Midterm NOTE

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Billions of poverty-stricken people do not have access to basic Nitrogen makes up approximately 78% of the volume of the plates

of the plates across the Earth's surface results in changing climatic In a certain population of rabbits one year, 25 new rabbits are born family planning and reproductive health care, and elevating the If a species of frogs becomes threatened because they can only live in
necessities of life. The lack of adequate sanitation facilities basic atmosphere. environmental conditions for various communities and populations and 5 move into the population from surrounding areas. However, 10 status of women a narrow range of temperatures, they would be classified as a(n)
necessities affects the largest number of people? Phosphorus (biogeochemical cycles) does not include the atmosphere of organisms. This has driven evolutionary change. rabbits die, and 5 leave the population. What is the population Statements about women's employment/economic status is false: SPECIALIST SPECIES
With respect to making a shift from unsustainable lifestyles to as a temporary reservoir A major factor that allowed species to adapt to new environments change? 15 Women have more than half of the world's assets. Mutations can occur in any cell type, however only those that occur in
CHAPTER 1: sustainable lifestyles, it is estimated that we have about 50 to 100 Mammal would have the highest concentrations of phosphorous at and form new species through natural selection happened because Which reproductive pattern is most common, if one considers Women possess less than 2% of the world's land. REPRODUCTIVE CELLS are passed on to offspring, thus allowing for
A fictional vision of a more environmentally healthy planet in the years to accomplish this, but that it takes about 5 to 10 percent of the bones and teeth Pangaea began splitting apart about 135 million years ago patterns seen in all animals? A reproductive pattern that is Women receive about 10% of the world's income. evolution.
future uses underground heat, algae, sun and wind and flowing population to bring about such major social changes. The hydrologic cycle refers to the movement of Water The advance and retreat of ice sheets happened most recently about somewhere between the two extremes described in a and b. One of the cultural preferences driving couples to continue having Current environmental conditions will dictate which traits are
water CHAPTER 3: Of the following water-cycle processes, the one working against 18,000 years ago over much of the northern hemispheres and An exponential growth curve depicting an ever-growing population is children in India is more than one of these answers beneficial, and will ultimately drive evolution through the process of
Biology, chemistry, geology and economics best describes the areas Tropical rain forests cover about 2% of the Earth’s land surface, and gravity is Transpiration caused alternating periods of heating and cooling shaped like the letter J India had the world's first national family-planning program. NATURAL SELECTION
of study that are important in the discipline of environmental science contain up to one-half of the Earth’s total biodiversity The hydrologic cycle is driven primarily by solar energy and gravity Approximately 3.5 billion years has there been life on planet Earth A population crash occurs when A population greatly overshoots China's population policy has included all of the following except The shifting of tectonic plates can cause EARTHQUAKES
Goal of environmental science: Learn how life on earth has thrived The tropical rain forests are damaged by humans cutting down trees, All of the following increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the We can say that on a long-term basis, that the Biodiversity principle carrying capacity, and resulting environmental pressures cause banning abortion Typically speaking, organisms that are described as GENERALIST
and survived, understand how we interact with the environment, growing crops and grazing cattle, by building settlements, and atmosphere except Photosynthesis of sustainability has especially helped life on earth to adapt to drastic effects. Between 1850 and the present time, the global urban revolution SPECIES tend to have broad niches.
and live more sustainably and find ways to deal with environmental degradation is increasing and they may be severely damaged or Transfer of carbon among organisms depends primarily on environmental conditions. Which of the following is characteristic of the reproductive pattern of resulted in urban population increasing from 2% to 50% Species that are found in only one area are called ENDEMIC SPECIES
problems. disappear within your lifetime photosynthesis and cellular respiration Which of the following statements is false? most animals such as whales and elephants? long gestation periods There are currently a number of megacities on the planet, with and are especially vulnerable to extinction.
Environmentalism is a social movement dedicated to the protection Which of the following choices best describes how an ecologist would The most common gas in the atmosphere is Nitrogen By definition, the fittest animals are the largest and strongest Which of the following terms best describe the ability of a living populations greater than 10 million. The most populous hypercity on Genes mutate, INDIVIDUALS are selected, and populations EVOLVE
of the Earth's natural capital typically study an ecosystem? The ecologist would study an animal or Nitrogen is a major component of all of the following except animals. system to repair damage after an external disturbance? Resilience the planet, with a population of 35 million people, is Tokyo in Japan A practice that involves cutting off fins of a shark and then returning
Which of the following terms encompasses all of the others? natural plant, plus all the biotic and abiotic aspects of the ecosystem in Groundwater The process by which members of isolated populations become so Which of the following would exhibit primary succession? rock The urban growth occurring in the developing countries is caused by the shark to the ocean without the fins they need to survive is called
capital which it lives Nitrogen fixation is accomplished by Bacteria different in genetic makeup that they cannot produce live, fertile exposed by a retreating glacier both immigration and natural increase FINNING
Forests, flowing water, wind energy, coal and oil gained directly or The innermost layer of the atmosphere is the Troposphere The form of nitrogen most usable to plants is Nitrates offspring if they are rejoined is best described as reproductive Which of the following would undergo secondary succession? a It can be said that poverty is becoming increasingly urbanized, mostly Species whose roles have a large effect on the types and abundance
indirectly as a result of solar energy Nitrogen (N2) is not a greenhouse gas? Ammonium ions are converted to nitrite ions and nitrate ions through isolation heavily polluted stream that has been cleaned up in developing countries. of other species in an ecosystem are called KEYSTONE SPECIES
You have decided to install solar collectors on the roof of your home All physical forms of water (solid, liquid, and gas) make up the the process of Nitrification Which of the following is not true of the process of biological A climax community is a(n) balanced community Since 1980, the U.S. population has shifted to the south and west MASS EXTINCTION is a significant rise in extinction rates above the
that will cut your use of propane gas to heat both your hot water tank Hydrosphere When organisms die, their nitrogenous organic compounds are extinction? The extinction of an organism can be reversed if enough Which of the following is accurate with regards to the balance of Factors can be said to favor urban sprawl: cheap gasoline, affordable background level.
and the living spaces in your home. In doing so, you are using a Fossil fuels and minerals are found in the Geosphere converted to simpler inorganic compounds such as ammonia through government funding is provided. nature hypothesis? It is the historically held equilibrium model of land, increased prosperity and poor urban planning The scientific theory of evolution explains how life on earth changes
perpetual resource rather than a nonrenewable resource. Submarines explore the Hydrosphere the process of Ammonification Geographic isolation may result from a volcanic eruption; an succession in which, once achieved, a climax community will be Urban populations occupy only about 2% of Earth's land area, but over time due to changes in the genes of POPULATIONS
One of the reasons biodiversity is such an important aspect of Geologists find rock and soil samples in the Geosphere Electrical storms and lightning fix Nitrogen into a form that plants and earthquake; a mountain range dominated by a few long-lived plant species. they consume 75% of its resources. In the 1960’s, E.O. Wilson and other scientists developed the theory
sustainability is the fact that two of these answers are correct Ozone, a gaseous O3 molecule that filters out harmful UV radiation, is animals can use. Not true with regards to the concept of niches: A niche is the place Which of the following best describes the two important aspects The world’s most populous cities, in order, from largest to smallest of ISLAND BIOGEOGRAPHY
Water purification is best categorized as an example of a natural found in the Stratosphere Water, organisms, rocks and marine sediment best describes the where an organism lives. needed to stabilize living systems? inertia and resilience are: Tokyo, Beijing, Seoul, Mexico City, New York City SPECIALIST SPECIES occupy narrow niches.
