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Normal Functional Range of Motion of the Cervical Spine

During 15 Activities of Daily Living
Jesse E. Bible, BS, Debdut Biswas, BA, Christopher P. Miller, BA, Peter G. Whang, MD,
and Jonathan N. Grauer, MD

and 92% of rotational motion. In general, personal hygiene

Study Design: Prospective clinical study. ADLs such as washing hands and hair, shaving, and applying
Objective: The purpose of this investigation was to quantify make-up entailed a significantly greater ROM relative to
normal cervical range of motion (ROM) and compare these locomotive ADLs including walking and traveling up and down
results to those used to perform 15 simulated activities of daily a set of stairs (P<0.0001); in addition, compared with climbing
living (ADLs) in asymptomatic subjects. up these steps, significantly more sagittal and rotational motion
was used when descending stairs (P = 0.003 and P = 0.016,
Summary of Background Data: Previous studies looking at respectively). When picking up an object from the ground, a
cervical ROM during ADLs have been limited and used squatting technique required a lower percentage of lateral and
measuring devices that do not record continuous motion. The rotational ROM than bending at the waist (P = 0.002 and
purpose of this investigation was to quantify normal cervical P<0.0001).
ROM and compare these results with those used to perform 15
simulated ADLs in asymptomatic subjects. Conclusions: By quantifying the amounts of cervical motion
required to execute a series of simulated ADLs, this study
Methods: A noninvasive electrogoniometer and torsiometer were indicates that most individuals use a relatively small percentage
used to measure the ROM of the cervical spine. The accuracy of their full active ROM when performing such activities. These
and reliability of the devices were confirmed by comparing the findings provide baseline data which may allow clinicians to
ROM values acquired from dynamic flexion/extension and accurately assess preoperative impairment and postsurgical
lateral bending radiographs to those provided by the device, outcomes.
which was activated while the radiographs were obtained.
Intraobserver reliability was established by calculating the Key Words: cervical, spine, range of motion, activities of daily
intraclass correlation coefficient for repeated measurements on living
the same subjects by 1 investigator on consecutive days. These (J Spinal Disord Tech 2010;23:15–21)
tools were employed in a clinical laboratory setting to evaluate
the full active ROM of the cervical spines (ie, flexion/extension,
lateral bending, and axial rotation) of 60 asymptomatic subjects
(30 females and 30 males; age, 20 to 75 y) as well as to assess the
functional ROM required to complete 15 simulated ADLs. A n adequate range of motion (ROM) of the cervical
spine is necessary for various activities of daily living
(ADLs). There are several different factors associated
Results: When compared with radiographic measurements, the with decreased cervical ROM such as spondylosis, which
electrogoniometer was found to be accurate within 2.3 ± 2.2 in some cases may limit a patient’s ability to perform
degrees (mean ± SD) and the intraobserver reliabilities for these ADLs. Another example is cervical fusion surgery,
measuring the full active and functional ROM were both which is generally effective in addressing a number of
excellent (intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.96 and 0.92, spinal conditions but may give rise to focal restriction of
respectively). The absolute ROM and percentage of full active ROM and precipitate compensatory changes at adjacent
cervical spinal ROM used during the 15 ADLs was 13 to 32 levels1–6; in an effort to maintain physiologic motion, a
degrees and 15% to 32% (median, 20 degrees/19%) for flexion/ number of novel approaches (eg, disk arthroplasty) have
extension, 9 to 21 degrees and 11% to 27% (14 degrees/18%) been introduced as potential alternatives to conventional
for lateral bending, and 13 to 57 degrees and 12% to 92% (18 arthrodesis techniques.3,7–10
degrees/19%) for rotation. Backing up a car required the most Unfortunately, the global ROM of the cervical
ROM of all the ADLs, involving 32% of sagittal, 26% of lateral, spine has not been well characterized at this time. Most of
the preexisting studies have simply evaluated the extremes
Received for publication September 2, 2008; accepted December 8, 2008. of motion exhibited by subjects which represents the full
From the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Yale active ROM.11–17 Although the amount of movement
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT. required for ADLs is believed to be significantly less than
Reprints: Jonathan N. Grauer, MD, Department of Orthopaedics and
Rehabilitation, Yale University School of Medicine, PO Box 208071, the full active motion, there is currently a paucity of
New Haven, CT 06520-8071 (e-mail: normative data regarding the functional ROM of the
Copyright r 2010 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins cervical spine. Bennett et al18 reported the ROM of the

