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RA 3720 RA 9711


Section 1. "Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.” Section 2. This Act shall be known as the "Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) Act of 2009"
Section 3. Section 3. DECLARATION OF POLICY
(a) Establish standards and quality measures for (a) protect and promote the right to health of the
food, drug, and cosmetic. Filipino people; and
(b) Adopt measures to insure pure and safe supply (b) help establish and maintain an effective health
of food, drug, and cosmetic in the country. products regulatory system and undertake
appropriate health manpower development and
research, responsive to the country's health needs
and problems.
(a) To enhance and strengthen the administrative
and technical capacity of the FDA in the regulation
of establishments and products under its
(b) To ensure the FDA's monitoring and regulatory
coverage over establishments and products under
its jurisdiction; and
(c) To provide coherence in the FDA's regulatory
system for establishments and products under its
Section 5. Section 6.
(a) Inspection and Licensing Division, which shall (a) The Centers shall be established per major
have charge of the inspection of food, drug, and product category that is regulated, namely:
cosmetic establishments engaged in their (1) Center for Drug Regulation and Research (to
manufacture and sale. include veterinary medicine, vaccines and
(b) Laboratory Division, which shall conduct all the biologicals);
tests, analyses and trials of products covered by this (2) Center for Food Regulation and Research;
Act. (3) Center for Cosmetics Regulation and Research
(to include household hazardous/urban substances);
(4) Center for Device Regulation, Radiation
Health, and Research.
(b) Each Center shall be headed by a director. The
Centers shall be so organized such that each will
have, at least, the following divisions
(c) The Administration and Finance Office headed
by the deputy director-general for administration
and finance shall have, at least, the following
divisions: the Human Resource Development
Division; Property and Logistics Management
Division; Human Resource Management Division;
Assets and Financial Management Division; and
the Information and Communication Technology
Management Division.
(d) The Policy and Planning Office which shall be
under the Office of the Director-General shall have,
at least, a training, advocacy and communications
division and shall monitor the performance of the
centers for product research and evaluation and
standards development.
(e) The Field Regulatory Operations Office headed
by the deputy director-general for field regulatory
operations shall include, among others, all the field
offices, field or satellite laboratories and the
regulatory enforcement units.
(f) The Legal Services Support Center shall provide
legal services to the entire FDA and shall be
directly under the Office of the Director-General.
Section 6. The Food and Drug Administration shall Section 7.
have a Food and Drug Administrator who shall be (a) The FDA shall be headed by a director-general,
appointed by the Secretary of Health subject to the with the rank of undersecretary, who shall be
Civil Service rules and regulations. The tasked, among others, to determine the needed
compensation of said official shall be determined personnel and to appoint personnel, below the
by the Secretary of Health assistant director level in coordination with the
Secretary of Health.
(b) The director-general shall be assisted by two (2)
deputy directors-general, one for administration
and finance and another for field regulatory
(c) The director-general and deputy directors-
general shall be appointed by the President of the
Republic of the Philippines.
(d) The director-general shall, referably, possess
either a university degree in medicine or at least the
relevant master's degree in pharmaceutical sciences
or allied sciences, or equivalent executive course in
any regulatory management. In addition, he/she
shall have management experience in his/her field
of discipline or profession and in any development,
manufacturing, regulatory work or quality
assurance of products as covered in this Act.
(e) The Deputy Director-General for Field
Regulatory Operations of the FDA shall,
preferably, possess the relevant master's degree in
pharmaceutical sciences or allied sciences, or
equivalent executive course in any regulatory
management. In addition, he/she shall have
management experience in his/her field of
discipline or profession and in any development,
manufacturing, regulatoly work or quality
assurance of products as covered in this Act.
(f) The Deputy Director-General for
Administration and Finance of the FDA shall he a
certified public accountant or shall possess a
master's degree in accounting, management,
economics or any business course, and must have
management experience in a position related to
his/her field of discipline or profession.
(g) A person who was previously employed in a
regular full-time capacity regardless of its
consultative designation at higher management
