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Lista de exercícios n.

(Present Simple)

01. Complete com a forma correta do verbo to be no Present Simple: am, is ou are

a. I .............................. g. Mike ..............................

b. You .............................. h. Carol ..............................

c. He .............................. i. Carol and Mike ..............................

d. She .............................. j. Carol, Mike, and I ..............................

e. We .............................. k. The cat ..............................

f. They .............................. l. Our cars ..............................

02. Complete as sentenças abaixo com a forma correta do verbo to be no Present

Simple: am, is ou are.

a. My name …………………. Thiago.

b. I …………………. Brazilian. I …………………. from a small town near Curitiba.
c. How …………………. you?
d. How …………………. your mom?
e. …………………. he ok?
f. What …………………. your name?
g. What …………………. you dad’s name?
h. This …………………. my friend Lucas.
i. Where …………………. you from?
j. Where …………………. she from?
k. I …………………. very tired.
l. We …………………. from England.
m. Where …………………. they from?
n. …………………. we really ready for this?
o. You …………………. the best friend ever.
p. The computer …………………. not here.
q. Where …………………. my pencil?

03. Passe para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

a. This is an easy lesson.


b. You are a student.


c. Carla is a teacher.
d. She is a good person.
e. Mom is in the kitchen.

f. They are American singers.


g. Rodrigo is at home.

h. This is your friend Maria.


i. You are from Mexico.


j. Her name is Sarah.


04. Encontre e corrija os erros nas sentenças abaixo quando houver.

a. You is a good friend.

b. He not is my father.

c. You are a police officer?

d. I am very happy today.

e. They not are from here.

f. We are not from England.

g. Is you really her friend.

h. I is a bank manager.

i. Who are he?

j. How old is they?

k. Her name are Roberta.

l. His name is Roberto.

m. Where is you from?

n. She not is home right now.

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