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1.3 Stimuli and Responses in Plants 1.

4 Importance of Responses Towards Stimuli in Other Animals

• Plants responds to light, gravity, water and touch stimuli 1. Carnivores and herbivores have different type of vision
• 2 types of respond : tropism and nastic movements a) Carnivores – stereoscopic vision
TROPISM b) Herbivores – monocular vision

Stereoscopic vision Monocular vision

Positive Negative
Overlapping visual fields
(field of stereoscopic vision)
Positive Positive Positive Negative Negative Negative
phototropism geotropism hydrotropism phototropism geotropism hydrotropism
Visual field of Visual field of
left eye right eye
(A) Phototropism The growth of plant towards light
Positive phototropism • Shoot grows towards light Visual field of Visual field of
left eye right eye

Both eyes at the front of head An eye on each side of the head
Both eyes used to look at object One eye used to look at object
negative Field of stereoscopic vision is area Fields of vision in both eyes
phototropism where visual fields of both eyes either don’t overlap or overlap a
Negative phototropism • Root grows away from the light overlap little
(B) Geotropism The growth of plant towards gravity Provides smaller field of vision Provides wider field of vision
(sometimes covers 360o)
Positive geotropism • Root grows downwards towards the Forms a 3-dimensional image Do not form 3-D image
pull of gravity
Can estimate position and Not able to estimate position &
negative distance of an object accurately distance accurately
• Human beings & predators • Preys have monocular vision
• Enable predator to determine • Enable prey to detect
the position of their prey predators from any angle
Negative geotropism • Shoot grows away from the pull of
gravity 2. Animals have sensory organs that ensures its survival on Earth
(C) Hydrotropism The growth of plant towards water
Sensory organ Response
Positive hydrotropism • Root grows towards the direction of Quills • Porcupine has quills that are sharp & strong
water (Porcupine) on the body
• Positive hydrotropism of roots stronger • When attacked by predators, it shoots its
than positive geotropism quill towards the predator
Electric field • This fish has electric organ that produce
(Electrical fish) electrical charges
• Electrical charges produces electric around
dry wet dry
soil soil soil soil its body
• The electric field helps the fish to determine
Negative hydrotropism • Shoot grows away from water its direction & to detect agitation from an
(D) Thigmotropism Growth movement of plant towards touch object / nearby organisms
Positive thigmotropism • Eg : bitter gourd & cucumber Pheromones • Male beetle use its antennae to detect
• Have tendrils that twine around an (Beetle) pheromones produced by female beetle
object that touches them • Helps male beetle to find its mates
Jacobson’s organ • Jacobson’s organ is a patch of sensory cells
(Vipera berus located on nasal chamber
snake) • Jacobson’s organ helps to detect smell
captured from air by tongue & helps to
Nastic movements • Plant responds towards touch, light & detect prey
heat through nastic movement Eye • Spider has more than a pair eyes with highly
• Direction of responds doesn’t depend (Spider) complex with a well-developed vision
on direction of stimuli • Eyes provide a 360o vision field to detect
• Eg : Venus flytrap Mimosa pudica movement & depth of object
Tympanum • Grasshopper have eardrum on abdomen
(Grasshopper) that can detect sound & air movement
Lateral line • Lateral line is a system of sensory organs
(Fish) found along the fish body
Importance of plant movement in ensuring continuity • Lateral line used to detect changes in air
& survival of plants pressure, detect prey & assist in movement
Responses Importance of responds of plant
Positive phototropism Helps plants to obtain sunlight
Positive geotropism Helps roots to penetrate ground to obtain
water and roots can grip the soil strongly
Hydrotropism Helps roots to absorb water & mineral salt
Thigmotropism - Helps plants to climb greater heights to
obtain sunlight
- Helps to secure support to ensure upright
Nastic movement - Protects leaves from injury
- Traps insects that touched them & eat it
1.3 Rangsangan dan Gerak Balas dalam Tumbuhan 1.4 Kepentingan Gerak Balas Terhadap Rangsangan dalam Haiwan Lain
• Tumbuhan bergerak balas terhadap cahaya, graviti dan air 1. Karnivor dan herbivore mempunyai penglihatan yang berbeza
• 2 jenis gerak balas : tropisme dan gerak balas nastik a) Karnivor – penglihatan stereoskopik
TROPISME b) Herbivor – penglihatan monokular

