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at-Talib Resources for the Seeker of Knowledge search

Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide

At Talib is Moving Is it permissible to speak to the …
8 Q: what
Request for can
one do toShayk…
increase his memory and focus???
Al-Salam 'alaykum,
Clarification & Explanation of a p…
asSalaamu Alaikum,
To all of our readers, we humbly thank you for
On the 25th nightHere are a couple
of Ramadan, Shaykhof brief
Bilal tips:
Ali's (at- giving us good reason to continue the blog and
For Effective Da'wah in the West
posting up (hopefully) beneficial articles.
Talib) mother passed away. Please remember her, and
her family, in your Du'as in these remaining days of
Qari Abdul Basit (ra) and the Co…
Ramadan. 1. Guard your gaze and your ears. There can be nothing more distracting than television, a wrong glance, or a tune that
Those Were Our Forefathers: …
won't go away.
Related post by Shaykh Nabeel on an-Noor: A Request With great sadness and a growing emptiness in Blog link ---> http://loweryourgaz…
for Du'as my heart do I have to announce the passing of my
2. Recite after every salat the masnun du'as. In addition,
Shaykh, recite
my spiritual "Yamy
guide, Qawiyy"
Hadrat times after every salat, or recite this
The Virtue of Reading Books
Jazakumullahu seven times: "Allahumma Nawwir QalbiKhwaja
du'akhair, Khan
bi 'ilmika Muhammad,
wasta'mil may Allah
badani have mercy
bi ta'atika
on him and grant him the highest place in Jannah.
asSalaamu Alaikum. . Meticulous Adherence to the Sh…
‫اﻟﻠﮭم ﻧور ﻗﻠﺑﻲ ﺑﻌﻠﻣك واﺳﺗﻌﻣل ﺑدﻧﻲ ﺑطﺎﻋﺗك‬
I must be honest.
Recite this same du'a seven times before opening up a book to read or study as well.

Also, you can recite "Sanuqri'uka fala tansa" ‫ ﺳﻧﻘرأك ﻓﻼ ﺗﻧﺳﻰ‬three times after every salat.
3. When you sit down to study, minimize any nearby
The distractions.
Benefits Also, in (Siesta…
of Qaylula order to maximizeWhy
Taqlid of
of time, keepMadh…
Only One a
3 A Curriculum of Study for…
book unrelated to what you are studying nearby and whenever you tire of studying, distract yourself with a book on
another subject to refresh the mind. Sometimes it is good to get up and stretch. The Excellence of the 'Ulama
Section 1: Necessary Beginners Knowledge
Nap 'boosts' brain learning power
"...without which living a life like
4. Memorizing a true Muslim
is easiest whenisdone
not with someone else. Memorizing alone can be difficult and Muslim
takesInventions thatHaving
much longer. Shaped t…
possible." Sleep is important for assimilating new
someone quiz you can cut memorization time to at least one third.
"Let me meet my creator..." - Du'…
Hayat al-Muslimin (Mawlana Ashraf `Ali)Furu` al-Iman
(Mawlana Ashraf A nap during the day improves the brain's ability
- Bilal`Ali)Ta`lim
Ali Ansari al-Din (Mawlana Ashraf
to absorb new information, US scientists claim.
`Ali)Behishti Gohar [for men] (Mawlana Ashraf
`Ali)Behishti Zewar [for women] (Mawla

Similar questions posed to Mufti Nawaal ur-Rahman (DB) [of Darul Uloom Chicago and ShariahBoard]:


29 Q: Is there any dua / zikar for good Authenticity

The ʿAqidah of the Salaf …
of the Hadith Rega…
memory & speech.
Incidents of Servitude

A Historical Analysis of 'Aashur… Spending on one's Family on th…
31 Islamic Manners in Deali… .
Understanding Tawaadhu' (Humi…
Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali an-Nadwi (ra)
Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah (ra) An Episode From the Court of C…
The fast of 'Ashura was prescribed before the
Min Adab al-Islam fasts of Ramadan. The Jews observed it and so
did the people of Arabia before the dawn of Islam.
If your neighbors happen to be non-Muslim you must
not forget Islamic manners in dealing with neighbors.
The recommendation of Islam for good relationship with
neighbors is for Muslims and non-Muslims alike.


14 'Forex Trading Business' …


Mufti Shafiq Jakhura (db)


I am interested in the Forex SPOT trading business and

would like to know if it is halal.

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