supervisory levels in regulated establishments,
including related foundations, shall be disqualified
from appointment as director-general and deputy
director-general within three (3) years from
termination of employment with the said
establishment or foundation. All persons who are
candidates for appointment as director-general and
deputy director-general must disclose all their
incomes for the past three (3) years from all
establishments regulated by this Act. The director-
general and the two (2) deputy directors-gencral
shall, upon assumption into office, declare any
conflict of interest with any establishment covered
by the FDA, including their foundiitions.
(h) Each center and field office shall be headed by
a director director who shall be assisted by an
assistant director. These directors shall be
appointed by the Secretary of Health.
(i) The existing directors of the Bureau of Health
Devices and Technology (BHDT) and division
chiefs of the BFAD shall be given preference for
appointment as directors and assistant directors of
their respective centers: Provided, That if the
current officers of the BFAD and the BHDT
applying for the above positions lack the required
third level civil service eligibility, they will have to
comply with the said requirement within three (3)
yearn from their appointment, otherwise their
appointment shall be revoked immediately."
Section 7. The Secretary of Health shall provide for Section 8. "The FDA shall review its staffing
the additional personnel needed to carry out the pattern and position titles subject to the approval of
functions and duties of the Food and Drug the Secretary of Health."
Board Labeling FDA
Secretary New drugs Food
Department Food additive Drug
Person Device (Medical Device, Radiation Device, Health-
Food related device)
Drug Cosmetics
Device Label
Cosmetic Director-general
Label Distribute
Immediate container Manufacturer
Veterinary drugs
Drug importer/exporter
Drug wholesaler
Food/dietary supplement
Health products
Household/urban hazardous substance
Invitro diagnostic reagents
Section 11. Section 10.
(a) The manufacture, sale, offering for sale or (a) The manufacture, importation, exportation, sale,
transfer of any food, drug, device or cosmetic that offering for sale, distribution, transfer, non-
is adulterated or misbranded. consumer use, promotion, advertising, or
(b) The adulteration or misbranding of any food, sponsorship of any health product that is
drug, device, or cosmetic. adulterated, unregistered or misbranded.
(c) The refusal to permit entry or inspection as (b) The adulteration or misbranding of any health
authorized by Section twenty-seven hereof or to product.
allow samples to be collected. (d) The giving of a guaranty or undertaking
(d) The giving of a guaranty or undertaking referred to in Section twelve (b) hereof which
referred to in Section twelve (b) hereof which guaranty or undertaking is false, except by a person
guaranty or undertaking is false, except by a person who relied upon a guaranty or undertaking to the
who relied upon a guaranty or undertaking to the same effect, signed by, and containing the name
same effect signed by, and containing the name and and address of the person or entity from whom he
address of, the person residing in the Philippines received in good faith the health products or the
from whom he received in good faith the food, giving of a guaranty or undertaking referred to in
drug, device, or cosmetic or the giving of a Section twelve (b) which guaranty or undertaking
guaranty or undertaking referred to in Section is false.
twelve (b) which guaranty or undertaking is false. (g) The alteration, mutilation, destruction,
(e) Forging, counterfeiting, simulating, or falsely obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of
representing or without proper authority using any the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with
mark, stamp, tag label, or other identification respect to health products if such act is done while
device authorized or required by regulations such article is held for sale (whether or not the first
promulgated under the provisions of this Act. sale) and results in such article being adulterated or
(f) The using by any person to his own advantage, misbranded Provided, That a retailer may sell in
or revealing, other than to the Secretary or officers smaller quantities, subject to guidelines issued by
or employees of the Department or to the courts the FDA.
when relevant in any judicial proceeding under this (j) The manufacture, importation, exportation, sale,
Act, any information acquired under authority of offering for sale, distribution, transfer, non-
Section nine, or concerning any method or process consumer use, promotion, advertisement, or
which as a trade secret is entitled to protection. sponsorship of any health product which, although
(g) The alteration, mutilation, destruction, requiring registration, is not registered. with the
obliteration, or removal of the whole or any part of FDA pursuant to this Act.
the labeling of, or the doing of any other act with (k) The manufacture, importation, exportation, sale,
