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Empiric Antibiotics for Serious Bacterial Infection

in Young Infants
Opportunities for Stewardship
Joseph B. Cantey, MD,* Eduardo Lopez-Medina, MD,† Sean Nguyen, PharmD,‡
Christopher Doern, PhD,§ and Carla Garcia, MD*

coli, and other gram-negative rods, Enterococcus sp., and Listeria

Objectives: To evaluate the causative agents of serious bacterial infection monocytogenes, among others.5 The epidemiology of SBI in young
(SBI) in young infants and the optimal approach to empiric antibiotic ther- infants continues to change, including an increasing prevalence of
apy for infants with SBI. ampicillin-resistant gram-negative rods and fewer GBS and Listeria
Methods: From May 1, 2011, to December 1, 2013, pertinent clinical cases.6–10 As a result, some experts have called for a modification
data were collected on previously well infants 60 days or younger with of empiric therapy with an increased reliance on third-generation
SBI as defined by a positive bacterial culture from a sterile site. Infants cephalosporins.8,11 However, there is evidence that ampicillin-
were identified by prospective surveillance of admissions and daily review and gentamicin-based regimens may be equally efficacious or
of microbiology records. even superior to cephalosporin-based regimens.12,13 Additionally,
Results: Two hundred sixty-five infants with SBI were identified. Mean use of third-generation cephalosporins increase the risk for infec-
age was 32 days (SD ±16.6 days). Twenty-nine infants had meningitis, 66 tion with resistant organisms both in the community14,15 and in
had bacteremia (37 with concomitant urinary tract infection), and 170 had closed settings, such as neonatal intensive care units.16,17 As a re-
urinary tract infection alone. No methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus sult, the optimal approach to empiric therapy for infants with
aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus sp., or penicillin-resistant suspected SBI remains uncertain. The objective of our study was
Streptococcus pneumoniae were identified. Four extended-spectrum to evaluate the causative agents of SBI in infants 60 days or younger
β-lactamase–producing gram-negative bacilli were seen. Empiric therapy and to identify the optimal strategy for empiric antibiotic therapy for
was ampicillin and gentamicin (n = 116, 44%) or third-generation cephalo- these infants.
sporin based (n = 149, 56%). Ampicillin and gentamicin, with third-
generation cephalosporins reserved for cases where meningitis is suspected,
would have provided effective coverage for 98.5% of infants and unnecessar- METHODS
ily broad therapy for 4.3%. Third-generation cephalosporins with ampicillin
would have been effective for 98.5% of infants and unnecessarily broad for
From May 1, 2011, to December 1, 2013, study investigators
83.8%. Third-generation cephalosporin monotherapy was less effective than
reviewed admission records at Children's Medical Center (CMC)
either combination (P < 0.001). Fifty-seven percent of broad spectrum em-
Dallas daily to identify previously well infants 60 days or younger
piric therapy was continued despite culture results allowing de-escalation.
evaluated for SBI. Microbiology laboratory records were reviewed
Conclusions: Ampicillin/gentamicin remains an effective empiric regi- daily by the clinical microbiologist and study investigators. Infants
men for infants 60 days or younger with suspected SBI. Use of a third-
with a pathogen isolated from a sterile site (blood, urine, cerebro-
generation cephalosporin for suspected meningitis is appropriate, but cere-
spinal fluid [CSF], or peritoneal fluid) were included in the study.
brospinal fluid must be obtained promptly to guide appropriate therapy.
Infants born before 32 weeks gestation, or who had previous sur-
geries other than circumcision, previous admission(s), or chronic
Key Words: antibiotic, stewardship, infant, serious bacterial infection medical conditions were excluded from analysis.
(Pediatr Emer Care 2015;31: 568–571) Urine cultures were considered positive if they yielded
greater than 5  104 colony-forming units of a single pathogen.18
Blood, CSF, or peritoneal fluid cultures were considered positive
I nfants 60 days or younger are at risk for serious bacterial
infection (SBI), and admission for empiric antibiotic therapy re-
mains a common cause of hospitalization in this age group.1 The
if they yielded a known pathogen. Viridans group Streptococcus,
coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, and cutaneous gram-positive
rods, such as Corynebacterium or Bacillus, were considered con-
majority of these infants receive antibiotics, often ampicillin and taminants. Blood cultures were processed using the BacT-Alert
gentamicin for neonates (≤28 days) and a third-generation cephalo- system (Becton-Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ); urine and CSF
sporin with or without ampicillin for older infants.2–4 These agents cultures were processed using appropriate agar media (Remel,
are selected based on the common causative agents of SBI in these Lenexa, KS).
age groups, including group B Streptococcus (GBS), Escherichia Review of the electronic medical records for each infant in-
cluded demographic, clinical, and outcome data. Antibiotic regi-
From the *Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical
mens were collected, including empiric therapy, defined as
Center, Dallas, TX; †Department of Pediatrics, Universidad del Valle and initiation before culture results were available; and definitive ther-
Centro de Estudios en Infectologia Pediatrica, Cali, Colombia; and ‡Depart- apy, defined as antibiotic(s) used to complete therapy once culture
ment of Pharmacology, Children's Medical Center; §Department of Pathology, results were finalized. Dose, dosing interval, and days of antibiotic
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX.
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
therapy were recorded. Empiric therapy was considered effective
Reprints: Joseph B. Cantey, MD, Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas if it had in vitro activity against the identified pathogen(s) and dis-
Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390- tributed to the infected compartment. For example, for ampicillin-
9063 (e‐mail: resistant, gentamicin-susceptible, ceftriaxone-susceptible E. coli
This study was presented in part at the Pediatric Academic Society Annual
Meeting, April 28, 2012, to May 1, 2012, Boston, MA
causing urinary tract infection (UTI), a third-generation cephalo-
Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. sporin would be effective coverage but unnecessarily broad relative
ISSN: 0749-5161 to ampicillin/gentamicin. However, for the same isolate causing

