Automatic Goods Receipt For Co Products

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Automatic goods receipt for co-products during order

In the older ERP releases, the automatic goods receipt for co-products was not possible for
production or process orders. It means that the goods receipt of an order with co-products should be
posted manually, which used to generate more manual work and time spent during a confirmation,
since an additional transaction should be executed.
However, as of SAP Enhancement Package 6, the automatic goods receipt of a co-product is
possible for production and process orders. This functionality must be activated with the business
function LOG_PP_CI_1 – Improvements in Manufacturing and it can be very easily implemented.
You can find more details about this business function in the following link of SAP Help:

Improvements in Manufacturing – Logistics – SAP Library

After the activation of the business function, the goods receipt of the co-product can be automatically
proposed during the order confirmation on transactions such as CO11N (production orders) or
COR6N (process orders).
We also need to define in customizing for which order types the goods receipt of a co-product will be
proposed when posting a confirmation on the order type confirmation parameters customizing
(transaction OPK4N).
The problem is that the the goods receipt quantity is not proposed during the confirmation for the
finished product and for the co-product, as we can see on the picture below:
The system behavior, however, can be changed, as of the implementation of the following note:

2201192 – Automatic goods receipt for co-products: Quantity proposal

After the implementation of this note, we can control if the quantity will be proposed or note using the
settings for the message type C6 042. The note long text provides the following explanation about
the system behavior after implementations of the code corrections:

To activate the quantity proposal, you must define the message type of the new message C6 042 in
Customizing (“Define Attributes of System Messages”). To do so, use transaction OPJB or
transaction O04C. If no entry exists in the system for the message C6 042, choose “New Entries”
and add a new entry with version 00000000 (eight zeros), application area C2, and message
number 042. You can set the message category in the “Cat” field. If you set the option “No message”
here, the system proposes the quantities for the goods receipt of the co-products proportionally to
the goods receipt quantity of the header material. If you set the message category to “W” (warning)
or “E” (error message), the system proposes the quantities in accordance with the system design (no
quantities for production orders, same quantities for process orders).
If we want to have the co-product goods receipt quantity proposed according to the header material
quantity, the settings for the message type should look like the following picture:

After making this change for the message type, the quantity will be proposed by the confirmation.
One pre-requisite for the proposal of the goods movement for the co-product on the confirmation is
that the co-product must be assigned to the operation for which the setting the “automatic goods
receipt” is set on the control key, or on the last operation if the automatic goods receipt is defined by
the production scheduling profile.
The following picture shows a confirmation with the automatic goods receipt for a co-product:

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