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Game Design Specification


DECEMBER 14, 2005

Jon Carlson, Heather Case, Chris Emond, Arnold Feener, Paul Gunn, Kaylene Jetmore,
Chi Kong, Spencer Lee, David Malpica, Eric McVinney, Ian Moore, Mark Kittredge,
Roberto Moreno, Matthew Perrett, Michael Suavillo, Man-Chui Szeto, Bill Wu

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005

High Concept
Master of Elements is a multiplayer free-for-all where the player gains size and power by
consuming elements.

Game Summary
Master of Elements is set in a primal world where the players battle in fantastic and
highly detailed environments of hostile wilderness. Each player controls a Cypher, a
small creature that wishes to become the ruling being of its primal world. Only through
building monoliths of power around the world can that goal be realized. The battles
against the Shard Guardian NPCs and other players rage through massive environments
with rivers, mountains, plains, fiery volcanoes, and geysers.

In Master of Elements, the player collects elements from the environment around them as
they search for the shards, becoming successively larger and stronger. The game is one
of intense elemental combat, exploring the world from many different perspectives, and
balancing the elements to become the elemental you wish to be.

The player's main task in Master of Elements is to collect the shards found in the world
and to bring them back to the central place of power to build a monolith. The player
starts as a child-sized Cypher creature with weak abilities and collects successively larger
and larger elements to grow into a massive elemental with great powers. The gameplay
is centered on collecting elements and shards and battling other elementals and the
guardians of the shards, using various powers depending on the kind of elemental the
player chooses to be. Each element has another element that cancels it out, an element it
is strong against, and an element it is weak against. During the game, the player can shift
from one elemental type to another by collecting allied elements, but must avoid players
and NPCs of their opposing elements.

The player is rewarded with new abilities as they become larger and stronger elementals.
They can change between the nine different types of elementals by balancing the types of
elements they pick up. This adds a level of complexity to the choices they make
throughout the game. Collecting the shards also grants the player more firepower that
they can bring to bear on their enemies. The player feels powerful in revisiting areas they
were previously too weak to handle and being able to draw power from the elements
there, eventually absorbing lakes, massive boulders and such. This raises the player's
sense of competence by giving the player new abilities along with appropriate new
challenges. This lets the player feel like they earned their abilities and rewards.

Master of Elements is easy to pick up and play with simple, intuitive controls. The game
uses the familiar first person shooter control scheme in a third person perspective so that
the player can see their elemental grow and change. As they gain new abilities, they are
highlighted on the screen so the player receives immediate feedback.

Master of Elements is a game suitable for any modern 3D engine. Because of the
imaginative gameplay and explorative freedom, it will appeal to action gamers of all

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ages, as well as role-playing gamers, and lovers of fantasy games. The realistic
environments and incredible-looking elementals will capture the imagination of the
players, and make for some truly exciting and unique marketable imagery. Master of
Elements will keep players coming back for more.

Game Structure
The game structure of Master of Elements is similar to most multiplayer first person
shooters, such as Unreal Tournament 2004.

After starting the game, a user selects any number of the game maps to play, and may
change relevant options. Some of these options include random level ordering and the
Player Cap switch. The user then starts the match, which begins in the typical UT2004
waiting for players mode. Players then may log into the game. Once the minimum
number of players for that map is filled, the option to start the match appears to each
player. Any player may then start the match.

Players beyond the maximum capacity for a level cannot log in, assuming the player who
initiated the game left the Player Cap option switched on. At the end of the match, each
player sees who the victor was and the status (size, type and shards) of each other player.
The next map in the sequence (or a random map from the chosen list) is then selected and
loaded. If the current number of logged in players is beyond the map's capacity (and
Player Cap is on), or not enough players are logged in, the game say so, and skip to the
next map on the list with the correct capacity, giving a message stating so. The matches
continue until the player who initiated the game ends the game.

General Art Direction

The environments should reflect the color scheme of the elemental power most dominant
within it. Typical color schemes are: browns, dark reds, and grays for earth; blues,
greens, and grays for water; green grey and sky blue for air; and reds and oranges and
browns to black for fire. Elemental areas within other elemental areas (oases) should
clue the player at a distance with a lighting change, with the environment gradually
shifting to the new element type.

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Executive Summary
• Air, Earth, Water, Fire: specialize in any of these four elements, or master them
all. Take on your foes by becoming a Primal Fire Elemental, or merge Fire and
Earth to evolve into a Lava Elemental.
• Use the Elements to your advantage – Master of Elements has a unique game play
system. Use Water to put out Fire, or Air to bring Earth to its knees. Attack other
elementals to drain their power, and add it to yourself.
• Collect Elements, Gain Strength – Master the elements by absorbing them from
the surrounding environment. Acquire new abilities, increase your size and
strength, become the master. Use the Air Elemental’s gust to push enemies away,
or shake the world with the Earth Elemental’s Avalanche ability.
• Explore the World of the Elements – Battle in six unique domains, each tailored
to a specific element. Roam through lush and rocky terrains of Earth. Soar high
into the clouds where the Air Elementals reside.
• Conquer the Elements Online – Master of Elements supports up to 16 players.
• Simple Intuitive Controls – Master of Elements uses a first-person control
scheme, but from a third-person perspective.
• The target audience is Teens. Master of Elements contains graphic violence that
might not be suitable for young people. Older audiences will enjoy the

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extraordinary game play with the elemental system. ESRB rating may change in
online play.
• Master of Elements is designed for the Unreal engine. It can be developed most
efficiently on the PC, but can be easily ported to other systems.

The Purpose of this Document

This design document establishes a foundation for the creation of levels for Elemental
Madness. Included here are the basic gameplay mechanics, storyline, general art
direction and style guide, representative artwork, and an outline of each of the proposed
levels. The objective is to provide direction and guidance for the creation of full-fledged
levels of the game in Unreal, as would an actual complete game design document.

In general, this work focuses on art style and level design, assuming the game itself will
be built on top of the Unreal engine. As a result, certain gameplay elements are assumed.

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Table of Contents

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Gameplay Mechanics
Being the Elemental
In Master of Elements, there are four different elements. Fire, represented by flames,
lava, oil, dry wood, and coals; Water represented by ice, mist, puddles, rivers, and lakes;
Air represented by tornadoes, dust devils, and areas of wind, where leaves and other
things are being blown about; and Earth represented by the stones, pebbles, and loose
boulders in the world. The player starts as a mouse-sized elemental spirit called a
Cypher. The Cypher begins with four empty meters, representing the amount of each
element that the player has collected. A Cypher starts out by picking up pebbles, small
twigs, dewdrops, and small gusts of wind to begin to take the form of one of the
elements. With growth, elementals leave behind smaller pickups in favor or larger ones;
the small ones don’t do any good after a while.

Collecting two level 1 pickups of any element grows the player to size 1. From size 1 on,
the player can gain an addition level of size by consuming two pickups equal to their
current size, or six pickups one size smaller than their current size (for example, a size 6
player would need two size 6 pickups or six size 5 pickups to advance to size 7.) Players
can only acquire pickups that are equal to or one size level lower than their size; other
pickups outside that range are either too small to gain any power from or too large to
collect yet. The maximum size for any player in a given map is two sizes larger than the
maximum pickup size, as the player will no longer gain power from any pickup on the
map at that point (for example: a map with size 12 pickups would allow for a player of
size 14, but no larger.)

Players can also only carry a number of shards equal to their current size level.

Balancing the Elements

When an element meter is more than 20 percent larger than any other, the player becomes
a Primary elemental of that type: the meter glows to show it, and the Cypher character
turns into the elemental. If the player can get two affiliated element meters in balance
(within 15 percent), they become a secondary elemental if those two meters are not
smaller than the other elements. The secondary elementals are Lava (earth + fire), Ice
(air + water), Mud (earth + water), and Lightning (fire + air). As a Primary or Secondary
elemental, touching an element powerup that is opposed to the elemental does damage to
that player. To become either kind of elemental, the player must have a minimum total
number of elements. Otherwise the player remains a Cypher.

If the player can keep two opposing elements in balance (within 15 percent), the player is
a Void elemental if those two meters are not smaller than the other elements. In this
state, the player does not take damage from any element powerup. This means that it is
easier to be a Primary elemental when small, but at larger sizes, it is easier to be a
Secondary elemental or Void. If the Void elemental’s two highest meters are Earth and
Air, they are in Defensive mode and all the elemental’s attacks deal half damage, and
damage dealt to it is reduced to half. If Fire and Water are the highest meters for a Void

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elemental, the elemental shifts into Offensive mode where all its attacks are doubled in
damage and damage dealt to it is doubled as well.

Player Size and Movement

Players begin at 1 meter tall. Players gaining size levels increase in height by 1 meter per
level, and move at a speed equal to 1 plus half their size level. Thus, size 10 players
would be 11 meters tall and move at a speed of 6, allowing them to move across the map
faster, reach greater heights and leap over larger gaps in the terrain. The sizes the player
can be range from 0 (a Cypher) to 14 (a God elemental). When the elemental gains
enough elements to earn a new size category, they immediately change in size. Every
four sizes the elemental’s look changes. 1-4 is small elementals, 5-8 is medium, and 9
and above is god-sized. The player can only carry a number of shards equal to the
player’s size.