568 Pediatric Emergency Care • Volume 31, Number 8, August 2015

Copyright © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Pediatric Emergency Care • Volume 31, Number 8, August 2015 Empiric Therapy for SBI in Young Infants

meningitis, a third-generation cephalosporin would be considered

necessary because gentamicin does not penetrate well into CSF. TABLE 2. Pathogens and Types of Serious Bacterial Infection
Identified in Infants ≤ 60 Days of Age (N = 265)
De-escalation of therapy was evaluated for infants who received
broad-spectrum therapy and subsequently received narrow spec-
Serious Bacterial
trum therapy based on the infected compartment(s) and bacterial
Infection N (%) Pathogens (N)
susceptibilities. If third-generation cephalosporin therapy was con-
tinued for suspected meningitis, but CSF was not obtained, then Meningitis alone 9 (3.4%) Escherichia coli (3)
the de-escalation of a third-generation cephalosporin was consid- GBS (3)
ered unevaluable. Infants with suspected meningitis included those Enterococcus faecalis (2)
with abnormal CSF profiles (>15 white blood cell/mm3, protein Salmonella sp. (1)
>100 mg/dL, or glucose <35 mg/dL) or neurologic signs at presen- Meningitis with 18 (6.8%) Escherichia coli (7)
tation, including lethargy, seizures, or apnea.19 Antibiotic days were bacteremia GBS (7)
calculated using days of therapy, meaning the number of calendar
days that an infant received a specific antibiotic. For example, 2 days Streptococcus bovis (2)
of cefotaxime and 2 days of ampicillin would equal 4 days of ther- Salmonella sp. (1)
apy. To determine whether empiric antibiotic selection was similar Streptococcus pneumoniae (1)
between infants with proven SBI and those in whom SBI was ex- Meningitis with UTI 2 (0.8%) Escherichia coli (1)
cluded, we evaluated the empiric antibiotics administered to infants GBS (1)
with ruled-out SBI in a one-to-one manner. The infant with the Bacteremia alone 29 (10.9%) GBS (18)*
next-highest medical record number who otherwise met inclusion Escherichia coli (4)
criteria but had sterile cultures was evaluated for this purpose. Enterococcus faecalis (2)
Descriptive comparisons were performed using mean and Streptococcus pneumoniae (2)
standard deviation, or median and interquartile range for data
Pasteurella sp. (1)
not normally distributed. Statistical comparisons were performed
using χ2 testing with a 2-tailed significance threshold of P less Streptococcus pyogenes (1)
than 0.05. This study was approved by the institutional review Staphylococcus aureus (1)
board at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Bacteremia with UTI 37 (14%) Escherichia coli (35)
with a waiver of informed consent (study 042011-072). Enterobacter sp. (2)
UTI alone 171 (64.5%) Escherichia coli (131)*
Enterococcus faecalis (16)
RESULTS Klebsiella pneumoniae (13)
During the study period, 265 infants with SBI were identi- Enterobacter sp. (4)
