Baglamukhi Kavach

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baRhspit maM~

Asya baRhspit man~sya b`ah\maa ?iYa: . AnauYTuPCnd: . sauracaayaao- dovata. baRM baIjama\. nama:
Sai@t:. mamaaBaIYTisawyaqao- japo ivainayaaoga:.


! b`ah\ma?Yayao nama: . ³iSarisa´ (Touch your forehead with your right hand
fingers while saying this mantra)

AnauYTuCndsao nama: . ³mau#ao´(Touch your lips with right hand fingers while saying
this mantra)

sauracaaya-dovatayao nama: . ³hRdyao´ (Touch your heart centre while saying this

baRM baIjaaya nama: . ³gauh\yao´ (Point the right hand fingers towards the reproductive
organs while saying this mantra, since Kundalini lies dormant at muladhara
and she is considered to be creation of words, hence, this bija mantra
originates from there)

nama: Sa@tyao nama: ³padyaao:´ (Touch with your right hand fingers both the toes
while speaking this mantra)

ivainayaaogaaya nama: savaa-=\gao .(Touch your entire body from head to toe while
saying this mantra)

Now do the Kara-nyasa:

! b`aaM AMgauYzaByaaM nama: . (Join the tip of each thumb, as if resting, on the index
finger i.e. the first finger while saying this mantra)

! b`aIM tja-naIByaaM nama: . (Join the tip of each index finger of each hand, as if
resting on the thumb while saying this mantra)
! b`aUM maQyaaByaaM nama:.( join the tip of each middle finger with the thumb of each
hand while saying this mantra)

! b`aOM AnaaimakaByaaM nama: . (join the tip of the ring finger of each hand with on
the thumb of each hand while saying this mantra)

! b`aaOM kinaYzkaByaaM nama: . (Touch the tip of smallest finger of both the hands
with each thumb while saying this mantra)

! b`aa: krtlakr PaRYzaByaaM nama: . (Touch with hands the inner and outer palms
and then make the mudra of Namaste while saying this mantra)

Now Hridayadi Nyasa:

! b`aaM hRdyaaya nama: . (Touch the heart centre with the fingers of the right hand
while saying this mantra)

! b`aIM iSarsao svaaha . (Touch the forehead with the fingers of the right hand
while saying this mantra)

! b`aUM iSa#aayaO vaYaT\.(Touch the shikha or where the seventh chakra with the
fingers of the right hand while saying this mantra)

! b`aOM kvacaaya huma\ . (Touch the both the shoulders with the fingers of the right
hand while saying this mantra)

! b`aaOM nao~ ~yaaya vaaOYaT\.(Touch both eyes and the third eye with the fingers of
the right hand while saying this mantra)

! b`aa: As~aya fT\. (Move the right arm above your head and bring it down
so that it covers the entire body in its movement and then make a clapping
sound with both hands while saying this mantra)

Now Brihaspati Mantra:

! baRM baRhsptyao nama: .

Get a Tulasi Mala or Yellow stone Mala or even Mala made out of
yellow glass or Rudrakasha and do at least 11 Malas of this
mantra, i.e. about 1116 repetition of this mantra. Mala should have
108 beads.

Remember and note that if you start with 11 malas then you have
to continue with 11 malas every day. You cannot increase the
number of malas or decrease it. Day by day you find improvement
in your condition. Buy Brihaspati yantra or image and place it at
your puja place. Avoid eating meat and bananas on Thursday.

Start this mantra on Thursday of Shukla.

After doing the mantra japa, read this Brihaspati Stotra which is as

! nama: sarond` vanVaya dova Acaayaa-ya to nama: .

namas%vanant saamaqya- vaod isawantparga..1..
sadanand namstostu nama: pIDahraya ca.
namaao vaacaspto tuByaM namasto pItvaasasao..2..
namaao|iWtIya Épaya lambakUcaa-ya to nama:
nama: P`ahRYT nao~aya ivaP`aaNaaM ptyao nama:..3..
namaao Baaga-va iSaYyaaya ivapnna ihtkark.
namasto saur saOnyaaya ivapnna ~aNa hotvao ..4..
ivaYamasqastqaa maRNaaM sava-kYTP`aNaaSanama\.
P`a%yahM tu PazoVaO vaO tsya kamaflaP`adma\..5..

Finally offer the entire mantra japa done each day to Brihaspati with the
following mantra:

! namaaostu baRhsptyao pItvas~aBarNaaya ya&aopvaItmaalaaQaraya mamaaca-naM gaRhaNa kuÉ kuÉ

After offering the entire japas of each day with the above mantra, get up
from the Kushasana or blanket (which you have used for sitting during your
japa) touching the blanket with your right fingers and then touching those
fingers on your forehead. Also remember that you should fix a particular
time each day. Suppose you have started at 9.00 a.m. then do everyday at
9.00 a.m.

Now the Purushacharana means havan etc. of this Mantra:

Its Purushcharana is 80,000 mantras (Eight thousand). After that do Havana.

But you should continue to do this mantra of Brihaspati after the Havana
daily. Again when you have complete 80,000 japas, do hawana and so on
regular basis.

Now Kamya Prayoga kamya P`ayaaoga:

GaI imalaakr hldI evaM kuMkuma sa lagaatar tIna idna tk P`aitidn 120 AahuityaaM donao sao
saaQak maiNa evaM vas~ P`aaPt krta hO.

Sa~u tqaa raogaaoM Aaid kI pIDa evaM svajanaaoM maoM klah haonao pr ]sakI inavaRi<a ko ilayao pIpla
kI saimaQaaAaoM sa hvana krnaa caaihyao.

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