Elemental Types
As players collect elemental pickups, they change into a variety of different elemental
types. Consuming pickups of just one type, or a majority of that type, turns the player
into that kind of elemental (for example, a player with all Water elemental pickups, or a
larger percentage of water pickups than any other type, becomes a Water elemental.)
Collecting an even number of two non-opposing elemental pickups turns the player into a
hybrid elemental:

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Water and Earth: Mud elemental
Water and Air: Ice elemental
Fire and Earth: Lava elemental
Fire and Air: Storm elemental

A player who collects an even number of all elemental pickups becomes a Void
elemental. A Void elemental with a majority of Water or Earth shards becomes a
defensive Void elemental, while a majority of Fire or Air shards turns the player into an
offensive Void elemental (see Combat below.)

Coming into contact with an elemental that is opposite to the player’s current elemental
type causes the player to take damage equal to the level of the elemental, as the two
opposing elements cancel each other out:

Water: opposes Fire

Fire: opposes Water
Earth: opposes Air
Air: opposes Earth
Mud: opposes Fire and Air
Ice: opposes Fire and Earth
Lightning: opposes Water and Earth
Lava: opposes Water and Air
Void: no opposing elements

For example, a Water elemental touching a size 6 Fire elemental would cause the player
to take six damage. An opposing pickup two sizes smaller than the player has no effect
and is not consumed, and a pickup larger than the player makes them lose a pickup equal
to their size. The advantages and disadvantages of the elementals are these:

• An Earth Elemental moves slightly slower, but has knockback resistance.

• An Air Elemental moves much more quickly, but takes more knockback damage.
• A Fire Elemental takes damage in water, but can swim in lava quickly, without
• A Water elemental can swim really fast in water, but takes double damage in lava.
• Secondary elementals gain the advantages and disadvantages of the two elements
they represent. At high levels, they lose the disadvantages of both elements.
• A Cypher deals and receives weak damage from all others, and can never really die,
just be reduced to zero elements.
• A Void elemental deals and receives medium damage from all others unless in
Offensive or Defensive mode. Void elementals move at an average speed on land
and in water and lava. They also take normal damage from Lava

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Upon gaining a new level, players have a number of hitpoints equal to 4 times their size
level, and deal base damage equal to their size level plus the number of shards they have
collected. Thus, a size 12 player would have 48 hitpoints and would deal 12 damage on
every hit. Losing those 48 hitpoints would drop the player down to size 11 and restart the
player at 44 hit points. An elemental who loses a level drops a random element pickups
of his new size (of a type the elemental is currently carrying) and one of the size below.
Dealing enough damage to cause the opposing elemental to not be able to carry the
number of shards they are carrying makes them to drop the most recently acquired
shard(s). A player taking enough damage to be shorn of all their elements is reduced
again to a miniscule Cypher, and they have to build up again. Gaining a size level
restores the player’s hitpoints to the standard 4 times their current level. Depending on
the elemental type of the player and the enemy the player is attacking, the damage caused
is adjusted as follows:

Fire and Water deal 200% damage to one another. They are opposing elements.
Earth and Air deal 200% damage to one another. They are opposing elements.
Fire deals 150% damage to Air and 50% damage to Earth.
Earth deals 150% damage to Fire and 50% damage to Water.
Air deals 150% damage to Water and 50% damage to Fire.
Water deals 150% damage to Earth and 50% damage to Air.
Damage to an elemental of your own type is normal.
Void deals normal damage to all elemental types (standard) OR
50% damage to and from all elements (defensive) OR
200% damage to and from all elements (offensive)

Secondary elementals deal damage and take damage as if they were the average of the
two elements against the opponent. Thus, Water attacking Lava would deal medium
damage, and Ice attacking Lava would deal medium damage as well.

Building the Monolith

Once a player has collected the required number of shards, they can go to the nexus to
build a monolith. When the player has the required number of shards, they gain a new
ability, the ability to channel energy into the nexus, creating their monolith. The player
has to get the monolith up to 100% to win (or 100 hit points). Channeling energy
constantly into the monolith increases it by 2 points per second. Players can stop a
monolith-building player by either destroying the monolith or knocking the player down
a size category. If the player loses any of their shards, they lose the channeling ability.

Level Design
The levels are massive enough that the largest elemental possible in the level still has a
decent-sized level to explore. There are areas that only elementals of a certain size can
experience, and a few that only elementals of a certain type can as well. Each level has a
differing number of shards required to build the monolith, though an equal number of

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each elemental shard is always required. For example, a level that needs four shards to
win would call for one of each type, while a level that requires 12 shards would need
three of each.

Some shards are hidden in places only small elementals can get to, meaning they are
good for starting elementals, but larger elementals have to compete for fewer and fewer
shards. This gives weaker elementals places to run and hide from the more massive
elementals, though massive elementals will most likely ignore the tinier ones.

Levels give the players the opportunity to become any size of any elemental they wish
(up to a single maximum size for the level). There are levels of various sizes to
accommodate differing numbers of players. By collecting the required number of shards
of each type and the minimum total shards, then going to the central victory location and
building their monolith, the player wins the level.

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Elemental Abilities
Elemental Abilities are special attacks players can use. Each element has three elemental
abilities. These abilities have a cool-down time, so players can not constantly use them.
The three abilities are classified into three groups: Minor, Major, and Special. Elementals
acquire the Minor ability at size one. The Minor ability is a weak attack, but it does not
use elemental energy. The major ability is acquired at size five. By sacrificing a small
amount of elemental energy, the Major ability deals more damage. At size nine, the
special ability is available for use. The special is not an attack, but rather it’s a character

Melee orientated elemental and tougher than the others. Strong melee attack, weak
ranged attack.
• Avalanche (minor) - Elemental smashes the ground with his fists. Anyone within
a certain radius is stunned; deals light damage.
• Stalagmite (major) – The Earth Elemental summons a giant stalagmite from the
ground. The stalagmite deals moderate damage.
• Stone Skin (special) - For a few seconds the Earth Elemental takes half damage.

Relies on hit and run attacks to survive. Strong ranged attack, weak melee attack.
• Gust (minor) - Pushes enemies that are in front of the elemental back and does
moderate damage. Can push people off ledges for extra fall damage.
• Tornado (major) - Air Elemental summons a large tornado. The tornado sucks in
nearby players, and deals light damage
• Flight (special) - The player can fly for a limited time.

Hybrid of close-combat and ranged, but is stronger at melee.
• Meteor (minor) - Tosses a fireball and when it hits the ground it causes damage to
the area around it and sets any player caught in the blast on fire, which does low
damage over time.
• Blazing Aura (major) - Anyone within a few feet of the elemental takes damage
over time, the closer to the elemental, the greater the damage.
• Ignite (Special) - Fire Elemental can jump higher and move faster.

Hybrid of close-combat and ranged, but is stronger at ranged.
• Hydro (minor) – A jet stream of water shoots out of Water Elemental’s arm. The
attack deals moderate damage, and knock back enemies.
• Tsunami (major) - A ranged attack that damages any enemies in its path and
slows their movement speed for a few seconds.

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• Evaporate (major) - Elemental can teleport a short distance.

A pure range class relies on damaging enemies from a long distance.
• Icicle Blast (Minor) – Shoots multiple icicles out from the Elemental’s arm. Deals
moderate damage.
• Entombment (Major) – Freezes nearby enemies in a tomb of ice. While entombed
enemies can not take damage, but they cannot attack or move.
• Ice Shield (Special) – Crystallizes water particles in the air to create sheets of
floating ice around the elemental. The shield absorbs half the damage, and lasts
for ten seconds. Heavy damage may lower the shield’s life time.

A hybrid of melee and ranged, but focuses more on melee.
• Decayed Turf (Minor) – The Mud Elemental hurls a large piece of turf. The attack
does light damage, but poison the enemy. Poison additionally deals medium
damage over five seconds.
• Swamp Engulf (Major) - The Mud Elemental converts its nearby surroundings
into black swamp. Non-mud Elementals in the area suffer a loss of speed and take
light damage.
• Earth Meld (Special) – The elemental fuses into the ground and disappears. In
meld mode, they can go through any part of the level. However they cannot attack
or pick up items, unless they un-meld.

A pure melee class focuses on getting up close to enemies and dealing a lot of damage.
• Lava Bomb (Minor) – Throws a ball of molten lava that explodes on impact.
Deals medium damage.
• Hell Raiser (Major) – Columns of fire shoots up from the ground near the Lava
Elemental. The attack deals heavy damage.
• Super Jump (Super) – Uses a small amount of energy to enable the Lava
elemental to jump higher.