fied. Their demographic and clinical features are summarized in Citrobacter sp. (2)
Table 1. Infants were admitted through the CMC emergency de- GBS (1)
partment (ED, 89%) or via the ED of another facility (11%).
Morganella morgagni (1)
Twenty-nine infants (11%) had meningitis, 66 infants (25%) had
Enterococcus fergusonii (1)
Serratia marcesens (1)
TABLE 1. Demographic and Clinical Features of Infants With Proteus mirabilis (1)
Serious Bacterial Infection (N = 265)
No methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant
Enterococcus, or penicillin-resistant Pneumococcus.
Age, mean (SD), d 32 (16.6)
*One infant with GBS bacteremia and concomitant E. coli UTI.
Male, N (%) 174 (65.7%)
Gestational age, mean (SD), weeks 38.8 (1.9)
Birth weight, mean (SD), g 3326 (550)
Vaginal delivery, N (%) 207 (78.1%) bacteremia (27 with concomitant UTI), and 170 infants (64%)
Maternal age, mean (SD), y 26.8 (6.1) had UTI alone (Table 2). E. coli and GBS were the predominant path-
Maternal parity, median (IQR) 2 (1 – 3)
ogens, and there were no differences between the pathogens causing
SBI in neonates versus older infants (29-60 days, P = 0.23). No
Empiric antibiotic therapy, N (%)
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin-resistant
Ampicillin and gentamicin 116 (43.8%) Enterococcus sp., or penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae
Third-generation cephalosporin monotherapy 72 (27.2%) were seen. There were 4 extended-spectrum β-lactamase–producing
Third-generation cephalosporin and ampicillin 65 (24.5%) gram-negative bacilli seen. Antibiotic therapy was initiated before
Third-generation cephalosporin and vancomycin 12 (4.5%) CSF was obtained in 30% of the infants (80/265). Thirty-seven in-
Serious bacterial infection, N (%) fants had CSF obtained a median of 2 days after antibiotic initia-
Meningitis (±bacteremia or UTI) 29 (10.9%) tion, and 84% (31/37) had normal CSF findings. The remaining
Bacteremia (±UTI) 66 (24.9%) 43 infants did not undergo lumbar puncture.
UTI alone 170 (64.2%) Empiric antibiotic regimens for infants were either ampicillin/
Length of stay, median (IQR), d 3 (2 – 9)
gentamicin (n = 116; 44%) or third-generation cephalosporin-based
(n = 149; 56%). The selection of empiric antibiotics was similar to
Intensive care unit admission, N (%) 37 (14%)
265 matched infants without SBI (43% ampicillin/gentamicin,
Infectious diseases consultation, N (%) 56 (19.6%) 57% third-generation cephalosporin-based, P = 0.69). For 126 in-
Deaths, N (%) 3 (1.1%) fants 28 days or younger with SBI, ampicillin/gentamicin was
IQR indicates interquartile range. used more frequently (n = 98; 78%); for the 139 infants older than
28 day, empiric therapy was predominantly third-generation

© 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. 569

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Cantey et al Pediatric Emergency Care • Volume 31, Number 8, August 2015