service The crust, core, and mantle are all areas located within the common phosphorus reservoirs in the ecosystem. Panda bears would best be described as a specialist species A large mountain just south of Reno, Nevada, is called Slide Which of the following climate conditions are generally higher in Holding the pen or pencil for taking this exam is one of the things you
When we speak of protecting the environment, we are referring to all Geosphere All of the following are sources of phosphorus except acid rain An organism's niche is analogous to its way of life Mountain. This name refers to the fact that in the early 1980s, after urban areas than in suburbs and rural areas? temperature, fog, cloud can do as a human because you have OPPOSABLE THUMBS
living and non-living things Which of the following statements is most accurate? Nutrients cycle, The major plant nutrient most likely to be a limiting factor is Best describes an organism's habitat: the location where a species weeks of heavy precipitation, a large section of this mountain became cover and precipitation Deserts, forests, and grasslands are all examples of BIOMES
A group of organisms with a unique set of characteristics that energy flows. Phosphorous lives a destructive mudslide that slid down the east slopes and destroyed A city can be described as a heat island A common tick is an example of a(n) PARASITE
distinguishes them from other organisms, is called a Species As energy flows in ecosystems, it can be said to flow from high- You have decided to change your diet to a more sustainable way of The bird species known to forage in shrublands after they have the vegetation and homes in its path. In the decades since the "Fecal snow" is characteristic of Mexico City Many large mammal species that have long generation times and low
Nutrient recycling is a vital natural service carried out by Topsoil quality to low-quality energy in a one-way fashion eating. One of your choices is to eat only grass-fed beef. In addition experienced a wildfire are very different from the bird species that mudslide, the vegetation has completely regrown, and the slide area Breathing the air of Mexico City is like smoking Three pack(s) of reproductive rates are prone to EXTINCTION
The three principles of sustainability are: solar energy, biodiversity You have decided on a career as an ecologist. Your work could to having healthier meals that benefit you directly, this choice also forage in shrublands that have not burned. In fact, the bird species is no longer visible. This is an example of Secondary succession. cigarettes each day. The relationship between a lion and a zebra is said to be that of a(n)
and chemical cycling possibly be studying interactions of wolves and their prey species in benefits the planet because it will help to decrease addition of animal foraging in burned shrublands are closely correlated with the age of Inertia could also be called Persistence In the future, coastal cities will likely be faced with flooding as sea PREDATOR-PREY RELATIONSHIP
Solar energy would best be categorized as a perpetual resource Yellowstone National Park wastes from livestock feedlots that interferes with the phosphate the burn, or the number of years that have passed since the fire. Which of the following is NOT one of the chapter’s three big ideas? levels rise secondary to global warming The interaction between a lion and a hyena fighting over a dead zebra
An essential characteristic that indicates whether a resource should Ecologists study interactions within and among organism, population, cycle in aquatic ecosystems Certain birds forage at one-year post fire, different birds forage at The balance of nature theory and the concept of restoration of In the United States, 98% of all urban transportation is by car. on the African Savannah is best described as INTERSPECIFIC
be categorized as a renewable resource: It must have the capacity to community, ecosystem, and biosphere Which of the following is NOT a property of water It contracts when it three-years post fire, and so on. These birds could be called indicator ecosystems by humans. Which of the following statements are false? About 10% of United COMPETITION
be replenished within days to several hundred years. Which one of the following contains all of the others? Community freezes species CHAPTER 6: States residents drive to work alone every day. Specialized traits or behaviors that allow a reduction of interspecific
Select the choice that correctly states the best priority for use of non- Ecology is the study of how: Organisms interact with each other and Ocean sediments and volcanoes are sources of both sulfur and An intertidal species of seastar helps to maintain the diversity of the Which of the following statements about China is not accurate? The Which of the following statements is false? Motor vehicles are competition through species specialization in resource use, allow for
renewable resources, such as metals and plastics, from the their nonliving environment. nitrogen intertidal region by controlling the mussel population. Without the average number of children born per woman is currently 2.1. second only to industry as a source of air pollution in the U.S. RESOURCE PARTITIONING
environmentally sustainable perspective. reduce, reuse, recycle A group of individuals of the same species living in a particular place is Sulfuric acid and sulfates in the atmosphere are a problem when they seastar, the mussel population would crowd out other species and China has the world’s most extensive and intrusive family planning Full-cost pricing of gasoline refers to taxing gasoline by the gallon, as The ecological process that would result in a localized change in
Collecting and re-melting aluminum beer cans and making them into a(n) Population are deposited as acid rain take over their territory. The seastar could be called a(n) keystone and birth control program. it is purchased, to cover the estimated harmful costs of driving. This species composition following a severe volcanic eruption would best
new cans is an example of recycling A community of different species interacting with one another and All of the following statements describe field research except It has species How many people are estimated to live in acute poverty today in tax has been estimated to be: $12.00 per gallon just for the tax be described as PRIMARY SUCCESSION
Developed countries are high-income and use about 88% of the the physical and chemical factors of their nonliving environment is provided very little in the way of knowledge about ecosystems. Specialist species are more likely to become extinct developing countries? 1.4 billion Advantages of Mass Transit Rail systems include Two of these ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE is the combination of all factors that
world’s resources called a(n) Ecosystem Which statement least characterizes laboratory research It has been Amphibians are frogs, toads, and salamanders. Which of the following is a major factor in human population increase answers choices are correct act to limit the growth of a population.
Developing countries: They are classified as middle-income or low- Pronghorn antelope is the only North American antelope. It lives in used to develop most of our knowledge about ecosystems. Approximately 33%, 43% of amphibian species is threatened with in the last 200 years? All of these are correct answers Smart growth or new urbanism tools include greenbelts around cities, The cattle egret is a large North American bird that commonly sits on
income. the high desert of the Great Basin in the western U.S. Antelope has to Which statement least describes ecosystem modeling: It is typically extinction and declining worldwide? The cultural carrying capacity is the number of people the Earth can high density cluster housing, and taxing land instead of buildings the backs of grazing cattle and eats insects that pester the cattle. This
About 80% of the world's human population lives in the developing content with lack of available water and extreme maximum and applied only to very small natural systems, such as a single pond or Not a factor that is contributing to the decline in amphibian support at a reasonable level of comfort and freedom without Which of the following statements about Vauban, a suburb of is an example of MUTUALISM
countries. minimum temperatures in the desert stream. populations: hunting of frogs for froglegs, a delicacy that is served in impairing the planet’s ability to sustain future generations in the Freiberg, Germany,is false? Most homes are single family homes. Cowbirds are so named because they followed the large herds of
All of the following are potentially renewable resources except Oil Bacteria and fungi are typically categorized as Decomposers GIS (geographic information systems) software is a new, powerful restaurants same way An ecocity is people oriented cows that were driven throughout the American west before large
You generally buy and eat microwave dinners. After dinner, Of the total energy that falls on their leaves, producers on average tool for research on ecosystems. Sulfur content of deep ocean It can be said that amphibian populations are declining worldwide, in How extensive are the effects of human activities on the planet? In an ecocity, plants are utilized to provide shade and beauty. tracts of land were fenced. Cowbirds consumed the insects that
cardboard tops and plastic trays remain. The least effective way to convert to chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis at sediments is NOT something that we can rely on GIS data to reveal. all areas, even in protected wildlife preserves and parks Humans have directly affected about 83% of the earth’s land Typically, the plants are to local climate and soils invariably followed the herds. There was no obvious benefit or other
deal with this type of solid waste problem is to Put all of the solid 1% Which phase of the above-described situation could be called True regarding keystone species: Some keystone species are more surface, excluding Greenland and Antarctica If you visited Curitiba, Brazil, you would expect to find a sophisticated effect on the herds. This is an example of COMMENSALISM
waste in the household trash to be taken to the landfill. The best represents the process of photosynthesis Carbon dioxide + computer simulation? when the scientists learned from the vulnerable to extinction than other species. Which of the following statements are true about China’s one-child bus system Some predators hide in plain sight before ambushing their prey by
Nonrenewable resources include oil, minerals, salt, sand and coal Water + Solar energy => Glucose + Oxygen computer that woodrat nest numbers would impact cactus CHAPTER 5: population policy? Government officials say the alternative was Which of the following statements about Curitiba, Brazil, is false? virtue of their CAMOUFLAGE
Sustainable yield is the highest rate at which we can use a(n) A grizzly bear eating blueberries is best categorized as primary populations The southern sea otter population, although hunted to near mass starvation, the fertility rate dropped from 5.7 to 1.5, and the Each household owns one very fuel-efficient car. When populations of two different species interact over time in a way
renewable resource without reducing its available supply. consumer The study described above is best categorized as a combination of all extinction, recovered during the years 1938 to 2010 population was reduced by as much as 400 million people. COMPLETION that drives changes in their gene pools, it can be said that CO-
The tragedy of the commons refers to overuse of shared common Decomposers plays a key role in the recycling of nutrients in the three types of research The key reason we should care about recovery of the southern sea The crude birth rate is the number of live births per 1,000 persons in a A resource such as solar energy that is renewed continuously is a EVOLUTION occurs.