Hybrid of melee and ranged, but is stronger at ranged.
• Chain Lighting (Minor) – Shoots a bolt of lighting that has a chance of bouncing
to other enemies. The bolt deals light damage.
• Thunder (Major) - Summons a large bolt of thunder from the sky, and hits the
target. Deals a large amount of damage.
• Dash (Special) – Enables the Lightning Elemental to dash for a short time.

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Character Concepts
Air Elemental
A mysterious creature that moves along the wind currents of the land. Though it would
seem impossible to harm with normal weapons, but due to the Cyphers technology,
hurting the Air Elementals is as simple as hurting anyone else. The Air Elemental can
move quickly when it is within a wind current, but it is difficult to navigate. It can attack
with either a gale that can cut or push away its foes with harsh blowing winds.

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Earth Element
Big, strong, yet slow in movement. Covered with stones, moss, and plant vines to hold it
together, the Earth Elemental is like a colossus. It can toss huge stones with the base
attack, or stomp on the ground to stun foes for a few seconds. Think of “Swamp Thing”
with rocks sticking out when creating this character.

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Fire Element
Lean, mean, and a total destruction machine! She can torch down (think flamethrower)
certain obstacles or foes with her base attack, or create a fire trail behind her with her
second attack. The Fire elemental is covered in flames, and smoke follows in her trails.
A good way to figure out what she looks like, look up “Magic the Gathering Fire
Elemental” in Google.

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Water Element
Tall, transparent, and has a smooth exterior. It doesn’t really have a face, just etched out
eyes that stare. The Water elemental can easily avoid enemy attacks due to its agility,
and can slow down foes with its water attacks. It can also use its second attack on the
ground to help it reduce the damage from a lava pit or make the enemy slide into the lava.

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Lightning Element (Fire + Wind)
Fast, sleek, and deadly when it lands its attacks! Energy surges throughout its body, also
making it able to leech off of anything electrical. Its main attack is the Precise Bolt,
which does a lot of damage if it hits, but the reload takes time. The second attack has a
“chain gun” effect with smaller bolts, and hits for much smaller damage.

Mud Element (Water + Earth)

Medium sized, yet stocky elemental that can easily glide across the ground. The Mud
Elemental is vulnerable to fire and lightning attacks, so choosing this element can be
dangerous. Somewhat resembling the Earth Elemental, most of the exterior is replaced
by transparent water vines and has more plant life attached to it. Its base attack is a ball
of poison mud, which sticks to the foe for five seconds and drains him/her five hit points.
Second attack is a bigger ball of mud, and it slows down the enemies within the hit

Lava Element (Earth + Fire)

More related to the Fire Elemental, but a bit bigger, slower, and stronger. The strength
increases while the defense decreases. Covered with molten rock with lava spewing from
the cracks, this Elemental is very dangerous in close combat. Base attack is a fireball,
and when it hits either a foe or a wall, it explodes like the Flak gunshot. Second attack is
stomp on the ground and a column of fire coming up.

Ice Element (Water + Wind)

A smooth exterior, but with sharp edges. The face seems to be an ice sculpture of a
woman’s face. The base attack is an icicle that fires from the hand, which does minimal
damage. The second attack is an ice beam that freezes foes for a few seconds. Think of
the Ice Titan from Hercules.


Dumbulo- Earth
Bigger than all other Elementals and NPCs (except Drakol), this monster is a half breed
of a giant elephant and a man. Dumbulo is one of many that are hunting down the
Cyphers. His kind is very powerful, yet very slow moving. They can charge or swing a
club wildly.

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Bog Knight- Mud
Once a vile death knight in an ancient realm long ago, he was known to rape queens and
drink the blood of kings. Hearing a legend of a goblet that gave eternal life, the death
knight sought it out for years… Then coming upon it and drinking from it, he was
tricked! It was a false legend created by a trickster God that stripped him of death,
leaving him to roam the realm forever… The death knight grew tired of walking among
mortals, and decided to rest in a foreign land until the end of time. Yet fate decreed that
it was not so, and he was awoken once again by the Cyphers who tried to extract the
mystical energies from the land.

The Death Knight was split and transformed in many skeletal knights by the Cyphers’
machines. They wield unholy powers that zap life from their foes, and call upon the
swamps insects to feast on any victims’ flesh. The Bog Knights are the same size as a 2nd
class Elemental, yet move a bit faster.

Thantilis- Air
A sad and twisted tale for such honorable hunters. Once proud and strong group hunters
of a warrior tribe in a distant land, they fought against the Cyphers who tried to extract
the land’s power. During the battle, an extracting machine blew up next to a group of
hunters, which changed their faces and minds. The remaining tribe saw them to be
unreliable to fight in battles and too twisted to look upon, thus they banished the
unfortunate hunters from the tribe. Seeking a way to regain their original form, they
found a tower that said to contain vast knowledge and secrets of the world.

It was all lies when they climbed to the highest floor, only to finding nothing but a
winged demon! After winning the fight, the hunters gained the demon’s power which
granted them faster agility and a bow and arrow.

They are as small as the size six Elementals, but much stronger and more agile. Uses a
bow and arrow for a weapon. Their first attack is a charged shot, and the second is multi-

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Zer-Ar Nefrit- Fire
Rumored to be the failed servants of a Fire-beetle king, these runaways became kings of
their own land. Able to wield the powers of flame, they had no trouble at all killing any
of their foes. Not as big as Dumbulos tribe, but just as dangerous . Their base attack is a
fire blast, and the secondary attack is a whip.

Bigfoot- Ice

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Lives high up in the Snowy Alps, awaiting helpless victims. This twisted group of
creatures shows no mercy to anyone, and their bloodthirsty rage is uncontrollable. Has
ice breath attack, or hits with an ice club.

Nkrumah- Water
A vicious tribe of water warriors that can swim fast, and are known to slay foes within
seconds. They usually wait for the victim to be at the waters edge before they strike.
Nkrumah’s jab with their spears for minimal damage, and side swipe, hitting for medium

Griffons- Lightning
Who said all Griffons were loyal and holy creatures? These beasts were abused and
mistreated by a wicked wizard, but ate him when he was too careless with the leash.

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Now soaring through the skies looking for their next meal, the Griffons can summon
lightning, or perform a dash attack.

Manticors- Lava
A funny looking creature, yet very deadly with its stinger. Has the face of a monkey, the
body of a lion, wings of a bat, and the tail of a scorpion. The Manticors are able to
summon mini volcanoes that emit flames, or to sting if an enemy gets too close.

Drakol- Void
Fury of the unholy thunder, god of bloodshed, turmoil, and damnation, Drakol is the
bastard king of all evil. He clashed against many ancient Gods, raping all worlds of their
majestic beauty, and showing no mercy to any life. Tragedy follows as soon as his
named is whispered, rain of blood covers the land, and the souls of the damned rise as he
enters into a world. Pride of demons reaches its peak, and Drakol claims all in his

The only way to fight against this vile tyrant is to be a minimum of size seven, and ready
your courage. He’s bigger than the Dumbulo, fast moving, and has high defense. His
base attack is a large bone lance that fires from his hand, the second is a rush of damned
souls coming from his shadow. Winning against him will only be for obtaining one of
each shard.

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Story Synopsis
Not long after the universe came into existence, gases coalesced into stars, and their
gravity caused great planets composed of heavy matter to orbit around them. On one
such planet, conditions were just right for life…and so life flourished. Unlike most
worlds, however, this one lived in a very real sense. Sentient and connected to all life on
the planet, this Entity watched over the cycle of life and death to ensure that all would
stay in a state of balance, and that life would maintain itself without action.

Over the course of time, a new kind of creature appeared on the world. These beings,
who came to call themselves Cyphers, were aware of their surroundings like the Entity,
but were also driven by powerful curiosity to learn all they could about the world they
lived on. Essentially a peaceful people, they lived in relative harmony with their
environment, and so did not require any serious observation on the part of the Entity. At
one point, they learned how to harness the raw, fundamental components of existence to
make themselves stronger, larger, and more powerful than they had ever dreamed
possible. To this end, they erected towering monoliths around the planet in key locations
to draw the very essence of the world to the surface. These monoliths brought forth
objects of concentrated elemental power, which the Cyphers named ‘shards.’ Consuming
the shards at a monolith would allow a Cypher to become a being of godlike power, with
mastery over all the elements and life itself.

The Entity, fearing the balance of life would be irrevocably disrupted by the actions of
the Cyphers, created powerful Guardians to oppose the progress of any cypher who
attempted to collect what power the monoliths had drawn. In addition, he had the
Guardians tear down the monoliths so that no more essence could be drained from the
planet. The Cyphers, who had never thought the world itself would rise to obstruct them,
were terrified. Many advocated abandoning the plan entirely and letting the shards return
to the earth. However, the most ambitious of the Cyphers ignored these pleas for peace
and set out to gather the elemental shards that had appeared, so as to become the most
powerful beings the world had ever seen. None would stand in their path to godhood –
not the Entity, not his Guardians, not even their fellow Cyphers! Others, realizing that
not acting could doom the world, ventured forth to oppose their power-hungry brethren
and destroy the monoliths once and for all.