J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 23, Number 1, February 2010 | 15

Bible et al J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 23, Number 1, February 2010

cervical spine during several ADLs including the opening

of a door, writing at a table, and holding a telephone.
However, these calculations were derived from a small
cohort of college students who wore multiple inclinometer
gauges on their heads during these experiments. The
manual design of this device required that the subject stop
their specific movement in order for the device’s gauges
to be read by an observer, only allowing the device to be
recorded when the subject’s neck was stationary at the
end point of the activity and could not be continually
recorded during dynamic movements. To our knowledge,
this remains the only study that has evaluated functional
cervical ROM during ADLs.
Flexible electrogoniometers are designed to provide
instantaneous ROM measurements and these devices
have been shown to be an effective and accurate method
for assessing the motion of numerous joints.19–27 Electro-
goniometry is also known to correlate well with spinal
radiographs.25 These measuring devices allow for the data
FIGURE 1. A, Electrogoniometer and torsiometer with its
to be continually recorded, permitting a more realistic
associated aluminum carriages, head-piece, and chest harness.
evaluation of dynamic motion in joints. The purpose of B, Two lightweight aluminum carriages, which comprise the
this prospective investigation was to use flexible electro- housing of the distal endplates for both devices. C, Measuring
goniometers to quantify cervical spinal ROM in asymp- system after being placed on a subject.
tomatic patients as they performed a series of simulated
ADLs and compare these results with their full active
accuracy of the flexible goniometer for measuring lumbar
MATERIALS AND METHODS The proximal endplates were attached to the occiput
of the skull by an elastic head-band whereas the distal
Electrogoniometer and Torsiometer portions of each device were secured to the midline of the
Measuring System upper thoracic region directly over the spinous processes
The electrogoniometer and torsiometer measuring of T1-T4 by applying a chest harness (Fig. 1C). The
system used in this study (SG150 and Q150, Biometrics goniometer and torsiometer were both connected to a
Ltd, Gwent, UK) consists of a thin, flexible, strain- hand-held display unit (DataLog, Biometrics Ltd, Gwent,
gauged strip (also known as a shin) with 2 lightweight UK), which generated real-time data that was continu-
plastic plates attached to each end. In the electrogonio- ously recorded for subsequent analysis.
meter, the transducer measures angles in 2 planes of To validate the accuracy and reliability of the
movement: flexion-extension and lateral bending. In the electrogoniometer used, ROM measured by the electro-
torsiometer, the transducer measures axial rotation in goniometer was compared with that of a manual
both left and right directions (Fig. 1A). goniometer. This calibration process was repeated after
The proximal endplate of each device has a every 10 subjects and found to be consistently accurate. A
telescopic arrangement, which permits the relative dis- series of cervical spine x-rays (anteroposterior, right and
tance between the 2 endplates to change during joint left lateral bending, neutral lateral, flexion, and extension
movement, preventing an overstretching or buckling of views) were also obtained while these appliances were
the measuring element. However, during flexion and affixed to a subject so that the electrogoniometer
extension of the cervical spine, linear displacements measurements could be compared with those provided
occurring between the spinous processes of the upper by the measuring tools of the digital radiography system.
and lower vertebrae would exceed this distance. To
overcome this limitation, lightweight aluminum carriages ROM in Asymptomatic Subjects
(5 inch) were constructed to house the distal endplate Investigational Review Board approval was ob-
for both devices. Additionally, each distal endplate was tained before the initiation of this investigation. The
expanded in length using a lightweight aluminum cover- study population consisted of 60 asymptomatic indivi-
ing. Each carriage allowed the endplate to move freely duals evenly distributed among 4 age groups (20 to 29, 30
along its length, resulting in an increase in the linear to 39, 40 to 49, and >50 years old), none of whom
excursion of both devices, but prevented movement in reported any current axial spinal discomfort or a history
other planes (Fig. 1B). This strategy has already been of any previous spinal surgeries. After the goniometer and
evaluated in a previous study where these types of torsiometer system was applied as described above, the
modifications were shown to successfully maintain the display unit was zeroed with the subject in a neutral