resources biosphere Cactus plants and woodrat nests were mutually exclusive best otter population is the fact that they are a keystone species given year. called a(n) PERPETUAL RESOURCE Mistletoe is an example of a(n) PARASITE
Evidence that we are living unsustainably includes Deserts are Phytoplankton in the ocean provide much of the planet’s oxygen and describes the scientists’ initial observations Sea otters play a role in maintaining the biodiversity of coastal kelp Over a period of 100 years, life expectancy in the United States The three principles of sustainability are chemical cycling, reliance on There are ALWAYS limits to population growth in nature.
expanding, renewable forests are shrinking, topsoil is eroding and remove much of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere CHAPTER 4: forests change in which of the following ways? It increased from 47 years to solar energy, and BIODIVERSITY EXPONENTIAL GROWTH starts slowly but then accelerates as the
the lower atmosphere is warming. Giraffes and caterpillars have in common: They are both herbivores For every shark that injures or kills a person every year people kill at The best categorizes the most common form of interspecific species 77 years. A(n) ECOSYSTEM is a set of organisms within a defined area or population increases.
What is meant by an ecological footprint: It is the amount of An entomologist is a biologist that has special training in the study of least 1 million sharks interactions: Competition The average number of children born to women in a population volume that interact with one another and with their environment of Sea otters are considered a KEYSTONE species.
biologically-productive land and water needed to supply the people insects. Entomologist possibly study carpenter ants Reasons why sharks should be considered important to humans: They Hawks typically forage for their rodent prey species during the during their reproductive years is the total fertility rate nonliving matter and energy. The non-poisonous viceroy butterfly gains protection by looking and
in a particular country or area with the resources they need. Photosynthesis yields glucose and oxygen gas as products never get cancer and are a keystone species daytime. While owls may eat similar prey species, and live in the same Between the years 1955 and 2011, the total fertility rate in the world SUSTAINABILITY is the ability of the Earth's various natural systems acting like the poisonous monarch. This adaptation is called MIMICRY
If a country’s ecological footprint is larger than its biological capacity The conversion of solar energy into chemical energy occurs in Biomes are large terrestrial regions of the earth with distinct climate area, they forage during the night. This is best described as an decreased from 5.0 to 2.5 and human cultural systems and economies to survive and adapt to You live in an ecocity where the world’s best bus system transports
to replenish its renewable resources and absorb the resulting waste Photosynthesis and certain species adapted to them example of resource partitioning The actual average replacement-level fertility for the whole world is changing environmental conditions indefinitely. about 72% of all commuters each day. You may be living in CURITIBA
and pollution: It is said to have an ecological deficit. Organisms that feed on both plants and animals are called Omnivores The variety of genes within a species or population is called the Insect-eating warblers reduce interspecific competition by They slightly higher than two children per couple NATURAL RESOURCES are materials and energy in nature that are (BRAZIL)
Which of the following best describes the concept of environmental Groups can be called autotrophs: daisies, roses and grass genetic diversity spend a significant portion of their time foraging for insects in Which of the following would decrease the likelihood of a couple essential or useful to humans. URBANIZATION refers to a process in which an increasing proportion
degradation? two of these answers The organisms that are classified as primary consumers are the Statements best describes insect species as a group: They have skin different parts of the same trees. having a child? Women have many opportunities to participate in A(n) RESOURCE is anything obtained from the environment to meet of an entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities.
The IPAT model states that the key factor in environmental impact in Herbivores or integument similar to mammals. The obvious relationship demonstrated by a food chain is Predation the work force. our needs and wants. An advantage of FAMILY PLANNING is the decrease in birth rates and
more than one of these answers Organisms that break down bodies of dead plants and animals into Deserts, tropical forests, prairie grasslands, and coniferous forests are Prey are least likely to defend themselves against predators by Two useful indicators of overall health in a country or region are life The action of processing plastic or aluminum cans into another usable decrease in abortions.
Point sources of pollution are cheaper and easier to identify than nutrients that are released into the soil or water are called all examples of Biomes pursuit and ambush expectancy and infant mortality rate product is called RECYCLING Technological advances have allowed humans to avoid the pressure
nonpoint sources Decomposers Chaparral, coniferous forest, desert, prairie grassland and deciduous You are an evolutionary entomologist. You have observed beetles A high infant mortality rate is usually associated with Undernutrition NATURAL SERVICES are functions of nature, such as purification of air of ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE
Nonpoint sources of pollution are more difficult to control than point Earthworms, some insects, and vultures are all examples of detritus forest are found along the 39th parallel in the United States? that can raise their abdomens and give off a defensive chemical that Infant mortality rate refers to the number of children out of 1,000 and water, that support life and human economies. In areas with a low INFANT MORTALITY RATE, people usually have
sources feeders Evidence for the history of life comes from fossils and analysis of generally repels predators. You discover a new species of beetle that that die by their first birthday The IPAT model of environmental impact takes into consideration fewer children because of the increased life expectancy.
