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Robinson text 2

He lived in Brazil and worked a lot for some years. He had a comfortable life, was riche but he was
bored. One day, his friends told him to go to Africa with them because they had the opportunity to do
business there and they thought to make rich. He agreed.

The trip was horrible because there was a strong storm for twelve days, the wind and the rain didn’t
stop. The ship hit to the sand due the strong wind. In that moment, they were in danger. Quickly, they
used a boat to go to the shore. But the strong wind turned the boat and all fell in the water. The sea
carried him to the shore. When he felt the wet sand under his feet, he thought that he had lucky
because he was alive.

He was looking for his friends but at the end he realized that he was alone. There was nobody with him,
he didn’t see his friends in the sea or the sand, they were dead. He was alone in this island, without
water or food.

Next morning, he looked for the boat: it was there, in the sea. He swam to the ship and he got in
through a hole in the side. Inside, there was a lot of food (bread, rice, salted meat) and others things.
He was very happy to find it because he was very hungry. Also, he found pieces of wood, tied them
with a rope. He used it to carry the things that he wanted to have in the shore: food, knife, sail, guns,

He needed a place to keep his things. He went over the island to look for a place but there were only
mountains and hils. At the end, he found a cave, it was a safe place to keep his things.

As he had seen nobody yet, he thought that in this island there could exist wild life and he decided to
build a house to have a safe place where shelter his. He used the ship’s sails and things that he had kept
to build a house close to the cave. Around his house, he builded a strong fence. After hard work, he
had a safe house. He felt safe and he could sleep without afraid.

He thought that this tent and this island would be his house for a long time. Then, he decided to write
the date which he came there in a large wood and he made a mark every day.

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