16 | r 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 23, Number 1, February 2010 Normal Functional ROM of the Cervical Spine

position. The full active ROM was quantified by asking Data Analysis
the subject to achieve maximum flexion, extension, lateral Cervical ROM data were continuously recorded on
bending (left and right), and axial rotation (left and the display unit during all the ADLs. The average full
right). These individuals were subsequently asked to active ROM was calculated for all 60 subjects in flexion,
perform the same series of 15 simulated ADLs in a extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. The
standardized clinical laboratory space to determine the average functional ROM was also determined for each
functional ROM required for these endeavors (Table 1). of the 15 ADLs and expressed as a percentage of the full
This list of ADLs was derived from extensively referenced active ROM.
physical and occupational therapy literature which The output data were analyzed using DataLog 6
indicated the impact that spinal disorders may have on software (Biometrics Ltd, Gwent, UK) and compiled into
these activities.29–31 To ensure each activity was as natural SPSS 16.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL). The full active and
as possible, minimal restrictions were placed on how each functional ROMs of 5 subjects were reassessed on 3
activity was performed. Each subject was prompted by consecutive days at the same time of day to characterize
the same investigator, whereas a second investigator the intraobserver reliabilities. Intraclass correlation co-
applied the measuring device and held the display unit. efficients (ICCs) were calculated for both the full active
The maximum ROM used in each of the 6 directions was and functional ROM values using 2-way random effects
recorded throughout the entire duration of an ADL, from analysis of variance in conjunction with the consistency
the initiation up to its completion. definition. The ROM employed for the various ADLs
All seated ADLs were performed using an 18-inch were compared with paired t tests. Any associations
stool. When asked to back up a car, subjects were asked between ROM and patient factors such as age, sex, and
to look over their right shoulders until they could read a body mass index (BMI) were identified by performing
sign 150 degrees behind them; in this situation, only the multivariate linear regression. Regression analysis was
right-sided values for functional rotation were considered. performed for each of the 3 motion planes for active
For putting on a sock and tying shoelaces, individuals ROM and functional ROM for each ADL. All 3 patient
lifted up their right lower extremities to a height so that factors (age, sex, and BMI) were included in the final
they could reach their right foot before returning to an regression model. Statistical significance was established
erect sitting position. Hand washing was performed in at a 2-sided á level of 0.05 (P<0.05).
a sink located 36 inches from the ground and 16 inches
deep. Next, each subject was asked to simulate washing
their hair as if in the shower. Similarly, males were given a RESULTS
bladeless plastic razor and wall mirror to simulate shaving Radiographic Validation
their face and females used the mirror to apply make-up.
The accuracy of the electrogoniometer was quanti-
A 2 lb circular weight placed midline 8 inches in front of
fied by comparing the ROM measured on dynamic
the subject was picked up from the floor both from a
flexion/extension and lateral bending radiographs with
squatting position and by bending their lower backs while
the values registered by the device which was worn while
keeping their legs straight. After walking down a hallway these studies were obtained. According to this assessment,
while looking straight ahead, individuals climbed and
the electrogoniometer was found to be accurate within
descended several stairs that were 6 inches in height and
2.3 ± 2.2 degrees (mean ± standard deviation).
10 inches deep.
Intraobserver Reliability
TABLE 1. Fifteen Activities of Daily Living in Which Cervical The a priori analysis revealed excellent intra-
Range of Motion Was Assessed observer reliabilities for both full active [ICC, 0.96; 95%
Order of the 15 ADLs
confidence interval (CI), 0.93-0.98) and functional ROM
(ICC, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.91-0.93). The results demonstrate
1. Standing to sitting position that these subjects exhibited similar amounts of cervical
2. Backing up car
3. Reading a magazine in lap motion on consecutive days.
4. Cutting food with knife and fork and bringing food to mouth
5. Putting on socks Full Active ROM
6. Tying shoelaces
7. Rising from sitting position Of the 60 asymptomatic individuals who were
8. Washing hands in standing position included in this series, there were 30 males and 30 females
9. Washing hair in shower with an average age of 40.2 years (range, 20 to 75 years)
10. Shaving facial hair (males)/applying make-up (females) and an average BMI of 25.3 (range, 19.8 to 34.4). The
11. Picking up object from floor using squatting technique
12. Picking up object from floor using bending technique
mean full active ROM for flexion and extension was 63.4
13. Walking degrees (95% CI, 61.2-65.6 degrees) and 38.7 degrees
14. Walking up stairs (95% CI, 35.5-41.9 degrees), respectively; 38.9 degrees
15. Walking down stairs (95% CI, 36.6-41.2 degrees) and 37.4 degrees (95% CI,
ADL indicates activities of daily living. 34.9-39.8 degrees) for left and right lateral bending,
respectively; and 55.8 degrees (95% CI, 53.1-58.4 degrees)