The total ecological footprint for humanity is expected to be twice Aerobic respiration requires glucose and oxygen glacial ice core and rock samples raises its abdomen in a threatening way similar to the first species, All of the following reasons help explain why the United States has population size, technology, and AFFLUENCE You live in a country where married couples pledging to have no more
the planet’s ecological capacity by the year 2035 The coyotes would be classified as secondary consumers The fossil record is incomplete because Not all fossils have been but no defensive chemical is given off. You are most likely to one of the highest infant mortality rates of developed countries POLLUTION is the contamination of the environment by a chemical or than one child receive financial incentives and benefits. You live in
Pollution cleanup efforts can be ineffective because They often The coyotes typically forage on mice and squirrels. However, as found, some have decomposted and some life forms have left no characterize this defensive strategy as a form of Mimicry except the older age of pregnant women as a result of many women other agent such as noise or heat to a level that is harmful to the CHINA
transfer pollutants from part of the environment to another, once members of the canine family, Canidae, they are known to be able to fossils. Kelp forests are a source of algin, a product that humans use in delaying having children health, survival or activities of humans of other organisms. Urban areas with poor sanitation and numerous health risks will
they are dispersed it costs too much to reduce them to acceptable eat berries and parts of plants as well as small animals. Thus, they Natural selection determines the types of mutations that survive in cosmetics and ice cream. Currently, legal and illegal immigration account for 36% of U.S. The highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used generally have a low LIFE EXPECTANCY
levels, and they can be overwhelmed by growth in population and would be classified as Omnivores a population is true with regard to mutations. A relationship in which a member of one species obtains its population growth. indefinitely without reducing its available supply is called its You live in a village where street parking and driveways are forbidden
consumption. If the biomass of flowers that support the butterflies was known to A change in the genetic composition of a population is called nourishment by living on, in, or near a member of another species Countries has the fastest growing population: United States SUSTAINABLE YIELD and the community has no single-family homes. You may be living in
China currently is the second largest economy on the planet, is the contain 100,000 units of energy, and certain bird species were eating Evolution over an extended time is best labeled Parasitism The age structure of a population is the number or percentage of A single, identifiable source of pollution is called a(n) POINT SOURCE VAUBAN (GERMANY)
world’s largest producer of wind turbines and cars and is projected the butterflies that foraged on the flowers, what amount of energy, An adaptive trait is any heritable trait that improves organisms’ A relationship in which one species benefits while the other is neither persons of each sex in young, middle, and older age groups Pollution PREVENTION is cheaper and more effective than pollution A city that emphasizes prevention of pollution, reduction of waste,
to soon be the world’s largest producer of solar cells. on average, could be expected to be transferred to the birds? 1,000 chances for survival and reproduction at higher rates than other helped nor harmed to any significant degree is best labeled Population age structure diagrams can be divided into all of the CLEANUP and effective use of resources is called a(n) ECOCITY/ GREEN CITY
Root causes of unsustainability include all of the following except A sequence of organisms, each of which serves as a source of individuals in a population Commensalism following categories except Infant Developing countries can be classified as moderately developed, China’s family planning and birth control program was instituted
inclusion of environmental and social costs in market prices nutrients or energy for the next, is called a(n) food chain Since the mutation produced a specific wing trait that was passed on, A relationship in which both species benefit is best labeled Mutualism Age structure diagrams are useful for predicting population middle-income, or as LOW-INCOME least developed. because of a serious threat of MASS STARVATION
Environmental benefit of affluence and wealth: Increased wealth Hawk would be considered a tertiary consumer the mutation must have occurred in reproductive cells All of the following are external parasites except Tapeworms momentum Old drink bottles that are collected, washed, and refilled are an Analysts vary as to their opinion of which factor is the more serious
provides resources to apply toward the creation of environmentally Complex arrangements of feeding patterns in ecosystems are best The larger wingspan could be called a heritable trait, an adaptive All of the following illustrate the relationship of mutualism except Rapidly growing countries have an age structure that has a broad- example of REUSE threat to the Earth’s life support systems: OVERCONSUMPTION or
beneficial technologies. described as food webs trait and a genetic variability Epiphytes based pyramid Natural capital is comprised of natural resources and natural OVERPOPULATION
Major factor contributing to the degradation of natural capital If the producers in an ecosystem capture 40,000 units of energy, It could be said that natural selection favored the bee with the larger The relationship between clownfish and sea anemones is Mutualism Which of the following implies the greatest built-in momentum for SERVICES If everyone on the planet reached the U.S. level of consumption of
associated with the pricing of consumable goods: They are priced in assuming average efficiency of energy transfer, how many units of wingspan, and so the population evolved. An old elk dies during a snowstorm in Yellowstone National Park. population growth? a large number of people under age 15 When we exceed a renewable resource's natural replacement rate, renewable resources by the year 2050, we would need FIVE/5 Earths
such a way that they do not reflect the environmental damage this energy can likely be successfully converted into secondary The trait must be genetically based must be true in order for a trait When the storm clears, coyotes forage on the fresh flesh of the elk. As the number of working adults in the United States declines in the available supply begins to shrink through a process known as to meet the demand.
caused by their production. consumer biomass? 400 to be impacted by the forces of natural selection and then play a role Following this, birds such as vultures forage on the rotting meat. proportion to the number of senior citizens so will the tax revenues ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION As countries become more INDUSTRIALIZED their populations tend to
The resource consumption of the average person in the United States With regards to productivity of an ecosystem, GPP is greater than in the process of biological evolution. Lastly, insects and worms consume the last of the fragments of tissue necessary for supporting the growing senior population Pesticides blown from agricultural lands into the air is an example of grow more slowly.
is about 30 times that of the average citizen of India, and about 100 NPP because of the metabolic process of respiration. Which of the following is true of a trait that creates a specific of this once large and magnificent animal. This is an example of The term demographic transition refers to the decline in death rates NON-POINT SOURCE pollution. In the United States, the percentage of married women working
times that of the average person in the world’s poorest countries. The aquatic ecosystems with the highest average net primary advantage for some organisms in the struggle to survive: It enables resource partitioning followed by decline in birth rates when a country becomes It has been estimated that humanity's global ecological footprint outside the home increased from 8 to 81 between the years 1900 and
A worldview that holds that we can and should manage the Earth for productivity are Estuaries individuals with the trait to leave more offspring than other Carrying capacity refers to the maximum size of population the industrialized exceeds the Earth's biological capacity by about 30% 2000.
our own benefit but that we also have an ethical responsibility to be Net primary productivity is the rate at which producers use members of the population leave. environment will support The demographic transition model helps to explain why Death rates A(n) NICHE includes an organism's range of tolerance for physical and Most urban areas are UNSUSTAINABLE systems.
caring stewards is called the stewardship worldview photosynthesis to produce and store chemical energy minus the Humans walk upright, have opposable thumbs, complex brains and A logistic growth curve depicting a population that is limited by a fall before birth rates. chemical conditions. Inadequate health care for poor women during pregnancy is one of
In 2009, the world population is about 7.0 billion people rate at which they use this energy through aerobic respiration can use tools is/are thought to be in part responsible for the definite carrying capacity is shaped like the letter S In the demographic transition model, death rates fall while birth rates Biological evolution is the process by which the genetic composition the reasons the United States has such a high INFANT MORTALITY
Every day, approximately 83 million new people are added to the Swamps and marshes has the highest net primary productivity evolutionary success of humans A human population crash occurred in Ireland in the 1800’s following remain high during the transitional stage of a(n) POPULATION changes over time. RATE
global population. The portion of the planet that is responsible for the vast majority of Genetic resistance to antibiotic drugs is an important example of the destruction of the potato crop In the demographic transition model, birth and death rates are high Most of the historic evidence that supports the scientific theory of A(n) COMMUNITY consists of populations of different species living in
The actual cost of gasoline that U.S. consumers purchase for their cars the Earth's annual biomass production is/are open oceans natural selection Factors that act to limit the growth of populations are collectively during the preindustrial stage evolution comes from FOSSILS a particular place and potentially interacting with each other.
is about $14 per gallon when one considers estimated harmful Over land, about 90% of the water vapor in the atmosphere comes How has the geological process of plate tectonics influenced the called environmental resistance Scientific studies and experience have shown that the most effective MUTATIONS are random changes in the structure or number of DNA DETRITUS FEEDERS feed on the wastes or dead bodies of other
environmental and health costs. from water that has transpired from the surface of plants process of evolution over geologic time? The changing location of the ways to slow or stop population growth are reduction of poverty, molecules in a cell. organisms.
