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NO. ABSEN : 06



Purportedly, Nyi Roro Kidul is a beautiful queen like nymphs. Her beauty
never faded in all days. At the base south of the sea, the ocean which first called the
Indian Ocean, South of Java Island, she governed a royal delicate creature kingdom
that is very large and beautiful.

According to the story, long time ago, there is a beautiful woman, named
Kadita. For her beauty, she was often called Dewi Srengenge, which means the fairest
Sun. Kadita is a daughter of king Munding Wangi. Although Kadita has very beautiful
face, the king was still upset because he did not have a son who can be prepared for
being the next king. After the king got married with Dewi Mutiara, there was born a
baby boy. However, after getting much attention, Dewi Mutiara started asking many
demands, such as making sure their children will be the man who will replace the king
and the Dewi Kadita must be expelled from the palace. The first request was fulfilled,
but the King was not willing to expel Dewi Kadita.

“I can’t accept it!”, Dewi Mutiara said.

“I can’t fulfil your evil request.” The king said.

Knowing the answer of the king, Dewi Mutiara smiled sweetly, so that the
king’s anger is slowly disappeared. But, she had a revenge in her heart.

The next morning, Dewi Mutiara asked her babysitter to call a witch. His
name was Jahil. She commanded him to send witchcraft to Dewi Kadita. Jahil
accepted he command. When Dewi Kadita was sleeping tightly, wind entered her
room. The wind smelt bad, like carcase. When Kadit woke up, she was shocked that
her body was full of scab and it smelt bad.

The King Munding Wangi heard that news. He was really sad. He knew that
what Kadita suffered was not a common disease but that was witchcraft. He assumed
that Dewi Mutiara who planned it. However, it was difficult to prove. He had to
decide in the dizzy condition. He was confused what to do with Kadita. Due to the
insistence of his advisor, her daughter had to be banished in order not to be a disgrace.
Then, Kadita went alone like a beggar who was shoed from rich people’s
house. Her heart was broken. She cried. But, she still believed that God would not let
her be abused by the others. God’s help would come soon and she was not allowed to
hate and have revenge in her heart as her grandmother ever told her.

Night and day, she walked and it was already the seventh night that she went
through until she arrived at South Sea Beach. She stood up and saw the breadth of the
sea and she was like hearing a voice who asked her to go into the sea. When she
followed that voice and her body touched the water, her body was recovered. She
became a beautiful woman like before. Not only that, she would govern the sea and
establish a great and beautiful kingdom. Now, she is called as Ratu Laut Selatan
(Queen of South Sea).

Allegedly, Nyi Roro Kidul is a troll who had great power. Until now, there are
still people who want to be rich by a shortcut that is doing worship to Nyi Roro Kidul.
They got a lot of money but they had to sacrifice their family to be a slave in South
Sea Kingdom.

Konon, Nyi Roro Kidul adalah seorang ratu yang cantik seperti bidadari.
Kecantikannya tidak pernah pudar dalam selamanya. Di dasar laut selatan, laut yang
pertama kali disebut Samudra Hindia, selatan Pulau Jawa, ia memerintah terhadap
makhluk halus dari sebuah kerajaan yang sangat besar dan indah.

Menurut cerita, pada zaman dahulu, ada seorang wanita cantik bernama
Kadita. Untuk kecantikannya, ia sering disebut Dewi Srengenge, yang artinya
matahari paling adil. Kadita adalah putri Raja Munding Wangi. Meskipun Kadita
memiliki wajah yang sangat cantik, raja masih kesal karena ia tidak memiliki seorang
putra yang bisa disiapkan untuk menjadi raja berikutnya. Setelah raja menikah dengan
Dewi Mutiara, lahirlah bayi laki-laki. Namun, setelah mendapatkan banyak perhatian,
Dewi Mutiara mulai mengajukan banyak tuntutan, seperti memastikan anak-anak
mereka akan menjadi orang yang akan menggantikan raja dan Dewi Kadita harus
diusir dari istana. Permintaan pertama terpenuhi, tapi Raja tidak mau mengusir Dewi

“Saya tidak bisa menerimanya!”, Kata Dewi Mutiara.