And the Entity, vowing to wipe clean the Cyphers from the world if the balance became
imperiled, watched the growing conflict carefully, waiting to see if his intervention would
be necessary…

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Specific Art Direction
• Temples of Elemental Power – Each temple should be of a classical Greek design;
stepped base leading up, columns, slanted roof, and the statue or icon representing
the power in the middle. The size should be smallish, like a shrine, so it should be
no more than 20 feet or so per side. The exception is the combined temple, which
is larger sized.

• Monoliths – The monoliths are all different in appearance, but all share common
characteristics: they are the largest feature in the landscape, and are often the
centralized feature. For example, the Air Monolith has been illustrated as a spire
of crystal, while the Earth Monolith is large stones stacked one atop the another.
• Lighting and environment – the overall exterior lighting is a generic, middle-of-
the-day sunlight. The internal lighting schemes shift slightly toward one of the
elemental colors, as appropriate. Assuming the Unreal engine is used, rain effects
are appropriate in Water areas and lightning in Air areas. The environmental
background noises also reflect the environments; wind whistling, fire crackling,
water susurrating, and earth rumbling.

Style Guide

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 40

The typeface for the cover is Abaddon for the words “master” and “elements”, and the
typeface Angst for “of”. All future logos and copy should be in a style similar to the
main logo. The typeface within the game can be the Unreal standard typeface for ease of

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Level Summaries
Masters of the Elements is composed of five levels – five large environments, each with
its own geographical character and gameplay goals and possibilities. A summary of each
of these levels follows.


The island of called Avalon is a majestic land filled with mystery and wonder. The
Monolith Nexus is located on the central island, high above on the cliffs. There are a
total of four spawn points for the players, each located in the four different environments,
Earthly Mound, River of Magma, Crystal Lake, and the Snowy Alps. Tall bridge-like
roads extrude from the ocean, creating a path for the Cyphers to cross. The Earthly
Mound is a huge hill of broken earth and mud. The Earth Elemental starts in this area.
The Crystal Lake is frozen and void of water life. The Water Elemental starts in this
area. The River of Magma is the path of testament for beginning warriors to see if they
can withstand the wrath of flame and heat. It runs through many different steps of
terrain, but the river itself can be walked on by all tiers of Elementals. The Fire
Elemental starts in this area. The Snowy Alps is located in the north, where strong winds
blow across the snowy landscape.

Canyon of Ancients

The Canyon of the Ancients is a massive winding canyon where the ancient Cyphers first
discovered the secret of bonding with the elements. Some of the old ruins are still there,
worn by the passage of time and the previous destruction of the monoliths. The climate
is dry and arid, with huge, rocky mountains and deep crevasses. A river flows through
the canyon into two small lakes. A small waterfall feeds the river in the northeast. The
canyon is split into three levels. The bottom level is where most of the river lies. The
second level borders the bottom, slowly sloping outward towards the outer canyon walls.
The third level borders the second and is bounded on the other side by the impassible
canyon walls. Some caves and structures are carved into the solid stone walls of the
canyon. The monolith nexus is up in the mountains along the canyon.

Fortune City

Fortune City Waterfalls contains four main areas. Fortune City itself is a city built on a
split waterfall. The city is expansive and modern. The city is broken up into two primary
locations. The majority of the city is placed on the High Ground above the waterfall,
while the rest is located at the bottom of the waterfall on the Low Ground. Two
volcanoes bracket the High Ground portion. The leftward volcano spouts only natural
lava. The rightward volcano spouts only steam. In between, the High and Low Ground
are various ways of transporting to and from each section of the city. These include rock

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 42

paths, man-made bridges, hot air balloons, and using the waterfall itself. At the bottom
of the waterfall is Lake Prosper. The Low Ground portion of the city is located
downstream. A giant whale is a “guardian” of the city (Low Ground portion), and holds
many shards and items for the player to collect.

Great Plains

An endless sea of grass and rolling hills, the Great Plains is a place of great power where
the Cyphers placed one of their many monoliths. Since the monolith began drawing
elemental shards to the surface, the ground beneath it has mysteriously sunk, leaving the
elemental power conduit resting in a massive bowl-shaped depression. A deep canyon
nearby is riddled with caves and small passages that connect throughout the area, and
high hills give observers a clear view of the landscape. This ecosystem is both expansive
and delicate, and as such the Entity has summoned many Guardians to protect the

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 43

landscape from rampaging Cyphers.

Lost Sanctuary

The Lost Sanctuary contains five major realms: Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Void. The
Air realm is floating high above the other realms. It is connected to the ocean and Void
Realm through small bridges and stairs. The Water Realm is connected to Fire and Void
through a series of rocks. The Fire realm is connected to Void through a stone bridge.
Also, the Fire Realm is partly merged with the earth realm. The Earth Realm is
connected to the Void by a long rope bridge. Each realm is connected to the Ocean. The
monolith nexus is located inside of the Temple of the Four Elements in the Void Realm.

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 44

Level Designs

Map Size: Small
Number of players: 3-6
Shards of each element required to win: 3
Maximum Pickup Size: 9

Back Story
The island of called Avalon is a majestic land filled with mystery and wonder. The
Cyphers discovered this island through a test run of one of their portals, and began to
extract the mystical energies from all over. Little did they know that ancient and powerful
warriors protected the land when it’s in danger… There were numerous attacks on the
extracting machines that the Cyphers built, and it seemed that these warriors could not be
stopped. So the Cyphers decided to leave the land for good, leaving it scarred and in ruin.

However there was a portal left open by accident when the Cyphers escaped, and
unnoticed by Avalon’s protectors… Many years later, the portal was once again used by
the power hungry Cyphers to obtain more of the mystical energy, and the ancient
warriors now protect some of the shards.

Level Summary
The Monolith Nexus was built on the central island, high above on the cliffs. There are a
total of 4 spawn points for the players, each located in the 4 different environments,
Earthly Mound, River of Magma, Crystal Lake and the Snowy Alps. Tall bridge like
roads extrude from the ocean, creating a path for the Cyphers to cross. If a Water
Elemental wishes to walk on the ocean, it can not cross the extruded bridges, because
they also act as walls to limit the advantage of the Water Elementals movement.

Each of the power-ups for each element is within the space of where they start. However,
the small size power-ups are close to the spawn points, whereas the bigger power-ups are
put further away for the player to venture out. For example, the big fire power-ups would
be located somewhere near the earth area. There are passageways/bridges that would be
too small for the big elementals to cross, and there are bridges too high for the smaller
elementals to get on. Some of the terrain are closed in enough for a smaller elemental to
move around in and don’t give enough space for a bigger elemental to get in. There are
higher planes that small elementals can not jump up onto, yet the bigger elementals can
easy step on up.

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Each spawn point is located in each elemental area.

Earth Area
The Earthly Mound was considered holy ground for the mystics that once lived on
the island, but now it’s nothing more than a huge hill of broken earth and mud.
The Earth Elemental starts in this area.

Water Area
The Crystal Lake was once a lake filled with beauty and plenty of water game, but
now most is frozen and lost most of its water life. The Water Elemental starts in
this area.

Fire Area
The River of Magma was and still is the path of testament for beginning warriors,
only for those who can withstand the wrath of flame and heat. It runs through
many different steeps of terrain, but the river itself can be walked on by all tiers of
Elementals. The Fire Elemental starts in this area.

Wind Area
The Snowy Alps is located in the north, where strong winds blow across the
snowy landscape. A Cypher can obtain both Ice and Wind pick-ups if he/she
chooses to. On the eastern part of the island, a larger Elemental can climb on the
higher ground to gain more shards, yet face bigger NPCs.

Art Direction
Imagine a land once filled with magic and beauty, turned to ruin and now starting to
regain what it once was. Each Elemental area is heavy to what it is, for example the River
of Magma would have volcanoes surrounding some of the edges, lava rocks some of the
pathways, heat emitting from the river itself. The sky is clear with the sun overhead, and
birds flying around. There aren’t any sort of housing structures or temples, not even
interior passage ways. The level is open, but with plateaus that act as walls.

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Asset List
Air Pick-Ups
1. Gust of wind (With leaves)
2. Gust of wind (With snow)
3. Tornado (over land)
4. Hurricane (over water)

Earth Pick-Ups
1. Small rocks
2. Boulders
3. Jade
4. Diamonds

Fire Pick-Ups
1. Coal
2. Oily puddles
3. Dead trees
4. Dead plants

Water Pick-Ups
1. Coral
2. Sea Shells

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3. Huge Starfish
4. Sea Sponges

Non Pick-Up Meshes

1. Ghost ship
2. Snowman
3. Steel/metal bridges
4. Volcanoes
5. Small and large animal bones
6. Tombs
7. Bog/swamp
8. Moss
9. Birds
10. Plateaus

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Canyon of Ancients
Map Size: Large
Number of Players: 8-16
Shards of each element requires to win: 3
Maximum Pick up Size: 12

Back Story
The Canyon of the Ancients is the massive winding canyon where the ancient Cyphers
first discovered the secret of bonding with the elements. Some of the old ruins are still
here, worn by the passage of time and the previous destruction of the monoliths.