The HYDROLOGIC CYCLE involves precipitation, transpiration, impacts on South American soil quality through the exportation of 3. The warming of the world’s oceans because kelp forests require A massive cloud of air pollution largely generated in China affects only Births and deaths are the only two factors that determine population Issues/ Interdisciplinary study that used information and ideas from Biological components of ecosystem Some organisms in ecosystems
evaporation, and condensation. beef cattle? fairly cool water. China but causes serious respiratory problems there. F sizes. F the physical science, social sciences and the humanities to learn how product food while others consume food/Producer (Autotroph – self
Photosynthesis requires both carbon dioxide and water, but could not Beef cattle raised in South America are feeding on grasses grown on Briefly discuss the baby boomers and their effect on our population Ecology is the study of connections in the natural world. T There is a general tendency for succession to lead to more complex nature works, how we interact with the environment and how we can feeder): Organisms use solar energy (green plants, algae and
occur without the input of SOLAR ENERGY South American soils. These plants require phosphorous resources profile. Populations make up communities. T and stable ecosystems. T deal with environment problems. cyanobacteria) or chemical energy (some bacteria) to manufacture
Another word for consumer is HETEROTROPH from the soils in which they grow. As a result, the South American soil The baby boomers are individuals born in the United States between Ozone gas, a chemical in the atmosphere that helps filter out harmful The interaction of two species with each can actually affect the Environmental science is a multi-disciplinary subject that requires the their nutrient as organic compounds. Photosynthesis/
Bacteria, deer, humans, and spiders are all examples of ORGANISMS phosphorous is transferred to the beef cattle. If the cattle are then 1946 and 1964, when birth rates were extremely high. As this group UV sunlight, is located in the troposphere. F evolution of those species. T participation and support of almost all sciences chemosynthesis process involve: Carbon dioxide + Water(light)->
The water cycle, hydrogen cycle, phosphorous cycle, and sulfur cycle exported to North American consumers, the phosphorous is also moves through different age categories, a bulge is expressed in our An ecosystem's nutrient cycle cannot be described. F Permanent equilibrium is a condition that most ecologists now Biology (The study of living organism); Chemistry (The study of (bacteria) Glucose + Oxygen. Consumer (Heterotroph – other feeder):
are all NUTRIENT CYCLES exported. This prevents the phosphorous from being recycled back population profile. This group is now in the 50- and 60-year-old “Muddy boots biology” is actually a description of typical research by recognize as existing in mature, late-successional ecosystems. F chemicals and their interactions); Physics (The study of matter and Organisms that cannot synthesize organic nutrient by themselves,
CO2 promotes the GREENHOUSE EFFECT that warms the into the South American soils, as is typical in a naturally functioning category. Because of the large number of individuals within the geologists F Inertia is not a feature of grassland ecosystems, but resilience is. T energy); Earth Science (The study of Earth’s nonliving systems); Social they have to get it by feeding on tissues of producer or of other
troposphere. ecosystem. Over long periods, this results in a depletion of South group, they have been able to influence market and political Increasing levels of carbon dioxide are one of the major contributors The terms inertia and stability, with respect to ecosystems, are science (The study of human populations); Ecology (The study of how consumers. Decomposer (bacteria / fungi): recycle organic matter by
Bacteria are more important in the NITROGEN CYCLE than in the American soil nutrients (phosphorous). decisionsn and are expected to continue to do so as they retire. to global warming. T mutually exclusive. F organisms or living things interact with one another and their break down dead organic material or detritus into single inorganic
carbon or phosphorous cycle. When sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere combines with water in Explain the term demographic momentum and provide a real-life Within the ‘levels of organization’, the molecular level contains the Parasitism occurs when one species feeds on another organism. T environment) compounds, recycle nutrients in ecosystems. Detritivores: (waste
Chemical combinations of two or more atoms of the same or different precipitation, sulfuric acid rain is deposited on the Earth. What human example. smallest of all forms of matter Family planning, economic opportunities for women, and schooling Natural capital = Natural resources + Natural services/Natural eaters and degrader): feed on detritus (dead organic materials); can
elements make up MOLECULES activities contribute to this process? A country with a large percentage of its people younger than age 15 Despite the ocean's low NPP, it creates more of the Earth's NPP than for girls generally produces a higher birth rate. F capital: Natural resources that keeps all forms of life alive and transform a fallen tree trunk into simple inorganic molecules
The BIOSPHERE occupies those parts of the atmosphere, Human activities that release large amounts of sulfur dioxide into the has the potential to experience very rapid population growth unless any of the other ecosystemsT Currently there are five hypercities in the world, one of which is support our economics/Natural services: Processes in nature Food chains: sequence of organisms which is a source of food for the
hydrosphere, and geosphere where life is found. atmosphere are burning coal to produce electricity, refining sulfur- death rates also rise sharply. Additionally, even if women only have Detritivores are consumers that release nutrients from the dead Tokyo, Japan.F (nutrient cycling, water purification). Natural resources are materials next level, each of which serves as a source of nutrients and energy
The process by which AUTOTROPHS/ PRODUCERS obtain their energy containing petroleum to make gasoline, and converting (smelting) an average of one or two children, the number of births will rise for bodies of living organisms and return them to the soil, water, and air. Urban areas are attracting more and more residents, partly because and energy in natural that are essential or useful to humans. Some for the next organisms/A linear series of feeding relationships in an
is photosynthesis. mineral ores into free metals. several decades because of the large number of girls entering their F of the hope for employment T are directly available and others need some effort. Renewable ecosystem/Energy and nutrient are passed from organism to
Carnivores such as tigers, hawks and killer whales that feed on the A critically important part of the hydrologic cycle is the transpiration prime reproductive years. A deer is both a primary consumer and in the second trophic level. T The declining economic health of cities often reduces services to their resource (air, water, soil, wind…). Can be replenished in days to organism through the food chain.
flesh of other carnivores are known as TERTIARY consumers. of water through plants into the atmosphere. This water has traveled Nigeria, Guatemala, and Saudi Arabia are examples. The mantle and core of the earth are both contained in the residents: water, electricity, open spaces, timely garbage collection, hundred years. Non-renewable resource (copper, oil and coal) Food webs: In natural, most consumers feed on more than 1 type of
The process by which water is evaporated from the surface of plants from the roots up to the top leaves and then moves out as water List the four ways that urban sprawl affects natural capital geosphere. T etc. T Human population is growing exponentially at a rapid rate. The organism. Organism in ecosystems form a complex network of
is called TRANSPIRATION vapor. In the case of some plants, such as redwood trees, this can be degradation of water resources. Plants utilize a portion of their GPP for respiration. T Birth and death rates generally decline as countries develop interaction between human and environment are very closely. interconnected food chains. A more complex than a linear food chain.
The metabolic process by which plants are able to draw CARBON a distance of hundreds of feet. Explain how it is that water can move Urban sprawl causes the following: There are examples of microbial bacteria that are beneficial to economically.T Human exploit natural resources and environmental factors to serve Microevolution: small genetic changes that occur in a population.
DIOXIDE out of the atmosphere is known as photosynthesis. up naturally, when forces of gravity might make one think that this is -increased use of surface water and groundwater humans. T Death rates are very high during the preindustrial stage of their life. Macroevolution: long-term, large-scale evolution changes through
NITROGEN is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere. impossible. -increased runoff and flooding According to the second law of thermodynamics, energy can be demographic transitions. T The impact on environment increase with the growth of human which new species arrive from ancestral species and other species are
Phytoplankton in the ocean help to regulate the earth’s temperature The forces of attraction between water molecules allow liquid water -increased surface water and groundwater pollution recycled. F Megacities have improved significantly over the last decade due to population and economic pattern. To survive, human have modified, lost through extinction.
by removing some of the CARBON DIOXIDE produced when we burn to adhere to a solid surface. This enables narrow columns of liquid -decreased natural sewage treatment In terms of inputs of matter, the Earth is a closed system. As a result, public water supplies and better sanitation. F cultivated, built on and degraded a large and increasing portion of Gene pool: consist all of genes in its individuals. Microevolution is
fossil fuels,… water to move up through small vessels inside of plants to the top of List and briefly describe the seven factors that affect a country’s nutrients must be recycled to support life. T A major factor in human population increase in the last 200 years is earth’s natural systems. World population up to over 7.5 billion (Jun change in a population’s gene pool over time.