“Aku tidak bisa memenuhi permintaan yang jahat.” Kata Raja.

Mengetahui jawaban dari raja, Dewi Mutiara tersenyum manis, sehingga

kemarahan raja perlahan menghilang. Tapi, dia memiliki dendam di hatinya.

Keesokan paginya, Dewi Mutiara meminta pengasuh untuk menelepon

penyihir. Namanya Jahil. Dia memerintahkan Jahil untuk mengirim santet kepada
Dewi Kadita. Jahil menerima perintahnya. Ketika Dewi Kadita sedang tidur erat,
angin masuk ke kamarnya. Angin tersebut berbau busuk, seperti bangkai. Ketika
Kadit terbangun, ia terkejut bahwa tubuhnya penuh kudis dan berbau busuk.

Raja Munding Wangi mendengar berita itu. Dia benar-benar sedih. Dia tahu
bahwa apa yang diderita Kadita bukan penyakit yang umum tapi itu sihir. Dia
menganggap bahwa Dewi Mutiara yang merencanakannya. Namun, itu sulit untuk
dibuktikan. Dia harus memutuskan dalam kondisi yang buruk. Ia bingung apa yang
harus dilakukan dengan Kadita. Karena desakan penasihat, putrinya harus dibuang
agar tidak menjadi aib.

Kemudian, Kadita pergi sendirian seperti seorang pengemis yang diusir dari
rumah orang kaya. Hatinya hancur. Dia menangis. Tapi, ia masih percaya bahwa
Tuhan tidak akan membiarkan dia dipermainkan oleh orang lain. Pertolongan Tuhan
akan segera datang dan dia tidak diizinkan untuk membenci dan membalas dendam di
hatinya sebagaimana neneknya pernah memberitahunya.

Malam hari, ia berjalan dan itu sudah malam ketujuh ia pergi melalui sampai
ia tiba di pantai laut selatan. Dia berdiri dan melihat luasnya laut dan dia seperti
mendengar suara yang memintanya untuk pergi ke laut. Ketika dia mengikuti suara itu
dan tubuhnya menyentuh air, tubuhnya pulih. Dia menjadi seorang wanita cantik
seperti sebelumnya. Tidak hanya itu, dia akan mengatur laut dan membangun kerajaan
yang besar dan indah. Sekarang, dia disebut sebagai Ratu Laut Selatan.

Diduga, Nyi Roro Kidul adalah troll yang memiliki kekuatan besar. Sampai saat ini,
masih ada orang-orang yang ingin menjadi kaya dengan jalan pintas yang melakukan
ibadah ke Nyi Roro Kidul. Mereka punya banyak uang tetapi mereka harus
mengorbankan keluarga mereka menjadi budak di Kerajaan Laut Selatan.


NO. ABSEN : 23
The Legend of Banyuwangi

Once upon a time in the edge of east Java Island, there was a kingdom
named Blambangan. The kingdom was led by a king named King
Sulahkromo. He was assisted by a brave Patih named Patih Sidopekso in
ruling his kingdom. Patih Sidopekso had a very beautiful wife named Sri
Tanjung. Because of her beauty, the king was crazy about her. Even, the
king had made a plan to take away Sri Tanjung from Patih Sidopekso. He
ordered Patih Sidopekso to do a mission that was very hard and
dangerous so that Patih Sidopekso would die there. Without suspicion,
Patih Sidopekso went to do The King’s command. When Patih Sidopekso
was going on his duty, King Sulahkromo seduced Sri Tanjung in order to
be his wife. However Sri Tanjung stayed faithful to Patih Sidopekso. The
king was angry because he was rejected by Sri Tanjung.

