AISC 360 VerificationBeamDesign PDF

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AISC 360-05 LRFD Beam Design in

the RAM Structural System

Model: Verification11_3
Typical Floor
Beam #10 W21x44 (10,3,10)

Floor Loads:
Slab Self-weight: Concrete above flute + concrete in flute + metal deck
[(3.25in)(1ft/12in) + (18.0in2/ft)(1ft2/12in2)](115 lb/ft3) +3.0 psf = 48.52psf
Imposed Dead Load: 25psf
Imposed Live Load: 80psf Office Reducible

Point Loads on Girder:

Secondary beam size = W14x22 Self-wt = 22 lb/ft
Secondary beam spacing = 9’ o.c. Secondary beam length = 30’
PDead = [(48.52 psf + 25 psf)(9’)(30’/2) + (22 lb/ft)(30’/2)] (1 k / 1000 lb) = 10.255 k
PLive = (80.0 psf)(9’)(30’/2) (1 k / 1000 lb) = 10.80 k
Live Load Reduction (IBC 2006 Eq. 16-24):
AT = 2(15’)(18’) = 540 ft2
KLL = 2
L = L0(0.25 + 15/sqrt(2(540))) = 0.7064
% Reduction = 100% (1-0.7064) = 29.35%
PPrecompDead = [(48.52 + 5 psf)(9’)(30’/2) + (22 lb/ft)(30’/2)] (1 k/1000 lb) = 7.555 k
PPrecompLive = (20.0 psf)(9’)(30’/2) (1 k / 1000 lb) = 2.70 k

Line Load on Girder:

wDead = 0.044 k/ft (W21x44)

VDead = (2)(10.255 k) + (0.044 k/ft)(27’)/2 = 21.104 k
VLive = (2)(10.80 k)(0.7064) = 15.258 k
Vu = 1.4(21.104 k) = 29.55 k, or
= 1.2(21.104 k) + 1.6(15.258 k) = 49.74 k Controls

Vn = 0.6FyAwCv Eq. G2-1

Aw = (20.7”)(0.350”) = 7.245 in2
Cv = 1.0
φv = 1.00
φvVn = 1.00(0.6)(50 ksi)( 7.245 in2)(1.0) = 217.35 k

Effective Flange Width: (Section I3.1)

Span = 27’
Distance to adjacent beams = 9.0’
Beffective = (27’)(12”/1’)/8 = 40.5” each side - Controls

Beffective = (9.0’)(12”/1’)/2 = 54.0” each side


Beffective = 2(40.5”) = 81.0”


RAM Structural System 1 Bentley Systems, Inc.

Stud Capacity: (Section I3.2d(3))
Qn = 0.5 Asc f c ' E c ≤ Rg R p Asc Fu (Eq I3-3)
Asc = π (0.75)2/4 = 0.4418 in2
fc’ = 3.0 ksi
Ec = 1151.5sqrt(3.0) = 2136.03 ksi
Rg = 1.0 (deck is parallel, wr/hr = 6”/3” = 2.0 > 1.5)
Rp = 0.75
Fu = 65.0 ksi
Qn = 0.5(0.4418)sqrt((3.0)( 2136.03)) = 17.68 k ≤ (1.0)(0.75)(0.4418)(65.0) = 21.54 k

Horizontal Shear: (I3.2d(1))

V’ = 0.85fc’Ac (Eq. I3-1a)
Ac = (tc)( Beffective) = (3.25”)(81.0”) = 263.25 in2
V’ = 0.85(3.0)( 263.25) = 671.29 k, or

V’ = AsFy (Eq. I3-1b)

V’ = (13.0 in )(50 ksi) = 650.0 k - Controls

Maximum Composite Moment:

MDead = (2)(10.255k)(9’) + (0.044 k/ft)(27’)2/8 = 188.60 k-ft
MLive = (2)(10.8k)(9’)(0.7064) = 137.32 k-ft
Mu = 1.4(188.60 k-ft) = 264.0 k-ft, or
Mu = 1.2(188.60 k-ft) + 1.6(137.32 k-ft) = 446.04 k-ft
@ midspan = 13.5’

Between the point of zero moment (the beam end for this beam) and the point of maximum
moment (the midspan for this beam) there are 11 studs available (the stud at the midspan
must be ignored since there is no horizontal shear at that point – that stud is only there due to
the maximum stud spacing requirements). Therefore, the shear carried by the studs is:
V’ = (11 studs)(17.68 k/stud) = 194.5 kip (Eq. I3-1c)
This also represents the compression in the concrete, C.