Penglihatan stereoskopik Penglihatan monokular

Positif Negatif
Medan penlihatan bertindih
(medan penglihatan stereoskopik)
Positif Positif Positif Negatif Negatif Negatif
fototropisme geotropisme hidrotropisme fototropisme geotropisme hidrotropisme Medan Medan
penglihatan penglihatan
(A) Fototropism Gerak balas tumbuhan terhadap cahaya sebelah kanan sebelah kanan

Positif fototropisme • Pucuk tumbuh ke arah cahaya Medan Medan

positif sebelah kanan
sebelah kiri

Kedua-dua mata di hadapan kepala Kedua-dua mata di tepi kepala

Penglihatan melibatkan dua mata Penglihatan melibatkan satu
negatif mata
fototropisme Medan penglihatan bertindih yang Medan penglihatan bertindih
Negatif fototropisme • Akar tumbuh menjauhi cahaya besar yang kecil
Medan penglihatan yang kecil Medan penglihatan luas
(B) Geotropisme Gerak balas tumbuhan terhadap graviti
(hampir melitupi 360o)
Positif geotropisme • Akar tumbuh ke bawah ke arah graviti Bentuk imej tiga-dimensi Tiada imej tiga-dimensi
Dapat menganggar posisi dan jarak Tidak dapat menganggar posisi
negatif sesuatu objek secara lebih tepat & jarak dengan tepat
• Manusia & pemangsa • Haiwan mangsa
• Pemangsa dapat mengenalpasi • Haiwan mangsa dapat
geotropisme posisi & jarak haiwan mangsa mengesan pemangsa dari
Negatif geotropisme • Pucuk tumbuh ke arah bertentangan
dengan graviti 2. Haiwan mempunyai organ deria yang membantu kesinambungannya
(C) Hidrotropisme Gerak balas tumbuhan terhadap air di muka bumi
Positif hidrotropisme • Akar tumbuh ke arah air Root grows
Organ Deria Gerak Balas
towards the direction of water
Misai/bulu • Landak mempunyai bulu berbentuk rambut
• Akar positif hidrotropism lebih kuat
(Landak) yang tajam dan kuat
berbanding akar positif geotropism
• Bila diserang oleh pemangsa, landak akan
mengembangkan bulu tajamnya
Medan electric • Ikan ini mempunyai organ elektrik yg
Tanah Tanah Tanah Tanah (Ikan parang hasilkan caj elektrik
kering basah kering soil
basah Afrika) • Caj elektrik dihasilkan disekitar badan ikan
• Medan elektrik membantu mengenal pasti
Negatif hidrotropisme • Pucuk tumbuh menjauhi air
arah & mengesan agitasi dari haiwan/objek
(D) Tigmotropisme Gerak balas tumbuhan terhadap sentuhan lain
Positif tigmotropisme • Eg : peria & timun Feromon • Kumbang betina mengeluarkan feromon yg
• Mempunyai sulur paut untuk melilit (Kumbang) dikesan oleh kumbang jantan menggunakan
pada objek lain untuk sokongan sesunggutnya
Batang lembut Organ Jacobson • Organ Jacobson terletak pada bhgn atas
/ sulur paut
(Vipera berus rongga mulut
snake) • Digunakan utk mengesan bau daripada
udara melalui lidah & membantu mengesan
Pergerakan nastik • Gerak balas bahagian tertentu haiwan mangsa
tumbuhan terhadap rangsangan Mata • Mempunyai lebih daripada sepasang mata
• Tidak bergantung pada arah rangsangan (labah-labah) bagi mengesan mangsa.
Eg : Venus flytrap Mimosa pudica • Memberi medan penglihatan 360o untuk
mengesan pergerakan objek
Gegendang telinga • Belalang mempunyai gegendang telinga
(Belalang) pada tubuh badan yg dpt mengesan bunyi &
pergerakan udara
Garis lateran • Garisan lateral pada badan ikan ialah sebuah
Kepentingan gerak balas tumbuhan dalam menjamin (Ikan) system organ deria
kesinambungan • Digunakan utk mengesan perubahan
Responses Importance of responds of plant tekanan udara, mengesan mangsa &
Positif fototropisme Membantu tumbuhan mendapat cahaya membantu pergerakan
Positif geotropisme Membantu akar untuk menembut tanah
untuk mendapat air dan sokongan
Hidrotropisme Membantu akar menyerap air dan mineral
Tigmotropisme - Membantu tumbuhan mendapat cahaya
matahari secukupnya
- Membantu tumbuhan mendapat
sokongan dan posisi menegak
Pergerakan Nastik - Melindung daun dari bahaya
- Merangkap serangga dan memakannya

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