Tropical rainforests typically are found near the Equator, and are the plant, in a process called capillary action. average birth rate and total fertility rate. Green plants undergo aerobic respiration. T the emergence of early and modern agriculture. T 2017). The rate at which world’s population is growing has slowed but Adaptation – A heritable trait that improves the ability of an
considered centers of BIODIVERSITY Clearly explain the relationship between the geologic process of plate 1. The importance of children as part of the labor force. If children are The process by which many decomposers are able to convert glucose Some analysts believe that because of our technological ingenuity, is still increasing rapidly. individual organism to survive more easily and reproduce at a higher
Ecologists study CONNECTIONS in nature. tectonics and the biological process of evolution over geologic time. needed to work for the family and bring in income, birth rates will be into useable energy in the absence of oxygen is known as there are few, if any, limits to human population growth and resource Natural capital degradation alter nature to meet our population rate than other individuals in a population under prevailing
The planet’s NPP ultimately limits the number of CONSUMERS that As the plates that cover the planet have gradually drifted and high. transpiration. F use per person, T needs environmental conditions. A population’s ability to adapt to new
can live on the earth,… changed location across the surface of the planet, they have drifted 2. The cost of raising children. In developed countries, the high cost of Given the nature of the carbon cycle, it is possible that a single atom Women are now having fewer babies but not few enough to stabilize ‒ Reduction of biodiversity, environmental conditions is limited by its gene pool and its
A FOOD WEB is similar to a food chain, but is much more complex into locations with significantly different climatic conditions. In order raising children tends to discourage large families. of carbon that is in your skin could have once been part of your own the world’s population. T ‒ Increasing use of earth’s net primary production reproductive capacity.
and shows many interconnected feeding relationships. to cope with changing environmental conditions, organisms that 3. Pension or retirement funds for the elderly. In countries without great grandmother, or even a dinosaur. T Women who live in rural areas have a lower total fertility rate than ‒ Increasing genetic resistance of pest species and disease-causing • A change in environmental conditions can lead to adaptation only
The planet’s NPP/NET PRIMARY PRODUCTIVITY ultimately limits the inhabit these locations would have been forced to relocate or to pension or retirement funds, children are viewed as security for their Water has the ability to filter out wavelengths of the sun’s ultraviolet those in urban areas. F bacteria for genetic traits already present in a population’s gene pool
number of consumers that can live on the planet. gradually evolve, developing adaptations more appropriate to the aging parents. This leads to higher birth rates. radiation that would harm some aquatic organisms. T Because of the concentration of people, automobiles, business ‒ Elimination of many natural predators • Population of genetically diverse species that reproduce quickly
The aquatic ecosystems that show the highest net primary new climatic conditions. 4. Urbanization. People living in urban areas have better access to Lightning is one of the natural mechanisms by which atmospheric enterprises, and industries in cities, they can never be sustainable. F ‒ Introduction of potentially harmful species into communities; with large number offspring often adapt in short time.
productivity are ESTUARIES Clearly explain how large-scale mass extinctions can actually lead to family planning services and tend to have fewer children. nitrogen fixation is accomplished. T The environmental limits that will control growth of the human ‒ Use renewable resources faster than they can be replenished Speciation is process of how new species develop. 2 species arise
Tropical rainforests cover about 2% of the earth’s surface but contain evolutionary opportunities. 5. Educational and employment opportunities for women. Fertility Ammonia (NH4+) is a form of nitrogen that is readily accessible and population are precisely known by scientists. F ‒ Interfering with the earth’s chemical cycling and energy flow from 1.
about 50% of the earth’s known terrestrial plant and animal species. In the event of large-scale mass extinctions, an enormous diversity of rates tend to be low when women have access to education and paid useable by plants. F Based on resource use per person, the United States is more processes • For sexually reproducing species, a new species is form when some
The majority of the Earth’s carbon is stored in MARINE SEDIMENTS ecological niches become vacant. These open niches provide employment outside the home. Better educated women tend to Highly specialized bacteria are an essential component of the overpopulated than China. T ‒ Relying mostly on polluting and climate changing fossil fuel. members of population cannot longer breed with other member to
Ammonia that is not taken up by plants may undergo NITRIFICATION ecological, and therefore evolutionary, opportunities for which marry later in life. phosphorous cycle. F The availability of, or lack of, private and public pension funds can Population can grow unlimited when there is no predators and produce fertile offspring.
ESSAY organisms can evolve adaptations. 6. Religious beliefs, traditions and cultural norms. In some countries The processes that lead to geological erosion are essential to the influence the decision of some couples on how many children to unlimited life requirement • The mechanism of speciation take place in 2 phases: geographic
Clearly describe how wealth and affluence can have both harmful and Using specific examples, explain why sharks can actually be beneficial these factors will lead to higher birth rates. movement of phosphorous through the biosphere. T have. T Tragedy of commons Commons: Available to be used by anyone who isolation and reproductive isolation
beneficial environmental effects. to the human population if we change our view of their role. 7. Availability of birth control and legal abortion. These options allow Food chains and food webs are basically the same thing. F Mexico City has recently improved its air quality.T wishes Geographic isolation: population can be separated by physical barrier
The typical lifestyles of the citizens of developed nations are built on Most individuals view sharks as predators, and dangerous animals to women to control the spacing of the number of children they have. A type of acid rain is produced because of sulfur dioxide in the air. T Car sharing has been tried in Germany but was not found to be Conflicts arise when people share resources/If no one takes (mountain range, river, road); by a change such as volcanic eruption
high levels of consumption and unsustainable use of natural be avoided. This viewpoint is encouraged by the popular press, which Explain why as incomes rise we draw more from nature’s ecological The burning of coal releases sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. effective or successful. F responsibility for the resource it will get overused and become or earthquake or migration for food.
resources. This type of affluence has an enormously harmful profits from casting sharks in a negative light. credit card, and what the suspected consequences are However, smelting is a clean process that does not deposit sulfur Most of the increase in the world’s population in the last 100 years degraded/depleted Ex: Renewable resources like trees cut faster than Reproduction isolation: member of population may become so
environmental impact. However, sharks possess some physiological attributes that would As our population grows, and incomes rise, we use more of the dioxide. F took place because of a sharp increase in birth rates. F they formed different in genetic makeup that can never produce live, fertile
On the other hand, affluence can lead people to become more benefit humans if we choose to study the underlying processes. earth’s natural resources to satisfy our growing wants and this Gravity is one of the three factors that sustain life on Earth. T One of the reasons for a lower life expectancy in the United States is Ecological footprints The amount of biologically productive land and offspring.
