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PROFESSIONAL PAPER The Association Between Lung

Carcinoma and Tuberculosis

doi: 10.5455/medarh.2017.71.212-214
MED ARCH. 2017 JUN; 71(3): 212-214
RECEIVED: MAR 25, 2017 | ACCEPTED: MAY 15, 2017
Vesna Cukic

Clinic for Pulmonary Disease and TB “Podhrastovi”, ABSTRACT

University Clinical Center Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia Introduction: The association between lung tuberculosis and lung carcinoma is still contro-
and Herzegovina
versial. Objective: to describe the characteristics of patients with associated lung tubercu-
Corresponding author: Vesna Cukic, MD. Bjelave 99, losis (TB) and lung carcinoma (LC) in patients treated in Clinic for pulmonary diseases and
Sarajevo. Phone: +387 61 480-228, E-mail: vesna- TB “Podhrastovi”. Material and Methods: This is the retrospective study of patients with LC associated with TB treated in Clinic for pulmonary diseases and TB “Podhrastovi” in five-year
period -from 2012 to 2016. We analyzed sex and age of patients, whether TB preceded LC or
LC preceded TB, a time period between the developments of these two diseases, activity of
TB, the histopathological type of LC, localization of LC in lungs (bronchial, peripheral, cavern)
according to histopathological type. Results: In this period there were 2608 patients treated
for LC. Among them there were 34 patients with diagnosed TB or 1.3%. All of them were
smokers. No one had active TB. TB was the first diagnosis in all these patients. Each patient
was previously treated for TB in hospital and had regular anti TB treatment. TB preceded LC
in median time of 5 years (interquartile range 2 to 25 years). In 21 cases it was carcinoma of
the drainage bronchus, in 11 cases it was peripheral lung carcinoma and 2 cases it was cavern
carcinoma. Conlusion: patients with cured pulmonary tuberculosis represent a group at risk
for developing lung carcinoma. Changes in the bronchial and alveolar mucosa which tubercu-
losis leaves behind in the lungs must be taken as a possible place of later malignant alteration.
Patients with any form of pulmonary tuberculosis have to be controlled continuously.
Keywords: lung carcinoma tuberculosis.

1. INTRODUCTION cancer depleted patients tuberculo-

Lung carcinoma (LC) is the lead- sis develops secondary (3, 4).
ing cause of cancer-related death and Association between lung cancer
represents one of the major public and tuberculosis opens a series of
health problems worldwide (1). Tu- questions about the relationship be-
berculosis (TB) is very important tween these two diseases.
cause of morbidity and mortality Tuberculosis and cancer can be
despite good prevention, diagnosis found in the lungs in the following
and effective therapy, especially in relationship:
the poor and developing countries a) Carcinoma occurs on the tuber-
(1, 2) . The simultaneous or sequen- culosis ground and reactivates the
tial occurrence of TB and LC in the old focus of tuberculosis.
same patient has been reported in b) Carcinoma develops from the
various case series and case-control tuberculosis scars (scar carcinoma).
studies (1). Malignant tumors are c) Carcinoma occurs by epithelium
characterized by an enormous pro- metaplasia of tuberculous cavities.
liferation of the cells with the ten- d) Both diseases are independent of
dencies of destruction and capture of each other and develop simultane-
normal tissue anarchically with the ously or sequentially.
formation of metastases. Long term e) Metastatic carcinoma develop-
TB process, especially if it takes up ing in an old TB lesion.
larger portions of the lungs leads to f ) Secondary infection of cancer
metaplasia of the epithelium of bron- with TB (3, 4, 5).
chi and alveoli. Such metaplasia can Lung cancer may arise as a con-
© 2017 Vesna Cukic be considered as a precancerous con- sequence of chronic inflammatory
dition. The connection between lung changes that lead to metaplasia of
This is an Open Access article distributed under the tuberculosis and lung or bronchial epithelium in the caverns, in the cal-
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non- carcinoma certainly exists, as it has cified lymph nodes, in the old scars
Commercial License (
licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non- been verified by many pathologists in the bronchi that are a consequence
commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any and clinical doctors. In the tubercu- of the perforation of a tuberculosis
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. losis field cancer can develop or in changed lymph nodes (5). The three