Composite φMn at Maximum Moment:

For this beam the plastic neutral axis is in the web:
PNA (This form of the equation for calculating PNA considers the contribution of the area of
steel within the ‘fillets’. It is calculated by setting the compression in the steel, which is one-
half of the total force in the steel and concrete, equal to Fy times one-half the steel area plus
the additional area of web between the mid-depth and the PNA, then solving for PNA):
0.5(AsFy +C) = Fy[As/2 + tw(PNA - Depth/2)]
0.5(650.0 k + 194.5 k) = (50 ksi)[13.0 in2/2 + (0.350”)(PNA – 20.7”/2)]
PNA = 15.91”

ΣMoments about PNA:

Mn = Fy [(tf)(bf)(PNA-tf/2) bottom flange
+ (tw)(PNA-tf)(PNA-tf)/2 web below PNA
+ (tw)(d-tf-PNA)(d-tf-PNA)/2 web above PNA
+ (tf)(bf)(d-PNA-tf/2) top flange
+ (Afillet)(armfillet)(2pair)] fillets
+ C (d-PNA+td+tc-a/2) concrete

RAM Structural System 2 Bentley Systems, Inc.

A4fillets = 13.0in2 – (0.350”)(20.7” – 2(0.450”)) – 2(0.450”)(6.50”) = 0.220 in2
Afillet = (0.220 in2) / 4 = 0.055 in2 / fillet
rfillet = fillet radius = k – tf = 0.950” – 0.450” = 0.5”
armfillet = moment arm between centroids of fillets
= d – 2(tf) – 2(0.2)(rfillet)
= 20.7” – 2(0.450”) – 2(0.2)(0.5”) = 19.60”
a = C / (0.85f’cBeffective) = (194.5k) / [(0.85)(3ksi)(81.0”)] = 0.942”

Mn = 50 [ (0.450”)(6.50”)(15.91”-0.450”/2) bottom flange

+ (0.350”)( 15.91”-0.450”)(15.91”-0.450”)/2 web below PNA
+ (0.350”)(20.7”-0.450”-15.91”)(20.7”-0.450”-15.91”)/2 web above PNA
+ (0.450”)(6.50”)(20.7”-15.91”-0.450”/2) top flange
+ (0.055 in2)(19.60”)(2) ] fillets
+ (194.5 k )(20.7”-15.91”+3.0”+3.25”- 0.942”/2) concrete
= 7380.6 k-in = 615.1 k-ft
(the report shows 615.41 k-ft, the difference is due to roundoff here)

φMn = 0.9(615.41 k-ft ) = 553.6 k-ft

Composite Moment at Location of Point Loads:

The capacity and moments at the location of Point loads must also be investigated. Note that
although the program checked this condition it is not listed on the report because it is not the
controlling design condition. If it had been the controlling design condition it would have
been shown on the reports.
MDead = (2)(10.255k)(9’) + (0.044 k/ft)(9’)(27’-9’)/2 = 188.15 k-ft
MLive = (2)(10.8k)(9’)(0.7064) = 137.32 k-ft
Mu = 1.4(188.15 k-ft) = 263.4 k-ft, or
Mu = 1.2(188.15 k-ft) + 1.6(137.32 k-ft) = 445.5 k-ft @ 9’

Between the point of zero moment (the beam end for this beam) and the location of the point
load there are 10 studs available. Therefore, the shear carried by the studs is:
V’ = (10 studs)(17.68 k/stud) = 176.8 kip (Eq. I3-1c)
This also represents the compression in the concrete, C, at that point.

Composite φMn at Location of Point Loads:

Use the same procedure as for the Maximum moment. For this beam the plastic neutral axis
is in the web:
PNA: 0.5(650.0 k + 176.8 k) = (50ksi)[13.0 in2/2 + 0.350”(PNA – 20.7”/2)]
PNA = 15.40”
a = (176.8 k) / [(0.85)(3ksi)(81.0”)] = 0.856”

ΣMoments about PNA:

Mn = 50 [ (0.450”)(6.50”)(15.40”-0.450”/2) bottom flange
+ (0.350”)( 15.40”-0.450”)(15.40”-0.450”)/2 web below PNA
+ (0.350”)(20.7”-0.450”-15.40”)(20.7”-0.450”-15.40”)/2 web above PNA
+ (0.450”)(6.50”)(20.7”-15.40”-0.450”/2) top flange
+ (0.055 in2)(19.60”)(2) ] fillets
+ (176.8 k) (20.7”-15.40”+3.0”+3.25”- 0.856”/2) concrete
= 7196.7 k-in = 599.7 k-ft
RAM Structural System 3 Bentley Systems, Inc.
φMn = 0.9(599.7 k-ft) = 539.7 k-ft

% Composite:
There is no longer a Specification requirement that composite beams be at least 25%
composite. However, the Commentary indicates that this is good practice. See Commentary
I3.1.3. Also, the Commentary indicates that Eq C-I3-3 which is used to calculate Ieff is
invalid if the percent composite is less than 25%. Therefore, the program enforces that lower