educated, environmentally aware, and concerned. It also provides Sharks almost never get cancer. In addition, sharks have highly increases our ecological footprints. The result can be degradation of The nitrogen cycle and the carbon cycle are virtually identical. F the fact that it has one of the world’s highest obesity rates. T water needed to supply a person or country with renewable Extinction: A species becomes extinct when its population cannot
money for the development of improved technologies that can help effective immune systems that allow their wounds to heal without the natural capital that keeps us alive and supports our lifestyles and Water exists as a liquid over a wide range of temperatures because of MATCHING resources and to recycle waste and pollution/Measure the average adapt to changing environmental conditions. An entire species ceases
to reduce pollution, resource waste, and environmental degradation. infection. Cancer and infectious diseases are leading causes of death economies. No one knows how long we can continue degrading the the lack of attractive forces between its molecules. F Caribbean snails of the same population exhibit a variety of shell colors environmental impact of population in different countries and to exist. Reason could from natural or from human impact. 99% of all
Explain how poverty drives population growth. in the United States. Drug-resistant strains of bacteria are becoming earth’s natural capital by living off of nature’s ecological credit card as It can be said that trees can actually produce their own rainfall. T and banding patterns - GENETIC DIVERSITY areas/Per capita ecological footprint is the average ecological species that ever existed are now extinct. Background extinction is a
To many poor people, having more children is a matter of survival. an increasing concern worldwide. our population and resource use continues to grow. But there are Liquid water changes temperature rapidly because it can store a large Coastal states in the United States typically have more ecosystems than footprint of an individual in a given country or area/When use of certain number of species disappear at a low rate as local
Children are effectively the labor force for a poor family, helping with If we can study the physiology of healthy sharks, much can be gained warning signs that nature may be calling in some of our ecological amount of heat F land-locked states - ECOLOGICAL DIVERSITY renewable resource exceeds its natural replacement rate, we have environmental conditions change, estimate average annual rate is 1 –
crop tending, gathering wood or fuel, hauling water and livestock that would contribute to the well-being of humans. debts. When local environmental conditions change, background extinction Some tropical forests contain thousands of producer species - SPECIES environmental degradation 5/ million. Mass extinction is significant rise in extinction rate above
tending. Additionally, the children become caretakers of their In the 1960’s Edward O. Wilson, along with other scientists, developed Briefly explain the bottom line for analysts who believe that adding can cause loss of species. T DIVERSITY Ecosystem: System involving the interactions between a community the background level, widespread event, large group (25-70%) are
parents when the parents age. This is very important in poor the theory of island biogeography. Explain the relevance of this more people to the planet is not a problem. In speciation, two species interbreed to form one new species. F Nutrients typically cycle much faster in tropical areas than in polar of living organism in a particular area and its nonliving wiped out
countries that do not have social security, health care or retirement theory in today’s world These analysts believe that because of our technological ingenuity, areas - FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY environment/Ecosystems are dynamic: composed of biotic and abiotic Mass depletion: extinction rate are much higher than normal but not
The size of the planet has significant influences that impact life on the
funds. Island biogeography examines how the species diversity of islands is there is no limit to the amount of people that the planet can support. planet. T Estuaries and wetlands have very high primary productivity - components that interact with earth other/Life exists on land system high enough to classify as mass extinction.
Explain how the IPAT model and the ecological footprint model affected by the size and locations of given islands. It can also be The presence of more people means there are more workers, FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY called biomes and in freshwater and ocean aquatic life zones. There are 5 basic types of interaction between species when they
Houseflies would probably adapt to an environmental change much
emphasize different aspects of how natural resources are affected by applied to areas or ecosystems that resemble islands because of their consumers, and creative people to support ever-increasing economic Coral reefs are known for their very high number of species - SPECIES Biome: A complex biotic community characterized by distinctive plant share limited resources:
more quickly than a human. T
unsustainable use. isolation. For example, a mountain forest that is surrounded by growth. They believe that we can avoid serious damage to our life- DIVERSITY and animal species and maintained under the climatic conditions of Competition: shared or scared food and space. Inter-specific
Extinction results in the permanent loss of genetic diversity. T
The IPAT model includes the per capita use of both renewable and human development could be considered an island. A wildlife support systems through technological advances, especially by Areas with both mountain ranges and coastal ecosystems have high the region/Tropical rainforest; Savanna; Desert; Tundra; Wetland. (different species) and intra-specific competition (within same
One of the reasons that sharks are hunted is for their fins which are
nonrenewable resources, while the ecological footprint model preserve that is surrounded by areas disturbed by human activities increasing food production per unit of cropland and continuing to diversity - ECOLOGICAL DIVERSITY Environmental Unity Concept that everything in the environment is species)
widely used as a soup ingredient in Asia. T
emphasizes the use of renewable resources. could be considered an island. make major advances in health care. An early fox population evolved into the grey fox and arctic fox - connected, directly or indirectly to everything else/Any change in Resource partitioning: occurs when species competing for similar
It is impossible for a shark to drown. F
Clearly explain the significant differences between UV and infrared Clearly describe in what ways predation is actually beneficial to the TRUE/FALSE GENETIC DIVERSITY system is likely to produce secondary and tertiary effect within scarce resources evolve specialized traits that allow them to use
Heritable traits that give an individual some advantage over other
radiation and how this relates to the greenhouse effect. prey population. An environmentally sustainable society must be based only on A tiny fish called a wrasse lives in and around the mouth of sharks. It system and connected systems/The biosphere share common shared resources at different times, in different ways, or in different
individuals in the population are called adaptive traits. T
The wavelengths of UV and infrared radiation are very different, the Those individuals that are typically removed from a population policies that provide for economic growth and development.F cleans up the debris left after the shark eats flesh, and it gains characteristics, however each ecosystem is unique in its own places. e.g. warblers who live in the same trees but have such
Genes mutate, individuals are selected and populations evolve. T
wavelengths of UV being relatively small, while the wavelengths of through predation tend to be those that are sick or weak. The An important goal of environmental science is to learn how life on the protection by living in the shark’s mouth – MUTUALISM way/Understanding of ecosystems and its interaction help to see specialized feeding niches that they do not compete.
The biological diversity of the Earth is only a function of the number
infrared radiation being relatively large. The larger wavelength pressures of predation remove the least fit individual from the earth has thrived and survived. T Epiphytes are plants that live on the branches or trunks of trees in the how they affect or be affected by human activities and how to make Parasitism: one species feeds on part of another organism usually by
of species on the Earth. F
radiation of infrared has an increasingly difficult time passing back out population. The end result is to improve the overall health and fitness Recycling nonrenewable metallic resources takes much less energy, tropics. The epiphyte gains access to water and sunlight, but does not them sustainable is vital for survival of human/Multitudes of tiny living on or in the host. They can harm their host organism. Ex:
Organisms develop certain traits because they need them. F
through the Earth's atmosphere as the concentrations of greenhouse of the prey population through the process of natural selection. water, and other resources and produces less pollution and hurt or help the tree – COMMENSALISM microbes such as bacteria, protozoa, tapeworms, fleas or sea lampreys
The location of continents has greatly influenced the earth’s climate,
gases increase. Compare and contrast primary succession and secondary succession. environmental degradation than exploiting virgin metallic resources. Fleas live in and on household pets – PARASITISM fungi and yeast help keep us alive/ Tolerance limits: minimum and Predation: members of 1 species feed directly on all or part of a living
but the location of oceanic basins has not. F
Clearly explain the relationship between the Second Law of Primary succession can also be described as bare rock succession and T A kestrel (small hawk) and red-tailed hawk hunt for rodents in the maximum levels beyond which a particular species cannot survive or organism of another species. Eating and being eaten. Example Lion
Ice sheets in high latitudes are known to have advanced and
Thermodynamics and the typical pyramid of biomass. is the extremely gradual process by which bare rock is broken down Polluting chemicals enter the environment only through human same grassy meadow - INTERSPECIFIC COMPETITION reproduce/Limiting factors determines distribution and zebra. Predator are fast enough to catch prey, ability to hide, lie
retreated over much of the northern hemisphere throughout the