Level Summary
The climate is dry and arid, with huge rocky mountains and deep crevasses. A river
flows through the canyon into two small lakes. A small waterfall feeds the river in the
northeast. The canyon is stepped in three levels; the bottom level is where most of the
river lies. The second level borders the bottom, slowly sloping outward towards the outer
canyon walls. The third level borders the second and is bounded on the other side by the
impassible canyon walls. Some caves and structures are carved into the solid stone walls
of the canyon. The monolith nexus is up in the mountains along the canyon.

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The Canyon of the Ancients has multiple ledges along the canyon, making for a stepped
effect. Players start in the upper canyon surrounding the Monolith Nexus. Of course,
there’s not much in the way of powerups their size there, so they will be drawn down into
the canyons or out into the various elemental areas. There are passages and rooms carved
into the cliffs themselves that serve as good places to pick up shards for low-level
players. Once players hit size four or five, they will no longer fit in most passages, but
they can climb back up onto the middle cliffs. There they can battle NPCs for more
shards and elements, eventually being able to get to the various ledges that require size
seven, eight or nine for better shards. The water enters the canyon in the Air section, as a
double waterfall that flows over the upper plateau. This area is somewhat hidden from
the rest of the level via clever zoning, so should not adversely affect the performance.

Air Section
The Air area is up in the mountains in passes and valleys above the massive
canyon. Here also is the waterfall, where a level 8 Minitaur guards an air shard.
Mid-level Bigfoot prowl the inner passes, guarding the shards and elements there
from the Cyphers. There are also various small interior areas in the Air area with
some shards to be found for smaller characters.

Earth Section
The Earth section is the southwestern section of the map. The river winds
through it, and similar to the Fire section, there are interiors for sizes up to three
and four, ledges for four and up, and upper ledges available only to nine sized
players. There are some interiors up on the higher ledges that can fit much larger
players, but are all guarded by fierce NPCs

Fire Section
The Fire section consists of the southeastern portion of the canyon as well as Fire
Gulch. The fire section of the Canyon of Ancients has a few small interiors
available to ransack for shards for low-level characters. The same section also
has some high ledges only available to size seven and above, holding some more
shards. Fire Gulch is another smaller canyon that goes off to the east of the map,
infested with mid-level fire beasties. It can only be reached by size six or better
players. The innermost section of it is too narrow for sizes larger than nine,
however. The shards for larger players are up on massive pillars in the valley and
guarded by powerful griffins.

Water Section
The Water section contains two small lakes. In the center of the larger lake is an
island that is guarded by a few medium level NPCs. There are small temple areas
for low level players, though one is up on a high ledge: it can be reached by going
through some of the Air passages or by running along the ledge from the
Monolith Nexus area.

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Art Direction
The Canyon of the Ancients was heavily inspired by the Grand Canyon, and the ancient
city of Petra, Jordan. The ground is red rock, and scrub scatter the plateaus above the
canyon itself. Near the river is lush with green plants, but the rest of the terrain should be
somewhat barren. All the ledges slope upward slightly towards the taller area because of
fallen debris.

Asset List

Elemental Pickups
• Gusts of wind (leaves scattering about)
• Gusts of wind (dust scattering)
• Dust Devils
• Large tornadoes
• Columns
• Broken Columns
• Stalactites/Stalagmites
• Small stones
• Medium stones
• Large stones
• Stone Archway
• Dry sticks
• Dry brush
• Coal

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• Small Dry trees (snag)
• Large Dry trees (snag)
• Dripping Water
• Puddle
• Streams
• Pool
• River
• Waterfalls
Other Static Meshes/Effects
• Hovering vultures

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Fortune City
Map size: Large
Players: 7-14
Shards of each element required: 6
Maximum pickup size limit: 12

Back Story
Fortune City is a city build on a waterfall. The city is expansive and modern. Norwegian
architecture make up the village homes on the outskirts, while tall skyscrapers and statues
fill the inner city. Fortune City Waterfalls contains four main areas. Fortune City itself is
a city built on a split waterfall. The city is expansive and modern. Gas, coal, and fire are
the main fuels within the city. Norwegian architecture make up the village homes on the
outskirts, while tall skyscrapers and statues fill the inner city. Clydesdale Square, located
in the heart of the city above the waterfall, is the main location where players converge
once they have accomplished the prerequisite tasks.

Level Summary
The city is broken up into two primary locations. The majority of the city is placed on the
High Ground above the waterfall, while the rest is located at the bottom of the waterfall
on the Low Ground. Two volcanoes surround the High Ground portion. The leftward
volcano spouts out only natural lava. The rightward volcano spouts out only steam. Sun
rocks are spread near the rightward volcano, and mist bubbles float close to the leftward
volcano. Sun rocks are yellow, heated rocks that absorb the sun’s energy and emit fire-
like plasma. In-between the High Ground and Low Ground are various ways of
transporting to and from each section of the city. These include rock paths, man-made
bridges, air balloons, and using the waterfall itself. At the bottom of the waterfall is Lake
Prosper. Lake Prosper is infested with fire-breathing fish, wind blowing dolphin, and a
giant whale. The Low Ground portion of the city is located downstream. The giant whale
is a “guardian” of the city (Low Ground portion), and holds many shards and items for
the player to collect.

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Whale Shards
Shards on top of the whale are available to smaller characters. The whale is not
bothered by smaller characters, which allow them to collect the shards unscathed.
To provide a challenge to medium and large sized characters, the NPC whale
swings his tail and matches his strength to the character’s size, when engaged.
Medium and large sized characters can access two areas in the whale. The mouth
and the stomach both contain shards. Medium sized wind shards are located in the
whale’s stomach. Debris and sunken ships are located in the whale’s stomach,
allowing for more scenery while looking for shards (the throat would be too
cramped). NPC guardian animals protect these shards. There are sail ships, pirate
ships, and the blow organ within the whale’s stomach. The blow organ can propel
the character out of the whale through the blowhole. Medium earth shards are
available when the character does this. The whale’s tongue and teeth act as

Volcano Shards
Various NPC guardian animals guard the shards on the volcanoes. The leftward
volcano, located on a crater has a large fire type shard within it that is only
accessible when the player is at the maximum size. The crater acts as a
distinguishing feature that aesthetically helps separate it from the other volcano.
Maximum size characters must break the volcano in order to retrieve the shard.
There is no guardian for this shard. Shards designed for medium sized players lie
on the top of the volcano. Earth and fire type guardians protect the shards. Caves
within the base of the volcano have shards for small players. The guardians in the
caves are fire type.

The rightward volcano also has a large fire type shard that is only accessible to
maximum sized players when they break the volcano. There is no guardian for
this shard either. The rightward volcano features two openings with wind and
water guardians in the middle. Medium sized players must travel to the top of the
volcano to find shards. Water guardians protect these shards and they cannot be
beaten by small players. These shards are accessible primarily to medium sized
players. Shards for small players lie near the bottom of the volcano. Fire type
guardians protect the shards floating in the steam caves.

City Shards
Earth shards are primarily located on the Low Ground portion of the city, while
wind shards are located on the High Ground portion of the city. Shards are in
buildings and monuments. The sizes of the shards are proportional to the size of
the object they are in. Shards in large skyscrapers are for large players, shards in
fountains are for small players, and so on. Stairs and other means of transportation
for small players will end halfway up the large skyscrapers. NPC human

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characters guard shards of all sizes in both sections of the city. Ground guardians
are the main obstacles for small and medium sized players, while air guardians are
the main obstacles for large players.

Art Direction
Fortune City is a very vibrant and modern city. The buildings are based off Norwegian
architecture. There are many fountains, sculptures and landmarks scattered around in the
city. The whale is large and powerful. There are 16th century, dirty sunken ships and
debris inside the whale. The volcanoes have rugged paths that are encrusted with molten
lava. The surrounding rocks are filled with jewels, yet are scuffed and dirty. The waterfall
is saltwater with many colorful, live animals.

Asset List

Static Meshes and Effects

• Whale
• Sunken ship
• Cargo debris
• Dolphins
• Seals

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• Bridges
• Buildings
• Stairs
• Chairs
• Tables
• Cups
• Fountains
• Air balloons
• Air vehicles
• Land vehicles
• Boats
• Sculptures
• Rivers
• Big waterfalls
• Lava eruption
• Lake
• Large island



Gusts of wind
Birds swirling in circles
Dust devils


Small island


Lava rocks
Lava goo


Vent of steam

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Little waterfalls

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Great Plains
Map Size: Medium
Players: 4-8
Shards of each element required: 2 (8 shards total)
Maximum Pickup Size: 7 (max player size 9)

Back Story
An endless sea of grass and rolling hills, the Great Plains is a place of great power where
the Cyphers placed one of their many monoliths. Since the monolith began drawing
elemental shards to the surface, the ground beneath it has mysteriously sunk, leaving the
elemental power conduit resting in a massive bowl-shaped depression.