After getting back from his duty, Patih Sidopekso went to see the King in
the hall. The king who was hurt because his love was rejected then
accused Sri Tanjung that she had seduced him. Patih Sidopekso was upset
to hear what was told by the king. He felt he had been betrayed by his
wife. Then he went to see his wife and asked for the truth immediately.
Sri Tanjung refuted and denied what was said by the king. Nevertheless,
Patih Sidopkeso more believed to the king than her wife. And then he got
mad and dragged her to the edge of a muddy river. He was so angry there
and wanted to kill his wife. Because her husband did not trust her
anymore, Sri Tanjung asked for a last request to him. She said that if he
did not trust her any more, he may kill her and threw her body into the
river. Sri Tanjung also said that when the water turned to be clean it
meant she was right. Nevertheless, if it did not change, the king was right.
Patih Sidopekso couldn’t stand his anger any longer and then he stabbed
his wife with a knife. Then he threw his wife’s body into the river.
Immediately the turbid river turned into clean and diffused the fragrance.
Seeing the incident, Patih Sidopekso regretted what he had done. He
realized that his wife was innocent. Then he screamed loudly “Banyu
…………… ….. …Wangi. Banyu Wangi ….. “Since the incident
happened the river was called Banyuwangi.
Legenda Banyuwangi

Pada zaman dahulu di ujung timur Pulau Jawa, ada sebuah kerajaan
bernama Blambangan. Kerajaan itu dipimpin oleh seorang raja bernama
Raja Sulahkromo. Dia dibantu oleh seorang Patih yang berani bernama
Patih Sidopekso dalam memerintah kerajaannya. Patih Sidopekso
memiliki istri yang sangat cantik bernama Sri Tanjung. Bahkan, karena
kecantikannya, raja itu tergila-gila padanya. Raja membuat rencana untuk
merebut Sri Tanjung dari Patih Sidopekso. Ia memerintahkan Patih
Sidopekso untuk melakukan sebuah misi yang sangat sulit dan berbahaya
sehingga Patih Sidopekso akan mati dalam misi itu. Tanpa curiga, Patih
Sidopekso pergi untuk melakukan perintah Raja. Ketika Patih Sidopekso
sedang menjalani tugasnya, Raja Sulahkromo merayu Sri Tanjung agar
menjadi istrinya. Namun Sri Tanjung tetap setia kepada Patih Sidopekso.
Raja pun menjadi marah karena ia ditolak oleh Sri Tanjung.

Setelah kembali dari tugasnya, Patih Sidopekso pergi menemui Raja di

aula. Raja yang terluka karena cintanya ditolak menuduh Sri Tanjung
telah merayunya. Patih Sidopekso kesal mendengar apa yang dikatakan
oleh raja. Dia merasa bahwa ia telah dikhianati oleh istrinya. Kemudian ia
pergi menemui istrinya dan meminta kebenaran segera. Sri Tanjung
membantah dan menyangkal apa yang telah dikatakan oleh raja. Namun
Patih Sidopkeso lebih mempercayai rajanya daripada istrinya. kemudian
ia marah dan menyeretnya ke tepi sungai berlumpur. Dia begitu marah di
sana dan ingin membunuh istrinya. Karena suaminya tidak
mempercayainya lagi, Sri Tanjung meminta permintaan terakhir. Dia
mengatakan bahwa jika dia tidak percaya padanya, ia boleh membunuh
dan melemparkan tubuhnya ke sungai. Sri Tanjung juga mengatakan
bahwa ketika air sunagi itu berubah menjadi bersih, itu berarti dia benar
tetapi jika sungai itu tidak berubah maka rajalah yang benar.

Patih Sidopekso tidak bisa menahan amarahnya lagi. lalu ia menikam

istrinya dengan pisau. Kemudian ia melemparkan tubuh istrinya ke
sungai. Segera sungai keruh itu berubah menjadi bersih dan menyebarkan
aroma wangi. Melihat kejadian itu, Patih Sidopekso menyesali apa yang
telah dilakukannya. Dia menyadari bahwa istrinya tidak bersalah.
Kemudian ia berteriak denagn keras “Banyu …………… ….. … Wangi.
Banyu Wangi …..” sejak saat itu sungai itu disebut Banyuwangi.


NO. ABSEN : 24


Asal Usul Telaga Warna

Zaman dahulu, ada sebuah kerajaan di Jawa Baratbernama Kutatanggeuhan.