The second law of thermodynamics indicates that no energy and converted into soil. This is accomplished through the processes of activities. F Common limiting factors In terrestrial ecosystems: Precipitation, in wait, camouflage, inject chemical or paralyze their prey… Prey: use
Earth’s long history. T Your housecat kills the mice in your yard and around your house –
transformation is 100% efficient, and in transformations there is weathering and biological activities of early successional pioneer Natural resources are considered natural capital, but natural services temperature, nutrients. In aquatic ecosystems: temperature, sunlight, protective shell or thorn, camouflage, use chemical to repel or poison
Geographic isolation and reproductive isolation can both lead to PREDATION
always a net loss of energy. This idea is appropriately applied to organisms, such as lichens and mosses. As soils develop, the are not. F nutrients, dissolve oxygen and salinity predator to keep alive, warning color or autotomy (self amputation)…
speciation. T The Owl Butterfly is native to Costa Rica. Its hindwings have patterns
energy transformations as energy is passed through the food chains community can gradually change over time. The United States has the world's largest per capita ecological Law of tolerance The existence, abundance and distribution of a Mutualism: 2 species interact in a way that benefit both. Such as
Sharks are all carnivorous. F in the shape and size of the eyes of a large owl – MIMICRY
of an ecosystem. As a result of the second law of thermodynamics, Secondary succession is the gradual ecological change in species footprint. T species is flower and bee, clownfish and sea anemones
Cockroaches have a wide range of tolerance of environmental Clownfish live amongst the stinging tentacles of sea anemone. They
the amount of energy that is stored in lower trophic levels is higher composition of a community after some kind of ecological Government subsidies can actually encourage companies to conduct determined by levels of one or more physical and chemical factors. Commensalism: some species interact in the way that help 1 species
conditions. They are known as a specialist species. F keep the sea anemone tentacles clean by eating the debris, and they
than that which can possibly be transferred to higher trophic levels. disturbance that does not result in the destruction or removal of the business in ways that result in environmental degradation. T Earth’s systems Four major components: -Lithosphere: Earth’s crust but has little, if any effect on the other. Such as Epiphytes are plants
Niches are only occupied by native species. F gain protection from other animals by living in the tentacles –
This results in an ever-decreasing amount of energy contained with soil. With soil resources still in place, there is an ability for plant In an environmentally sustainable society, most affluent citizens work that include rocks and soil. -Hydrosphere: Liquid water on surface and that attach themselves to the trunks or branches of large trees for
The southern sea otter is a keystone species because it is a top MUTUALISM
increasing trophic levels in an ecosystem. communities to gradually return to the disturbed area. to decrease their consumption of products. T underground, ice (cryosphere) and water vapor. -Biosphere: Living access to sunlight; these represent commensalism
predator. F Sea lampreys attach themselves to fish such as trout – PARASITISM
Why is it that most top predators (e.g., lions, tigers, bears, and You are visiting a nature preserve in Costa Rica with a classmate. Your Pollution cleanup is considered a short-term solution if population and dead organisms Population change = (Births + Immigration) – (Deaths + Emigration)
Predation and parasitism are examples of ecological interactions in Flood-prone areas along the river banks have been converted to parks
wolves) have extremely large territories and are relatively rare? companion comments on the bright colors and beauty of many and consumption levels grow without corresponding improvement in Atmosphere: Thin membrane of air: Troposphere; Stratosphere; Population: Group of individuals of the same species in habiting same
which one species takes advantage of another species. T – BIODIVERSITY
The second law of thermodynamics, as it applies to ecological species of frogs and insects that you encounter on your excursion. pollution control technology. T Mesosphere; Ionosphere area
One of the reasons sharks are especially vulnerable to over fishing is Volunteers have planted more than 1.5 million trees throughout the
pyramids of biomass, means that a substantially higher amount of Explain to this person the function that the bright colors serve in the Rapid population growth and associated poverty are primarily Energy flow - Energy changes are governed by 2 scientific laws: The The impact on environmental increase in the growth of human
because they grow slowly, mature late, and have only a few young city – BIODIVERSITY
ecosystem productivity is required to provide sufficient energy for context of ecosystem functioning. occurring in developing countries and have little impact on first law of thermodynamics: Whenever energy is converted from one population and economic pattern.
each generation. T Tax credits are available for installing solar panels on private homes -
organisms that feed on a third or fourth trophic level. This results in a Brightly colored prey species are utilizing warning coloration as a way environmental degradation. F form to another in a physical or chemical change, no energy is created Simple model of Ehrlich and Holdren(1970) I = P x A x T
An area in primary ecological succession would be a suitable habitat RELIANCE ON SOLAR ENERGY
need for a large ecological territory to provide sufficient autotrophic to fend off potential predators. The bright colors inform predators In order for the social changes to occur that will produce sustainable or destroyed/The second law of thermodynamics: we always end up (I: Environmental impact; P:Population; A: Affluence per person; T:
for a population of hardwoods because of the availability of 60% of metal, glass, and plastic is recycled - CHEMICAL CYCLING
surface area to convert enough solar energy to provide for the energy that the prey species either tastes very bad or can actually poison or economies, fully 50% of the population of a country must support the with a lower quality or less “usable” energy –--Energy efficiency is Technology used)
resources. F Poor people who live in areas without garbage pick-up can exchange
required to be passed through three trophic levels. As a result, an kill a predator that eats them. change. F measure of how much useful work is accomplished by a particular Factors affecting birth rates
Limiting factors are physical or chemical factors that can determine filled garbage bags for surplus food and school supplies - CHEMICAL
ecosystem can only support a very few of these top predators. Clearly explain the current view of succession in ecosystems. We can say that biodiversity is a factor in maintaining life on this input of energy into a system • Cost of raising and educating children
the numbers of organisms in a population. T CYCLING
Clearly explain the distinction between Gross Primary Productivity Scientists now believe that succession does not occur in an orderly planet. T Cycling of Nutrients The earth is closed to significant inputs of matter • Urbanization
A population's growth rate will increase as the population reaches its City government buildings have solar panels to help heat the buildings
(GPP) and Net Primary Productivity (NPP). sequence along an expected path. Rather, the path cannot be Perpetual resources exist in a fixed quantity or stock in the Earth’s from space, its essentially fixed supply of nutrients must be • Educational and employment opportunities for women
carrying capacity. F - RELIANCE ON SOLAR ENERGY
GPP is the rate at which an ecosystem's producers convert solar predicted or viewed as an inevitable progression toward an ideally crust. F continually recycled to support life/Nutrient movements in • Infant mortality rate
The human population can maintain an exponential growth rate 70% of the paper used in the city is recycled - CHEMICAL CYCLING
energy into chemical energy as biomass. However, producers must adapted climax community. Late-succession ecosystems are not in a If industry managers ask the question “How can my company avoid ecosystems and in the biosphere are roundtrips → take from seconds • Marriage age
indefinitely because of technology. F For every tree that is cut down in the city, two have to be planted to
use some of the chemical energy stored in the biomass they make for state of permanent equilibrium but are in a continual state of producing polluting air exhaust from my factory?” they are seeking to centuries to complete. (The law of conservation of matter)/The • Availability of lethal abortions
Carrying capacity is the population size (or density) at which the replace it – BIODIVERSITY
their own respiration. NPP is the rate at which producers use disturbance and change. pollution prevent, which is preferable to pollution cleanup. T cycling of nutrients through parts of the biosphere. • Religious beliefs, traditional and cultural norms
environment is saturated. T Environment The combination of all thing and factors external to the
photosynthesis to produce and store chemical energy minus the rate State briefly the known threats to kelp forests. The tragedy of the commons is a phenomenon that occurs only when The Natural of Ecology Level of study in ecology: Biosphere – all • Availability of birth control
The process of secondary succession would typically follow a forest individual or population of organisms/All external conditions and
at which they use some of this stored chemical energy through 1. Sea urchin populations are increasing because sea otters (their the number of users is small.F ecosystems in the entire Earth. Ecosystem – a community + physical • Labor force
fire. T factors, living and nonliving that effect any living organism or other
aerobic respiration. predators) are declining. One of the ways we can slow population growth is to elevate the environment. Community - population living together in a particular
The most common interaction between species is intraspecific specified system/Include living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) things
Given the nature of the phosphorous cycle, what are the long-term 2. Runoff of water that is contaminated with pesticdes, herbicides status of women. T place & their interactions. Population – a group of the same species.
competition. F Environmental Science The branch of science concerned with
and fertilizers. Species – a group of organisms able to breed and fertile offspring.
Organism – an individual living thing.

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