS are poorly compared. A PV array orientations.
major factor in this was that SAP was found to ignore . For SDHW systems, increasing the time resolu-
losses from the solar store section of a tank and deal with tion of the modelling equation (e.g. from yearly
these in the collector performance factor (f(a1/Z0)). The to monthly) would allow to account for the
collector performance factor has a similar purpose to the (mis)match between solar heat availability and
0.8 factor in the SAP PV calculation – many factors, demand. This would allow a better assessment of
which a dynamic simulation tool such as TRNSYS systems with a lower or higher solar fraction
would record independently, are accounted for by one than the typical one.
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

simplified figure. The collector performance factor also

underlines that SAP does not allow for the recording of 10. Further work
an a2 term (the second-order loss coefficient), corre- As stated in the discussion section, further research is
sponding to a1. required to clarify the differences that have been
Our findings illustrate that SAP seems to system- identified between the calculated PV and SDHW
atically overestimate the performance of PV and output from detailed simulation tools, such as PVSyst
SDHW systems for unfavourable orientations and and TRNSYS, and the results from simplified methods
that this could be caused by the impact of incidence such as SAP. Precise further work will further identify
angle not being taken into account in SAP. An the reasons for these differences. Specifically this will
additional SAP table detailing transmitted solar clarify what additional variables, or modification of
radiation could be added to the SAP methodology to current SAP variables, would result in simplified
improve SAP in this area. The centralized weather outputs, which are more consistent with the detailed
location of Sheffield utilized by SAP allows for homes counterparts.
throughout the UK to be compared directly. However, Further work is required to state if simplified
this has the effect of overestimating PV and SDHW methodologies such as SAP should explicitly or
output in northerly areas of the UK whilst under- implicitly record the performance of a PV inverter,
estimating output in southerly areas of the UK. based on the European Efficiency of Inverters. The
Different system configurations and weather data European Efficiency of Inverters has been in use
locations were simulated and showed significant throughout Europe since 1991 and is the function of
differences in performance, up to 35%. This seems to the efficiency of an inverter at defined percentage
be even more the case for SDHW systems with high values of nominal AC power (Valentini et al. 2008).
efficiency collectors; further work is required in this Further work should also focus on the difference
area. SAP ratings are typically affected by the between nominal rated power and peak maximum
differences lesser than 1, but in some cases differences power point (PMPP) of a PV Panel. This will clarify the
of 3 have been noted. As simplified methodologies such variation this can cause with calculated PV output and
as SAP are sometimes used to rank energy saving if simplified assessments such as SAP should be
measures, these differences can be significant. updated to allow the recording of PMPP of panels.
Simplified assessment methodologies such as SAP Supplementary research related to the effect of an
and detailed tools such as PVSyst or TRNSYS play a incidence angle modifier (IAM) (Nilsson et al. 2006)
role in reducing the environmental impact of the built and maximum power point tracker (MPPT) (Enrique
environment, and the authors do not believe that et al. 2009), and how simplified methodologies such as
rating systems should be based on detailed simulation SAP take this into account is also required.
results – it would not be practical and would probably The impact of solar incident angle modifier to a
be counterproductive to add a lot of complexity to SDHW-calculated output should also be researched
standard assessment tools. Keeping this in mind, our further. Specific work is required to confirm the impact
work has shown that some of the discrepancies of this on the output of evacuated tube collectors.
between SAP and detailed results could be resolved Further work should investigate the performance of
Journal of Building Performance Simulation 89

SDHW systems in more detail: impact of design Veff effective solar volume, litres
parameters (e.g. set-point temperature, tank volume Vd daily hot-water demand, litres (from SAP
and losses), and draw-off profile. The systematic tabulated data versus floor area)
differences noted in this study (ignoring the incidence f(Veff/Vd) solar storage volume factor ¼ 1.0 þ 0.2
angle impact for PV and the supply-demand match ln(Veff/Vd) subject to f(Veff/Vd)  1.0
and solar radiation utilization for SDHW) will also be
investigated in detail with the view to suggest SAP terminology
improvements to the SAP methodology. Further study TFA total floor area
will confirm whether SAP should take into account the
second-order loss coefficient in addition to the a1
coefficient. Additional focus on tank losses and the References
SAP SDHW utilization factor and collector perfor- Anderson, B.R., et al., 2001. BREDEM-12 model description.
mance factor would also be beneficial. The impact of BRE.
shading for SDHW and PV systems and how SAP can Bahij, A.S. and P.A.B., 2006. Urban energy generation: the
best take this factor into account should also be added value of photovoltaics in social housing. Renew-
assessed. It is well known that shading can have a able and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 11 (2007), 2121–
devastating effect on PV performance, and it is unclear BRE, 2008. SAP 2005. The Government’s Standard Assess-
how the basic categories in SAP can address this. ment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings. 2005 ed.
Downloaded by [M.Pal pandian] at 10:43 08 April 2013

Comparisons between SAP and other comparable revision 2, BRE.

simplified methodologies (such as others used to meet British Standards, 2007. Heating boilers – energy assessment
other European nations EPBD obligations) would of hot water systems. BS EN 15332:2007. BSI.
Cooper, G.A., 2008. SAP 2005 and Low Energy Dwellings.
highlight whether the issues raised from this research UK: Oxford Brookes University.
are common for other simplified assessment methodol- DCLG, 2006. Code for sustainable homes – a step-change in
ogies. A comparative assessment between different sustainable home building practice. London, UK: Depart-
simplified methodologies and SAP is an important ment for Communities and Local Government.
future work to benchmark SAP against similar DCLG, 2007. Building regulations energy efficiency require-
ments for new dwellings – a forward look at what standards
comparable methodologies. may be in 2010 and 2013. London, UK: Department for
Communities and Local Government.
Acknowledgements Deutsche Energie-Agentur, 2009. Energy performance certi-
The authors thank the BRE Trust for the funding and ficate for buildings – information about the activities of the
continued assistance of this research. Stewart Dalgarno, German Energy Agency [online]. Available from: www.
Director of Product Development, Stewart Milne Group and [accessed 23
Andrew Lyle, Director, Renewable Devices Energy Solutions January 2010].
Ltd. were both helpful in providing details for the Sigma Home. DIAG, 2010. The Building Performance Directive Implemen-
tation Advisory Group [online]. Available from:
www.diag. [accessed 23 January 2010].
Nomenclature Duffy, M., et al., 2009. TRNSYS – features and functionality
SAP PV for building simulation 2009 conference. 11th Interna-
0.80 SAP empirical factor for PV tional IBPSA Conference, 27–30 July 2009. Glasgow,
Scotland, 1950–1954.
S annual solar radiation Dyrbol, S. and Aggerholm, J., 2008. Implementing the EPBD
ZPV shading factor in Denmark [online]. Available from:
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