r 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 17

Bible et al J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 23, Number 1, February 2010

and 53.2 degrees (95% CI, 50.2-56.1 degrees) for left and associated with these activities was 15% to 32% (median,
right axial rotation, respectively. 19%) of flexion/extension, 11% to 27% (18%) of lateral
bending, and 12% to 92% (19%) of total rotational
Functional ROM motion. The percentage for each specific activity is listed
The functional ROM used across all 15 ADLs tested in Table 2.
in this investigation included 13 to 32 degrees (median, 20 Backing up a car necessitated the most ROM of all
degrees) in the sagittal plane, 9 to 21 degrees (14 degrees) the simulated ADLs, which involved 32 degrees/32% of
of lateral bending, and 13 to 57 degrees (18 degrees) of flexion/extension, 20 degrees/26% of lateral bending, and
rotation; the absolute ROM values for these ADLs are 57 degrees/92% of rotation to the right. Of the 2 methods
shown in Figure 2. The percentages of full active ROM for picking up an object from the ground, squatting

A Cervical Flexion / Extension

Average Maxim um Flexion


Extension (-) / Flexion (+)


ir s



S it










t t in

in g

















S it

Average Maxim um Extension





Cervical Lateral Bending

Average Maxim um Left Bending

Right (-) / Left (+)


S it






in g








t t in



















S it





Average Maxim um Right Bending


C Cervical Rotation
60 Average Maxim um Left Rotation

Right (-) / Left (+)





















in g




t t in








S it







Average Maxim um Right Rotation


FIGURE 2. The average amount of motion used for each ADL with the average maximum ROM values for cervical (A) flexion/
extension, (B) lateral bending, and (C) rotation. Error bars = 95% confidence intervals. ADL indicates activities of daily living;
ROM, range of motion.

18 | r 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 23, Number 1, February 2010 Normal Functional ROM of the Cervical Spine

TABLE 2. Percentage of Total Active ROM Used for Each Activity of Daily Living
Average Percentage of Full Active ROM
Activity of Daily Living Flexion/Extension (%) Lateral Bending (%) Axial Rotation (%)
Stand to sit 20 14 14
Backing car 32 26 92*
Reading 16 12 16
Feeding 15 15 14
Socks 19 19 21
Tying shoelaces 18 18 17
Sit to stand 18 10 15
Washing hands 19 20 29
Washing hair 27 23 25
Shaving 23 25 34
Make-up 22 24 33
Squatting 29 22 24
Bending 30 27 32
Walking 13 11 13
Up stairs 16 13 12
Down stairs 21 13 15
*Only right full active ROM used in rotational percentage for backing up a car.
ROM indicates range of motion.