Kutatanggeuhan merupakan kerajaan yang makmur dan damai. Rakyatnya hidup
tenang dan sejahtera karena dipimpin oleh raja yangbijaksana. Raja Kutatanggeuhan
bernama Prabu Suwartalaya dan permaisurinya bernama Ratu Purbamanah. Raja dan
ratu sangant bijaksana sehinggakerjaan yang dipimpin makmur dan tenteram. Semua
sangat menyenangkan. Sayangnya, Prabu dan istrinya belum memiliki anak. Itu
membuat pasangan kerajaan itu sangat sedih. Penasehat Prabu menyarankan, agar
mereka mengangkat anak. Namun Prabu dan Ratu tidak setuju. “Buat kami, anak
kandung adalah lebih baik dari pada anak angkat,” sahut mereka. Ratu sering murung
dan menangis. Prabu pun ikut sedih melihat istrinya. Lalu Prabu pergi ke hutan untuk
bertapa. Di sana sang Prabu terus berdoa, agar dikaruniai anak.
Beberapabulan kemudian, keinginan mereka terkabul. Ratu pun mulai hamil. Seluruh
rakyat di kerajaan itu senang sekali. Mereka membanjiri istana dengan hadiah.
Sembilan bulan kemudian, Ratu melahirkan seorang putri yang diberinama Gilang
Rukmini . Penduduk negeri pun kembali mengirimi putri kecil itu aneka hadiah. Bayi
itu tumbuh menjadi anak yang lucu. Belasan tahun kemudian, ia sudah menjadi
remaja yang cantik.

Prabu dan Ratu sangat menyayangi putrinya. Mereka memberi putrinya apa
pun yang dia inginkan. Namun itu membuatnya menjadi gadis yang manja. Kalau
keinginannya tidak terpenuhi, gadis itu akan marah. Ia bahkan sering berkata kasar.
Walaupun begitu, orangtua dan rakyat di kerajaan itu mencintainya. Hari berlalu, Putri
pun tumbuh menjadi gadis tercantik di seluruh negeri. Dalam beberapa hari, Putri
akan berusia 17 tahun. Maka para penduduk di negeri itu pergi ke istana. Mereka
membawa aneka hadiah yang sangat indah. Prabu mengumpulkan hadiah-hadiah yang
sangat banyak itu, lalu menyimpannya dalam ruangan istana. Sewaktu-waktu, ia bisa
menggunakannya untuk kepentingan rakyat. Prabu hanya mengambil sedikit emas dan
permata. Ia membawanya ke ahli perhiasan. “Tolong, buatkan kalung yang sangat
indah untuk putriku,” kata Prabu. “Dengan senang hati, Yang Mulia,” sahut ahli
perhiasan. Ia lalu bekerja d sebaik mungkin, dengan sepenuh hati. Ia ingin
menciptakan kalung yang paling indah di dunia, karena ia sangat menyayangi Putri.
Hari ulang tahun pun tiba. Penduduk negeri berkumpul di alun-alun istana. Ketika
Prabu dan Ratu datang, orang menyambutnya dengan gembira. Sambutan hangat
makin terdengar, ketika Putri yang cantik jelita muncul di hadapan semua orang.
Semua orang mengagumi kecantikannya. Prabu lalu bangkit dari kursinya. Kalung
yang indah sudah dipegangnya. “Putriku tercinta, hari ini aku berikan kalung ini
untukmu. Kalung ini pemberian orang-orang dari penjuru negeri. Mereka sangat
mencintaimu. Mereka mempersembahkan hadiah ini, karena mereka gembira
melihatmu tumbuh jadi dewasa. Pakailah kalung ini, Nak,” kata Prabu.

Putri menerima kalung itu. Lalu ia melihat kalung itu sekilas. “Aku tak mau
memakainya. Kalung ini jelek!” seru Putri. Kemudian ia melempar kalung itu. Kalung
yang indah pun rusak. Emas dan permatanya tersebar di lantai. Itu sungguh
mengejutkan. Tak seorang pun menyangka, Putri akan berbuat seperti itu. Tak seorang
pun bicara. Suasana hening. Tiba-tiba meledaklah tangis Ratu Purbamanah. Dia
sangat sedih melihat kelakuan putrinya.Akhirnya semua pun meneteskan air mata,
hingga istana pun basah oleh air mata mereka. Mereka terus menangis hingga air mata
mereka membanjiri istana, dan tiba-tiba saja dari dalam tanah pun keluar air yang
deras, makin lama makin banyak. Hingga akhirnya kerajaan Kutatanggeuhan
tenggelam dan terciptalah sebuah danau yang sangat indah.
Origins of Telaga Warna