Level Summary
A deep canyon nearby is riddled with caves and small passages that connect throughout
the area, and high hills give observers a clear view of the landscape. Prone to frequent
thunderstorms, any tall vegetation is usually set ablaze before long, with cleansing fires
clearing out large sections of undergrowth at a time. This ecosystem is both expansive
and delicate, and as such the Entity has summoned many Guardians to protect the
landscape from rampaging Cyphers, though the brave and ambitious will surely find
ways to overcome them and gain the power they seek.

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The monolith nexus is at the bottom of a bowl shaped depression. Four cave passages
connect to the depression, allowing players size three or smaller to sneakily move in and
out of the area. The map has eight start locations that surround the monolith; four above
ground on the plains, and four in cave passages that lead out of the depression. Caves
connect to all parts of the map, giving smaller players numerous ways to move through
the level that the larger players cannot get to.

Air Area
The Air area takes up most of the map south of the nexus, and consists primarily
of grassy hills and tall mesas. Three big hills have a triangular network of
passages that lead to a central room with a shard. An outcropping in the
southeastern corner can only be scaled by a size five or larger elemental, and
leads to an above-ground cave passage that has a maximum height of size six.
Two other hills in the west hold shards for bigger elementals; one for size five or
larger players, and the other for size seven or larger players. Caves beneath the
Air area contain shards for smaller elementals.

Earth Area
The Earth area is in the northernmost part of the map. A long rock bridge extends
over a deep canyon, and in the middle of the bridge rests an Earth shard. The
bridge is tall enough that even a size nine elemental can walk under it, and the
canyon is low enough that only a size eight or nine element can jump out onto the
plains above. Smaller characters can either take the ramps up, or use the network
of cave passages. Many shards are located in the caves, and a few are accessible
only by size four or larger players on top of rock pillars in the canyon. The
largest Earth shard sits atop a massive mesa on the plains, and is only scalable by
a size seven or larger elemental.

Fire Area

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The Fire area is in the east. A massive hill in the eastern corner holds four shards:
one behind the hill accessible by any player; two separated by gaps that only a
size five or larger elemental can jump over; and one on the tallest part of the hill,
surrounded by a very deep gap that only a size seven or larger elemental can
cross. Several others are located in nearby caves and pits.

Water Area
The Water area is to the west and northwest of the nexus. A massive mesa in the
plains is the location of the largest shards, and can only be acquired by a size
seven or larger elemental. Two platforms ringed by gaps hold shards available to
size four or larger elementals, and one rock pillar in the canyon has a Water shard
at the top for size five or larger players. The caves in the Water area connect to
the Earth and Air areas, and contain many shards only accessible by size three or
smaller elementals.

Art Direction
Windswept, grassy plains, with short brush being the tallest vegetation. The canyon and
mesas are carved out of yellow limestone, giving the whole terrain a green and yellow
color scheme. The water area is full of green, healthy grass, while the fire area is black
and ashen, with dry, flammable plant life.

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Asset List
Low brush
Short trees
Mineral deposits/crystals

Gentle breezes
Gusts of wind
Dust devils

Piles of rocks
Pillar of stone

Dripping oil
Dry grass
Dry brush
Dead tree

Dripping water

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Lost Sanctuary
Map Size: Large
Number of Players: 8-16
Shards of each element requires to win: 3
Maximum Pick up Size: 12

Back Story
The Lost Sanctuary of the Four Elements was the ancient place where the God
Elementals used to reside. When the Guardian destroyed the monolith nexus, a large
explosion of energy destroyed all Cyphers in the area. The Cyphers’ utopia eventually
sank to the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again. However due to the rise of new
monoliths built around the world, the sanctuary has risen from the depths of the ocean.

Level Summary
The Lost Sanctuary contains five major realms: Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Void. The
Air realm is floating high above the other realms. It is connected to the ocean and Void
Realm through small bridges and stairs. The Water Realm is connected to Fire and Void
through a series of rocks. The Fire realm is connected to Void through a stone bridge.
Also the Fire Realm is partly merged with the earth realm. The Earth Realm is connected
to the Void Realm by a long rope bridge. Each realm is connected to the Ocean. The
monolith nexus is located inside of the Temple of the Four Elements in the Void Realm.

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Void Realm
The Void realm is a large mountain area where all of the elements are in balance.
Small picks ups of each element can be found here. This area is a perfect place for
the beginning stage. Players can easily gather elements, and slowly make their
way out. There are small passages in the mountain for size one to six to take
cover. At the center of the Void realm is the Temple of the Four Elements.

Air Realm
The Air realm are a set of floating land masses located North West of the Void
Realm. Land masses are connected by long sets of stairs. The Players can access
this area at any size. The area contains small to medium large pickups for Earth
and Air. Also there are some small to medium water pickups near the waterfall.
On the other smaller floating islands, there are small temples, and ruins. Due to
little vegetation in this area, the Air element’s attack is a lot more useful. They
can use gust of winds to blow enemies off the floating land masses. On the largest
floating land mass is the Air Temple.

Earth Realm
The Earth Realm is located on a large mountain located east of the Void Realm.
The Earth realm is over-run with vines and large plants. The area is scattered with
boulders of all sizes. The Earth area is populated with small and medium large
pickups for Earth and Fire. Players of all sizes can access this area. The Air
element is at a disadvantage here. Since the area is filled with trees and
vegetation, it is difficult for air elements to get a clear shot. Near the top of the tall

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 89

mountain is the Earth Temple.

Water Realm
The Water Realm is located south of the Air Realm. The water realm is a long
island scattered with small to medium-large Water and Earth pickups. There are
small numbers of air pickups near the top of the island. The water area is
accessible to everybody, but Fire Elementals would have a hard time reaching the
area. Inside the large mountain of the Water Realm is the Water Temple.

Fire Realm
The Fire Realm is located southeast of the Void Realm. The fire area contains an
active volcano with a large lava river flowing from the top. The lava river
eventually merges with the ocean. The area contains small to medium-large Fire
and Earth pickups. Near the edges of the Fire Realm are small water pickups.
Even though there are water pickups nearby, the water element is at a
disadvantage. The area is over flooded by molten lava, and flames bursting from
the volcano. At the center of the volcano is the Fire Temple.

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Temple of the Four Elements
This temple is the center piece of the level. It is located at the top of the void
mountain. The temple is large and only size ten to twelve elementals can easily
enter through the main doors. The stairs that at the front of the entrances is too
high to jump over by elements under size six. At the center of the temple is the
monolith nexus. Although size ten to twelve elementals can enter through the
main entrances, there are small holes and paths which smaller elementals can
enter through. Elementals size seven to nine have to jump up each stair to reach
the center of the temple.

Air Temple
The Air Temple located at the heart of the largest floating landmass. Much like
the temple of the four elements, it too has small paths and holes through which
elementals size one to six can access. Elementals size seven to nine can access the
air temple by climbing up the temple walls, and dropping through a skylight. In
the temple, the Air Shards are located on a small pedestal; however surrounding
the pedestal is a giant hole. Only Size ten to twelve elementals can jump across
this huge gap.

Earth Temple
The Earth Temple resides high in the Earth Realm’s Mountains. Size ten to twelve
elementals can easily access it by jumping a series of ridges. Size seven through

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 91

nine elementals have to climb up the tall treacherous cliff to reach the temple.
Size one to six elementals have small paths and holes through which they can gain
access. Inside the temple are the Earth Shards.

Water Temple
The Water Temple is located inside of the water realm’s island. The temple is
surrounded by a deep lake. Size ten to twelve elementals can gain access to the
temple by jumping a series of rocks to reach the center. Size seven to nine
elementals have to jump a long series of small rocks to reach the temple. Size one
to six elementals have to find a small cavern entrance, and travel through of a web
of tunnels to reach the temple. Inside of the temple are the Water Shards.

Fire Temple
The Fire Temple floats over the top of the volcano. Size ten to twelve elementals
can jump across the gap to access the temple. Size one through nine has to cross a
thick rope connecting the temple and volcano. The ropes are a fail safe device, if
the temple should ever fall into the volcano. It is easier for size one to six to cross
the rope because they are smaller. However size seven to nine has a more difficult
time crossing the rope because they have to worry about balance. As the player
gets larger, it becomes easier to walk of the rope, and fall into the lava. Inside of

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the Fire Temple are the Fire Shards.

Art Direction
The Architecture in the level is heavily inspired by Ancient Greece. The temples have
elements from Greek/Roman Architecture. The four main areas would reflect the
dominating element. In the fire realm the land is scorched, and there is barely and life.
Dead plant life is littered through out the volcano. The water realm is an oasis
environment. The island is a large mountain surrounded by sand. There is some
vegetation. The Air Realm is a chain of floating islands. Abandon ruins are scattered
through out the floating islands. The earth realm is a jungle environment. There is a lot of
foliage and shrubbery. The jungle sits on earth realm’s mountain. The temple of the Four
Element’s architecture resembles the Roman Pantheon. Instead of having one entrance it
has four. At the top of the Pantheon is a large oculus at the center of the dome.

