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Voorbeeldzin uit artikel Engels idioom Nederlandse vertaling

1. Hundreds of Tijuana residents have congregated to protest the thousands of residents bewoners
Central American migrants who have arrived in the Mexican border city
hoping for a new life in the US.

2. Hundreds of Tijuana residents have congregated to protest the thousands of To congregate samenkomen
Central American migrants who have arrived in the Mexican border city
hoping for a new life in the US.

3. The federal government estimates the number of migrants could soon swell Government overheid
to 10,000.

4. The federal government estimates the number of migrants could soon swell To estimate schatten
to 10,000.

5. Asylum seekers register their names in a tattered notebook managed by To tatter verscheuren
migrants themselves that had more than 3,000 names even before the
caravan arrived.

6. And they voiced worries that their taxes might be spent to care for the Taxes belastingen

7. Alden Rivera, the Honduran ambassador in Mexico, told the AP on Saturday Decision besluit
that 1,800 Hondurans had returned to their country since the caravan first
set out on 13 October and that he hoped more would make that decision.
8. Per capita income hovers around $120 a month in Honduras, where the Poverty armoede
World Bank says two out of three people live in poverty.

9. While many in Tijuana are sympathetic to the migrants’ plight and trying to insult beschuldiging
assist, some locals have shouted insults, hurled rocks and even thrown
punches at them.

10. The Tijuana mayorm Juan Manuel Gastelumm has called the migrants’ avalanche lawine
arrival an “avalanche” that the city is ill-prepared to handle, calculating they
will be in Tijuana for at least six months as they wait to file asylum claims.

11. Three of Hong Kong’s most high-profile democracy activists have pleaded Guilty schuldig
not guilty to charges of public nuisance for their involvement in nearly three
months of street protests in 2014 that brought parts of the city to a

12. The three men face up to seven years in prison if convicted under a colonial- To encourage aanmoedigen
era law for encouraging mass protests that became known as the Umbrella
movement and called for direct elections for Hong Kong’s leader, a position
that is in effect appointed by Beijing.

13. In the four years since the protest, freedoms in Hong Kong have been
dramatically curtailed, with the government aggressively targeting pro-
To curtail beperken
democracy activists with what some say are politically motivated
prosecutions, barring candidates from standing for election, removing
popularly elected members of the city’s legislature and banning a fringe
political party.

14. In the four years since the protest, freedoms in Hong Kong have been Fringe rand
dramatically curtailed, with the government aggressively targeting pro-
democracy activists with what some say are politically motivated
prosecutions, barring candidates from standing for election, removing
popularly elected members of the city’s legislature and banning a fringe
political party.

15. Last month, the government expelled a Financial Times journalist for hosting topic onderwerp
a talk on the topic of independence.

16. Last month, the government expelled a Financial Times journalist for hosting Independece Onafhankelijkheid
a talk on the topic of independence.

17. In a show of defiance, the nine defendants and more than 100 supporters Defiance trots
unfurled yellow umbrellas, a symbol of the movement, outside the court,
clapping and demanding an end to “political prosecution”.

18. Tai told Reuters he hoped the trial would be an opportunity to “reboot the opportunity kans
spirit of the people”.

19. The prosecutors are using deliberately vague and ambiguous charges that prosecutor aanklager
will have chilling consequences for freedom of expression and peaceful
assembly in Hong Kong.”

20. The prosecutors are using deliberately vague and ambiguous charges that Deliberately bewust
will have chilling consequences for freedom of expression and peaceful
assembly in Hong Kong.”

21. Liverpool and Manchester United are among the notable Absentees Afwezigen

22. It is rare for a Category 1 club to not field squad numbers in the high 60s, Rare Zeldzaam
70s or even 80s.

23. Premier League clubs sending experienced internationals to play against a Experienced Ervaren
League Two XI full of teenagers are rare, but do happen.

24. Last season, Brighton’s “development squad” fielded six Premier League Development Ontwikkeling
players, including Tim Krul and Liam Rosenoir, and yet still lost at Stevenage.

25. Crowds in the early rounds of this competition rarely match league To match Evenaren
attendances but the games featuring “academy teams” mirror reserve

26. At least the smattering of spectators from both clubs can sit side by side, Smettering Een beetje
intermingling like a friendly or non-League game.

27. Played under floodlights on the main ground, in front of enough of a crowd Floodlight Schijnwerper
for the players to hear them respond to the action.

28. Bars are open and the press seats are occupied by not just club media but Occupied Bezet
local or even national radio

29. It might not seem much or glamorous, but it’s a new environment for Environment Milieu
youngsters used to playing in front of parents and friends on club training

30. They do acclimatise, although often not until their second game. To acclamatise Aanpassen

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