Based on the degree of composite at the point of maximum moment:

% Composite = V’Actual / V’Full = 194.5 k / 650.0 k = 29.92%

Although not explicitly indicated in the Specification, a similar check should be performed at
the location of point loads. This is good practice, to ensure that there is at least a minimum
degree of composite action available at those locations. The program performs this
% Composite = (V’Actual / V’Full)( MMax / MAtPointLoad)
= (176.8k / 650.0k) (446.04k-ft / 445.5k-ft) = 27.24%

Stud Spacing:
Minimum Stud Spacing = 4 x Stud Diameter = (4)(0.75”) = 3” o.c.
Maximum Stud Spacing = 8 x Slab Thickness = (8)(3”+3.25”) = 50” o.c., or
= 36” o.c. Controls
Actual Stud Spacing:
In 1st and 3rd Segment: Spacing = 9’ / 10 Studs = 0.9’ / stud = 10.8” per stud. OK
In 2nd Segment: Spacing = 9’/ 3 Studs = 3’ / stud = 36” per stud. OK
Note that the number of studs in the 2nd Segment was controlled by maximum spacing
req’ts. Also note that for this beam, since the deck is parallel to the beam, the spacing of
10.8” can be achieved; if the deck was perpendicular (or at an angle) to the beam, the
spacing of the deck ribs would have controlled the spacing of the studs and would have
impacted the number of rows of studs. The program checks this condition and designs

Precomposite Design:
For this beam there are three unbraced segments, each 9’ long. The program checks each
segment per Chapter F. For this beam the middle segment controls; only the calculations for
that segment are shown.
MDead = (2)(7.555 k)(9’) + (0.044 k/ft)(27’)2/8 = 140.00 k-ft
MLive = (2)(2.70 k)(9’) = 48.6 k-ft
Initial Dead Load Mu = 1.4(140.00 k-ft) = 196.0 k-ft
Precomposite Pos Mu = 1.2(140.00 k-ft) + 1.6(48.6 k-ft) = 245.8 k-ft Controls
@ midspan = 13.5’

Web and Flange are compact.

Lb = 9’ = 108” (Deck parallel to beam doesn’t brace top flange).
Cb = 1.00038
φMn = 281 k-ft See Table 3-10 (p 3-123) of the AISC manual.

RAM Structural System 4 Bentley Systems, Inc.

Note that the program rigorously checks the requirements given in Chapter F. Rather than
reproducing all of those calculations here, the capacity given in Table 3-10 is listed here,
corroborating the value given by the program.

I eff = I x + (ΣQn / C f ) ( I tr − I x ) (C-I3-3)

n = E/Ec = 29000000/[33.0(115)1.5sqrt(3000)] = 13.010

Ac = (3.25”)(81.0”) / 13.010 = 20.23 in2
yc = 3.25”/2 + 3.0” + 20.7” = 25.325”
ys = 20.7”/2 = 10.35”
Ybar = [(20.23 in2)( 25.325”) + (13.0 in2)( 10.35”)] / (20.23 in2 + 13.0 in2) = 19.467”

Itr = 843 in4 + (13.0 in2)( 19.467”- 10.35”)2 + (20.23 in2)( 25.325”- 19.467”)2
+ [(81”)(3.25”)3/12] / 13.010
= 2635.6 in4

Ieff = 843 in4 + sqrt(194.5 k / 650.0 k)( 2635.6 in4 – 843 in4) = 1823.6 in3

Initial Load:
Δ = (2)(7.555 k)(108”)[(3)(324”)2 – (4)(108)2] / [(24)(29000)(843 in4)]
+ (5)(.044 k/ft)(1 ft /12 in)(324”)4 / [(384)(29000)(843 in4)]
= 0.7677”
= L / 422.1
Camber: 0.8 (0.768”) = 0.614” < 0.75” Do not camber

Live Load:
Δ = (2)(10.80 k)(0.7064)(108”)[(3)(324”)2 – (4)(108)2] / [(24)(29000)(1823.6 in4)]
= 0.3483”
= L / 930.2

Post Composite Dead Load:

Δ = (2)(10.255 k – 7.555) (108”)[(3)(324”)2 – (4)(108)2] / [(24)(29000)(1823.6 in4)]
= 0.1233”

Post Composite Load:

Δ = 0.3483” + 0.1233” = 0.4716”
= L / 687.1

Net Total Load:

Δ = 0.7677” + 0.4716” – 0” camber = 1.239”
= L / 261.4

RAM Structural System 5 Bentley Systems, Inc.

RAM Structural System 6 Bentley Systems, Inc.
A. Adams 2/22/08

RAM Structural System 7 Bentley Systems, Inc.

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