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Asset List

Void Realm
• Temple of the Four Elements
o Greek/Roman Columns
o Greek/Roman Ruins
o Four Elemental Statues
o Dome of the Temple
o Four Façades to the Temple’s entrances
o Stairs
o Temple supports for the Interior
• Realm
o Destroyed Ruins
o Abandoned buildings
o Broken Parts of Statues

Fire Realm
• Fire Temple
o Temple that houses the shards (Fire Style)
o Torches
o Temple Supports(Fire Style)
o Statues (Fire Style)
o Façade entrances
o Support ropes
• Realm
o Stone Bridge
o Relief statues (Fire Style)
o Columns(Fire Style)
o Stairs (Fire Style)

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o Land Bridge

Water Realm
• Water Temple
o Façade Entrance into the water cavern (Water Style)
o Temple Building (Water Style)
o Columns(Water Style)
o Temple Supports(Water Style)
o Water Tunnel entrances/exits (Water Style)
o Small islands
• Realm
o Small bridges (Water Style)
o Ice Statues/ Water fountain statue (water)
o Broken Ruins (Water Style)

Earth Realm
• Earth Temple
o Façade Entrance into the cave (Earth Style)
o Fountain (Earth Style)
o Columns (Earth Style)
o Inner circular temple (Earth Style)
o Statues (Earth Style)
• Realm
o Large trees
o Small land bridges
o Long rope Bridge

Air Realm
• Air Temple
o Large façade for the main entrance (Air Style)
o two smaller facades for side entrances (Air Style)
o Temple supports (Air Style)
o Inner Temple structure (Air Style)
o Statues (Air Style)
• Realm
o Stairs (Air Style)
o Temple ruins (Air Style)
o Floating Islands

• Air
o Gust of winds
o Cyclones
o Feathers

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o Hurricane
• Earth
o Boulders
o Ruins
o Statues
o Stone Bridge

• Water
o Waterfall
o Seashells
o Whirlpools
o Fountain
• Fire
o Embers
o Dead trees
o Coal
o Dead/dry vegetation
o Dry Rope Bridge

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The opening screen

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Appendix A: Previous Design
Masters of Elements is the result of six weeks of concentrated effort by the AICASF
Senior Project Planning class of fall, 2005. Due various personality conflicts and
disagreements over game design, the original concept – generally referred to as The
Scourge – was discarded half way through the quarter, but not after some good work had
been produced. Below are samples of that work.

Design Elements
The following paragraphs include design drafts of various degrees of completion.


Nearing the end of World War 2, German scientists conducted experiments to

make the dead come back to life and to continue the battle for Germany. Through many
trials and errors, they were not successful in granting the Hitler’s wishes. The Germans
were making progress, but were missing something vital from there experiments. The
bodies that were being experimented on would show signs of reanimation, but then would
fall apart and liquefy. The scientists knew something was missing, a few key ingredients
for creating an army of “super soldiers”.
It was too late though; the Allied forces overran the Nazi army, and either stole or
destroyed the experiments they had set up in their facilities. Yet one facility stayed
hidden deep underground, where it held many of Germany’s greatest secrets. A few days
before the war ended; Russian soldiers found an entrance to this secret lab and stole the
documentation of the experiments held within. Bringing them back to their government
officials, the Russian scientists busily worked to finish the work Germany had started.
With every passing year Russian scientists came closer to solving the dilemma at
hand. Soon the mutations were being successful with the help of nuclear technology; the
Russian government wanted these beings to be the new soldiers of their army. Having to
go through numerous trials, experiments, and seeing their other kin being killed because
they were weaker than the others, the mutated experiments started to rebel against their
masters. Remembering only fragments of their past human life, they now have the fire of
revenge burning in the. Gathering together in their cages, they plan for the opportunity to
strike back.


At the beginning of the Cold War both Russia and America sent spies to gather
information on each other. American spies have reported back to Washington with news
of an outbreak in a small Russian lab compound. They were telling of blood curdling
screams being heard from the vents around the building, and that people who once
walked in and out stopped coming out. Being wary of what is to come if they lead their
troops into such a place, the American officials formed a team of professionals to find out
what exactly is happening. A chopper outside of the Pentagon awaited, and escorted the
team towards their destination. There, standing in the falling snow and looking ahead,

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your group must now face unspeakable dangers, and horrors that will chill your spine.

The Scourge is a race of mutated humans with developing powers, such as the
ability to regenerate their flesh and being able to infect their victims with the mutation.
There are five classes to the Scourge, which all have their strengths and weaknesses. So it
is up to the player to decide which class suites best to him/her. If all five players on the
Scourge side choose to be the Queen, then they must be prepared to face the human side
that might be more diverse in their class choosing.

Scourge Classes:

Meat Shield- These used to be humans become twisted and mutated into slow, massive,
flesh and boney giants. They either stay with the Queen or are the front line in battle.
Their left arm is long and boney, with a huge bone blade to skewer any foe. As for their
right arm, it’s a big meaty shield to protect itself against enemy attacks. But it won’t hold
out for long, because it will start to wear and tear on itself after many attacks.

Scourge Namir- Quick and deadly, the Scourge Namir is a lightweight that runs swiftly
on all fours. It’s a tough target to hit, but can be killed with only a few shots. The SS’s
forehead is wide and bony, protecting it from head on attacks. It also has three claws on
each hand, and a tail to help keep balance. The shimmering grey scales and slim
extruding bones make it look sleek and symmetrical.

Scourge Aviators- Small, quick, and most annoying, the Scourge Aviators fly about to
scout new areas for the expansion of the hive. They shoot small needles that are sticky
with poison, but leave a trail behind the needle of where they shoot, making them easily
traceable to the Scourge Aviator. The Queen usually treats them like small birds, and
swats them away to stop the annoying humming noise they make.

Scourge Grunts- Newly developed of the Scourge, and less deadly than the rest. The
Scourge Grunts still maintain much the human host’s form, but have their hands replaced
with small boney blasters that fire out bone spikes. Really ugly looking and dumber than
the rest, it’s the best choice for new players to face.

Queen- She can spew out little spider-like creatures that will explode on contact, and has
long claws that can really damage a foe. The Queen can also fly, but slower than the
Scourge Aviators. When one of her kin is having a tough time battling, she can “buff”
them up by restoring their health.

Soldiers of various world military groups.

Medic- German medics that can heal and revive the troop members. Can wield HK MP5
and P37/PPK.

Riflemen- Scottish specialists trained in the usage of the AK47, Frag grenade, and pistol.

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Snipers- British snipers that make head shots their daily work. Uses AWP and Deagle.

Demolitions- Leave it to the French demolition squad to take care of those Meat Shields
or mass Scourge units. Uses the Shotgun, grenade launcher, and proximity mines.

Heavy Assualt- Americans soldiers that have been called into action to aid the troops,
which can turn the tide of battle any day by giving them more ammo. Comes equipped
with SAW (M249), and Colt 1911.

High Concept- Resident Evil horror crossed with Battlefield first person shooter.

Market Comparison- A list of competing products and the similarities they have to this

• Counter Strike- A multiplayer game that uses weapons based in the real world and
allows players to purchase them. The money or points are earned by killing
opponents and completing in game objectives. The player then purchases new
weapons allowing the player to choose the role they want to play on their team.
Our game is taking the customization of allowing the player(s) to buy weapons.

• Battlefield 2- A game that allows you to choose what class to play and that class
in turn fits a particular role for your squad and team. This game as in Counter
Strike focuses on teamwork to complete objectives necessary to win. Battlefield
utilizes tickets rather than single life rounds. This allows you to continue to play
the game even if you die, but removes a ticket or life from the whole of the team
which is reflected by the ticket counter. There are also key points on the map that
each team is able to take over. These key points give players areas to where they
can concentrate on fighting. When a single team holds more than half of the key
points on the map the other team will begin to slowly lose more tickets as time
progresses; the only way to stop this slow decay is to take over half or more of the
key points. Our game is taking the basic game type of capturing and holding
control points with the ticket system. We are also using the class system that
Battlefield uses for its soldiers.

• Resident Evil- A horror game that has strange creatures attacking you and
destroying anyone left in their wake. Dark hallways and the suspense of anything
can be around the next corner or perhaps that something is already behind you
waiting in the shadows ready to pounce. One of the goals of this game is to
capture that suspenseful feeling.

• Natural Selection- This game pits aliens versus space marines. The alien
creatures evolve into higher life forms and are allowed new abilities. These new

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 100

life forms could also be considered different classes each with its own unique
fighting style. The space marines are given different weapons making their
fighting style also different from soldier to soldier. The aliens rely on flanking
maneuvers and the element of surprise to allow them to get close enough to attack
their enemies. The space marines rely on their superior fire power and long range
to take down their enemies. We are using the basic design and strategy that is
used in this game.

