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How to determine proper tank cleaning by acid wash onboard chemical

tankers ?

The range of chemicals shipped in bulk now has been increased enormously and to
maintain product quality proper tank cleaning is essential prior loading cargo.
The acid wash method is used if there is any suspicion that a cargo of aromatics may have
been contaminated by a previous oil cargo.

The method is also used as a check that a tank is sufficiently cleaned before loading
aromatics. A surface of about one m2 is carefully cleaned with clean cotton and an
aromatic, e g toluene, and the liquid wrung out and tested as the cargo sample mentioned
above. One can also take rust sediments (uncoated tanks) and dissolve any oil
contaminants by means of toluene, which is then tested by this method.

This method is used to determine if petroleum hydrocarbons are present in aromatic

compounds. Aromatics (e.g toluene, xylene, benzene) are unaffected by sulphuric acid,
but oils and most other contaminants are affected, causing a discolouration. The method
is suited for application on board and can be used as a check that proper tank cleaning
has been accomplished.

A test tube is filled with 7 cc conc (96 %) sulphuric acid, on top of which is filled 21 cc of
the product sample. The tube is then shaken 40 - 50 seconds (150 times) and is then left
to settle for a period of time. The colour of the acid in the bottom of the tube is then
compared with the standard shades where 0 corresponds to water and 14 to a dark yellow

Finally a difficult question arises: how much of cargo contaminants can be tolerated on
the tank wall? Make tests and train your own judgement!

Hydrocarbons in methanol - "water miscibility test"

Methanol is very sensitive to oil contaminants. The following test method uses methanol
as a testing medium. The methanol must therefore be guaranteed free from any
hydrocarbon contaminants.
About one m2 of the tank wall is carefully washed with cotton and about 40 cc methanol.
The methanol is wrung out and put into a test tube. Then 60 cc distilled water is added.
The mixture is well shaken and left to settle for 20 min. If the solution remains a clear
liquid the tank wall can be considered to be clean, but if the solution has turned milky or
only slightly milky it is an indication that the tank should be cleaned again before loading
methanol or any other oil-sensitive cargo.

This method should be a standard practice to be carried out by the ship's personnel. The
method can, of course, also be used as a check on the cargo upon loading and

Related info:

Fixed and portable tank cleaning equipments

Tank cleaning and risk with cargo contact

Practical example of solving tank cleaning problems

Tank cleaning fatality- case study & lessons learned

Pre-cleaning /washing of cargo tanks

Final cleaning of cargo tanks prior loading

Tank cleaning and posoning hazards

Testing of tanks and cargoes

Practical tank cleaning methods for various noxious liquid cargo

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Determining proper tank cleaning by acid wash method

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Determining water contamination in chemical cargo

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