212 PROFESSIONAL PAPER | Med Arch. 2017 JUN; 71(3): 212-214

aged 78 with planocellular carcinoma; 8 males middle- aged 60,7 with squamous cell carcinoma,
6 males middle- aged 50,33 and 1female aged 58 with adenocarcinoma, 6 males middle-aged 62
with small cell lung carcinoma. Men are significantly more represented than women (p<0,001).
The Association
Figure 2. The ratio between Between Lung Carcinoma
different histopathological and
types of LC in Tuberculosis
patients with
associated LC and TB

most common forms are: cavern carcinoma, carcinoma

of the drainage bronchus and peripheral lung scar cancer 17.65
(3, 4). 6

planocellular ca
squamous cell ca
Objective of the study is to describe the characteris- 7
tics of patients with associated lung TB and lung carci- small cell ca

noma treated in Clinic for pulmonary diseases and TB

“Podhrastovi “, Sarajevo. 8

with small cell carcinoma. Number

of patients with NSCLC (Non-small-cell lung carcinoma)
3. MATERIAL AND METHODS was significantly bigger (p<0,001) than small cell lung carcinoma.

This is the retrospective study of patients with LC as- Figure 2. The ratio between different histopathological types of LC in
Figure 3. The
patients localization
with of LC
associated LCinandlungs
TBaccording to histopathological type in patients
sociated and TB treated in Clinic for pulmonary diseases with associated LC and TB
and TB “Podhrastovi” in five-year period: from 2012Figure to 2. Among 34 patients with LC and TB there were 38,24% patients with planocellular
2016. We analyzed the histopathological type of carcino- carcinoma, 23,53% with squamous cell carcinoma, 20,59% with adenocarcinoma and 17,65 %

ma, whether tuberculosis preceded carcinoma or carci- 7

noma preceded TB, a time period between the develop- 6

ment of these two diseases, type - activity of tuberculous 5

changes in lungs, sex and age of patients. 4

planocellular carcinoma
The diagnoses of LC and tuberculosis were classified as 3
squamous cell carcinoma

follows: simultaneous - when the diagnoses of tubercu-

2 small cell carcinoma
2 2 2

losis and LC occurred simultaneously or when the time 2

between the two diagnoses was < 6 months; sequential 1

(LC first) - when tuberculosis was diagnosed ≥ 6 after 0

bronchus peripheral cavern
LC diagnosis and within 12 months of completion of LC place of carcionoma in lungs

treatment; sequential (TB first) - when LC is diagnosed

Figure 3. The localization of LC in lungs according to histopathological
≥ 6 months after tuberculosis diagnosis, or two illnesses Figure 3. There were 21 bronchial carcinoma: 8 planocellular, 6 squamous cell, 5
type in patients
adenocarcinoma and with associated
2 small LC and
cell carcinoma ; 11 TB
peripheral carcinoma: 3 planocellular, 2
developed independently (2, 6, 7). squamous cell, 2 adenocarcinoma and 4 small cell carcinoma ; and 2 planocellular cavern
ma - 6 cases. In 21 cases it was carcinoma of the drainage

4. RESULTS bronchus,
4. DISCUSSION in 11 cases it was peripheral lung carcinoma
There were 2608 patients treated for LC in five-year Clinicians and insometimes
2 casesencounter
it waspatients
cavern with carcinoma
co-existent lung carcinoma and pulmonary
(not active TB TB.
The co-existence of TB
period: from 2012 to 2016. in Clinic for Pulmonary Dis- cavern but open-negative syndrome - unclosed old tu- and LC has remained controversial (5). These patients may be the

eases and Tuberculosis “Podhrastovi” of University Clin- berculous cavern, but without the positivity for Myco- earlier
patients with LC developing active pulmonary TB or carcinoma develops in patients