required significantly less lateral bending and rotation asymptomatic subjects as they completed 15 common
than bending at the waist (17 vs. 21 degrees, P = 0.002; 17 ADLs.
vs. 35 degrees, P<0.0001) but there were no significant Although the mean full active flexion/extension and
differences observed in sagittal plane motion (30 vs. 31 lateral bending observed in this study were within 1
degrees, P = 0.486). Descending stairs entailed signifi- standard deviation of those published in previous reports
cantly more flexion/extension and rotation relative to of normal cervical ROM,13,15,42,43 the amount of axial
climbing up the staircase (P = 0.003 and P = 0.016). rotation was considerably less [109 degrees (12-degree
Finally, transitioning from standing to sitting required SD) vs. 141 degrees (12-degree SD) and 144 degrees
significantly more lateral bending than transitioning from (20-degree SD)].13,15 It is possible that this finding may
a sitting to standing position (P = 0.001). Compared with be accounted for in part by the higher average age of the
the 3 locomotive movements (ie, walking, transversing up subjects in this population relative to these other series
and down stairs), significantly greater motion was (40 y vs. approximately 25 y).
recorded in all 3 planes with personal hygiene ADLs (ie, Of all the ADLs that were tested, the greatest
washing hands and hair, shaving, and applying make-up) sagittal motion was used when backing up a car and
(P<0.0001). picking up an object from the ground, either by bending
at the waist or squatting at the knees, necessitated only
Multivariate Analyses one-third of the total sagittal plane motion. However,
Age was determined to be a highly significant bending required more lateral and rotational movement
predictor of decreased active ROM in each of the 3 compared with squatting. The squatting technique has
motion planes (sagittal, P = 0.020; lateral, P<0.0001; been widely advocated in an effort to minimize the
rotational, P = 0.012), which is consistent with previous stresses applied to the lumbar facet joints, paraspinal
reports about active ROM.12,32 Other than a significant musculature, and other spinal structures. As bending at
decrease in rotation noted in male subjects (P = 0.009), the waist appears to entail greater cervical motion than
sex and BMI did not correlate with decreased active squatting, the latter method may serve to maintain
ROM. There were also no apparent associations between physiologic alignment of the spinal column and reduce
any of these variables and functional ROM as well the deleterious forces generated when picking up objects
(P<0.05). from the floor.
Backing up a car required the most rotational
DISCUSSION motion in the cervical spine, as over 90% of full active
A number of studies have already characterized the ROM was used by the subjects. These results are not
peripheral joint motion that occurs during various surprising, as drivers usually use ocular and cervical
ADLs.23,27,33–41 Similarly, active cervical ROM has also rotational motion before initiating lumbar or pelvic
been discussed extensively in the literature but there motion when looking over their shoulder. Of the other
continues to be a paucity of data regarding the motion remaining ADLs, personal hygiene activities, such as
that is necessary to perform certain activities. Thus, shaving and applying make-up, required the greatest
the purpose of this investigation was to measure the amounts of rotation using a third of total rotational
functional ROM exhibited by a diverse cohort of motion.

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Bible et al J Spinal Disord Tech  Volume 23, Number 1, February 2010

In general, these subjects employed significantly ture to ensure that appropriate simulations were in-
greater ROM for personal hygiene activities than for cluded.29–31 Nevertheless, we do not believe that these
locomotive ADLs and transfers such as walking and relatively minor issues detract from the overall validity of
sitting down in a chair. These findings suggest that these results.
clinicians may be able to more accurately gauge a In summary, this investigation quantifies the
patient’s level of disability by specifically inquiring about amounts of cervical spine motion used by asymptomatic
any difficulties or limitations encountered during his or subjects as they complete a number of simulated ADLs.
her daily routine. Furthermore, it may be preferable According to a specialized electrogoniometer, which was
to assess functional status by asking these individuals to shown to exhibit excellent accuracy and reliability for
perform several simulations rather than by simply these measurements, it is clear that most individuals only
observing them walk and sit in the examination room. employ a small percentage of their full active ROM when
Bennett et al,18 previously quantified cervical ROM performing these activities. This information provides
during 4 of the ADLs that were also included in our normative data, which may be valuable for assessing any
analysis (ie, tying shoes, backing up a car, rising from a clinical impairment that may arise secondary to spinal
chair, and washing hair). Although their results are pathology and comparing the functional outcomes of
largely analogous to those of the present investigation, various nonoperative and surgical treatments for these
there are several discrepancies between these studies. For conditions.
instance, the subjects in this series demonstrated increased
flexion/extension when backing up a car (32 vs. 5
degrees); alternatively, when washing their hair they
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