respect to, a food, drug, device, or cosmetic, if such offering for sale, distribution, transfer, or retail of
act is done while such article is held for sale any drug, device or in-vitro diagnostic reagent; the
(whether or not the first sale) and results in such manufacture, importation, exportation, transfer or
article being adulterated or misbranded. distribution of any food, cosmetic or
(h) The use, on the labeling of any drug or in any household/urban hazardous substance; or the
advertising relating to such drug, of any operation of a radiation or pest control
representation or suggestion that an application establishment by any natural or juridical person
with respect to such drug is effective under Section without the license to operate from the FDA
twenty-one hereof, or that such drug complies with required under this Act
the provisions of such section. (l) The sale, offering for sale, importation,
(i) The use, in labeling, advertising or other sales exportation, distribution or transfer of any health
promotion of any reference to any report or product beyond its expiration or expiry date, if
analysis furnished in compliance with Section applicable
twenty-six hereof
Section 12. Section 11.
(a) Any person who violates any of the provisions (a) Any person who violates any of the provisions
of Section eleven hereof shall, upon conviction, be of Section eleven hereof shall, upon conviction,
subject to imprisonment of not less than six months suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging from
and one day, but not more than five years, or a fine one (1) year but not more than ten (10) years or a
of not less than one thousand pesos, or both such fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos
imprisonment and fine, in the discretion of the (P50,000.00) but not more than Five hundred
Court. thousand pesos (P500,000.00), or both, at the
(b) No person shall be subject to the penalties of discretion of the court: Provided, That if the
subsection (a) of this section (1) for having sold, offender is a manufacturer, importer or distributor
offered for sale or transferred any article and of any health product, the penalty of at least five
delivered it, if such delivery was made in good (5) years imprisonment but not more than ten (10)
faith, unless he refuses to furnish on request of the years and a fine of at least Five hundred thousand
Board of Food and Drug Inspection or an officer or pesos (P500,000.00) but not more than Five million
employee duly designated by the Secretary, the pesos (P5,000,000.00) shall be imposed Provided,
name and address of the person from whom he further, That an additional fine of one percent (1%)
purchased or received such article and copies of all of the economic value/cost of the violative product
documents, if any there be, pertaining to the or violation, or One thousand pesos (P1,000.00),
delivery of the article to him; (2) for having whichever is higher, shall be imposed for each day
violated Section eleven (a) if he established a of continuing violation: Provided, finally, That
guaranty or undertaking signed by, and containing health products found in violation of the provisions
the name and address of, the person residing in the of this Act and other relevant laws, rules and
Philippines from whom he received in good faith regulations may be seized and held in custody
the article, or (3) for having violated Section eleven pending proceedings, without hearing or court
(a), where the violation exists because the article is order, when the director-general has reasonable
adulterated by reason of containing a coal-tar color cause to believe from facts found by him/her or an
not permissible under regulations promulgated by authorized officer or employee of the FDA that
the Secretary under this Act, if such person such health products may cause injury or prejudice
establishes a guaranty or undertaking signed by, to the consuming public.
and containing the name and address, of the
manufacturer of the coal-tar color, to the effect that "Should the offense be committed by a juridical
such color is permissible, under applicable person, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the
regulations promulgated by the Secretary under this president, general manager, or the partners and/or
Act. the persons directly responsible therefore shall he
(c) Any article of food, drug, device, or cosmetic penalized. "Should the offense be committed by a
that is adulterated or misbranded when introduced foreign national, he/she shall, in addition to the
into the domestic commerce may be seized and penalties prescribed, be deported without further
held in custody pending proceedings pursuant to proceedings after service of sentence.”
Section twenty-six
(d) hereof, without a hearing or court order, when
the Secretary has probable cause to believe from
facts found by him or any officer or employee of
the Food and Drug Administration that the
misbranded article is dangerous to health, or that
the labeling of the misbranded articles is
fraudulent, or would be in a material respect
misleading to the injury or damage of the purchaser
or consumer