Long time ago, there was a kingdom in West Java called

Kutatanggeuhan. Kutatanggeuhan a prosperous and peaceful kingdom. Its people to
live in peace and prosperity as led by king wise . Kutatanggeuhan king named King
Suwartalaya and queen named Queen Purbamanah. The king and queen sangant wise
so thatwork led prosperous and peaceful. All very pleasant. Unfortunately, King and
his wife do not have children . It makes it very sad royal couple. Advisory King
suggested that they adopt a child. But the King and Queen disagree. "For us, the
biological child is much better than the adopted child, "they said.

Queen often moody and cry. King, too sad to see his wife. Then King went
to the forest to meditate. There the King continued to pray, in order to have
children. A few months later, their wish come true. Queen began to become
pregnant. All the people in the kingdom was ecstatic. They flooded the palace with
gifts. Nine months later, the Queen gave birth to a daughter and named Gilang
Rukmini.Population of the country was again sent the little princess various gifts. The
baby grew into a cute child. A dozen years later, he has become a beautiful teenager.

King and Queen are very fond of her daughter. They gave her whatever she
wants. But it makes it a spoiled girl. If the desire is not fulfilled, the girl will be
angry. He even used to say rude. However, parents and people in the kingdom of love.
Days passed, Princess has grown to be the prettiest girl in the whole country. Within a
few days, will be 17 years old daughter. So the people in the country went to the
palace. They carry a variety of gifts that are very beautiful. King collect gifts very
much it, and store it in the room palace. At times, he could use it for the benefit of the

King just take a bit of gold and jewels. He took it to a jeweler. "Please, make a
very beautiful necklace for my daughter," said King. "With pleasure, Your Majesty,"
said the jeweler. He then worked d as possible, with a vengeance. He wanted to create
the most beautiful necklace in the world, because he loved the Princess. Birthday
arrived. Local residents gathered in the palace square. When the King and Queen
came, people greet him with delight. A warm welcome more audible, when his
beautiful daughter appeared in front of everyone. Everyone admired her beauty.

King got up from his chair. Beautiful necklace has been held. "Beloved
daughter, today I give you this necklace. This necklace is giving people from across
the country. They love you so much. They dedicate this prize, because they are happy
to see you grow into adulthood.Wear this necklace, boy, "said King.

Princess receive the necklace. Then she saw the necklace at a glance. "I do not
want to wear it. This necklace is ugly! "Cried the Princess. Then he threw the
necklace. Beautiful necklace was broken. Gold and jewels scattered on the floor.

It was really surprising. Nobody thought, Princess would do anything like

that. Nobody spoke. There was silence. Suddenly burst into tears Queen
Purbamanah. She was very sad to see the behavior of any putrinya.Akhirnya all shed
tears, until the palace was wet with their tears. They continued to cry until their tears
flooded the palace, and suddenly came out of the land of rushing water, increasingly
many. Until finally sunk Kutatanggeuhan empire and created a very beautiful lake.



NO. ABSEN : 15

The story of the tiger ate durian

Park Rajon Kemingking the village, in the district of Muara Jambi, Jambi
Province including the districts. The area in which Apple is known for a wide variety
of agricultural products. In the town Kemingking, durian season usually arrives in a
year or two with an abundant harvest. Apple in this area is famous because its not too
big but has a sweet touch and verification. Every harvest season arrives, the villagers
are waiting for the droves of durian which fall in their gardens Kemingking. both their
families at the time of the day or night to keep them in the garden. However, the
harvest season is almost over and the tree fruit is a small, rural communities
Kemingking no longer care for their gardens at night. With regard to this practice, it is
not a story.

In the past, his government and his country Kemingking still a country of
kings are still in power. People living side by side in peace and prosperity thanks to
the wise leadership. But suddenly, all the prosperity around the country was
interrupted by the presence of a large tiger. These tigers ferocious, fierce, and hungry.
He did not only kill livestock community, but gradually this tiger attack humans.
Make a dozen people were killed while dozens of others were injured by a defect in
his body.