ical Center in Sarajevo. Among them there were 34 pa- treated for TB. Chronic inflammation due to TB is thought to be responsible for the genesis of
bacterium tuberculosis).
cancer (1). Co-existence of cancer and TB may cause a delay in the diagnosis. Patients with
tients with diagnosed TB or 1.3%. All of these patients Results are shown on Figures 1, 2 and 3.
were smokers. No one had active TB i.e. no one had spu- cancerThere are vulnerable to develop active TB because of immunosuppression due to the use of
were 34 patients with LC and TB: 12 males mid-
intensive treatment modalities, such as aggressive chemotherapy, radiotherapy or to malnutrition
tum positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis and none dle-aged 62,2 and 1 female aged 78 with planocellular
had histopathological evidence of active tuberculosis. carcinoma; 8 males middle-aged 60,7 with squamous cell
Cancer is a global health problem causing more than 7 million deaths accounting to near ly 13%
Bronchoscopy with lung biopsy was done in each patient carcinoma, 6 males middle-aged 50,33 and 1female aged
of all deaths worldwide (7).The burden of cancer is increasing globally, with an expected 20
and the obtained material was examined histopathologi- 58 with adenocarcinoma, 6 males middle-aged 62 with
cally. TB was the first diagnosis in all these patients. Each small cell lung carcinoma. Men are significantly more5
patient was treated for TB in hospital and had had reg- represented than women (p<0,001) (Figure 1).
ular anti TB treatment. TB preceded LC in median time Among 34 patients with LC and TB there were 38,24%
of 5 years (interquartile range- 2 to 25 years). The most patients with planocellular carcinoma, 23,53% with
common h histopathological type was the planocellular squamous cell carcinoma, 20,59% with adenocarcinoma
carcinoma - 13 cases, following with squamous cell car- and 17,65 % with small cell carcinoma. Number of pa-
cinoma - 8, adenocarcinoma - 7 and small cell carcino- tients with NSCLC (Non-small-cell lung carcinoma) was
Figure 1. Age, sex and histopathological type of LC in patients with associated LC and TBsignificantly bigger (p<0,001) than small cell lung carci-
noma (Figure 2).
70 62.92 60.7
There were 21 bronchial carcinoma: 8 planocellular, 6
50.33 squamous cell, 5 adenocarcinoma and 2 small cell carci-
noma ; 11 peripheral carcinoma: 3 planocellular, 2 squa-
mous cell, 2 adenocarcinoma and 4 small cell carcinoma

; and 2 planocellular cavern carcinoma (Figure 3).


20 12

6 6
10 0 1 0

m fm m fm m fm m
Clinicians sometimes encounter patients with co-ex-

planocellulare ca squamocellulare ca adenocarcionoma istent lung carcinoma and pulmonary TB. The co-ex-
microcellulare ca

Figure 1. There were 34 patients with LC and TB: 12 males middle- aged 62,2 and 1 female istence of TB and LC has remained controversial (5).
Figure 1. Age, sex and histopathological type of LC in patients with
aged 78 with planocellular carcinoma; 8 males middle- aged 60,7 with squamous cell carcinoma,
6 males middle- LC
agedand TBand 1female aged 58 with adenocarcinoma, 6 males middle-aged These
50,33 62 patients may be the patients with LC developing
with small cell lung carcinoma. Men are significantly more represented than women (p<0,001).

Figure 2. The ratio between different histopathological types of LC in patients with

associated LC and TB
PROFESSIONAL PAPER | Med Arch. 2017 JUN; 71(3): 212-214 213
The Association Between Lung Carcinoma and Tuberculosis

active pulmonary TB or carcinoma develops in patients ignored and must be taken as a possible place of later
earlier treated for TB. Chronic inflammation due to TB malignant alteration. Therefore, patients with any form
is thought to be responsible for the genesis of cancer (1). of pulmonary tuberculosis have to be controlled contin-
Co-existence of cancer and TB may cause a delay in the uously.
diagnosis. Patients with cancer are vulnerable to devel-
op active TB because of immunosuppression due to the • Conflict of interest: none declared
use of intensive treatment modalities, such as aggressive
chemotherapy, radiotherapy or to malnutrition (7). REFERENCES
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