APPROVED: June 22, 1963 APPROVED: August 18, 2009



 The pharmacy should be placed in an area of the hospital which is accessible and visible to in and out patients,
business hospital offices, frontline services and to the general public.
 A signboard “Pharmacy” in front of the hospital pharmacy and hospital building is required.
 A well ventilated area not less than 15 sq. m. in floor area with concrete tile or wooden flooring.
 A place suitable for compounding prescription and for washing and sterilizing bottles.
 A suitable place for proper storage of drugs/ medicines and biological products.
 A suitable cabinet for keeping poisons and dangerous drugs
 An adequate water supply

Physical Plant and Facilities 10-15 bed capacity 25 bed capacity 100 bed capacity
Area 15 sq. m. 30 sq. m.
Main (optional)
Office with T and B 9 sq.m.
Staff working area 9 sq. m.
Dispensing and drug information services areas 9 sq.m.
Receiving/inspection area 8 sq.m.
Flammables 3.50 sq.m.
Bulk stock room 9 sq.m.
Extemporaneous Preparation Room 6 sq.m.
Parenteral/Admixture area 9 sq.m.

Utensils, Apparatus and Other Equipment

 Refrigerator for biological and other drug products needing refrigeration.

 Prescription balance of 1 centigram sensitivity and a set of weights.
 Glass volumetric measures – 6 pcs from 15 mL to 1000 mL
 Mortar and pestle
 Utility cart
 Pill tile, spatula and glacine paper
 Thermometer (refrigerator and room)
 Plastic palettes
 Shelves

Reference Books and Documents

 PNDF, latest edition USP/NF, latest edition

 RPS, latest edition
 Goodman and Gilman’s Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, latest edition
 Republic Act Nos. 3720; 5921; 6675; 8203
 Record Books: Rx Book, DD Book and Poison Book

Other Additional Requirements

 File on invoices indicating the lot or batch no. and expiration date.
 File of filled prescriptions
 Dry seal or rubber stamp containing the name and address of the Pharmacy
 Red and white labels indicating the name and address of the pharmacy
 Rubber stamp for partially-filled (used for ___) and completely filled (used in full) dangerous drug prescriptions



1. Purefoods Tender Juicy 2. Amlodipine (Norvasc) 1. Band-aids

Hotdog 3. Losartan Potassium 2. Condoms
2. Picnic Red Hotdog RITEMED 3. Contact lenses
Classic 4. Allopurinol (Elavil) 4. Cotton buds
3. CDO Ulam Burger Patties 5. Enervon Multivitamins 5. Surgical suture
4. Purefoods Chicken 6. Paracetamol (Biogesic) 6. Surgical blades
Nuggets 7. Carvedilol (Carvid) 7. Thermometers
5. Purefoods Corned Beef 8. Carbocisteine (Solmux) 8. Infusion set
6. Century Tuna 9. Dextromethorphan HBr 9. Blood bags
7. 555 Sardines (Robitussin) 10. Stethoscope
8. Maling Luncheon Meat 10. Ibuprofen (Advil) 11. Sphygmomanometer
9. Libby’s Vienna Sausage 11. Mefenamic Acid 12. Cottons
10. Spam Luncheon Meat (Dolfenal) 13. Bandages
11. Hunt’s Pork and Beans 12. Gliclazide (Diamicron 14. Droppers
12. CDO Funtastik Tocino MR) 15. Implants
13. Kitkat Chocolates 13. Ibuprofen (Medicol) 16. Ultrasound scanners
14. Toblerone Milk Chocolate 14. Loperamide (Diatabs) 17. Cardiac pacemakers
15. Goya Chocolates 15. Tiki-tiki Vitamins 18. Hemodialysis machines
16. Jack N Jill Chippy 16. Omeprazole (Risek) 19. Tongue depressors
17. Leslie’s Clover Chips 17. Clopidogrel (Atheros) 20. Hypodermic Needles
18. Oishi Prawn Crackers 18. Hexetidine (Bactidol)
19. Gardenia Bread 19. Povidone-Iodine
20. Monde Mamon (Betadine)
20. Diphenhydramine
DRUGS (Benadryl)

1. Atorvastatin (Lipitor) DEVICES

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