cephalosporin-based (n = 121; 87%). Twelve infants (5%) re- also 4 isolates that produced extended-spectrum β-lactamases
ceived vancomycin. When meningitis was not suspected, and were resistant to third-generation cephalosporins and ampicil-
ampicillin/gentamicin and third-generation cephalosporin-based lin, but susceptible to gentamicin. Ampicillin and gentamicin are
regimens were effective empiric coverage for 96% and 97% of in- an effective combination for empiric therapy for SBI, and third-
fants, respectively (P = 0.78). Based on the identified pathogens generation cephalosporins should be reserved for cases where
and infected compartments, the hypothetical efficacy of 3 ap- meningitis is suspected.
proaches to empiric antibiotic regimens is shown in Table 3. Third-generation cephalosporin monotherapy would have
Based on in vitro susceptibilities and infected compartment(s), been a less efficacious regimen for the infants in our cohort. Only
67% of third-generation cephalosporin use and 12 of 12 (100%) 91% of infants would have received effective therapy compared to
courses of vancomycin were unnecessarily broad relative to 98.5% with either ampicillin/gentamicin or ampicillin/third-
ampicillin/gentamicin. Fifty-seven percent of third-generation generation cephalosporin (P < 0.001 for both comparisons). This
cephalosporin courses were continued despite susceptibility results difference is because of the 20 Enterococcus faecalis isolates
which would have allowed a de-escalation of therapy, resulting in (7.5% of identified pathogens), which are intrinsically resistant
511 extra days of therapy with third-generation cephalosporins. to cephalosporins. Without the addition of ampicillin, empiric
Another 12% of continued third-generation cephalosporin use third-generation cephalosporin monotherapy was inferior to com-
could not be de-escalated because meningitis was suspected, but bination regimens for suspected SBI.
CSF was not obtained or was obtained after antibiotic therapy De-escalating therapy once culture results are available is a
was initiated. core principle of antibiotic stewardship.21 Empiric broad-spectrum
therapy is reasonable in an infant with signs of sepsis or significant
clinical instability, or when meningitis is suspected. However, de-
DISCUSSION escalation to narrow spectrum therapy should be performed as soon
Suspected SBI is one of the most common causes of ED eval- as susceptibilities of the bacterial isolate are finalized. In 57% of
uation and hospital admission in infants younger than 60 days. The cases, providers continued third-generation cephalosporin-based
optimal empiric antibiotic regimen for these infants remains a sub- therapy when narrower-spectrum options were available. The fail-
ject of debate. Third-generation cephalosporins have been associ- ure to de-escalate therapy accounted for 511 additional antibiotic
ated with adverse outcomes, most notably an association with days with a third-generation cephalosporin in this cohort. Evaluat-
increased resistance.15,17 However, empiric therapy for infants with ing the appropriateness of continued third-generation cephalosporin
suspected SBI must ensure that at least 1 antibiotic is active against therapy is difficult in situations where it is being administered for
the likely causative pathogens.20 Therefore, empiric antibiotic ther- concerns of meningitis, but CSF is either not obtained or obtained
apy must be continuously updated based on local resistance after the initiation of antibiotic treatment. A substantial fraction
patterns.11 In our cohort of infants, either the combination of ampi- (12%) of cephalosporin use in this study was not able to be evalu-
cillin and gentamicin or ampicillin with a third-generation cephalo- ated. If meningitis is not suspected, then broadening therapy to en-
sporin would have provided effective coverage to greater than 98% sure penetration into the CSF is unnecessary.22 If antibiotics are
of infants in the absence of meningitis. However, there would have being broadened because of a suspicion for meningitis, then
been significantly more unnecessary cephalosporin use if third- obtaining CSF for analysis before the initiation of antibiotics is im-
generation cephalosporins were used empirically for all infants with perative, and will allow clinicians to optimize the empiric antibiotic
suspected SBI (83.8%) as opposed to only those with suspected regimen and to de-escalate therapy when meningitis is excluded.
meningitis (4.2%, P < 0.001). There were 4 Enterobacteriaceae iso- As other investigators have noted, an institution's empiric
lates that were resistant to both ampicillin and gentamicin and sus- therapy for SBI in early infancy must be driven by a careful anal-
ceptible to third-generation cephalosporins; however, there were ysis of their local epidemiology.8,10,11,23 The low prevalence of

TABLE 3. In Vitro Efficacy of 3 Different Approaches to Empiric Antibiotic Therapy, Based on Pathogens Identified in Infant Cohort
(N = 265)

Empiric Therapy
Ampicillin/Third-Generation Third-Generation Third-Generation
Cephalosporin Reserved Cephalosporin Cephalosporin
for Suspected Meningitis† With Ampicillin Monotherapy
Infants who would receive 225 0 0
Infants who would receive 40 265 265
third-generation cephalosporins
Effective therapy, N (%) 261‡ (98.5%) 261§ (98.5%) 241§,|| (90.9%)*
Unnecessarily broad, N (%) 11 (4.2%)* 222 (83.8%) 222 (83.8%)
*Cerebrospinal fluid with >15 white blood cell/mm3, >120 mg/dL protein, or <35 mg/dL glucose, or seizures, apnea, or lethargy at presentation.

4 Enterobacteriaceae resistant to both ampicillin and gentamicin.

4 extended-spectrum β-lactamase–producing Enterobacteriaceae.
20 Enterococcus faecalis infections, intrinsically resistant to cephalosporins.
P value < 0.001 compared to other 2 regimens.

570 © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Pediatric Emergency Care • Volume 31, Number 8, August 2015 Empiric Therapy for SBI in Young Infants

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