Seeing this, the king who ruled at the time could not remain silent. Once, he
ordered one of his soldiers the most powerful kingdom to overcome the crisis. These
soldiers dutifully went looking for the tiger to scare or kill him. When the deal was
immediately attacked by a tiger soldier all means. But tigers can easily break very
large and powerful sword and spear guns and the wounded soldier and a soldier were

By the end of the year arrived, has not yet fully recovered from the injury
suffered by the soldiers. It is still not able to cope with the tiger continues to hold him
alone. When the soldiers came to the village today Kemingking In the aroma and the
fruit is full of thorns as part of a land full of art still in the area.
At this point the soldiers could not escape and was determined to fight the
tiger in any bet. When the tiger attacked him mercilessly soldier to escape from the
soldiers. After all his skills to fight. Until then the soldiers noticed that the surface of
the fruit is filled with thorns. After the Durian fruit is used as a weapon in a place
called the deadline date. The soldier pulled the evil tiger with durian constantly until
the tiger was mortally wounded, and realizes he has lost.

When he was about to kill the tiger, the tiger also asked for forgiveness for all
the mistakes of the past. She also ordered the soldiers to attack the residents as long as
a portion of the fruit is full of thorns that grow on his land, he was allowed to
swallow. Because of the severity of pity and compassion as well as see the tiger, then,
was letting the tiger soldier who live with the condition that he will have no mercy
when he broke his promise to the soldiers.

At this time, the soldier on the run after his side returned with a victory. king
had happened and the whole community vows to continue to respect and obey the
tiger was reported. Until now, the tiger is sworn Kemingking local community
continues to maintain that. So, even though it is included in the jurisdiction of the
local forest Kemingking tigers, tigers never appeared and attacked or citizens. they
only appear at night in the dark when the final season of durian fruit has been agreed
for him to eat.
Kisah harimau makan durian

Desa Kemingking Dalam merupakan termasuk wilayah kecamatan Taman

Rajo, kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi. Daerah ini terkenal dengan berbagai
macam hasil bumi salah satunya adalah durian. Di desa Kemingking Dalam, musim
durian biasanya tiba satu atau dua tahun sekali dengan hasil yang berlimpah. Durian
dari daerah ini terkenal karena bentuknya yang tidak terlalu besar namun memiliki
rasa khas yang manis dan legit. Setiap musim panen tiba, masyarakat desa
Kemingking Dalam akan berbondong-bondong menunggui durian yang runtuh di
kebun mereka masing-masing. Mereka menjaga kebun ini bersama keluarga mereka
baik di waktu siang maupun malam. Tetapi, ketika musim panen hampir usai dan buah
yang ada di pohon tinggal sedikit, masyarakat desa Kemingking Dalam tidak akan
lagi menunggui kebun mereka di malam hari. Berkenaan dengan kebiasaan ini,
terdapat sebuah cerita di dalamnya.

Pada suatu masa ketika desa Kemingking Dalam masih merupakan desa
dengan pemerintahan tersendiri dan raja-rajanya masih berkuasa. Rakyat hidup
berdampingan dalam kedamaian dan kesejahteraan berkat pemimpin yang bijaksana.
Namun, tiba-tiba segala kemakmuran itu terganggu dengan hadirnya seekor harimau
besar dari negeri seberang. Harimau ini buas, bengis, dan lapar. Ia tidak hanya
menghabisi ternak warga masyarakat, tetapi lambat laun harimau ini mulai menyerang
manusia. Membuat belasan orang meninggal sedangkan puluhan lainnya luka-luka
dengan cacat pada tubuhnya.

Melihat hal ini, Raja yang berkuasa di saat itu tidak dapat tinggal diam. Ia
kemudian memerintahkan salah seorang prajuritnya yang paling sakti untuk mengatasi
krisis yang terjadi di kerajaannya. Prajurit ini dengan patuh pergi mencari harimau
untuk mengusir atau membunuhnya. Ketika berhadapan dengan sang harimau prajurit
ini langsung menyerang dengan segala daya upaya yang dimilikinya. Namun sang
harimau yang sangat besar dan kuat dapat dengan mudah mematahkan pedang dan
tombak senjata sang prajurit serta melukai prajurit hingga terluka parah.

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