Executive Summary

• Decide on the World’s fate – Help save the world from the invasion of the
Creatures, or throw the World into Chaos, by helping the Creatures in their plan
for World Conquest. – Two Epic Storylines.

• A variety of human classes to choose from – Stay behind your squad and provide
cover fire as a long range sniper or take point and go Guns-Blazing with the
Heavy Assault Class.

• Discover your Evolution Path – Unique evolution system allows the Creatures to
evolve to a variety of classes. Wait in unsuspecting areas as the Stalker leaping
out onto your prey at the most opportune time or charge head long into the fray as
the hulking Bone Reaver.

• Revolutionary FPS Tech Tree – Leave a wake of destruction as you acquire new
abilities and weapons to destroy your enemies.

• Bring the bloodshed to your friends online. Supports up to 32 players online.

• The target audience is teen. The game is dark, and it contains a lot of gore.
Younger audiences might be frightened by some of the content. While teen and
older will be enthralled into the game play.

The Scourge - Gameplay

Scourge is a first-person squad-based battle simulation of humans versus the monsters

they created. The game is designed for group network play of 8 players or more.

When a player joins the game, they choose which side (or race) to play on, the humans or
the monsters. Then the player then chooses from the available classes for that race. The
player then selects which control point his or her team controls at which to spawn.

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Once in the game, the player uses the unique skills of the class he chose to help turn the
tide of battle for his team by both killing members of the opposing team, and capturing
control points. The classes are meant to be a sort of Rock/Paper/Scissors style of
gameplay where certain classes are particularly efficient at dealing with certain other
classes, and every class has a weakness represented by a class on the opposing side. Thus
a group of Hulks might be a serious problem for a team of human snipers or riflemen, but
a couple human demolitions guys should be able to take them down handily.

Killing opponents is performed as most other first person shooters. Each class has unique
sets of weapons, some short ranged, some long ranged.

Capturing control points is similarly simple. To capture a control point, your team must
outnumber the opposing team in the immediate vicinity of their control point for a set
amount of time.

Each team starts the match with a set number of tickets. When a player dies, he/she uses
up a ticket for his/her team. Again, the player chooses a class and respawns at a control
point their team holds. When a team runs out of tickets, they lose the match. When a
team has no control points at which to respawn, they lose the match. When a team
accomplishes a special objective, they win the match. An example of a special objective
is in the Siberian Missile Silo level: when the Monster team captures the Missile Control
room and gets a player at each launch terminal for certain number of seconds, they win
the match.

A player may at any time go to a control point their team controls and change to any class
available to them without spending a ticket.

Each race, the Humans and Monsters, has unique classes and abilities. Most classes can:
run, crouch-walk, jump, climb ladders, swim, attack, switch attack modes. Some of the
Monster classes cannot do all these things, as noted in the following descriptions, each
class has special abilities or weapons not available to other classes. Every class has two
attack modes and an alt-fire for each one. Most classes have one alt-fire shared between
both attack modes.

During the game, each player collects points based on kills and objectives earned. These
points can be spent to upgrade their chosen classes, or in the case of the Monster race, to
purchase new classes available for that player. A player may choose to upgrade more
than one class, in which case that player may switch back and forth between those classes
and retain the upgrades.

The Classes

Monsters - The Scourge

The Scourge are biological in nature. Some of them are humanoid, some are more
monsterlike. Each Monster class has a specific description. They rely on natural attacks

Copyright © Senior Project Planning, AICASF, Fall 2005 102

and defenses, not on technology. They're still evolving. They all regenerate HP slowly.
Their ranged attacks all use varying amounts of energy as ammo. This energy slowly
regenerates over time. I use Short, Medium and High for ranges as these are relative
values that will be decided through prototyping and play balancing. I also use Slow,
Medium and Fast for speeds for the same reason.

Base Soldier Monster - Ugly mutated humanoid. Spiked arms, fires bone shards like the
Hulk (looks similar - but not as buffed and gigantic. They are earlier in evolution.)
Normal human sized. Medium troop, should be the least intimidating Monster for the
newer player to pick up and play.
~120 health Medium speed.
Weapon 1: Medium range bone shard spray
Weapon 2: A basic melee attack, three hit kill.
Alt Fire: Throws explosive 'puffball'

The Hulks are large buffed humanoids. One arm is a bony shield, the other arm is a bony
blade. Strategically, they are the tanks of the team, slow moving, large targets that can
dish out huge amounts of damage. Hulking muscular mutant. Neandrathal (sunken
eyes), short neck, bony protrusions. The least symmetrical Monster. These Monsters are
so big, they must crouch-walk through medium-sized doorways and passages.
~400 health Slow speed.
Weapon 1: Fires short ranged bone shards (like shotgun).
Weapon 2: The Hulk may spend a large quantity of adrenaline to gain a temporary
damage shield. This shield acts like a super shield from UT, except that it slowly drains.
Alt Fire: Swings bony arm in a devastating melee attack. Always a 1 hit kill.

The Imp is a monkeylike quadruped, slim and lightweight. He has bony lengthy arms
and legs, claws (with three fingers) with a tail. The Imp is super fast and hard to hit.
(We would like it to be able to run on the walls if possible.) His boney head is shaped like
a shield. The Imp is the most symmetrical Monster. Sleek. These Monsters can run
through small spaces where most characters can only crouch-walk through. They are also
short enough to be particularly effective at hiding in underbrush.
~40 health High speed.
Weapon 1: Short ranged attack.
Weapon 2: The Imp may spend a moderate quantity of adrenaline to gain a temporary
speed boost.
Alt Fire: A powerful leaping melee attack.

Flying guy - Birdlike head with insectlike body - vestigal legs. Winglike arms. Mutalisk
from Starcraft (the PC game). The flying guy uses adrenaline to fly. When in midair, the
player may tap jump to cause the character to flap it's wings (like a double jump). Each
flap causes the character to spend a set amount of adrenaline.
~100 health Medium speed.
Weapon 1: Long ranged spitting attack.

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Weapon 2: A basic melee attack, three hit kill.
Alt Fire: Zooms in slowly (like UT sniper), clicking again unzooms.

Queen - Decorative bulbous body, spits out little spiderlike minions that explode. Claw
attacks (long finger nail like claws.) Floating Monster (does not fly and cannot jump or
crouch). Draping skin like membranes between limbs.
~200 health Medium speed.
Weapon 1: Medium range Toxic spray
Weapon 2: Spawn 'Spider Mine' minion.
Alt Fire: The Queen may spend a moderate quantity of adrenaline to give all nearby
teammates a temporary damage multiplier (double damage).

Humans - The United Forces

The United Army is a team of special forces made up of soldiers of various world
military groups. The soldiers have no regeneration ability and all have an adrenaline
combo that speeds up reload and fire rates on all weapons. They all start with 100 health
and their speeds depend on which weapon they are currently equipping. The bulkier the
weapon, the slower the character will move. Each weapon or ability comes with a set
amount of ammunition for it. The weapons listed here give a general idea of what each
class can carry. They all start with lower grade weapons and can upgrade to better
weapons. See the tech tree for the humans for a better idea of how this works.

Medic - Germans.
Weapon 1: HK MP5. 30 round magazine, 550rpm.
Weapon 2: P37/PPK. 7 round clips, 32 rpm.
Alt Fire: Heal and revive troops.

Rifle - Soviet.
Weapon 1: AKM, 600rpm 30 round clip, 7.62mm
Weapon 2: Tokarev TT33 automatic pistol. 8 round clips, 32 rpm.
Alt Fire: Soviet RG-42 Anti-personnel grenade.

Sniper - British.
Weapon 1: The AWP/ L96A1, 5 round clip, 10X scope (special zoom alt-fire).
Weapon 2: Desert eagle, 9 round clip. Silencer equipped. 40 rpm.
Alt Fire: No74 "sticky bomb" (sticks to target, 3 second delay. Anti-tank, only available
in D. Eagle mode.)

Demolitions - French.
Weapon 1: MAS M1e bolt action 7.5mm repeater. 5 shot.
Weapon 2: ACL-APX recoilless rocket-propelled grenade. Single shot.
Alt Fire: Claymore mines. (proximity detonate within 150 feet. Max effective range 150
feet, 60 degree arc. Maximum secondary damage 800 feet.)

Heavy Assualt - American soldiers.

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Weapon 1: SAW (M249). 700 rpm, belt feed. 400 round belts, long reload
Weapon 2: Colt 1911 A1. Semi-auto 8 round clips. 45 rpm.
Alt Fire: Give ammo to troops. The only one that is not replenished by the Support
Gunner’s ammo giving ability is the Support Gunner’s ammo giving ability (no wishing
for more wishes!). A player given ammo by the Support Gunner will only get ammo that
pertains to the weapons they normally carry.

Appendix B: Previous Art

Below are concept art samples for some of the proposed levels of The Scourge:

Kyrgyzstan Market

Antarctic Base

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Submarine Base

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Polish Fishing Village

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German Forest

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Spanish Castle

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South American Jungle

Siberian Missile Silo

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