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Project Name Communication Plan – Date

Project Name Communication Plan

Working Document
Version: Draft 1
Date: Date
Author: Name

Content experts/approvers
 Sponsor Exec name
 Project leads/Facilitators Contact names
 Approvers of materials Approver names
 Communications Review Name

Project Objectives
 Educate employees on the new strategy and how that aligns with their day-to-day work.
 Communicate new organizational structure, tools, department overviews, resources, what stays
the same, what changes and when.
 Ensure consistent, timely, and relevant communications to employees to motivate and build
confidence in the new organization.
 Clearly explain action items and follow up to ensure completion

Communication Objectives
 Ensure consistent, timely, and relevant communications to employees to motivate and build
confidence in the new organization.
 Coordinate communications with other departments, functions, and sectors, as appropriate.
 Coordinate with managers to identify and facilitate employee communication opportunities – via
the web, in person or video.

Key messages
1. Focus on Customers
2. Grow our business
3. How we work is a differentiator in the market
4. Focus on Customers (it always comes back to this)

How to fill in this area:
- Identify potential areas of resistance to change
- Identify other related projects

Communication deliverables
 Regular communication from executive
 Audio conference calls, with staff participation – cite examples of customer satisfaction, working
together, successes, new processes, etc.
 MS WW website
 Level x announcements
 Strategy, mission, vision, objectives
 Leadership team biographies and photos
 web strategy
 Regular posting of memos to support strategy, changes and announcements
 What stays the same, what changes and when  invest time to identify what is different
 Communicate tools/resources
Project Name Communication Plan – Date

 All communications must be coordinated with GBUs, Regions

 2-way Feedback loop

Key messages
1. Focus on Customers
2. Grow our business – we are a growth engine for HPS and HP
3. How we work is a differentiator in the market
4. Create enthusiasm – winning attitudes
5. Focus on Customers (it always comes back to this)

Audiences – primary and secondary

 WW organization
 managers
 Leadership team
 Sales
 Regions, Countries

Release success factors (how do you know your communications were successful?)
 Employees have the tools and materials needed to grow our business
 Employees understand the strategy and how they arean integral part of that success
 No disruption of business or information flow
 Coordinated, consistent communications with Corporate

Email mailboxes:
Distribution lists:
Internal websites:

Communication matrix

Audience Deliverable/Message Timing Owner(s) Vehicle

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